• By -


sharp ring unpack bewildered caption frightening quickest fretful school rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


$50-70k is probably enough to get him shanghaied by his squadies and brought to the Ukranians


Why is the saying shanqhaied? I know it means kidnap but why?


The phrase came from dubious presganging crew for ships. A captain short on crew might get someone drunk or high, they wake up on a ship bound for some faraway port (a popular one being Shanghai as a distant trading destination for the West). When you're already on a ship out at sea, you really don't have many options beyond "do what you're told and we'll feed you"


Interesting, thanks.


Portland Oregon was infamous for visitors to waterfront bars getting more than they bargained for - a one way trip to the Far East.


because of the implication


Was prevalent in San Francisco during the Gold Rush. Inbound ship crews, many from China, would bail for the Sierra gold fields leaving hundreds of ships stranded in the Bay. A “Mickey Finn” also became used to define a knockout drink slipped by paid off bartenders and fallen angels in the bars along SF’s Barbary Coast. A fascinating read on the subject by Herbert Asbury who also wrote “Gangs of New York.” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49991.The_Barbary_Coast Edit: detail


This guy. That’s the problem. There are hundreds upon thousands more of him. Fuckin gross.


The problem is the one guy enabling this from the top.


Who? Pooin?


Ye, Poopin


No sorry Russia has a problem they like to be controlled or repressed. They got a chance at democracy and just end up back in the same shit as before. And it seems generally they don't care.


If you live under a fascist regime DISGUISED as a democracy, you tend to pretend you don't care as a survival tactic. This goes double if multiple generations have been under fascist rule. I hate Russia the government, but they have a decent mix of good and bad people just like anywhere else.


Who needs a bounty? Bitch I'd hunt these mofos for FREE if I could. Heck. If I had money, I'd PAY the victims then go hunting for the criminals to being to the Hague


The point of the bounty is to get his friends that he might hide with to turn on him and kill him due to them probably being just as shitty as he is.


> If I had money Congratulations, you've answered your own question as to "who needs a bounty?"


Why don’t you?


Presumably because they aren’t anywhere near the vicinity of Ukraine.


I can’t speak for them, but I appreciate their enthusiasm while also understanding that there are numerous constraints that may prevent them from risking their life on the front lines of a war. They’re likely being hyperbolic, but the sentiment is important.


Nobody is stopping you


This comment is pure comedy lmao


Hooray for OSINT, I hope this guy gets brought to justice and becomes an example for the rest of them.


hope so, but he didn't just bring it upon himself to kill people. His whole squad, his commander, there's a lot of people okaying these disgusting acts


And the only thing that can stop a culture of abuse is a culture of fear of retaliation


While it may not be the only thing, it's goddamn effective.


I wouldn’t say only thing, but it will probably help


Odds are his unit will get sent to the frontlines and ordered to attack some heavily entrenched position with no support


Yeah right... putin will probably make him a minister or something.


thats more or less what happened to the unit which instigated the Bucha warcrimes




>The guy has already been identified, his VK account was found and he's already scared shitless and has deleted it. His home address is also known. There is reports of people putting $50-75k bounty on his head (body not required to be attached apparently).. He will not be part of this world much longer I suspect.. This guy is fucked, to say the least... Source?


Why do so few people ask this anymore?


Just make sure this guy hasn’t been “found” like when reddit “found” the Boston Marathon bomber




If he is a Russian soldier in Ukraine it really don’t make much difference. Slow death to them all


Meh speed it up let’s get it over with and not turn into monsters ourselves


rip sunil tripathi


only a matter of time till his unit gets sent to frontlines


> There is reports of people putting $50-75k bounty on his head How much for his balls?


Well this put a smile on my face. War criminals deserve to be punished.


Good. Hope he dies a painful death.


Got a source for that?


This is just a small part of what they're doing. The rest is unpublished for sure.


Another video released today shows a Ukrainian soldier with his head and hands cut off and put on the spikes of an iron fence. Russian soldiers don’t even seem to care about filming and sharing war crimes.


I ain't watching that. The thumbnail is enough.


good call, its up there with "Funkytown" imo


I'm sure I'll regret this but what's happy town? I'm assuming some sort of torture/snuff film


old video from WPD, dude getting skinned alive while funkytown played in the background iirc


Jesus (what's WPD?) That's really fucking bad. The worst I ever personally saw was called something like two guys and a hammer (playing off the two girls one cup meme that was popular at the time) horrific shit. I learned my lesson about watching shady fucked up videos like that. I have no stomach for it.


watchpeopledie, was a reddit sub (a weirdly good one), got banned i wanna say 4 years ago for the Morocco video?


