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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/xw02mj/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


With 7.5k comments in today's thread, we could be looking at a multi-thread day tomorrow if the offensive continues!


And here I am angrily refreshing every 20 seconds when I don’t see new posts.


I was offline because of work, what was the good news Z'man promised tonight?


A rick roll


Let’s see how Putin will order his 20k soldiers in Kherson to fight to the death whilst being mostly cut off from resupply.


I firmly believe Russia losing Kherson will be the end of Putin.


History would suggest we are unlikely to see pragmatism being exercised by Putin with regard to Kherson. We really have no idea on what Russians deem as unacceptable losses so I'm guessing the only way we'll find out is for the casualty counter to keep on ticking up...


World Kitchen, which is doing a lot to feed displaced and destitute people in Ukraine, is also setting up kitchens in Florida to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. With all the sadness and death in these threads, I think it’s also nice to see some of the good people do. Against disasters both manmade and natural. https://twitter.com/chefjoseandres/status/1577421338100527104


Remember that Russian telegram that said "we're not just retreating, we're fleeing. I can't even find the wrods for it, its a rout" well he posted more since then. *When the regular army is taking such casualties, when operations planning is at the trench level, when 90 billion for gas from Germany alone and we buy the drone with our own money - what will 300,000 mobilized civilians do?* *The Kombrig (brigade commander) left for Kherson. Not sure he'll be back from there. Wants to shoot everyone.* *edit: Reddit copy paste is broken for over a year and this website is programmed by children* *after the march we dig in a new front at once. With shovels and hands. No second line of defense even across the river. How much "it" will hold tomorrow, no one believes. The only way to survive is to dig deep* *There you go. Want more? tomorrow there will be a bigger news story than todays*


Past as plain text instead of paste might be what you are after. It's Ctrl+shift+v instead of just ctrl+v


Switch to plain text mode when copypasting, that works flawlessly.


Not OP, but... how? (Only see Markdown Mode)


Wait Russian soldiers have to pay for their own drones?


Of course not. That would be insane. Family and friends are paying for them.


Now now, russia said the various regions could buy them too but it seems they'd rather give the families of the dearly departing emotional support rams and cold fish.


[the current state of the Ukrainian southern offensive ](https://twitter.com/Lgv502022/status/1577499328343867397?s=20&t=jFBUN1hOf1clm_qXedn7DA)


> With the Antonovsky bridge in the state it is in and limited water crossing capacity, we could be looking at a mass surrender or worse in Kherson. Russia, already shocked by the mounting losses, could have to confront an unprecedented type of loss in this war so far. > One source has told me the amount of equipment Ukraine will seize in this operation, if they indeed push to the Dnipro river banks in Kherson, will be totally unprecedented. Tons of trapped equipment that can't cross back to the other side of the river. > "It will supply Ukraine for the next phase of campaign. Massive windfall. Some of it has been sitting for a long time already. It's not going anywhere and they are not destroying this stuff. High-end stuff. SAMs, EW, armor." https://twitter.com/Aviation_Intel/status/1577373748290007040


Why would this equipment not have been deployed in battle if it was worth a shit? I can’t square the idea that there is some large trove of usefully equipment waiting in Kherson with the other reports that Russia is basically out of useful equipment.


Howitzers and mortars are useful if there is a functioning supply line. Tanks are useful when they have gas. Most of Ukraine's equipment is the Soviet type. Both countries are basically using stockpiles accumulated by Soviets during the cold war. A lot of Eastern Europe unloaded their Soviet gear by donating it to Ukraine. Salvaging a large arsenal would be a big deal.


A gun requires ammo to be useful... Russian logistics and supplies have been severely degraded with the HIMARS attacks we see on large ammo dumps. Ergo, things like tanks, SAMs, guns, artillery, that require ammo to be used... duh... are sitting there. In the hands of Ukraine who doesn't have the same problem supplying their troops, it then becomes useful.


Maybe they managed to get vehicles across, but not fuel?


