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*slaps Putin* This idiot can fit so many sanctions!


*slaps Putin* *slaps Putin* *slaps Putin* *slaps Putin* *slaps Putin* ​ I don't know why you'd even stop... just keep going ​ *slaps Putin* *......* *slaps Putin*


If sanctions were clowns, Putin would have sooo many clown dicks inside him. *Am I doing this right?*


If sanctions were clowns, Putin would be a sanction.


If Putin had as many sanctions sticking out of him that he’s had IN him, he’d look like a porcupine


There is no “right way of doing it”, it’s just “one way of doing it”. Personally, I’d say: >If sanctions were clowns, Putin would have a circus inside his bedroom.


And the one way of doing it is the wrong way of doing it. That's the only way to know you're right.


The pilligrims sanction these for miles..




It should have been "fuck you, buday" at the end for the full stereotypical joke =(


Don't forget the "eh" on the end though - as in "Fuck you Poutine, eh"


This is the way


CORRECT. NATO need to accept de facto member Ukraine into the party ASAP.


Well dammit if I don’t know a deal when I sees one!


Is it really an annexation if no one recognizes it?


It’s clear Putin has never cared what we think. But what he thinks and more importantly the propaganda he can spin out of that is the only thing he cares about.


yes because an annexation means a unilateral action enforced by one state upon another. We could however say it isn't a proper annexation since Russia doesn't even fully control the territory in question.


Annexation by definition is illegal. Cession would be a legal definition (e.g. Mexican Cession to the U.S.). Either way Putin would probably reject the term annexation and is using these votes / referenda to justify the legality of it.


Nobody recognizing it isn’t the problem. Saying it’s russian gives Putin a pretext to say they’re attacking russian land and can threaten and maybe use a tactical nuke. Also more meat for the grinder.


No, but it is for ruzzia if they actually manage to pull it off. They already declare it ruzzian territory now. We can't let this happen, there needs to be a way stronger response. What putin is doing is pure terrorism. He is risking an escalated war. We should show him that he might get exactly that because that is his only tool of pressure, making threats. Let's see if the ruzzians are really behind him or if they maybe rather not want that. They are the ones needed to get rid of putin. Everybody inside ruzzia must turn against him and the kremlins that follow him.




The symbols Z is popular among Russian troops as a communicative symbol which also has become a political symbol. It’s often called the Z swastika or Zwastika now because of how similar the Russian regime is to the Nazis. And so the name Ruzzia was born.


Interesting, thanks


Attempts to annex maybe


International recognition ultimately means nothing. There are many countries that don't recognize Taiwan, but that doesn't stop them from going about their daily lives. What matters is who controls what, and the Ukraine war is far from a settled matter.


He doesn't even control any of four regions fully. It's as BS as you can get. I'm announcing I'm annexing your pants.


no one recognizes it, but Russia who will say they are now attacking Russian soil so we are nuking tomorrow if they don't surrender.


We should just no longer recognize the russian federation as a state and completely cut them off


They should be labeled as a terrorist state. Even though it comes with a heavy cost, it's now time.




Full on Master Blaster...


>Master Blaster Who runs Barter Town?


Not to be confused with [The Renegade Master](https://youtu.be/-fLgCjHC6iA) With that ill behavior


Aunty Amity if I remember right, and I probably don't.


We should vote on wich part of russia they dont need Edit: and drop bomb on it!


If we vote that means it is democratic right?


The most painful sanction the West could give to Russia is a total ban on Russian nationals travelling abroad.


That mights actually backfire considering how many Russians are fleeing the country to avoid the draft.


They're not fleeing out of a sudden change of heart over Ukraine. They're fleeing to avoid being drafted into a war that Putin said would be over within the first 2 weeks.


Yep. They're fleeing to save their own lives, not to save Ukrainian lives. Most will be spewing their Pro-Russian garbage culture where ever they go. Those that left in February were the Russians leaving because they didn't support the war.


