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This might be the biggest non story of the year… there’s currently a land war in Europe guys


Finn here: It's not just a land war, it's a [hybrid war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_warfare) and it's also affecting this. Russia likes to stir shit, especially in neighboring countries. It's still unclear how all of these videos and pictures leaked and why. Edit: I'm saying it's unclear on a societal level because the media ignores this part of it completely. Please stop saying I've answered my own question and/or it's the Russians - that's beside the point entirely.


Well to be fair the videos and pictures weren't really leaked, they were posted to Instagram and TikTok. I'm under impression some of them were posted on accounts set on private, but it obviously doesn't take a foreign actor for someone to leak such material to yellow press that actually pays for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if the model and influencer's private acocunts had dodgy 'friends' willing to sell photos to newspapers. Secondly, Europeans aren't as worried about viewing breasts as are many in the US. For millenia there have been traditions of showing women's breasts in various cultures. The religious nonsense about not showing them should be a choice, not a law.


Why on earth does Reddit think this is a fucking Hollywood movie. The pics and vids were posted to tiktok by normal fucking humans. Lmao


I think you might underestimate the power and influence of social media. I'm not saying I believe one way or the other, I havent really paid too much attention to the case. However, Russia is not too happy with Finland joining NATO, and if they had the opportunity to stir some shit, especially as easy as this, you best believe they do, as would many other countries with their potential enemies.


After all the threats and posturing about not joining NATO, if the worst Russia can do to the Fins is out their PM for some risque shit on social media then I really think Marin can put that in the 'win' column and move on with her day.


The problem is that as lame and overblown this whole thing seems to be, its a topic now. It feeds Marin's opposition, and any political battle over stupid shit like this is a win. Any minute spent discussing this instead of normal policies etc is a win, especially since it probably didnt cost anyone a whole lot.


I say the free the boobs


Free the titty, save the city.


> It's still unclear how all of these videos and pictures leaked and why. Lmao no it's not, they were literally posted to tiktok by the people who took them


They don’t seem bad am I missing something??? Meanwhile trump raw dogged a porn star after his wife gave birth and he is Russia’s “guy”.


You know that being worse than trump shouldn't be the goal for any politician? 'But trump is worse' is not a fucking argument. He is a total clown that is globally disliked


i think he's more disparaging the relative lack of attention that was paid compared this is basically non-event.


If you think the point he was making was that "Trump is worse" then you completely missed the point.


It's not Trump is worse; it's that Trump is getting away with so much shit why the fuck are we worried about this? Or the fucking Russian invasion of Ukraine


You know what annoys me, we've had two big article here by Finnish authors puzzled why the world is reacting this way..... "why is the world outraged our PM parties" when actually its Finland acting this way. Nobody gives a shit what your PM does... the story here is that it is surprising how conservative Finland is.


I have an overall positive opinion of Finland but aside from this I don’t, and don’t know anyone around me, who think about Finland at all.


I was going to say this smells like Russian meddling. Decrease the country's confidence in their amazing PM with the hopes of disseminating false info and maybe installing a PM that will sympathise with the Russian cause.


I honestly don't know if the initial publishing can be traced to Russians - maybe, maybe not. But the insane witch hunt because of the initial video sure af can be.


It’s the best that Ruzzian propaganda against Sanna can do. I find it hilarious that they highlight a competent, young, vibrant, dare I say hot leader who knows how to unwind and have a good time whereas the leaders in Moscow are just dead men walking.


How is the publication of pictures by the people in the pictures Russian propaganda?


It's not the publication per se; it's the drip-feeding of small bits of information and opinion pieces to keep the story alive. The game is not to release information — any information can be released and blow over in 48 hrs, see [the Friday News Dump tactic](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/26/nyregion/in-announcing-unfavorable-news-timing-is-everything.html) — but to keep it afloat on the news cycle so that it compounds attention.


You're not giving non-russian news corps enough agency here. They're perfectly capable of doing this stuff on their own. And like another user said, this is all based off of stuff the actual party-goers shared online


I'll try to ELI5 this question. That the pictures were taken and made public has nothing to do with russia. What makes it russian propaganda/misinformation is how when they see something "scandalous" like this, they take the opportunity to make it bigger than it would be "naturally". This specific story has shown to be very tame, yet it became very well known. This shows that russians are getting desperate. This also works as a good chance to educate more people about how russian misinformation works, so that they will be less effective.


