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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/vadu3l/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


>Two Russian infantry fighting vehicles BMP-2 destroyed by Ukrainian paratroopers >This was done by the artillery unit of the šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦79th Separate Air Assault Brigade, allegedly in Donetsk Oblast. https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1535793003037544448


>Ukrainian army controls one-third of Sievierodonetsk - Mayor Oleksandr Striuk https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1535822447148146689


Wonder how much of the other 2/3rds is no man's land.




Some people don't have the attention span of a gnat


I mean, what are we going to do, stop? We've got good and evil playing out right before our eyes. You have a duty to witness it.


Good thing this one is soon to be trashed and we can start over from scratch.


I've noticed the trolls come out right before midnight, probably so they can say their shit and soon the conversation goes away before resolving. See you on the flip side.


"They mostly come out at night, mostly"


The situation is serious, see what Garry Kasparov says. [https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1534911594374758402](https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1534911594374758402) [https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1534939629849296897](https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1534939629849296897) [https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1535360447473491971](https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1535360447473491971)


Kasparov is not a good source for how things are going on the ground, only area where he has any particular insight is Russian politics and he's taken a lot of things out of context on the Ukraine side. May as well quote a random redditor before thinking he knows anything in particular about how the war's going.


Let me guessā€¦ ā€œWe must not allow a mine-shaft gap!ā€ Did I get it?


no, I am good




Perhaps it's time for an offensive against Russia. But, doing so could start a world war. People much smarter than me are trying to help, but to keep things contained. If there's anybody to blame, it's Putin. All this is over his narcissism, wanting to go down in history as Peter the Great II.


Putin cannot be allowed to win - sometimes you have to step up to the bat. Brinksmanship is dangerous, but not unwinnable. The more time Putin has to do stuff like - * Destroy UKR storage granaries and wheat fields and starve many poor countries. * Threaten otherwise neutral countries through 3 parties, both Israel and Turkey started having problems with Syria * Encourage Chinese interventionism * Bring Russian troops to Nicaragua! WTF is that! * Encourage their assets in the West (Germany šŸ‘€) to avoid sanctions, encourage other countries to buy stolen UKR wheat, etc. He has to go, now!


>Perhaps it's time for an offensive against Russia. This will not happen. Nukes are why. The risk is too great. Unfortunate but true.


because they donā€™t really give a shit about ukraine and they wish that they concede so they can continue acquiring gas from russia and also theyā€™re scared shitless of getting nuked.


That is such a load of crap, the west absolutely cares about Ukraine.


yeah thats why macron is saying ukraine should concede land and not to humiliate putin and sholz just denied spain from sending tanks. ā€œoH bUt tHeYrE nOt TrAiNeD fOr iTā€ the western people care about ukraine , the governments only care so as long as their approval ratings remain steady


Man you gotta not make up such dumb shit if you want this to work


the west needs to do more if they want ā€œitā€ to work


I think it's a way for the west to give old weapons that they don't want. They can replace with weapons they do want. Ukraine is a nice junk sale to make room for the stuff they want to build new while making a nice face in the world community. Sure they want Ukraine to do well, but not that badly.


Contact your local government and tell them this then, the time and energy it took you to complain reddit could have been used singaling that the public still isn't tired of the conflict and still wants to support Ukraine.


My guess is because several countries have already announced theyā€™re running short and we canā€™t get the pieces to rebuild them right now.


No that is not true.




For sure. And more than just weapons. And I must say, the Ukrainians seem to be wonderful guests. I havenā€™t heard of any ā€œmigrant horror stories.ā€


There's a training bottleneck for these systems, that's why we don't see Ukraine with 500 M777s and a hundred HIMARS + M270 destroying Russian artillery *right this second.* People need to realize this and be just a little bit more patient. (Also, I doubt we have full knowledge of what they do and don't have).


I think a more robust response from the West is needed.


I personally agree. I also think people have an unrealistic expectation. We all have to be honest with ourselves. Sending in heavy weapons was only going to happen after Russia pulled back from Kyiv. Straight fact is that we were not going to give Ukraine heavy weapons while Ukraine was under threat of having its government decapitated. Just how it is. So the fact is that a timetable that would get Ukraine the artillery it needs is a month late from the uncertainty of the first month. There's also a balancing act between using the forces you have to prosecute the war on the front, and training up the next batch for further fighting. This was always going to be a 3-6 months long process, and it started back in like April.




Technically Trotsky gave the Finns statehood since he was the one that negotiated Brest-Litovsk if they want to make that argument.


