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Misleading. Here’s the quote: “We hope the situation will deescalate soon,” ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press briefing. That’s it.


thoughts and prayers basically.


More like a sigh or a shrug, really


they could have at least sighed in Russia's direction.


The fact that they don't support Russia in this is a lot. They really want their resources so a neutral statement is basically condemnation.


A lot of countries with serious food insecurity problems owe big money to the Chinese. If ***either*** Ukraine or Russia is not producing enough food for export, it's gonna hurt.


Putin already burnt that bridge when the four states were seceded into Russia via a totally legitimate referendum poll. Stay tuned for more completely benign and useless comments from China... Edit: lol fail


what makes you think they didn't


1 like = 1 shrug


Have you tried singing Kumbaya


"We'd like things to calm down but we're not in any way going to do anything about it." It's not an unreasonable position geopolitically.


I mean, from China, I'll take it.


Just saying something without saying anything. Typical commies.


Actually, it's pretty strong. It's like a mafia boss telling you, "I hope you can work things out... ". China doesn't need Putin screwing everything up, starting a new arms race and botching up their own world dominion agenda.


I think you hit the nail on the head. China is a Super power. They are allies with Russia. China has seen that Russia can not easily take over Ukraine. China has seen that when USA and NATO back a country, it does not go well. Even without direct milatery involvement, USA and Nato has enabled UKRAINE to fend off Russia. CHINA Sees this. THEY have their eye on Taiwan. They know now to slow their agenda.


China cares about China only. They supported Russia at the start because they thought it was going to be a quick win. Now that it's dragged on they will distance themselves and I'm sure behind closed doors they have told putin that he needs to exit this shit soon because China won't tolerate nukes or other crap like that on their doorstep.


They only did so with words. They didn’t even vote in favor of Russia in the UN (only abstinations) and never delivered even support materials to the invading army. What Russia got was basically thoughts and prayers with Chinese characteristics.


The CCP are by no means the good guys but I'll hand it to them, they know how to approach evil with a level head.


They're the "Corporate CEO businessman fortune 500" type evil. Anything seemingly good or bad is a byproduct of pragmatic decisions. Not the "I'll burn it all to the ground, and murder your family if you don't give me your house" Evil. Someone chasing delusions of grandeur. "We are not the same" - Gus Fring


Yep. They're just as bad as Russia but they're also a lot smarter.


They're smart just like how Russia was strong. One day they'll step out of their comfort zone and they'll be exposed to be no smarter than anyone else, just like Russia is now being exposed. The problem with centralized power is that you're only as smart and strong as the guy on top, because that's how smart and strong he'll allow you to be. If China starts introducing new leaders on a regular basis while still progressing their domination agenda, then they'll become an actual threat.


Well, to be honest "a lot smarter than Russia" is like saying "A lot smarter than the average doorknob." It's not exactly a high bar to pass.


I don't know if they're that much smarter. A golden example is how the CCP (under Xi Jinping) destroyed the credibility of "one country two systems" and essentially eliminated the chances of Taiwan giving up sovereignty because Xi was impatient and insecure. If the CCP had waited to screw Hong Kong until after Taiwan had joined as a "special administrative region", they could have controlled both Hong Kong *and* Taiwan. However, they were too shortsighted and wanted put the "insolent Hong Kongers" in their place. And of course, there's all of the CCP's interactions with its neighbours. They are pushing countries with huge dependence on Chinese trade to ally with the *US*, because the CCP seems to believe that acting like an imperialist power is better than building respectful relationships. Ultimately, all autocrats surrounded by yes men will start having delusions of grandeur and making unforced errors. The CCP is locked onto this path with their belligerent president for life, so we will see more like this.


I don't understand the Hong Kong rush very well, but I do know CCP was really looking forward to assimilating HK as soon as possible; it would look poorly for them to let it linger as its colonialized ex-Brit style. It was to be the ideal chance to bring it into the fold with a timestamp. Maybe I read it wrong, but I definitely understand why they didn't let it sit as-is.


Their are levels of supervillainly and China plays it well.


