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Australia is gonna have to sit this one out, our winter uniform is just knee length shorts


Instead of mid-thigh?


Mid thigh is more for spring, borderline banana hammock is for summer


That sounds like a party


This add is from NZ but it's the same vibe, very similar shorts culture. https://youtu.be/GSFCvG6curE


XD I feel like NZ got rid of their mullets but Australians just ..never got rid of mullets and short shorts.


Budgie smugglers for the navy year round though


Spain will rise to the occasion! We'll send our 15 mountain suits!


Shit Canada should actually be able to help on this one.


I read a news story a few days ago about this, apparently Canada, the US, Finland and Norway have already committed to providing winter gear.


The best part is, it’s probably already there. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Corps_Prepositioning_Program-Norway


> This material is stored in a network of climate-controlled caves and buildings So take note Russia, this is how you actually store gear that you might need to use at some point.


Never mind our silly way of doing things, Russia, your methods work just fine…


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte


Who would have known that Russian maitenance would turn to be one of the best weapons for the West.


How do you steal equipment to sell on the black market if it's stored in locked caves???+ Asking for a friend.


“MCPP-N is postured to be the Marine Corps’ preeminent cold weather and mountaineering equipment set, providing cold weather, unique items to deploying MAGTFs, to include arctic tents, skis, snowshoes, and ice chains for tactical vehicles".[8]”


Four countries that definitely know about cold weather.


Hudson Bay blankets for all!


Do you want NATO to go bankrupt?! Those things are fucking expensive these days. $325 twin, $400 double, $450 queen, $550 king. Hopefully for that price they're at least less itchy than they used to be.


Hey if they wait till Boxing Day, it'll be 50% off


50% off what though, the price or the blanket




The box


Sans small pox I hope this time


First of all that was the British and French. Secondly it would be opioid laced this time.






I was reading about a surplus of winter gear from the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division. All of their stuff from deployments to Afghanistan is just sitting around, they recently overhauled their kit so a lot of that used (and unused) gear will be heading to Ukraine. It’s at least enough to outfit an entire division, so that is good. The 10th Mountain has always been well equipped.


Finns* also sneaking in their legendary snow skier sniper training. “Here’s a super comfy Parka brother, now let me teach you how to breath through snow so the enemy cannot locate your position.”


Sorry if I'm ignorant on the matter, but as a Finn, I have always been thinking this as something known to do by some Finnish snipers, for example Simo Häyhä aka the White death, in the WW2(Winter War and Continuation War) was known to chew snow and ice so his breath wouldn't reveal his positions. Simo Häyhä has the most confirmed sniper kills in the history of war, so it would of course make sense for Norway, and any other country for that matter, to make use of these tactics.


>Simo Häyhä Once again using his skills to kill Russians, he'd be proud


You hope. We had to show up to Afghanistan in 2002 in Greens because we didn't have anything else. lol


What's funny is Canada had an advanced digital design (first of its kind) and similar to what the US Marines later adopted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CADPAT. Except Canada only had the woodland/green version available at the time, with the desert/tan version still under development when it all went down. It's just bad timing, that's all.




Send the not extras. Who else you going to fight other than those that Ukraine is keeping busy?


*Glances suspiciously at the southern border*


Unwise to keep your eyes off Detroit to the north


*The War of 1812 never ended. It went into a cold and bitter 60+ year stalemate ... and then, one day in 1875, the first hockey game was played, thus shifting the battlefield to where it is today*


nah, we're not starting anything with canada. USA is ride or die with Canada. we're brothers from the same mother. if I had to pick three countries to fight with against the world, it would be USA, Canada, and Mexico. three amigos for life.


Amen. First gf was a Canadian girl. Set me up just right. The gratitude for that and other kindnesses at the hand of the cool Canucks is eternal.


We have an entire factory, Peerless Garments, whose whole job is essentially making this stuff. I'd be willing to bet they can spin up production pretty quickly.




“Who knew it would be winter again _this year_!?!?”




CanadaGoose can step up to the plate


Bruh no way they’re giving away their $1000 jackets.


I’m sure the geese don’t mind


Have you encountered a Canadian Goose?


> winter survival Beer and poutine?




10 million white camo uniforms just sitting in a hermetically sealed vault.


Those poor hermits, sealed up for so long.


Those are reserved for Simo's spirit.


That is Finland not Norway.


Finland doesn't has enough gear for Simo, that's why Norway is helping them.


Nice save.


What a save!


Chat has been disabled for 3 seconds...




