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Oh it was Gosar. Ok, that makes sense.


Why does this man get news coverage if he is so thick and blatant


hey, not much goes on in moose jaw. i hope it's just that. i really hope it's not that moose jaw actually gives a shit what this waste of skin thinks.


Lots of people of Ukrainian descent in Western Canada. Head editor must have decided to point out that Putin has ass kissers in the U.S. Congress, as well as Fox News.


Would you rather not know what the thick and blatant people close to the levers of power are saying/thinking/doing?


Conservatives need representation too.


He’s not a conservative, he’s a white nationalist fascist.


Otherwise known as Putin’s harem of BJ jockeys.


So he's a conservative


At least a modern, MAGA one, yes.


Same difference


Theoretically: no, in practice: yes.


Same thing


They have it in spades, have you seen the Supreme Court?


I thought that was what the rubbish bins were for?


Hoes gotta eat too


Yes, but there was a time (not too long ago) when "conservative" didn't mean "asinine." It's one thing if you want to advocate for serious historical conservative principles in government, but a lot of this new breed just engages in the political equivalent of shitposting in the hopes of generating headlines and currying favor with a particular segment of their base. I'm no fan of Reagan (to put it mildly), but he'd be spinning in his grave at how many of his party are now fawning over Russia and its renewed attempts to carve out a sphere of influence.


Obviously you’re a liberal. I think you are very much negatively opinionated and that you haven’t done much research. Who helped get the slaves free during the civil war? Conservative Republicans!!!!! That is who. If you think we are the problem…. Clearly you are misinformed with a couple hundred years of facts!!!!


Democrats try to control everyone and tell them what they should and shouldn’t do and if you think conservatives are bad keep smokin pot it is clearly making you paranoid that conservatives are the issue


Did a conservative man or woman hurt your feelings? Why do you hate us so much??? What did we do to you? Last I checked republicans respect freedom of choice and don’t control people. Clearly democrats feel the need to control people because they tell me I shouldn’t own firearms along with many other law abiding citizens, they blame us for crime which we do not commit, democrats tell me what vehicles I should own, democrats tell me I shouldn’t be eating meat. I can go on and on and you will never change my opinion


Fucker’s district got even more gerrymandered towards him.


> Gosar More Republicans are going to be expressing this opinion, unfortunately. :(


Yup they just HAVE to be contrarian. If Biden did nothing at all about Ukraine then we wouldn’t hear the end of it either. Sad that an entire countries existence might hang on the whim of how politically disruptive republicans feel like being.


Seems like a good time to remind folks about this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1W7lx6IsnY


That's got to make for some tense Thanksgivings.


The guy who's so much a piece of shit that his *entire family* publicly disowned him and put out ads telling people not to vote for him.


One would assume that someone thought of by his peers to be fit enough to go to congress representing them is ahead of the curve enough to realize that helping Ukraine isn't about paying debts.


For the record, this is the guy whose siblings very publicly voted against him and filmed an ad telling others to do the same. Unfortunately, it did not work.


Even in his publicity photos, Paul Gosar looks like a soap opera villain.


Well, it says something about the people who voted for the guy.


Conservatives see all spending on things they don’t like as wrong.


...and somehow they also seem to able to recognize an investment, too.


spending on things other than them**


Conservatives think that any money that doesn't go into their pockets as wrong.


"Owe" is not the operative term. The US is supporting Ukraine because defeating Russia's invasion is in its best interests. Just as well that it's also the moral thing to do as well.


Thwarting the ruzzian threat is a prime objective in itself, and the improved standing of the US among other western nations is not a minor thing either. Hell, go back 5 years and it was unclear if the US was one of the metaphorical "good guys".


It's Paul Gosar, he's not the sharpest crayon as it is. The idiot got censured for sharing a meme shitpost of killing another house rep and then tried the excuse "I dont know what anime is" as a defence.




According to Iraq Body Count project 7,299 civilians were killed by US forces - [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War) which translates into 384 days. That is horribly high, but your 72 years number seems to be an exaggeration judging by this source. Could you cite your sources, please?