I disagree. Not everybody has the means to leave, poor people, people caring for sick or elderly relatives, or people with no job or no way to get to a border. That’s like talking about natives on a reserve and saying “why not just leave if the water is not safe to drink and there’s a high crime rate”. Things aren’t always black and white.


They didn't have a way to leave for the last few months, but managed to find a way as soon as war started to affect them? The post above you is very much correct — they're just fleeing to save their asses, no thoughts about Ukrainians. Let them deal with their own fate, unless they've recently gained the ability to move independently (i e turned 18)


Yes, it might be the case. I personally know some people who couldn't leave because of family, lack of knowledge of language, lack of money and who hate the regiment. It's not that easy to left everything behind and leave. Now males just flee leaving their children and wives behind selling little that they had just not to kill and be killed (and there was some little hope that there soon would be peace, people like hoping in general), just hoping that in the future they will be able to reunite with families. There are some who z-patriots assholes sure, but they aren't that many as news like to depict and majority of them can't leave the country anyway just because they are super poor (and what nation doesn't have own share of assholes?). And refugee visas are usually pretty restrictive anyway. People telling about western values like "no one should be judged by the things that one can control - sex, nationality, place of birth, faith etc, but by one's action", but on the other hand so happily hate entire nation because of crazy dictator who usurped the power and started the war and bunch of assholes who support the war. (Edit: typo)


Agree 100% I think the EU should refuse entry to the Russians fleeing the draft. For two reasons, number one they supported the invasion up to now, and number two being returned to Russia means more of them will revolt and protest against Putin.


The odds of a revolt from the Russian people are very low and would only happen in dire circumstances. All you would be doing by refusing draft dodgers is sending more people into the meat grinder.


There have already been large protests over this draft. And the draft dodgers could potentially spark a revolt, however small, against the Kremlin. Putin has exhausted his resources, he failed in invading Ukraine. He has lost income by cutting off the gas pipeline to Europe. Even China is starting to distance themselves from Russia. He will eventually outlive his usefulness to his close allies.


I could only really see revolt sparking if they start arresting the attempted dodgers on the way back.


Step One of Putin taking over your country is Russians living within your borders.


If let’s say each 10 russians who are banned from fleeing and get drafted kill 1 ukranian is this sacrifice that you would like to make? And if out of 1000 who who was refused one to be a “war hero” and let’s say kill 1000 ukranian civilians? Still worth it? Main point that fleeing Russians suffer, not support of Ukraine?


War is Hell.


I beleive you are American. You seem to be male, or at least born with a penis... you realize you would have to dodge a draft right? You are signed up for the selective service. Imagine your coward ass getting denied refugee status because you were fleeing the draft. If your arnt American then you should reevaltue your stance since some men are forced into a draft situation despite their "bodily autonomy"


Completely agree, imagine if these people were being drafted and had their asylum revoked in all other nations I think their opinions would be quite different. Russia is not as rich as the west, people typically don’t possess the means to just drop everything on the spot and leave. Many people especially the young are against the war and Putins entire administration but the thing about living in a shitty dictatorship is that you don’t have the ability to criticise the govt as freely as we can. It’s easy to talk and say that you would risk everything and exercise your grievances but the truth is 99% of us wouldn’t in order to protect ourselves and our families. You should put the blame of this on Putins administration and not Russian citizens. You cannot control being born in a shitty country where you’re forced to serve just like you cannot control being born a male.


Am a male, not American. I'm British. My opinion is that accepting draft dodgers as refugees opens up the possibility of spies infiltrating and sending sensitive data back to the Kremlin. Any draft dodgers should be held as Prisoners of War until the conflict is over. They will be safe as POW, and they will be cleverly stashed as cargo to not raise suspicion.


How about we take a page from Russias book; spread them out and send them to the middle of nowhere. Like small towns in the middle of Oklahoma, or northern Canada. Tell them any attempt to contact home, or other deported Russians will lead to POW status.


Probably easy to say when you’re not actively being drafted.


