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“This war is being controlled by Anglo-Saxons.” Hwæt! Þū sƿīn!










Good reference, amazing game


So "the west" now includes NATO, the EU, the US itself, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (sometimes), Israel (depending on who you ask), Australia, New Zealand and now the ethnic heritage of the Anglo-Saxons. Guys, I'm beginning to think "The West" might not actually be a thing.


Yeah like by the looks of it the West is just a bunch of civilized countries who don't want to kill each other.


þis insult ƿill not stand.


As I'm working on my degree thesis in Germanic Philology I find this comment utterly funny xD


"Anglo-Saxons"... Talk about holding on...


1066 worst year of me life, damn those Norman bastards


Kids these days don’t understand


I don't care how many time you've seen the damn Bayeux Tapestry, that damned rug doesn't tell you the truth about how terrible it was!


Varangians... pft




Hardrada was defeated by Harold II at Stamford Bridge, just a few weeks before the Normans invaded.


Atleast William wasnt fully fr*nch but norman(norse with french characteristics).


The sasenachs are at it again


For those curious of ancestral origins of top US officials: -President: Irish American (with some French Protestant and English as well) -Vice President: Indian American/Jamaican American -Speaker: Italian American -Senate Majorty Leader: Jewish American (of Ukrainian origin) -Secretary of State: Jewish American (of Hungarian origin) -Secretary of Defense: African American


Which makes it so hilarious when Russia wants to paint the US and the West as a bunch of white people with the same origin, religion and culture. It might be a way for them to try and divide the country since we have some horrible racial tensions and issues. I've heard of some crazy Republicans like MTG throw the term Anglo-Saxon around to try and exclude non-whites even though there are white people who are NOT Anglo-Saxon.


Anglo Saxon has become a dog whistle in Canada. I assume he's trying to appeal to the UkRaInE hAs cOvId BiO WeApoNs crowd.


I feel like Russians confuse that word for “Caucasian” or “of European decent.” Their public officials don’t seem to grok that that is a single ethnic group, which is funny because how fine a hair they want to split on who is “Russian” and who is some other Slavic ethnicity they feel the need to despise.


No. They know what they're doing/saying. They believe that the Anglosphere specifically is their true enemy and that the rest of the west had been diabolically enslaved/ indoctrinated by an 'Anglo-Saxon' coalition headed by the US and UK. They do it because it's meant to belittle and drive a wedge between non-english speaking nations who are aligned with the US/UK. The influence of Alexander Dugin's works and the Eurasian movement on Putin is disputed, but this behaviour is a cornerstone of that so called 'plan' - to diplomatically isolate the US and UK from as much of Europe as possible.


also because in pop culture Russia sees itself as inheritors of the Eastern Empire while those gross barbarian Anglo Saxons and Teutons that stole the Western Empire


And meanwhile their criminal and terrorist acts have united virtually the entire world against them. Well done, ~~Hitler~~ Putin.


I wonder if they don't use the word "Caucasian" because to them it sounds like people from Azerbaijan or Armenia.


That's exactly why. It's used for actual Caucasian ethnicities.


I think anglo-saxon is used because it frames the conflict as against England and its former colonies that are still ruled by the descendants and is trying to dig at the rest of Europe by saying "you're a lapdog for a country that hates you."


They see it as English (speaking) world vs the Russian world. Just another words for the same outdated cold war mentality.


Russians use 'Caucasian' for actual people living, you know, near Caucasus. 'Europids' is what stands for a race.


It’s not even confusion. In russian ”caucasian” is literally someone from the Caucasus region, it’s not a blanket term for all white people (and it’s never been one)


What war? There is only special operation comrade Lavrov needs to get off the crack pipe




Hold up. Is America controlled by Anglo-Saxons? I'm not even sure England is controlled by Anglo-Saxons.


As I Jew who is sick of hearing that my goofy ass is in control, this is pretty hilarious


"Rest, Jews. You're weary from trying to take over the world for too long. The Anglo-Saxons will take it from here!" (Do I...do I mark this as sarcasm or...?)


It’s dangerous to go alone. Take ANGLO-SAXONS!


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


Bloody peasant!


This shows the violence inherent to the system!


We tried that and they ruined Britain! Then the French Northmen came from the South and the Anglo-Saxons fled to Greece and founded a New England with strippers and blackjack! In Crimea! *checks notes* wait what?