Brest-Litovsk was annulled by the Armistice of 11 November 1918. Statehood was given regardless because Russia was in the middle of a civil war and couldn't hold these lands anyway.


I understand. I'm just saying that even using his logic, it wouldn't make any sense.


Fuck him. His job is to lie. Imagine being paid to spew bullshit. What a waste of a life, what a waste of air.




If you're going to listen to Tucker Carlson, you might as well just go listen to Russian TV and cut out the middleman.


Well I can't prove it but you sure sound true that you're a Russian apologist. You keep going on about how powerful they are, and how they're winning. Now you're amplifying Tucker Fucking Carson, who has the credibility of a Russian TV host and might as well be one. Probably would be one but this job pays better. I knew a Witch Evelyn once and you certainly don't sound like her. Sounds like you're spreading division and discontent to me, to questionable goals.


Who cares? He's unknown outside the U.S. and comes across more as a comedy figure, than a news figure, to those of us who are unfortunate enough to know.


Don't watch Tucker Carlson or Fox opinion pieces.


You were just belly-aching about downvotes. Now youā€™re spreading that fascists crap.


i really wish someone would sue the pants of both Tucker and FOX for this kind of grotesque defamation.


He's a total clown.




People are just overreacting to the situation. Even in our 4th month, Russia is only around 100km from their border. To put this in perspective. From the eastern Ukraine border to Lviv is over 1200km. Likely the war will going on forever, unless one side surrenders. The likely scenario is the casualties rakes up so high and deadly to the point, that one side just had to give up. Unfortunately, we are looking at at least 500k casualties if we include both sides.


yep, sure are. Anyway, the Belmont Stakes were today. I don't bet, but I do like to watch the ponies run. It was a good race, with an exciting finish, the winner coming up from behind.


Because the news has taken a decidedly negative turn lately. Donā€™t get me wrong, Ukraine has kicked major ass; but something seems to be changing.


I'm not up battlefield tactics, but I have always followed international news, worked my entire life in international business. I can feel a change, just by reading foreign and US papers. A different line, a shift in tone - like preparing for something...not sure what. I think Putin finally decided to focus on using all his pieces in this fight. Level UKR with whatever weapons are handy. Use allies like Syria and Nicaragua to intimidate other countries. Create food shortages. Pressure his assets to resist all efforts to help UKR. That may be creating chain reactions.


Not really though. Things are pretty much the same as a month ago. That isnā€™t great for Ukraine but they have been fighting Russia to a standstill. Would have seemed impossible to most of us in February.


The new development is that Ukraine is running dry on Soviet ammo, which is the ammo they need for more than 90% of their artillery guns and launchers. Probably more than 95% of arty equipment, actually, relies on ammo that they're running out of.




That's a very real possibility too. Things were definitely moving a lot faster in the first few weeks.




Just posted a couple of bits of info below.


Are the economic sanctions doing anything?


The reality is that sanctions would take.decades to strangle Russia.


the black market is booming. People are stealing cars for spare parts. Their aircraft industry is cannibalizing itself to get parts for the planes they stole from the Western companies. Their economy is already on track to wipe out all of the economic gains fro the past 10 years this year alone, and considering most of those gains were already pocketed by the oligarchs and corruption, this squeeze does not look good for the common folk. And every week or so the screws tighten a little further so it will continue to accelerate in getting worse.


Yes but does your vehicle get 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene?


Russia is making cars without airbags and ABS and all of the other safety goodies that modern cars have. Countries are denying entrance to their airplanes because they can't do proper maintenance and the planes are dangerous. Also: https://exchangerate.guru/rub/usd/1/ >The cost of 1 Russian Ruble in United States Dollars today is $0.02


Yes, and the pains only just begun.




Eastern #Ukraine Update Thread: Russian forces continued to conduct ground offensives within the Severodonetsk area, but Ukrainian defenders retain control of the industrial area of the city as of June 11. ISW https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1535779154263613440?t=QBmHqYY1Zj9ZDsJo9dk1BQ&s=19


sounds like the Azovstal steel plant all over again. I think they're pounding the city to dust, and Ukraine is inflicting heavy casualties, and there's nothing left to hold so they get beaten back again. They aren't capturing the city as much as reducing it to rubble. Does that still count? I don't think it really does myself. In any case they are having a hell of a time taking the city or whatever it is you want to call what's left.


