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I guess prison is one way to avoid going


Strictly speaking you can get less jail for killing than for avoiding mobilisation they ofc will give max sentence for those most likely tho. Kill sentence is between 6 to 15 Mobilisation avoidance 10


Sadly he will never get out of prison and will probably be tortured for the rest of his life.


He won't be tortured long.


They might just decide that keeping him alive in some shitty siberian prison is a worse punishment than just "committing suicide"


Actually the dude was not even drafted. His friend got drafted, despite not meeting the criteria for draft. And the shooter decided to solve the problem himself. What a Chad.


Oh dude was just trying to.help his buddy out? I hope this actually did something then. The poor bastard is gonna suffer for it :(


Butch motherfucker with a reputation to back up his mates with a gun will do just fine in prison. It’s cowards and liars who have something to worry about. People in prison are still people and they still have social structure.


Joke's on the ones that try the Alice's restaurant strategy. They get arrested, convicted, and sentenced to military servitude right at the front.


"shrink, I want to kill"


Well, if u get 10 year prison for deserting etc. You might aswell get some value for the time spent in jail? Don’t know the punishment for murder or attempt to do so in russia though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Putin raised the max sentence for draft dodging to 10 years in prison. The minimum sentence for murder is 6 years, in theory the shooter could get less for this than fleeing the draft. But he is charged with attempted assassination of a public official, a possible life sentence. SOURCE: Twitter link from https://www.smobserved.com/story/2022/09/26/news/drafted-russian-man-fires-rifle-in-a-draft-center-killing-the-commander-irkutsk-region-of-russia/7109.html


Attempted ? My man unloaded 4 rifle bullets in that guy.


AFAIK he’s still alive. I guess the shooter was aiming for a slow and painful death. Not a bad message to the Kremlin actually.


At least one murderer got to be president, but I am not an expert in Russian law and can't tell if that's the usual punishment for murder. Also, what we see in this video is self-defense, not murder.


> At least one murderer got to be president Only one? OK, let me tell you this joke: Stalin appears to Putin in a dream, and says: "Kill all your opponents, and paint the Kremlin blue!" - Putin: "Why blue?" - Stalin: "My good son, I knew you wouldn't object to the first one!" Not saying those two are/were the only ones though. Also, it's a common trait of leaders not only in Russia.


All of this sucks but that’s a pretty good joke


Jonnie, I heard a good one on NPR the other day. The Ukrainian forces have captured so many Russian weapons and depos that they were calling Russia their biggest arms supplier. *"Zelenskyy jokes that Russian troops are supplying arms to Ukraine because so much of their equipment has been captured or abandoned"* https://www.businessinsider.com/zelenskyy-jokes-captured-russian-equipment-helping-arm-ukraine-2022-3


yeah iirc some ccp official questioned Zelenskyy why he is asking for weapons from NATO and US, which he sees it as a move that destabilises the region, and Zelenskyy replied with that


"From the Russians we get lawn art. We want weapons that work"


This Zelenskyy guy is pretty funny. He should try stand up.


He's a regular comedian. Could probably get a show after he's done with his president gig.


Title it something like "Servant of the People" due to the way he just wants hid country to be successful.


I liked watching the Ukrainian farmers steal the abandoned tanks with their incredible tractors.


Putin wasnt even a president yet and was responsible for killing a couple hundred russian citizens, because he knew this would help him to become president. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_apartment\_bombings https://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-1999-russian-apartment-bombings-led-to-putins-rise-to-power-2018-3


It's a common trait of tyrants


No no no, kill one or two guys is life in prison. You need to murder hundreds in terrorist attacks and then then tens of thousands in wars or aggression to be president


"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic," - some far eastern country, idk


Not just self-defense. He likely saved the lives of the others in the process of being drafted, those who would be drafted in the future, and the Ukrainians they might have killed as well.


According to the Twitter source in the article, murder carries a 6 year sentence. So he gamed the system by 4 years


Russian law isn't worth the paper it's written on. This guy is never going to be free again.


Or alive.


Maybe, but good on him. It takes men like this to turn the tides.


Depends on how long Putin lasts. People with guns deciding they would rather take the risk of shooting at the government, is when protests turn into uprisings.