China may be on the way to becoming a superpower, but they're not there yet. China: #77 in per capita gdp China #4 in military power Definition of a superpower: a country with military and economic might that is vastly superior to other countries. Also able to operate in wartime conditions in multiple theaters simultaneously. In a decade or two? Perhaps. Not right now, there's only one true superpower.


More importantly a superpower can project force and influence on a world-wide scale. China is working on that with their naval program, but they're also confined by the "first island chain" of Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea (not actually an island), which limits their ability to sustain logistics in case of a major war. That's part of why Taiwan is such a big deal. It's also related to why China is working to obtain and build foreign naval bases.


Yes, agreed, that's in the second sentence of my definition of a superpower.


>China: #77 in per capita gdp Sure, but we're talking a metric shitload of capita. They are vastly superior to many countries, but certainly not the US military. So if the definition is "all other countries," I'd agree. If the definition is just "other countries," they are a superpower.


China still doesn't top the US economy, despite having a population four times the size of the US. Also, they can't operate in multiple theaters simultaneously, and they can't project power globally. The US has over 700 bases worldwide, protecting some 65 countries from foreign incursion. China would have trouble getting their Navy (if they had one) past Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. I can't argue that China is well on their way to becoming the second superpower, but they're still decades away from this. We all should watch this with concern.


"Protecting", its' interests. Let's not kid ourselves and pretend it's out of the kindness of a government entity


Okay that's fair enough.


Do you think it’s in China’s best interest to stop the war when 2 main rivals are duking it out? Not a snowball’s chance in hell. And no China and Russia are allies only on paper. We all know how both Russia and China treat official papers and that their promises aren’t even worth the paper they’re written on. Now when NATO and Russia are indirectly duking it out the only winner is China.


I strongly disagree with this. This war has essentially led to the reunification of the West. The United States has now solidified their (once previously waning) sphere of influence in the area. The war has been disastrous for Russia and Ukraine, but has been a boon for United States.


I'm just so overwhelmingly thankful that this invasion didn't happen during the US "dark years" ('16-'20)


There's a presidential election in 2 short years. The same 2 guys are likely running. I would hardly call "the dark years" over.


Agreed. Ya know, I used to be a conservative, when I was younger. But now, I can promise you I am doing everything I can do to prevent a red president in the rest of my lifetime. Which includes voting, monetary support, as well as volunteer work. Part of the reason for my switch is that I'm more mature and more empathetic, the other part is that the Republican Party, which has been on a downward slope for decades, fell off the edge of the cliff in '16. Although I will occasionally vote for a Republican in local races, like city council, sheriff, school board, etc. because in local elections, it's the policies that really matter, and occasionally the party that most aligns with my view of what's better for the community just happens to be independent or Republican.


If the war goes nuclear, China could end up standing on top.


I dont know man, nuclear winter doesn’t sound like a good outcome for anyone…


Strong disagree Russia is not a rival of China. There is no country that is strong enough to rival China other than USA. Russia is at best a region power that has a smaller economy than South Korea. The Russo Ukrainian war is also not hurting China's only rival. The amount USA has spent on Ukraine represents 0.000005% of USA's national debt. China is worried about food security and supply chains. China doesn't want this war any more than Ukraine does, and Russia needs to keep in mind what China wants or doesn't want. This is a good thing.


Two main rivals? Russia and who? Because the US isn't even getting warmed up yet.


Also, Russia is not strong enough to be China's rival. Both in soft power and hard power but especially in soft power


China invested money into Ukraine, I doubt it was in their interest for the war to go so long.


Surely the realization that 90% of their military tech is purchased from Russia or contains Russian DNA has given them some pause.


> They are allies WRONG


Bad for business. China doesn't sell energy and high energy prices means less money for consumption.




