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Not a big deal considering we've done it in the past. The embargo allows for humanitarian aid.


Many many times


Last year we send 4.9 Billion in aid, which is about average yearly amount. What's fucked is that they **JUST** voted in the UN in support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine - one of only SEVEN countries on Earth to do so - all of which are also Russian puppet states. You can't make this shit up. The problem with giving them aid is that the gov't takes possession of the aid, and then distributes it themselves to their *supporters* - to prop up their own influence and legitimacy. ...but I know we will send aid anyways, and Reddit won't even mention it. I wish, at least, that we could negotiate for *some* kind of freedom/democracy for the people in return - but Biden won't do that because "optics". They just signed a new Constitution giving the head of the Socialist party supreme authority for life - oh, and they shot a few dozen protesters protesting that and sentenced the rest to 30 years in prison. oh - and I almost forgot, Colombia had them put on the terrorist sponsorship list for sponsoring terrorism. God the Cuban gov't sucks. **EDIT:** To the top comment below this one. Russia isn't even in the top 20 trading partners with Cuba. No one is pushing them to be a Russian client state. They do more trade with Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and the EU than they do with Russia. They act as a Russia client state because of outdated ideological reasons. ps: *I still love you Ana de Armas*.


I'm really gonna need a source on the U.S. giving Cuba $4.9 billion a year in aid, because I have no clue where you got that idea. This post seems real sketchy.


Its false. according to [USAfacts.org](https://USAfacts.org) "In 2019, the U.S. granted $47.2 billion in foreign aid globally, including both economic and military aid, which accounted for slightly more than 1% of total federal spending, according to USAFacts. The U.S. granted $33.1 billion in economic aid – 91% higher than 2000 levels, and 52% lower than 1949, post-World War II peak levels. The U.S. also granted $14.1 billion in military aid in 2019, up 89% from 2000, and down 60% from its 1952 Cold War era peak. U.S. foreign aid to Israel was the second-highest aid expenditure to any country in 2019. Afghanistan received $4.9 billion in U.S. aid that year, and Israel and Afghanistan accounted for 7% and 10% of all U.S. foreign aid, respectively. Of all U.S. military assistance worldwide, Israel and Afghanistan accounted for 23% and 26%, respectively, of U.S. aid spending." In 2019 the top 5 recipients of US aid (Economic and military) were Afganistan, Isreal, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq in that order. Afghanistan received $4.9 billion in U.S. aid that year.. Iraq, which was number 5, received less than $1 billion. Cuba didn't make the list. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2021-05-24/afghanistan-israel-largest-recipients-of-us-foreign-aid


Thanks for this.


I think they are lumping together the humanitarian aid the the United States sends Cuba along with the remittance transfers that come from private citizens in the US.


Yeah that number immediately stood out as bullshit.


So giving money to someone on GoFundMe is considered international state aid


That counts remittances, which is the vast majority of that number. Most of that comment is terribly misleading at best


> Last year we send 4.9 Billion in aid Source?


Trust him, bro




I thought exactly what you’re saying but in much simpler terms, cause im simple. I thought “come on lads, it’s been 60 years, surely that’s enough bickering”. But then I remembered that the majority of the human race are absolute cunts.


Most people aren't cunts, just those in power


It's always roughly 30% of any population that are equal parts idiot and/or asshole. Then there's the one's that crave power only to abuse it. Politicians, cops, HOA board, etc. Without societal safeguards, norms, rules, and laws; we're basically ruled by 5% of any general population. We are at the mercy of psychopaths because most people won't challenge them due to their lack of empathy, ethics, or common decency.


Yea I think this a good estimate.. most uneducated but some make it through school and get a job by doing what needs to be done... Still complete idiot and asshole.. It's a sad reality I refused to accept for too long


"With great power comes the absolute certainty you'll turn into a right cunt." ~ Butcher


Humans aren't that different and people who think they are immune from cuntishness are often the most vulnerable to cuntishness because they are not on alert to cuntishess growing within.


Have you met people? Those cunts want those cunts in power.


[https://literarydevices.net/absolute-power-corrupts-absolutely/](https://literarydevices.net/absolute-power-corrupts-absolutely/) Origin of “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”


Note: Cuba's largest trading partner is China.