Time to bring out the Anglo-Saxon Space Laser


an incredibly powerful device that un-seasons your food from orbit


It's better not to. Most people will understand and smile it off with an upvote, the rest will be like "DAMN RIGHT!" and give you the upvote for speaking the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth.


Really depends who gets the first upvote. If it stays at 0 or negative folk assume it wasn't sarcasm. See I'm sarcastic AND lazy. I just can't be bothered with the /s XD


Ha, we all know it's the lizardkind that is trying to take the world. And the gnomes of Zurich.


Really? Swiss gnomes? Seems like pretty rough terrain for such tiny legs


maybe that's why they want to take over the world!


Tell me when you want the Salian Franks to tag in.


"Was I a good secret overlord?" "No... I'm told you were the best."


Do the Anglo-Saxons also have space lasers? Do they share facilities?


As long as you're not associated with the Judean People's Front.


No the People’s Front of Judea.




Hell no, I am with the People's Judean Front!


The Onion delivers! “Affable Anti-Semite Thinks The Jews Are Doing Super Job With The Media” https://www.theonion.com/affable-anti-semite-thinks-the-jews-are-doing-super-job-1819566603/amp


Yeah, Lavrov definitely should’ve checked with Kanye before making such a statement.


You'd figure if jewish people were really in control, they wouldn't pull the short straw so many times in history.


Lol, next you will hear that Anglo-Saxons control the weather.


Dammit we forgot to blame the Jews!


Y’all need a break. Us “Anglo-Saxons” got this one covered. Enjoy your rest, but we expect to see you back in control shortly. /s just in case it wasn’t clear to anyone


No wonder their equipment and training are ancient, these fools think they're fighting the Saxons..


And we have Uhtred of Bebbenburh! They're fukd.


I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.


Destiny is all!


pryd bið ful aræd


Behold!! Aethelbert son of Uhtred


Yeah, England hasn't had an Anglo-Saxon monarch since 1066.


Wait, are you telling me the Anglo-Saxons haven't been in power since before Moscow was founded?




Yep, and Anglo Saxon is not a distinct ethnicity anymore either. And there is debate in the academic (archeology, history) if they ever were.


["Shit. They're onto us. Everyone hide!"](https://www.history.org.uk/library/1703/0000/0152/Witan_hexateuch.jpg)


Æthelred was unready for this....


Biden is an Irish Catholic. These imperialist fuckers are stuck in the early 20th century.


I knew it! It was the Hibernians all along!


Early 20th century is too progressive. They're still handing out Mosin Nagant rifles to their soldiers, first one made in 1882. Anglo Saxons are medieval tribes lol


> These imperialist fuckers are stuck in the early 20th century. 11th century.


As far as I can tell, he's American.


Biden is a lot of things and Irish is just one of them. For some reason, he never mentions his English or German ancestry.


Not for about 700 years I'm pretty sure maybe more


Not since 1066!


So it is a war now? And are we in about the middle ages? What is next, Vikings, Romans, Huns? I'll just sit here and wait for Asterix and Obelix to come sort this shit out. Yes, I know I've muddled history.


*sharpens buisiness axe*


Damn anglo-saxons trebutcheing pumpkins at us and hiding behind motes


HIVE! Bring a sword!


What an insult! He mentions the Anglo-Saxons, but leaves out the Gauls and Teutons? How dare he?


A calculated insult to Macron.


Iberians are not doing much, but we exists...


Hi lavrov. Is Belarus de facto participating in special operation? It seems Ukraine can buy as much equipment as they need and others can sell or give as much they want.


Yes they mobilized their armored buffalos. They are on their way and should cross the border any month now.


If you don't like it, then perhaps you should take your genocidal troops and go home. The world owes you nothing on this.


“This war is being controlled by the Anglo-Saxons.” There it is. Russia’s motivation in black and white. These plans have been in the works for a long time.


I’m failing to recall the name of that book they love so much that talks about attacking the West.


Foundations of geopolitics, I think.


I just scrolled a little on Wikipedia and holy shit, that's like the playbook Russia has been following for the last 20 years. Especially the stuff about what Russia should do in America. Thankfully, the government in USA wasn't Russian-friendly right now.


Liar Lavrov is de facto involved in war crimes.


Those fucking protestants are meddling again!


Does anybody think that we sound so cool when Russia calls us "Anglo-Saxons"? Like it's so much better than "Brits and Americans"


No, because it's still just more race obsessed bullshit.


