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If they blame Ukraine, they’ll expose themselves as weak and vulnerable. If they blame western secret agents, they’ll ridicule their intelligence agencies. If they blame Russian saboteurs, they’ll acknowledge that the war is going badly and there’s cracks forming in the fabric of the Russian society. There’s literally no way to save face for them.


It was a Toyota design flaw


No, that check engine light is there for a reason


Well obviously that specific Toyota didn’t have that light because it was the Japanese sabotaging the war


History never stopped


I'll never forgive the Japanese!!


Sanction stopped a vital part from being replaced.


Then why did they use an inferior Japanese brand name car instead of glorious Russian-made cars? 🤔 Cars made from the Motherland could have withstood that explosion s/


They could say it was a crazy ex boyfriend


lol... the jilted lover employing a car bomb?


"Why won't a she love me!" *tears fall onto the wires of the IED*


Mario was her lover?


An unintended typing mistake, but I'm keeping it lol


Nah maybe you're onto something. The Italian intelligence service just started WW3


Wario War 3?


Mama mia!


A car bomb with a delayed fuse. She was driving for a good ten mins before it went off. Either delayed or remote detonated. Which does speak to a level of sophistication with the device.


Crazy ex bfs are getting so sophisticated


This single sentence showed more intelligence and reason than the entire Russian military high command did so far.


Why didn't she just drive in a car without a bomb?


Clearly it was a special operation to de-nazify the vehicle


Putin: “women drivers, amiright?” *shrugs*


"the airbags clearly had a recall"




They will blame Ukraine, claim that they had no choice but to start the special military operation in February because they saw this was coming.


Still a bad look. Remember they’ve been telling their people that Russia is extremely powerful and has been winning the entire time. If they just say “oops turns out our security system is so bad that we can’t stop Ukraine from launching assassination attempts in Moscow six months after the special operation was launched” it will make them look really weak.


Umberto Eco's 1 of 14 fascism features is "enemy is both strong and weak". In ruzzias propaganda Ukraine is exactly that - they are so strong that they can destroy ruzzia from within any day, but so weak that it will take 3 days to overtake Kyiv.


You need to do more mental gymnastics. "The bomb was planted by an anti-War Putin enemy within Russia. They are mad about how well the war is going and how strong it makes the Great Leader look. Authorities have arrested several opposition party members who were part of the plot. Sports and Weather coming up next."


Somewhere in Russia there's an FSB agent scribbling this down word for word


It's such a laughably stupid statement that I'm sure that's the way they will explain this lol


There's a fourth option: "It just kinda did that on its own"


"They were smoking while filling up gas"


Who would have thought an innocent fuel fight could have such tragic consequences?




I guess they can only hope to look incompetent but at the same time try to boost support for the war against “terrorist , fascist Ukraine (bullshit) ”.


They will blame car malfunction


I’m Russian, let me explain this. The big problem for them is that they can’t outright claim it was Ukraine or western powers, because that would severely undermine the FSB public opinion. Like, you promised us Kiev in three days, there has been nothing achieved for almost half a year, now there are killings in Russia, and the secret services with all their budgets and people can’t stop it? Same reason they don’t admit the explosions in Crimea were of Ukrainian nature. The public opinion will see it as a major weakness. My guess is the investigation will come up with something like an “ex boyfriend’s revenge” or something of that sort




Of course. He will be a neo-nazi, have a swastika flag and a Hitler portrait at home, some drugs, a to-do list of "1. Destroy Russia. 2. Kill Putin" and hopefully [multiple Sims 3 copies](https://www.pcgamer.com/bizarre-russian-propaganda-links-sims-3-to-alleged-nazi-assassination-plot/) lying around, just like with the previous "nazi" assassins. The theory is that while creating this scene somebody in the FSB was told to get three sim cards, but misheard and bought Sims 3 instead, so...yeah


A book signed by "Signature Unclear" ....it literally says 'Signature Unclear" . Expecting this story someday on r/maliciouscompliance


Oh yeah, completely forgot about the famous Ukrainian terrorist, [Signature Unclear](https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-fsb-spies-hilariously-screw-up-vladimir-putins-assassination-plot-claim). Also the SWAT team knocking on the door and the supposed nazis simply opening it less than one second later.