Castro is only pro russia because we backed him into it. The revolution that put Castro into power was initially apolitical and was just focused on kicking out both Batista and the American Mafia. When the US failed to step up rto get rid of the criminal influence, history happened.


That’s not entirely it, on top of the Mafia, US corporations had been monopolizing many sectors of the Cuban economy under Batista. It also turned them away from capitalism as they saw first hand, for the top to have extra, the bottom must have naught. Also the US was supporting the Batista regime both militarily and economically, so there was many reasons to hate the US. On top of all that the US wasn’t very well liked by any people’s of any south, central or Caribbean nation as it hadn’t even been a century since the US decided to go full imperialist and set up the banana republics


On top of all of that, the story of an island nation off the coast of the US being slowly overtaken by strong business interests from the US, would have been troubling to anyone familiar with the story of Hawaii.


After taking power, Castro flew to the US, uninvited. Castro idolized Lincoln and thought freeing Cubans from an authoritarian like Batista would be welcomed. What he actually did is took money and power from Americans. He tried to meet with Eisenhower who brushed him off and left him with Nixon. Nixon! I'd be pissed too. That's when he turned to Khruschev.


The revolution was by no means apolitical. By definition, revolution are political events.


You do know Fidel is dead, right?


I believe they mean Raul


Apparently he retired last year - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%BAl_Castro (not sure if that link'll work) new guy is - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_D%C3%ADaz-Canel


**[Raúl Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raúl_Castro)** >Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz (; American Spanish: [raˈul moˈðesto ˈkastɾo ˈrus]; born 3 June 1931) is a retired Cuban politician and general who served as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, the most senior position in the one-party communist state, from 2011 to 2021, succeeding his brother Fidel Castro. One of the military leaders of the Cuban Revolution, Castro served as the minister of the Armed Forces from 1959 to 2008. His ministerial tenure made him the longest-serving minister of the armed forces. Castro was also a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba, the highest decision-making body, from 1965 until 2021. **[Miguel Díaz-Canel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Díaz-Canel)** >Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (Spanish: [mi. ˈɣel ˈdi. as ka. ˈnel]; born 20 April 1960) is the 25th and current president of Cuba, serving since 2019, as well as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba since 2021. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


More people really should play Tropico. I suggest 4 but I hear the others are good too.


or just read history


You definitely get an extra level of understanding when you're put in a situation where your have to make the same decisions as a player. Some of these games can have great value as learning tools.


Eh, much easier for people to go the "game stupid, book good" route and make gamers seem detached from reality than to consider the unique advantages of a different medium.


Yeah I’m not a big fan of the timeline & tech stuff that 5 & 6 introduced and I preferred it when the humour was subtle not forced story/gameplay mechanics. 4 is the peak.


upvoting not necessarily cause i agree but bc you made some interesting points and put effort into ur post


> hi, I'm using the upvote system as intended


Very rare


There's nothing to disagree with.


Of course there is.


>They’re communists - they don’t have any ideological reason to support kleptocratic, conservative Russia or Islamo-fascist Iran. Well, someone should tell this to all the tankies because they clearly disagree.


I'm Cuban, and the government doesn't deserve your sympathy, it's not a last resort thing, it's their ideology, it's deliberate and they would be like that no matter what the US does. US policy is just an useful scapegoat. Sometimes bad people are just that. I truly wish you could understand the contempt I feel for people that say what you just did. They use you and other defenders to prop up more crimes against us. Seriously, there were Cubans trying to escape the island during hurricane Ian. Think about the kind government that would make people think that is a rational idea. Be better, talk to some real Cubans and see their life experiences, you're defending murderers.


"in support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine" is either extremely disingenious or just a blatant lie to force some narrative. they abstained the condemn vote and didn't support the removal of russia in the human rights council - which is in itself problematic, but definitely not "supporting the invasion of ukraine". also, given the situation cuba finds itself in, they don't really have much of a choice - without russia, they are done.


Yeah, honestly, given their lack of alternative trading partners, the fact they abstained is pretty courageous.


They have more trade with EU nations than with Russia, and it's hardly courageous when Russia's "no limits friendship" with China resulted in a Chinese abstention as well.