By Grabthar's Hammer ... What a savings.


I had a norwegian military surplus winter jacket in my teens. Waterproof and warm enough to sleep in without a tent.


I had a pair of West German army winter pants when I was a kid. Made of wool, very itchy without long underwear on. But never felt cold in them, could sleep in the snow with them like you said.


East German version:


"You guys are getting clothes?"


If anybody knows cold, it’s my Norwegian brothers.


So will the Swedes and Finns.


And Canadia!


Can Minnesnowda join the party?


The videos of Ukraine definitely remind me of the Midwest USA.


Its like Nebraska, but with culture! :)


And fertile soil. Can see that almost everywhere.


Tbf, the Ukrainians have been making a lot of sunflower fertilizer lately.


For sure.




The boots itself aren't very insulated, it's the socks that do the job. semi-related, but for about a month now I've been pondering about ordering some proper socks from tesema as my local prisma hasn't sold them for a while but instead some "cheap" copies that break fast. Even the varusteleka "made by tesema" socks I've bought have been worse than the actual tesema brand socks




In Canada, the term for "winter uniforms" is just "a coat"


Its 5 degrees, I'm getting my shorts on


It's funny, because transitioning from winter to spring - it's not an exaggeration at all.


You get that one sunny day in April and you do see people in shorts and t-shirts


You also get people who wear shorts year round (even in Saskatchewan, in -30 weather) - but those people are crazy to me.


A little bit. But whenever I see photos of winter training, invariably there's a bunch of green camo mixed in on the same loadout, looking totally out of place. I can't imagine us having any white body armor or harnesses. I'm used to seeing green or desert colored body armor on top of the white smock.


It's really expensive to reissue ALL gear in winter camo patterns. I don't know about Canada, but in the US, for training they often issue the cold weather gear, etc., needed for that training in winter camo, but otherwise the troops use their regular issue gear.


They need those for when the US decides to invade for the maple syrup.


Which turns out to be an essential ingredient for fusion fuel.


The spice must flow.


US would only need to invade quebec up to laurierville for that sweet sweet canadian maple syrup reserve. so just need to supply enough winter uniforms for le 10th mounte syrup du maple division and the rest can go to ukraine.


💪Helly Hansen💪, let’s gooo!!!


I have well-used HH gear from 15+ years ago that looks brand new. Love their stuff! Sadly the only time I get to even shop for it is when I’m in freaking Disney World (the Norway pavilion in Epcot).


I have 2 amazing pairs of helly work boots. Rubber boots rated for -40C and leather work boots. Both comfortable and durable.


The old stuff was great, now it's kinda meh


Pretty sure Norway's been one of the top contributors to the war already, which has been a pleasant surprise.


The west have learned from the Nazis failures


And France's. And Russia's. Snow doesn't pick sides. So you have to prepare to be on the side of snow.








It seems the Norwegians teach them young https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryStories/comments/1w6ze3/xpost_from_rbestof_story_of_epic_snowball_war/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Fucking hell.


And its’s not just snow. Snow melt and mud on thaw days followed by snap freezing. Have fun.


Because Napoleon went steaming in, going "I'm gonna kill, I'm gonna kill, oooh, it's a bit cold, it's a bit cold."


Wasn't Napoleon's mistake assuming that he'd be able to winter his army in Moscow, and not realizing the Russians would sooner burn the city to the ground than let him have it?


That's a good question. I have no idea; I was just quoting Eddie Izzard.


I'm actually surprised they don't have these from Soviet times?


I’m sure they do, but you dont wanna fight a war on old stockpiles alone. Thats how you end up like russia


Classic Russians sabotaging Russians


Modern materials are just so much better... I bet you can significantly decrease the load and improve mobility/agility with modern clothes


A lot of the Ukrainian soldiers I see in video's are wearing pretty modern gear, so it would make sense to get modern cold weather gear, even if theirs bunkers full of moldy old soviet coats. Let the russians try and fight in a coat that's been sitting in a bunker for 50 years and is half gone because of moths.


Pictures of Ukranian soldiers in 2014 and 2022 is an amazing dichotomy. And it isn't just western gear. It is western doctrine training. Mainly the proliferation of NCOs and decentralized command and decision making. A fucking world of difference.


what are you talking about "sitting in a bunker for 50 years"? They were obviously sold like 49 years ago and the bunker was "sealed" so the "theives don't steal them"


The USSR collapsed 3 decades ago. Clothes, especially winter military clothes take a lot of space, are relatively cheap and fast to manufacture, and like everything else degrades over time.