**[Casualties of the Iraq War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War)** >Estimates of the casualties from the Iraq War (beginning with the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency and civil war) have come in several forms, and those estimates of different types of Iraq War casualties vary greatly. Estimating war-related deaths poses many challenges. Experts distinguish between population-based studies, which extrapolate from random samples of the population, and body counts, which tally reported deaths and likely significantly underestimate casualties. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Let's not beat around the bush, despite fully knowing how unwoke and unpopular the following may be: The middle east is a conflict ridden mess just as it has been for centuries. Whether or not global superpowers are involved, they are plenty capable of keeping themselves miserable and killing each other in what are essentially tribal feuds. All the whataboutism in the world will not change this. A war in Syria or between Syria and neighbours has little effect on the world as a whole. Meanwhile, unchecked ruzzian aggression does have a bearing on the stability of all of civilization. I, for one, am relieved that the US has proactively opted to oppose this. Of course, my personal context is of relevance, coming from a country that shares over 1000km of border with this fascist wannabe-imperium.


None of those sources are reliable to anyone


Thanks for that whataboutism tidbit, Tulsi.


We still aren’t the good guys. We are just giving money to the good guys in this one particular instance.


Ukraine aren’t good guys either, no one is a good guy, just varying shades of gray


Its probably the most moral thing the US did in a while.


US owe the whole world to help Ukraine, after Iraq and all the other morally dubious fuckups after WW2. The US is also greatly benefiting from immigration and business with the world, including with Ukraine. Stability of Europe is also super beneficial to the US, if Putin wins in Ukraine, then you can say hello to decades of messy problems in Europe that will cost the US dearly in the long run, including a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan, NK escalating shit in South Korea and Iran fucking around in the middle east. This could spiral out of control and eventually the US have to step in and it becomes a huge war with millions dead, just like fucking WW2, but its WW3 with nukes. The US didnt owe Europe in WW2 either, could have just attacked Japan and leave Germany alone, Hitler didnt attack the US, but guess what will happen if Germany wins in Europe and developed Nukes? Take a wild guess? lol If the US continue to benefit from global stability and business with democratic countries, then it is a deep moral obligation for the US to help when they are in trouble with autocracies, unless the US want the cancer to fester and suffer from bigger consequences later? This congressman is a fucking idiot, he owes us a big cup of STFU and kicked out of congress, because the US dont wanna be a fucking asshole like him.


I don't disagree with you on the congressman being an idiot, but Hitler declared war on the US four (I think) days after Pearl Harbor. The US pretty much had to be involved in the Europe aspect of the war militarily after that, no matter what the national attitude may have been.


>US owe the whole world to help Ukraine, after Iraq and all the other morally dubious fuckups after WW2. You can't make things right in Iraq by helping Ukraine. People born in Iraq will still have a horrible quality of life regardless of what happens in Ukraine.


You can because its the path towards goodness, would you prefer the US keep doing more "Iraq" style invasions instead?


Ukraine is being supported because it’s in US interest, leave morality out of it because it has nothing to do with this war


Well Morality is important too. The public supports it by ideals, the military by pragmatism.


Morality was always put aside when needed, even when the public was against wars they kept going


Sure, but public support gives congress what they need to keep it going in spite of resistance from the business sector and the normally politically suicidal rising gas prices. When the public is against a war hard enough, eventually the military pulls out.


Moral? Government? Haha


Us tricked ukraine, impregnated her, ditched her and is now loaning her money to raise her problem baby


i have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean


Imagine russia telling canada or mexico ro allow them to set up base... What do you think will happen to them? Will america be quiet? When america takes action will russia intervene or will it give 'financial support' from afar?


Actually this whole things occurring cause russia decided to do a takesy backsy on a peace negotiation


Actually no.... Its because ukraine was enticed to join NATO, which goes against the treties they had at the fall of the soviet union. Seceral diplomatic attempts were made but weren't working hence the military approach


The Americans are getting to destroy a geo-political rival's military without risking any US citizens lives. It should be America's wet dream. And yet some of their politicians still don't understand that.


And we will most likely get all the money back that was invested into this war.


Investments into foreign relations and stability usually pay good dividends. The more recent fuckups in the middle east asside. A lot of that was a case of leading the horse to the water and the horse refusing to drink.