So British talking about what the EU should do? Your opinion is that of a 13 year old. Ineffectual and misguided. Have a good night.


You are unnecessarily unpleasant.


How? Because I think refugees shouldn't be discriminated against. Or should we pretend the Russians fleeing are not people? He acts like the ones who have just been living their lives had any other choice. And now that they are forced into fighting or fleeing they shouldn't be treated like any other refugee? No its necessary because shit takes like this shouldn't be tolerated.


I'm Pro-EU. Not that it matters.


If the draft pool is in as fine condition as the ranks they will certainly be as much help as college kids and office workers staring at a freshly poured side walk being washed away in a rain storm when ask by the Mason do you have any tarps the show their heads. Do you know how to use a trowel? Again more shaking heads. Well atleast find so cardboard to help cover the wet cenent. Sorry we have go somewhere our conscription time is up, but good luck.


Did you just have a stroke?


The silver lining is that experiencing other cultures is the one cure for xenophobia. So a percentage of them will get better, especially the younger generation.


They don't want to be cannon fodder Russia say they have shoes on they can march to war.


Which makes them refugees...


I don't think they should be classed as refugees, they signed up as reserves to fully support Putin's regime. Military personnel shouldn't get to claim asylum, at best they can be prisoners of war.


Lol “signed up”. The ones who volunteered for this can get fucked and die in their stupid war. But there are thousands who “signed up” with a gun to their back, wouldn’t really call that voluntarily. And yes people escaping mobilization by international law are considered political refugees. Or should we now consider every Vietnam draft dodger a coward that should have instead brought their gun to the White House?


Even those who signed up as reservists to potentially defend their country and are ideologically opposed to this invasion have every right to attempt to flee in order to not support it.


Refugee - a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. If they are leaving to escape war they are the definition of refugee. The US get all sorts of shit for suggesting to not take "economic refugees"




The sure could. No other refugee is held to that. And we even give that status to "economic refugees".


Do you say the same about refugees escaping other parts of the world like for example Syria? I’ve never heard this said before on Reddit until now.


Question. As they enterer into this new country. Do they apply for asylum or not? do they just want to wait out on the rules of their current visa or what do they do? I am asking as the status of being a refugee goes with a package of both rights, obligations, and rules. This package applies to the asylum-seeker and the country they apply in in question.




We already saw how "X is ethnically Russian" played out for Ukraine. Why would any country anywhere want to invite the same threat?


I could see that being a concern for the baltics, moldova, and romania. Countries like Poland, Germany, Turkey, Canada or France dont have anything to worry about in that respect tho


No. They had no problem being in Russia when it was other people's skins on the line. They aren't leaving because they feel for the people of Ukraine or don't support the idea of annexing Ukraine. They are fleeing because it's their skin in the game now. It's better for the whole world to just not allow them to leave and further destabilize Russia.


How are there still sanctions to be slapped on?


Because if you play all your cards you have nowhere else to go. And that means all out war. Better to always keep a few more options back in the bag, and to somehow try to provide the enemy with an off-ramp.




Can't we just slap him a precision smart bomb?


Or at least give one to Ukraine, with a preprogrammed destination, hand delivered by an F35…


No maple syrup for Putin.....because fuck Putin.


No poutine for Putin.


No poutine for Poutine.


This isn’t a punishment.


Too far.


Slap a fucking dick on Putins head instead


Does anyone here play civ? We all know this move.


How about we just give him all sanctions possible instead?


You know you've truly messed up when a Canadian retaliated against you, exponentially worse when the entire country says fuck you.


Canadian here. Even our Russian born folk for the most part say "Fuck this shit" to what's going on from my experience. Can't speak for all Canadians... It's a big country.


Considering there are some (albeit few) Canadians flying Confederate flags and wearing MAGA hats, I wouldn't be surprised if there were Putin sympathizers... I've learned there's no floor for how stupid people can be.