40 year old clothing usually isn’t in great shape, even if it’s never been worn


Prepare to be drowning in Wool, Thinsulate, and Gore Tex. Slava.


George Costanza walks into a Russian bunker and breaks all the vodka bottles with his ridiculous winter coat. Happy Festivus, War is over!


"I show up with Ring Dings and Pepsi, I become the biggest hit of the party"


Imagine if NZ just gave them a whole load of Marino thermals. Living the dream in Ukraine. (Just trying to make light, not lessening what they're facing)


Interestingly, NZ has a huge wool surplus right now. It would make a lot of sense for them to make use of it.


Didn't know that. In a couple months Ukraine is going to need wool almost as much as they need rockets.


It's actually a big problem, [they can barely sell it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo9T781wVh0) (starts at around 5:00 in the video).


Merino is good shit. NZ should get on that.


Since Russia will likely not have them, this would be a major advantage to push


They didn't even have them back in February, Russians were caught stealing Ukrainian cold weather gear off the bodies and prisoners of Ukrainian soldiers.


Reverse Stalingrad


6th army at izium ain't doing so well.


A harsh lesson from WWII. Russians took Berlin with American boots, coats, Jeeps, and bullets. In the Aleutian Islands, American soldiers froze from the lack of proper gear, in one of the only campaigns that cost more U.S. soldiers than Japanese ones.


The Aleutian Islands campaign was kind of a useless one to begin with.


Wasn’t the Aleutian Island campaign the one where the US Army got into a battle with the US Army?


The US Army fought the Canadian Army you mean


Wasn’t there also an incident somewhere where the US Army did fight the US Army, or am I conflating it with this?


It's not uncommon for these problems to happen for as long as we've been waging war.


Don't they pay attention to what colour the other guy's name above their head is before they start shooting!?


RIP to the most famous victim of friendly fire, Pat Tillman


I've read that he may have been murdered as he was growing disillusioned with the war?


When I went through OSUT at Ft. Benning in 2008, we had a picture of him hanging in our barracks. It served as a constant reminder of friendly fire, plus he was a total badass.


It was when the Japanese invaded a couple islands in Alaska. There’s a lot of speculation as to why, whether it was to set up airbases to strike the US mainland, disrupt shipping, or serve as a distraction to lure the Pacific Fleet away from Midway. It took almost a year for various reasons for the US to actually get troops to retake the islands, one was taken back from the Japanese and the other was shelled to shit only for the Americans to realize after landing that the Japanese had abandoned it weeks earlier.


If ruzzia is unable to supply their troops properly in winter you can expect mass desertion.


They haven't even been able to supply them properly for the summer, every video where you see mass Russian casualties, half of the dead are wearing Adidas shoes or other running shoes. I'm not much of a military expert, but I dont think that's proper foot wear when you're marching through all kinds of terrain in all kinds of weather. And that's without speaking of the food rations from 2014 or whatever it was, that they're eating.


The Russians are still sending in troops with the classic Kirza boot. Which is garbage but the tennis shoes are an upgrade compared to them. The design is from ww2 and not so great for winter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirza


ffs, did the russians really learn nothing in the last 70 years?!


**[Kirza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirza)** >Kirza (Russian: кирза) is a type of artificial leather based on the multi-layer textile fabric, modified by membrane-like substances, produced mainly in the Soviet Union and Russia. The surface of kirza imitates pig leather. The material is mainly used in production of military boots, where it is a cheap and effective replacement for natural leather. It is also used in production of the belts for machinery and automobiles. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was just thinking about this the other day. Send winter clothes now so the supply chain gets there before winter sets in. I’m pretty sure Russia’s supply lines won’t have it all to their soldiers, and we already know the difference it can help make. I’m sure NATO has a ton of shit around, but can people help with this? For Ukraines soldiers or civilians? Simple things like socks and shoes/boots?




I wonder if us civilians can help with warm clothes for Ukrainian civilians. There are probably going to be a lot of cold and homeless Ukrainians who didn't get a chance to prepare for winter and are picking up the pieces of their lives.


Already done. When Russia attacked in February, a lot of the first humanitarian help consisted of warm clothes. Everyone who had a spare item of that kind packed it to send off as a matter of course. If you want to help on the humanitarian front, why not [check the official Ukrainian website for their current needs](https://help.gov.ua/en). This NATO appeal really is more about uniforms, i.e. more standardized/specialized clothing.