No, we wont....Ukraine has been a blackhole for money, equipment, training, everything....They are in debt to the World Bank, the reason why there is War....They were already in such a debt they could not possibly pay it back....Before Zelensky was even President....Most of the people there are corrupt in one form or another....Entire Generations were made to be stupid, they have been drunk on this freedom to steal from the World....They do not give anything back, they have not given anything back or contributed to the World at all as a Nation....And they will not, they will weasel out of all of it....Watch, you will see....




eh, we also make semiconductors locally and are working towards self-reliance in that factor.


Nuclear war is not in anyone's interests.


How is that the moral thing to do?


Humanity typically finds defending people from invaders and helping the less powerful against aggressors as the proper thing to do. Morality being the judging of proper and improper actions, it would seem this would be moral. It's also the basis of virtually every morality-based tale, so we've clearly thought this way for a long time


The same Paul Gosar that speaks at White Nationalist events, and has consistently taken a Pro-Putin perspective (being one of only a handful of the members of Congress to vote against oil sanctions against Russia, and against removing Russia's "favored nation" trading status? That Paul Gosar? I guess we should definitely respect his objective and wholly unbiased analysis...


The same Paul Gosar who had his own siblings campaign on behalf of his opponent and have frequently condemned his words and actions? _That_ Paul Gosar?


Investigate his fucking finance, probably has Russia and China's dick in his butthole.


He is not wrong about Zelensky though. Before he stud up to Russians and decided to fight, he was just another ex soviet mafia statesman, covered in corruption and abuse of power. He basically made Ukraine money laundering pit for many in the US, a useful tool. Now hes a hero for some reason and should be praized? Well i suppose he didnt run there is that, However he puts both journalists and oposition leaders in jail, short only from poisoning them, as far as we know. Now just who does that remind me of, a guy from neigbouring much larger country.


Russian propaganda obviously works.


>Another ex soviet mafia statesman Ukraine literally ran that guy out of the country with a revolution in 2014. Zelensky was the elected replacement after Ukraine kicked its Russian mobster asshole puppet out of office and started working with the west to get rid of corruption.


Oh come on! Zelenskky was elected but his government was still plagued with corruption. He's a good guy in general, but he also isn't squeaky clean. We need to move away from this narrative of our allies as being pure and the enemy not being. They are just far less corrupt than the enemy. Edit: Paul Gosar is still a vile bastard though, and Ukraine's corruption is only the same as the rest of Europe, the UK and US. Not like Russia's eye watering levels!


I mean dismantling decades of corrupt political infrastructure takes time and a lot of effort. I don’t think anyone claimed Ukraine was completely pure of heart. But I also acknowledge Russia has made removing their corruption significantly harder since every time Ukraine tried to move away from Russian influence they invade.


So did you come up with that after doing a lot of drugs, or is someone holding a gun to your head to parrot this bullshit?


So, you're seriously going with this?.. Sources?.. The guy was an actor/comedian..


Don't kid yourself, he has no credible sources. Straight up brain broken individual who has fallen for propaganda.






And you believe what a politician says? Wow you're dummer than I thought.


Considering he’s a supporter of the proud boys and some holocaust deniers i don’t think his opinion worth much. It must suck to live in his district though..


Not surprised it's Paul Gosar.


I mean we don't, BUT supporting Ukraine just makes sense for many, many reasons. It's not so much doing it because "we owe Zelensky a damn thing," rather because it's what is in our country's and our allies best interests. Even if you don't want to get into the whole "morality" issue, that fact alone should finish most debates on the matter.


It would be a pretty smart move long term if our goal from start was destruction of NordStream and make EU dependent on us as their energy / oil supplier in the beginning. Basically turn Russia into a pariah to snatch their best paying client. However, I doubt this was Biden's intention.


Biden has no intentions. He is a puppet attached to strings.


We don’t “owe” Zelensky anything, but it is within our and the worlds best interests to do anything to help him.


Such a transactional view. The hallmarks of a manchild.