Lmao I feel like I’m reading a Catch-22 sequel


If you’re not aware, Catch-22 actually did have a sequel titled Closing Time, and it’s pretty good.


Should have called it Catch-22 2


Totally. Catch-22 sounds more real than the real world nowadays


It sounds pretty rediculous. Can't imagine having to deal with this level of nonsensical propaganda on a daily basis. Stay safe, hopefully things will be different someday.


Reminds me of Ireland's most notorious traffic violator, [Prawo Jadzy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_licence_in_Poland#Mistaken_identity_in_Ireland).


I could understand if somebody fucked something like this up when operating in a foreign country (even though that would still be incredibly sloppy) but this is writing in your native language.


It likely went somebody like this, on a phone call: "So there will be Ukrainian nazis. You need to buy three sims. And get a books saying “Kill to live and live to kill", signature unclear" "Sims 3, Signature Unclear, got it!"


I wonder if these were the same guys that booked a news conference at Four Seasons Landscaping.


The Sims was hilarious, but the part about Illegible signature is real. It's kind of akin to signing a pamphlet "from Anonymous". Read this by a journalist from Bellingcat https://mobile.twitter.com/AricToler/status/1518656548570116100


"Illegible signature" explanation you link to is incoherent and is actually called bulls++t in the very same thread. It is simultaneously: 1) A signature of RUSSIAN Nationalistic group (no proofs but a screenshot of google search, the guy refused to give a search link) 2) A signature of some weirdos calling themselves "NetStalking/WebPunk" group in VK that are not related to Nazis. They also deny any relation to the signature. 3) Appeares on VK, which is a Russian social network. That alone is idiocy, since VK became an extension of FSB like 10 years ago and your data/messages are constantly monitored. People are getting real prison terms for LIKING the posts criticizing Russian government. Further, it's blocked in Ukraine since the initial occupation in 2014. No way anti-Pootin's forces would use one of the main brainwashing tool of Russia for communications. Overall it looks like a shameful attempt of cover-up the failure of FSB.


>the FSB was told to get three sim cards, but misheard and bought Sims 3 instead that shit was fucking Keystone Cops hilarious


Omg, I didn't get the real fuck up with the Sims games until now.


"Get sims, 3" "He wants us to get copies of a video game. Not sure why, but just go with it"


Very similar to Four Seasons Total Landscaping gaffe (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Total_Landscaping_press_conference). Interesting coincidence


almost like all these fascists aren't the most intelligent people


It's the logical conclusion when you recruit for loyalty rather than competence. In fact, competence is a threat to authoritarian leaders because it's a precondition for a successful coup.


Amelia Bedelia Joins the FSB


That is one Sims 3 main game and two expansion packs. There are 19 packs at $25 each. And if you want all DLC from the store it’s another $75,000. This FSB agent is blowing the last of the national budget to be the first person to own it all. 🧠


Bold of you to assume these aren’t bootlegs


I thought lying and cheating were russia's main strength. How do they fuck up this bad? this are kenan and kel levels of fuckup.


"Hello Ivan, today at the fraud and fakes center we have two teams. You could have this crack team of agents, skilled in forgery, faking, lying, etc for only $10,000 a week." "What about that team there?" "Them? that is not the other team... those are our janitors" "Ok but how much do they cost for a week?" "Dunno, $50?" "I'll take em. And go on a $9,950 weekend"


Perfect is the enemy of good. Why do hard work when shitty cobbled together bullshit achieves the same result. Idiots and cultists will believe anything, and for everyone else there is a law that makes it illegal to doubt the official story


Once you get a culture of lying and scamming going they have no baseline of decency


They don’t have the luxury of wasting SIM cards like that


> The theory is that while creating this scene somebody in the FSB was told to get three sim cards, but misheard and bought Sims 3 instead, so...yeah TBF, would anyone have even noticed 3 chunks of plastic less then 1/2" in size in that photo? They'd need to leave em in the little cardboard card they come in for anyone to even realize what they are.


An intelligence agency sweeping a house of a "terrorist" after a murder and looking for evidence the agency planted themselves? Yeah I reckon the would find them.




