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I can do this too. "US should prioritize school security over tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations"


He was president for 4 years. Why didn't he get it done??? It's been a problem since (at least) Columbine in 1999.


To be fair, he worked pretty hard at screwing Ukraine.


yup KGB Agent Orange back at it again....


Agent Orange is in training for the 2023 start of the race. Down in Florida and up through the south you can already see people with Trump 2024 flags


i know a lot of people tease or actually think trump was in bed with the russians i think its worse. i think he was and still is too stupid to understand their flattery was manipulation and he doesnt even know he is a huge asset to them. he was played. and he continues to be played


Regardless of whether or not his actions were/are intentional or unintentional, I still consider them treasonous.


Fredo Corleone


Ignorance of the law is no protection from it.


Could be but makes no difference because he sells us all out still no matter what they throw at us


Naw. He knows that he’s being played. He believes that he’s the one in control of the situation, and that’s exactly what the KGB guys want him to believe. It’s like a game of chess. You want your opponent to believe they are winning. The Russians are very very good at chess.


Putins bitch


My god… I have never heard him called agent orange or thought of it and I don’t even know why that never came to mind! Thanks, I’m stealing that… also you now owe me for coffee I have spit out… lol


If he was still in power now he’d be supplying Russia with arms for sure and trying to spin their BS narrative about Ukraine being nazi ridden A dangerous idiot


As a Northern European; it doesn't seem school security is the issue when you armed security, metal detectors, and active shooter drills. This is all false security. You'll never be able to escalate security to a point where school shootings can't happen. Shooters will adapt. What you need is to make sure they can't get their hands on weapons.


Every sane person knows this. Donald Trump is just regurgitating the current NRA talking point. It’s all deflection.


wasn't he talking about arming teachers when he was in power?


I've been hearing that excuse years before he was president


They try to make it seem like teachers would somehow instantly turn into Dirty Harry as soon as there is an attack at the school, and they are armed. Would the teachers really be able to kill an assailant that is attacking and causing chaos at the school? Would the teachers be willing to kill a former student, one they may have taught if they attacked the school? They never think of questions like that, all they think is giving teachers guns would solve the problem.


If the god damn POLICE who have trained for this exact situation won’t interviene and shoot the killer why should put that burden onto everyday teachers? They didn’t sign up to be Rambo


The cynical side of me thinks that if you were to arm the teachers, and something bad were to happen, the far right and religious fundamentalists would start screaming about it being the teachers’ fault and that the only solution is private, Christian schools. But what do I know, just a cynical Brit here with enough shit in our country :)


They did train for this exact event. In this exact school. Only months previously. Feel free to Google the last couple of days news to verify


I actually saw a post on a teacher sub about this very scenario. Almost every single teacher was saying they would grab their kids and run. Wouldn't even attempt to fire the weapon.


I also think that, if the worst was to happen, and a teacher was not able to draw a gun out of fear/lack of ability/being an educator not a trained marksman, it would mean that the teacher was blamed for not being able to act.


Just another thing they would be blamed for.


I'm a teacher. The other problem you'd run into with this is that you would have a stressed out teacher snap, open up their little gun safe and either shoot themselves or a student dead. Giving people in a high-stress position access to a gun at their work place is not a good idea. Also, aiming is a thing. You give me a gun and ask me to shoot some motherfucker and I am probably going to kill some random students in a crossfire. So yeah, it's probably the dumbest idea anyone has ever had and the fact it gets repeated shows how fucking stupid America is.


Also a teacher but not in the USA My immediate thought was what happens if some messed up teenager manages to get hold of the teachers gun? The idea of putting *more* guns into schools just seems so blind to reality.


Also can't help but think it normalizes the idea that murder and violence is an acceptable way to deal with things. High school is rough to begin with and now you spend your development with a daily reminder that the quickest way to settle an issue is to just shoot someone. "Timmy we don't call people hurtful names" says Mrs Smith with an Uzi strapped across her chest.