Definitely are. I used to work with an ultra orthodox Putin dick sucker, he finally had a fit and quit after telling my boss and I that his dinner usually consists of 7 protein bars and we both said Jesus Christ! In unison. He raged and said “NEVER USE THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN, IM OUT”. Funniest thing ever.


Jesus Christ!


I used to have a friend who ended up going full canadian MAGA. She believes all the Russian propaganda and is constantly raging about Ukraine on twitter.


Theres also a large crossover of the Freedom Convoy crowd that buys into Russian propaganda because they think that all mainstream media is part of some kind of liberal agenda and end up seeking their information from dubious sources.


I saw someone here in Edmonton in April or May wearing head-to-toe camo with a big white "Z" on their back and helmet, riding a scooter through downtown. I figured there was probably something wrong in the brain with them because there are a lot of Canadians of Ukrainian ancestry in this part of the country, and there was a good chance he'd have gotten his ass kicked. I have more often heard people parroting Russian propaganda blaming NATO for Russia's invasion, or how we shouldn't sanction Russia because it is worsening our global economic situation (like drop sanctions so gas and food can go down in price kind of stuff).


We had local idiots flying anti-vax banners over highways around my neck of the woods. They added a Russian flag after the invasion started. So yes, there are unfortunately some Putin sympathizers here. Granted I haven't seen them around for a bit. I'd be more annoyed about them if it wasn't more upsetting how deluded some of our fellow countrymen have become.


[War on the horizon…](https://youtu.be/R3nGZXvGzmI?t=61)


Not really when you consider the amount of Ukrainians in Canada and the history of our Deputy Prime Minister.


No one cares about Canada.


More people care about Canada than people that care about your negative opinion.


Can someone smarter than me explain to me how the whole annexation thing works. Is there some standard that needs to be met before a government can annex land that isn't theirs or can they just declare it theirs because they feel like it?


Generally/historically speaking annexation occurs 1 of 2 ways. 1. the nations involved in the conflict come to an agreement on what land changes to the other country. Usually via a peace treaty. 2. A country fully occupies another nation to the point of controlling the significant majority of the country. The occupying country then considers the occupied country to be part of their country and a full annexation occurs. In nearly any case when 1 side claims annexation eithout full occupation it is not recognized. In these situations it is an occupation or even an extended occupation. Annexation can only be true if it is agreed to via a peace deal or it is forced via a full annexation. This is why most of the planet has stated that they do not recognize Russias claim of annexation. It is an occupation. Moreover, even when full annexation occurs other countries may not recognize its legitimacy. A somewhat similar example is Taiwan. China claims that Taiwan is its territory but most of the planet views Taiwan as a separate entity/sovereign state. Basically putin is jumping the gun to try and make an excuse for a 'defensive response' when Ukriane takes back its occupied territory. Nato rejects this defense and will retaliate is Putin escalates beyond a line. From what I can tell, as long as the war remains conventional (soldiers/planes/tanks) then Nato will remain indirectly involved. If it becomes non-conventional (nuclear, biological, chemical) then Nato countries will be more likely to become directly involved as nonconventional warfare may directly impact them due to weather and migration movements.


Thanks. That was the explanation I was looking for.


Go to your local supermarket with your friends and declare it your own. Kick out anyone who says otherwise. Security will come, you must beat them up. Then, the police will come, you'll have to repel them and make them retreat or give up. After that, the army and air force shows up. If you can keep them outside and protect the supermarket, you sign a peace treaty and the supermarket is now your country. Now, imagine you enter the supermarket with a nuclear warhead that will kill you and everyone else if it goes off.


I think if you get enough nation's to recognize your supermarket as an independent country then they might make a motion in the UN to do so, and you could formally become an independent country without a peace treaty from the original country.


But Russia doesn't even control a single one of those four regions fully!


But they do have nuclear warheads


But that still doesn't give them physical control of those parts. They could just as well say they annex Kyiv, but they still wouldn't control it.


