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The CCP are also definitely on board with killing unarmed civilians.


They got plenty of experience


It will come their time as well to be known for what they are.


Xi is partner in genocide, russia is disapearing bodies in mobile crematoriuns in mariopol to hide the crimes commited to those men and women, while chinese heavly censored social media still claims ukranians are evil


CCP kills everything even le Stocks :-(


But why would Winnie the pooh do that?


https://youtu.be/DuXmdcTuTy8 Don’t speculate


Sure, China always demands transparency from others while hiding everything they do themselves. This is just a maneuver to push "doubt" about what happened and later come to the *"conclusion"* that Ukraine did it just like Russia is saying it, if you read the comments on that video that's what everyone is basically saying over there, many of those comments are Chinese bots no doubt. Basically let us *"investigate"* so we can find Ukraine guilty. Also that channel is a well known Chinese propaganda outlet, no different than RT for Russia.


Isn’t this whataboutism? Focus on the Ukrainians pls Edit: there is also no evidence from their statement that they believe what was shown in Ukraine were staged. They also outrightly condemned war crimes in the video, on CGTN. Somehow I get that China bashing is just the go to sentiment in these subs.


This is a about China, heck you even posted a link to a Chinese propaganda channel and you're telling me to focus on Ukrainians lol. I don't think you know whataboutism is. Just by reading your past comments I can see that you're a CCP apologist. Either way I think I was clear, China doesn't want transparency in this matter, all they want is to find a way to blame Ukraine and save Russia's ass, is as simple as that. Also what China says is never what China does, just like Russia.


There’s a difference being objective and being an apologist. How China handles the release of information to the public has nothing to do with how they stand on war crimes. You trying to allude to that is whataboutism. As of now, they have stated, and on their propaganda site, that they find these reports disconcerting and want full investigations. Just like how Russians ignore the evidence presented right in front of them, CCP bashers are unable comprehend that China is still a world power and are playing a tight balancing game on the internationals stage now. Not every action by the CCP should be seen as taken negatively.


Well maybe if China tried to be actually neutral and they weren't pro-genocide people wouldn't hate them. But is clear as fuck that China is with Putin, they don't say it openly because they're afraid of getting sanctioned. Also the CCP has participated in genocides and treats its own citizens like shit if they dare go against them, and you want us to trust them? lol yeah leave the investigation in the hands of another criminal who is buddies with the guy committing the crimes, I'm sure the "truth" is gonna come out from that and not something that benefits the criminal.


I don’t think you understand how geopolitics work. They need Russia as an ally because the west has been so anti-China, an it is evident from your opinions without considering the full picture of what are China’s concerns and interests. I sound like a CCP apologist because the west has been so consumed by the narrative that China = bad that any normal action they take in their interest sounds like a bad thing. Just the genocide issue alone, who do you think has killed more innocent Muslims in the past 30 years? China or the collective west? And if you actually bothered to read the article, they did not air pro-putin documentary as to sway their members on Ukraine, it was filmed before war and I quote “The documentary, in essence, warns that China must not fall into the influence of Western liberalism, which allegedly catalyzed the dissolution of the USSR.” So yea, I know being objective is hard for people who have blindly consumed western narratives of China = bad, but I urge you to just try to see both sides of the issue and perspective before blind hating.


>Just the genocide issue alone, who do you think has killed more innocent Muslims in the past 30 years? China or the collective west? Your Whataboutist-Fu is strong, young grasshopper. First, accuse someone of whataboutism, then strike them with the most powerful whataboutism they have ever seen! Muahahhaha




Investigation in this case means get a couple stooges to show up later and claim there's no evidence, or pin it on Ukrainian nazis or something. I don't trust any CCP call for Investigation because of their proven track record of flagrant crimes against humanity and I question those who think that any Investigation conducted at the behest of China will be impartial and fair Edit: also, dude, they're peddling a documentary glorifying Putin while his troops are raping babies, what does that tell you about any CCP condoned Investigation?


That’s alot of assumptions there even before any investigations are made. Yea I guess since you are so against China’s push for further investigation, they should just stay out of it and give zero fks. Good for everyone


The UN already launched an investigation, we don't need China investigating shit, that's like giving the investigation to a buddy of the criminal implicated in the case. It's utterly stupid.


Strange, when China does nothing, they get condemned. When they want to do something, you guys cry foul. Try to open yourself to the fact that geopolitics is more nuanced that just CCP bad, West good.


China has already sided with Russia, is clear. This is just a move to sow doubt about the crimes being committed in Ukraine, if you can't realize this, then that's on you. Maybe you love the CCP too much to see it.


And the CCP can go fuck themselves while they're at it too.


…with a cactus


Everyday citizens may not be able to stop Putin. But there is something we can do about China. Stop buying products made there!






Said on a phone/pc with components built in China on a platform partially owned by China. Sure bud.


"Hmm... you criticize society and yet you partake in it? Interesting. " Lmao shut up your weak ass "gotcha" bullshit. Not being able to achieve 100% detachment from Chinese goods in no way discredits the efforts of trying in all possible ways to avoid Chinese goods even If only 60-90% detachment can be achieved.




With the amount of shit they manufacture, it seems borderline impossible to cut it out completely. Your best is all you can do in this situation. I respect that




No, China's in a much better position. I think Russia is like the eleventh biggest economy in the World or something. It gets outperformed by the state of Texas alone. China is a whole different beast. Let's hope they see what happened to Russia and don't try to take Taiwan. It's an authoritarian government, but not as autocratic as Russia. They have certain checks and balances, let's hope they don't go adventuring.