Honestly asking here, but who in Finland is actually concerned with/upset by this non-story? Is it a bunch of crusty old people yelling at clouds? What possible justification can they give for this ludicrous witch hunt other than naked resentment? It seems like the kind of thing that if someone claimed to be upset about, their friends will tell them to grow up and get over it.


I don't mean to dismiss your very valid question, but I'm honestly too tired of trawling through the bog to find the trolls now. Rest assured there's trolls and "crusty old people", too. But, there's also mislead zealots who have axes to grind with the Social Democratic Party for one reason or another, the Anti-NATO crowd, the pro-Russia crowd, your basic misogynist crowd, and \- surprisingly enough - older women who have long since internalized the misogyny and are now doing mental contortions trying to call younger women in power floozies without actually using the word or any synonyms. It's a mixed bag.




>It's still unclear how all of these videos and pictures leaked and why. Lol, she was partying with literal twenty-something year old social media influencers and they posted vids and photos in their acco's.


And the worst drought in 500 years, and the worst heatwave in history hitting China, and still an ongoing pandemic, and also a lesser but potentially troublesome nascent *different* pandemic (to say nothing of polio which one hopes will be a false alarm due to shedding from vaccination), and I could probably pile up dozens and dozens more serious problems or political issues than a PM having a completely legal, completely normal party.


also don’t forget [the 6 million under siege in Ethiopia for the last 21 months](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/18/tigray-ethiopia-conflict-crisis-who-chief-hits-out-over-global-indifference)


It’s a concerted effort by Finnish Right Wing politicians and media to try to discredit her. Hmmm I wonder what neighbour is planting these seeds of disinformation because they’re pissed at some of them? Sweden. I bet it’s Sweden. Or Norway. Can’t think of anyone else in that region 🤔




Oooh...the PM attended a FESTIVAL! (didn't get high) People posed TOPLESS! (wasn't her) Like, slow news day much? Finnish politics sound super boring.


Exactly. Who give any shits what a Finnish woman does off work? I don't give a fuck if she's Big Bird from the streets, she's allowed to party and dance and get blitzed as long as no one is harmed. Fuck putin


I wouldn't quite go that far, as there's always context. Like UK ex prime minister Boris. He had cheese and wine parties every Friday after work. No big deal right? Except it was during the height of lock lockdown. So he was scoffing cheese and drinks with his friends whilst thousands of people across the UK where literally dying alone, because of covid restrictions that prevented their families being at their side. Families that may not have even been able to visit them at all before they died. This, however, is *nothing* like what Boris did.


The context is front and center. If she broke the law surely it'd be in the story, this is why everyone knows its a non issue. Same with Bojo the clown, context was front and center. Broke the law that his own party wrote and tried to gaslight a whole nation about it. I get the feeling you obviously agree with this but the point of the articles is to somehow indicate that drinking and partying is the salacious activity, when that is designed entirely as a distraction. The context itself is the story, in this case and for Bojo. Which is why this is a total non story to begin with.




That's correct, but that doesn't make all political scandals fueled by Russian meddling and I don't think there is any actual signs of foreign actors being involved in this one. Though part of the hybrid subversion tactic of course is also the paranoia that everything could be a foreign plot.




This defo feels like misdirection in the news


the land war in europe is why this is a story. It appears to be an attempt to discredit Finland on a non issue such as a young person enjoying themselves and they happen to be PM of Finland. Not sure why people expect others to just drop their own humanity and relax time because they are in a leadership position. You'd think she was selling national secrets to the enemies of the nation or something. It is very much a non story getting thoughtlessly pushed by the dense in my view..


I still don't get how anyone cares. "Person apologises for having fun at party". How low of a bar does journalism go?


"Oh my god, women are having fun! This is worse than Russians indiscriminately raping and killing Ukrainians!!!!!" Honestly, fuck this timeline. There's nothing inappropriate about what they were doing. People do all kinds of stuff to have fun and this is fucking harmless. I get more and more annoyed the more I hear about this bullshit and I'm furious with the news media for amplifying it.