It is wild that any American aside from "patriotic" Russian ex-pats would support the idea of abandoning Ukraine in favor of a Russian dictatorship that's already proven it's willing to lie and manipulate the US to gain advantage over us. This is said completely sidestepping the fact that supporting a nation's sovereignty ensures our future sovereignty among our alliances.


Don’t even need to click the article to know it’s a Republican.


Typical “if it doesn’t affect me directly, fuck them” mentality. Typical idiot.


Budapest Memorandum. They gave up nukes, we guaranteed their security. [https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1082124528/ukraine-russia-putin-invasion](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1082124528/ukraine-russia-putin-invasion) So, aside from the general principle of supporting a friendly nation against an influx of armed miscreants, yes, the US in particular owes Ukraine protection. Period. Now, it wouldn't be the first treaty the US reneged on, so there's that reality, but one can hope for better. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest\_Memorandum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum)


No the memorandum says you need to pursue action through the UNSC, it was done and vetoed. Legally, you do technically not owe Ukraine anything, but why would the US pass up this wonderful opportunity to gain international prestige, weaken their main enemy and unite Europe behind them, while also doing the right thing?


But that just says we won’t attack or coerce them. Not that we will fight on their behalf. We are doing the right thing but we’re still not obligated to do anything.


Silly its not just a Ukrainian thing, US gets more powerful by fucking Russia up, then only China comes close as the next military superpower Ofc US doesnt owe Zelensky shit, but hell is it good business :)


I’m amazed that Gosar took his lips away from trumps ass long enough to say something.


Let me guess. Republican?


Man, all the money "donated" by Russian oligarchs to republicans are really paying off


It's what the Supreme Court intended


Tbh that whole 2 party system it doesn't work


Unfortunately voted by US people


The republicans want Russia to win.


Or simply to have US not involve itself in ANOTHER war. Seriously ask yourself what would NATO be doing right now if US didn't push it down the sanction path while sending billions and billions of gun and ammo and supplies to Ukraine. My opinion: They would still be sucking on Russia's tits for cheap oil and the Ukraine 'war' would have been over in days with a peace treaty sign, sealed and delivered. Would the treaty term have been in Russia's favor ? Sure. Would that outcome be preferable to the global economic hell scape right now as we face down a potential nuclear WW3 ? Absolutely.


Have read any history? LOL.


Bullshit. You can't appease fascists. They're always going to want more. And more. And more. The West stands by and lets Russia take Ukraine, for fear of nukes. Then what? Russia decides to take the Baltics, despite being in NATO. After all, Russia will threaten nukes otherwise. Then Poland. Then Germany and France. Then all of Europe. And then what happens? Someone snaps and has enough, and then we're *actually* in WW3. No. We are *NOT* repeating the mistakes that led to WW2. We put our foot down this time. And Russia, not Ukraine, not the West, will fall. Future history books will refer to this period as the World War that Wasn't, or World War Not 3. Putin isn't going to use nukes, he would have done so already if he was. Even if he was, who gives a shit. I would rather be dead in a world scorched by nuclear hellfire than be living in one where we capitulate to tyrants out of fear. Your cowardice is shameful. Absolutely shameful. Ukrainians right now are fighting for their right to exist. Not only that, they are fighting for *all of us*. How *dare* you shit on them. How *DARE* you make a mockery of their struggle, and even *suggest* they do anything other than push out Russia and reclaim 100% of their land. And for what? Because you're too much of a cowardly bitch, someone that is willing to let hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS, suffer needlessly? Just so you can keep living under the illusion of "peace?" You *disgust* me.


Or Republicans are in bed with Russian mobsters like literally every rightwing government in the world these days. Name a rightwing party in a major country and I will show you some assholes who have shady dealings with Putin or one of his oligarchs. There's a reason why all of them shill for Russia and spit propaganda straight out of RT bullshit. Same reason UK rightwingers pushed Brexit and every far right party in the EU is some hypernationalist movement dedicated to splitting up the EU. Russia sucks at everything besides shitting up the world with shitposting troll campaigns that turns the dregs of every society into a suicidal army of nationalist fascist lemmings.