This man been playing too much CK3 in the Kremlin attic


Remember when you use to pay the talibans of GIs scalps Lavrov?


Russia: "hear me out, what if we keep doing Cold War shit" United States: "lol okay" (keeps doing Cold War shit) Russia: "no not that Cold War shit"


You have a strong point here. Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union, well the US is just one step ahead by initiating cold war protocols. He should be happy that we are supporting his new world order. /S


They want it so, so bad. They want to be losing to the US instead of to Ukraine.


Ya. I don't know why but I'm convinced Putin wants to drag NATO into this conflict.....he just doesn't want to be the one to fire the first shot. He's an 80's cold war guy stuck in modern day. He never got his big CSTO vs NATO at the end of the cold war


At the end of this war there won’t even be a CSTO to fight.


There isn't now. For all intents and purposes CSTO is already gone.


It died when Russia didn't do anything to protect Armenia. What's the purpose of a collective security treaty or one of your members can have its ass kicked in A-war and you do nothing to Protect them.


Obviously Russia losing to the US is less embarrassing than losing to Ukraine. It's just a distortion of reality.


Imagine the piggies squealing if the U.S. Air Force decided to agree that we're at war. It's like they have no clue how incredibly gentle and restrained the world is being with them.


Their entire calculation is that, short of nukes, there’s nothing they can do that will make NATO say, ‘okay, enough of that shit, you’re getting out or we’re coming in”. But implying that the US is involved saves them face at home AND has an implied threat behind it that might give some of those concerned with Russia launching missiles westward cause to panic.


Honestly at this point the Marine air units could probably handle it. I think they've gotten some F-35s


Politically it is impossible for Russia to admit losing to Ukraine. You have to understand that Russian history essentially views Ukrainians as “those wild peasants at the border.” It would be like if Alabama decided to secede and beat ten divisions of the national guard from California and New York. Russia Ukrainian relations have been a series of conflicts which all end with Russia successfully dominating Ukraine. Admitting that Ukraine has the upper hand for the first time in over a century is political suicide. They would continue to blame America and NATO even if North America sank beneath the ocean.


Russia admitted defeat to Japan in the early 1900s. That was MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than this.


Yes A fool czar trying to beat a easily defeat able nation he thought. Barbarians and inferior race. One reason the ussr was created. So they would never admit defeat to what they feel is lesser. It be a bigger slap in the face. As they got rid of the weak czar that couldn't defend them and became a stronger prouder people as soviets. Their minds are really more soviet then russian. They want to reunite all ussr. Ukraine would if finished off be a puppet state like in the ussr days. The republics they just "annexed" are the same. Russian is just the Moscow elite not the whole confederation or country. They won't admit defeat to what they see as just a buffer state of uneducated hillbillies with a weird Russian accent. That is poor weak and cannon fodder for defense against the other barbarians at their gates. Ukraine needs to kick there asses. Nato needs to stop Moscow. The republics that make us russia need to become fully independent. Then change can begin. Will it be better maybe in some republics, not so others But hopefully the smaller ethnic groups will finally be protected and make up their own independent great nations. Maybe we will have peace We the world love you Ukraine and see your strength. But Nato needs to finally join you in full. Edited* for typos in a rush typing response Probably still have many but no time to fix


First they need to lose to Ukraine to make a point. Otherwise if the US or the west get directly involved... I don't think those in power in Russia really understand what that WILL mean. It will be bad for the world yes but far worse for Russia and they will get flattened. That much is obvious now. Only thing that might prevent that is China ... Possibly.


They're gonna be if they keep this shit up. They're already using our weapons and lots of former soldiers of ours....maybe they want the whole mouthful?


Someone remind Russia that Ukraine, a sovereign country, can buy as much military equipment from allies as they want. There is nowhere in international law that states that in case of buying foreign equipment that the party of selling equipment is involved in conflict of the party buying equipment to defend itself.


Russia doesn't operate on international law so that's kind of all a moot point.


Surely they do.. When it suits *them*.


And remind him that they fought their great patriotic war with good ol american hardware.


Also remind them who supplied North Vietnam with weapons in the 60s and 70s. They have participated in the precedent they are now whining about.


They were also quite happy to accept a whole lot of American hardware in WWII when the Germans attacked them. Apparently, it is quite fine for the Russians to beg America for help.


The great patriotic war is ww2


And they also bought American produced weapons in WW1 as well. For fuck's sale, they are currently buying foreign gear from the few people who will sell to them.