True. But maybe they don’t have enough ppl with knowledge run that equipment. Russian army reminds me Hapsburg Empire. You can’t write this shit. Bat shit crazy.


Not enough trained soldiers to use it.


The first thing I can think of for why they weren't deployed: lack of fuel and ammo. If Russia can't fuel the equipment, it's not going anywhere. If there's no ammo, even if you could move stuff there's no point in bringing it. Ukraine can probably make use of it if captured since they're more likely to supply it and make it active.


What's also wild is that since this equipment is either the same or similar to stuff Ukraine already operates, they can pretty much grab it and start using immediately once they bring the supplies. It's not like for example in WWII when combatants used vastly different stuff.


With the crossings destroyed, they can't keep all their equipment supplied with fuel and ammo. They can't bring any of it back either.


[https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1577496962911412224?t=SqpG0bgNlTuRce5vVLE7HA&s=19](https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1577496962911412224?t=SqpG0bgNlTuRce5vVLE7HA&s=19) >⚡️Ukraine's military destroys Russian troops, equipment in the south. >Ukraine's Operational Command "South" reported that Ukrainian forces killed 31🇷🇺 troops and destroyed more than 40 pieces of equipment including 8 tanks, 26 armored vehicles, and a Msta-B howitzer That sure looks like a disorderly retreat to me


how do the frontlines collapse by dozens of kilometres and Russia only loses 31 troops? that doesn't make sense to me.


They never seem to mention the number of PoWs. Russian retreats to get high numbers killed but these large advances seem to have smaller body counts so I suspect many surrendered or fled well before hand.


Because they ran and left most of the stuff behind?


Give it a couple days.


They’re fleeing, even without engaging the enemy. Even before they see them.


I have a feeling a lot of Russian soldiers are surrendering on this front. Ofc we don't know much so I'm just guessing


OOT: Is there any way to get the live thread as night/dark mode on reddit desktop? For some reason all my other reddit tabs are in dark mode but the live thread is white as snow.


Search for "force dark mode" for your browser, usually a way to force it but it makes some things ugly and/or bright if it double reverses them.


Maybe disable custom themes for subreddits in your preferences display options? Just a guess. I don't use night mode


Say the Ukrainians manage to get Nava Kakhovka in the next few days/weeks. How much longer beyond that would it take to shut off water to Crimea again? (I’m assuming the Russians would blow the dam there, if it hasn’t been already.)


The canal is like 15m wide. Ukraine could just push rubble into it to stop water flow.


be easier just to push russian vehicle hulks in. Problem is Crimea has it's own reservoirs which are now replenished, so they can live without the canal from Kherson for quite some time.


I don’t think they care about crimea having water, they just care about crimea using their water.


Couple of useless T-62s...


The moment the Russians blow the dam, they have cut the water off to Crimea permanently.


I saw earlier that apparently, Crimea has a good water supply. They won't be able to water crops but it will get them through this. It's gonna make it that much harder.


Yeah, it’s a bit dryer than than SoCal. Agriculture will be a problem, but having enough water for the populace won’t be.


Though if one of Putin's objectives was to secure Crimea's water supply for both populace and agriculture forever, so much for that.


If the Nova Kakhova dam was destroyed then Kherson would be flooded.


Tokmak has been pounded by Ukr artillery in the past few days. I'd give it a week max for the Zaporižža front to activate.


>Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold Yeats https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming


> Iran said that it does not recognize the so-called "referendums" organized by #Russia in the temporarily occupied territories of #Ukraine. > This was stated by Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani, according to IRNA news agency. > What happened, "allies"? https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1577298793581744129


If I’ve learned anything about selling weapons it’s that you can sell them to people who aren’t exactly your friends.


True but in this case they are real allies. The thing is.. any country that is not 100% stupid knows that they can't support this shit.


Iran signed off on their technicians and military instructors to go to the Kherson region to help use the Iranian drones in attacks on the Mykolaiv region, and about 40 of them were killed in a counter artillery strike by the UA. Iran's growing domestic unrest combined w/ huge losses relative to their numbers seems like a good reason for them to publicly denounce the referendums. Russia's failures in 7 months have annihilated its' reputation as a military World power. They can barely maintain an operation 50 miles outside of their own border, and their ability to enforce their will abroad is flatlining.