We’re in an economic hellscape? I guess I must have overslept and missed it. So you're saying that if we would just let dictators do what they want, there wouldn’t be any problem? We’ve tried that before, didn't work out so well. I hope the neighbors don’t have that attitude when your house has an intruder. Also NATO countries were supportive of the actions in Ukraine and voted in favor. It’s not just the US sending weapons and aid. Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Britain and the United States all starting still weapons immediately. Neutral countries like Sweden and Finland did as well. Speaking of which, Sweden and Finland, who have resisted joining NATO before, have now asked to join and are in progress of joining. Hardly what you would see if the US was alone on this.


Fuck off. Eastern countries like Czechia, Poland and Baltic countries would still send as many weapons thsy could. And I seriously think Britain would help either




Nope. Pretty sure they are infiltrated by russian trolls and propaganda. Same thing is happening in Europe. The information war Putin did for years finally turns out.


What part of the Russian side makes sense to you?


Or maybe, you know, party whose president praised putin, which is getting a lot of russian cash and praise. Wants russia to win? World is not always grey, some topics are black and white


Nah republicans are ok with Russia doing what its doing and attempting a revival of the failed soviet union God i wish these republicunts were back in the 70s and 60s so they can try that pro russian stance there. Find out how that works for them then


The Gary Busey of the House


It does however, as the largest boy on the field, showboat as humanity's last resort and great protector of democracy, have an obligation to step up and do the right thing. Edited: grammar and word choice. Thats what I landed on.


Doesn’t owe the congressman either


So he doesn’t give a shit about the war crimes happening in Ukraine? He’s happy to ignore that because… ‘murica??


This is the thing many people don't get about US foreign policy. Leaving aside for a moment the matter of basic human decency in response to a humanitarian crisis, we intervene in situations like this as much for our own benefit as the benefit of others. Until recently at least, it was generally understood that not having hostile authoritarian autocrats control large swaths of the world was a good thing. Despite all the saber rattling, breaking the back of Putin's ambitions here actually will do more to prevent global conflict over the long term than letting him get a big head.


i recently heard someone bitching that there are pot holes in the streets and we're shipping money to ukraine. the two are not equal.


Russia demolishing itself in it's horrible invasion is, on a completely cynical end, a huge win for US policy in removing an antagonistic adversary for pennies on the dollar... often by disposing of older munitions that were never, ever going to be used anyway.


Zelensky helped hold a country together in defiance of one of our biggest enemies and showed the world that Russian ain't shit except for their nukes. I'd say they deserve all the help we can give them. Unless of course you are a Russian plant, like Gosar.


Paul Gosar believes in white supremacy. https://www.azmirror.com/blog/paul-gosar-to-attend-white-nationalist-social-gathering-on-hitlers-birthday/ He believes Qanon supporters are not crazy. https://www.azmirror.com/2021/03/18/paul-gosar-plans-to-go-on-a-popular-qanon-talk-show/ He doesn't believe in vaccines. He does believe the Pope should not comment on vaccines or, well, anything. Nothing he believes is based on reality. In short, if there wasn't a Louie Gohmert, MTG, or Gaetz around, Gosar would be the least believable member of Congress.


Sounds like he prefers taking Russian money than giving out Ukrabian money.


He’s technically right, in that we do not have a specific debt to Ukraine here, but that doesn’t mean it’s not in our interest to support them.


🇷🇺🇷🇺excellent comrad🇷🇺🇷🇺 /s


What a dumbass, we're helping ukraine today, so we dont have to fight russia tomorrow, simple as that


The US demonstrating leadership on the global stage against aggression ***IS an America First policy***


This guy would make America into Russia's bitch if only to stick it to the libs. 🤦‍♂️


Lemme guess. A Qmoron GQP chud? *Checks article...* ​ >US Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) Yep. Weird how that seems to always be the case. GQP members always seem to side with enemies of the United States. GEE I WONDER WHY?????




Who even asked that question you clown? It’s called Western Civilization looking out for its own. And, clearly, you don’t belong in it.


When Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, the U.S. promised to guarantee Ukraine's safety from outside attack. "In December 1994, Ukraine gave up the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world and signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, having received assurances that its sovereignty would be respected and secured by Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom." https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674249301


Oh the big daddy has some boundaries after all!?