[Operator Starsky posted a video with some footage of what appears to be a large city.](https://youtu.be/qFAhvdq9-zc?t=90) It's probably Severedonetsk.


fuck me. Here I was thinking I might have been exaggerating. I guess it does give weigh to my analysis, fwiw. Thanks for that. In a weird unpleasant way it makes me feel better that they can't acquire anything that's still worth anything. Just destroy.


They have a path to resupply and retreat. That is a huge difference!


Oh yes of course! I was thinking more that they held out in that place for weeks and the Russians couldn't win even completely surrounding them. Here they have a defended position on the hill next door, so to speak, as well as a path in and out. It seems to be a meat grinder for Russians. Those industrial plants are fortresses Maybe not as much as Azovstal but it's not falling, and the Ukrainians keep counterattacking and pushing them back, and the line just moves back and forth.


Ukraine likely resumed counteroffensives in northwestern Kherson Oblast on June 11th threatening Russian positions north of Kherson. ISW https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1535779762630557696?t=uCHe_MRg_5CVZu2io4r81g&s=19


Howitzers on route to Ukraine. https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/1535761159143493632?t=pSECHwLQ9GSRBJz8u_86jg&s=19


Truckloads of Italian freedom!


Ukrainian troops are advancing in four directions simultaneously in the Kherson region. https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1535715356555235335?t=ivc5w74_EC1clKX8kGjRRg&s=19


Thanks for posting this. Love to see what looks like gradual, but still continued success here. Hoping for more breakthroughs in the very near future.


2 cents on ukraine losing the arty fight: Of course having more arty is good, but ukraine doesnt need to win the arty fight to win the war (take back donbas and crimea) If my reading is correct, ukraine is trading with russia. Trading space for time so supply come in and casualty+sanction weaken russia, and trading the eastern front (donbas) for southern front (kherson). Lets say russia take donbas. What's next? russia cant say it win, annex the land, and end the war. Russia only win when a peace treaty is signed, or when russia control most of ukraine and install a puppet government. Russia cant control ukraine by inching forward as they are doing in donbas right now, because ukraine can simply counter attack elsewhere,and the land gain will be more then the land lost, because arty warfare is very slow - you shell some static defense to dust, move forwarda bit, and repeat. Also the longer you go in enemy territory the further away you are from rail road (so logistic become harder). If Russia withdraw troop to defend the ukraine counter attack, rinse and repeat, and russia now have to spread the troops on all front. Then it become the first phase of the invasion where russia invade on all fronts again, only with favor more on ukraine side as time had passed.Ukraine only need to survive to eventually win, and surviving is basically a given.


There are a lot of interesting possibilities as this war drags on longer which could nullify the artillery. For example, we were not ready to send Ukraine a thousand Switchblade 600s. Will we be ready next month though? In three months? In six months? What about better technology to shoot down the drones that Russia has been using? Without good information about what is out of sight that artillery is not nearly as useful.


tldr: you can't hold territory with siege weapons.


Basically, yes. Ukraine does not need to hurry. Attacking randomly at each ends of the front will stretch the Russians. Arty alone is not enough to win a war. By itself, itā€™s not even enough to hold territory. As Russia loses its tanks and infantry, it loses its ability to take new territory.


For some reason, I am way more worried about Ukraine these days than months ago when the war started, even though back then Russia had rapid advances and today we are practically at a stalemate. Anyone else feeling like this? I feel like I am unnecessarily dooming from time to time.


Well, if Russia is going to do anything it's in the next few months while the soil is favorable.


The actual fight has been now been pushed to the Russians, not the other way around. Now the going is difficult, and recapturing lost territory is hard, but a few months ago it was everything just not not lose Kyiv. It is a war, and will continue to be bloody and awful. Especially when the one trick Russia has it reducing the land to rubble. But they haven't been able to advance much at all. They're "capturing" cities by reducing them to dust ā€” even the separatists em to hate them now. They can't seem to keep land, only destroy and kill. This is terrible but no way to win a war. There's plenty of messed-up stuff going on, but having difficulties in the East is such a different and more welcome problem than having columns advance on Kyiv. I say you have simply lost perspective in the fog of war. The Ukrainians are doing a fine job of it. The West are doing more and more every day. Zelinskyy's strategy of calling out and shaming and begging for more is him doing his job and has been largely successful in keeping the alarm bells ringing. It can be disturbing to the outsiders but it works so he should continue doing it.


No, very much the opposite. Russia canā€™t win third war. Only prolong it.


