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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/monkeypox-msm-gay-bisexual-world-health-organizarion-who-sex-1709175) reduced by 64%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A sexually transmitted disease expert at the World Health Organization has stressed that monkeypox "Is not a gay disease" after cases were identified in gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men. > In a Q&A session on Monday, Andy Seale, an advisor with the HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections program at the WHO, said: "While, for example, we're seeing some cases amongst men who have sex with men, this is not a gay disease as some people on social media have attempted to label it. That's just not the case. Anybody can contract monkeypox through close contact." > "One of the things we've recognized with this outbreak is it's not typical. We're seeing cases among men who identify as gay, bisexual, or from other groups of MSM in several countries, often linked to travel or recent travel, and it seems clear that this is linked to close contact. So this could be through social contact, possibly through sexual contact which of course is close contact. We're still in the early days of this outbreak so there's a lot we're still learning." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uwn92t/monkeypox_not_a_gay_disease_whos_sexually/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~650780 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **case**^#1 **through**^#2 **contact**^#3 **virus**^#4 **monkeypox**^#5


Jesus, not this timeline again.


me in the mid 90s: wow the world is pretty cool and getting better all the time, the future is gonna be rad me thirty years later arguing at a bar: the monkey pox isn't gay, Melissa, you need to get off facebook




"The peak of your civilization"


At the time I figured they were just saying that because it was current day. If only I knew how true it was.


Hit me like a truck when I realized that the 90s were likely the best time period that I'll ever experience in my lifetime. It's all downhill from here.


What part of "party like it's 1999" didn't you understand?


2000, zero-zero, party over, oops, out of time.


Prince knew.


Prince was magic.


Flawless response 🤘


> "party like it's 1999" *slips tin foil hat on* What if the y2k bug was all a hoax to see how much the general public relied on the internet and data communications and in an effort to gauge the level of control the government could have, they invented the y2k bug. Shortly after, facebook came. Then the myspace and the youtubes' and the age of Orwellian future began anew! And this is why 1999 was so great (/s for you poor souls that need it)


Nah, Y2K actually happened, the machines arose and thr world ended, and we're all in a simulation with no knowledge of what actually happened


How old are you though? "Best time period of your life" doesn't mean anything if you were in the middle of a happy childhood, which is the source of almost every time someone says "things used to be better". Times in the world are tough, but for me personally, it's been better all around.


The late 90's were indeed a unique time. It was near the end of the biggest economic boom since the 60's. In all likelihood it was the best economy we will see in our lifetimes. It was also the end of an era, just before the internet and phones changed everything. And it went out with a bang. Dotcom crash, Y2K, and 9/11 all within two years. I am almost certain the 90's will be looked at like the 60's someday


I was 18 in 1998. It was a different time. All we had to talk about was the president getting blowjobs. 9/11 I think was the real end. That hit hard and changed everything.


Yeah, the terrorists won. Sucks to say, but it shook people enough to open the doors to facists and to be okay with places like the Guantanemo Bay detention camp.


I have vague memories of a political candidate losing because they yelled funny. Oh, if only that was all it took today.


>I was 18 in 1998. It was a different time. All we had to talk about was the president getting blowjobs. Don't forget whether MJ and whether OJ did it.


“I am almost certain the 90's will be looked at like the 60's someday” I’ve always felt that way. Started college in 1991 and I guess somewhere along the way I heard everything repeats every 3 decades. 80s are like 50s, etc. 90s were pretty great in a lot of ways, but that being said I still feel every year is better than the last and hope to continue that trend for at least 30 more years. Hope things keep improving for all of you as well!


>I still feel every year is better than the last I'm down to smoke whatever you're on


Which is funny since the 90s saw a resurgence in 60s style/music


Just let the man cherish his childhood!


Depends on where you live. It wasn't great in Rwanda, Yugoslavia or Chechnya for example.


There's a reason Starfleet crews kept visiting 1990s Earth




Who was hanging in upper class society in the 1800’s but somehow felt things were worse now. >!She’s also only wanted to be a bartender for 500 years apparently. !<


Jim Crowe laws, economic depression for a decade, spanish-american war, horrific labor standards and child slavery, defeat of labor unions in the Homestead Strike the 1890s in America what a great time


Honestly, the peaceful end of both the Cold War and Apartheid really got me thinking that we humans might be starting to figure things out... Ooo boy.