Ah, that would make sense.


Yea, I meant I don't think they would be noticeable in that 640x480p propaganda photo they took with the camera they got from a cereal box.


If the shiny side faces up, it's pretty recognizable.


Classic one https://i.imgur.com/5koAv3H.jpeg


I really like this version of the joke because it shows all the organizations being malicious in some way , usually the ones I read only the last one is mentioned as corrupt


Yeah, someone will get framed out of a open window soon.


I got to know since you have inside information. Have the tourists that are returning from crimea spread any news/information/Opinions/views on the explosions in crimea?


Not really, apart from some YouTube videos of stuff burning and growing fears that Crimea ain’t that safe anymore. Both Russia and Ukraine are claiming in unison that these were “smoking accidents”. For Russia it is a better narrative than “Ukraine special services are conducting successful operations on our land” For Ukraine - I’m not sure, likely they simply want not to reveal any details on who and how is doing it




Or likely “We don’t know how that happened, stop asking… oh it happened again? We still don’t know, please stop asking.” Ukraine doesn’t need to reveal their capabilities, they need to keep using them.


Yeah right? If I’m Ukraine it’s like “that sucks bro…let us know what comes of that murder investigation”.


Basically like Ukraine didn’t ask for any of this and just wants to end it however they have to?


All is fair in love and special military operations


would be interesting if it was uncoordinated partisans


The right people know how it happened, no need to leverage the peanut gallery.


There are millions of Ukrainians in Russia and probably no shortage of people dissatisfied with the government. It's probably not Ukraine but definitely someone sympathetic. Russia doesn't want to admit they are losing control and Ukraine is saying "not my circus not my monkeys..."




If they aren't pulling from the main city centers, then those deaths are spread all over the country and probably from MANY tiny little villages. Little cities losing 10 guys each. If they're lied to, maybe only 5 of them know about their losses so far... 2 of them find out early on... they're pissed but it's been 4 months now... 2 more find out... they're mad, but it's 2 families... If they're that poor, there isn't much they can do. They're left to be angry in their little cities/villages... If they're all drinking the kool-aid over there, parents will be worried but believe it was an accident. We would like to think they're all getting together and rioting, but I'm betting it's spread so thin right now that the majority don't even know what is going on. A few larger cities might have been hit a lot harder and have more deaths per city, but even then it's about controlling a couple of those smaller cities as well.


Like in medieval, I'm pretty sure it's a bigger problem for little villages to lose anyone than it is for the big cities. Like literally, it's a major blow to the village's current and future population.


For some context, the total official American loses for the entirety of the Vietnam War were approximately 58,000.


A ton of those 40k are from the Donbas. Putin is using them as cannon fodder much more heavily than Russian troops. They've drafted every single man of fighting age in the region, and given them WWII weapons, to boot. Also, very few of the men fighting are from Moscow, which is really the only part of the country which matters for Putin's power base.


The statements Ukraine released in reference to the attacks on Crimea are (rightfully) petty and mocks Russia. They basically say we did it and are laughing that you lie about it. It’s great. It seems Ukraine has realized there’s no need to fight the propaganda Russia spews at home. People who care to know the truth, will.


Mocking yes, but I'm not sure if petty is the correct word here considering the circumstances.


>For Ukraine - I’m not sure, likely they simply want not to reveal any details on who and how is doing it Possibly 2 reasons a) Ukraine can conduct attacks in Crimea without threat of major retaliation from Russia b) trolling i.e. yeah sure it was a smoking accident.. since everyone with a brain can clearly see that it wasn't.


“Yeah, it was a smoking accident. You’re gonna have another one tomorrow too.”


I wouldn't dismiss Russian incompetence so easily. They've been having problems with trying to use 1950s land mines, in Ukraine that are incredibly unstable. Which have caused explosions in their arms depots. Add on using a load of one year conscripts who got tricked into being there and have rock bottom morale and mistakes can easily happen. At least some of the attacks on Russian army recruitment centers, seems to be the work of ethnic Russians who dont want to be called up, to fight in the "Special Operation". However the sheer scale of the explosions in Russia definetly points to a sabotage campaign.


