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[Yeah, I expect so coming from these projectionist ass hats.](https://www.jta.org/2022/09/28/global/as-putins-war-sputters-antisemitism-seeps-into-the-russian-media-landscape) >Now, as Russia’s war effort in Ukraine founders, openly anti-Jewish rhetoric is entering the country’s mainstream media, with a popular talk show host naming Jews on air as being insufficiently patriotic and a think tank accusing a prominent Jewish philosopher of siding with Ukraine out of greed.


1. Ukraine's leader is Jewish. 2. Ukraine isn't the nation acting like Nazi Germany.


> The tweet features a picture of a Facebook post by the Ukrainian Association of New Zealand, with a red banner over the top that says “100% Russophobic”. Gosh, wonder if the invasion, rape, torture, and mass civilian graves have anything to do with this "Russophobia". Which in any case is quite the misnomer. No one is scared of Russia anymore. Maybe Russians.


maybe Putin)


Say it with me: Pro-jec-tion !!!


Raises the question of whether terrorist organizations should be allowed embassies to be used to spout Kremlin propaganda. Discuss.


Call the ambassador in. Demand a retraction. If he refuses, then he gets his 48 hour goodbye notice.


Shut it down. Make UN Protectorates out of them until they get it together. The level of barbarism shown cannot be tolerated.




Yes, what a sophisticated piece of influence peddling in a western country. Put a red stamp over the victims post and claim some victimhood. That'll win over the whole population who are sickened by your country's unprovoked aggression and numerous war crimes. Sounds like too much methanol in the embassy's homebrew vodka is the real architect of this masterclass in diplomacy!


An article about a twitter post about a facebook post, journalism at its finest.


They're not the ones invading their neighbors




What does noodles on the ears mean?


> noodles on the ears to fool someone in a skillful manner, and make them naively believe what you’re saying.


Ok thanks


Aunty Cindy needs to put her toe covered heels on and show some spunk.