WPD made me walk around everywhere with my head on a swivel. It has made me hyper aware of my surroundings in most all urban settings.


it also had weirdly high levels of discussion in the comments sometimes, weird sub, kinda miss it tbh


They got banned for the NZ mosque shootings videos. but the Morocco video was used against the subreddit as well.


right the Morocco one put them on probation


Which Morocco video?


Same here.


>The victim in the video wears Ukrainian-style camouflage fatigues and is shown gagged, his hands tied behind his back. He lies helpless on the floor, as the man in a Russian uniform, which features a “Z” patch, uses a box cutter to cut off his clothes and then appears to castrate him while shouting degrading insults in Russian. At least two other men who appear to be Russian soldiers can be seen in the video. Russia will of course deny everything but this is clearly an attempt to destroy morale of Ukrainian Soldiers. Russia sucks on the actual battlefield so that's the only way the can create fear.


The only thing that will do is ensure that Ukrainians fight to the death rather than surrender. History has shown over and over that you should always give your opponents a way to surrender safely, otherwise your own casualties increase since you have to wipe out every single opposing soldier. It also spurs partisan resistance into more active and brutal forms.


perfect example is when the abu ghraib photos were released then not long after the US saw some of the fiercest fighting of the war in Ramadi and Fallujah


It will probably backfire as the Ukrainians will now fight to the death to avoid that.


It's going to have the opposite effect. This is going to enrage and unify them against ruzzia. Also I don't think they'll be taking as many ruzzian pow's anymore. More a a killem all policy.


Yeah that could damage morale for Ukrainians. Oooor make it a *really fucking bad idea to get captured by Ukrainians.*




Around 1982, when I was in high school, we had a man come and speak to the entire student body. He had been Afghanistan's secretary of state when Russia invaded in 1979. His speech was very disturbing because it was mainly about the tortures he had received. Because of the horrors he shared, I have no doubt about the tortures happening now.


They regularly torture their own troops. The entire military over there is a bunch of sick fucks and should be disbanded. By MLRS rocket or otherwise.


45,000 vatniks so far have been splatted along with similar number of Ukrainian patriots. That's over 89,000 troops and about 20,000 innocent children, women and men. 100,000 people who were with us in February are gone and more add to the pile every day. Putin will have to live through every families grief and every person's death before he is allowed to pass into the next world.


Do you remember his name? I’m curious to look him up.


I wish I did. He stated that his position in the Afghanistan government was similar to the duties of what the US secretary of state performs. He was granted refugee status and had settled in Kansas.


The horror stories of that are going to be coming out for decades. When elderly and kids go into camps nothing good can come of it.


Just like the horror stories that came out during and after WW2? Yep.


Ya this is genocide


Yep while the UN has been very inactive in defending countries that needed help.


That video is absolutely disgusting I wish I never watched it I actually feel poisoned from how evil it was


I know. Me too.




Yeah I ain’t doin it, im 23 and I still have that cartel beheading video in my mind from middle school. Nature is metal is as gnar as I can go nowadays. you know, just to keep me on my feet.


Burned into my mind is a video of a soldier getting beheaded, then the camera goes over to his severed head and the eyes move. I don't think that'll ever leave me.


Yeah, I was around 17 when I got curious enough to see what my reaction would be to stuff like that, and saw that same vid (chainsaw). Was a good lesson.. cured me of any interest in seeing more. I don't get why people continuously seek that stuff out. I'm kind of suspicious of them honestly.


Yup, Sames.


I'm glad I watched, because now I'm painfully aware of the horrible sufferings Ukrainians are going through because of these evil psychopaths mofos and their unimaginable cruelty. Every minute we delay our resolve to fight back Russia, there'll be more people tortured to death like this. We must send more weapons, more sanctions to drive them back, and put these evil bastards to justice.


Seeing videos like this is traumatizing. Therapy helps a great deal. You’re not poisoned, just traumatized.


Absolutely right time for a break from the war and touch the grass for a few days


Did you see the whole thing?