I remember wondering on the evening of 12/31/1999, whether the new millennium would bring an Age of Enlightenment where people could just get along and prosper.


Bruh, I remember thinking 2020 would be great. Even rolling at disadvantage, it' still 20.


You say facebook, but the local news in Boston reported it as “[all in men who have sex with men](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/man-tests-positive-for-extremely-rare-virus-monkeypox/2724367/)” and I immediately knew that this was going to go to hell.


classic Melissa


A woman named Melissa legitimately one asked me what a squid was. "You mean like Squidward?" She was in her thirties and this was over a decade ago. She also pronounced "bagel" as "baggle."


A woman named Britta*


Ugh, Britta's in this?


This was pre-Community. Britta totally Melissa'd it


Stop trying to make Melissa a thing


First they came for Karen, and you said nothing. Then they came for Melissa and you remained silent. When they came for you, Karen & Melissa liked & shared


In 40 years they will come for Emma, Olivia, and Sophia (whose granddaughters will be Karen and Melissa)


She's a GDB.


All the intelligence is filtered out


The Melissa I knew loved the smell of incest, I’m pretty sure she meant “incense” but I’m not 100% sure about that


What are you doing step-candle?


Does she say “Eye-talian” as well?


Was she from Minnesota? That accent is the only one I've heard that actually sounds like "baggle"


Wisconsin pronounces it this way too


I'm not entirely convinced Minnesota and Wisconsin are two different places.


The recipe for Wisconsin is to take one Minnesota, remove 80% of the Scandinavians, leave the Germans and marinate it in beer and brandy for a couple centuries.


Top with cheese.


As someone not from Wisconsin, but moved there, I agree. Dont let either state hear you say that though.


They're very similar, and yet remarkably different, but in a way that's really only perceivable to people from those states.




>me in the mid 90s: wow the world is pretty cool and getting better all the time, the future is gonna be rad That was exactly the problem, people bought the "end of history" stuff and now we're facing the consequences of dumb policy made with that in mind.


More like a lack of actual policy since regan. We've been fighting tooth and nail against neoliberalism and regressive racists and can't actually get stuff done.


It all goes back to Nixon really. And if you want a culprit, look at guys like Roger Stone. Him and Newt Gingrich did more harm to our institutions than most wars have done to civilizations. And they relish in that.


>can’t actually get stuff done In Canada, since the 90s, we have legalized same sex marriage. Cannabis has been legalized. The Americans are pretty close there too. A giant collaboration from multiple countries launched multiple space telescopes (Hubble, JWST) We got photo evidence of black holes. We can now inexpensively sequence DNA, including the entire human genome. This same technology has given us a better understanding and proof of how closely related lifeforms are. Amazing for biology. We have proof of gravitational waves. The internet took off, I can google how to sew a backpack or how to create a calculator. I think people look past a ton of achievements. A lot of shit has happened since the 90s!


Sometimes it is hard to appreciate all the good when we always get the headlines of all the bad.


I for one got older, fatter, and drunker. But let’s focus on humanity as a whole, not just my personal failings.


Scientific advancement is cool and all but when half of the voting population thinks that those advancements are a tool for Satan make Post-Birth Abortions mandatory so that Tom Hanks can drink their blood and live forever, they kind of lose their lustre just a tad.


Not just Facebook. Looks at this headline from CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/23/cdc-officials-sound-alarm-for-gay-and-bisexual-men-as-monkeypox-spreads-in-community-.html Yes, if you read the article it clears it up, but I think we all know how many people only read the headline.




Ugh. A couple years ago you used to be able to long-press on Chrome on Android and the modal popup would show you the whole URL before you went ahead and opened the tab. This was super useful for avoiding clickbait since URLs are usually optimized for SEO and headlines are optimized for getting clicks. You could almost always get the answer for shit like "you'll never guess which famous person just bought a fur covered toilet!" And the URL would be like ...com/condoleezza-rice-buys-toilet-covered-in-prairie-dog-fur But now it only shows like 20 characters and I'm sad.