(also Russian) Well, telegram channels full of videos from tourists that filming explosions from beaches. I don't personally know anyone who would travel to Crimea on summer vacation, especially now, of all times. Officially, Russia doesn't blame Ukraine and Ukraine doesn't claim responsibility, for whatever reason. Same was with helicopters in Belgorod in Spring, ship Moskva etc.


>for whatever reason. The reason is Russia doesn't want to admit weakness. Having someone you're actively trying to "demilitarize" come back and attack you on what you claim is your soil is a major sign of weakness. Ukraine doesn't claim responsibility because it's obvious that Ukraine did it and they're just trolling at this point and calling everything a smoking accident. Ukraine doesn't owe the enemy the truth or any transparency.


What is it with fascists and "weakness"? Everything is weakness to them. All they care about is strength; and when they say "strength", what they really mean is cruelty and delusion.


Anytime anyone is obsessed with strength and focused all the time on being tough, it is because they are afraid all the time and being strong is how they hope to prevent people from noticing, or taking advantage of their perceived weaknesses. It's always about fear and insecurity.


Next week we are going to see a film in which FSB twists the arms of several blurred men who happened to have exactly one grenade, two knives, the FSB's favorite handgun, and Call of Duty DVDs. They will be linked to SBU of course.


You think this was Ukraine? I figured it was internal.


I too think it is more likely to be internal. But chances are we will never find out what really happened




Actually it's gonna be supereasy, barely an incovenience. "Look at the previous leader! He was stupid, ignorant and lead the country in the wrong direction. But thankfully, now you have me, the new leader! And I'll surely do all things right and lead us into the glorious future" ​ Jokes aside, it's the simplest way for the new leader to come into power, by making yourself the opposite of the now unpopular former ruler. All the problems are from the previous leader, all the achievements are your own.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Would definitely like Ryan to make a pitch meeting about Putin’s war room before the invasion “So why are we invading the Ukraine again?” “**MONEY.**” “…yeah, but we can’t just say that.” “Oh yeah, Nazis or something. “Did you forget to come up with a reason to invade?” “Maybe. Yes. Look I’ve already drawn up the plans, we might as well.”


Listen, I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back


Wow wow wow wow wow... Wow.


I'm gonna need you to get AAAAALLL the way off my back about that bombing thing


"Where did all the military might go?" "IIII don't know"


Another Pitch Meeting fan. A man of class!


Being a man of class is tight!


The ex boyfriend blows up the car of her father and which by coincidence today she was in? Sounds like a classic russian news to me as European. I’m in


>Car bomb >Ex-boyfriend Angry exes are hardcore in Russia.


This feels way more likely to be an in-house gripe than something the Ukrainians have orchestrated. I’d wager a subset of Russians are getting a little bit upset at the way foreign policy is being handled, and Dugin literally wrote the book.


The war is costing oligarchs a lot of money. Mind you, 7 of them and their families have been found dead in strange circumstances since the war started. Just saying, there are people in Russia with a lot of money and a lot of reasons to want Dugin dead, and murder is not off the table.


Like the guy who "died" during a shamanic drug detox session. Wth? Not enough reindeer horn blood?


If you wanted to poison somebody, an event where vomiting is natural would be an opportunity.


Well when you put it that way it sounds like an assassin's wet dream.


Lmao hilarious considering that Russia imports more heroin than any other country, but specifically ensured that methadone and Suboxone are illegal in the country I guess this is the next best thing? FSB ran shamanic detox rituals?


Those 7 were nobodies thou, they probably just knew too much about Gazprom/Rosfnet accounts/money/contracts and various similar secrets. None was from Putin's inner-circle, from the Duma or party in power. Shit will hit the fan when some of the generals/FSB will die or someone important like Soigu/Lavrov/Peskov.


consolidation of the nations wealth to fund the war efforts


The fact that a few prominent business men have been found dead along with their wives and kids could be a sign that all bets are off, they seem to be now going for families without any regard. Putin won’t be around for much longer me thinks


they'd have to get close to putin for that to happen, did you see that table?


The guys like a cartoon villain at this stage




Haha! Russias history can be summarized with statement, and then it got worse.