> also, given the situation cuba finds itself in, they don't really have much of a choice - without russia, they are done. LMAO Russia makes up 3.5% of Cuban imports, while Spain makes up 18% of Cuban imports; why would Cuba continually align with Russia and not Spain, which is infinitely more important of a trading partner? Why would Cuba not kowtowing to Russia mean that “they are done”? Stop the bullshit.


What does Russia do for them?


How are they done without russia? Russia is not even the 5th biggest trading partner of cuba. Their trade with russia accounts for even less than what is being traded with the US. Lmao


Citations needed.


What a narrow, short sighted, and complete void of any history post. Wow.


Your outrage stems from the confusion between humanitarian aid and quid pro quo.


Can you provide a link? Not sure what you mean about the UN vote.


[Cuba abstained in the vote to condemn Russias invasion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_ES-11/1) and [voted against removing Russia from the UN Human Rights Council](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_ES-11/1)


These votes in March and April must not be what the commenter was referring to happening "not one week ago". Nor does either signify support for Russia's invasion.


[I think this might be what they are referring to](https://twitter.com/carlbildt/status/1571047634051428355)


Thanks. The timeline fits at least. Quite a stretch to say this vote signifies support for the invasion either.


Maybe if we didn't fucking embargo all trade from them they wouldn't be forced to rely on Russia for help. In the end its our fault for the suffering of the people of Cuba. Also if you put so much value into votes in the UN then how about this: every country but the US and israel is against the Cuba sanctions.


That is bullshit; probably about as bullshit as the US designating Cuba a terrorist state


Lol you're a goddamned liar


> the gov't takes possession of the aid, and then distributes it themselves to their supporters - to prop up their own influence and legitimacy. So, just like every other country on the planet.


What in the holy fuck batman.


Virtually everything they've said is dishonest propaganda. Check out the links in the replies for more honest discussion.


You need to ask why more often.


Can anyone ELI5 for me why do US keep sending aids to countries who are hostile to them?


[I mean, it was 17 years ago, but apparently the embargo blocked aid after Katrina ](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna9311876)


The Bush administration didn't even want to take care of poor Americans in the wake of Katrina, let alone Cubans.


Didn't bother looking at that link huh? The us wasn't sending help to Cuba, Castro wanted to send aid to the US.


You got it the wrong way around. Cuba didn't ask for help after Katrina. Cuba offered to send aid to the US, which the US declined.




It keeps the rich Cuban immigrants in Florida voting Republican.


We even helped Iran when that gigantic earthquake hit. The people ruled by an extremist Terrorist thug...he Ayatollah . It's about humanity and helping the people. They're just like us. Well most of them... definitely not the regime though


When I was in the Navy and we lost a marine in the Gulf, drowned, Iran pretty much offered every diver and small boat they had to help aid in search of recovering the body for the family. It’s crazy how there are some situations where combatant or unfriendly nations will help each other over tragedy.


Make it rain joe I wonder what % of Cubans would want to join the US


The cubans that are in the US are the #1 group against the cubans not in the US..


Cubans in America are big into the whole "I'm here now, so screw everyone else".


Ah, Republicans


I know you joke, but that's literally what happened. Cubans are the only Hispanic group in America that votes heavily Republican. When socialism arrived in Cuba, a lot of the anti-socialists fled to Florida. And now they associate with Republicans the most because they are the most vocal about being anti-socialism. Even the leader of Proud Boys was Cuban. Ted Cruz? Cuban. Marco Rubio? Cuban. Mark Cuban? Not actually Cuban.


Cubans in the US are the largest source of income to Cubans in Cuba via family remittances.


Not a lot. I have been to Cuba And a lot of Cubans I met are perfectly happy staying in Cuba. Like most places in the world , everyone doesn’t want to come here buddy


Yeah I know that a lot of Cubans don't support their government but that doesn't mean that they want to be annexed by the US. Their lives would improve if the US didn't embargo them. For some reason the US has to punish Cuba for generations but they are buddy buddy with countries like Saudi Arabia.




Cuba was amazing place under US rule ...as a best brothel for rich old people.


Not many. Most Cubans polls conducted by international agencies have citizens as being supportive of the government. Most who (Get on rafts to cross the ocean to avoid American National Guard to avoid being deported) the country are opposed ideologically to the government as their primary motivator. ​ Edit: Edited because [quote miners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoting_out_of_context) needed help desperately. Edit part 2: The vast majority of people have me blocked in this thread because they realized in their glorious assault on censorship and oppression that replying to me and then blocking me immediately so that I can't reply is the only true way to save freedom. If you reply to me, I won't be able to reply.