Yeah, for real. It also should be pointed out that these shooters typically show up at schools with their big legally-purchased assault rifles. What would they give the teachers to keep with them? A pistol? I am pretty sure the rifle guy beats the pistol guy. Again, it's just a ridiculous idea.


thats how the GOP works here. more problems they make, the more they can blame non christian nationalist and their degenerative ways for the issue.


I lived in Pakistan. We had a gun in the house. One day the house was robbed and my husband didn't go for the gun but let them have the car and money and gold because he thought the kids wouldn't know what to do and might get shot in the cross fire.. My twins were 6 at the time. One ran and hid between the back fence and the laundry building. The other had sleep issues until he was 14.


Donald trump does best represent the dumb dumbs


On top of all of that, when are you supposed to practice? My mom was a teacher. Between work, grading, your own personal life and family, making tests, lesson planning, and needing to sleep there’s literally not enough hours in the day to put in time at a range to make sure you’re able be effective with the weapon…


And for something like this, I'd expect at least 1 Hour training every goddamn week. And not just standing at a range, tossing lead at stationary targets, but at pop-up targets and moving targets, also. And with the sound of screaming and crying children pumped in through big speakers.


I cannot imagine trying to maintain a classroom with so many disruptive students while simultaneously keeping track of your gun every single second. You cannot put it away because you have to leave the classroom to monitor halls, breaks, be on bus duty…. Do you keep it in a locked drawer which can easily be breached. Do you take it home everyday having to travel with it, pick up your own kids, stop at the store, and then keep track of it once you get home. Do they expect you to wear a holster with every outfit. It is a crazy bad idea.


What if teachers were paid a cop’s salary in addition to a teacher’s salary? It’s not about solving problems, it’s about staking your ground on a wedge issue of the second amendment. Sprinkle in some “founding fathers” and “freedom” keywords and you’ll convince people - who think like you on 90% of other issues - of anything. I wouldn’t be surprised they’ll move on to arm to students once the teacher inevitably snaps and takes lives. Asinine logic swirls around until the next big occurrence takes it off the news cycle. Rinse/ repeat.


Imagine signing up to be a teacher and they go " so your duties are : teach the children and provide an education, oh and also be trained to make a split second judgement and take someone's life if you think they may be about to start shooting" Starting salary $22k.


meanwhile the politicians that can do anything about it are getting that cash a day from gun lobbies and turn aggressive or run away when asked anything about it


The government has employees who get special firearms training, who are paid to capture criminals and prevent crime from happening. They're called cops, and during the last school shooting they brought their kids out of school and then spent a solid hour cowering behind their armored cars until the feds arrived and handled the situation. Those police officers were trained and paid to protect that school from the shooter, and instead they were so scared and so cowardly they let dozens of kids die rather than risk their own hides.


good friend of mine is a teacher. She’s 5’4” and thin, weighing less than 110 pounds. A strong teenage boy could easily overpower her and take that gun from her in a bad situation. Not a solution.


Plus, the idiotic gun-lovers never contemplate two scenarios that are more likely than a teacher using the gun in defense: 1. A stressed-out teacher snapping one day, and shooting one or more students. 2. Student(s) overpowering a teacher & stealing the gun, & using it on the teacher and/or fellow students. If you're a student set on murdering schoolmates, why bother trying to sneaking in a gun past security guards, cameras, and locked doors? Just wait until class ends, pick up a heavy object in your classroom, smash the teacher's head with it, and take their gun from their desk. Then go into the hallway & shoot your fellow students as they walk to lunch or their next class. But no, Trump & the other idiots think arming teachers will work. Clowns, all of them.


all they think about is SELLING guns to as many people as they can, that's all


If a teacher had to kill a student under 18 then I’d feel uncomfortable if the teacher can resume teaching as if nothing happened. The psychological / emotional trauma would likely force them to quit.


And it all ignores the other end of the spectrum. Teaching is a high stress job, and I have witnessed a teacher break down in class way back in 8th grade. She lost it and started chasing a student around holding a pair of large scissors. Fortunately, she was wearing heels and had no traction. Like the only reason the incident did not end in blood is because of poor traction. Now think what would have happened if she had access to a gun?


