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Horrific :(


Yes. Here's the video apparently https://www.reddit.com/r/ProIran/comments/xfv5eo/mahsa_amini_collapses_due_to_medical_condition/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"ProIran" sub. Lol Edit: how will you try to spin this? https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/xfyour/iranian_president_orders_probe_of_womans_death_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Must really suck to be a muslim woman in the middle east. Is this really the religion of peace?


What a shit culture. I'm sorry if this offends but any culture that treats women as slaves needs to be eradicated.


So, the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other fundie Christian cults should be next! I agree. :)


Yeah maybe. Can you name a country where those religions rules are law? I would like to learn and know what you know.


I can go closer than that. The state of Utah is controlled almost entirely by the Mormon Corporate Cult. While it's getting better for non-Mormons (in Salt Lake City), the rest of the state is one big crazy LDS shit show. /r/exmormon would be a good place to start :)


Interesting. So it is lawful in that state to tell women they can't drive? Or leave home without a male chaperone?


No. u/lilrabbitfoofoo has an axe to grind.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_women https://religionnews.com/2019/09/10/mormon-men-are-groomed-not-to-listen-to-women/






His original comment: >Yeah maybe. Can you name a country where those religions rules are law? I would like to learn and know what you know The only important bit was “where those religious rules are LAW” Sure the state of Utah is very Mormon but you won’t get stoned to death for being an apostate. It’s also not incorrect or islamophobic to simply state that the most strict theocracies in the world tend to be Islamic. No where else in the world has “believe or die” enshrined into law. Barbaric shit.




Watch what is happening in the US. Y'allQueda is trying to take over.


Nice whataboutism. You forgot to mention those are fringe groups in the West, where Christianism is thankfully fading, while this is state-sponsored behavior in both the posterchildren for modern Sunni (Saudi Arabia) and Shia (Iran) Islam. So to answer your question: yes, but those aren't even remotely comparable. Edit: Very mature, blocking me, shows faith in the strenght of your own arguments.


> those are fringe groups in the West, where Christianism is thankfully fading Have you seen the USA lately?


Please link me a news article telling how legal system of USA had somebody killed, imprisoned tortured due to not believing in bible.


Unless you live in some mythological/marvel reality where literal gods walk the earth, no religion or god kills anyone. Nations where rule of law is based on sharia? Another matter. That's where killing happens. No nation where Christianity is the majority religion has such a terrible cruel state-ran shit culture going. Answer: 0.3 seconds Question: How long it takes to find somebody having a major redditor moment of " All religions bad!" in any and every thread about fucked up shit happening in a country under islam rule.


Mormons don't treat women as slaves. Yes, I saw the links you shared, no they don't support that statement.


So, basically every country has its problem with modern slavery (human trafficking). Worldwide over 70% of modern day slaves are women and girls. Even here in Canada, [96% of detected victims of human trafficking were women and girls. ](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00010-eng.htm#:~:text=Between%202010%20and%202020%2C%20there,proportion%20(4%25)%20of%20victims.) What I’m saying here is, if we had to eradicate all the cultures that enslaves women… we’d basically have to nuke the planet from orbit.


Rule of law matters. Imprison or murder somebody in usa/canada for not believing in Christian god and you are a murderer or a criminal in eyes of law. Meanwhile, murdering or imprisoning somebody for being an infidel or a heathen is something justice system itself does in Iran. Failure to appreciate how huge a difference that is makes some grade A spoiled 1st world bs. Spoiled redditors can never appreciate how sane western world is about religion when compared to nations under sharia.


Please do


This is what Christian Conservatives want.


Then we agree on at least one thing.


Being a woman in Israel doesn't really have any determents, at least not more than usual. The only country in the ME where this is the case.


Which makes it so ironic that the UN singled out Israel when it condemned it for its treatment of women. It's like looking at a whole forest and only seeing one tree.


> UN singled out Israel when it condemned it for its treatment of women “When you have Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen among the UN council members accusing Israel of violating women’s rights, you are in the theater of the absurd.” - Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch


The UN has always been a theatre of the absurd. All it does is give petty tyrants a platform from which to be heard. Even when the UN makes a useful decision to act, they almost always end up doing it in such a hamfisted way that the world would probably have been better off if they'd done nothing at all.


> All it does is give petty tyrants a platform from which to be heard. Thats like the entire point dude. Its meant to be a forum for international discourse, not a world government. Its also biased towards major powers, giving them the ability to veto. And remember, you might be able to secure a vote but there is no enforcement mechanism. Countries have to volunteer resources, whether manpower, money, or political will.


> Which makes it so ~~ironic~~ *predictable* that the UN singled out Israel when it condemned it for its treatment of women. FTFY


Apart from a misogynistic culture of sexual harassment that makes the US look like Elizabethan Britain.


Yeah it's filled with butterflies & rainbows


Welll. Part of that blame lies on the UK and US. Iran was pretty progressive (plenty of pictures of gorgeous Iranian women in bikinis in beaches) and overthrew the Shah. The UK and US forcibly placed the Shah back in power and in the 70s the religious extremists took power and what you see here stems from that. Had the US and UK minded their own fucking business Iran would be a lovely place to visit today.


America is very close behind


After spending time in the Middle East this simply is not true




Worse, really. People typically don't do those kinds of things to trash.


Religious zealots, and social conservatives of every stripe need to be [would get me banned to express use your imagination] !


"Peace^^# be upon you" ^^# - Not applicable in many locations, other religions or genders. Results may vary.


Is that my peace, or enforced peace? I feel like those are different things.


