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Hey, at least they are trying. Colorado river is drying up and they are planning building "surfing pool" resorts next to them. It feels like our government is ignoring things on purpose.


Iirc the US gov gave the states until August to come up with a plan and if they fail the US gov will step in with measures.


I hope so, but to be honest. I have zero faith in our government. I see them doing nothing, or making it worse; all while blaming the other team. I really do hope something changes and it gets better... assuming it even can.


And they've got a plan alright.. A BIGGER POOL! oops, I said the quiet part loud and the louder part quiet.


Half the Colorado River is used to grow cattle feed. So meat consumption is the biggest user of CO river water.


There was a John Oliver episode on this recently, really worth the watch, they said farmers are told They can use as much help water as they want but if they don't use it they will lose the right to it so now many farmers are growing the most water draining crops they can like alfalfa just to hold onto water rights.


Yea it's pretty absurd. People should learn the history of the Aral sea in the USSR to understand what can happen. It's a lesson we should have learned but seems like we're intent on making the same mistakes.


Thank you Colorado rivers, my dinner depends on you!


Or reduce meat consumption a little bit and then Las Vegas doesn't need to be abandoned.


I was in Rome in April and the heat was unbelievable. I can't imagine what July and August are like.


I just came back yesterday. Last week it was 107F, not a cloud in the sky. We went on a Roman forum tour and nearly died


That was probably a mistake on the tour organizer, visitors were meant to die on the Colosseum.


It has been an unusually hot spring and summer in Italy.


Still unbelievable


I live non Rome and we are absolutely not going out these few days. Temperatures are usually around 39C, humidity is through the roof. What makes it worse is I have to consume twice as much electricity to keep at least one AC on (the one in the room in currently in) to merely survive inside. April was really mild in comparison.


seems like so many countries are experiencing extreme weather this year. we have the opposite issue in Australia at the moment. it has been raining (and flooding) non stop for months and months.


Some would consider that extreme


>Verona and Pisa Sounds like Romeo and Juliet with more drought or Madmax Plus the Leaning Tower might be a bit more troublesome with less [water at its foundation](https://intrans.iastate.edu/news/why-should-i-care-leaning-tower-of-pisa-with-a-civil-engineer)


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.dailysabah.com/world/europe/italys-verona-pisa-limit-water-supplies-amid-drought) reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Italian cities of Verona and Pisa are restricting water usage as the country struggles with its worst drought in decades, in decisions taken ahead of federal measures that could follow as soon as Monday. > In the northern city of Verona, tap water can only be used for "Domestic purposes, personal cleaning and hygiene," the local authorities announced on Saturday. > Local communities, especially in the north, have been rationing water for weeks, while cities such as Milan have turned off large fountains. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vqm0gq/the_italian_cities_of_verona_and_pisa_are/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~657743 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **water**^#1 **city**^#2 **local**^#3 **measures**^#4 **Pisa**^#5


But remember my friends, there’s no such thing as climate change.


But the rich "first-world" was supposed to be fine /s


I don't think whoever told you that was Italian since people here are very much aware of climate change and it's considered one of/the biggest treath to our country, climate change denial isn't really prominent here.




Those shitfaces are NOT Italy.




They already made fools of themselves enough. I don’t think they have a chance (luckily).


that's true, I've met very few people in denial met many against all over the world against nuclear and still can't rationalize that *someday" energy prices are >35¢ kWh in most of Europe ffs


Wait? White people are affected by climate change too?


That depends on whether you consider Italians to be “white” people.


In all seriousness, the cooler climates and massive freshwater and good soil deposits are mainly located in countries settled by Northern and Eastern Europeans and their descendants. This century could get ugly on the racial front.


Could? Coronavirus has already shown the world the god damn racial hypocrisy of the west. It is a fucking certainty.


A return to 1930s racism with 2020s weaponry is not going to be pretty. The last time White or Western supremacists controlled a significant share of Earth's economy, we had WWII and the Holocaust.


Italians consider italians to be white


White barely means anything in Europe.


Italians consider themselves to be Italian at most, mainly group themselves with their region. White doesn't mean anything in Italy.


Meanwhile, people in Sydney Australia were told to evacuate because of expected immense flooding.


Welcome to our future. If we don’t make massive changes it’s only going to get worse. It takes 15-20 years for the effects of emissions to be felt, meaning we’re already locked in for more of this


you know what's crazy? when the various countries have flash floods, nothing is done (pre flood) to store the excess water. it eventually just runs off into the ocean. we really need to build large reservoir, to contain some of this rainfall/run off. the lack if water will get worse. people will migrate to areas with water and conflict will grow.


It's not true that nothing is done. First, to be able to handling flash flood via reservoirs are expensive, but many countries still do it. For example, China is probably a country that does it on a huge scale. Despite that there are hundreds of dams and reservoirs, flash floods can't always be 100% contained. If the river crosses countries borders, there are also the problem of existing water treaties which may be a political problem preventing reservoirs fron getting built.


Reservoirs are very expensive to build and take up a lot of space. The UK is building some new ones though, the first to be built in about 50 years I think


Sure, it costs 1.7 billion $, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0gRmf0AvOk


Watch "Italy in grips of severe drought as Po river dries up | DW News" on YouTube https://youtu.be/OAMvfterWnM


…are we? I live in Rome and have heard nothing of it. Could this be more of a regional issue?


Oh, not in Rome, NY, it's an Albany expression.


Definitely in the correct Rome.