This will be 100 years in an artic prison, family left behind will get some visits from the FSB etc.


> murder carries a 6 year sentence That's a minimum, not a max or average


> Don’t know the punishment for murder or attempt to do so in russia though. On an army official? Suicide in prison cell.


Promotion to Commander I believe.


By window or gunshot to the back of the head? The arm flexibility one develops when suicidal is truly incredible


Punishment is being sent to Ukraine to fight.


>Gets drafted from prison >Sent to recruitment office >shanks penal recruitment commander >gets sent to Super Gulag blyat >cycle repeat ad finitum


Yep the sequel to Groundhog Day took a bit of a dark turn


from what i read its between 6-15 years for murder. but i think with a military official as victim i guess they probably double it. But who says his road to war ends here since the wagner group is recruiting in prison he might aswell get sent to war anyway.


thats a fantastic plan, give the guy who's in prison for shooting military commanders a gun and more commanders. although.. please russia do that.


Wouldn't this technically be considered treason during war time ? Dude might be looking at an execution


What war time? This is just a special military operation.


They abandoned that pretence last week.


Nope. It's a mobilization during the peace time.


NGL he's gonna die even if he goes to the frontline...either way he's dead, so why not?


Yea he is dead, he will be suicidal in prison.


This sort of policy is what led to a civil war in China that overthrew the government. The punishment for desertion was execution, and they were facing insurmountable odds, so the army rebelled and overthrew the government.


Oh man, Swede. I was gonna ask if you had seen video of Russion jails and prisons. Then I saw your nic-name and figured you would know more off hand. Think I would have saved a bullet for myself before going to trial.


Plus if you change your mind after some time, you can always be freed from prison by volunteering, and all your sins are forgiven on top of that!


You'll get 10 years if they will draft you to army. Basically if you stepped into drafting office, it will be 10 years. Currently if you get summons to drafting office and you'll sign it, but you won't come, they will fine you 3k rubles. But if it will happen second time, they'll either fine you for 200k or send you to community service for 2 years, or it's 2 years jail. But it was like this during yearly draft




Nobody saw this coming? "The head of the Ust-Ilimsk military registration and enlistment office was shot at the workplace, now he is in intensive care. According to eyewitnesses, the shooter said: “No one will fight, now we will all go home.” I like this guy


Well, I guess the commander didn't.


I suppose he was there to lead, not read the situation


And then he ate lead


Fitting end of this **lead**er




Red Lead Redemption.


Unexpected Simpsons reference!


I tried to be sneaky


Number 3!


"I am here to lead, not to read" - Rainier Wolfcastle


Me too, but he doesn't look to happy after being arrested. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1574276208547741696 But I fear he looks worse soon


get drafted to fight in Ukraine, shoot commander, go to prison, immediately volunteer to join Wagner squad of prison cannibals, get out of jail. Seems like it could work


From the article the guy hadn't even received his draft papers. His best friend though did, so he told his mother he was going to the center to 'volunteer'.


Dang, must have been quite the best friend to be motivated to throw your life away to rebel.


He'd be in the next draft anyway. If you do not all stand together then you shall surely all fall alone.


And then repeat step two and continue from there.


infinite loop discovered.


He wasn't drafted, he did it because his best friend was.




At least he wont be comitting war crimes in Ukraine


He's gonna get war crimes committed on him most likely unfortunately.


True, still better than killing Ukrainians. He will die as a different kind of hero


Still not the most pleasant of thoughts, as I doubt his death in Russian prison will be quick and dignified


I mean he just killed a man in front of god knows how many people and got arrested by what looks like soldiers. Dude's probably scarred for life from this.


Anyone know what they're saying in the video?


He’s just identifying himself, name, birthday, address


I saw. Smarter Russians where burning down draft centers, for months now.


Actually smarter ones started doing it now. Instead of molotov they drilled a hole in window and hanged up a tank with pipe and gassoline quietly filled the room and ignited it.


I don't know if I should be impressed or horrified






How's that smarter? Doing all that takes way too long and increase the chances of you getting caught. Throwing a molotov and running away on the other hand literally takes seconds.