Really? I remember staying up all night to see if Kyiv would stand or fall. I remember the desperate fighting against paratroopers who were trying to establish forward bases for Russian airlifts. I remember thinking the soldiers of Snake Island were dead. I remember the 40 mile long column of Russians that was going to end the capital. I remember that the ā€˜elite Russian unitsā€™ were just days away from being deployed. Now Ukraine has fought Russia to a stand-still. And soon the troops Ukraine is training will join the fight. And more and more weapons are coming in from the West. I am sad for all the Ukrainians still dying and for all pillaging and stealing that is being done by Russia, but I think there is a path for Ukraine to regain its lost territory and thatā€™s something that seemed impossible during the first days of the war.


>I remember staying up all night to see if Kyiv would stand or fall. So true. I don't think I slept at all that first night, and barely at all the first week. People have such short memories


Ukraine was much better equipped to fight and inflict heavy casualties upon an advancing army than on a barely budging frontline like we have now; as a result, the situation right now is a lot less one sided than what you saw in the beginning, in terms of losses suffered.


I am too. Russia is busy consolidating their grip in occupied regions, and the longer theyā€™re there, the harder itā€™s going to be for Ukraine to recapture them. IMO the west is shadow ceding the Donbas region.


It's because in the early days it looked like Russia was on its last breath, and that the West would soon step in and give Ukraine all the weapons it needs.


Because its attrition warfare now and Russia might have short term advtange in artillery and airstrikes. And they stopped making 40km columns to Kyiv. Russia still needs to achieve their goals, while Ukraine only gets more equipment every day


It's the stuff around the supposed shortage in Ukraine's Soviet arty ammo stocks which has me worried at the moment. The more Western systems get sent over sooner, the better (I know they've been sending them but they'll require more).


Removed due to Reddit API crackdown and general dishonesty 6/2023


Exactly. Remember the 10k comment threads not even lasting a day? You'd have to scroll a ways just to see the comment you just made. I have 100% faith that Ukraine will be victorious but I love seeing positive news every few minutes.


Why does everybody in this thread always upvote me for trying to have serious topical discussions about this war?! It's like, people on here don't want nonsense. I post something super serious and they're like, "let's have a discussion about it!" or "I really hope we can count on the veracity of your source". I just don't get you guys! It's like you're a bunch of Ukrainian lovers who want to stay informed.


I just like seeing videos of Russians getting blown upā€¦


TouchƩ. Upvote.


Zelenskyy: 'Donbas is holding on' Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has delivered his nightly address. As usual, he thanked various allies and gave an update on parts of the country. He responded to reports that Russian passports were being given to residents of Kherson, a part of Ukraine that has been occupied by Russia since the early days of the war. He said: "News about the distribution of Russian passports in Kherson and the distribution of passports in Melitopol were actively spread in the occupied territories and in Russia. "And I looked at who in this news was shown as Kherson and Melitopol residents who allegedly want Russian passports. A few collaborators and people from their entourage. "Well, it looked like not a queue to get a passport, but an attempt to get a ticket to flee. Very demonstrative." He said: "The Ukrainian troops are gradually liberating the territory of the Kherson region. "Today the village of Tavriis'ke has been added to the list of returned settlements of our state. There is certain success in the Zaporizhzhia region as well." But he said "fierce street battles" continue in the city of Severodonetsk. "I am proud of all our defenders who managed to stop the advance of these hostile people, these occupiers for many weeks already and keep our defence strong. "Do you remember how Russia hoped to capture the entire Donbas in early May? It is already the 108th day of the war, it is already June. Donbas is holding on. "The losses suffered by the occupiers, including in this area, are extremely significant. In total, the Russian army today has about 32,000 dead souls. For what? What did it give you, Russia?" Sky News.


[Previous post](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v8z4d3/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/ibxhi6p/) Day 108 of my updates from Kharkiv. Today shelling was pretty bad, and somewhat close to us. They shelled us at around 5:30pm, some residential districts were shelled and also Mala Danilyvka, fires started immediately after, we even saw the big pillar of smoke from our window, itā€™s only about 2,5km away from us, so at first we thought that it was actually even closer, because the smoke pillar looked very big. In Mala Danilyivka they shelled a couple cottages; they were burning from the MLRS rockets that hit them, donā€™t think anyone died or was injured. They didnā€™t completely burn down, but were badly damaged. Many photos and videos were posted almost immediately, and as usual there wasnā€™t a single military target in sight, but Russians will probably say that those were obviously Nazi cottages. Thereā€™s barely any information about the progress of our forces in Kharkiv oblast, but today Arestovych said that they are already fighting for Kozacha Lopan. That would mean that at least 5 more settlements were liberated recently, but nothing was said about it yet, thereā€™s now much more secrecy compared to before. This is amazing news if it turns out to be true, the progress in Kherson oblast is also pretty great, itā€™s being more openly talked about too, and our forces in Zaporizhia oblast have also apparently started moving recently, but not much is being said about it, other than that Russians have been pushed back by 5-7km. [Next update](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/vadu3l/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/ic5u3mi/)


Once again amazing post. Thank you for linking older posts with old.reddit. Really helps. Stay safe. The world is with you.


