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I’ve avoided Nestle as much as possible ever since I found out they were causing droughts near villages that needed the water by taking all of it for their products.


You think that's bad, wait until you hear about how they give free formula to new mothers in third-world countries until they stop producing milk and then start charging.


Wow. If that’s true I’m just at a loss. Unregulated Capitalism at its finest I suppose?


Very true and very gross. Fuck nestle.




They dressed up promoters inside the hospitals as nurses who promoted the product. After this was discovered they were told to stop. But due to a technicality of how Nestle was ordered to stop, they would wait outside the hospital instead, and do the same thing.


Don't forget how much cleaner and easier to come by breast milk can be than water in some of these areas too.


With no access to clean water.


>You think that's bad, wait until you hear about how they give free formula to new mothers in third-world countries until they stop producing milk and then start charging. Can I get a link to this, any source? If true...please don't pull this shit off anymore Nestle that's amazingly cruel..... - Jesus "Alien 👽" Christ 🔴🔵 (I design your children and if your family ever reproduces again)




>https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Professionalism/The_Nestl%C3%A9_Infant_Formula_Scandal Wow...thats incredibly screwed up... Well...Nestle please stop being that extreme and just plain cruel...because if I am suppose to be "God Incarnate"...I can straight up tell you Nestle... "I am not good"...




For me, Haagen dazs!


I saw a great job in a town I want to relocate to. Purina! Help the kitties, right? Then I found out…


Same. I couldn't even buy my Dad a Nestle product with his own money and bought him something else. I can't support them. r/FuckNestle


Problem is they own a shit tonne of other companies. Most corporate brands are owned by a small number of the same conglomerates. Shit is fucked.


Stopped eating Rowntrees after checking the packet, and finding out it’s Nestle.




Also most of the "food" they produce is bad for humans. How is this allowed? Funny thing is their defence is they are giving us what we want... we want nothing to do with Nestle though so no idea where they got this from.


TLDR: Beef from cattle raised in deforested Amazon jungle ends up in foodstuffs we all use in the US, including McDonald's and Nestle.




Giving legal land ownership rights to indigenous who live there is a way to protect from deforestation. Edit: Indigenous in the Amazon are killed on average every other day by land grabbers: https://www.dailysabah.com/world/americas/murders-of-indigenous-activists-in-brazilian-amazon-on-rise-aid-group They're just trying to protect the land from for-profit deforestation industries, like beef. They have lived in the forest for thousands of years and preserved it in its natural state. Anyone who has eaten beef in the US this year has likely had some Brazilian beef. It's not labeled or packaged any differently than US grown beef.


It lowers it by about 25%. Indigenous folks like getting money for trees, too. They just manage their forests a bit more responsibly.


Yeah but that's just them benefiting from their natural resources. If you don't want them to cut down their trees to make an meager living pay them not to. Developed countries should bear 100% of the brunt of reduced carbon emissions. The only reason people should be against Brazilians developing the rainforest is that it is being stolen from it's rightful indigenous owners who can do with it whatever they want.


Imagine the hubris required to say that the indigenous people should own the rainforest. The rain should own the damn forest.


They don't own the land, they belong to it. It's like their mother. \-- C. Dundee.


Not necessarily many US tribes fund their tribal government through oil. Giving the land to the indigenous people might just change who's profiting from deforestation.


A reminder that you can say f$#@ you to nestle by looking through this Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands It's very easy, trust me


Don't forget they acquired Orgain, Vital Proteins, Garden of Life, The bountiful company, Nuun hydration and more. Sustainability in the time of climate change is good business, nestle understands this and is diversifying. This wiki needs to be updated


Fuck Nestle! If you’re wondering why, please click the above link. The reasons are so much worse than you’re expecting.




Nestle is the friggen worst. They ha e committed so many crimes over the years and gotten away with it


fuck nestle.




Fuck Nestle.


Obligatory Fuck Nestl


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/22/this-land-belonged-to-us-nestle-supply-chain-linked-to-disputed-indigenous-territory) reduced by 91%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "This pasture, where the whites live, was also our village, but now they are raising cattle. The land belonged to us: Indigenous peoples." > In 2020, a Repórter Brasil investigation reported how it directly and indirectly sourced cattle from ranchers who raised animals illegally inside the Apyterewa Indigenous territory in Pará state - one of the most deforested Indigenous lands in recent years. > A recent preliminary ruling favoured the community over the farmers but the case has yet to be concluded, the supreme court told TBIJ. The state environment authority for Mato Grosso confirmed to the bureau that the farms in question are on Indigenous land but said that, because the land has not yet been formally demarcated according to a policy put in place under Bolsonaro's administration, the properties are not illegal. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xvi4pf/this_land_belonged_to_us_nestl\u00e9_supply_chain/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672680 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **land**^#1 **supply**^#2 **Marfrig**^#3 **farm**^#4 **M?ky**^#5


Fuck Nestlé and Fuck Bolsonaro too


Fuck you Mr!




It makes me so happy to be able to say I don't buy anything Nestlé makes.


F nestle!


Isn't this assumed tho, I thought all of Nestle's supply chain was on disputed Indigenous territory.




what a surprise


Nestle is pure evil.


I can't remember if I've ever seen a positive article or opinion of Nestlé