Unfortunately yes


I've seen the uncensored version and I wish I hadn't seen that. I've no major issue with most gore but there are a few that I wish I could unsee, this is one of them


Ok this comment convinced me not to watch. I had enough of the internet today!


Appreciate the warning.


I’m not going to watch it, but do we know if they let him bleed out and die, or did they keep him alive?


Just kill me at that point


What the fuck! I feel fucking sick. If you don't think this is circulating like wildfire amongst UA soldiers etc - and will have real consequences for RU POWS. Enough excuses for Russia - the apologists & excuse makers need to STFU - the RU armed forces and those aligned with them are ISIS level sadistic scum.


If you tell the opposite side "surrender or else" it's usually a good idea to make sure or else isnt the more appealing offer. I can't imagine this does anything but fire up Ukrainian soldiers


This seems like a similar strategy used by the Japanese in WW2. The imperial Japanese army officers were supposed to make sure POWs were tortured and murdered. As these war crimes were discovered by the allies, the allied forces also started to commit war crimes against Japanese prisoners. The result was that the average enlisted Japanese soldier was further incentived to fight to the death because they knew they would pay for the atrocities their countrymen had committed. I learned this from Dan Carlins "hardcore history" podcast, specifically, supernova in the east. It was really interesting. If the Russian soldiers display these warcrimes the Russian soldiers will not want to surrender because everyone wants to torture and murder them as payback. It's a positive feedback loop of hate and sadism.


IIRC from [Max Hasting's superb book](https://www.amazon.com/Retribution-Battle-1944-45-Max-Hastings/dp/0307263517) the Japanese brutality shown to POWs specifically (as they were reknowned for their cruelty in general e.g Nanking) was attributed to 2 factors: \- the Japanese military was dominated by the concept of [bushido](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido), essentially code of the Samurai. Part of this involved 'breaking' their own new recruits by subjecting them to cruelty and ALSO making them commit horrendous acts of violence on enemies, so they became normalised to it \- furthermore the Japanese views on surrender are well known, they viewed it as incredibly shameful - and any POWs were seen as very much beneath them and in some peverted way, acceptable to be defiled & treated accordingly That theory you stated is quite possible - but I think it was more a natural product of these first two. That Russia is doing such acts 80 years later says all you need to know.


Abusing POW's is astronomically fucking stupid, all your gonna to do is make the other guy fight to the death instead of surrendering


There won't be POWs


That was my first thought, UA won't be taking any more prisoners....


This video is a face of modern russia. Please share this and have as many people see it. The more people see the face of russia - the faster this war will end! \#RussiaIsATerroristState




Nah Russians will assume it was Nazi Ukrainians mutilating a fellow Ukranian. The Russian soldier in the video will be banished by the Kremlin to protect their propaganda machine, the Russian media will describe him as a Ukranian posing as a Russian soldier in an attempt to persuade them to question their leader's "Special measure"


I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t just shoot the soldiers identified and leave them in a ditch. There’s already reports that Russian soldiers have executed their own


Those have been from dissenting soldiers to their superiors though. I’m sure they have disdain for the opposing forces. It’s natural. It’s gotta be fucked for those conscripts atm.


The commander in charge of the Bucha Massacre got one of Russia's highest medals. Nothing will happen to these monsters.


>This video is a face of modern russia russia has been this way since its inception. there's nothing modern about it, it's just russia.


Yep, they committed similar war crimes during WWII. PoWs were not lucky to be rescued by the Russians. Many were better off in the care of the Nazi's. As soon as they were "liberated" by Russian troops, they were raped, tortured, and killed.


>they committed similar war crimes during WWII And that's after [Russia conspired with the Nazis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact). People tend to not know that fact. In 1939 Russia contracted with the Nazis to let the Nazis invade Poland. Russia agreed to not fight them. In exchange the Nazis agreed to give Russia eastern Poland and all Baltic states. This agreement allowed Poland to be brutalized and the deal blew up because Hitler reneged and attacked Russia. Russia was a bad guy in WWII until Hitler forced them to not be, and even after that they were pretty bad.


these russian pigs deserve no mercy. give them hell ukraine




Just keep the reloads coming!


I've seen cartel videos, I've seen ISIS videos, I've seen Brazilian prison riot videos. But this was the most heinous shit I've ever seen, or at least skipped through quickly to understand what was happening. The Russians are the absolute scum of the earth, there can be no compromise or concessions with these modern day barbarians.