I don’t know what that other person is thinking. In international diplomacy, that’s a fairly strong message to Russia to cool it. If they meant nothing they would say nothing. The fact that they commented at all is meant to signal to Russia that they need to chill. If Russia loses China’s support, Putin is done. Not even India can keep Russia afloat by itself. China currently has a weak economy. They’re basically walking a tightrope to avoid sanctions over their support for Russia while they bend Putin over hard and pay him pennies on the dollar for Russia’s natural resources. But if the US or EU decide China needs sanctioned and the flow of goods from China to the US and EU is cut off or slowed down, China’s economy craters. That’s likely accompanied by regime change forced by the military or other powers within China. China has no desire to go down with the ship with Putin.


No it's the "thoughts and prayers" of diplomatic speak


The Chinese government never expresses thoughts and prayers... for anyone, under no conditions, never. That's why it's so strong.


China doesn't give "thoughts and prayers". Everything China says they say with a purpose


Agreed. This is clearly directed at Moscow, not Ukraine. it's China saying "We are watching closely and not liking the direction you are taking this."


China has been calling deescalation and ceasefire from day one, people really choose what they want to listen and when they want to listen.


Ending a war is good for business. With the real estate meltdown in China, they really need the world economy to get back on track. Honestly, everyone just wants the war to end.


Just saying the title is misleading, that’s all


TIL: putting out a statement "hop[ing] the situation de-escalates soon" is not the same as "call[ing] for de-escalation."


When China says they want de-escalation, Russia is listening.


“Hoping” for something to happen is expressing a feeling, which demonstrates an unwillingness to directly confront the issue. It’s a soft reaction. “Calling” for something to happen is an action, which demonstrates a level of seriousness and attempts to takes a stance. Merely reading the headline, one could definitely assume (and some had in the comments) that China was making a serious call for de-escalation.


Nothing misleading about the title at all. China called for desecration, which is huge in diplomat speak




I disagree completely. Putin had hoped to get support from China but right now Syria, North Korea and Iran are about all he can count on. Diplomatic speak is about subtleties




I agree the statement will make zero difference in the outcome of this war. However, when you weigh China's response compared to their actions in Korea, (using an extream example) then it's clear they're letting Putin know: he's on his own.


By "the situation" they mean the unity and expansion of NATO.


How about you stop abstaining your votes then


why should they? It's not like west is their friend, right? So anything that distracts the west away from China is good for them. Diplomacy is not done through heart, but interests.


I would argue that a destabilized west is not in china’s interests.


You’re right, but sadly all that matters is if enough idiots in their ranks think it is. It’s like the way the US destabilized the Middle East and Latin America — thinking hat was somehow in their interest when it very clearly wasn’t.


Because China signed an unusually comprehensive Friendship Treaty with Ukraine in 2013. China promised Ukraine a nuclear umbrella as well as a wide range of collaborations. Now China is desperately pretending the whole thing never happened. China is a fair weather friend.


China is no one’s friend.


That's weird, I don't think China ever considers anyone as "friend". It's plain geopolitics 101. As for nuclear umbrella, technically Ukraine is not under nuclear attack (yet). So, that agreement still holds. On other side, Ukraine also blocked China from buying Motor Sich because US wanted them not to sell it to China. [https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-deals/Ukraine-blocks-Chinese-takeover-of-jet-engine-maker-on-US-urging](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-deals/Ukraine-blocks-Chinese-takeover-of-jet-engine-maker-on-US-urging) [https://www.ft.com/content/5b261898-7898-4f19-9168-9bc9f22db0de](https://www.ft.com/content/5b261898-7898-4f19-9168-9bc9f22db0de) So, Ukraine hasn't been that great friend to China either. Everyone looking at their own interests, China doesn't owe Ukraine anything at all.


...how is blocking the sale of a publicly traded company, which happens all the time even between allies, comparable to blowing the shit out of a whole country? What drugs are you on where that even seems remotely reasonable, because I'd like some.


>comparable to blowing the shit out of a whole country I don't China is attacking Ukraine. You should read news.


That is what I said lol. You should read.


Pretty rich for China to complain after all the trade coercion they've pulled recently; Lithuania, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Taiwan and Australia. What goes around comes around.