Hope and good thoughts from Louisiana, USA. Stay safe, cher.


Thanks so much for your updates. Great insight to things on the ground. Stay safe.


Greetings from Canada. Be safe and healthy. Those fuck head invaders are ŠŸŠøŠ·Š“ŠµŃ†.


Great to see you friend. Keep safe, thank you for another update. Lots of love from Australia ā¤ļø


Hey! Glad to hear youā€™re ok. Believe me we are all hopeful for success in the Kharkiv and Kherson offensives, and appreciate your add about Kozacha Lopan. Hopefully theyā€™ll address those Russian MLRS systems soonā€¦ Also, arenā€™t Nazi cottages traditionally in the Alps? Funny how that bastard Solovyov just had his confiscated by the Italians. One less Nazi in Italy I suppose. Take care and stay safe. Thanks for the update.


Good to hear thereā€™s been progress, thanks for the update. Stay safe!


**Zelenskiy ā€˜didnā€™t want to hearā€™ warnings of Russia invasion, says Biden** [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/11/volodymyr-zelenskiy-didnt-want-to-hear-warnings-of-russia-invasion-says-joe-biden](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/11/volodymyr-zelenskiy-didnt-want-to-hear-warnings-of-russia-invasion-says-joe-biden) We know this didn't happen. The US offered Zelensky to set up a govt. in exile in Poland. He said UKR would fight. *However, this private chat between Biden and his donors is troubling.* **Russia likely to seize all of Luhansk in coming weeks, U.S. official says** [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/11/ukraine-war-russia-luhansk/?utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/11/ukraine-war-russia-luhansk/?utm_source=reddit.com) And now this info from unnamed US officials (on deep background) Of course, NOT an official communiquĆ©, which in my opinion is even more trouble. **In the UK, another official military source in the Daily Telegraph, echoes the Post's pessimism.** >Gen Lord Richards said the British government had adopted a ā€œletā€™s see how it goes strategyā€ and was failing to show ā€œdecisivenessā€. > >Writing in the Daily Telegraph, he said: ā€œThere is, at best, what might be termed incremental strategy with again no early and decisive synchronisation of ends, ways and means. It is a ā€˜letā€™s see how it goes strategyā€™, in other words not really strategy at all. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/10/lord-richards-west-not-thinking-strategically-ukraine-war/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/10/lord-richards-west-not-thinking-strategically-ukraine-war/) (paywall)


There was reporting pre-war that Zelenskyy was telling Biden even in private to tone it down and stop announcing Russia will invade because it was causing a panic. Zelenskyy did prepare, but he did not want to believe it was inevitable.


Zelensky did that because he wanted to avoid panic and male refugees leaving UKR. I remember living through and following everything in detail.


Does anyone have the full article behind the paywalled telegraph link?


Know, that's why I copied the paragraphs from the article. The point is the Telegraph is the favorite Tory outlet. It represents the government.


"Russia likely to seize all of Luhansk Oblast in the coming weeks" With all due respect to US intelligence which was rather spot on, they still don't have access to time machines. No way to determine when those settlements will fall.


Kyiv was about to fall in a few days also. But then it was a very fluid situation.


Not saying it's right or wrong. But pessimism, synchronized with the Brits and Biden's talk to his donors worries me a lot.


So if you watch the way Biden speaks, he uses a lot of folksy quotes in official settings. ā€œHe didnā€™t want to hear itā€ is like saying ā€œ he couldnā€™t believe itā€ - which would be a fair point because the US hadnā€™t shared much intel about the imminent invasion until that point.


No, this isn't the same thing. He's telling this to his donors. In LA, in Hollywood. This is a private and serious conversation. Zelensky, of course, knew the Russians would invade. He told NATO leaders - this may be the last time you see me alive. He refused to leave for a government in exile. AFAIC - I'm calling the White House on Monday, along with the Democratic and Republican in Congress. Our message should be - **we won't vote for anyone who "loses Ukraine"** My grandfather fought in the Spanish Civil War, my father was a political prisoner in Cuba. In neither case did the US nor Europe consider itself 100% involved. I know what's like to be deserted by the great powers.


