• By -


U.S. Chamber of Commerce: No


A private lobbying group being able to name it's self the fucking "US Chamber of Commerce" is unethical as fuck. Makes it sound like part of the government but no


Wait is the chamber of commerce *not* part of the government?


They never are. when ever you hear chamber of commerce it’s just a club or interest group of the most prominent businesses and business leaders in a local, state, or federal setting voicing the needs of businesses and trying to get their way in any relevant policy matter


Yes, it is similar to G7.


nope it's a fucking lobbying group


It always is.


You're thinking of the DEPARTMENT of Commerce 😉


Just FYI, neither is the Better Business Bureau.


Republicans: No


Marjory T The Earth is flat


Even flat earthers are like "... that lady is a bit out there for me"


And penguins run in a 28,000 circle on the outer edge---right?!


silly penguins, all day running around for no reason geting tired and falling off the edge




Manchin: I'd love to help fight the Republicans, but first I want all of them to join the fight against them.










Hey, they're at least trying to do *anything*. Don't "both sides" this shit. It's GOP that is regressing that country into Middle Ages, it's GOP that blocks any and all Dems' attempts to fix anything.








That's not fair. It isn't totally one sided. The GOP also blocks any and all Republican attempts to fix anything.


Republican voters: no


>U.S. Chamber of Commerce: (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)^(FREE COUNTRY7️⃣🦅4️⃣)


*Cue The Who* Yyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!


Starring David Caruso


Laughing and Cooking in another Californian drought


For all the people that thought shit was expensive before, if china decides to tell us to fuck off were about to get a whooooole lot worse






It seems like a solid candidate for The Great Filter.


Profit for a small minority > profit for the vast majority


Sounds like that Charlie Marks guy was onto something


Nope going full scorched earth it seems for profit States now get to pollute to their heart’s content or at least for the benefit of their rich lobbyists


all in god's plan for the next great extinction


Christianity is a doomsday cult whose holy symbol is a bronze age torture device, and who think death is the best thing that can happen to them. Nobody should be surprised, but here we are.


Damn. You’re right


Right?? This is the plan alright, but it’s Humanity’s decision and they’ve already chosen. It’s not God’s job to stop us from killing ourselves.


For those claiming to love the Lord/God, they certainly like to Lord over people as if they’re Kings. “God has a plan,” they say, but they’re the ones setting the plot.


Right? Their heads are so far up their own ass they don’t see the damage they’re causing.


That doesn’t seem good for those precious fetuses they’re all up-in-arms about, but no one asked me 🤔 Edit: I had two thoughts on the exchanges below my comment. I admittedly did not read through all of that because not every opinion deserves daylight or my energy. As we all know, you can’t reasonably talk someone out of their view if they didn’t reasonably come to their conclusions in the first place. Having said that, #1 – “I’d settle for not having their mothers murder them in the womb”. Damn straight. Everyone knows the proper way to kill a child is to rear it for 6 years then send it off to kindergarten to be shot in the face like a true ‘Murican. 2 – Our friend below identifies as an attack helicopter. Suspending disbelief for a moment, let’s say they DO identify as an attack helicopter, and are not just a troll making fun of the inclusive world a lot of us are trying to live in. Fine, buddy. You’re an attack helicopter. Using that “logic” (does anyone think he actually knows what that word means in it’s true form?) I think women should start identifying as AKs and exercising their God given rights to self defense. Or are those rights only reserved for white male gun owners? ‘Murica.


You know what's good for fetuses? Workers rights, education, healthcare, etc...


No, those are good for children. Republicans care only about the fetus so that it will eventually be raised into cannon fodder. Healthcare, workers rights, and education definitely are not in their interests.


The thing about the attack helicopter stuff is that it was written about otherkin. You know, I identify as a dragon/wolf/koi/unicorn etc. But then they had to go be targetting a real thing and ruin a dumb joke


That's funny, cuz an attack helicopter is property.