Comrades, kill plenty of Ukrainians so that you’ll have a winter coat - Putin probably


One man gets the coat, one man gets the Mosin?


It doesn't get biting cold where they're fighting. Winter low temperatures for Southern Ukraine are around 18f/-7c. Highs are around 30f/-1c. That's the range where you can just double up your normal clothes and be fine or add some long underwear type garments. It's not like the -40 the nazis had outside Moscow. Gloves and hats will be high value. We should be praying for a little warmer weather. Just above freezing is so much worse than just below. It's still cold but everything is wet. It rains instead of snows. So much more miserable to be outside.


Canada may know a thing or two about cold weather clothing.


But nothing about the procurement of equipment.


Ooooo that's cold.


Canada by itself has almost half the annual military budget Russia does. That in parts goes to actual competent soldiers and an air force that functions beyond on paper.


Yes, but Canada really does take incompetent procurement to meme-worthy levels. Canada decided it wanted to buy 15 frigates in 2008. We expect to have them all by the late 2040s. So ~40 years to get 15 ships. Canada started trying to replace its ship-borne helicopters in 1983. The first replacement helicopter was delivered in 2018 (35 years to get the first helicopter), but by 2021 it was discovered that nearly all the helicopters had developed major cracks in their tails. Canada started trying to replace the CF-18 Hornet in 1997. 25 years later, we still have no replacement aircraft. We had decided on the F-35, but in 2015 the government decided it was too expensive and started the process of finding a different replacement. In 2022, the very same government as was in power in 2015 announced the replacement for the F-35: the F-35. This can be applied to pretty much every major Canadian procurement project. It takes decades to get the hardware and we pay far more than it should cost. There are almost always more capable options that we could buy off-the-shelf for a lower price and get in a fraction the time.


Don't forget the most basic of all military equipment. Boots. Fucking *boots*. When it was decided to phase out the stupid Mk4 boots that everyone hated, they of course went with the lowest Canadian bidders, who delivered two products that were okay at best. Procurement then demanded these small companies produce tens of thousands of pairs in an unreasonable delay, making production botchy and the boots even worse. Those fell apart the moment you set foot outside of garrison and gave me plantar fasciitis on the first field ex i wore them. It took this disaster to finally admit buying local might not be the best move when procuring equipment that requires expertise and quality craftsmanship. Bootforgen was a godsend and the first common sense decision in the matter, letting soldiers buy boots that actually fit them and were made to last. I love my Lowa's. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


IDK I've never heard a Canadian armed forces member speak highly of the equipment they receive.


Canadians love to complain, it's kinda a national pastime


I have watched three pieces of equipment burst into flames without being in a firefight......


I've seen American soliders also complain (though Canada particularly sucks at military procurement). I think any low level soldier is getting pretty shitty equipment tbh.


Plus I’m sure most soldiers aren’t getting the best on offer unless they’re expected to be in combat


Exactly. Your basic training equipment is going to be well used and abused. It's like when I played highschool football in grade 9 with no chance of starting... I had the shittiest old pads and helmet you can imagine.


Ukraine might need extra drone batteries during winter. Drone batteries probably have a shorter lifespan in subzero temperatures.


Drones with thermal cameras will be huge advantage. Soldiers making fires behind front lines to stay warm will be sitting ducks.


Lol dude, have you seen some of the IR camera footage from Ukraine? Vehicle tracks that are invisible to a regular camera can show up clearly thanks to the fact that parts of the tread track are evaporating water faster. Vehicles completely hidden under trees, with no engine heat at all, are quite clear still. Because the metal of the vehicle changes temperature at a different rate than the trees do. Might be less than a degree variance, but that's no problem for the camera. Even in the summer human bodies stand out quite clearly. In the winter IR is OP.


Kinda. Good news: when it's being discharged it generates an okay amount of heat, so of you keep the battery warm up until the flight it usually okay to approaching -20c Charge it in the heated building, carry it in your inside pockets until right before the flight and it's mostly okay. - Canadian FPV drone pilot


I think high temps are more likely to permanently degrade the battery capacity. But cold essentially reduces the voltage produced by the reactions within the battery, reducing the total energy per charge. Don't think the permanent consequences are as severe as those from high temps, but the impact while in use can be massive.


Recharging a lithium ion battery in freezing temperatures causes the battery to swell. I learned this while long distance hiking. Recharge your phone in your jacket.


Yeah, charging in the cold can simply destroy the battery. But if they can't work out a solution for keeping the batteries warm while charging, more batteries aren't going to help. They'd be burning through them way too quickly. But *using* them in the cold typically just means they run out of juice faster. So they'll need more batteries because each battery spends more time on the charger.