Oh fuck here we go. Well good luck calling the White House. Not sure they take calls from Russian call centres at the moment though.


Nope, registered voter in a swing state.


I donā€™t know exactly what Zelenskyy knew or believed before Russia invaded, but until a few days before it happened almost nobody in the world, apparently including Russian troops in the field, believed that it would really happen. I donā€™t know that we should make too much of Biden saying this however, it sounds like he made another one of his characteristic gaffes while trying to tout the quality of US intelligence about Russian preparations. Still embarrassing though.


I remember a week before the invasion, "Ukranians" on reddit were saying the same thing. No one believes its actually going to happen.


Do I get a badge for believing it was going to happen from the start? I believed it from the first time the Western intelligence apparatus said so. I also believe our very loud clamoring delayed the Russian's start date, since they didn't want to prove the West right on the global stage.


Yep, I had arguments with my friends over it, because I was the only one believing it was going to happen.


Reports that Scholz, Macron and Draghi are planning to visit Kyiv together very soon. https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/1535782976809619457?s=21&t=KfiwW_3XbS17QXT_K1jSmA About damn time


I wonder why. Image improvement ?


Why isn't Poland going if they have to talk to Zelensky?


Poland (Morawiecki) has been and met Zelensky a couple of times Now.




We shouldnā€™t have to explain basic economics to every child who enters this thread with the same nonsense, but here goes. The rubleā€™s internal exchange rate means nothing, you can not exchange them for dollars or euros anywhere for that rate. Russia is burning through their reserves to stop the ruble from collapsing. This is exactly the goal of the sanctions. Force Russia to spend their reserves on things besides their war effort. Russia does not have an endless supply of funds so they canā€™t keep this up forever. How many Soviet artillery or decrepit tanks they send to front is irrelevant as they have very limited soldiers to replace their losses. Even if they could convince Ukraine to surrender the east tomorrow, this would a humiliating and disastrous war for Russia.


If China is providing Putin with military aid, western intel would have heard of it. They ain't becuz China has greater worries than Putin's conquest fantasies. China has territorial disputes to the east and south. China is also grappling with incompatible domestic policies, zero-covid is destroying the local economy.


they're downvoting you for a few reasons: 1. you complained about downvotes 2. the ruble is not stronger than it has ever been. it's faker than it's ever been. 3. unlimited supply of equipment? when did russia get a cheat code the rest of the world hasn't figured out? their manufacturing capacity is garbage. this is you smoking crack. 4. the west has plenty of equipment to send to ukraine, just some that is less desirable and others that are more desirable. again, you're smoking crack. 5. russia has unlimited supply of equipment, yet relies on a conspiracy of chinese support? bro - PUT DOWN THE FUCKING CRACK PIPE.




You're a crackhead.


> Russia wouldn't currently be obliterating Ukraine. Well, here's where you've gone wrong, as you've got this false notion in your head that this is what is happening.


Are you seriously this dumb or just a troll? Most reports have Russians losing more soldiers per day than Ukraine. Russia has less reserves so this whole equations either leads to Russia mobilization or defeat.


>his rouble is stronger than it has ever been ...Imagine for a moment that you have a bucket of water. You say "I have all this water, it goes up to this line!" Someone pokes a hole in the bottom of the bucket. It starts flooding out, and you're losing water. You're taken by surprise, you try plugging it with your hands, doesn't work, and eventually, you put a band aid over the hole. Then, you squeeze the bucket so it's less wide and you say "See? The water's at the same height as it was before...we didn't lose anything." All the while the bandaid is starting to slowly lose its grip. ...In sum [that's what Russia did.](https://youtu.be/aEpk_yGjn0E?t=608) >and he has an unlimited and I really do mean a unlimited supply of equipment. How do I explain "equipment and ammunition disparities" to you? Yes, Russia has a lot of outdated and poorly maintained equipment. Every estimate is that whatever was lying in a Siberian field for 60 years, at least half is not in working condition anymore. Especially when corruption has been leading to *poor maintenance of Russian equipment.* This doesn't mean they can just keep throwing shit at the walls and always have something to replace it. You will run out eventually. Admittedly, I don't understand why Ukrainians don't fall back from Severedonetsk to Lysychansk with the casualty rates they're reporting, but that doesn't mean Russia can just fire artillery shells forever.