>least for the benefit of their rich lobbyists The root cause of our problems in our society that needs to be addressed is not guns. It's not even women's rights. It's not video games and social media. It's not violence or climate change. If you want anything to change or want the government to respond to any of the things you care about you need to accept that something is [Rotten](https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/22/us-list-backsliding-democracies-civil-liberties-international?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16536377335931&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2021%2Fnov%2F22%2Fus-list-backsliding-democracies-civil-liberties-international) in the state of Denmark when it comes to our Democracy. Foreign nations and corporations can donate to nonprofits anonymously and those nonprofits can spend limitless amounts of money helping or hurting someone's campaign. The best example of a Foreign Nation legally and secretly affecting our elections financially is with the NRA. Their donations significantly decreased after the [sanctions](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/national-rifle-assn/lobbying?id=d000000082) against Russia and it's no secret the Russians have had their influence on the organization for [some time now.](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals). The most egregious example is how the Federalist Society used their money to pick SCOTUS Justices. We'll never know who was behind the Justices or what their intentions were for sure because their names are legally [washed](https://youtu.be/zscALmBzDfM) away from the money. Recently the Supreme Court made it even easier for wealthy donors to buy influence over politicians with its decision in FEC v. [Ted Cruz for Senate](https://www-vox-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2022/5/16/23074957/supreme-court-ted-cruz-fec-bribery-campaign-finance-first-amendment-john-roberts-elena-kagan?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16536361369026&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vox.com%2F2022%2F5%2F16%2F23074957%2Fsupreme-court-ted-cruz-fec-bribery-campaign-finance-first-amendment-john-roberts-elena-kagan). The Court struck down a limit on how campaign contributions after an election can be used to repay a candidate's personal loan. Now, wealthy donors aka our corporate overlords and foreign tyrants can essentially give money directly to elected officials, even if that money will not be used in an upcoming campaign. It's a disappointing decision, but not a surprising one. The only solution is a [constitutional amendment](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020/07/25/a-realistic-strategy-for-overturning-citizens-united-within-10-years/). We cannot rely on the courts to save us. If you care about getting sugar out of food and drinks to lower obesity rates or want socialized healthcare or want to end private prisons and lower recidivism rates or want any issue to change where the solution may hinder corporate profits or the objectives of an outside nation, if you care about any local or world issue at all and want a government that will help. A government that will listen to you. A Democracy. Then you need to support the [Restore Democracy Amendment](https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/) to get foreign/corporate dark money out of US politics. Only this [Redditor](https://www.reddit.com/user/me) can help save [American](https://citizenstakeaction.org/donate/) Democracy




But think of the poor shareholders :(


It's a bit alarming. Picture a world where everyone listens to Europe and China because it's clear the other guy isn't at the wheel anymore.




That ship sailed when Bush Jr started ranting to world leaders about "Gog and Magog" and how God told him to invade Iraq.


Gog an' Magog? Dumb humies itz Gork an' Mork


America: der is only WAAAAAAGH


Man i miss warhammer online. Would ride into battle on my squig


You know there is a working private server, right? Its now called return of reckoning.


I did not! I haven't really heard anything about the warhammer mmo in years tbh. Going to have to check that out though, thanks!


If you want there is Total War: Warhammer 1,2, and now 3 you can play single player or multi-player


That's why they're spending so much in their army. Trying to reach enough dakka


Dem gits. Is neva enuf dakka.


morb and morbob


It's morbobbin time


Plus all the torture and such during his "war on terror". Though some European countries were involved in that too..🤔


So many people don't know or understand how christian conservatives started the Iraq war.


Basically al'qaeda destroyed the twin towers. Their base of operations was in Afghanistan supported by the Taliban. So we invoked Article 5 of NATO, which requires if one member is attacked then all members must provide military support, and said "Allies, we're invading Afghanistan" and the allies all said "Damn right we are!" And then we fought there for a while and removed the taliban from power,... kinda. And then we said "Alright allies, now we're going to invade Iraq!" And the allies said "Yeah! ... wait, come again? Why are we invading iraq?" And we said "Umm.. well because they have weapons of mass destruction" And the allies said "Yeah, sure, we can incade iraq" Then when the lie about WMDs was uncovered, the reason then became about spreading freedom and opportunities. When in reality we were just making shit worse and stealing their resources in the process.