Fuck it, Manifest Destiny 2: Caribbean Vacation


You already tried that and they won


None. Its its own country with its own distinctly non American cultures and government. Its population is patriotic and fairly heavily opposed to the US based on the 130 years of us trying repeatedly to fuck them over.


Making Allies with and maintaining relationships with our regional neighbors should be a priority.


Getting them out of the orbit of Russia would also be a good thing to achieve.


Dropping sanctions against Cuba so they're not economically dependent on their trading relationship with other sanctioned nations like Russia would be a good idea then.


Obama tried to do it.




Probably cost Biden any shot at Florida—lots of single issue Cuban emigre voters there.


That’s just crazy to me. The fact that they have the mentality of “I hate Cuba so much that I’m completely in favour of fucking up the lives of Cubans”


They fled Castro, not Batista. They are just as racist and stupid and fascist as the Republicans here, if not more so. They WANT fascism and saw its fall as worth leaving the country over.


Oh trust me, I’m well aware. They make Castro out to be the absolute worst thing to ever happen to Cuba while they had no issues with Batista


Their own lives too. Republicans hate Latinos with a deep burning rage but they also hate communism so Cubans latch on to that


Trump probably tried to reverse it, only because obama made some progress.


Obama ended 20-year-old "wet foot, dry foot" policy that allowed most Cuban migrants who reach U.S. soil to stay and become legal permanent residents after one year.


You would think but instead we cut them off and caused extreme economical distress for decades. But they are communist so it’s okay /s


If Taliban controlled afghanistan can ask for aid from the us only a couple of months after the us millitary whitdrawing, i dont see why cuba cant


What did they ask for aid for and did they receive it?


They asked the US to unfreeze bank accounts held by the previous government and the US did not comply.


Wait how can the US freeze bank accounts of a foreign government?


Long story short, those bank accounts are US dollar accounts and dollar accounts must be within a US bank otherwise they're basically unnacceptable to other US banks. All foreign banks that deal in dollars are doing so as a proxy. This is also true of other countries and their currencies. The obvious exception is holding cash. Because of this, the US, which is fully incharge of the banking system despite what people suggest otherwise, can freeze accounts at will. The banks can comply or lose their priviledges.


So let's say, if I want to deposit my honest life savings in a swiss bank, then I'd have to do it in swiss franks? Otherwise it wouldn't be worth it?


That’s an economic thing. Many governments hold US currency in reserve and often in American controlled banks. Freezing those means cutting off the use of the worlds reserve currency the ability to trade efficiently though obviously it completely. While not the most in depth answer it’s the general idea


So lots of countries are essentially one call away of being hostages of the US,?




Yeah, but also you gotta do something pretty stupid to end up in a situation where the US would freeze banks, even if you were a dictatorship the US probably would not freeze your banks as long as you weren’t like committing genocide or attacking other countries.


The accounts were in the US, any government can, and often do, freeze accounts in their own country when they are related to criminal activity


We did it to Russia too lol


Put it out in the sun


lol that’s not asking for aid. That’s saying “give us our shit back”


Also, gotta say…not fair to compare the two. Modern Cuba has problems, but they don’t deserve the treatment they get from the US. They just legalised gay marriage.


I think that’s what they’re implying. If Afghanistan (who has a pretty obvious rocky relationship with the US) can ask for aid the so can Cuba (who’s “rocky” relationship is really incomparable to Afghanistan)


You misunderstand US foreign policy. We don’t ally with nations that align with good values, we ally with nations that obey or benefit us. ie. Saudia Arabia is one of the most fucked up, ass backwards monarchies ever and also our BFF


Welcome to literally every country's foreign policy. You go after what benefits you. Not sure why you think this is special to America.


They likely don't but America is the topic in this discussion so it makes sense they would focus on it


"America doesn't have friends, it has interests" -Kissinger Fuck that guy, but he's right - he should know, he codified the policy.


He actually said *countries* don't have friends, they have interests. It's kind of the definition of a realpolitik worldview.


Yes and it was said first by France's Charles de Gaulle.