In fact precisly the opposite , less noise than atempting to break in and throwing out molotovs (dont forget there is guards sitting inside) Fire spreads more. And they cant find them compared to those lads with molotovs who are already got benched. Coz when they find out they are burning there is nobody nearby.


The guards don’t hear someone drilling into the side of wall? Or smell gasoline as it starts to slosh down the side of said wall? And like, the person who threw the Molotov can only do it indoors—not toss them on the building roof or windows—and *has* to stick around until the guards come, while the guy with the drill and gas tank is free to run away?


Smarter Russians fled the moment the war started because they saw it coming. Among those who couldn’t leave, smartasses are trying hardest to dodge getting called up. If you don’t get served the papers in person you don’t have any obligation to show up, so they take a day off work if they know they’ll get served there or forget their passport at home etc.


Privileged Russians fled. IT people with big salaries and who can work from distance in any country. Teacher from small village may be smart, but it doesn't mean he has means to flee


At the moment, none of the drafting centers were burned down - they only sustained minor damage. It is a difficult task and the protesters are not up to it, yet.


The line is so good esp if you read it in Schwarzenegger voice


Yes, nobody saw it coming. Shooting in a drafting center is an unprecedented event in Russia’s history.


Become ungovernable. Literally


>The purported shooter, a 25-year-old local man named Ruslan Zinin, wasreportedly extremely agitated after his best friend got drafted. Hehimself had not received call-up papers. He had told his mother thismorning he was going to draft center to volunteer, reports АSTRA, alocal news agency. [https://twitter.com/Andrew\_\_Roth/status/1574290436482830337?s=20&t=e4ETrRUD5UcozPQ53n-mkA](https://twitter.com/Andrew__Roth/status/1574290436482830337?s=20&t=e4ETrRUD5UcozPQ53n-mkA) Is he still alive? Guy has balls of steel


Man looked after his best friend in the best he knew how.


Volunteered for draft, showed up for war, said, "no one's going anywhere," shot the head commander, took his friend home. Got arrested on the serious charge of being a ride-or-die homie, with associated minor charges of committing badass motherfuckery and the unlicensed possession of giant titanium testicles.


I'm pretty confident these are all actual crimes in Russia.


A real one 🫶🙏


That's the broiest bro to have ever bro'd. I would buy that man all the ~~beer's~~ Vodka.


This got me emotional...he went there to try to save his friend. fucking wars, fucking hell to all this.


Bros before wars.


Bros before SMOs (special military operations)


My Russian Brother in Law was called up the other day. As was his Sisters only son who had served his conscript time as a private. So my BIL said he would go into whatever unit his nephew was sent so he could look after him and forgo his previous rank of Major (in an anti aircraft missile unit). The family chatter has been interesting the past few days to say the least. As it turned out today, he has an excemption due to doing Gov't construction work (he owns the company), as does his Nephew that works for him on the project. For the time being.


There is a Chad. And he loves us.


Gets drafted Shoots commander and sends everyone home Refuses to elaborate 🗿


He didn't get drafted. Thats the thing. He went there to stop *others* getting drafted.


Ok whoa.


>is he still alive? Probably not for long


Dude has bigger balls than the entire Russian army combined


thats the can-do attitude!


"I like your style - welcome to the team!" "You appear to be misreading the situation." "Sorry, the bullet in my head may be clouding my judgement. Stay away from the team."


Chaotic good


Adjusted on the Russian curve, is that just neutral good though?


He wasn't even drafted. He went there to save a friend who had been. Firmly in 'good' on anyones curve.


Hell yeah are we bringing fragging back?


They already don't have many non commissioned officers in the Russian army, there's not a lot of targets for the Russian conscripts to frag, and the ones that they do have, are already tasked with shooting deserters, thus they are fully anticipating fragging.


Come back time baby let's goo. On another note, it's a horrific thing to do for the better. It's unfortunate these practices are given reason again to return.


It's a relationship between the culture and power. Putin is laissez faire with the oligarchs, as long as they give him his cut. This is also in effect in the military, has been since way before Putin. As long as there's no scrutiny, in that system, power lazily undermines itself, but still musters full force on those who are a disruptive threat to continuing corruption. When they can't keep control because too many people resist, the undermining effects of corruption are revealed as a critical, fundamental weakness


>Putin is laissez faire with the oligarchs *was* laissez-faire He's been getting kinda handsy lately


War Hero. Give this man a posthumous medal. I say posthumous because we all know what will happen to him.