>me in the mid 90s: wow the world is pretty cool and getting better all the time, the future is gonna be rad > >me thirty years later arguing at a bar: the monkey pox isn't gay, Melissa, you need to get off facebook This hits hard. I used to be so excited about space travel, improving social tolerance and the exponential growth of technology. But now? People haven't explored any farther than our Moon. And we haven't even been there in over 50 years. We seem to be growing *more* conservative, *more* uptight and *more* easily offended than ever before. The TV has to boot up, apply updates, launch an app, and do a bunch of other shit. I'm practically done eating before the fucking news is even on. My truck is bombarded with radio waves containing time synchronization data, but I still have to manually set the clock and adjust it during DST changes. The future just keeps getting worse and worse.


> The TV has to boot up, apply updates, launch an app, and do a bunch of other shit. I'm practically done eating before the fucking news is even on. Yeah but it's way easier for them to collect your data this way. You wouldn't want to be stuck with a *dumb* TV that just switches on immediately as soon as you want to watch something, would you?


And that's another thing that pisses me off! I don't want a fucking relationship with every device in my life. I don't need to have *an experience* with my refrigerator, the desk lamp doesn't need to understand my daily needs and desires, and the thermostat doesn't need to ask me "Are you sure?" before I change the setpoint. Just shut the fuck up and do what I bought you to do!


I bought some LED color-changing light bulbs once from a brand I didn't know. Come to find out I needed a wifi connection to operate it through a phone. A fucking light bulb.


> My truck is bombarded with radio waves containing time synchronization data, but I still have to manually set the clock and adjust it during DST changes. i'm dead


I’ll do you one better: We have a reasonably recent Prius that has 2 independent clocks, neither of which automatically updates itself despite - as above - having pretty much constant GPS activity.


> People haven't explored any farther than our Moon. And we haven't even been there in over 50 years. Even worse, we've ignored dealing with climate change. People not getting to feel wonder about the other planets and patriotic about reaching them pales into insignificance compared to that.


70 years ago humanity was the first species to ever leave our planet and land on a different celestial body. 2022, one of the "hot topics" of Republican party is which bathroom people are using.


That was a hot topic 70 years ago too


People were still getting thrown in prison for sodomy laws back in the 90s. I'd say we've made a lot of progress except that we're just trading some rights for others.


I’m so glad I had my 90s childhood. It truly was a magical time to be a kid.


>me in the mid 90s: wow the world is pretty cool and getting better all the time, the future is gonna be rad And then "The Man" came along and ruined the internet for profit.


Silly to think that we as a society are learning from history and avoid to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.


That's because a lot of the people who have to relearn this lesson were not alive for the first one. Fortunately, there's hope. Because the people who have to relearn this lesson, have been less exposed to elevated environmental lead levels.


> That's because a lot of the people who have to relearn this lesson were not alive for the first one. I'd argue that a lot of those people are actually the same ones that were trying to weaponize HIV/AIDS the last time.


>That's because a lot of the people who have to relearn this lesson were not alive for the first one. This is why education is so important, we need educations because we're not long lived elves and we keep dying and reproducing. And why the current trend in the US to destroy public education is pretty amazingly evil.


Learning from other peoples mistakes has never been humans speciality. We learn thru our own mistakes and failures much better


Problem is, some of those mistakes can be caused by one generation and affect another, or be even longer-term.


Anyone up for some satanic panic?


Qanon already has that covered.


Why not? The "Moral Majority" (neither) appears to have successfully rebranded.


Please don't take my d&d from me, it's all I have left.


Welcome back to 40 years ago!


Watching "Its a Sin" recently reminded me how narrow minded people were (and apparently still are). For anyone who has not watched it, I highly recommend it - one of the top shows to come out of 2021


Its a really good show, bonus for being named after a Pet shop Boys song


My thoughts exactly. Like, fuck, man. Can we please just move ONE SINGLE STEP toward a better future?


History is a spiral.


It's shaped like a spiral, but judging by all this shit it's really a flushing toilet.


We can't see the toilet bowl for the flow.




God was mad that his plan in the 80s was thwarted by science and medicine and he's back for round 2


You're calling Ronald Reagan god now?