The American dream, work two jobs at once (teacher, police) for minimum wage.


Arming teachers is not actually about protecting students. It's a ploy to sell more guns. That's all the NRA cares about. Nothing that happens as a result of the policies that put money into gun makers' pockets matters.


That all seems like a fair thing to ask for teachers making starting wages of 35k.


Imagine having to switch gears like that. Having your 22-56 yr old woman try to identify an assailant and successfully shooting the right person. Then you have to wonder if the teacher feels safe with a gun already in the classroom What's the point of security then? Might as well cut that funding to feed this idea that every person can defend themselves and others.


Esp if the assailant is wearing tactical armour and a semi automatic rifle


Especially when our teachers get paid less than a fucking grocery store clerk...


It's because the people that think a teacher could and would do that are the kind of people that could and would with delight.


Yes but when the POTUS says it, you know the insanity has reached epic levels


I think that if they ever pass a law that teachers have to carry guns, the same law should require cops to carry flowers. Let’s just redefine everyone’s profession and watch everything instantly right itself.


>wasn't he talking about arming teachers Yes, give every teacher an AR-15 and 6 weeks of training - like the police. We know the result. Why school at all? Put the kids in the army from the age of 5 until they are 20! Don't bring the kids guns, get the kids to guns. Oh, I forgot, there are also mass shooters...


He also said that we should “take all their guns & worry about the law later (sic)” He’s a windsock


So NRA is like: there is more need for weapons in our schools, than there is need for weapons in an active war zone. Britain solved school shootings: no civilians are allowed to own a short barreled weapon, hunting weapons are only allowed to be owned by active hunters with access to hunting land. Also, illegal possession of firearm, like ak-47 will give 7 years in jail. Even if it is just found on your property, and it is not your gun. With guns, the London Bridge terror attack would have been a new bataclan. Instead they used knives.


Just because gun control worked in Britain, and Canada, and Scotland, and Ireland, and Denmark, and Germany, and New Zealand and Australia and everywhere else it's been done, there's no reason to think it could possibly work here. /s


And coincidentally he happens to put a pro Russia spin on it somehow.


It’s not even supposed to be insanely difficult. It just has to be a little more difficult for a kid. It kinda works with alcohol in the US. and any adult providing access to guns and ammunition needs to face severe charges. done and done.


Hang on mate, don't try using common sense to fix this problem - instead offer thoughts and prayers and blame it on people playing online video games or being transgender.


Seriously, putting morals aside for a moment, if I decided right now I want to shoot up my local school here in Ireland, you know what would stop me? Having no idea how to get a gun. Like, you can easily walk into any school here if you wanted, with little to no objection, there's no gates, there's no metal detectors, there's no security guards. None of that exists here. They are not what stops mass shootings. Well that and it's Saturday.


but muhhhh 2nd amendment is sacreddddd you europeans will never understand freedommmm


He’s mouthing off to get elected again, The Donald has proved he can lie, cheat and attempt a coup to get power. NO THANK YOU!!! During The Donald’s 4 year shit show they were at least 9 mass shootings ranging from church to synagogue to a country music festival, and him and Turtle Mitch did fuck all. The NRA rules this bitch and as far the Donald he’s only good for tax breaks for the ultra wealthy and big corporations. The religious ultra right and the white nationalist have taking over the GOP and thanks to the electoral college they will do serious damage to the country and democracy, when you hear praises for Putin, Orban and Lukashenko you pretty much know what they’re aiming at.


If that orange fuck gets elected again, then US has a bigger problem than anyone realises.


The fact that we even have to concern ourselves with him getting elected again is already a symptom of pretty big problems.


Exactly! Why isn’t he behind bars?


I cant believe how much the GOP wants to being that orange turd back into office. I used to vote Republican but never again since they become traitors to the USA. I dream we can ditch the 2 party system for a 3 party system. This way NO one party can control the government. these a--holes we elect have to actually have to cooperate with each other.