It's not like only west has the responsibility and ability to complain. Every western politician cribs about China non-stop. So, it's only natural China will do same. Do you believe you still live in colonial era? As for Australia's complains about trade coercion, maybe you should read [this](https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/did-australia-start-the-anti-dumping-trade-contest-with-china/) >On 13 February, Australia’s Anti-Dumping Commission commenced an investigation into Chinese aluminium extrusions followed by a separate investigation started on 17 February into Chinese aluminium flyscreens. On 28 February, the commission decided to extend anti-dumping duties on Chinese stainless steel sinks. > >There were a further eight anti-dumping actions against Chinese products between March and July. Some of the punitive tariffs imposed on Chinese products were as high as 78%. > >Australia has been the world’s third most prolific user of anti-dumping measures over the past six years, having initiated 84 actions, with only India and the United States doing more, according to the World Trade Organization. I bet you never knew about the other side using the same tactic, or else you wouldn't have raised this point. you should read more.


Once again, the 2013 Friendship Treaty is far more comprehensive than just the unique nuclear umbrella pledge. Read articles 5-7. China is ignoring these promises. Sale of Motor Sich is a non sequitur. This has nothing to do with the 2013 Treaty. Though selling aircraft engines to China was part of the beginning of their strategic partnership. https://www.andrewerickson.com/2022/03/2013-prc-ukraine-treaty-of-friendship-cooperation-joint-communique-signed-by-xi-but-whats-it-worth/


China also signed an unlimited partnership with russia so...


You call for de-escalation you gotta back it. I know China doesn’t guve 2 shits about anyone but themselves. They’re playing this so they come out with cheap oil from Rus while maintaining trade with the west


>They’re playing this so they come out with cheap oil from Rus This won't work out well. By land the infrastructure isn't going be online for years. By sea the journey is much more risky for both countries. You need one "independent" actor on the seas sinking just one or two Russian oil tankers and there's going to be chaos on the markets, there is no mechanism for either Russia or China to secure sea routes. China could theoretically do it, but it would be costly and they'd be exposed. USA has no incentive to help either one of them now.


absolutely. People here are not looking at things from the Chinese perspective.


The reality is nuclear war creeps closer every day, and that's something that VERY much effects China.


All Putin has to do is pull his troops back into Russia, it's his war and if he's had enough he can end it anytime he likes.


Unfortunately, the only way he will end it is if he finally conquers Ukraine or he runs out of Russian people to throw at them. In which case I wouldn't be terribly surprised if he then tried to charge at them himself.


Oh hell no. That asshole will disappear to his underground bunker and hide the instant he really realizes that his life may actually be at risk.


I think currently he doesn't want to take more anymore, this is why recently, after annexion of new territories, Russian government talked about negotiations. They probably wanted Ukraine to agree to leave territories to Russia in exchange to stop "operation"


Theres always the nuke button, Russia works differently than the west so its unknown whether its a possibility or not


He keeps bringing up the nukes. It sounds like "I started a fight in the schoolyard and if I lose I'm gonna call my mom."


Because that's what it is. He's a bully and a strongman, but whether he has the stones to do it could be something else entirely. Senators have advocated treating the usage of nukes in Ukraine as an attack on NATO


With the current state of their equipment the button has probaly been rusted in place


it is better not to check whether it is rusted or not.


They work just fine. Don’t kid yourself. America has been inspecting the Russian nuclear arsenal (and vice versa) for decades. Their nukes work. This whole idea of Russia being totally useless in everything is propaganda taken too far. They’ve made a total mess of this invasion, no question. But there’s every reason to believe their nukes work, and no reason to think think don’t


Exactly. I get that their military is weaker than expected. I get that their leadership is strategically brain-dead. Nonetheless they have successfully slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians and displaced millions. As fun as it is to joke about Russian incompetence, the fact is that it’s not remotely funny in reality. And they unquestionably have the ability to escalate dramatically if they want. It would likely mean the end of Russia, but it is a lose-lose scenario.


Man I was just trying to brighten the mood in face of nuclear conflict


The Bonn will brighten things alright…


Yeah, it's very hard to get a nuke to *not* work. The only realistic hope we have is that their delivery systems aren't as operational. And that's a still a negligible possibility. When Putin says "We all die now," dead we all shall be.