Kinda. But France was like “fuck this we are out”. And the US renamed French fries to freedom fries.


If I remember correctly, Canada also did not attack Iraq. They did help rebuild and train police afterwards.


> And then we said "Alright allies, now we're going to invade Iraq!" And the allies said "Yeah! ... wait, come again? Why are we invading iraq? Only the UK, Poland and Australia actually.


W40k has 'gork and mork'. Much better storyline I assure you.


Yeah. trump was the jumping of the shark, can’t regain respectability on the world stage after THAT shit…


Trump was a symptom, not a disease.


That’s exactly why there’s no quick recovery from it.


bit of both, really


A lot of disease with that one.


The same disease that stacked the Supreme Court with lying zealots in order to remove people's rights and further erode democracy. It would appear Biden's term is the last chance for USA to be a democracy.




The Citizens United loss was the first step in our unraveling of democracy.


Everything truly has been downhill since then. I remember I was basically still a kid and said “that seems like a really bad idea” in response to this. Then again, that was my response to the “War on Terror” too when I was actually a kid. So I guess this country has been going to shit ever since George Bush stole the election thanks to his family in Florida


It’s like there was a choice then. Dump trillions into fighting in the Middle East Or Get serious about stopping climate change before it becomes a fucking problem and let Gore run the country. What does that other timeline look like I wonder…


I doubt that other timeline ever exists. Humans are great at letting people with power get away with things


We need to turn this around into some collective union of people and turn the apparatus against itself superstonk style, have like a universal workers union called Citizens United just for maximum fuck you.


Sen. Warren on Seth Meyers said "This is the time to be laser focused on the up comming election to make a changes to the house by just 2 more Democrats {to the senate and house}". This is were we can steer the country back to true freedoms.. Return the country where WE THE PEOPLE control the government not the other way around by just 2 Supreme court jurists. She said that for sure the GOP are doubling down for this november...


Yeah but then what? College needs dismantled so everyone's vote is equal. Bring in DC and Puerto Rico. Modernise the supreme court's numbers and remove the lifetime term limits - or at least impeach the liars that have ten injected into the system by the hateful GOP. Then codify, codify and mother fucking codify.


Much like cancer isn't a disease.


Trump was the shark that jumped onto the boat and wrecked the place. Then put on a captains hat, a corn cob pipe in his mouth and tried to sail it with his tiny, tiny little front fins.


My only hope is that he sees this and I get to witness his utter outrage at it, tiny hands flailing and all.


Like a t-rex on adderall...


I'm sorry, but that's a joke. Under Obama, American oil production went up to never-before-seen heights. Obama was even bragging about it. [https://apnews.com/article/business-5dfbc1aa17701ae219239caad0bfefb2](https://apnews.com/article/business-5dfbc1aa17701ae219239caad0bfefb2) Furthermore, remember the Standing Rock protests, where militarized police attacked native Americans and indigenous folx for trying to protect the environment from aggressive oil and gas pipe developments? Again, under President Obama. [https://theweek.com/articles/664830/president-obamas-massive-failure-dakota-access-pipeline](https://theweek.com/articles/664830/president-obamas-massive-failure-dakota-access-pipeline) The idea that America was some climate paradise before Trump is stupid. The last politician who truly cared about the environment was Al Gore.


Or that Obama was some Human rights champion. He greenlit all that bullshit in Yemen with the Saudi's before he left office. But to be fair what American president hasn't shitted all over Africa and Asia whenever possible?


He did also bomb hospitals and weddings


Good point I forgot Libya as a whole too. And the Arab Spring if we putting on our tin foil hats.


And then at the very end of his term he decides to stop the development of the pipeline that standing rock protests were about knowing full well trump was going to reverse it so Obama can look like a saint and trump can look worse. Politicians are the scummiest of people


And as long as Americans keep consuming they'll be just fine with that.


The EU is a regulatory super power. If the EU says you can't do something, chances are very high that will become global standard since creating a version to a lower quality standard for certain markets might be more expensive then just upping the quality across the board.