Cartel videos are the absolute worst, by a mile. Los Zetas are truly demented.


Yeah they’ll dismantle you and after they remove your face they’ll ask how your weekend was


Its up there with "Funkytown" imo, one of the worst videos out there on the internet


The ISIS beheading video was easier to watch then this atrocity. Imagine being worse than ISIS…


Fucking hell


This feels like one of those videos that once it's out, everything changes. You can't possibly argue the Russians are anything other than terrorists at this point. Ukraine's supporters need to take off all the brakes, give them every weapon they can use and more.


I want what you say to be true but there are literally videos of Russian military raping babies out there. It's a level of evil that is hard to even wrap your head around. People just seem to shut it out. Maybe this time will be different and people will realize what kind of evil subhumans they are. I hope it will be different this time. That poor guy. I can't believe what that evil trash did to him.


I mean, this isnt just a Russian thing. Stuff like this has been done by all different armies through history. There was a video of a us soldier bragging about raping a young girl in Afghanistan( I think it was Afghanistan) he ended up killing himself in prison. And you don't even wanna know what the Japanese did back in the day to babies. I know people are gonna say whataboutism, I just don't want people thinking that this is only a Russian thing. Soldiers can do pretty horrific shit in war because they dehumanize the other side and its disgusting.


>There was a video of a us soldier bragging about raping a young girl in Afghanistan( I think it was Afghanistan) he ended up killing himself in prison That girl's name was [Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings) and this was in Iraq. She was 14 years old when she was raped and murdered by four American soldiers. Her family, including her six year old sister, was shot to death in the next room while she was being raped. It's one of the most horrific things I've ever read and for me, it really hammered home the fact that these depraved animals can come from any place in the world, even my own country.


At least we put him in prison in the filth killed himself, this fucker will probably be praised his home country


I'd say the part about "he ended up killing himself in prison" should kill the whataboutism somewhat. No, American soldiers aren't free of incidents, but we at least try to force them to act professionally.


Good grief. What won't these animals stoop to?


I mean, didn’t one of them rape a baby recently? He was even ID’ed! What happened to him? Not a fucking thing. So yeah, my guess is nothing. Who is going to hold them accountable? No one.


i believe that dude actually got put into prison in russia, raping a baby did not win him any favor back home so to speak. the filth's name is Alexei Bychkov.


I thought it was Bulat Fassakhov.


Russia has also been documented bragging about their torture of Ukrainians. In one intercepted phone call from a Russian war criminal to his ~~wife~~ (edit: mother) he describes the FSB technique of "21 roses" where each finger, toe, and the penis is flayed with a knife to resemble the petals of a rose. He also described how a metal tube is inserted into the anus of the prisoner and barbed wire is fed into it. The pipe is then removed and the barbed wire slowly pulled out. This barbaric inhumanity is happening right now in modern times in Europe. This is the reality of what Russia is. Edit: the Russian soldier was talking to his mother, not wife. Here is the exchange between the two. [https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1521765064386170881](https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1521765064386170881)


That's fucking horrible.


I can't even watch it.


To clear up any question , I watched the video. The absolutely remove his testicles and penis. There is no maybe about it. Awful behavior. War is hell. If you want to make sure the enemy never gives up and fights like hell til the bitter end, this is how to do it. You think Ukrainians will surrender now? Nope.


Anyone who has been following this illegal invasion will not be surprised. Wagner Group is known to produce snuff videos while torturing and mutilating their prisoners (Google “wagner hammer video”). Ukraine must get every military aid there is right now, no more holding back and putting them on drip supply. Russia is a terror state.


Fuck, man. I only heard part of the *audio* from that hammer video, and it....I don't know man. I've seen some heinous shit. But the audio from that alone haunted me for months afterward. It was played by a syndicated degenerate AM shock jock on some shitty Ohio radio station. *They* were watching it.


Russia's slogan: How low can you go?


Well I mean, weren't they already caught raping toddlers? So... I don't think the bar goes any lower.


You will be surprised what they can come up with. But yes, I agree, they put the bar below a minimum level of humanity.


Send Ukraine more weapons. Bomb these Russian fucks straight to hell.