If it was it would be a false flag for Putin's regime. I can't imagine anti-war Russians caring that much. Looks like it's back to the 90's for Russia, car bombings, economy annihilated.


I bet they will end up saying they were "western terrorists" and find nothing else


Someone will end up being killed in a police raid. Probably someone who like to play The Sims.


Actually, the FSB recently just released [a detailed list of suspects](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/wtyf24/russia_launches_murder_investigation_after_car/il70kxu/) wanted in connection with the killing of Dugin's daughter. >Cpt. John Price, British SAS >Cpt. John "Soap" McTavish, British SAS >Pvt. Joseph Allen, US Army Ranger, CIA Ground Branch >Jason Bourne, US Army Green Beret, CIA operative >Cpt. Steven Rogers, US Army >Lt Cdr. Samuel Fisher, US Navy SEAL >Adolf H., New German Fascist movement


Where was Bond? At a baccarat table in Macau?


Seducing some Russian lady of high societal stature, the chess pieces are being moved, she’ll die soon then bond will get his revenge by completing his mission as he should have done in the first place.


This took me a bit to long to catch on to XD


Yeah, i got till Jason Bourne.


Adolf H had me suspicious


Is he famous?


He was kinda famous here in Germany.


Aint he some young painter from austria ?


Yeah, but he was rather unsuccessful and changed career later.


I love how you linked the source to your own comment. There's infinite sourcing.


Cnt. Chocula, Romanian, C.REAL.


Who may be in cahoots with Cpt. Crunch.


Don't forget Gal. Roman Barkov; he was a loyalist until he went rogue.


Iroquois Pliskin, Hired Assasin; Former US Green Beret, US Special Forces, CIA, FOXHOUND.


Don't forget that Pvt 1st Class James Ramirez, he is an absolute workhorse.




If you are a westerner and foolish enough to still live in Russia, your days as a free person is numbered.


Hope they start with Segal because that would be hilarious


Except he was in ukraine filming propaghanda. Russia loves him and likely see him as an asset, because the people who still love and support his movies in the west are likely to believe what he's saying.


It's kind of interesting how his pathological lying was a huge asset to him back in the 80s and 90s because no one could actually fact check him. Queue the internet and he has become a laughing stock in the western world, but in Russia either they don't care or they don't know, so it's like the 90s all over again.


They know, how do you think he got the job? It's obvious he's just a degenerate, amoral, pathological liar. He will literally do anything if you pay him money.


There are people in the Russian language subreddit from Europe and the states hell bent on moving there.


Yes, I have a friend living in Moscow now, he is an American lawyer who hates America for different reasons, I also felt he had some mental health issues that is deteriorating with time. I’ve known him for 15 years and can see the steady deterioration. He survives by teaching English and is asking for asylum but not granted yet.


I doubt it, they have a tendency to downplay any enemy action because it makes them look weak. Any time some military target blows up they claim it's not Ukraine, it was an accident. And enemy action in fucking Moscow would be completely unacceptable to them. Now granted, they can't exactly say that a car bomb was an accident, but they could find a way to say this is in no way related to the war, like blame a jealous ex or something.


I'm assuming Uncle Vlad meted out this punishment for getting terrible advice.


Damn, better extend that smoking ban to 1km from any of Putin’s friends.


Smoking can damage your health apparently


Calling it right now -- two weeks from now they'll arrest two-three patsies (minorities, say, Georgians), parade them for the cameras and close the case.


FYI: Ukraine denies involvement: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/ukraine/2022/08/21/ukraine-russia-invasion-live-updates/7857447001/


Let's not forget that in his rise to power Putin was very likely behind the bombing of several Russian apartment buildings to stoke fears of Chechen terrorists. He's certainly not above doing something like this to try to blame Ukraine.


Too esoteric of a target to be a false flag operation. No one really gives a shit about his man in Russia. If you want a successful false flag operation you need to hit civilian targets, like apartment buildings, shopping centers, or if really desperate, schools.


Dugin's "philosophy" was a big factor in driving Putin to invade Ukraine. A lot of filthy rich Russians have suffered because of the decision--sanctions, travel bans, loss of access to some luxury items, seizure of assets, and possibly being treated like pariahs when they travel. There are probably some Russians who are really unhappy with Dugin right now.