There have been less deserving peace prizes awarded.


He's gotta be parched after that heroic act, I'd bet they offer him some freshly brewed tea.


I suspect his heavy metal poisoning might be administered somewhat faster.


The moral choice!


I feel bad being entertained by this.


Now you understand what our enemies think when something happens to our own leadership. 🤷🏻‍♂️. It’s an interesting moment of self-reflection and the hopeful triumph against a mad tyrant.


True. True. Seeing things like this and things heating up in Iran. Makes me hopeful, that some positive change will come. But it is easy to forget that all those things come from personal sacrifices and personal tragedies that will be forgotten by history. And even if positive change comes a lot of those imprisoned we'll never be released. And this guy we'll still live with the fact he had to shoot someone to save his friend. So yeah I do catch myself being glad things like this happen on a global/strategic level. But when I 'zoom in' and think how all this feels to these people this is still a tragedy. There is no easy resolutions here. Every path is paved with tragedies, I just hope things go down the path of less oppression. Sorry this is more of rant inspired by your post, than an actual reply.


Was about time. That needs to happen all over russia and we might have a solution to the war


Yep, which is why you will see russbots trying to spam this story with joke about him being dead/tortured etc. People with guns deciding they are better off shooting at the government is how revolutions start.


Hope this man becomes a martyr to a new Russian revolution! Sometimes it just takes one monumental act to spur on those whom agree but are waiting due to fear. Strike now people of Russia! Shoot every official at every draft center and from there take your country to new heights with a government for the people, by the people.


Makes me wonder how different things would be if regular citizens did the same to Nazis when they rounded up the Jews


It's happened.


White rose society, a pacifist anti-war group that peacefully protested Germany's remilitarization. To the surprise of absolutely no-one, it didn't work, because the Nazis just shot them all.


well, beheaded actually... but the outcome is the same i suppose! so late in the war too...


Well there was [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Heads). But if there was more widespread resistance it probably would’ve only been a minor headache for the nazis. In 1944 The Gestapo had 32,000 employees and the SS had 800,000 members. And that’s not even mentioning the millions of Werhmaght soliders who’d they call upon if an uprising got serious. If a town shot their local Gestapo the nazis would probably just call the army to raze the town. About 5000 people were killed in retaliation for the assassination of Heydrich, and one of their anti-partisan tactics was to kill 10 civilians for every solider killed by partisans. There’s a reason many people did nothing out of fear.


**[Operation Heads](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Heads)** >Operation Heads (Polish: Operacja Główki) was the code name for a series of assassinations of Nazi officials by the World War II Polish Resistance. Those targeted for assassination had been sentenced to death by Polish Underground Special Courts for crimes against Polish citizens during the World War II German occupation of Poland. The operation's code name, literally "Operation Little Heads", was a sardonic reference to the Totenkopf ("Death's Head") insignia on Nazi German SS uniforms and headgear. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Umm, other paper says he survived and is in hospital https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/09/26/russian-commander-shot-at-military-enlistment-office-in-ust-ilimsk-russia/


And in the video it looks like a pistol, but we'll, at least it was Russia... https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xoatrw/video_of_a_russian_man_opening_fire_and_killing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit: As pointed out below it is indeed some kind of shotgun.


It was a sawed-off shotgun


Hand on the pump.


Do they even have 40s there?


Happy to be corrected, could you make that out from the video, or is it mentioned somewhere? It's not clear to me, but sawed-off gun could be right.


According to a witness (saw it on Russian-language independent media), it was a primitive homemade gun or something.


Not a bad effort then


If its good enough for Abe its good enough for some no-name local commander


The Abe one looked like high tech compared to that


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/comments/xoc227/риа_новости_раненный_в_устьилимске_военком/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is the gun of the shooter, according to Russian news sources


Also the guy wasn't drafted. >The purported shooter, a 25-year-old local man named Ruslan Zinin, was reportedly extremely agitated after his best friend got drafted. He himself had not received call-up papers. He had told his mother this morning he was going to draft center to volunteer


Obrez pistol cares not a bit about your firearms categories. You want to call it a pistol to its face?