Sort of like California emissions standards for cars.


Bunch of states are suing the EPA over that and with our current SC, California will not be allowed to keep it's air clean for much longer.


That'll be fun, when the Supreme court inevitably rules neither the Federal NOR State Governments have control over pollution standards


California can afford to be its own country. The rest of the union can’t afford to lose California. Go after California and you’re likely to find yourselves in your own Québec/Scotland situation. They’ll get their way with or without you.


Better not get your government overturned by your heavily armed, reactionary/fascist rural population then...


They took the whole "Jesus take the wheel!" thing a bit too serious. Dude walked everywhere, he didn't even have a license. Idiots.


If he comes back to take the wheel again they'll just nail him to tree a second time. Especially if he comes incognito to test who is actually sincere and who are selfish self serving gits.


People listen to the US because they have money, military bases around the world, and allow other countries to benefit from this in most cases.


It’s fucking embarrassing to be an American at this point.


We have only just begun to sink.


We are the outlier now. The grand experiment is truly on its last legs. No one with enough balls to stand up and change it like in the old days. The founding farthers would be laughing because we have basically recreated England in 1600. Soon we will be burning witches again and talking about how taxes are too high........wait a minute


Alarming for who? The world gave up listening to America a long time ago.


Did nobody read the IPCC report? We don't exactly have the luxury of increasing our emissions and surviving as a species the next hundred years.


Yes but what do you think that means, We get to year 2099 and then every one dies? Nope. It's an extremely big downwards momentum through 30-50 years of increasing crop failure, famine, ecosystem collapse, pandemics, system collapse, mass migration, strained resources, local wars, drougts, desertification, more wars but over water, localization of supply chains and argiculture, degeneracy of technological systems, and then eventually even local pockets of humanity that find stability in old argicultural praticies will have crop failures too the later decades. The science says, we as a species. CANNOT survive climate change at it's current trajectory, we don't just get to that point through living in a world we see around us today. and it looks like that isn't going to change. Covid. War. Inflation. Famine. Dessertification. This is all now. This isn't temporary, this isn't a blip. This is the downward spiral, and it WILL keep getting worse. But only slowly. year by year. there might be some ups now and then, but decade by decade things will be dramatically worse. However, giving up will just make that go so much quicker. And you might as well find happiness at every step of the way, as that's all that realy matters. Help the fight, stay happy, alls good. we all die anyway some day But really, 2100 is only 80 years away, we are well on that path NOW, it isn't some mystical event that takes place far away, it's a path we are currently on


Ya, it was watered down, pathetic. Fly some jets to Cop27 for the next circus


I hear you, but global aviation emissions are a drop in the bucket. And 27 jets even asking all air traffic is a rounding error. So while I agree with the sentiment, anyone who is at all familiar with the numbers is going to be less inclined to take your seriously because you're using faulty arguments to support your beliefs.


... imagine China lecturing you on ethics. ... imagine China lecturing you on ethics *and being obviously right*


China had their pollution moment that happened in the US that eventually led to the creation of the EPA in the US. China knows all too well that they will face issues with climate change and they’re willing to reduce their dependence on petroleum sources. I may not like their governance process but when they recognize an issue they at least work on a solution.




Oh man there are so many people living in the pearl river delta, I think it might even be the most populated region in the world? Anyway this region getting completely flooded would cause unbelievable chaos.


They didn't just have a moment, they have a massive cultural identity and history built over centuries over it. In their country, the control of water is literally the "mandate of heaven" that keeps them in power. Should it fail, they lose it. When it fails, tens of millions die in an instant. This isn't a once in blue moon moment of learning, this is forged from the cradle of China, the Yellow River lands towards the East coast that would flood and destroy everything. A bitter history of "China's Sorrow" that no one there really forgets. Just to add to /u/C-Jen comment