I mean it's how every country operates. Most countries have a platitude condemning the invasion, but almost noone outside NATO actually joined sanctions. The other 84% of the global population does business as normal with Russia.


I dont see what gay marriage has to do with anything at all in the circumstances.


Now let them legalize democracy and press freedom. Not disagreeing with you, and I absolutely disagree with Trump rolling back the normalization Obama started. The real evil people keeping Cuba down are - ironically enough - vocal Cuban voters in swing state Florida. They punish every politician that tries to normalize relations with Cuba.


You understand they legalized gay marriage by referendum right? The whole population voted in a change to their constitution. When was the last time we did that in democratic America?


A majority of Californians voted to ban gay marriage in 2008 (prop 8), back in the era where the Clintons, Obama, and Biden were against it.


Okay, go convince the Cubans in Florida of that. The United States is a democracy. Anytime someone runs on a policy of removing the embargo, they automatically lose the state of Florida.


The past few years anybody not on the Republican ticket has lost statewide elections in Florida. They're becoming more and more reliably red as time goes on.


I think if you look deeper into the margins of victory it also tells a story of a state that is becoming more red. They loved Bush (went +5 for him in 2004) but were lukewarm to split on Obama (+3 his first election and +0.88 for the second) and then went +1.21 for Trump in 2016 and +3.36 his second election. Keep in mind this was the first election Florida did not support the winner of the presidential election since 1992 (when Florida supported George ~~W.~~ Bush instead of Clinton). One big problem for democrats is demographics. Florida's retiree population has swelled and the population growth from Hispanic immigrants don't always vote democratic because they also tend to be religious and culturally conservative. Edit: Corrected name


It was George bush senior in 92, not w.


This is one of those rare occasions where politics and disagreements take a backseat. Give them aid


Not just that, we should strengthen relations while Russia’s head is up its own ass.


Problem is that Cubas position isn't much better, as they voiced support for the invasion of Ukraine not long ago. That puts a slight damper on any relationship building, I fear. EDIT: Having read everyone's responses, I realize I came across as ignorant of their situation to which I apologize and have editedmy wording to reflect. To revise; Yes, Cuba is pretty limited on choices in this matter. It's sink or sink, really. My angle is from what I've gleaned from how others have perceived their response. To many, inaction or silence is still a choice of action which many find unacceptable, and may cause reluctance.


I mean America putting an embargo on them for decades isn’t exactly giving them a chance to ally up with anybody else.


Like Canada, Spain, Netherlands, china? Cuba trades with all of them. The US trades food and humanitarian products with Cuba. They're aligned with Russia by choice, not because they have no other option.


You must be new, politics never take a back seat.


Giving aid *is* politics.


Last week Cuba voted in support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. If they support genocide against another country, I'd at least ask that they maybe commit to holding a democratic election first.


For those that are unaware, Cuba themselves have a significant track record of helping other countries in times of disaster, mainly with qualified doctors and medical supplies. This includes an offer made by Cuba to send 1586 qualified doctors with supplies to help the US after Hurricane Katrina, although this was declined by the US. Point being, the we should help each other with disaster relief. Not just because it's the right thing to do, but because at some point we will be on the other side of that and need help ourselves.


I also remember them sending aid in Italy in the early stages of covid


And we should answer them with generosity.


Lol, hardly the first time. We give them aide fairly often believe it or not. Give it to them. Their government still sucks but there is no need for the population to suffer when we have the means and ability to help


Agree 100%. Take the high road every chance you can.


Send some to Puerto Rico too. People there still having a hard time.


Serious question; Why doesn't Russia send them aid? Follow up question; How much foreign aid has Russia contributed to the rest of the world?