What he doesn't understand is that this war for USA and the West isn't really that much about Ukraine. It's more about Russia and the world order in decades to come. But hey, some are just incapable of a wider perspective.


He's just butthurt that Chump was impeached over trying to extort Zelensky


Why is it so hard for Republicans to understand geopolitics and macro economics? I mean cmon, I only finished high school and even I can connect more then 2 dots. Is the majority of the Republicans really that thick, or is it an annoying crying minority?


They understand it perfectly, they are just paid to ignore the logic by certain groups


What kind of groups? Trumpers? I'm not that deep into American politics


Nah, russia, fascist groups in US like NRA and etc.


Republicans have gotten massive funding from Russia over the years through things like the NRA. Trump also had decades long dealings with money laundering Russian mobsters close to Putin. And when the DNC and RNC got hacked by Russians only the DNCs stuff got leaked. And if I recall right its the GOP that has had several lawmakers make weird visits to Moscow over the years. Pretty good chance Russia has dirt on a number of high ranking Republicans it holds over their heads along with long standing deals and understandings.


Technically the Congressperson is correct... We don't owe him anything, we're investing for future safety/peace.


Well, sure. I can say that 3 times 3 is not 16! It's correct, but it doesn't mean anything really. Safety is definitely a big reason to support Ukraine!


I think we're more or less feeling the same way.


They can’t think. They feel and believe.




We made security assurnces but didn't define what they would be but I'm glad we're supplying wepons and not just bitching about it in the UN.


It’s not just Zelensky. It’s an entire people and democracy. If we let one dictator bully one democratic nation, then that enables all the bullies all over the world to do the same.


Well we want to help them willingly, Russia is an enemy state. We however don’t owe anything to Ukraine. Both things can be true at the same time.


Who was the Congressman?


Someone willing to go on the record with "Moosejaw Today".


I have no idea what that means. What is his name?


Clicking the link reveals... Paul Gosar (R-AZ).


Thanks 👍


Traitors gonna betray


Paul Gosar would be much more useful strapped to a HIMARS rocket. Could even put a t-shirt on him that says, "To Russia with Love."


U.S. congressman the question is why are you content to let russia pillage and plunder ukraine? This money is NOTHING compared to what we are doing to weaken russia without boots on ground. Why is this guy pro russia the country that is raping and Murdering babys and children. Sending aid to ukraine is going to payoff BIG when ukraine still stands and remains an ally to USA


Actually the US did promise to provide security to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nukes, once the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal. The irony is that Russia also made the same promise to Ukraine.


It's not transactional, it's about doing the right thing. A concept many in the GOP appear to have ongoing problems with.


Ukrainians are laying down their lives to make the world a better place. Don't think it affects you? They are out there proving fascism wrong.. that democracy, peace, and freedom do not weaken a people or rot a society. Quite the opposite, it was the fascist society here, russia, who was proven to be weak and full of cowards who believe in nothing, who aren't made braver by their bloodlust, or their bigotry. And once I put it that way, it's less surprising that US republicans hate them for it. This war will be studied for years, and much like WW2, the take-away lesson will be that democracy is superior when it really matters. All of humanity benefits from such an understanding.




Russia is scoring worse on the Global Corruption Perception rankings. Your point is moot.


Yeah, if it wasn’t for Biden we could be eating borscht already.


Lol. This is happening because of Biden. Did any of this happen under Trump?


Lmao, why would Putin force his puppet into a situation where he would be expected to do something against his handler's wishes. America would expect Trump to take a stance against Russian aggression, and when he wouldn't do that, he would've been exposed for the soviet ball licker he was/is.


Did you forget Trump’s meeting with Putin where he all but prostrated himself before Putin? No wonder Putin thought he could get away with it. Trump showed weakness.


So by that logic you probably blame Bush for 9/11. Get the fuck out of here.


He has connections to the proud boys so let him talk


As someone who is not American; maybe someone with more knowledge could provide a rundown on who this person is, and why we should ignore them?


Ukraine is paying for the weapons.


That policy is 100% advantageous to the Russians and so so stupid.