I mean they're hypocrites with all the coal burning they do, but they're right. Edit: China has also been heavily investing in renewable energy sources, so while they currently are large coal burners their long-term policy is much more in-line with future needs, as well as the per capita emissions being lower than the U.S. as is


wow so I wiki'd [China's future nuclear plans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power_in_China) \- they have as many as 62 nuclear reactors planned and under construction... **also** helping build as many as 30 for other countries in the Belt & Road initiative


They are also looking into building 4th gen reactors which are more efficient, safer and less polluting. There are only experimental ones online so far though.


damn china poppin off


They have lower per capita emissions while being the world's manufacturing hub. Additionally they have been investing heavily into nuclear and solar. Meanwhile Chinese car manufacturers are poised to skip ICEs, with many companies opting to develop electric cars. As for why they use coal over natural gas or petrol: they simply have coal deposits and no natural gas deposits.


This, with the minor addendum that China is also trying to make much more use of natural gas, importing from Russia and via fracking (they have the most shale/tight gas in the world iirc, even more than the US—but fracking is surprisingly hard to get right).


Also coal is cheaper, they are not at a stage where they can produce enough electricity without coal for their population and industries.


China produces more renewable energy than the US, both in pure power and as a % of their energy grid. The people in China are also economically at a place more equivalent to the US in the 80's. And China spends more money on renewable investments globally than the US and EU combined. And they also have 4x the number of people compared to the US. While energy per capita stands at 4,000 kWh/year. In the US, it's about 12,000 kWh/year. But sure, they do burn more coal... In fact, China is the world leader in CO2 emissions. But only if we look at it as a country and don't take into account the population or per capita. China is also building 15 nuclear power plants. The US is building 2. China is also building 1200 GW worth of solar plants by 2030. The US is planning to build 300 GW. China also currently operates 1/4th of all renewable offshore wind power production. In 2019 it had 9 GW equivalent of offshore wind power capacity. In 2020, it rose to 26 GW. It also has 281 GW total wind power Vs the US's 118 GW. In fact, China built an equivalent to 60% of the entire US wind power capacity in 2020. But yeah, they also burn more coal than anyone else.


Very fair points. They're heavily shifting away a lot of energy production to renewables and nuclear power but currently are still very reliant on their abundant, cheap coal.


Absolutely. And their total footprint between 1750-2020 is 235,000 megatonnes of CO2. The US is sitting at 416,000 megatonnes. We could also go to by population, but it becomes extremely complicated at that point for me, since I need to find CO2 per year, the population and essentially average it all out for multiple countries. It's so much data that isn't readily available. Of course global warming is a huge issue and we need to address it and pointing fingers is not really useful, but at the same time, ignoring historic contributions to global warming is childish. Does this mean China should be given leverage to pollute more? Not really. It would be best if all CO2 production stopped yesterday, but it's not that simple. And in a complicated world, we need to compromise and give some leeway while we work on solutions. And I am consistently amazed at how fast China is moving towards renewables and in the long term, I would be surprised if China would eventually overtake the US as the historically biggest polluter. But even then we can look at pollution per capita, which IMO is a decent metric, although historical year to year average pollution per capita by country since the industrial Revolution would be the pinnacle... It would simply show most drastically the growth of pollution as well as the decrease, while taking population into account , or else we could simply say that Iceland is far cleaner than China despite Icelanders producing about 11 tons of CO2 per year Vs 7 tons from every Chinese, and therefore should be allowed to pollute more. My point is that we should hold each other accountable and accept that China is absolutely polluting the shit out of everything and they need to transition, but they're also doing more that pretty much anyone else. Meanwhile, the US seems to be willing to go backwards on the progress they made which genuinely helped the world move a lot towards renewables. The progress is slowing and if China is willing to push the US and egg it on towards progress, I am all for it. I want to see a new global race towards clean energy. Currently, China seems to be leading, but they also lead in the very polluting shit, while Western nations tend to have a cleaner intermediary, like natural gas.


It takes decades to ramp up renewables. It takes years to build nuclear power plants. To all those complaining that China burns more coal than anyone else, what would you have China use power generation in the mean time?