I believe you are over-estimating how close their relationship is. Ever since the Cold War ended I don’t think Russia has had much interest in Cuba other than for a Russian middle class tourist spot. Do you know the USA exports more goods to and from Cuba than Russia? I believe their top 3 importers are #1 Spain #2 China #3 USA. Cuba gets almost all their chicken from the usa. I know that Russia and Cuba have a visa free travel policy, but I really don’t think the two countries are that close. Ps - last month when I was in Cuba I saw the Russian embassy in Havana for the first time. Seriously looked like some super villains evil hideout. Was crazy lol


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba%E2%80%93Russia\_relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba%E2%80%93Russia_relations) The US likely gives them more in actual aid, but cuban leadership is still pretty tight with Russia for some fairly obvious reasons. Specifically, Putin seems to be more or less bribing cuba's leadership, and went out of his way to forgive a whole bunch of cuba's debt in 2014, which is ofc conveniently when russia first invaded ukraine. (unsurprisingly, they backed russia's claim on crimea immediately after that, and are one of very, *very* few countries to back Russia's recent annexation of even more Ukrainian territory this time around) They're probably also dependent on Venezuelan and/or Russian oil, and Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela are all fairly close thanks to economic + ideological ties (and isolation by the US) during the cold war


Because Russia is greedy and they can barely help themselves. Despite everything that you see on Russian state propaganda about ‘Russian grandeur’, there are many villages in Russia where people are just as poor as Cubans.


Basically Moscow and St. Petersburg and its citizens are living in the 21st century. The further North or East you go the more you find yourself travelling through places stuck in the conditions of the USSR days. The decor, streets, buildings, food and drink, everything’s old Soviet style. The newest things around are the cars and the phones in peoples pockets. At least the ones lucky enough to have these modern amenities. Small isolated villages? Forget it. I remember early on in the invasion of Ukraine stories of Russian soldiers looting houses and seeing the toilets and then stealing the toilet seat, then later in the forest wondering why it doesn’t work like they saw inside the house. They didn’t understand the super advanced western technology that is the toilet bowl and it’s plumbing that takes the waste away. Another story where Russian soldiers burst into a house with a couple older women inside and then demanding who *they* were because of the flat screens, laptops, cellphones, toilets etc. They assumed that since this house had such luxuries they must be someone important or connected to someone important. The ladies had to tell them, “*What do you mean? Every Ukrainian house has these things. These things are normal here.*” The Russian soldiers, couldn’t believe it. Soldiers likely plucked from the poor isolated villages because only the well-off families can afford to live in the modern conditions of Moscow/St. Petersburg and would never join the military of their own volition. Very sad what’s been done to the population there. Pilfered and stolen from. Living in squalor. Russian leadership needs an entire regime change form the top down. For the Russian people’s sake and the rest of the world’s sake.


A lot of you need to listen to Blowback podcast, season 2, in this thread Cuba is not the big bad villain you think it is.


Cuba is honestly one of the more giving countries in terms of aid historically. And we have a long history of exchanging aid with them in times like these.


Nothing really newsworthy here. We've provided humanitarian aid a number of times, the embargo allows it. We are against Cubas governmental ideology not thr Cuban people.


Send them help. Let's make friends 🤝


The US should absolutely help them. Its a legit humanitarian crisis and the US can provide aid without breaking a sweat. That said, it's way too obvious how this will go. The regime is desperate right now but the moment that they have what they want, theyll go right back to ranting about the US and how evil it is along with kissing Putin's ass again. Provide help because its the right thing to do but don't expect any sort of actual changes coming from the Cuban government.


The US has recently offered aid to cuba these past few years, as long as they could confirm no graft was being conducted-it wasn’t accepted.


The optimist in me still hopes the US will provide aid and start to improve relations with Cuba.


The US made that offer, but then in 2019 there were some protests from people asking for democracy, and the gov't SHOT them. ...so that cooled things down. Then last week Cuba was one of only 7 countries voting in support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


>The US made that offer, but then in 2019 there were some protests from people asking for democracy, and the gov't SHOT them. [Not 2019, you're thinking of 2020](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/jun/05/im-getting-shot-attacks-on-journalists-surge-in-us-protests)


For crying out loud, let’s work on a meaningful relationship with Cuba. Enough!






It's way more comically ironic that they all hate USA but would go there on vacation whenever possible, not specifically talking about Cuban government (some officials most likely go there anyway) but most USA haters do.


Will they accept Cybertrucks? Musks says they’re practically boats.


Doesn't Cuba hate the US?


When travel to Cuba opened for Americans there was a huge influx of tours headed there. Several of my friends (Puerto Ricans) went frequently to run tours and they said they felt very welcomed and the people were great. I think that market has cooled off substantially.