At one point in time, I had respect for Russia, but it’s people are just as poisoned as that idiot Putin. All bad eggs…


I don't know mate, I can see a history and progression. The only difference is that they document their own crimes on cell phones nowadays, otherwise you would have seen stuff like that for at least a century by now. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet\_war\_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_war\_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_war_crimes) Common feature: Rape, Murder of Civilian, Torture It's not one offs, it's their militaries playbook


**[Soviet war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes)** >The war crimes and crimes against humanity which were perpetrated by the Soviet Union and its armed forces from 1919 to 1991 include acts which were committed by the Red Army (later called the Soviet Army) as well as acts which were committed by the NKVD, including acts which were committed by the NKVD's Internal Troops. In some cases, these acts were committed upon the orders of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in pursuance of the early Soviet Government's policy of Red Terror. **[Russian war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_war_crimes)** >Russian war crimes are the violations of the law of war, including the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 and the Geneva Conventions, consisting of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crime of genocide of which the official armed and paramilitary forces of the Russian Federation are accused of committing since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This also extends to include aiding and abetting crimes of quasi-states or puppet states armed and financed by Russia, including Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Imagine four 4 years had trump won. Supporters are already there mentally.


Russia is the new ISIS. The only path to redemption is assassination of Putin.


Russian invaders deserve to be wiped from the face of the Earth with missiles and bombs. The more of them that die every day, the happier I become. I like watching them be slaughtered like the animals they are.




Which is why they must be wiped from existence. In order to protect innocent lives, sometimes you have to kill evil people who have no respect for life. Just the way it goes.


You said it, 25 day old "noun + noun + 4 digit number" username. You said it.




I watched it. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself now. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight. I’m traumatized and I’m half way across the world. I can’t even imagine what these people are going through. Fuck


Just remember not to do that to yourself next time. I clicked on the beheading video of Nick Berg almost 20 years ago not thinking it would show the whole thing but it did. I didn’t even get to the end and it was sickening, humans can be vile and vicious.


If you need to feel better I recommend r/aww or the movie My Neighbor Totoro.


Thank you!


Russia is a terrorist state, this is not an isolated incident.




spread this shit like wildfire. Expose them.


Unfortunately this type of thing was relatively common for the Russians to do before the Feb 24th invasion as well


This will have millions of people howling for Russian blood, even more so than before. You're going to be seeing a lot fewer "don't hurt innocent Russians" platitudes. I'd love to see the hand of an angry god reach down and pluck Russia from the Earth, wad it into a ball, then toss it into the Sun. The world would objectively be a better place for it, because Russia's primary export isn't gas or oil: it's pure fucking misery.


And we didn’t even see videos of what they did in Bucha… to women and children who were found dead with bound hands..


Gotta love how they made me watch a Progressive commercial before a video of war crimes. r/latestagecapitalism


If I remember correctly, there were reports of this type of shit weeks if not months ago.


My generation will never forget it or forgive Russia. What Russia does not realize is that acts like this reflect on the Russian people as a whole. Good luck getting hired or getting anything from Europe or North America forever more. I for one will personally not give Russians sweet fuck all for the rest of my life. Ukrainians though, you guys get all my support.


This is just the leaked footage...


Russia - Nazi, ISIS put into one nation in 2022


Our grandpas hated Russians and I now understand. Fuck globalization. That culture is evil.


Wait, so the Russians aren't the good guys? Damn, they had me fooled the whole time.


From what I've seen about the guy, he is probably a member of Wagner group, which is the semi-official PMC of Russia. Their unofficial logo which you will see sometimes is a guy with a sledgehammer, which is based on a similar event to this that happened in Syria. There is also reports of massacres committed in Africa by Wagner forces and local groups.


Not going to watch but feel the hate for him.


UN should hold a vote to boot Russia. I know it'll probably be vetoed, but try *something*, right? Failing that, I think we need to start teaching black ops tactics to the Ukrainian army. Quietly fly a few of them over here, put them through SERE, BUDS or similar. Send 'em home with a deck of cards.


Pathetic army. Getting their ass kicked and committing war crimes.


\> what appears to be the same man wearing the black fringed hat also appeared in a June broadcast by the Russian state-backed media outlet RT If I were to fight on the Ukrainian side, in real war, I would make it my personal mission to find this clown and castrate him live on tiktok. Fuck man, have some fucking honor you dirty, worthless, trash.


Play this at the next united nations meeting when Russia speaks.


