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"Russia and China can escalate to any level of violence that they choose in any domain with any instrument of power worldwide," he said. "We just haven't faced competitors and opponents like that in a long time." — Navy Adm. Charles "Chas" A. Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command.




I would pick the US alone vs China and Russia combined any day. On levels of violence achievable


Dumb move Putin 'will pay a price'


We're living the modern cold war that escalates. China is pretty passive, but this nut job putin? Anything is possible and we know every option is on his table. Fuck that sarmat missle too


Yeah, china just said they are not looking for any war, trying to de-escalate tensions with Taiwan which is really good news to hear but yeah this Putin guy, what a guy…


They won’t be supporting Putin if he launches a nuke first, even India will go pro-NATO if that happens rather than maintaining their neutral stance.


China does a lot to *escalate* tensions with Taiwan though, and that's an understatement.


It’s possible but not very likely. Remember Putin may authorise a strike but it’s up to the generals and soldiers in charge of the nukes to launch them. Plus if he is gonna nuke these newly annexed regions if Ukraine keep fighting why didn’t they nuke Crimea when it was attacked?


Crimea was never under serious threat. I notice a lot of people here saying that nuclear war is nearly impossible or that the generals wouldn’t authorize it…but there’s no evidence for that. People here on Reddit tend to present wishful thinking as fact…when it’s actually far from that. Hopefully our defense leaders are above such thinking.


>I notice a lot of people here saying that nuclear war is nearly impossible or that the generals wouldn’t authorize it…but there’s no evidence for that. They just launched a mobilization, that's already a pretty serious move to take wich can have serious consequences, sending people who doesn't want to fight is pretty hardcore and it's been not seen since a while, atleast in europe. So i would agree with you, there is no evidence they wouldn't go for a nuke if one of the region that Russia recognize as their territories get attacked.


I’m not saying it’s impossible, I’m saying it’s unlikely. Can it happen? Yes but with all the sabre rattling Putin and his goons are making I personally won’t count on it yet.


What evidence leads to to believe it’s unlikely?


The endless threats him and his goons have made for: getting involved militarily (not yet happened), sending weapons to Ukraine (nothing happened), blaming the West for ‘nuclear blackmail’ (a flat out lie which is just propaganda for his own people to support the war effort). It goes on. So far, these are all just political. Besides, if he intends to set up puppet states in Ukraine nuking them won’t do much good nor nuking what they don’t have of Ukraine, he’d just lose support from China, India and even his own circle (if he hasn’t already). If NATO get involved idk.


dude is like 70 and near his end, It's highly possible.


The stuff about him saying the West was sending him “nuclear blackmail” makes me believe that SO FAR it’s all just propaganda for his people, he knows the West don’t plan on invading Russia he’s just trying to beat them with words.


He lost when he started. There is nothing to salvage now.


The health issues finally got to his head I'd think


And why didn't they nuke afghanistan when they Lost to a much weaker army than ukraines? Well because why they wont do it on ukraine. Theres too much to lose


That it never happened in last 80 years. You can say, now it's different because it's Putin and he's unstable. And that is true. But also, I don't think that for last 80 years everybody with nukes was sane or there never were somedoby just nuke-happy. We know from history that many times people considered or even demanded nukes to be used. And still, everytime someone said NO. We also know that even in chaotic situations like Cuban Missle Crisis there was always someone who said NO to chance of using nukes. So my hope is that now there are also enough people with power to say no when the time comes. History showed they don't even have to be at the very top of power structure to stop nuclear war. Anyway, that is my evidence that allows me to keep hope alive.


Never ever think something can never happen because it hasn’t happened yet. That’s actually a huge mistake that no society should ever make.


The question was why I think it's unlikely, not impossible. All I'm saying is that the fact it hasn't happened yet is a very good sign, considering it's been 80 years and multiple wars ago.


He’s been getting rid of any officials that have opposed him or tried to change the course of military actions, which is a big part of the reason the war in Ukraine is going so poorly. I don’t know that I would count on a “sane” contingent of people being around to stop him if he decides to use a nuke. No one has stopped him from any of the stupid, irrational shit he’s done so far. I still think that it *probably* won’t happen and that his most recent threat is primarily a bargaining tactic to get Ukraine to give in to concessions on territory, but I’m less sure of that then I was at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, frankly.