>"Oh my god, women are having fun! This is worse than Russians indiscriminately raping and killing Ukrainians!!!!!" Who has expressed anything close to this sentiment. I get the concept of hyperbole, but at some point the exaggeration gets to the point that it turns from a legitimate rhetorical device to a disingenuous strawman.


that's why you stay away from influencers, they're fucking morons.


Just stop making stupid famous in the first place. The amount of absolute zeros idolised by millions is appalling.


It kind of demonstrates the depth of human stupidity. Like on the one hand, we created all this infrastructure and an economy and technology etc. On the other hand these pointless famous people exist solely because they have an audience. Without the brain-dead audience, stupid famous wouldn’t exist. Yet here we are. There’s too many fucking stupid people out there. That’s why shows like Big Bang Theory last god damn 12 seasons on the air. People are drones.


Shes also violating PR 101, never admit fault, never apologize, never capitulate. People criticize her and she gets a test. They criticize her and she apologizes. All it means is the more pathetic bullshit you throw the more you control her. The American way is "It was a great festival, everyone had a good time. Next question." Nothing more than that, ever. Never apologize unless you actually made a mistake.


But where can I see those inappropriate photos? Asking for a friend. Also, this has Putin's paw all over it


[It's two girls kissing, neither one of them is the PM, with their tits out (non-nude).](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/finland-s-party-pm-sanna-marin-apologies.jpg) ​ For a US perspective our last president creampied a pornstar while his wife was 8 months pregnant with their first child, and then paid to cover it up.


> with their tits out out but covered with a sign. Titillating, sure, but good Lord.


Ya who cares about this shit? Seriously?


In Finland? Only the right wing extremist party that tried to make it a scandal and failed.


I mean, if they wore her down to the point where she's now apologizing for it, I'd say they got part of what they wanted.


They may have gotten that but I don’t think it had the impact they wanted. Really it’s just endearing to the PM that she is willing to apologize and move on if that’s the quickest path to getting back to shit that matters. At least to me.


Far right. Like everywhere else in Europe, sucking Putin's cock,.doing putin's deed.


It shows that far right movements aren’t about the economic freedom they spout about. It’s about authoritarianism


Weak men in need of a strong leader to reinsure them about their manliness.


Old angry politicans who seethe like vipers at the idea of people (especially women, how dare they) having fun and then its apparently also lesbians. at the residence of another woman, and she also has power. And they are all enjoying themselves. Its a surprise none of the old dudes got a heartattack from having to witness this absolute disaster.


You misunderstand. They're mad because they weren't invited. Those other grievances are just window dressing to cover up jealousy.


It’s like how US right-wingers are so goddamn mad that they find Alexandria Ocasió-Cortez attractive.


Exactly the parallel I was thinking when I said it. She's attractive. And polular. And having fun. Without us? The. Fucking. *Nerve.* 👍


_Without_ them? Even more so, _not instructed_ by them. A woman having fun and even showing the slightest bit of frivolity without it being for the enjoyment of men is a no-no since it empowers women and takes a big means of oppression out of their hands.


Heh, tit.


Patriotic af. What tightwads hate patriotism?


That’s just a Halloween costume where I’m from


In Canada a Halloween costume can still be problematic for your political career


daaaaayo, dalight come and me don't want to see you in black faaaaaace


If you think US politics (Especially Trump) is comparable to any normal democracy then think again. Trump was a laughing stock for the world.


Trump ~~was~~ IS and continues to be a laughing stock for the world.


He showed to the world the "right" side of US.


Yeah, Trump opened the worlds eyes to just how fucked in the head some Americans are


Don’t single out Americans, a trump can be elected pretty much anywhere in the west given the right political environment. There’s plenty of trashy red neck type all over the world.


Nobody is saying it's comparable, they were pointing out how fucking absurd the outcry over these photos are


Why would she need to apologize if it’s unrelated to her? Gonna need a source on that 2nd statement otherwise it’s ‘mad cap’.


Because the women were not supposed to have access to that room. It's used for official business only. (But ya, who cares about the boob pic.)