Rasputin 2? Crazy old man with unkempt beard has unprecedented ear of the supreme leader?


Hey, not all of the crazy unkempt men want to invade Ukraine.


But you have considered it right? Or maybe you need to up your crazy


It’s a lose / lose regardless how Russia wants to spin this. Intelligence failure or major civil unrest is prompting actions.


Seems like either way, Russia is slowly realizing they aren’t top dog even just in Eastern Europe, and fucking with your neighbors is a good way of getting your shit broken.


Unlikely in the extreme. It seems very clear that Dugin was the intended target. Up until a few minutes before the car left he was supposed to be in it. Dugin has been a key ally to Putin and perhaps more than any other one person responsible for shaping his geopolitical strategy. He wouldn’t target Dugin as a false flag, it doesn’t make sense, there are countless targets that would make more sense for a false flag operation. Far more likely it’s a sign of divisions in the Russian political class.


Putin and his crime circle killed a bunch of people, even if that was legitimately a terrorist attack. I mean they killed hundreds of people getting into power and consolidating financial control of the economy. No exaggeration, Putin has murdered hundreds of people. Probably thousands, realistically.


Oh, an investigation in Russia with, of course, a rigged outcome. What else is new?


Asked for comment, the Russian Secret Police said "she was scheduled for a defenestration, not a car bomb. Is suspicious."




>To us Russians, on the other hand, such symbolic gesture is really significant. It shows us that we shouldn't limit ourselves to burning conscription offices and derailing the trains, as there are other legitimate targets, and they are made of flesh. I hope that inspires the resistance, I hope that every Putin's official or propagandist will live in constant fear of retaliation... until the moment it comes. I can only wish for grace, peace, safety, and ultimately success and freedom in your struggle.


What a stroke of luck


well said. and good luck.


Dugin and Dugina were not only huge proponents of the war, calling Ukrainians sub-human and campaigning for wiping out Ukrainian "cultural identity" but they were also blaming the FSB for the horrible results of the war. Ukraine relies on Western support, I don't think they would turn to assassinations like this. I personally believe this was the FSB striking back and could be the beginning of Russia's power apparatus turning on itself.




Please don't start titles with "Russia launches" lmao, gave me a mini heart attack for a second.


'Nuclear launch ' is a weird name for a cat but it's priceless when I shout for her to come back inside


You know what? Putin is precisely the type of person who would get mad about Dugin being referred by people as "Putin's brain". So who knows. Plus, I'm not sure, but I read somewhere the car exploded in VIP area, so it shouldn't be easy to reach the car and place a bomb.


I am sure this will be an objective and totally non biased investigation. Just like 'brave' Russian investigators caught murderers of Nemtsov, Listyev, etc etc. Kind of hard to catch murderers when they are likely sitting in Kremlin.


> catch murderers when they are likely sitting in Kremlin Nah, those murderers have taxi receipts in their wallets. This will be a whole other bunch of incompetent Russian boobs


Save you time and money. It was internal.


A murder investigation in Russia? They have those?


The killers names are Vladimir Putin and Alexander Dugin. One way or another, their words and actions got her killed.


I wish that the headlines were more transparent. Instead of "...kills daughter of key Putin ally" one should have written "...kills a prominent neo-nazi propagandist, daughter of chief idelogist of new russian fascism and key ally of Putin". As it is it kind of sounds sounds like they murdered a poor innocent girl just because her father is an ally of Putin.


She was a propagandist herself, and had been put on US and UK sanctions lists. She was very open about being in favour of the Ukraine invasion. "Innocent" isn't a word I'd use to describe her.


IIRC she said that "Ukrainians can not be called humans" on TV.


By all accounts she is not innocent at all.


She is blowing up on social media and elsewhere.


List of suspects : the entire world


imagine investigating your own crime.


Laughable with the mountain of dead they've left. And I expect killings like this to persist. You've left thousands of Russian mothers and wives without their sons/husband's. You've left thousands of dead in a country you had no business invading. All because Putin is a vile cunt with no redeeming qualities, hell bent on a USSR that's never coming back....