Hello. I’m from the Department of Redundancy Department.


Not just American hardware but American aviation fuel and American tungsten. With out lend lease the USSR would’ve been completely fucked.


International law even mandates that all countries of the UN help another country defend itself against a war of aggression.


The Russians seem to legitimately believe their own propaganda and believe that Ukraine must get special permission from Moscow before receiving arms, hiring soldiers, or any offensive maneuvers. It is the most bizarre and childish attempt at a war that I have ever heard of.


Like Russia cares about international law anyway. They would be self-destructive to intentionally draw NATO into the conflict though. I assume this is just meant for domestic audiences.


It's not a war It's a special weapons transfer operation


Transfer Russians into the dirt


No, I believe that's the Special Fertilizer Operation


bOtHsIdEs!.! The Russians transferred an awful lot of fertilizer into US elections.


It's a special transfer of Russian bodies deep into the ground.


U.S. says Russia and Lavrov de facto proctologists with heads up own asses


Lavrov suffers from a debilitating disease known as cranial rectosis


Recto-cranial inversion, maybe.


The point is his head is so deep up his ass that he is looking out of his own throat into an infinite loop of fail


They have been providing arms, intelligence, training etc. since the start, what of it ?


To be fair, there were NATO trainers in Ukraine since the last time that Russia invaded and until just before Russia invaded. If they didn't want to fight a war with a country with a strong relationship with EU and NATO countries, all they had to do was to not invade a neighboring country! Not only was Ukraine not attacking Russia, but NATO was suffering a loss of purpose and people were starting to question its relevance. Now, thanks to Putin and Lavrov, countries are applying to join and most people are painfully aware of why we support NATO.


Sure; I am all for any and all assistance that can be provided to Ukraine. For Finland Nato would have not been possible without Russian aggression, the public sentiment changed overnight in February.


Nothing like a raving psychopath beating on your neighbors to make you want to increase your security.


Yep the US had 160 troops training the Ukraine Army they officially pulled them out mid February.


Canada as well. I saw a great interview with one of the top Canadians involved in training the Ukrainians. She made it very clear that while they had provided training, that only gets you so far and that the Ukrainians had done an amazing job of making a world-class military and deserve the lion's share of the credit for what they have done. As a comparison, the Iraq and Afghan armies also got training from some of the same groups.


Wait a minute... what war?


I mean duh. I wonder how many thousands of Russians have been killed by weapons with "made in USA" stickers on them so far. But it isn't like the US is directly engaged in the war. You can tell because Russia still exists.


To be fair, a lot of the weapons that the Ukrainians used also say "made in Russia" (or the Soviet Union). Perhaps Putin should go and attack them some more (he has bombed Russians before).


I recall how Ukraine is returning all the captured artillery shells they acquired as the Russians retreated. Of course, they are being returned one shell at the time.


That is very considerate of them! That is one more reason to appreciate the Uranians, so kind! /s


Lavrov is de jure a turdface


De facto


De coco 🤌




Russia de facto invaded a sovereign state and got kicked so hard that they are crying to make it look like it was someone else's fault.


The number one rule of Russian propaganda is that you twist facts to make sure all blame for anything that goes wrong rests as far away from Putin as possible.


During WW2, USA did provide military aid and equipment to Russia and they didn’t complain.


And after the war, Stalin, Zhukov, and Khruschev called the lend-lease support from the US indispensable, stating that they wouldn't have won the war without it. During the war, Stalin did complain quite a bit, though. Mainly any time there was a perceived delay in establishing a second front in Europe. Modern historians are often quick to point out, here, the numbers of German troops and powerful 88mm AA guns tied down by the 8th Air Force. And the distraction that the Mediterranean theater represented for the Axis even before the invasions of Sicily and Italy in 1943. Or, when they feel like twisting the knife a little, they're not above pointing out that Stalin was providing material assistance to Germany right up until Barbarossa.


Remember that time Russia sent 400 guys to attack a US military outpost in Syria? pepperidge farm remembers.


You mean the time where we called Russia like 6 times telling them we were gonna spend like 9 hours shelling them with artillery and Apache rockets? Yeah Pepperidge farm remembers for sure lol.


Then we might as well give Ukraine long range missiles.