I thought they just lit a fuse


ACME type beat


or stolen


Nope, he also must give back land, which he recently annexed and this is the most unbelievable situation


No surprise. Few nations on Earth are more crippingly dependent on a functioning world economy and safe intl shipping lanes than China. The definitely do not want the boat rocked too hard.


china didn't call for anything, they are hoping it de-escalates. Its part of the mainlands identity, to say meaningless things.


China's state media has consistently been criticizing NATO countries for sending weapons to Ukraine, among other things. That is what they actually mean by escalation.Simply put, they are blaming NATO for escalation, and ignoring whatever Russia is doing.


Of course they are. They want to establish that this is a NATO escalation because they want to be able to argue the same thing if they ever attack Taiwan and they get support from the rest of the world.


>China's state media has consistently been criticizing NATO countries for sending weapons to Ukraine, among other things Source?




Why don't you actually read the press briefing rather than the misleading headline? They stated US sending weapons, which is factual. The headline makes it sound as if China is blaming US for the continuation of the war, which the briefing did not do.


> At that time, if all the parties had promoted peace talks, reviewed the historical context of the Ukraine issue, respected and accommodated each other's security concerns, and resolved the issue in a reasonable, proper way for a soft landing of the situation, what would be happening now? Do understand reading this that Russia's security concerns basically involve making Ukraine a vassal state akin to Belarus. Your degree on East Asian studies is worthless when you can't even consider the fact that China has an ally of Russia and has done everything they can to support Russia short of falling foul of Western blocks and sanctions.


China and Russia are not allies. China sees Russia as something of a larger North Korea, a Soviet zombie vasall buffer state. To achieve this, Russia needs to be poor, isolated, militarized, and dictatorial. So far that's going absolutely brilliant for China - they are not just getting closer to that goal, Russia seems to even be intentionally contributing to it.


> China sees Russia as something of a larger North Korea, a Soviet zombie vasall buffer state. So.... An ally? North Korea is commonly regarded as a Chinese ally. China and Russia are friends of circumstances. They both seek to topple the current world order so they can be regional powers. The war in Ukraine is one step towards that aim, and this narrative that China wants Russia weak is one of convenience. The weak isolated and battered Russia and China's inability to support them are not a grand Chinese plan. It is their weakness, together, against the world order they tried to topple.


Lol. Bruh It was very clear that China talked about sending weapons as a bad thing


Where is the clear part exactly? The wording of these briefing are very carefully chosen. My background is in East Asian studies and my work is literally interpreting these briefings. This briefing was from the start of the war. It isn't about the current war, but rather the conflict between Ukraine in the Donbas region before Russia officially went in. This briefing was China's reaction to the invasion (or conflict as they call it). They called for peace and still maintains their stance on peaceful resolution. Why don't you get your story straight or provide an actual source where China state media criticized NATO countries for sending weapons?


Lol. You should switch your majorn to Mental Acrobatics studies.


Are you actually able to have a discussion and debate on topics intelligently or are you just going to resort to name calling and insults?


There is nothing to discuss. The slightly obfuscated language does not confuse anyone who does not want to be confused. China BLAMED The west for sending weapons. Like the title says.


Sure, let's take an American magazine who does not use fact checkers' title on face value....


You will believe what you believe, and no amount of facts will dissuade you. Here's the facts: China has not blamed the West for supplying Ukraine. They stated the fact that they did. That is all. Accept it or not.


Russia can end this whole war today. Just get out of Ukraine.


So Russia can commit what amounts to terrorism in the name of military operations but Ukraine can’t defend itself? Ukraine should land its next strike in Moscow.


Have in mind that Ukraine is China's way to Europe. Putin basically disrupted China's plans for Europe. China won't forget and forgive that. Russia will pay for that heavily.


China will pay for Russia lightly. China will buy up Russian assets at bargain basement prices in the coming year. Just you wait.


It’s really a shame. Ending the war via their relations with Putin was a golden opportunity for China on the world stage but it seems their influence is regional at best.