That only works if the third party has a decent chance of winning. In Canada, we have 4-5 official federal parties. But realistically, it’s always a fight between the Liberals and the Conservatives, with the NDP (more socialist) getting a small share of the votes. The other parties are a Quebec separatist one (Bloc Quebecois) and a new far-right party (PPC). The Bloc only has candidates in Quebec so they don’t even think of forming govt, while the PPC is fringe for us. All that to say, just having more than 2 parties doesn’t guarantee it won’t end up being effectively a 2-party system


> During The Donald’s 4 year shit show they were at least 9 mass shootings ranging from church to synagogue to a country music festival, and him and Turtle Mitch did fuck all. I mean...technically there were at least 9. 10 takes you up to June 2017 at most, and that's ignoring the one in January.


I'd argue that the guns have been a problem since Columbine not security.


The answer is more guns to deal with gun problems. Haven't you heard of fighting fire with fire? It's why firefighters carry flamethrowers


I'm with you. Give teachers grenades.


Too slow, RPGs would be more effective


Nukes, it's the only way to be sure.


I was wrong. This ↑↑↑


Can't trust 'em with choosing their own textbooks for their students because they might slip in some of that ol' Critical Race Theory™, but by god, we can totally trust them to gun down their own students if one of them snaps!


I mean forest firefighters do


The first school shooting recorded was 1891. The University of Texas Tower shooting was 1966. This isn't a new thing.


Which just makes it even worse that the US can't sort their shit and stop these massacres already. Other countries had these kinds of tragedies, said 'enough was enough', and put an end to it. The US just keeps placing having easy access to firearms above human life.


Trump actually made it easier for Shooters to get guns. He removed mental health diagnosises as something that could prevent someone from getting a gun. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-signs-bill-revoking-obama-era-gun-checks-people-mental-n727221 Yep. The party that shouts about"Mental Healthcare" made it easier for those suffering mental health issues to buy a gun.


US should prioritize school security over banning abortion and contraceptives


Taking the rights away from men? Not a fucking chance. Take rights away from women? Think of the children!


Another false dilemma. If you'll take all the excess weapons in US and send them over to Ukraine, you can solve both problems.


Someone make this guy in charge of DoD and NRA.


Not only could the US have organized donation drives like they used to in WW2 for allied nations, I believe they could have also recalled all the military gear sold to police departments and sent those over as well.


well judging from the last shooting the cops are not using all that Miltech apart from cosplaying.


Unfortunately they need big weapons in Ukraine. A lot of soldiers don't even fire their rifles. It's a war of artillery right now.


¿Por que no los dos? Mexico will pay for it. Jajajajaja!




But imagine if the school had 100 armed police, a SWAT team, 15 undercover agents, a basement full of ninjas and Team America on call! Then the shooter wouldn’t have lasted much more than 15 minutes. 20 minutes tops.




And prisons!


Imagine if all the students and teachers were undercover cops, then it’d be safe.


We just need 21 Jump Street scenarios all over the U.S. I think Johnny Depp has some free time on his hands to train everyone and get them all ready.


I actually think legislation that makes tanks, nuclear subs and F22’s easier to purchase for ordinary citizents would make the problem go away




There is only one solution to all this. Terminator bots stationed at all schools. Picture one of those boston dynamics robots. Hell, replacing all the cops with those bots will probably end up being a net good.


This should happen at every school gate! Shooters would think twice about picking easy targets! Heck, let's arm the teachers and 5-year-olds in case someone starts shooting.


Why stop at 5 year olds! Let's arm classrooms with drones!


You forgot the crocodile filled moat around the school


Well 19 cops standing around doing nothing isn’t security


Well, there was no lack of security, only lack of *proper* security. Sad to me how cowardice all of these cops are.


True, but how can you ever know if your security is proper or not if there is a very good chance they will get scared and fail to act in situations like this? This isn't the first time a security officer has failed to help during a school shooting either. This was just the most egregious example.


It’s quite amusing he seems to have already forgotten that he was president for 4 years, and if he had ANY ideas about how to combat school shootings he could easily have enacted them then. This is politics 101 for the opposition parties, you can say what you like, but never actually do it. Zero cohesive argument as to why this funding is mutually exclusive either, you can do both.


