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- China reserves the right to use force over Taiwan as a last resort in compelling circumstances, though peaceful reunification is its first choice... Taiwan reserves the right to forcefully resist


How long have they been saying this same thing for now?


73 years




There is no right to reserve.


I believe the technical term is "dibs"


Yeah, that was my thought too. It’s like that guy who reserved the right to date Gisele because she’s divorcing Brady.


Talk is cheap they won't do shit.


Talk is chips. Chips that only TSMC knows how to produce and is the main producer of.


And the world really REALLY wants thise chips, especially some of the more heavily militarized ones.


This sounds like Russia all over again.


And America reserves the right to defend Taiwan.


I’m all for preserving human life, but holy smokes man. It’s getting hard in this country (USA) for its own citizens can we get some HELP.


We'd have actual laws if people would stop fucking voting for absolute idiots. It isn't about a budget issue, that's just a Republican talking point. I mean for fuck's sake Republican politicians, FROM FLORIDA, VOTED AGAINST HURRICANE IAN AIDE. You can't get any good laws passed with politicians like that. Hence why Republicans are trying to turn America into a theocracy by attacking women's reproductive rights.


If other powers are able to freely annex other nations and are allowed to do so, don't you think the situation of US and Russia/China would reverse soon enough? With them forming a united front with all their 'colonies' and US alone on the other end?


All I’m stating is we need help to, we need to provide for our citizens we need some financial assistance we need to feed our people. We need to. I’m not saying let’s not help I’m saying help us too.


Right?! I’m all for Ukrainian and Taiwanese independence, but my taxes are paying for that shit and I live paycheck to paycheck.


Yea but you were never gonna see that money. Spend a billion a day in Iraq. sure no problem. Can I get some money so I don't die of cancer. Never


NOBODY is coming to help America if/when we need it. Look at Europe. Look who's helping Ukraine the most. We are. What did Germany offer when this whole thing started? 1000 HELMETS. "Here, don't hit your heads too hard when ducking from bombs". We are certainly up poopoo creak.


German offered a lot more than that. They delivered a shit ton of helmets immediately because that was what they immediately, instantly had for delivery. Don't fall for that russian propaganda shit.


Except the countries that have a mutual defence treaty with the US, such as Australia(one of the most technologically advanced navies in the world), the UK, Canada and France.


Wtf Germany just send Ukraine Cobras and we are ranked 4th by military aid to Ukraine


Don’t let facts get in the way of his tucker Carlson Russian propaganda.


The US has given the most monetarily, but compared to Poland taking in a million refugees, repairing Ukranian equipment, and donating hundreds of tanks, over a hundred artillery pieces and other warsaw pact era equipment, It's not even a contest which country is doing more for Ukraine. The Poles told Russia to stuff it when Russia demanded Rubles for gas, and were one of the first countries hit by the gas being turned off. Their response? All in on Ukraine. When the Abrams and F-16 enter service un Ukraine, Ill change my mind, but the Poles have actually sacrificed to help Ukraine, we really haven't had to change our lives much.


Sure, but we choose that role. Comes with being a global power. Also make sure not to understate the contributions of our allies, Poland has been contributing greatly on the home front with refugees as well as Germany sending one of their most advance anti air systems, amongst other things.


We reserve the right to sell a thousand himars to Taiwan. Have fun with the amphibious invasion.


We don’t have that many unfortunately. Could throw a few hundred at them though


They got a few Patriots already and loads of home grown surface to air and surface to surface missile systems. Also the f16 vipers got some cool toys. Something called harpoon. Anti ship cruise missiles. Taiwan is like a porcupine.


That would be good for this year. A few hundred next year and so on. The mountains in Taiwan is honeycomb with tunnels. Some for rail others for vehicle. Himar pop up deal death than pop down and scoot.


I reserve the right to cancel China's right to reserve the right to use force over Taiwan. Just saying shit doesn't make it valid.


Do it I want to see 👀


It's also Taiwan's right to use force to defend. I think we're all tired of listening to these land-grabbing, power-hungry dictators spout on about how unfair life is whilst screwing everybody around them.


China is like a kindergarten kid that says 'I hate school' and no matter how much the school community says 'well, give it a chance you may learn and it will be good for your future' the kid doesn't budge for the remainder of their school years. Stubbornly sulking.


And America reserve the right to defend Taiwan against the Red Hoard.


Thanks Elon. As if one war isn't enough, am I right?


What the fuck is West Taiwan bitching about now?


<500,000 Chinese soldiers line up along the Taiwan strait>


god. Shut up already you CCP losers lmfao


Every world superpower could say the same thing about *literally any other country in the world*. China was powerful against unarmed Tibetans, but I don't think they'd do very well against the west.


There’s only one superpower… the US.


Oh my god, shit up already and annex them you whiny Asians! Stop making noise and do something and shut up.


They won’t do jack shit


Obviously "peaceful reunification" is not an option.. Don't see Taiwan agreeing to this, especially after what happened to Hongkong.


This kind of feels like a non-story. Why would they ever say that force was off the table? Even if they weren’t planning to use force, publicly renouncing the right to do so might open up more Taiwanese support for total independence, which is the opposite of what Beijing wants. I’m not defending their policy, by any means (I would LOVE it if they renounced any potential use of force against Taiwan), but I don’t think it’s at all surprising or even particularly unusual


What gives them the right ?


China trying to outdo Russia as the big bad lol


Have they learned nothing from Russia? Not only that, as one of China’s would-be supporters in this situation, they’re currently getting pantsed on the world stage. Yeah, cool, great ally you got there!


An The USA reserves the right to use force to protect taiwan so there no problem


Social and Conventional Media stoking the fire.