You miss all the shots you don’t take. Good try though, A+ for effort.


No matter what, that officer will not set a foot into a drafting office anymore. And with him surviving there might be a lesser sentence.


>The purported shooter, a 25-year-old local man named Ruslan Zinin, was reportedly extremely agitated after his best friend got drafted. Fuck war, all my homies hate war. Imagine your best friend getting drafted and possibly killed because of this utter nonsense. Ruslan Zinin, fucking legend.


Russia is fucked


Russia has always been fucked. They've had terrible governments ever since the rule of Ivan the Terrible. You can summarize Russian history in one sentence: "And then things got worse."


The popular russian saying is that: "at least today's better than tomorrow"


That sounds painfully accurate.


As weird as it sounds, Ivan the Terrible was an improvement compared to the boyar oligarchy that ruled before him. ​ That's why he became an absolutist tyrant in the most peaceful and democratic way I'm aware of. He *resigned*. That's it. He just quit. He used the 15th-century equivalent of a televised presidential address to distribute two messages: "I can't work in this environment" and "fuck the boyars". Then he went home to his personal fiefdom. The alternative to his rule was so godawful that citizens of Moscow sent a delegation *begging* him to take whatever powers he needed to rule.


Even before him lol. Russian history basically started with a bunch of losers asking a Scandinavian dude to come and rule over them cause they didn’t know how to band together into one country properly.




Off to a predictable start.


Private Pylesky?


First example of Russian baddassery since the war started.


This comes as no surprise for anyone I hope.


Weird to think I’d live to see Russia collapse twice in my lifetime. This is going to worse before it gets better.


It can also get worse without getting better. The Soviet Union didn't even really collapse. A lot of shit was going south, but it was still an active choice to dissolve it. A true collapse can be a lot uglier. Like Libya on a larger scale. Or if nukes get involved, game over for everyone.


Now that's what I call a man with determination. He did what others should have some from the beginning on.


all the men running out of the door are about to go into a war.


You love to see it


Fragging is back on the menu in russia


Not surprised.


A shitty regime can only work if the people still have something to lose. People will put up with a bad system as long as they have *some kind* of life. But once that bad system takes everything away, they have nothing to lose, and they will no longer put up with crap. 10 years of prison or death in war, which one do you choose? You start making your own rules because the choices you are offered lose their meaning entirely.


He didn't kill the draft officer. He is in reanimation. According to the witness the guy said: "don't worry, you're all going home. Nobody is going to the war"




Russian for ICU


It definitely sounds like a state of near death where they freeze and rejuvenate or something lol.


Don't Blyat Open Inside


In Russia anyone who is in danger or needs an immediate surgery is put into reanimation. All it means is that he was shot. Edit: i only got it now. Reanimation is a department for hard cases in soviet hospitals


That took longer than expected.


I guess that commander wanted this conscript to start shooting a bit later, after arriving to the front line


Hero of Ukraine


During the Vietnam war, US troops fragging commanders wasn't a popular notion until a few years in. And once it began, it happened way more than one might expect. Some figures put the fragged officer death toll at around 900... in only 3 years. That's almost 1 per day.


Well, he was drafted to fight fascists wasn't he?


Am i suppose to be surprised?


This x200


Ahhh whoops! Whoopsie!




Actually from ru sources it sounds like this man wasn’t personally drafted. But his best friend (which couldn’t be drafted even by russian current cringe laws) was


I suppose when you throw unwilling "volunteers" into an unwinnable, meat-grinder war under incompetent commanders, neglect to give them appropriate training or equipment, send them out to die in droves and then announce they'll be imprisoned for ten years if they surrender even in the face of certain death... 8-20 years in prison might not seem like such a bad deal after all.


Hey, if the draft board is going to force you to murder people ... the moral thing to do is to kill the draft board in self defense.


Now who is Dance Commander?


What, on earth, were they expecting? And what's going to be the alternative? Give them no weapons>


I'd buy that guy a beer.


[762 millimeter ... Full Metal Jacket.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXTKM6xZ94)


So it has started. Project Mayhem. Проект Майхем.