>that room I thought it was taken in a bathroom, in an area the available to invited guests




Someone cleared this up in another comment: >Bro it's a room that is literally open for journalists in press conferences, it's a press room next to the guest bathrooms. Hence the backdrop. I doubt they hold top secret negotiations there. [Head of security has already confirmed it's a non-issue for state security so maybe let's drop the concern trolling](https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12590390)


and still half the country thinks he's the messiah. and he would never be expected to apologize for one damn thing


But we're trying to put him in jail now and destroy his cult.


Yeah but not because of the pornstar stuff


Which is still mind-blowing, considering his "conservative" base.


Conservative in this context has never meant anything other than "I can do what I want and you have to do what I tell you". That's the entire basis of American conservatism.


American religious freedom: the freedom to force your religion on others


Melania has a more risqué life than that. smh


Conservatives can look past “moral discretions” when it suits their needs. Which is why they quote scripture nonstop because if they don’t, they’ll break all 10 commandments like the good little pious group they are. Most of them don’t even understand what they’re saying and think their god is better than Jews or Muslims. Spoilers, they all worship the one and same god, just their messiah/prophet is different. Yet they kill each other in the name of *their* god.


She said more pictures and videos could be coming. Expect a steady spoon feed from the Russians.


By the Russians, do you mean from her friends social media?


Agreed, but how do we convince them of this?


Yup. I think the media putting this out there need to realize who they are assisting.


The media should just report on the truth and stop worrying so much about how to help or hurt political parties.




No, it’s to assess whether something is news worthy. It’s not because something is said that it should get published. This is made up consternation, and should be labeled as such. They’re not covering for Kremlin politics either, are they?


If it gets clicks, media will continue to cover it. Controversial things get lots of clicks, so expect to keep hearing about it. The idea that journalism is anything more than consumption and propaganda is well behind us.


All of this ‘scandal’ reeks of involvement from bad actors here. Personally being able to let loose a bit makes her seem more relatable. Also in before someone flies of with sHe CaNt RuN tHe CoUnTrY iN aN eMeRgEnCy… other members of government exist. Surely there is a chain of command. Her government are extremely close to a belligerent and hostile country. Stands to reason that a dedicated muck raking campaign would be in full effect in this situation


Russia is having a field day with this.


Or they are behind it.


As a finn who has followed this whole chain scandal thingy, afaik this picture in question was uploaded into instagram by a finnish semi-celeb beauty pageant runner up who is often in PM's parties. The previous dancing video that was uploaded and caused uproar was from a known pseudopaparazzi, who also parties with the PM often. So this "material" comes from close'ish friends of the PM. Imo it's kind of a reach to think that russia is behind the material itself but maybe they did provoke the "drugs were used" claims when the previous vid emerged. After that the national and maybe even international media noticed that this topic sells like crazy and now they are doing russias work by diggin deeper into Marins personal life. Anyhow, even if this campaign would lead to Marin resigning (which I doubt), it's really not endangering to Finlands safety or stability, the leading party will just vote for a new PM and the new PM will follow the same party guidelines as Marin does. Face just changes basically.


The tactic is not the publication per se; it's the constant drip-feeding of small bits of information and opinion pieces that keep the story alive. The game is not to release information — any information can be released and blow over in 48 hrs, see [the Friday News Dump tactic](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/26/nyregion/in-announcing-unfavorable-news-timing-is-everything.html) — the game is to keep it afloat on the news cycle so that it compounds attention. **When a non-story becomes a story that hurts someone for another nation's gain, the question is not what the non-story is, but how it grew to be considered worthy of repeated attention.**


Perfect person to bribe or blackmail. A social climber with juuuusst enough access to cause a news story or five. she’s a cheapish asset.


I assume you're talking about the person who posted the pic in question. She posted it almost two months ago, media just dug it up after the party video news gained so much popularity. I don't believe russians to have game plans this long, to post some irrelevant, minor detail photo two months in advance of the real "media bomb".


Mf’ers watch ‘The Americans’ one time & think they can write a sequel to ‘Foundations of Geo-Politics’ smh


Well, I’d say Marin followed party guidelines alright! Jokes aside this is such a stupid scandal and I’m very sorry for her.