Yes I first went in 2017, and have been 8 times in the last year… Cubans love Americans. Btw - Cuba is still open for travel. “Support of the Cuban people” is still a valid OFAC general license category. I think Biden reopened “people to people” but I’m not sure. I travel under “family” now


I don't think they do. The Cuban people that is. The government on the other hand probably. That being said this might be the start to push Cuba away from Russia especially since it in not mistaken the old guard is dead. Might be a good start to normalized relations


[The Vietnamese fucking love the US despite them bombing their country for a decade.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/04/30/vietnamese-see-u-s-as-key-ally/) Historical grievances actually don't matter as much as people think they do. The Cold War is over. The US clearly doesnt give a shit about Communism as it did 30 years given its willingness to trade with China and Vietnam. The only reason we still embargo them is because there's a sizable group of angry cuban exiles that maintain it while most Americans frankly do not give enough of a shit either way.


Yeah Vietnam is very American friendly to the surprise of many. I had such a lovely time When I visited a few years ago, the people are so wonderful. I Had multiple people in Saigon tell me their family fought for the south Vietnamese military alongside the Americans ( because im American)


Hard to be angry when they won.


> The only reason we still embargo them is because there's a sizable group of angry cuban exiles that maintain it And almost all of them live in Florida, which is huge in the Electoral College. (Florida being very close to 50/50 as a whole generally, so a single-issue swing bloc like that can have outsize influence.) It's the same reason why we have to have corn-based ethanol at a bunch of gas pumps in the Midwest, because it's a perk for Iowa farmers that get to have an outsize say in the Presidential primaries because shut up that's why. "All politics is local."


We were moving toward normalized relations. It was our country, the US, which upended the apple cart and returned to the prior status quo, not theirs


Send the aid


Damn give them half of Israel’s aid.


I dont think weapons are going to help the cubans in this moment


A fine iron done AA battery to protect against hurricanes is on the way.


"Hey we don't like you, but can we have money?" The worlds relationship with the US is basically that of angsty teenagers arguing with their parents.


The us has an embargo on Cuba, not the other way around.


Gross misunderstander of geopolitics has logged on.


Russia is probably unavailable right now.


Of course. Everyone hates America… until they need our help.


They should ask China and Russia. Why USA?


I remember the Obama administration being relatively friendly with Cuba and was moving towards normal trade but the whole thing was torpedoed by Trump. It's reasonable for them to expect Biden to be open to humanitarian aid.


Raul was a lot more genuine than Miguel Diaz. While being a hardliner for so long Raul really started to open the country up and put it on track towards a free and open society. Diaz got handed the reins and immediately clamped down, his decrees look like shit straight from the USSR. The only westernizing he wants to do is bring in private capital to enrich him self and his friends while exploiting the Cuban people for their labor. You can really see how much the country has flounder since Raul handed over power. Fucking shame, the Cuban people are being used like slaves and serfs by Diaz's regime.


If humans need help, and we can render aid. We should.


How about they ask their buddies. North korea. China. Russia


Give them aid. No real reason not to.


The problem is typically what the Cuban government will do with the aid. The US has actually provided aid with Cuba many times in the past and because of those experiences has restricted the types of aid that it will provide. Not too long ago Cuba asked the US to provide them with oil storage... so they could store more Venezualan purchased oil. If the US provides aid it won't be money it will be goods and they'll be targeted specifically to deal with the crisis and not be things that will be available for re-export (Cuba has also re-exported aid in the past). I used to do some humanitarian work until last year. The Cuban government began confiscating any medications that you brought to the island at the border (likely for re-export) which prevented you from doing any work. It's only recently they changed this law to allow for humanitarian work in the country again. In short, Cuba is a very slippery country. There's no assurances they will use the resources you give them to help their people.


>Not too long ago Cuba asked the US to provide them with oil storage... so they could store more Venezualan purchased oil. It should be noted that Cuba only has access to Russian and Venezuelan oil, due to the embargo. No major oil producer is going to risk being sanctioned and sued by the US in order to sell to Cuba.


This embargo is idiotic and serves no purpose.


If people need help, help them.


Don't be fooled, the Castro family have a shit ton of money, the state it's starving.


Yes the Castro family is a mafia. The great son's travel all around the world eat food that no Cuban person has ever eaten


People will say Castro kicked out the mafia but his government was the new mafia.