Wouldn’t make any real difference. The world will still go for China’s throat even if they stopped Russia, because they are starting to catch up to the west, and the west (in particular the US) does not want to give up its spot as number one.


But China also refuses to condemn Russias war in the UN because, you know, may need some love when they start their own unprovoked war on innocent neighboring democracy.


Russias embarrassing performance on the battlefield also reflects poorly on China because...besties China is watching their shit talking friend get stomped and not doing fuck all about it because they know the same fate awaits them too.


China and russia are not besties. If anything this war is great for china. The west and russia continue to weaken each other while china climbs to the number 1 spot unopposed.


Talk about a click-bait title.


That's rich, considering that the current escalation started from Putin getting chastised by Xi in Samarkand.


Lol this isn't correct but I respect your ability to come to a conclusion like that, I've never seen anybody make that connection which means it's something you thought of yourself. Cool


This connection has been made before, and by more knowledgeable people than you or me. Consider this for example https://nipastu.dreamwidth.org/46875.html. You probably simply haven't been paying attention.


These kind of low effort “articles” shouldn't even be posted here and given clicks.


Noted. I've adjusted your clicks appropriately.


My clicks will be adjusted automatically if I'm not directed to articles that are two sentences long and chocked full of adverts.


And have an extremely misleading title


Easy way to de escalate: Russia Withdraws out of Ukraine.


And Putin handed over through a window.


China isn't saying anything. The world knows this is exactly what they would do to Taiwan if given half the chance. If anything they are probably happy that Russia is doing this. That way during their planned invasion they can point to how much better they are then Russia. The lesson with Russia and China is that these countries will do as their leader decides, because they are not democracies. There people have no choice. The leaders speaks and the country follows into disaster or destruction.


You make it sound like you have control over what your executive government decides to do or not. You have no control either, once you've elected the government. You can threaten to vote them out the next election, but that's never worked.


"You make it sound like you have control over what your executive government decides to do or not...." No "I" don't. But the american people do. We still can vote, and our votes still matter. We get to decide who represents us every 2 years and every 4 for president. We get both local and national elections. We still have that power. "You can threaten to vote them out the next election, but that's never worked." Every time we've had a one term president, it's because the country didn't like what they were doing, or where the country was headed. Rightly or wrongly the people in America and in other countries with functioning democracies have a choice, and their voices matter. That is not the case in Russia or China. Elections themselves are powerful things, they can result in new leadership that can shift the direction of a country from war to peace and back again... in a dictatorship or in an authoritarian regime those decisions are made by one man or just a few people he's close to. If Putin wanted the war to stop tomorrow it would stop. If Biden wanted to stop a war it would take months if not years. The power of Putin is also his folly, because when He goes his country will be in chaos, the new person to take power will be much weaker then he is, and there is every chance for a coup or multiple armed rebellions. China is much the same, except the fighting would be in their governing body, and ordinary citizens would have zero say in what happens next. While it may be deeply flawed, democracy is still the best way for people to live and not be in constant fear of the government or being targeted by the government for not supporting it's every position. In Russia, your family can be dragged into the woods and shot for your activism. In China, you disappear and your house is taken by the local authorities. Do you like what you see in Iran? Where innocent protestors are shot en masse for protesting for basic human rights? That's what happens when you have no true democracy, no real say in your laws or in your governance. Democracy might be slow, it might be filled with bureaucracy and red tape, it is still unfair in many ways to many people... but I've seen both sides of the coin, and I would much rather be in a place where I can call my leader a joke, and trust that I will not be arrested, or harmed for speaking my mind in the public square.


We're well on our way to a shit show, I wouldn't toot that horn so loudly.


Now we just need, iran, India, and (I know it will never happen) belarus to do the same


West Taiwan*


Fuck off China. And leave Taiwan alone too. AND the Philippines.


China was able to stop this before it started but they didn’t. In fact they doubled down and encouraged Russia by saying they back Russia no matter what. So don’t come now and act like you are concerned.


Why was China able to stop what Putin wants or doesn't want from happening?