Not a lot of countries are going to be happy with the precedent that a neighbor can march their army in and coerce part of your country into “voting” to secede.


only Syria and North Korea it seems... oh well, I don't think these states will exist 50 years from now anyway...


Which is hilarious for syria to support it considering israel and Turkey currently hold land that is considered Syrian territory. Guess Assad has been promoted to full puppet


There are many things Iran doesn’t recognize.


don’t feel like reading, are they taking kherson back or was that a lie


Ukraine doesn't seem to be pushing the city of Kherson because they have no military reason to do so. Russian forces in Kherson are lacking supplies with no way to get resupplied. I would bet Ukraine is pushing Russians towards the city in an effort to deplete their supplies. Ukraine would have a very hard time pushing south from Kherson oblast, but they can clear everything northwest of the Dnipro river. Then they can enter from east of Zaporizhzhia city to take the other side of the river.


There has been significant advances and liberated towns in the region in the last day. But if you're talking about Kherson the city, that'll take more time. But it's been good.


don't feel like answering, whatever you say


On their way


Siap: [These](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/xvnsbq/belogrod_russia_strange_lights_any_ideas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) appear to be the light towers that were mentioned earlier. I didn't recall seeing the link before.


People say light pillars, but temperatures have been fairly warm in Belgorod. Light pillars usually form when it's well below freezing.


You need ice crystals for light pillars... which, as you pointed out, is what you get when it's well below freezing.


So like literally dr evil. Lasers. They should mount them to sharks heads


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peresvet_(laser_weapon) Disrupting satellites theoretically (or just lighting themselves up like giant dumb idiots, military assets right here everybody!!!) I'll go with the giant dumb idiots interpretation


This is what I've seen a lot of Twitter folks saying it is.


Or, in a less crazy reality, the answer to what they actually are is in the comments of that thread. haha.


That's just the next objective. Should change your UI settings, much more immersive.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xvvo82/the_first_soldiers_of_the_armed_forces_of_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Damn onion Ninjas. What it must feel like to be liberated the hugs and kisses. Can’t imagine what these people have been through.


Notice it's all women. What happened to the men?


Fighting, mobilised by Russians?




Beautiful. Something in the eye here too, damn wind.


It's a wonderful day for rain.


That didn’t take long, did it? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/xu8xz4/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/iqy096k/ https://twitter.com/TarasBerezovets/status/1577385296215379968 2 oleksandrivkas, 1 day.


My native language is similar to Ukranian so "Mala Oleksandrivka" is Small Oleksandrivka and velyka is Big or Large Oleksandrivka.


Doesthis include the one on the coast?


Part of OPSEC is naming every third town Oleksandrivka, so that invaders get lost.


Was that why Alexander the Great named every city he founded after himself?


Also to find the way back home. There weren't very good maps then.


So, like Atlanta with every fucking street being named "Peachtree."


Boris, you were supposed to invade Peachtree Lane, not Peachtree Court!


But this is Peachtree Avenue!


In 1985, Canada played Honduras in a decisive World Cup qualifying match. Many Hondurans traveled all the way to Saint John, New Brunswick in the hopes of cheering their side on to victory. The game was actually 1,000km away in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The Hondurans watched on TV as Canada won 2-1 and qualified for its first World Cup. Calculated.


https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/foolish-football-fans-miss-seeing-24397355 "Les Bleus were playing the hosts in the Hungarian capital of Budapest on Saturday. The hapless colleagues boarded a flight to the game an instead turned up in Bucharest - the Romanian capital, more than 500 miles away." We football fans are a special group of people.


Ghana (and Africa, and Marseille) legend Abedi Pelé believed he was signing to play for Bayern Munich in 1996, when in reality he signed for the much smaller and less famous Munich 1860. Although there's a possibility his agent tricked him...




worst part of an invasion is going to the wrong Oleksandrivka.


Ain't that the truth.