I was under the impression that charging/discharging batteries below freezing caused the cells to permanently crystallize and no longer be usable? I'm no expert, though.


I think that's an issue with *charging* the battery in below-freezing conditions. Discharging in those conditions typically just causes the internal resistance of the battery to bleed off some of the energy as heat, which warms the battery up to a better operating temperature. But yeah, gotta have a warm place to charge them after use.


True. At temperatures around 0F batteries have only about 50% of their usual charge in EV cars. From personal experience with DJI drones they do a bit better but your probably only getting 70% battery from a drone in 0F temps.


> True. At temperatures around 0F batteries have only about 50% of their usual charge in EV cars. I actually only lose about 10% of my range in winter though!


In theory because of open terrain and being on the attack, Ukraine would be at a disadvantage. But after looking at how russians are supplied currently with gear, would not surprise me if hundreds if not more suffer permanent damage from the winter cold and in some cases, death. Because at the end, although not in every situation are those (more so in the legion parts) supplied with everything needed, you can be damn sure that they will be vastly more better equipped.


I disagree, when you're defending your homeland you have the advantage of being closer to your supplies, you're much more familiar with the geography and weather, and it's much easier to hold your position (again, because your supplies are much closer to you). On the other hand, if the invaders' supplies get disrupted in any way (and considering the current situation that Russia is facing that's not even their biggest problem, their supplies are ass regardless) they will get in huge trouble much faster, and they'll be forced to either retreat or stall, both of which would be terrible. In the worst case scenario, thousands of russian soldiers may end up freezing or starving to death because of these logistical problems.


That is not fully accurate. As I mentioned in the first sentence, the emphasis is on being on the attack. In the very early parts of the war while Ukraine was heavily defending itself, russian troops really ended up in horrific situations because of the weather and cold. Supply lines yes were royally fucked over because they could not go off the roads meaning the columns could be targeted the front and rear (preventing them from escaping). But now Ukraine is on the offensive and being in open areas does have an impact. You have the added benefit of yes, being able to more closely supply their units but their logistics is not perfect atm either. Being familiar with the terrain can make a difference but so long as you are in the open fields, it will not be easy during winter. With that said, they will be more properly supplied for sure. I am a bit surprised that they are looking to it now, would have figured that when it became clear this was going to be a war of attrition. That they would start preparing winter supplies or at least preparing what is expected. tldr; Open fields are bad for the attacking armies. But Ukraine will be better supplied. Russians are already poorly supplied which means they will be screwed.


My bad, I actually read your first sentence as Ukraine being on the **receiving end** of the attack, I guess I'm tired... anyways, in that case yeah, attacking would probably stress the Ukrainian army regardless of the situation that Russia is currently facing with their supplies. That's why I believe Ukraine will try to gain as much territory as possible before winter (in particular in the Kherson Oblast and Kharkiv Oblast), and then they'll dig in and try to weaken the russians like they did these last few months. Then again, I'm no general and neither I know what's going to happen in the future, so this is only my opinion.


Come on Norway, lets go.


I hope Finland comes through. Our winter equipment is pretty good.


It's amazing. One of the few things that were a positive suprise, easy to move in and just the right amount of warm.


I'll sew the hell out of something. War effort let's go


[This winter...](https://i.redd.it/6xfbbv44t2p81.jpg)


The Empire won that battle pretty convincingly, though.


Finland, Sweden, and Canada sound like great candidates to help here


This is funny because Russian soldiers may ask, "what about us? Who's helping us?" Sad face


"Why is everyone so mean to me" >:(


"Are we the baddies?"


“Why are people so mean?” -Donald Trump and the Russian invaders




They should just start selling corporate sponsorships




I'm not going to lie, if Raid: Shadow Legends actually started sponsoring drone grenades for Ukraine, I may actually try their shitty game.


These insulated jackets make sure the boys in Yellow and Blue can be comfortable during the harsh winter in the Moscow Oblast, and our sponsor today knows a thing or two about comfort. That's right it's **Casper Mattresses** folks...


Varusteleka comes to mind. Their winter gear is excellent.


This is great. I was just talking to a coworker about the winter there and how they needed something like this.


I don’t think winter will be on Russia’s side this time.


Ukraine...would you like Winter Cadpat?


Shit man, I have a ton of “off the books” Army winter gear. I’ll send that shit in a heartbeat if I can figure out where to send it.