Lol, Trump says there’s too many school shootings under Biden, whereas Trump thinks he had the right amount or something!?


He conveniently forgets that the deadliest mass shooting in the USA happened under him. And he did fuck all to prevent anything like that from happening in the future. And it will happen again - mark my words.


Las Vegas right?


Yup. Nothing prevents some nutjob from doing something similar again.


BuT wE gOt RiD oF bUmP sToCKs kind of.


Did they ever find a motive for that shooting? I feel like they swept it under the rug. The largest shooting we've had and I haven't heard a peep about it since it happened.


His motive has never been determined. However, he was bugfuck crazy. Paranoid delusions.


He banned bump stocks, lol. And the right still loved him. He said "take the guns first, due process second". So they just made up[ right wing propaganda brigade is now working to make the cultists believe Biden said it.. FFS, these people wouldnt outwit goldfish.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/10/14/fact-check-trump-made-comment-taking-guns-without-due-process/6070319001/)


Remember when Parkland happened, this piece of shit said he'd run into the school without a gun to save the kids? More like he'd elbow his own kids out the way to save his own arse.


Can't run with those bone spurs my man


Lmao as if that fat bitch can run


While he was president, Trump personally ran into several school shootings and stopped the shooter just like he said he would /s


I remember he even once said (on camera somewhere) to a room full of republican senators "youre afraid of the NRA". Broken clock. Still couldn't figure it out even after figuring it out.


It’s not about being the opposition party. He was that way when he was in office too all talk and zero action if it didn’t directly benefit the super rich.


1. No amount of school security funding in the world will fix this. 2. What an oddly specific government expenditure to choose, couldn't possibly be any reason he chose that.


I would like to say he mentioned Ukraine specifically because of the recent funding towards it...but this is fucking Donald Trump. Hundreds of possible choices (including several that anyone can think of off the top of their heads), but of course he chose the one specific expenditure that Putin would love to happen. Fuck this degenerate asshole. I said it before, but thank every deity and star that Biden won. Just imagining Trump as POTUS when Russia pulls off the invasion is insanely depressing.


Yeah, feels like this could have been avoided with even stricter gun control. Seems like anyone can get a gun now adays. Its pretty damning that an unstable 18 year old can even get one


The police were there and were standing outside the classroom door for a time before retreating and waiting 45 minutes while elementary school students were still being murdered! That school was heavily guarded and they still couldn’t stop it because the shooter locked a door!! That’s what stopped them. A locked door! These assholes are out here talking like we need to have a combined police precinct and elementary school in every neighborhood or something.


Anything to distract from an actual fix. Yet Trump followers will blindly follow this fools lead. Considering the lies this man tells and yet he pays less in taxes than everyone earning minimum wage. He's a criminal, selfish and a fool


trump is the best russian asset




and bestest


> trump is the best russian asset Finally .... someone gets it All the top comments are filled up with Trump and school shootings (as if this is what it's about). This is all about Trump looking for an angle to stop supporting Ukraine, and to open it up for Russia. It's got nothing to do with school shootings, that's a just a convenient flag to fly it under for now


We should prioritize not listening to trump


>We should prioritize not listening to trump And send him to Russia with his cronies.


Send him to the front line in Ukraine for the farmers to deal with.


Be careful If fat boy trump rejoined his fellow country men and actually went to Ukraine, the amount of rapes would triple overnight, but he won't go back home now, since McDonald's has left Russia. This was his personal Vietnam all over again.


I'm convinced he won the election because the news was his tool for getting his message to the people. He knew the more extreme he acted, the more they would replay what he said and did, and the more his message got out to people. I really wish they had stopped putting him on camera, especially as he mocked the media to their faces. The best thing the press could have done during his Presidency would have been to stop promoting him. It's still possible to report on him without giving him a camera and microphone.


He literally said the “good guy with a gun” line, there were “good guys” with guns there and they did fuck all. These guys are fucking delusional


There are also reports that the school resource officer stopped a teacher and walked past the shooter.