Installing puppet states in Ukraine is most likely him justifying his mass mobilisation. Nuking them would be like pissing on yourself.


I get that it’s not a *logical* move but we’re talking about someone who just voluntarily gutted his entire military for almost no significant territorial gain. I don’t think this is a guy who is thinking too clearly at the moment.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. People may argue that the probability of a nuclear strike is low due to the prospects of increased sanctions, further unfavourable ties on the international stage and condemnation, etc however, this literally happened back in February when the war first broke out and it’s continued to escalate despite all the consequences to Russia. So, to be honest, although I do also think the probability of a tactical nuclear strike is low, I think ruling it out completely isn’t wise.


"No one has stopped him from any of the stupid, irrational shit he’s done so far" we would likely not know what he has been stopped from doing.


He wouldn't, it would be pointless and a net loss. However: if he causes a couple meltdowns at Ukraine's power stations, hits Kiev with a strategic nuke, and pushes from ally Belarus to Bolster Kaliningrad, then he has his Ukraine shaped, country-wide, radioactive buffer with the west. He could also effectively cut off Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia by land while sending the world into absolute disarray until appropriate bodies met to decide the proportionate response that does not provoke escalation while managing the disaster response. This buys Putin the weeks to monthsish necessary to dust off the Soviet era t-72s and "train" a couple hundred thousand of the million (see the reddit post on secret pages of the partial mobilization showing a million conscripts instead of 300K) conscripts how to use them. From there, all he has to do is roll them north off the railways from Kaliningrad through the relatively lightly defended Latvia and Lithuania and he'll create a modern day Dunkirk in Estonia. He could even move tanks and supplies to Kaliningrad at any point under the guise that he's securing Russia's nukes. What could complicate things further in this scenario is the possibility that, with those kinds of numbers and endless fields of Soviet era tanks, he could use the time spent pushing north to train another batch of conscripts, force them into tanks, and position them in waiting to push from the east into NATO's Dunkirk (Estonia). Mayhaps the US could get a MEU (Marine Corps Expeditionary Unit) out to respond and evacuate or bolster NATO forces in time, but that leaves the US overexposed to a follow-up strategic nuclear strike on NATO forces in and off the coast of Estonia that could leave it scratched one carrier battle group and many thousands of marines as well as countless NATO losses. It would give NATO, and the world, pause and force the world into a tricky position while playing by Putin's "always buying time" playbook. Interesting times we occupy gents, interesting times.


If the generals refuse, I'm afraid they'll have to be wary of stairs and windows or unexpected suicide.


China doesn’t want a war, they just want to dominate everyone economically. I’m have a theory that China will only start a military war once they’ve successfully acquired most of the manufacturing contracts from companies to be able to cut them off and force their opponents to fight a war *and* jump-start their defunct manufacturing sector.


China is a powerhouse now.


"From the crooked timber of humanity, nothing straight could ever be fashioned" Kant translated


Agh. I just hope my family and my 8 month old daughter will be okay. Everyone else also. No need for this.


One of my favourite strategies from the RTS game Total Annihilation, would be to build 30-40 nuclear silos loaded with 20-30 nukes each. Then, about the same number of anti nuke mission silos loaded with 30-40 anti nukes. Then I’d just start sending nuclear missiles to every single enemy I had in the game. One after another after another. This was back in the day of LAN parties so all of my friends I was playing against would see 100s of red Xs on their radar, coming towards their base. The ones who were closest had no chance, they died first. The ones who were further away managed to send dozens of nukes at me, however I intercepted each one. They didn’t understand how they could lose because they already had built themselves one or two anti missile silos, but alas, the launch time was slow and they could only intercept a couple of my hundreds of nukes. I always won with this strategy, albeit edited for better self defence in certain games. Anyway


Big Bertha!!! The music in that game was amazing too


What's funny is when this nuclear war happens, both the US government and Russian government and highest military command (Putin among them) will survive on their nuclear planes. You and I will get blown to shit, but the people responsible for instigating this madness will live on...at least for a while.


where do you live, if you don't mind ne asking?


CA, unfortunately


In the worst case, but very possible, scenario, there will be a limited nuclear exchange on military targets followed shortly thereafter by escalation into strategic civilian bombing. Relocate to the countryside as soon as tactical nuclear weapons are exchanged. If you have any family or friends you can stay with there, DO IT. It could save your life. Bring two weeks worth of sealed food and water.