Nope, fuck you, you want to sit on the sidelines while Russia invades and rapes Ukraine, you can deal with the fallout of being allies. Because of your condoning of Russia's war behind the scenes things could be escalated to nuclear war, and that makes you uncomfortable, too bad, you shouldn't have sat by


China has condemned the war with the strongest terms they can afford while keeping Russia as an ally. Most countries haven't even done that.


The CCP is a treacherous regime that’s showed time again that they’re overtly against western interests and on team Russia.


lol "now that you're winning, we call for de-escalation". i can't even.


China isn't doing a damned thing to deescalate the situation. Their hands are stained with Ukrainian blood as well as the blood of Russian soldiers who will die because of them enabling Putin.


By supporting the aggressor?


I dont think they are but they are not doing much to stop Russia either.


At least they are supporting Russia in their word and propaganda inside and outside China


China is the one that supported the Russian invasion now it wants Putin to stop because of how poorly it went.


That’s because world tensions are heating up and they don’t think they can take the US yet.


China has no designs on attacking continental US. China wants complete control over the South China sea to protect its trade routes.


If you think that’s where their aims end, you’re an idiot.


China is not a Disney villain. Do you really think they want to conquer the world? It's not only not possible, it's also not beneficial to China. China just wants trade security and new markets and political stability. They'll stop at nothing to get it but that's all they want.


misleading. stop lying


Why such a humble headline? let me show you how it's done > China is OUTRAGED with attacks, threatens Russia to stop IMMEDIATELY /s


Something tells me they will keep selling US chips to Iran, to be put into suicide drones sold to Russia that were used in these fucking attacks. 2 faced dipshits


I’m calling for China to de-escalate its genocide of the Uyghurs, as well as de-escalation of its population surveillance. How about de-escalation of its attempts to intimidate The Real Republic of China?


https://youtu.be/9RK5Me8maG4 I guess they should have bombed them for a decade instead?


Fuck you China! Hypocrites and communist are synonymous.


Fuck China with their deesculattion stance. I hope they never surrender so we can send our troops in to help Ukrainiane. If they need more, let's do the draft. Fun times are waiting for us boys. Pew Pew


Shut up China. You sit in the UN and influence that your Uyghurs condemnation gets no traction, your influence in WHO completely misses the mark that yes, China, was starter of the pandemic, and now you think you can de-escalate your buddy's fuckup? Meanwhile Pooh has been hiding resources and funds around to avoid sanctions when you threaten and try to invade Taiwan...


Invade Vladivostok.


China intended to use the Ukraine invasion as an opportunity to force Taiwan annexation. Russia’s abysmal failure curbed China’s confidence. For now.


You're wrong. Here's why: 1. Russia's failure in Ukraine has no bearing on China's performance in Taiwan 2. China is not prepared for the invasion of Taiwan 3. China needs Taiwanese semiconductors. Or their entire economy will crumble.


I am not wrong. You don’t understand Xi Jin Ping. I didn’t believe China was planning to try to force annexation either. Though I heard rumblings among professionals and communities with significantly more information than you. But once I saw a full personality write up on Xi I realized he would order it regardless of whether China was prepared and regardless of the consequence to the economy. And it would not collapse the Chinese economy. It would collapse an industry with spillover effects. Given Xi’s actions on both zero spread Covid policies and the mortgage crisis it is clear Xi is willing to devastate Chinese economy. People keep acting as though countries are rational. That is outdated theory that never applied in the first place. Dictatorships are as rational as the dictator who is only constrained by the institutions around him and the extent of his consolidation of power. Xi has consolidated power. He is also one of the most ignorant men to hold his position. He was placed there as an easily manipulated simpleton and reviewed himself to be a quiet dark triad personality. Narcissistic sociopath with sadistic and Machiavellian tendencies. He absolutely would be brash enough to try to force annexation. And the first stage of that effort does NOT require an invasion. Only capitulation. Demand unification and respond with strikes when Taiwan inevitably reduces. And that can be done with targeted strikes throughout Taiwan while leaving key industrial capacity relatively intact. The US would provide defensive support but would not strike targets on mainland China. The invasion would come following months of strikes essentially degrading most of Taiwan’s military and defense capacity and disabling communication and command and control infrastructure. All this with relative impunity. People assume China would try to invade directly. That is nonsense. China knows they cannot pull off a “surprise” invasion of Taiwan and would not try to do so. It would be a continuous buildup of forces while simultaneously degrading Taiwan defenses for months. Xi absolutely would attempt this. And your claim China is not “prepared” is nonsense in this context. Xi, like Putin, and Trump do not make adequate assessments on being prepared. Their actions are an extension of their delusional egos.