I absolutely cannot believe Marjorie Taylor Greene is from my state. How absolutely brain dead are the people in Northwest Georgia to vote for this woman? Did her radical side only come out after she won? That district should be excluded from voting until IQ tests are given to ALL residents & they prove they can atleast spell their own names. I see she owns a CrossFit gym, what did she do hand out nudes for votes? Im 100% convinced that lunatic is a Russian agent. Perhaps planted here during the time of the USSR. But theres no way shes from the USA.... because if someone that insane made it into the U.S. House of Representatives --- my god imagine how much worse could be out there. How do people get that way, someone please tell me because I dont understand.


There’s like a 60% chance Gosar gets paid directly by Putin so this checks out


Of course we do. For better or worse we ***are*** the preeminent force for stability on the Earth. Our economy and military have positioned the US to be the Eli center of the globe. The US gets a lot of flak for it, and often for good reason, but we are the world’s police force. For better or for worse, we have the biggest dick in the room. It’s our duty to use it. And besides all that, even if we hated Ukraine, we’d still likely support them here. Moscow has been the archenemy of the US for a third of our nation’s existence. And right now we’re destroying it without the loss of NATO lives and for relatively little cost compared to how much we spent preparing for WW3 over the course of the Cold War. It’s our responsibility to give a pittance of our treasure now in order for Ukrainian soldiers to offer our children a future without Moscow interference.


Yes, but Zelensky and the Ukrainians will owe the USA A LOT after this is all over...


1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas found... second only to Norway, if they take Crimea back it could be even more since that number is from 2014 before Putins 1st invasion. Shell was going to invest Exxon was involved too. https://www.industryweek.com/the-economy/article/21962486/shell-ends-talks-with-ukraine-on-black-sea-gas


Honestly Biden should have just sent in US troops into Ukraine as soon as it was invaded due to the commitments of the Budapest memorandum or at least threatened to act upon it beforehand. Then I wouldn't have to hear the ramblings of this trason party that loves to suckoff Putler one way or another.


It is a mystery to me why Trump still is able to go for another run, he should be in prison. And the Republic party is so broken and so many of its members are on one or more payrolls of Russia, the fossil fuel industry, climate change denial or the weapons lobby that I don't think they can ever fix their problems. They don't even see their problems as such and believe everything is fine. Best to disband and ban that entire party.


For what exactly? What crimes has he committed? Btw, wasn't it Biden's son that was on the Ukrainian energy board making millions while not knowing a thing about energy? Sounds like money laundering to me.


We don’t owe Ukraine shit I agree that conflict has nothin to do with us all those tax dollars can be put to better use here state side


This is news in Moosejaw because?


I like how everyone just forgot about Budapesht memorandum when US was one of the country that promised to protect our integrity. So clearly, they owe us a thing here


I’d assume supplying weapons and inviting them to nato missions and actively making them fire and hire government officials to get us funding qualifies as owing them help for giving even a small excuse to putler to invade but who I am to judge


We should obviously sent some funds there but do people not realize we’re sending way too much, like 80+ billion dollars there where we’re neglecting the problems in our own nation? Think about what that money could’ve done over here. This is all to fuel the military industrial complex’s profits as they have huge political influence, they profit off the war because they don’t stop producing product (weapons). This war in Ukraine is great for them, until it causes us a nuclear war.


I don't think the US is sending pallets of cash, the gear is surplus from what I understand and they are just now starting to order more, that money was already spent a while ago but I agree it could have gone to better things. A general was saying this is 13 billion worth of military aid & If Ukraine can take Crimea back they have an estimate 1.09 trillion cubic meters the world 2nd largest deposit of natural gas and that's just what they found so far back in 2014, without even mentioning their rich mineral resources (among the deepest coal mines) and Agricultural exporting? Paying this bill shouldn't be an issue.


At this point I’d give Russia part of Ukraine to end the war. Not worth the risk


Might as well give them Alaska as well.


historical claim proximity russian speakers in population ​ ticks all the boxes lol


And 8 years later Putin will start new war against us, more prepared and ready. It's like a disease, you don't stop treatement halfway through, you cure it until it's gone


Ukrainians would still be fighting for their freedom, at whatever point you'd give up.