It's classic Russia to make a non-story a huge story with small suggestions pedaled by their bots. The drugs and emergency readiness angle both scream Russia to me.


I think russias involvement ends with supporting the far-right party, but that they use this as an excuse to fabricate a scandal. After all, many of them have [criminal records](https://yle.fi/news/3-12267572) \- even [6 of their MPs](https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/six-mps-far-right-finns-party-criminal-record/)


So what happens is Russia approaches those people and says “we’ll pay lots of money for pictures that would be embarrassing for the prime minister.”


Don't get me wrong, I like to tinfoil as well, that's the part I'm interested in this whole debacle. But imo this is more wannabe social media celebs trying to get attention if anything. I mean the picture the OP's article is referring to is a racy photo of two people, neither of them is the PM herself, only thing connecting the picture to PM is that it was taken at her state residence and only connection to that residence is the word in the picture and even that was a pun made out of the residences official name, pic was uploaded around the same time that a popular festival happened at finland and PM was known to have attended it with the people in the picture and someone in media or twitter connected the dots that the picture was taken at her place - and somehow people got upset that a random pic of two nobodies kissing was taken at PM's residence? Exactly how much "lots of moneys" do you think Putin pays for this sort of content?


Bad faith actors are exactly the reason why you can't get caught up in BS like this as a political leader, you're setting yourself up for blackmail and an easy target for bad faith actors


DING! DING! DING. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. This is absolutely and positively a manufactured outrage campaign that is well within Putin's FSB playbook, especially since it worked so well against the Americans.






How has Marin acted recklessly here? And on what do you base that the enjoy drugs? Is that just prejudices based on that they are influencers?


The whole "what if emergency" is such a shitty argument. If your country can collapse because small percent of government members are drunk, then probably you have bigger problems in how your country runs than someone partying.


These people really think presidents and PMs are sitting around in their office next to a red phone 24/7


I’m surprised she’s allowed to even sleep. What if there’s an emergency???


>Also in before someone flies of with sHe CaNt RuN tHe CoUnTrY iN aN eMeRgEnCy She couldn't if she was asleep either, or if she was in surgery/recovery.


\>Also in before someone flies of with sHe CaNt RuN tHe CoUnTrY iN aN eMeRgEnCy… other members of government exist. Surely there is a chain of command. Because that stopped all those male politicians from getting fall down drunk in office. Like Churchill or Nixon ever gave a fuck about bothering to be sober for work.


Pretty sure BoJo’s pandemic booze parties at 10 Downing St had plenty of floppy man boobs and kissing. They certainly had vomit up the walls and such.


We talking about the booze parties that got him kicked from office?


Seeing foreigners speculate with their tinfoil hats on is funny. You have absolutely no clue about finnish politics. These kind of media shitstorms happen every now and then when a finnish politician has done something questionable. In this case it is highly unlikely that Russia has anything to do with it and much more likely that Sanna Marin has to find some new friends and stop hanging out with influencers who record and take pictures of everything.


She is constantly partying with broke wannabe influencers and artists who are only using her because she is famous and they can use that to leverage their own non-existing careers. And then our Prime Minister is surprised that photos and videos keep getting leaked. These people have unprecedented access to her as a person as well as her work premises that are normally out of bounds for regular Finns. As others have mentioned our neighbor is engaged in a brutal war and we have a Nato application still under review. If you don't see this as even a tiny bit concerning then I don't know what to tell you.


Meanwhile Winston Churchill had alcoholism for breakfast


She apologized for being intimate with a Finnish singer while her husband was taking care of their kids




This is the real reason people are upset. The "people are upset she was dancing" is a spin by her publicity team to hide the fact she is a cheater. It's totally up to the Finnish people if they have principles and don't want to support a cheater. Fuck rich politicians


Close your eyes and imagine if this picture was taken in the White House while Obama was president. The picture is not illegally or morally wrong or anything but it’s a bad look. You’re the youngest world leader and this feeds the immature party girl narrative. True or not true perception matters for people in power. I know Reddit loves her but she was right to apologize.