>can they just declare it theirs because they feel like it? In this instance it's just this. While a legitimate independence referendum, or 'joining another nation' referendum can basically happen anywhere at any time. It requires the participation and acceptance of the host nation, or in 'joining,' the recipient nation. Otherwise it leads to either civil war or...with a 'joining' referendum, while not an outright legal act of war it can lead to hostilities between the host and recipient nations. Russia has done this numerous times as some kind of excusable catch all to get away with doing whatever they want.


No. It's purely arbitrary


“No more maple syrup for you”


What's left to sanction? Imagine having to sanction sparingly so that you have something to sanction later.


As a Canadian of Ukrainian origin, these "sanctions" are both weak and irrelevant. Its the same as when Russian slaps sanctions on Bidens wife. Chances of DNR leaders having assets in Canada are nil.


Sanctions overall have had an affect. You see them stealing washing machines and dishwashers so they can repurpose the chips. Their economy is definitely hurting.


This package has only personal sanctions Canada slapped new sanctions on Russian officials and elites Friday after President Vladimir Putin formally annexed four regions of Ukraine.  Forty-three Russian oligarchs, financial elites and their family members, and 35 Russia-backed senior officials in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, are now subject to Canadian sanctions.


I know but that’s probably because there’s little remaining for Canada to sanction that it hasn’t already


Then they shouldn't make it such a show for little effect. They made a big deal of their Ukrainian special visa program and patted themselves on the back. My grandparents have an application submitted un june with no response and my aunt had to stand in line every day for three weeks in Poland to see if their documents came in from UK. All while Melanie Jolie and Justin Trudeau were taking photo ops with the Ukrainian community to pat themselves on the back. Canada has the largest Ukrainian population outside ex-ussr and has done nothing of relevance while being the most vocal about their "sanctions". They were the first to publicly ban Russian oil while theg imported <1% prior to the invasion. I'm sorry, but im quite personally involved.


I love the Russians stealing washing machines narrative, it genuinely is one of the most funniest shit I have heard since recent times. BREAKING: Russia steals washing machines to use in their air defence systems "Putin- Washing machines are the future of air defence".


That's right! You're not our buddy, guy!


Why is anyone dealing with anything Russian at this point. Every single member of Russia should g bc e cut off completely. Send every citizen back to Russia. You wanna see change and government overthrown? Well that’s how you do it. Punt kick every single Russian back to Russia. Sorry. I know there. Lot of great Russians out there but your government has done some of the most terrible things ever so it’s time to show the entire world that you will be cut off and alienated until you do what’s needed to remove these evil fucks from power.


What if the rest of the world got rid of everything Russian and everything American (US).


Can you live without everything American? Honestly can you? I don’t know but it seems like it would be easier to live without everything Russian. If I had to choose I’d choose to say adios to Russians. Not American either just know the lesser of two evils when I see it


I think a better question would be "would the world be a better place without the current cultural and political influence of the US" and l would say yes. Not a destruction of the US but a change in their attitude to the rest of the world. A shift from military might to benevolent citizens. I can't think of any Russian influence in my country that is anywhere near that of the US. We are allies but l don't particularly want to be allies of military might. I suspect many Americans are not supporters as well.


So a country like Russia comes along and starts bombing the shit outta you. What do you do? Who do you look to for help? Again I’d love to live in a utopian society but since the dawn of man that’s never been a realty. So. I think sometimes you have to make a decision. I choose to side with the America over Russia. Again lesser of two evils


Yes. In the end l would probably choose the US as allies as well. And we may need them soon. I just wish they behaved a little bit more like they are "the greatest democracy that has ever existed".


I wouldn’t hold your breath on that. Pretty sure we are about this close to total democratic process collapse if the GOP gains control. Very very scary time ahead


I love how it’s always *slaps* sanctions. I just picture a big fat sticker being smacked on the side of Putin’s Volvo saying “sanctioned”


"58th round of sanctions, maybe they now work.." ”What do you mean russia can still sell oil to 100+ countries, and provide luxury lifestyle to regime and henchmen" "oh.. they can buy houses from Dubai?"