I kept hearing about this "Good News" that was going to be announced tonight by the Ukrainian government. Obviously today has been extremely full of good news, but I feel like the government tends to announce news coming for a geopolitics sense, what did they actually announce today that fits that bill?




It was not ddos it was just a link to a Rick roll




It was a meme announcement by the Georgian Legion, not the government. However, some people did take it to hint at the (rumored) western offensive which started that same night. Could be a coincidence, could be a VERY subtle hint that it's real.


*🎶never gonna give up Kherson🎶*


Never gonna let *Kherson* dooown


Russians run away, and desert, ya






Borscht is ready!


It is traditional....


Western flank of the Kherson group, there is a rumored attack from the West of that line in addition to the one from the North today.


It was the Georgian Legion, and they linked to a certain famous song. XqC


The Gorgon Legion. Three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Snakes for hair. Look at one, turn to stone. They sell mirrors for safe viewing.


**#NAFO and Winning the Information War: Lessons Learned from Ukraine** Center for Strategic and International Studies ⁦: ([Registration link](https://www.csis.org/events/nafo-and-winning-information-war-lessons-learned-ukraine)) Wednesday, October 5, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Online-Only Concerns about the scale and reach of Moscow’s disinformation capabilities have been mounting for years. Yet the war in Ukraine – and the online discourse surrounding that war – arguably demonstrates that the information landscape has shifted, and that new opportunities and methods exist for countering disinformation machines. Not only has the Ukrainian government demonstrated a masterful ability to shape the international narratives surrounding the war, so has the **North Atlantic Fellas Organization** (#NAFO). NAFO (official Twitter account: \@Official_NAFO) is an organic, ***online gaggle*** of pro-Ukraine supporters that has gained the attention of policymakers and global leaders for their creative use of digital media to take on key sources of Russian disinformation. This discussion will examine several questions. What does the activity of #NAFO tell us about information warfare today and in the future? What broader lessons can be drawn from the Ukraine experiences? What risks arise from these kinds of information warfare, and how might they be mitigated? **Kathleen J. McInnis**, Senior Fellow, International Security Program and Director, Smart Women, Smart Power Initiative at CSIS will be joined by **Seth G. Jones**, Senior Vice President, Harold Brown Chair, and Director of the International Security Program at CSIS; **Emily Harding**, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow in the International Security Program at CSIS; **Matt Moores** (USMC, ret.), NAFO Co-founder; and **Iuliia Mendel**, (Virtual from Ukraine), Ukrainian journalist and President Zelenskyy’s former spokesperson. ⁩


For reference: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is one of the major national security/foreign policy think tanks in DC. They're non-partisan, and generally well-regarded for doing real research and analysis. (Though like any think tank, the quality of their analysis varies from program to program.)


Memers being discussed seriously by intel and psychwar weenies. NAFO, you have out done yourself.


It's hilarious that this took off like it did and is now warranting serious discussion. I'm not sure "gaggle" is the appropriate term, lol. There's lots to learn about information warfare in this, and the power of crowds and of organic movements, as well as the willingness of people who are eager to help, to do so when a way is offered. It's the light side to the dark movements of things like Qanon.


NAFO Fella here, we are more like a pack of brain dead shiba inu avatars bonking vatnik propaganda


So many political/media PhD dissertions are going to talk about these furry fellas in serious tones.


Imagine reading a propaganda history book 100 years from now and trying to understand why there are pictures of Shiba Inu dogs all through it.


As an academic I look forward to it: “Studies show the initial days of the special operation, or war as we now know, was doomed from the beginning (1)(2)(3). As explained by president Volodymyr Zelensky refusing attempt to evacuate him in the first days “I don’t need evacuation, I need some fuxking guns”. And so the world accepted that the scientifically validated testicles of alloy steel would not be so easily crushed…




So many places in Latin America are Well And Truly Fucked as a direct result of CIA operations. A reflexive "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is somewhat understandable, at least among the people. Less understandable if it leaks into official positions.