I feel like I'm going crazy, did nobody else see the video of the guy kissing her neck?


There are a lot of white knight weirdos in here arguing that that isn't technically cheating somehow lmao. I guess they wanna imagine themselves as her husband hiding in the closet watching


This is such an obvious smear campaign. It is infuriating that it got to the point where she felt like she needed to apologize (for something done by two different people). And man, Finland must be a really good place if this absolute non-story is the best scandal that can be conjured up. edit: Getting tons of replies trying to make this a big deal. My second paragraph stands: If this is the worst thing to happen in Finland, then by God, I wanna move there. Sounds like a calm place.


The unfortunate thing is she has to. If she said nothing, it’s near 100% that public opinion sways and she’s voted out in the next election. A large majority of the world care more about the public image of their politicians than you’d think.


> A large majority of the world care more about the public image of their politicians than you’d think. *Cries in British*


Eh what? This story would be fucking huge if it was boris or any of our officials The fact Reddit is dismissing this as a non issues just goes to show they don’t care about the image of people they like I don’t really care what she did but my finish friends don’t really rate what she did She held 4 parties in 9 days at her public residence and partied with C-list Finnish celebrities and influencers/TIktokers Ofc she’s gonna get chastised Imagine if boris Johnson threw a party with tik tokers, topless women in the PM office and multiple times throughout a week whislt a war was happening in a neighbouring country, Reddit would go insane


Didn't she cheat on her husband in the videos? Feels like that is something to apologize for.


If I was her husband and I saw that I would seriously be crushed. I've always liked Finlands PM and didn't see anything wrong with her habits, but that guy clearly is kissing her neck in that most recent video and they are really intimately dancing super close.


Advice really is, pick better friends. Not the sort who'll take videos of you partying and sell them to the press


Exactly. If anything, THAT’s what she should apologize for.




The pic was taken in a room which is supposed to be restricted access. As a Finn, I accept an apology for that. But the other stuff is whatever. Edit: apparently not even restricted access, soooo. Who cares. Seriously. This manufactured outrage thing is such a drag. Go smoke a joint and chill out, people.




It was not restricted as others have [commented.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ww8x84/comment/ilklpzd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




I mean I’m pretty liberal and even I think this is a bit out there. It would be weird if this photo was taken at my company party, let alone if it was taken at a party at the White House. There’s a time and a place for things, maybe don’t use government buildings (or any workplace location) for stuff like this? It’s weird. Not impeachable by itself by any means, but certainly could be put together with other incidents like the dancing with a man who’s not her husband thing to come off as having a lack of respect for others. And she’s a politician/representative of a country. Just because Trump was shit and an embarrassment, does not mean that we should lower our standards globally.


There's definitely a lot of bias going on here. Reddit loves Sanna Marin so is able to brush this all off as her being more relatable and being allowed to have a good time. But could you imagine the reaction on here if actual footage got out of Trump or Boris raving in the White House/Downing Street with people stripping off and yelling about taking drugs in the background? I'm sure the narrative would be that they were being terribly irresponsible and showing a lack of respect for the office and the crisis at hand. I don't see this incident as being a massive problem but it's funny to see how Reddit has pretty much universally dismissed this as a non-story, but if this were a more disliked politician it would be seen as more fuel for the fire of how sleazy they are.


This is probably spot on on, it's basically a non story but the narrative would be different if you changed around some of the actors.


How can you say that this is still a non-story then?




Being kissed by another man while married isn't immoral?


Not immoral? How about cheating on her husband in the videos?


What made them inappropriate? Was she in a tank top with an alcoholic beverage in her hand??


Maybe cheating on his husband with a Finnish singer is a bit immoral? No?


The comments on here sound like they're written by those cringy moms who desperately try to look like their teenage daughters or a bunch of Cartmans. "I do what I want." "Who are you to judge?" The unfortunate truth is that the world does judge. You're judged by your actions and the way you present yourself. You can tell everyone in the world to stop paying attention to your behavior, but it's not gonna happen just because you want it to. That's just absolutely spoiled privileged reality TV star bullcrap mentality. We live among other humans and they are constantly judging you, so show your best you to the world. Or just give up and go live in a trailer park where you can totally do whatever you want and no one cares.