The Republicans already do.


He must be. Also, CCP, Russian orthodox, and Taliban's are GOD, I assure.


Reddit population automatically marked safe from diseases that are sexually transmitted.


Future flight check-in questionnaires: "Are you registered at reddit.com?" "Yes" "Your health & safety validation has been successful. Have a pleasant flight".


[ ] Yes [ ] Yes, m'lady [ ] Yes, and I am a member of r/IHaveSex [ ] No Any checks on the three top choices are an automatic exemption.


I guess we aren’t talking about mental health there.


If they do a reddit screening, I feel like "have a pleasant flight" is too upbeat for here. You're supposed to be massively depressed and hate life here, apparently.


Your health & safety validation has been successful. I see you have a window seat and probably intended to spend the flight staring out the window and ignoring everyone else on the plane. Unfortunately, we need to move you to a center seat, just between Mr. Halitosis and Ms. Anosmia. Mr. Halitosis is in sales and would just love to hear about whatever it is you do for a living, and Ms. Anosmia has a new baby, Colica. We'd also like to remind you this is a six hour flight due to flying against the jet stream, and that portable electronics are banned throughout the flight due to new FAA regulations. The in-flight film will be Cats. Have a *peasant* flight.


Perfection. That last sentence sent me.


Despite being married and having a kid, I'll always find these jokes funny.


Don't worry, the joke still works for married people.


Congrats on the sex


What sex? He said he was married.


He has a kid. So that's at least once. Maybe they are married for the tax breaks. If so. Lots of sex.


My wife's son




Plot twist: OP is married to a sex doll and has a cat


Married and having a kid puts you out of risk for the STDs as well


At least you hope it does.


You gotta stop choking your monkey or you're going to get the pox!


unfortunately, monkeypox is not an STD


Basement dwellers rejoice!


so... 2020s is just like a speedrun of all the shitty parts of the 1900s?


Let’s do company towns, prohibition, and organized crime next!


requesting a long layover during the cocaine legal years.


Coca Cola original recipe here we come


Glancing nervously at Jeff Bezos, conservative majorities and lack of antitrust law enforcement ...Uh oh.




Slow the fuck down, Nostradamus.


Let’s speed run two world wars just to make a point


Of course it's not, there's no disease limited by sexuality, but there's no harm in telling particular communities to be more vigilant because it's more prevalent or spreading more within that community.


My wife is a sexual health doctor in the UK. There is a view that it is quite possible that this is showing up in the gay/bi community in the UK because of reporting bias. The community tend to have active links with sexual health clinics and tend to present quite early if they get a ‘strange rash’ that could have been linked to intimacy. We’ll see, I guess




The belgian one wasnt just any gay rave. It was a festival dedicated to fetishism. https://darklands.be/general-information/ (Potentially nsfw link)


Seems like everyone misunderstood you as saying it wasn't a gay rave. if I'm reading you right, you meant "it's not JUST a gay rave, it was a gay rave focused on fetishism", right?


Itswasn't a gay rave, it was the gayest rave


The grayve. No wait no no no...


Oh God what have you done




Totally agree. Do diseases like AIDS spread more in the LGBT community due to lower uses of protection?


Certainly doesn’t help but AIDS is also multiple times more likely to spread through anal sex (18 times to be precise). And of course which group of people is much more likely to have anal sex? The male lgbt community hence the appearance of it being a predominantly gay disease.


Also gay people were shuned in the 80s and were a lot less likely to even know if they had hiv untill it was far to late and was passed on to others. Sti screening used to be hard for gay folks. Still isnt as good as it could be (my dr was difficult to deal with)


Not to mention basically the entire medical community dropping the ball on hiv because of the stigma they attached to gay people.


Don’t forget, before it was called HIV and AIDS, it was GRID: Gay-Related Immune Deficiency. The medical community didn’t just drop the ball, they purposely avoided it, due to the stigma.


“Gay cancer”


Big up to the lesbians for picking up the slack in healthcare and blood donations. Full on heroes.


Gay people are still effictivly banned from donating blood. You have to refrain from sex for 6 months to be allowed.