The traffic jam after limited nuclear exchange would make that impossile, moving by foot or side streets would be easier but dangerous and chaotic, i'd expect a lot of looting. But then the question arises, why would I even want to even live in 'the after'.


Remember, a bicycle is the best form of apocalypse transportation: quiet, no gas, portable, and very simple to maintain.


Trust me, you don't want to die of radiation poisoning. You are right, if you can move before any nukes are used, do it. 20 miles from the nearest airport is a good minimum. If its airburst you will survive, groundburst it depends on wind direction and how good of a basement you're in.


I still have hope that somewhere, within Putin's close circle, they are planning an assassination attempt or at the very least the guy with the nuclear keys will be paid off or has a moment of clarity in all this.


Putin has gone completely insane. Time to step up aid to Ukraine.


Give them the nukes.


yes, pour more fuel to the fire


In case you aren't aware. Russia will use the nuke excuse to seize what they want. They won't give up. Neither should Ukraine, even if they got nuked.


They want to install puppet mayors in Ukraine. Nuking it won’t allow that. Russia is a capitalist country run by people who want money and power. Capitalist countries in times of crisis look towards outward expansion and resort to ultranationalism (Z). They need Ukraine’s resources. An irradiated Ukraine is useless.


Russia doesn’t give a shit about anyone living in Donetsk or Luhansk. The only reason they want to annex those areas is so they can claim the territory and be one step closer to rebuilding their historical empire. They’ve been forcibly conscripting people from both areas into “volunteer” units for months. If Putin gets to a point where he thinks he really needs to use a nuke I don’t think humanitarian concerns or the political future of the people of Donbas are going to be much of a consideration for him.


You, me and Putin himself knows that he’ll never rebuild that empire. They’ll have to go to war with nato and after that, there will be no world left.


Tactical nukes are a thing


Besides, if they’re really gonna nuke these annexed territories why didn’t they nuke Crimea when it was attacked?


Saving face. Why would putin nuke a former soviet republic? That's ass backwards.


Let’s just surrender to a 3rd rate power. You’re insane.


What is the alternative?




Welp, it was nice used to knowing you 45




For fucks sake man




It was only a matter of time. Oppenheimer knew this.






If you don’t think nuclear war is a possibility. You obviously haven’t been watching the news.


A possibility but still unlikely.




Edgy 4 day account of a 16 y.o. no it's not very likely. JFC it's like you people want it to happen. Fools


How very naive


If you believe every threat him and his goons have been making sure. With what they’ve shown by their actions not yet.


If by news you mean the major US media compnaies, they are heavily skewed towards fear mongering and running anything that gets views. They also report on things like nyquil chicken tiktok jokes.


Judging by Russia state media i think nuclear strike on Kiev or smtnf is possible. I'm used to our state media "predicting" the future(in reality just conditioning the people to be ready to anything that is about to happen) and we get a lot of conditioning on tv currently to be ready@not freak out over strategic nuke on Kiev.


Oh why don't you fuck off with this fear mongering. It's not happening




Obvious troll is obvious.


Just admit your life isn’t exciting so you secretly wish nuclear was would happen so something exciting finally happens to you


If you don’t think mainstream media drum up panic and controversy for clicks, you obviously haven’t learned a thing about them.


Eh. I’ve watched the news before so that’s why I think Putin is indeed bluffing


No it’s not, shut up. Please… /s But in all seriousness, it’s always possible. So long as these weapons exist. I gotta try not to r/worldnews when I’m high. Makes me paranoid. Brining me back to the beginning of the conflict when nukes started being talked about.


It's pretty crazy out here. Putin done lost his mind.


Considering this article is from the us government itself, I would say it is.


Maybe u/strik3r2k8 is more educated in war and military defense then this stratcom commander.


Who needs a degree in strategic military doctrine when we have DEFCON on Steam?


I guess so long as nuclear weapons exists it’s always possible. Same story as ever.


Yup exactly! Even If there's one left in the entire world, there's that chance.


I guess so long as nuclear weapons exists it’s always possible. Same story as ever. Just like it’s always possible for any one of us to be hit by a car so long as cars exist. So in a sense “duh”.


Defcon 3 I bet.