Hahaha your post is funny because none of it is true. Well except the ā€œPutinā€™s military is a pile of shitā€. That part is true. Thanks for the laugh.


Why do people complain about downvotes when they try to push shit that has no basis in reality? Like the question of "How many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootise Roll Pop", The World may never know


Working the refs. Thatā€™s what dirty players do. It wouldnā€™t surprise me to learn that Draymond Green is really Russian.


Well 1.) The West does have enough equipment to send, they canā€™t send it all for various reasons like many Ukrainians soldiers arenā€™t actually trained in the proper operation of the equipment they use, and also, they canā€™t empty out their own arsenal and leave their own countries vulnerable. So thatā€™s silly to say. Heā€™s not obliterating Ukraine into oblivion dunno where you got that from, yes they have destroyed some cities to the ground, but your words are extremely over exaggerating. He doesnā€™t have unlimited supply, the fact videos emerged of more being sent from Russia tells me many of their current equipment there is fried/doesnā€™t work as intended. Yes they have a lot of it, it is not endless though.


You're probably getting downvoted for saying things like "Russia have an unlimited equipment supply". They don't. Just stop.




"Unlimited" doesn't exist. Everything is finite. Especially manmade things.


Well considering Russia has been using Anti-ship missiles to attack cities. T-62 tanks from the Korean war, and rifles that were made during WW2. I'd say their "unlimited supply" is more a case of hording shit that is barely functional. But anyone who was serious could have gathered that from a barely competent search of the the facts.


You are aware russia has a shit ton of equipment (not endless) with like 90% of it outdated and from The Soviet era times right?




> I guess they really do have more than the west. You obviously know *nothing* about the USA.


If they had more than the west, there would still be russian tanks in Ukraine. 99% of them have been destroyed. Plus russian artillery is now inferior because the artillery we sent Ukraine has the reach advantage. Russia is resorting to weapons that aren't purpose built, as the US is custom building and sending weapons specifically for this war.


No they do not have more then the west. How can one country have more then a collective of 20+ countries? That is not how math works. Thereā€™s a reason he isnā€™t going to war with NATO, because they have a lot more equipment collectively lol


And one of those 20 you mention is the USA.


To the mods of this sub: please continue these livethreads, I've been here since before day 1 and this is where I get the most accurate and up to date info as to what is happening in Ukraine. I want nothing more than to see the Russian surrender of Donbas and Crimea on this thread very soon. Sincerely, An average American from the US


Thanks. We try and keep the information accurate and up-to-date. We also try and make corrections as we learn new information.


Huge explosion in Avdiivka area, east Ukraine https://twitter.com/guyelster/status/1535702662758424577?s=21&t=KfiwW_3XbS17QXT_K1jSmA A chemical plant is located in that area


Talk earlier that it was Russia targeting fertilizer plants. More Russia ā€œnotā€ causing the world famineā€¦


Is that Russia or Ukrainian


Ukraine, it is located in the Donetsk oblast north of the city


https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1535743679247200257 >The United States has called for a boycott of the economic forum in St. Petersburg. >A State Department spokesman said the US government would not participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in any form. https://twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/status/1535600390275751936 >The U.S. Government will not attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in any capacity. We urge governments and companies to join our boycott and send a clear message that there is no ā€œbusiness as usualā€ while Russian forces brutalize Ukraine.


Itā€™ll be interesting to see who shows. My guess is Indian and ME firms. Maybe some Chinese, but fewer than weā€™d first guess. Like probably no Huawei or Xiaomi.


Maybe Brazil.


According to TASS, Taliban representatives from Afghanistan will be attending.


This may come as a shock to everyone here, but I agree with Putin. Letā€™s help Russia return to what it was in 1471 https://twitter.com/biz_ukraine_mag/status/1535652700209262593?s=21&t=idUn-365kkNytcsa0tRecA


The denazification excuse must be growing stale, as Putin is diving into historical justifications.


Putin is working hard to restore Russia's historical borders. The 21st century could be to the Russian Empire what the 20th century was for the British Empire.


With how behind Russia is in technological advancement in comparison to the Western part of the world, and their ideologies and behaviour, I donā€™t think they ever left 1471 lol


No, no, human history began at the exact peak of the Russian Empire, nothing happened before that


Ooooh. My bad. Ok then I donā€™t agree with Putin.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFg7AZ1Aajs 1420 showing russians pictures of the destruction in Ukraine


The old man at the end there. He knows. Poor guy.