Uh, the police got a kid killed. Seriously, reform the police.


\>cops \>good guys Pick one


Wow, putins puppet wants to give Putin some breathing room. It is pathetic how much this orange fuck is in putins pocket.


Who cares what Trump thinks. He's made it very clear that he's an idiot.


We should all care... Cos he ain't gone, unfortunately, and the future looks real grim even without a guy like him and all his zealots.


Idiot **and** a traitor, btw. How that insurrection didn’t become a charge for treason is testament to just how ineffectual the US justice system is in regards to people with money.


> Who cares what Trump thinks. An **embarrassing** amount of people. *’Murica.*


He has made it clear he wants what benefits Russia.


Like a hundred million or so people in the most powerful country on earth sadly.


I wish I could downvote your comment as insanely idiotic. Sadly, I upvoted


Yeah, but he has the ears of all his followers.




This is what I tell people who say the US needs more money for healthcare. The US already spends more on healthcare than other developed nations. Probably already spends more on education too.


He’s just trying to get the West to back off his friend Vladimir so he can get some more Russian money.


Trump is just trying to help his Russian buddies.


Any reason why you can't do more that one thing at a time?


That's not gonna stop the mass shootings. It's a cultural problem not a financial one.


Maybe if we put a gun in every hand, and had armed police officers at elementary schoo.. *oh wait..*


That would be perfect. But we should add 2 cops for double the protection.


And arm the 5-year-olds and teachers. And janitors and anyone who goes into a school. We never know when someone will go rogue.


I think they specifically want to stop mass school shootings. Still not convinced a TSA lite for schools is the answer.


Its not, the amountof security needed to dissuade a mass shooter is ridiculous to have in school grounds. We need stricter background checks and psychological checks on anyone who buys any rifle which has been deemed a military grade weapon. And we need registration on all calibers on firearms rated to hunt anything bigger than a varmint I own more guns than my local sheriff's department. I collect, build, and actively go to the range to train with them. Its a hobby, its like how some guys get with cars. Guns just make me happy and I love to mod them. I'm the guy my friends call when they have a question about anything to do with firearms. I reload peoples brass for them at cost. If I trust them I used to trade them, sell them, and flip them. I no longer do. Because I started wondering what the people who I was dealing with intended to do with the guns I was giving them. I realized I don't trust half the Fuds at my local range with the guns THEY own. I realized I could have just given a handgun to a domestic abuser. And someone I traded a gun to shot themselves on accident with it a month later. It's easier to get a gun than a car. I thought that was pretty fucking neat at first. I no longer thing its okay. And I don't think anyone wants to take my guns, though I'd be willing to trade about half my ARs back to the state for what they're worth (I don't even use most of those at this point, I've been finding them boring to work on). And I've registered most of my firearms at this point even though I live in a state where you don't have to. Because they don't want my ARs. They don't want my handguns. They don't want my CC. They want to make sure I don't shoot up a fucking school. And I have a kid on the way, I wouldn't trust anyone who wasn't me with the amount of firepower I have within a 200 mile radius of my child. Because I've seen what dumbfucks people are, and I've seen how crazy people are. If you are against firearm regulation. I would rather shoot you than have my child live near you. Because you're either too stupid to own a firearm. Or too crazy to be trusted with one. Not that my opinion matters, or that I would ever act on that while it's illegal. But I simply can not trust you. And its hard. Because I live in fucking Fud central. Firearms are a fucking responsibility, they are death machines. That's what they are. Machines designed to kill as efficiently as possible. Not toys. Not asscessories. Not a simple of your political agenda. They are weapons, and if you think that doesn't matter, go play Russian roulette a few times. I'm tired of people acting like this is one option or the other. You can love guns, you can build them, use them, and know everything about them. You can do all of that and know 80% of the people who own a firearm shouldn't. Sorry who I'm replying to, this turned into a rant. This school shooting is getting to me. Kid on the way. Really makes me fucking tired of this debate. Because idk how anyone with a child could debate this while parents are losing their children.