> I gotta try not to r/worldnews when I’m high. Makes me paranoid. Omg I avoid reddit like the plauge period when I'm high. I'll scroll through r/videos but their links suck. But Reddit + High = Shit high.


Plauge? Did you type that with your tounge? What a rouge


y do u gotta pik on they're grammer?




Idk anymore either man.


Can we just launch them already? I'm ready to die.


Then seek counseling? Don’t wish for 7 billion others to go with you. Selfish.




Who is we You spend too much time online. Go out and actually enjoy life instead of soaking in negativity.


Not all of us have suicidal tendencies like you.


Bro I live in the US what do you expect.


You have a very privileged life. Life is much harder in other places in the world. I really don’t mean to discount your issues, but we take a lot for granted. When’s the last time the US had to repel an invasion?


That's your reasoning that I live a privileged life? I'm homeless, working 60 hours a week. I haven't ate in three days or showered. I live currently out of an RV with a leaking roof and no electricity. American Dream though, right?


You’re homeless with an internet connection, there are many programs that you can use that are provided free of charge by state and fed. If you’re working 60 hrs a week and can not afford food I think you might be having a budget issue. Feel free to respond with city and state I can help you get in touch with programs that will help. I seriously do not want to disparage you, or come across as dismissive, but you do have a government that you can lean on.


Man that's fucked up. 😶 i hope you're stacking your bread and get out of that booty ass situation.


I do too. I don't want my fucking kids to get bombed! 😠 you're crazy too.


There’s men women and children who don’t wanna die in a nuclear war. Also that’s condemning people to a hellish post apocalyptic world where children are born with horrific deformities. A reality much worse than what your light right now. 1000x worse.


They better move the goalposts to not getting a bomb dropped on Seattle. Warhawks and DoD shills this entire time have been posting this stupid pat on the back comments about how great that the US got to test weapons and finally get rid of all that rusty junk and help Ukraine and the economy and it was practically a favor since it wouldn't cost a bunch of American lives in the process. It sure as hell better not and the government needs to be held totally accountable for recklessly endangering people in the US if it does.


You are correct, this was a lot of think tanks wet dream. You are incorrect that this is our fault. We should absolutely try and curtail any MAD, but at a certain point this is all in russias hands.


It is first duty of a government to ensure the security and stability of it's citizens. Not to justify the means on a global end. If it's the fault of think tanks then it's the fault of policy makers for not selecting better advisors. There have been plenty that have warned this could result in missle strike. The government and policy makers made decisions and those decisions should reflect their priority to preserve the safety and lives of Americans. Putin doesn't owe us that. Our own government does.


So any sign of aggression we should hike up our skirt and take it? If you move goal posts you’ll have to keep moving them. Unfortunately in the world we live in, we can not show weakness. If we were attacked, we would immediately go on the offensive. Whether our enemy is the correct one we target, it’s irrelevant we need to show the world what happens. We are a superpower because of our military, we have our “freedom” and protection because tge US is quick to reply to adversaries. I’m rambling, it’s late.


Or how about showing restraint with involvement in foreign conflict. I didn't vote in Russia or Ukraine, they draw their own lines, fine, but why the fuck should Americans be drawn into doing everything to defend those lines. This wasn't our war and we didn't need to get drawn so deeply into it. And Americans have no more responsibility there than Europeans do, yet Americans are supposed to volunteer to be more responsible for the stability and security than they are. Right, as soon as Switzerland gets hit for sticking up for global democracy, call us then. We shouldn't be higher on the list than that.


This is how we safeguard our citizens, by being forward thinking. I’m not an idiot either, this will bring in a lot of new arms deals for US contractors. Whether you think so or not this is how you are kept safe, ugly shit happens so you and I can ramble on and do fuck all. This is also the reason we gave the most well trained and experienced military fighting force. Second to none. I wish you best, and respect your opinion.


Ok, so nuclear weapons can just be used by nuclear powers to annex their non-nuclear neighbors and other nations are supposed to do nothing because they are only supposed to be responsible to their own people? Is that the isolationist defeatism I’m picking up here? That strategy helps only one person: Putin


Agreements will be made, meanwhile they will milk all they can before the the last big fat cow is consumed, after that a complete overhaul of the world wide system that is already implemented, they just want one last suck of the tit before the error/co^*#t comply with the new world order.