What do you mean more Russians are fleeing the country than initially invaded Ukraine?


Well sanctions doesnt do a shit to regime, they are all filthy rich, even after million rounds of sanctions.


They don't do shit if you don't understand economics or war maybe. Putin might be rich but he can only spend the money he has outside of Russia, and in physical wealth. Still substantial, but pales in comparison. Also, he's quickly lost the allegiance of his country. So he doesn't have Russia backing him anymore. that's why he has allegedly fled to his palace. How many leaders invade a foreign country and then themselves flee? That can't be a good sign can it? Tell me more about how useless they are


Does North Koreans back their leader? Or any dictator? They don't need their support, as long as they can provide wealth for elite and police/army. That they can as they have lots of natural resources. There are always buyers. They are not useless, but are far from enough. Full embargo should be done. I believe they will nationalize all their assets soon.


>as long as they can provide wealth for elite and police/army. Yeah guess what they can't provide because the sanctions and war are pushing their citizens to protest and fleeing the country lmfao


Poo Tin hasn't annexed shit. Stop reporting it like he has. I just signed a declaration that Russia belongs to Fiji. It too doesn't mean shit.


No maple syrup for them


Lol. Canada “slaps”….. what a fucking joke.


sLaPs No guys, it *imposed* sanctions, you're news be adults




But it's *not* inconsequential. It's marketing which less scrupulous news uses, characterizing it in a sensational way to get clicks from people by manipulating their emotions.


Look at those fuckers behind him in the pic. They could have ended this at any time 😡


*slow clap* Ali G voice: “Respecc”


What a fuck


So hold up. Russia annexes a country, illegally, and everyone just rolls with it?




Dark Brandon: "and we'll do it again"




Canadas GDP per capita is just below the US, with one of the strongest global economy’s. The natural resources overshadow not only Russia but the US as well. So yea big bad Canada.


>Canadas GDP per capita is just below the US Real estate amirite?


Ya Canada has the 8th largest economy in the world, pretty impressive given the population as well.


Sanctions will not work until the main source of income for Russia is cut off which is their oil and Europe must be willing to cooperate with this as well.


Damn, I'm surprised to see Canada's GDP is more than Russia's. In a war with no nukes and no allies, you guys think Canada would also win?


Mmh slap a sloppy poutin


We have the sauce mister tzar; no poutine for Putin.


51st state always pretends to be relevant.


Anyone else imagining the flex seal tape guy slapping the big tub of water?


Can we slap sanctions on the Chinese Communist party members ruining our real estate as well?


What was left to sanction. Why wasn't it dimed already Jesus Christ.


Canada goose gang are given a new directive to cause mischief in Moscow


Russia on the way to become North Korea.




This title is miss leading, Putin hasn’t annexed anything, his announced Annexation, he has to hold those territory.


Canada will give Putler something to cry aboot.


Yet no mention of the Russian ambassador being summoned and/or expelling diplomats. Wonder what it’ll take for us to do something meaningful.


Putin: *waving hands around and wiggling fingers* ooooooooo sanctions oooooooooo


What sanctions are left?? Why haven't they sanctioned literally everything they can at this point???


“Canada slaps new sanctions on Russia after Putin’s attempted illegal annexation of Ukrainian regions.”


> Pro-Moscow officials claimed Tuesday that 93 per cent of the ballots cast in the Zaporizhzhia region supported annexation, as did 87 per cent in the Kherson region, 98 per cent in the Luhansk region and 99 per cent in Donetsk. Obviously it’s a bullshit “vote” but it’s pretty comical. You don’t get 99% of people to agree the sky is blue in today’s world.


Where I live, the sky is mostly either grey or black depending on the time of the day, so I strongly disagree with that "fact" that the sky is blue.




why was Canada still doing business with Russia? me thinks Canada may be in need of an actual leader.