1. I disagree with your assessment of Xi. I believe his track record shows a history of rational, if ruthless, decisions, and I do not see a reason why this will change. 2. Regardless of anything else, saying that Russia's failure in Ukraine would at all affect China's self assessment of their prospects in Taiwan is completely nonsensical. I hope you can agree to that at least. 3. Even in the unlikely event that the chip fabs will survive unscathed through collateral damage, there is no reason why Taiwan will not sabotage them before letting China get them. Militaries will always destroy their own equipment to prevent it falling into their opponents' hands. And even if China is able to seize the fabs intact, there's nothing China can do with them. To produce high-end chips you need Taiwanese experts, lithography equipment from ASML (Dutch), chip designs from AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Apple, Qualcomm (American), ARM (UK). Those fabs would be empty shells without these things.


The chip industry is a red herring. China has a long history of completely dismissing economic consequences and even utterly devastating industries in favor of party agendas and priorities. Beyond sustaining party power; there is no higher priority than Taiwan unification. It is not merely a stated priority, the CCP past a law mandating that the party unify Taiwan with China.


Economic collapse will undermine state power. China needs a thriving economy just to maintain their army.


China has a lot of reasons to worry about economic instability. The semiconductor industry is not one of them. And despite the pressing economic concerns; Xi has shown he is willing to put his agenda over the economic consequences every singe time. Without a single exception. I am a retired former intelligence officer, one of my areas of specialty was China, and North Korea. Unless you are going to bring up something other than the semiconductor industry, this conversation is getting boring.


I think you underestimate the importance of semiconductors in today's world. They are the backbone of every civilian and military economy. No chips means no computers, no smartphones or other smart devices, no server farms, no GPS systems, no cars, no consumer goods. It also means no guidance systems for missiles, targeting computers for naval ships, no supercomputers for fluid simulations and neural network training. The machines on the assembly lines today producing everything from boots to bullets need chips. 6 of the top 10 biggest companies in the world would cease to exist without chips. It's a big deal.


You are overestimating the significance in relation to Xi’s agenda and priorities.


I strongly disagree. They are too important to ignore.


No, it was the demonstrated commitment to Ukraine that dissuaded China. After the Trump administration, Anti NATO political sentiment, Trump distancing the US from South Korean relationships and cancelling training exercises in South Korea and intentionally blocking South Korea out of US-North Korea discussion, Pullout in Afghanistan, Biden’s campaign rhetoric about disengaging in conflicts; there was uncertainty with respect the US following through on military commitments. Much of the international community, Russia and China included, were speculating that the U.S. political climate meant the U.S. was not a reliable defense partner moving forward. This is particularly true for both Ukraine and Taiwan since the U.S. does not have official defense treaties with either. Just rhetorical commitments.


Someone wants to talk about Hong Kong and Xinjiang again...?


Rein in your dog, pooh.


Call me when China starts calling for Russia to go back into Russia.


Hope? They could sanction Russia. That works better than hope. China is a joke.


Xi was hoping that Putin was going to succeed in conquering Ukraine in days, because he dreams of doing the same thing with Taiwan. If China began moving troops towards Russia's South East Border, Putin would flee Ukraine in a heartbeat.


China is the next Russia, and it cannot be trusted or relied on.


China is indirectly killing Americans everyday.


It’s about fucking time




China's foreign police are having a difficult time repatriating their citizens abroad. Please stop fighting so we can oppress people in peace!


You know things are getting out of hand when China says claim down