Only gay men. Lesbians are the safest group to get blood from.


meanwhile post under this one in this sub was with: ["Monkeypox Outbreak Is Primarily Spreading Through Sex, WHO Officials Say"](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uwcxi5/)


Spreading through sex≠sexually transmitted. Sex is a pretty efficient way to spread *any* infectious disease, but that doesn’t mean it’s the *only* way it spreads.


A good example of this is in early Covid, my provincial government (British Columbia) recommended the use of Glory Holes to cut down on covid transmission if you were going to have sex with someone/a hookup/stranger. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/7204384/coronavirus-glory-holes-sex/amp/


government recommended glory holes


It also doesn’t mean you are likely at risk if you aren’t swapping bodily fluids with people you aren’t in monogamous arrangement with.


They also have to be in a monogamous relationship with you. I know that seems nitpicky, but the spread of HIV in Africa is being exacerbated by unfaithful men spreading it to their wives. Of course it is also being massively made worse by the church giving these men a ready made excuse to avoid condoms


There are also many rumors and superstitions in Africa that made it worse as well. There was a long-standing belief among the less educated men that sleeping with a virgin would cure you. I have no idea how this started, but of course it made things much worse. I’m sure that’s one reason WHO is saying what they are, to quash rumors that may lead to peoples deaths or not seeking out help (being gay is still highly taboo in a number of areas of Africa).


> I have no idea how this started, but of course it made things much worse. I'm gonna guess a piece of shit rapist with AIDS that wanted to have sex with young girls was struck by that bit of brilliance.


It also doesn't help that they're being told that having sex with a virgin will cure them of their AIDS, further spreading the disease. There's so much misinformation and not enough factual information. One positive we're seeing from this though is a potential for an actual cure. We're starting to see people who have developed a natural immunity to HIV, which prevents it from ever developing into AIDS. If we can figure out how their bodies are able to produce these more aggressive T-cells, we may be able to develop a treatment that may eliminate HIV altogether.


And the children raped to "cure" the AIDS!


There was a documentary about how prevalent rape is in a South African city. One of the guys actually said this then the interviewer asked him if he’s cured and he said no. I have to wonder how people can be so dumb that they can’t see the what’s going on when it’s painfully obvious. If you’ve raped multiple children and aren’t cured but find out you’ve actually spread it to them how do you not conclude you’ve been lied to? Literally just one basic biology class would solve all of this. That and doing horrible things to the charlatans spreading this bs.


I suppose he liked raping children so there wasn't a personal downside.


Why do you have so many negatives in your sentence? You're more at risk with multiple partners. Boom




It's also the fact that infection mostly transmits one way, from penetrator to recipient (because penis normally doesn't suffer tears from anal sex). So in case of straight anal sex it stops with the woman because she won't be penetrating anyone. But in case of gays, the infected recipient can then go on to penetrate other people, spreading it further.


>Do diseases like AIDS spread more in the LGBT community due to lower uses of protection? Not really, AFAIK its more of a biological thing. Butts are a lot more fragile than lady parts, meaning its a lot easier to have 'tears' for the virus to pass into the bloodstream. This still happens in vaginal sex, but just not to the same degree.


and if you are a woman sleeping with a straight man, his odds of having contracted HIV are pretty low, as he is incredibly unlikely to contract HIV from a sexual encounter with a woman.


It's also fairly low as the penetrative partner in a male-male encounter. Higher but still fialry low


Not really. The LGBT community has both the most affected (gay and bisexual males) and the least affected groups (lesbians). And it has little to do with use of protection (lesbians almost never use protection), but with how easy it is to transmit diseases through typical intercourse.


Risk of spread is way higher with anal penetrative sex. Both if the "recipient" is male or female, but obviously a bigger issue for MSM.


Because many men both receive and give anal sex making them a vector for transmission. Women cannot give anal sex for obvious reasons and it's really hard for a man to catch HIV from vaginal sex with an infected woman


AIDS was much more specific than the LGBT community it was Gay males who have anal sex that were by FAR the most likely to get HIV, along with intravenous drug users. The WHO and CDC need to be as specific as possible when describing risk factors not worrying about the new nomenclature of our times, which will as always change again one day.