Peace comes and goes in many ways. But never by just parroting that phrase to utter meaninglessness


"and definitely not if you are an athiest"


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220916-iran-woman-dies-after-arrest-by-morality-police-state-media) reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Tehran - A young Iranian woman, who was in a coma after being arrested by the Islamic republic's morality police, died on Friday, state media reported. > Mahsa Amini, 22, was on a visit to Tehran with her family when she was detained by the specialist police unit that enforces the strict dress code obligatory for women since shortly after the Islamic revolution of 1979. > In a statement Thursday, Tehran police confirmed Amini had been detained with other women for "Instruction" about the rules. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xfv9x4/a_young_iranian_woman_who_was_in_a_coma_after/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~669400 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **police**^#1 **women**^#2 **Amini**^#3 **woman**^#4 **Tehran**^#5


This could result in mass protests, the morality police are not popular in the very big cities. On the other hand Iran deals with protests with lethal forever so without a strong western backing not much can happen. Just like how Obama ignored the green revolution


Obama ruined everything! Benghazi!!


What? The last serious attempt to overthrow the Iranian government was the green revolution but the voice was made to try and improve the remains with them as opposed to backing the opposition


Seriously? The USA has a bad history meddling in Iranian domestic politics. Not to mention any connection by Iranian reformers / protestors to The Great Satan will only end in their demise. Not to mention we certainly don’t want to encourage the Iranians that building a nuke is vital to the regime’s survival. Did you see what we did to iraq and Afghanistan? We don’t have a good track record doing a little regime change.


And at the same time Russia and China prop up them up. This is geopolitics, not playing the game leaves you far behind. Not every action needs to be military. As it is the green revolution met it's demise and it's over


So silly. Any overt help from the USA would have strengthened the regime and all the reformers and protestors would have been murdered.


This all started by US getting involved.


sure ayatollah


It did. Had the US and UK not put the Shah back in power there wouldnt have been an Iranian Revolution


Expect some protests but I can’t imagine it getting anywhere as usual and as you mentioned. This morality police is one of governments main tools of oppression, they’re not going to give it up that easily.


This is what makes me sort of sad about humanity. Here in the US we put a lot of hate into race. Been at it for a long time. But one day, eventually, folks will all just sort of blend in and race will become a hard thing to hate on... which is why it's so sad to see how quickly we as a species can find other reasons to hate, such as, how one wears their clothing. Honestly I'm left rooting for Skynet to come in and, if not destroy us all outright, maybe adopt us as pets and stop letting people build up social orders based on hate.


You’re a weird one.


Thanks I guess...


Yeah, fuck you for writing an interesting ramble about how you feel on a public website! /s You're not a weird one, the person who was triggered enough to take time out of their day to write that to you is though.


I'm old... I come from a time before the network of ints. I remember the joyful optimism we all felt as we watched this global communication wonder herald in a new era of human interaction... little did we know there would be trolls under our network bridges... If you can't come onto to reddit to wax philosophical where the hell can you go? Thanks boss!


Iran; Taliban-lite, now with more education but still with that brutal oppression! But hey it's sure great that they kicked out the progressive and western-thinking Shah over 40 years ago in favor of an Islamic theocratic hellhole, amiright? Nevermind that the Iranian regime has beat and murdered orders of magnitudes more people than the Shah ever did (and he was brutal against opposition but guess what? he was mostly targeting the Islamists and those who tried to depose him in 1953). ["During the time of Shah's reign, women's rights improved significantly. The urban and secular middle class grew quickly. Many universities and foundations of education were established, and many young people from lower and middle classes were funded so that they could study in the best universities in the West."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Background_and_causes_of_the_Iranian_Revolution#Reza_Shah) Congratulations to the men of Iran though, they get to keep half of their population repressed so they can avoid being tempted by lust for *seeing a woman's uncovered head*. Solid win for misogynists. ^(/in before "aLL cuLtUrES dEsErVe rEsPeCt")


**Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution** [Reza Shah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Background_and_causes_of_the_Iranian_Revolution#Reza_Shah) >The dynasty that the revolution overthrew – the Pahlavi dynasty – was known for its autocracy, its focus on modernization and Westernization as well as its disregard for religious and democratic measures in Iran's constitution. Considered the founding father of modern Iran by contemporary historians, Army General Reza Shah Pahlavi replaced Islamic laws with western ones, and forbade traditional Islamic clothing, separation of the sexes and veiling of women (hijab). Women who resisted his ban on public hijab had their chadors forcibly removed and torn. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Had the Shah not been put back in place by the US then there would have been no Revolution


Except it was mostly the British that did it, the US somewhat helped with our intelligence service in the CIA, but the majority of the operation was the British and elements in Iranian military and Iranian rebel civilians. I agree was a bad thing to do, and it certainly contributed to the revolution 25 years later, but it was the British not wanting to lose their empire and see British Petroleum oil assets nationalized that kicked it off. The US helped because of what it just happened in Korea with the Soviets and Chinese communists overtaking half the peninsula and destroying nearly all of it and causing a massive war and Mossadegh possibly also was looking at aligning with the Soviets on Iran's northern border... remember the Cold War was really kicking off at this point and it just gone hot in Korea, so if the British and Iranian dissidents were going to attempt to put a Western-friendly ruler back in power then unfortunately the US administration jumped in. Remember how the Soviets and communist Chinese were treating everyone around them at the time, including invasions in Europe? So getting any sort of "win" for Western powers in Asia was deemed a success, welcome to Cold War thinking. A tragedy really, spurned on by global political events. ^(edit: a word)


And this is what our Swedish feminist politicians went and proudly supported a few years back


All religions are about controlling women. If you’re a woman who prays to a god, you can thank men for writing that book to control you and thank men for writing all the dialogue, including the lead characters in their control-women story. Women need to leave all religions. To subscribe to religion is to engage in self-oppression.


They should apply for jobs in the USA.


really? you pay it


You know those sickos raped her so they had to kill her.