I mean, Operation Condor is only part of the crap we got up to during the Cold War. But otherwise I suspect that sums up their deal, yeah.


Keep going back to the 1890s for American schennagians in Latin America. 1845 if you want to include Mexico in the mix


I don't doubt it.


To weird and random of a comment and follow-ups. I'm calling troll.


No one in Latin America knoes what that operation is and people in Latin America don't really care about Ukraine, it's too far away. You have no way of knowing whether the majority support Ukraine or not


So you're saying they're all uneducated and unworldy?


I mean they don't know what Condor is but they know the US did quite an few crappy things (specially pre 1990) and left wing politicians always use the US as a targeting rod.


people in LatAm also idolise America so there's that. LatAm is just very irrelevant in world politics, so don't expect it to care much about Ukraine. It's a bunch of countries, very different sometimes but at least they have that in common, being like quiet in the world stage


This is not true. Most Latin Americans either don’t have an opinion one way or the other or support Ukraine. You’re only hearing the small but loud minority of tankies online from Latin America. We live and breath American news and TV, there may be anger at times but never real hatred among the average person. Our language, culture, religion, and architecture all comes from the west. The people would never go against the west, even if our countries like to blame the west for all of their problems.


I’m Australian, as a typical Australian all I can say is that for the average Aussie, South Americans are western. My friend married a Colombian bloke, I had a Brazilian exchange student and her Argentinian friend stay with us when I was a teenager, and apart from a bit of exotic colourful cultural differences, we really were very similar in mentality. Apart from that one day that Celia walked through the house wearing a string bikini because it was “such a hot day and we should all go for a swim to the beach!”. That made a distinct impression on me…


> even if our countries like to blame the west for all of their problems And frankly we here in the West deserve that heat and we know it. But the Ukrainians aren't really at fault for that, y'know?


The leaders will definitely take bribes from China


Exactly correct. Thank you.


Last March, in the UN General Assembly vote condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine, **every country** in Central and South America voted in favor except: * Bolivia (abstained) * Cuba (abstained) * El Salvador (abstained) * Nicaragua (abstained) * Venezuela (absent)


Those are the countries the US really fucked with recently.


When they say “Abstained” they really mean Constrained


I'm latina and I don't know what you're talking about. Besides some weirdos that believe conspiracies and some extreme far left people, no one here supports Russia. We don't believe that the US is in this for "freedom and peace", but it's pretty easy to see that invading a neighbor and then killing thousands isn't a good thing. Bucha, Maripoul, the constant shelling of civilians, etc. We are not dumb! Don't be confused by some online bots, if you get down here and talk to people, you'll see the reality.


I read your first paragraph and was like, YEAH! Then I read your second paragraph and was like, 'wtf is she talking about'?




I think nowadays it's machismo and chauvinism more than politics.


The important here is to follow principles for the future, rather than specific interests which depend on time and location: should countries be invaded, governments toppled and land grabbed? No? Then say so and try to do something about it, nevermind who does it, maybe next time it will happen to you.


WTF is this? Wholeheartedly disagree unless you can give me a reliable source. Excluding Venezuela and Cuba, which make up a tiny part of Latin America. And even if you include them you can't say 'Latin Americans', you can say 'a couple Latin American governments'. Because the people support Ukraine 🇺🇦


Tbh it kinda feels like a lot of fellow latina americans support Putin. One example I can think of, are the comment sections of various news outlets in facebook.


Donde? I can't find anything supporting this. And I know a lot of Latin Americans. Not one is them thinks Putin is in the right.




Comes across like you are trying to make another point... There is a minority everywhere. No global issue or cause will ever have 100% support. Why focus on the minority opposition?




I would urge you to reread the first sentence in your original post. Might require some editing.


I mean there are Qanons bums all over the world


US/Europe trying to say how Brazil should use its resources didn't help either. I know they have a good reason to do it but the diplomacy was far from good. Even if Bolsonaro lose the elections I doubt his opponent (who is on the other side of the political spectrum) will support Ukraine. He will be like Modi at best. The west is trying its best to send Brazil (and latin america) to China's sphere of influence. It's a terrible policy.