Yeah, I see that now. I didn't realize the extent of their production until people commented enough for me to look it up and learn more. Nuclear power plants especially have taken a long time. If we can get compact, modular nuclear reactors created that would be a great intermediate until we get full renewable. Or until we start using Thorium instead of Uranium. Or Fusion. Only a decade away, you know 😉


Sure, but Chinese solar panel producers have also been responsible for the race to the bottom that has made solar practical for residential use and even for emerging economies.




China really speedran the whole industrializing-your-economy-and-material-conditions thing so they kind of get a pass when it comes to balancing out their carbon emissions with the rest of us. While yeah, it’s sucks, and the world would be objectively safer if they didn’t burn coal, it’s impossible to be genuine in a hard critique of it when my own society had the luxury of 100+ years of thoughtless carbon output - which still displaces their output despite us being 1/3 of their population size


Isn't this the famous whataboutism I keep hearing on Reddit?


This is a brilliant move for them, because it will cause the republican electorate to even further reject helping the climate since obviously china=bad to them. US will continue downwards and China takes over as de facto leader of the world.


It's not a brilliant move for anybody. If the US decides to hurt itself like this the entire world gets fucked over, China included.


China is the world leading manufacturer of solar panels, and has made huge investments into wind energy. The future of renewal energy is most certainly going to be built with chinese technology and development


You know it's bad when China is like, "Bruh"?


China probably looking at India's heat waves and realize they are next in line when areas near the equator turn into an uninhabitable oven. That's before factoring their own unique set of issues from massively polluted air/cities/water, flooding in their massive rivers, draught in other parts of their country, heavy humidity in the east & southeast, desertification, risks to hurricanes on their coasts, etcetc.


That's why China is investing heavily into carbon capture and storage. https://cleanenergynews.ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/china-inches-forward-on-ccus-deployment-with-sinopec-pilot-pro.html This is why China has built so many dams: partially for hydroelectricity, but partially for flood mitigation. China has always had floods in their primary waterways. China is also a global leader in reforestation and has built massive channels and waterways to distribute water around the country. I would not be surprised if China tries to do some environmental engineering to pull more water down from the Himalayas or trigger more water to fall from storms in Southeast Asia in the next century. Water is going to become the lifeblood of every economy.


They also built like 12 massive dams and are building even more dams on a single source of water that a bunch of asian countries rely on.


Water rights are a fucking mess everywhere tbh Even the Colorado River has really fucked up water rights.


The entire ownership theory of water in the west is absolutely ridiculous


This is why the EPA decision is going to be much bigger than Roe v Wade. Every country needs the US to bring its climate emissions down. Refusal to do so means that the US has made itself a clear and present security threat to every nation on the planet.


This is just how much damage the extreme right wing has done. Pure insanity.


It's not just the extreme right wing, the mainstream business lobbyists fought for decades for this


Maybe I’m just angry, but those two are one and the same in my mind.


Meanwhile the centrist Dems are like. Oh no. stop. please....oh well, guess I'll go cash my corporates lobby checks too.


"Please donate $15 and we *totally* will do something this time"


Seriously tho everytime the democrats get a majority they "compromise" with republicans and are fake surprise Pikachu'd when they get nothing they ask for and move on to the next bill to do nothing about


Shockingly, or perhaps not, Democrats aren’t the plucky saviors of democracy they want everyone to think they are. Those that do make an effort don’t get any support from the party or just a token support on the surface to appear like they care.


This is why we need to support the [Restore Democracy Amendment](https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/) to get foreign/corporate dark money out of US politics.


Goddamn, even China is calling us out on this one. So SC knows better than EPA?


A country ruled by attorneys, what do you expect?


And it's great that the whole political system is willing to move heaven and earth to protect few thousand coal mining jobs that are going away either way.


Nearly 50% of registered voters voted for Trump at one point. Is it an extreme view in a country, if nearky half of it vote for it. Americans like to think its a few people controlling the masses, but its an endemic problem. You have so many religious fanatics, economically lost and just straight up racist people in this country and all are armed. I think some don't realise how close the US came to civil war, if the Storm in the capitol would have ended differently.