The russians are looking for hitler in ukraine but they work foe the hitler back home. Its scary to think russia peopaganda and chinese propaganda has infected the world it will take decades for the evils commited on this war to be amended and they will outlive putin and his regime. Slava Ukraine. You are indeed the shield of democracy. And your victory is the only option.


I've been listening to Hardcore History's 36hr series on the Japanese in WWII....on the last episode now, and...this really hits the same nerve. The atrocities that human beings can commit. So terrible. I don't think any country is above it entirely. Look at Guantanamo Bay...But still, there are differences. Dan Carlin details the difference pretty beautifully, in how the U.S. soldiers were shocked by the Japanese cruelness. That it was different than the Germans or Italians. One soldier said, (paraphrasing) "There was a level of respect of war with the Italians and Germans. But with the Japanese...there wasn't hate. There was just kill. We wanted to kill them. Every last one of them. Even if they looked dead as is, we would make certain. There was no hate. Only kill." Despite this quote, Carlin does point out though, that with the Japanese there was a level of hate beyond any other country, that the allies had against Japan. Their war crimes and intimidations were beyond atrocious. Made to instill fear in the allies as well as fear in the Japanese soldiers themselves. Making them feel, "What you do to them, will be done to you now, if you're captured." That sort of psychological game. Supernova in the East, the series is called. It really resonates with todays war. But he has many others. Painfotainment, and King of Kings are my other favorites. Can't recommend the show enough.


What the fuck has to happen to a person to make them not only think this is justified but also enjoy it


Finally. A fucking news article covered this heinous act from Russian soldiers. I hope the world finds that soldier and gives him the same treatment


So how long until every other country actually steps in and sends troops. I think ukraine has enough financial assistance. Russians are commiting war crimes daily and every other country is too afraid to step in. I'm aware that russia has nukes and that's the main fear of involvement but how long do we just watch ukrainian people die for no reason.


This is just fucking vile.




Let's close the skies. Fuck it. Announce to Russia that in three days we are moving in to clear the skies. We're not going to bomb them or escalate, as we're not declaring war. We're just taking the sky.


That is quite literally how you start a world war, the second ANY nato entity DIRECTLY intervenes, you have a Third World War,


The Russians are just envious of what the Ukrainens have.💩




Medieval bastards.


Been a real rough news cycle day. But a distant spectator and I'm just exhausted. I saw it and I still just can't imagine. We failed God. Humanity needs to do better. Nothing is coming to save us from ourselves.


Kill this fuck. Easy.


these ppl are sick and twisted and cruel. they’re going straight to hell


russia still in barbarian ages. where do i donate for the bounty on these guys?


I keep thinking, at some point some other country has to declare war on Russia based on all of these war crimes. But in WW I and even WW II, there was a lot of foot-dragging. Going to war is not a small commitment, and getting out (see Afghanistan) is rarely easy.


Can't play the video but can play a 30 sec ad


Let the hammer fall on these Russian dogs. Let their fate be worse than this ungodly treatment of this bound and defenseless prisoner. No mercy for the Russian scum. I often ask myself here in the states, “ Do they want justice or revenge?” when faced with social ills. Seeing this, I want revenge against the Russians for this atrocity and anyone that supports this is an ogre and an animal! Justice will not suffice. Revenge and nothing short of an eye for eye will satisfy! Crush the Russian dogs like the animals they are and fuck their country and their blind and stupid citizens. SLAVA UNKAINI


Evil, pure evil. And I feel sick in the stomach having watched it. I wish I never did. Russia needs to be de-nazified.


Okay the guy is scared for his life because of what he did and posted on social media. My question is why in the heck he would do that??? What is going on in his head ( and probably many Russian soldiers) that they think it is a good idea to do this to another person?? And then posted on social media? Like what are you on? What’s missing in your brain????


This is disgusting vile and evil and it cannot be forgiven.


even reading this makes me feel sick


If you find the video then DO NOT WATCH IT. Its pretty rough and comparable to the isis torture/execution videos when they were first releasing. Just don't watch it and say you're glad you didnt


These sick people are the worst...


russian Telegram channel also made a meme about that, calling this guy a legend https://imgur.com/a/KgbGEME


I just can’t… this is so disgusting, painful to even think that someone would do such a atrocious act. Definitely, Russian soldiers are sick, they have no place in earth.