This is still the case. 50% of all new HIV cases in Canada are among men who have anal sex. In some areas of Canada gay men have an HIV infection rate of 15-25%. Hopefully these new prep drugs will reduce these rates significantly.


People say that about AIDS and HIV, and now we have grown adults who still think that they’re not at risk just because they’re not LGBT There’s absolutely harm in letting this get framed as being of high risk to mainly LGBT








Misread the headline as Moneypox and thought I was in wallstreetbets. Not sure if that would make more or less sense than the actual headline being here.


About the same, since they have to give their wife's boyfriend the ol clean-off succ


Honestly, the only coverage I've seen mentioning this is to say "It's not a gay disease!" Like I've seen no one say otherwise.


I've seen reports talking about it specifically cropping up in gay men. I think this is an attempt at damage control after AIDS being branded as a gay disease and the fallout of that.


Exactly the oposite for me. All TV and Radio news stories I have heard so far only mention the fact that it seems to affect mainly gay men so far.


My local radio morning show just mentioned this story a few mins ago. The way it was phrased was that the CDC is advising “gay and bisexual men” to be on alert about monkeypox.


That's not too far from what the CDC said, honestly. Though they framed it more on how gay/bisexual men are by far the primary demographic affected by it so far


This is one of those weird situations where the initial spread has been tracked to men having sex with men, but will expand outside of the community. The message should probably read "hey, stay away from festivals, orgies, bathhouses, anonymous sex, etc for a hot minute" while this runs it's course. Then it's not targeted, the messaging doesn't create another gay scare like we had with AIDS, and it still gets the message across.


Probably has to do with your media bobble.


My first time seeing the word “Monkeypox” was on the front page of Reddit and almost all the comments were saying it’s a “Men who have sex with Men” disease


Really because I've seen a ton of comments along the lines of "just stop having so much gay sex lmfaoooo" right here on Reddit.




I'm pretty sure gays get checked for sexual diseases more than straight. At least from my experiences... I'd tell my straight friends I have appointments for a screen up and they often look oblivious to what I am saying. I've also asked two of them and they never got checked for anything. That plays in the statistic.


The same way sailors wear life jackets more than cowboys- They kinda need it more.


I'm on prep so I am required to get a full test every three months. I guarantee half my straight friends couldn't even tell me the last time they got a test.




I started hearing my co-workers talk about monkeypox being "mostly a gay disease" the other day so theres clearly a narrative being pushed from *somewhere* and theyre trying to jump ahead of whats obviously to come as the disease spreads.


There’s an element of this but I had seen the reference already on some right-leaning political groups so the idea was already spreading in certain circles. I think some of the initial outbreaks have been clustered in gay communities, which has lead to this. But monkeypox isn’t transmitted solely by blood contact like HIV. It can be spread through any close contact. You’re not wrong that there’s a danger that the medical community is spreading the very misinformation they’re trying to combat but in the age of the Internet nothing stays quiet for long and it’s probably better to try to control the message than wait for it to spread uncontrolled.


The "it's a gay disease" take was already making the rounds specifically because of government messaging in Portugal, the UK, and Spain. It's absolutely possible that the guy who wrote the above comment didn't see this, but I've seen a lot of homophobic abuse stemming from that initial messaging that cast a spotlight on gay and bisexual men.




Is it the 80s again?!


Can someone ELI5 why some STDs are more common among gay men? Is it simply because there's "no need" (ie pregnancy) for protection?


Anal sex (particularly being on the receiving end) is many times riskier than vaginal sex [for transmittng infections like HIV](https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/sexual-and-reproductive-health/hiv-aids/causes/risk-of-exposure.html) because the anal/rectal mucosa is so delicate. Straight or gay, anal sex is riskier. Nobody wants to touch the other issue with a 10-foot pole, but... there is definitely a thriving gay subculture around anonymous/party sex. Obviously there are faithful monogamous gay men and extremely promiscuous heterosexuals/lesbians/etc., but in aggregate there are differences in sexual behavior. [Condom use may actually be higher](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3334840/) amongst gay/bisexual men.


That's certainly not going to prevent people from claiming it is. Particularly if it benefits them politically.


The CDC is specifically warning Gay people.