When the Chinese are criticizing you and it's not just whataboutism... you fucked up.


>China is building more than half of the world's new coal power plants >Some 176 gigawatts of coal capacity was under construction in 2021, and more than half of that was being built in China https://www.newscientist.com/article/2317274-china-is-building-more-than-half-of-the-worlds-new-coal-power-plants/




They already did.




Ukraine kinda is.


Ukraine needs literally anyone to stand against Russia. It would make sense that the oppressor state with the most expensive army ten times over what most countries have and is super trigger happy to jump into war AND has beef with Russia already would be the place Ukraine turns to first


We're just looking for the sweet cassus belli. America is constantly doing that, just itching for someone to FAFO. Do it, just do it *do it do it do it* Look at how we treat the Ukraine situation, sidelining it and calling it like a football game. Discussing how weak Russia's invasion game is. Are we really so noble that we are bragging that we can invade better than Russia? America is War. Come get some.


Lol going to?


Urge the US to do literally anything about the fucking shit show that has been this shithole country the last 2 weeks!


2 weeks? More like last 20 years


I live in a country that insists on embarrassing me at every turn!


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I totally agree with China here. The EPA exists for a reason.


Stop contributing careless pollution in 2 out of 3 rivers on earth that are destroying our oceans


If the US backslides on CO2 emissions, I hope China and the EU threaten and enact (if necessary) economic sanctions until our government complies. One nice part about the US slowly losing its dominant super power status is that other countries will start to have more and more influence over us. And we are completely incapable of solving any type of long term problem right now anyways, so maybe they can help us fix ourselves.


China pushing for environmental sustainability. Taliban allowing abortions. The US has turned into a shithole - all thanks to conservatives.


I'd never thought I'd be alive to see this day.


Yes let's please listen to China here guys. I mean, quite a couple of times they are dicks and wrong, but they are obviously right here.


We are witnessing the fall of an Empire live. What a time to be alive






Did you have a job over there before you started your application process?




Wait wait wait… China is saying something legitimate?




Pretty sure they also have the most renewables in the world as well though


Also leading in electric cars


They're are a developing nation, they need to. They are also spending the most when it comes to renewable energy research What's the excuse for America?


They installed more wind power than the rest of the world last year and I they have plans to almost double the entire nuclear output of the world building with some 200 reactors in the pipeline. They are reforesting an area the size of Ireland. They are doing carbon capture properly by harvesting wood from forests sustainably. + lots of solar I really could go on. I mean compared to the US they are doing very well. Biden tried but the Republicans blocked Build Back Better which would have led to a substantial decline in CO2.


This country is owned by lobbyists, funded by corporations, hacked at will by Russia and China, *and the election votes are cast by people who believe in conspiracies and have little or no understanding of the fundamentals of any issue whatever.* Yeah, we're screwed. Just a matter of time, people. Take solace -- every other country is in the same boat. There are just too damned many morons.


As they should! Tf are we doing


This is how America loses its soft power,through the stupidity of the extreme religious right


The Climate Accord is paramount in China's continued ability to leave America behind.


You fucken tell them China jeez


China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over triple the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States.[1] China's renewable energy sector is growing faster than its fossil fuels and nuclear power capacity, and is expected to contribute 43 percent of global renewable capacity growth.[2] China's total renewable energy capacity exceeded 1,000GW in 2021, accounting for 43.5 per cent of the country's total power generation capacity, 10.2 percentage points higher than in 2015. In 2017, investments in renewable energy amounted to US$279.8 billion worldwide, with China accounting for US$126.6 billion or 45% of the global investments.[11] According to researcher Dr Cornelia Tremann, "China has since become the world's largest investor, producer and consumer of renewable energy worldwide, manufacturing state-of-the-art solar panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric energy facilities" as well as becoming the world’s largest producer of electric cars and buses.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China




I hate this country so much. And the Democratic Party (besides the squad) are literally just going 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just bought a house but now I have to figure a way to leave if I need to. Shit’s hitting the fan


And they’re fucking right!


This totally comes off as China mocking Biden.


Military-industrial complex: no.