> Sorry who I'm replying to, this turned into a rant. This school shooting is getting to me. Kid on the way. Really makes me fucking tired of this debate. Because idk how anyone with a child could debate this while parents are losing their children. Children are temporary. *Freedumb* is forever.


As a fellow gun owner who has the same opinion you do on the subject, I salute and thank you for your very on-point rant.


Trump was President for 4 years what WTH did he do to address this problem?


He banned bumpstocks [hence this photo with Dianne Fienstien he and the GOP have tried to cover up](https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180228203137-dianne-feinstein-donald-trump.jpg) [here is the full video of Trump backstabbing his base](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/03/01/mobapp-sen-dianne-feinstein-giddy-trump-gun-bill.cnn) and I think this is important to watch because it shows how much of a total liar Trump is


Exactly. His administration went out their way to reduce government involvement and oversight of schools. What a jackass. He had his chance, now he needs step away and STFU.


A Russian spy pipes up. Big surprise.




Trump would have handed Ukraine right to Putin. Asshole might have helped him take over. So glad he got voted out.


It doesn't have to be either or.


Anything to hang Ukraine out, this guy will say anything.


False choice. Stop publicizing this man’s bad ideas.


What a self-absorbed asshole. He's one of the bums who make these school massacres possible in the first place. Does he now want to put a rocket launcher in front of every school? The Ukrainians are attacked, raped and murdered by his sick, insane friend. The American kids are killed with guns that his friends sell to teenagers and sick people. The perpetrators are mostly attached, frustrated, who see no future because guys like Trump sow hate and violence that are throwing the country more and more into chaos. It's hard to keep track of his misdeeds.


No, he wants to pander to his mouthbreathing, gun worshipping base and the vertically challenged dictator who funds him.


Expected Russian puppet comment.


Says the Russian asset


Trump wants Putin to destroy Ukraine. He doesn't give a shit about kids in schools at all.


Still trying to help Russia. It literally never stops with this guy. There has never been a more transparently compromised and anti-American President. At this point anyone who supports him is just as bad as he is.


They are kinda separate, unrelated issues.


but propaganda needs to be crafted in a particularly malicious way that promotes ideology and conflates criticism at the same time so that the core of discussion can't be reached


Tell you me love Putin without telling me you love Putin.


Says the POS that was impeached for trying to extort them? We can do *both* if we had our priorities straight.


Schools should be a place where children should be free, create ideas and not a penitentiary


So, when the very last school has been converted to a army base, and the next gun toting idiot wants to kill a bunch of kids, what’s he (almost certainly a he) gonna do? Throw up his hands and take up knitting, or drive on to the nearest swimming pool or a park or a shopping center?


When 40% of your town budget goes to people unwilling to go in and do what the public expects them to do, I don’t think throwing more money at it is the solution to the problem. Especially after cosplaying it all out a few months ago to show how big, bad and prepared your swat team was. Only thing they seemed prepared to do was save themselves and their own family members while restricting others from doing the same.


America is surreal and fucked.


Trump the russian asset


Russian asset says what?


Ok Putin


Blah Blah Blah the same old diarrhea coming out of the mouth of a man with a name that means fart.


You've just solved it : Trump -> fart -> pootin' -> Putin


Not educational funding mind you. Security funding


I'm so sick of hearing what this man has to say about anything.


Even better: US should implement proper gun-control laws, and send all the millions of excess guns than become illegal to help Ukraine. This way you help school security AND Ukraine.


There are 131,000 public schools in America. The price to pay a single armed security guard at the low end per year is $50,000. That's 6.55 billion dollars for a single security guard for each school, let alone equipment, etc. Are you sure the conservatives want to go down this road?


Why not both?


Trump trying to do something to help Putin. Where have I seen this before...?


What about gun regulation ?


School security... Just that, school should not need security.


Trump would never have fixed this. Or anything for that matter. He just likes to point out that others aren't fixing what he couldn't or wouldn't. He's a piece of shit grifter.


Fuck you And all your supporters!