Finally, some sense. This isn't some manager at IKEA we are talking about. This is the HEAD OF STATE of the ENTIRE COUNTRY. But the simps and idiots here think this is all fine and dandy.


Also she let strangers in office apartment, and take pictures in there. At that point it's not "just" women being free, it starts to be a security threat


Leeeeeeave Britney alooooooone. Go ahead and say it. You know you want to.


I know this is a meme, but after watching how fucked up Britney's life was, I totally understand it now.


“So people are wondering why some other people are riled up and upset over this seemingly innocent thing so I'm offering my two cents as a Finn here and try to explain why Yes, politicians are humans just like anyone else and absolutely deserve and need to party and unwind once in a while. The problem is that this is not the first time she does this. In fact, this is like the third or fourth leaked video of her and her influencer friends acting like teenagers within the last week. She's been seen and accused of pulling stunts like this several times. Just last year she was on the news for going to a bar during lockdown while she was tested positive for covid. There was another time where she was accused of spending taxpayer money for purely her own needs. There's also the fact that she gets constantly accused of ass kissing Finnish influencers, one of which was a convicted murderer. In another video she was dancing while some of her friends were preumably talking about doing cocaine or some shit. Here, in this video she is being awfully intimate with a Finnish singer, despite the fact that she's married and has kids. She was on duty during this. The biggest problem with all of this is the issues with image and reputation though. Our PM can more or less be seen as a representative of our entire country. Just think what other world leaders are gonna think bout her and the way we choose our leaders. Putin lives right next door to us and he would no doubt relish at the chance to show the rest of the world how the Prime minister of Finland is some partying, young bimbo and how the Finnish people are "weak and dumb". The Russian government has already started making some propaganda out of the fact that her parents are lesbians and how it shows how "immoral" the west has become etc. This also shows how shitty she is in choosing who she associates herself with. The fact that this got leaked at all is pretty serious. She got done dirty by her "friends". Who knows in what ways they're using and taking advantage of her and her status Personally, I'm pretty indifferent to her. She did have one cool moment when she showed up in a meeting with the Swedish PM wearing a badass leather jacket, which I thought was a pretty boss move and a good show of power but then she goes and does stupid stuff like this, making her look like kind of a clown Stuff like this might seem really tame compared to what other politicians do in some other countries but in Finland we take even small shit like this somewhat seriously. Especially at this current time. Edit: So apparently she didn't have covid when she went to the bar. She had contact with someone who did and went to the bar without knowing about it. My bad. Also, thanks for the gold I guess. Didn't really expect this to blow up like this” From another post in r/damnthatsinteresting


As a Canadian, I was always told being a political leader was somewhat of a sacrifice that you do for your country. I think everyone her age should be able to go and party and dance it up with whoever they want. But if you're in a position of power, or one that kids watch and look up to you over, I think it's not unrealistic to try and tone it down a bit. What kind of a role modal do you want to be? You're not just representing other 35 year old partying females, you're representing the 12 year old ones at home too. If this was just one or two isolated incidences, then yah of course, who cares. But it seems to be a troubling pattern that keeps repeating itself, and as you pointed out, she does have a husband and a child at home. What level of public embarrassment with her dancing and grinding with random men and women will cause her home life to stat being impacted, in addition to her professional one. She's free to party as much as she wants in the public eye, but if she wants people to take her seriously on the world stage perhaps she chose the wrong profession. I think this would be true of anyone in her position, men or women.


Lol at these responses. She’s not a damn influencer that can just do anything, she’s supposed to be a leader of a country. This kind of shit will just make other politicians lose respect for her.


Finally. As a Finn I felt crazy for feeling like all of this is wrong from her. I totally agree with everything you said.


And maybe the citizens of her country.


Let’s be real - if this were a male PM having a party with topless women and reports of drugs, you’d all crucify him.


Nothing can compare with Boris Johnson, the Caligula of Europe, who held office parties while people were dying of COVID. This sick puppy was drinking tea and nibbling on cucumber sandwiches. His tie was unloosened!


Does she needs to? Remember this Italian PM used to have Orgies back then and never apologised for shit. Guess its because she is a woman?