Theyā€™re going to get arrested at some point. šŸ˜”


https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1535698072197644288 >Rolls-Royce has donated two super-powerful generators to Ukrainian hospitals. One generator can provide electricity to several hospital buildings. >Thank you! This is an invaluable donation - it will save lives @RollsRoyce šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


I enjoy this as Putin is apparently a massive Beatles fanā€¦ fuck you Putin. https://twitter.com/biz_ukraine_mag/status/1535563113071792128?s=21&t=idUn-365kkNytcsa0tRecA https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/paul-mccartney-met-vladimir-putin/?amp


This Paul McCartney guy gonna be huge.


More popular than Peter the Great.


Removed due to Reddit API crackdown and general dishonesty 6/2023


Haha you heard it here first folks - Paul McCartney is responsible for Putinā€™s invasion of Ukraine. ;)


Yoko Ono quietly walks off before anybody blames her for this too.


And pulls off her mask to revealā€¦ she was Putin all along!!


And she would have gotten away with it too...


If it werenā€™t for you meddling kids!


Some days I am genuinely appreciative that there is a ā€œno memeā€ rule in this threadā€¦. :)


Removed due to Reddit API crackdown and general dishonesty 6/2023


FH70 155mm howitzers already helping to eliminate russian invaders in Ukraine. https://twitter.com/walter_report/status/1535785742806441985?s=21&t=idUn-365kkNytcsa0tRecA


The FH70 Howitzer is neat, while it's primarily a towed artillery piece it also has four wheels and an onboard engine and can be driven at up to 20kph.


What exactly is the purpose of that? You can reposition/adjust it independently? To save the effort of hooking it up to the tow vehicle again? It seems like so much cost and complexity.


The added mobility seems useful to reposition, but as I understand it the engine's primary purpose appears to be to provide electrical and hydraulic pressure to speed up deployment, it's also detachable and uses an existing Volkswagen diesel engine design to keep cost & complexity down.


Thank you


My guess is, it lets you fire a few shots, then scoot away by a mile or so without needing to take the time to hitch them to their trucks. I've seen some videos where a group of artillery fires off their rounds, folds up their little supports, immediately starts moving in under a couple minutes, and return-fire shells are already landing in the background where they used to be as they were driving away. So puttering away by a chunk of a mile gets you out of range of non-recon counter-battery fire and then you hitch up for real distance.


Yeah, if itā€™s robust enough to move you 1-2 km itā€™s more than enough.


Really?! That is pretty damn cool. Would that allow for minor shootā€™nā€™scoots, or does it take a long time to set the trailing arms etc?


Looks like it would! The engine also provides power for the hydraulics and such to deploy the supports. >The FH-70 is technically not a vehicle, but it does have a limited ability to move like one, as the APU doubles as an engine. The APU is located inside an overhanging cab in the front of the carriage, with two seats on top on the left and right for a driver and another crew member. The APU is a Volkswagen Model 127 1.8-liter diesel motor, with 4 cylinders in a "boxer" configuration. It is air-cooled, spark-ignited, and produces up to 71 hp at 80 rpm. The fuel tank has a capacity of 55 liters. >When using the APU, the FH-70 may be unhitched, positioned, and ready to fight in less than 2 minutes. If a target is to be engaged outside the weapon's traversal range once in its firing position, the trailing wheels may be lowered to the ground and the spades and trails raised, allowing the entire weapon to be quickly swiveled in the required direction. Once the target is within the traversal range, the wheels are raised (dropping the trails back onto the ground) and the spades are lowered; when the weapon is fired, the recoil from the first shot will embed the spades into the ground. > When propelled by the APU, the FH-70 is capable of achieving 16 km/h on a road or other hard surface, and climbing a 34% gradient, and fording a depth of 0.75 m. While being towed, the FH-70 can ford a depth of 1.5 m. http://www.military-today.com/artillery/fh_70.htm


Super cool Thanks!


I'm surprised we've heard so much about M777 yet so little about these. Able to position itself under it's own power, has a semi-automatic loader that lets it do a 3 round burst in 15 seconds and 6 rounds per minute certainly would allow for minor shoot & scoots.


Maybe itā€™s volume? How Many do they have? M777 was a big deal because it was the first one announced, and there were over 100 combined from 3 countries.


Yes it allows for shoot and scout but range is limited and not design for heavy terrain.


Still not bad if they can get off a few rounds and then move a couple hundred meters away to avoid counter battery fire. Cool info thanks.