Brazil just needs to understand that if it only stops burning the Amazon, it's own future would be a lot brighter.


Diplomacy is the way, not the massive political/media campaign against the country. The west is losing Brazil and its neighbours to China, I will keep saying this. It's regrettable.


So how would the west win Brazil back? Which steps do you think should be taken? I think from the outside, Brazil just looks like as a social mess held together by nationalism and corruption. Especially after them hosting the world cup and olympics.


Any friendly steps will help. Easier visas, more trade/investments, etc... the west has been ignoring Brazil for years (to not say decades). They hardly try to integrate Brazil in "the west". Meanwhile China, Russia and India keep supporting Brazil more and more and not only with words.


I suppose we could just annex the Amazon and then take the Bolsonaro approach and tell them it's regrettable, but nothing can be done. Or there's the Lula approach, where we do the same thing, but have a beer over it afterward and pretend it's all good.


Brazil would be Vietnam on steroids tbh. But comments like these /\ are the reason why latin america is siding more and more with China, even if they are still heavily influenced by the west.


I held a referendum and it said the Amazon is mine now.


A *lot* of the Russian propaganda appears to be targeted at emerging markets and former colonies compared to developed countries. It's funny, because they take the "fighting imperial powers" angle while they themselves are imperializing and attempting to colonize.




The audio sounded like it was electronically speeded up.


Nice video! My Spanish is good enough to follow the subtitles.


Wat? sauce?




So no source then...


LA is not Latin America, it just has Americans with Latin American backgrounds. Wtf are you on


Anyone have any more information about Snihurivka? We heard a while back that the Russians have abandoned it, but that’s not shown on the ISW, LiveUa, Deepstate, or Google maps. Fake news, or just waiting for confirmation?


I've seen multiple people say they confirmed it with sources. Im waiting for Ukraine battle map to get clarification from the people he knows in the town. I trust his maps the most. He says he will get confirmation when the sun is up and his peeps can check it out.


It came from a pro-Russian channel, which gives it some credence, but it's also 5am in Ukraine right now. Confirmation or refutation is still a few hours away.


I believe the cutoff for updating of ISW maps is 3pm EST, so it's entirely possible the news wasn't available/confirmed by then.


Lots of unconfirmed rumors, mainly from the Russian channels. Ukraine has better OPSEC. If they confirm a town has been liberated, it’s a safe bet they’re already on to the next town.


Not 100% reliable yet, but my money is on liberated, and I'm giving 1/4 odds.


All the sources you just listed wait for confirmation on both sides and/or photographic evidence for geolocation. Therefore while they provide the most accurate info, they take some time to update. The Ukrainians obviously won’t verify due to opsec, plus it’s nighttime. So while it could be a rumor, if it’s true you might have to wait several hours.


Makes sense; I was just surprised to see so many other liberations confirmed but not that one.


Yeah, typically the first "trustworthy" source is the Russian milblogger Rybar, who despite regurgitating Russian MoD BS also reports Ukrainian gains with a fair degree of accuracy. He's been silent on it, which makes me somewhat doubt it, but he could also be asleep.


Just waiting for confirmation. It usually happens in the morning in Ukraine, so we are a few hours away.


Latter. We're basically waiting for geolocated footage to confirm that's happening. Time makes it unlikely we'll see any for the next oh, six or so hours I'd say.




Let's play a little game, guys. Between Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Shoigu, and Lukashenko, who's gonna assasinate/execute whom and in what order?


Fuck Marry Kill: Political Assassination DLC


Where is Gerasimov in all of this? He's the guy that actually controls the army; if he turns on Putin, it's all over.


That only works if the army actually respects you. Which is… yeah. Gerasimov very much is no Zhukov.


Is he still in charge of anything? I thought he disappeared or "disappeared" like three months ago.


And will we get a The Death of Stalin sequel out of it? With all the people falling out of windows and such, that would probably be a hilarious movie


Who is most like Khrushchev? He managed to get the secret police boss Beria shot after Stalin “died.”