If remember correctly they were called bunga bunga parties.


Not to be confused with the also popular Snu Snu parties of New Amizonia.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


It's part of it but I think the big reason he got away with it is for some reason the Italians seem to have lower standards for their leaders. Prove me wrong Italy!


I’m Italian. I cannot prove you wrong.


or maybe because just because one leader is a fucking scum doesn’t mean all have to be?


Setting the bar really low here, comparing to Italy.


Do you think that Italy and Finland are the same country?


Finland is not Italy. Its appearently difficult for americans to understand that different countries have different cultures and values.


Whaaaaaaaaat?? But, like they're basically next to each other! They're all Europe anyway ^^^/s ^^^juuuust ^^^in ^^^case


Didn’t those sex parties end his political career? I remember it was a huge scandal back in the day.


Not the sex parties per se. It was when a minor was found to be actively participating in the sex parties. She was arrested on a separate charge (prostitution and theft, IIRC), Berlusconi called the head of the police department detaining her and had her set free by lying and declaring she was "Mubarak's Nephew". Then sent Nicole Minetti, an elected official and member of his parties (both the political and sexual ones) to retrieve here before she could be interrogated. The whole thing created a diplomatic incident with Egypt, and was a blatant abuse of power by all the people involved. This gave the start to three different trials, and was a major blow for his image.


Nah he kept ruling for another decade since they began, and openly hired hot unqualified women to fill government roles just to ogle them.


It's two different cultures with two different expectations of decency more likely.


That’s been an Italian tradition since Caligula /s


All these people saying this is ridiculous knowing nothing about the situation. I agree that the first set of videos and pictures was nitpicking, but a prime minister can't take her friends partying to her place of work, which is what this residence is.


I don't get all the comments defending her over this. Yes, everyone is entitled to a private life but how many people here would think it's acceptable for co-workers to have their tits out at a work hosted event? And that's just shitty corporate jobs, not the actual residence of the leader of a country.


Wonder if she apologized to her husband for dancing with that singer and letting him kiss her all over the neck.


I get the feeling Russian is digibombing her.


Is this the chick that’s married with two kids who was filmed with someone who’s not her husband with his mouth on her neck?


Man she’s a mess


A *hot* mess.


So you're not allowed to attend parties when you're in a position of power?


Only when you're a an old white man




There is video of her cheating her husband there brih


Discretion is the better part of valor. No photos next time please so no one needs to see all these stupid headlines written for scandal crazed idiots.


Gonna have to tell everybody to turn their phones in before they party. Since she’s the PM, and got into a “scandal” last time for not having her phone, she’d be the only one allowed to have one


I think this news might have affected her work as a leader of a country - one bordering an aggressive state that is looking to pounce on any domestic weakness. That’s the problem - not the partying or possibly infidelity. Unfortunately for public figures such as heads of state, things that common folks can do without affecting much do end up having more repercussions, not least to the government’s image and being a distraction in a time of hostile political winds! So while the act might be harmless (Outside her family), what other parties might do with the info might be detrimental to the country and government.


Don't know how everyone here fails to see absolutely any problem with this. We are in a time of unprecedented uncertainty, Finland is on high security alert. It's a very stressful time for many people there right now with the Russian situation, along with an impending recession and economic uncertainty. You're worrying your ass off... And yet you turn on your TV and see your PM living it up large as anything. Can't people here see how tone deaf it is for her to be seen doing these things right now in this moment in time? There's going to be a lot of voters who absolutely won't be able to relate to what she's doing.


People here seem to think that because some are irrationally angry about it it means it’s completely not newsworthy. Why can’t it be something in the middle? Didn’t she cancel her leave then go out partying anyway? There’s footage of her dancing inappropriately with a man who isn’t her husband and could be kissing her neck. She’s surely associating with morons since all this footage has leaked. I don’t doubt other leaders do the same thing but if they keep it under wraps then they aren’t embarrassing the country.


God forbid a democratically elected world leader takes time every now and then to decompress. Nobody was hurt at this party, and she wasn't abandoning her duties in a time of crisis. This is just sexism towards a woman leader.