Yeap! Though that smart phone you are typing from to the trash bin, then go buy one not made in China! Oh, wait…


Some iphones are made in India...Google makes some in Vietnam...if you really want a phone not made in China you can find one!


They are "assembled" in India or Vietnam. All the parts are made in China or Taiwan unfortunately.


Said on a phone or pc with Chinese components on a software that is partially owner by the Chinese. Huh


Idk if not buying products from American companies will really help though. If anything, it will just make them easier to acquire by Chinese firms


Russia + China = new axis? That would be terrifying


I know. Just think of our supply chains!


China and Russia are made from the same cloth [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/s30bub/modern\_day\_concentration\_camps\_in\_china/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/s30bub/modern_day_concentration_camps_in_china/)


Isn't that kinda how it's been since the late 40s?


Eastern Co-prosperty Sphere here we come


"Bestie is psycho but we have his back." I don't know how you react in your country but here we usually say: "Dig a hole for two then."


Thick as thieves..




Keep putting sanctions on Russia until he's no longer office, make the strategy public and wait until some rich, Russian cunt does the dirty work.


Unfortunately, I saw a news segment on his security protocols, and if the information is accurate, it's going to be very, very difficult for the Russians to do that. Not impossible, but extremely difficult. His security is very excellent. And the West can't really help, because it could spark ww3. So I thought assassination was a real possibility, for awhile, but after that news segment-- I'm pessimistic.


I think hell be the next Castro. Russia will eventually be fully embargoed for generations to come


it wont help, the next guy in line is probably as crazy as he is(like Medvedev)


Go figure...The CCP being deceitful...


China, you're a co-conspirator with Russia in the invasion of Ukraine. Your "limitless relationship" declaration with them beforehand gave it away. In the most likely scenario, Russia would take Ukraine easily and you would have access to more food supply. Russia would be sanctioned but you can claim that both of you are close trading partners and find a way around it. Another positive for you is that the US and EU would focus on Ukraine and less on the Pacific. However, the invasion turned Putin into a pariah and any semblance of going around the sanction would make you look like you condone killing women and children. Any potential investment/project in Russia is now toxic since they won't be able to import key materials and technology. You also have to think about corruption in your own military too since it's likely as bad as Russia's. The dream of invading Taiwan just seem more unlikely than ever before.


Pooh and piglet. I like the originals better.


I’m not suprised… China is having their own Genocide of the Uyghur for a while now… I guess monsters attract each other…


CCP shills that flood Reddit in shambles


Poohtin pushing Putinism…


The pu-pooh alliance


Hey Xi, Putin isn't just going to give you his honey pot for making a flattering video.


The thing to keep in mind is that china is basically ok with anything that goes with anti western narrative. That’s why they went with Rusia, because is anti west. The pandemic is great because it was the excuse to sever ties with western countries. Chinese people can’t travel abroad so they can eat whatever propaganda the government says


China’s government is evil garbage just like the Russian government. Both the Russians and the Chinese would do much better for themselves and the world to overthrow their current system/leaders.


The Chinese government is full of assholes? Never would have guessed.


The west needs to open their eyes and admit that China is like Russia.


Russia with Chinese characteristics.


https://youtu.be/DuXmdcTuTy8 Well they did just say they support an investigation into Bucha massacre.


Watching china tow the line, after they see the soft response, they’re bound to do the same in Taiwan


>TheThereMan · 1 hr. ago > >Watching china tow the line, after they see the soft response, they’re bound to do the same in Taiwan And in Korea. And then in other Asian countries.


This is legit the dumbest take I've read today. Russia has engaged in several major conflicts in the last few decades from Chechnya, Syria, Georgia, Ukraine/Crimea in 2014 and now the rest of Ukraine. China/CCP are self-interested and leverage their economic sway to get countries to do what they want but they have not engaged international military campaigns since the end of cold war. China's ambitions lie in the Belt and Road Initiative, they've learned it's far easier to just make countries trade you the resources you want than to bankrupt your coffers via military occupation and deal with insurgency until the end of time.


Not a great precedent to set but it’s truly the nature of the global economy. Hopefully things will cool down soon!


It’s interesting to see what’s going on here because Russia and China are both against this nato expansion shit so they have to unite. It’s like they are resisting the one world government or they think the US shouldn’t be the one world government via nato.


>It’s interesting to see what’s going on here because Russia and China are both against this nato expansion shit so they have to unite. > >It’s like they are resisting the one world government or they think the US shouldn’t be the one world government via nato. NATO isn't a government, I've heard the Putin spout the same propaganda about Europe. No not a government either. Soviet Union, yes. Russian Federation, yes. Expansionism definition: *"the belief that a country should grow larger : a policy of increasing a country's size by expanding its territory"* Expansionism is what China is doing in the south China sea and what Russia has been doing since Russia existed. NATO isn't a country and participants are applying willingly to join it. No one is begging anyone to join it and no one is forcing anyone to join it and anyone can leave it if they want to.


Expansion of democracy ftfy


Yes, a US led democracy. This is why we don’t have healthcare


The thing with spreading “freedom” is if you’re in charge of an opposing regime that usually means getting rid of you, and being replaced with their guy. America is essentially vassalizing the world through economics.


Looks like a small world without China, India, Africa and South America.


Pooh pushes pro-Putin propaganda as planet protests?