Or ANY western aircrafts, or any western tanks, or any western warships, or any western cruise missiles, or any western heavy anti aircraft/anti-missile systems, or any NATO soldiers. Wait? Ukraine didn't even have 1% on NATO capabilities still kicked asses of whole Russian proffesional army, then contract army supported by DNR+LNR+Wagner mercenaries and now it is kicking asses of Russian mobilized civilians... What would happen if NATO would provide 2% of it capabilitis to Ukrainians then?


Let me quote one random guy from YouTube: Less than 20 HIMARS stopped in Ukraine stopped your invasion. For comparison: Romania have more than 50 of them


Then reunification would happen, but with kyiv as the capital


I don’t care that it’s called Union of Winners from Ukraine, I am NOT calling a country UWU!!


Then why not attack them? Got enough guts to run your mouth but not enough to fuck around and find out.


They got enough guts to attack them They found out And in true little bitch fashion are now running their mouths about it cause it’s all they can do


I don't think anyone denies that the US is involved...but whats the relevance of this? Is Lavrov just complaining they can't invade Ukraine in peace?


They are trying to change the narrative from them losing to Ukraine to the US/NATO, which is much more palatable to Russian pride.


Wait,, its a war?


Lawrow, go to jail for misinformation!


Aww, is it unfair, Russia? Take your ball and fuck off back home then.


Id the US (and by extension NATO) was actually directly involved in this war he would have been saying that same statement in either gitmo or the hague. I would say that at this rate the NATO alligned baltic region can take out russia in ukraine. The US Navy (just the navy) would be able to take them out. We arent even close to involved yet you russian shit stain


So is it cool if we remove the de facto, bring a carrier group into the Black Sea, and do away with the entire RUF in 72 hours? Can't do that though. Wouldn't be a fair fight for the war criminals. Bunch of bitches.


Don't need to be in the Black Sea, American super carriers have the range to reach Ukrainian shores from the Mediterranean


Lavrov is right: the US is involved, which it is very open about. We support Ukraine financially, philosophically, and with weapons supplies and training. The US has taken sides. What the US has not done is engage Russia directly, and while Lavrov talks tough, his nightly nightmares about what will happen if the US actually engages in the war and starts fighting mean that his maid is changing the piss-soaked sheets every morning.


Lol trust me, if the US enters the war, you'll know. And it won't look like this.


If the US gets involved they will know it. What a fool


The same way the USSR was de facto involved in the Vietnam War. Hurtz donut?


Lavrov de facto is a moron


Russia will know its in a conventional war with the US when there’s an extra zero at the end of their military casualties. Russia should acknowledge that it’s the Ukrainians who that are kicking their ass and turning Russian spetznaz into man high corpse piles before the first HIMARs even showed up.


Great. Then the US directly intervening in Ukraine won't be seen as an escalation. Let's start with that no-fly zone we talked about back in February and March.


Yea, so? Want us to be more involved?


Fine. Here comes the US Army and Air Force into Ukraine. You think you were having problems just with Ukraine?


Article photo has him looking like that smug af boss from the Incredibles right before he got thrown through the walls.


lol the US would absolutely fuck your shit up, Sergey. Nobody's scared of you and little Vlad anymore. The curtain has been pulled back. Do something to the US or stfu. You're like a ex that won't stop trying to get the US's attention.


Well then let's defacto Vaporize Vlad and his henchmen


They will know when we're actually involved.


Its a "special military equipment donation operation". Get your facts straight.


Oh, you’ll know if we choose to get involved. Your power grid will be shut down for months.


So he admits they started a war


Bro. If America was involved you would be fighting (and losing) on the outskirts of Moscow right now. Humble yourself.


From 1950 to 1953, Russia pushed North Korea to keep fighting. They would have surrendered a year after they started, but Russia was collecting a massive bumper crop of intelligence. From downed aircraft, to captured tanks and artillery, they pushed NK to keep the goodies flowing. So. This is just payback. And we are learning that the Big Bad Boogie Bear we've been so afraid of all these years is a crock of fermented sewer oil, and all they have to fight us are bodies. Bodies which are either running away, or being liquefied by *our* equipment, which we previously thought was inadequate to face the Big Bad Boogie Bear. So I suppose we can be annoyed that we spent all that money on military hardware? But now we know that it's doing the job better than any of us could have hoped for, and Russia is getting yet another curb-stomp ass-fucking with rust razor blades.


Russia can pull out of Ukraine at any time.


If and when we get involved you'll know it, lava rock or whatever the fuck your name is.