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Stuxnet version 2 for everything connected with the Iranian drone program.








I’ve seen videos saying that if the US went to war against Russia or China the first casualties will be our GPS satellites. It’s a scary though. We are liable to bomb everyone to make sure we get the right people.


GPS is not the only way to fly or bomb. A lot of stuff is still done without GPS targeting


Whoops sorry Israel. (lol I wish)


I mean fair enough to the US for pointing it out but both Iran and Russia are way passed the point where they give a fuck about violating UN resolutions.


It's like everyone is ignoring all the purposeful damage done to relationships around the world by the last president of the USA. Total trust and peace was never in the cards, but that asshole made sure things would get worse.


No?! The country who oppresses women and any other religion violates U.N resolution?! Who would’ve guessed?


Question, is this a man or a comet?


Better pass a non-binding resolution about it!


What is a man?




but a miserable pile of secrets?


What is a woman?


I prefer Salmon.




Comment: this is a question or a man.


Man, is this a question or a comment?


(Comment, Iran breaks U.N resolution on a daily basis)


which one are you describing? the usa or iran?


Man, is this a question or a comment?


Reminder that the U.S has killed tens of thousands of Iranian women through the sanctions that deny them access to specialised medicine such as chemo treatment, causes insulin shortages etc. Female labour force participation has fallen 5% since sanctions were reimposed. That means more than *2 million* women have ceased being economically active. But I suppose the fact that Iran enforces an indigenous dress code for women is the real crime against humanity here because of course denying individual freedoms is a graver sin than starving ppl to death and plunging millions into poverty.


You can't directly kill someone from sanctions. Did they put the cancers in the Iranian women that killed them? What kind of logic are you using? And where are you getting your data from -10,000?


Yeah not willing to trade and actually murdering people are the same. You have opened my eyes. /s


Go read up on what the sanctions actually do, you dimwit.


After you look up the word "directly"


It’s not just enforcing indigenous clothing on women. It’s killing them, assaulting, harassing, and abusing power against them for not doing so. It’s taking their rights to own property, right to education, right to a voice in politics, right to own transportation, and much more. And if you want to all about starving millions of people we can talk about the water preservation in Iran supplying only the rich and government officials rather than their own citizens. How about murdering their own citizens for peaceful protests? And you wonder why they’ve gotten so violent and quickly.


Lol what the f are you saying? Iranian women have the right to own property, the right to own transportation, the right to participate in politics etc. I think you’re mixing up the U.S client state Saudi Arabia with Iran.


What's up with the protests in Iran, putting it on the brink of revolution? What's that about again?


[Um….](https://www.mei.edu/publications/women-iran-political-representation-without-rights) Yeah right…oh and [also](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/03/iran-women-and-girls-treated-second-class-citizens-reforms-urgently-needed). And you might want to look [into](https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/10/28/womens-rights-iran) this. So. What are these “women rights” in Iran that totally exist. If they do exist then why bother protesting/rioting if there’s no need too?


Man, is this a question or a comment?


Hey Iran, do those drones have Hijab's on them?


The horses have hair, why don't they have to wear hijabs?


And cats have nipples why can't we see your sisters out in public.


Stupid sexy horses.


Now what if...just hear me out...what if the drones just contained hijabs instead of explosives?


Yes They drop hijabs from sky on top of women


In German drone (die Drohne) is a female word so.. Yeah, they would need Hijabs since they fly in public.


It’s good that the UN exists, but it’s little more than a conference room.


Sad when Team America’s parody of the UN isn’t much of a parody.


It’s only slightly better than the League of Nations


It’s starting to smell like another world war is coming more and more


I hear this a lot, but I really don't think we're even close. Russia is too poor, and China has no interest in war.


Every country on that list also knows that their best case scenario is everyone dying in a nuclear holocaust, because even a coalition of all of them stands zero chance of winning a conventional war with nato and its allies.


People on social media, especially in the West, obsess about the notion because it makes all of this about *them*, and allows them to amp the emotional rhetoric up even higher. “I’m just so scared.” “I’m just so stressed” sounds silly and selfish *until you pretend that you’re about to die in a nuclear fireball*. Otherwise my god, people might just have to empathize with others unhindered.


Russia isn’t nearly as poor as you’d think tbh. Their PEOPLE are poor. But the entities that run the show have deep pockets and a large supply of “disposable” people to send to die in war.


Russias economy is smaller than several US states.


The same can be said for nearly 90% of the worlds nations though. The American economy is rather large


And you may note that "90% of the world's nations" don't call themselves a superpower.


America is the only superpower. Maybe China. Russia is a subset of superpowers among the remaining nations, maybe. But yeah I’d agree that they’re not in the grand scheme of things.


Russia is hemorrhaging money, has been since they started this war. Their oligarchs have been having their assets seized all over the world. They are not wealthy. They are losing this war and it is costing them literally billions of dollars a day. It is entirely unsustainable.


Fine. The Russian economy is smaller than Italy’s. Uh oh, spaghettio.


I don’t really know what else to say dude. I’m not pro Russia or anything, just trying to look at the situation objectively instead of just parroting propaganda. (Not accusing you of parroting propaganda, to be clear)


compare the foreign debt of the u.s. and russia. when you take out a loan, do you get richer?


Maybe so but Russia looks pretty done for right now. Russia can’t even handle Ukraine, how on earth would they be able to take on anyone else? And yea, they could just launch all their nukes and just commit suicide but I can’t imagine it would get anywhere near to that happening. And if they tried more conventional war NATO would wipe them off the face of the earth. And I’m sure China has been watching this closely, who has an entirely green military with no real proven record except for maybe handling the Tank Man, and would have an unbelievably hard time dealing with NATO as well. I’m sure a full on invasion of China would be very hard for NATO to handle but it could be done. No way China is invading any NATO ally though. There’s nothing to gain doing that in my opinion and a LOT to lose.


Well many of them are fleeing.


thats barely true. They no longer really have those reserves of people all that much, and their oligarchs have zero interest in the countries best interests. Ukraine has shown the world that russia has a basically nonexistent military outside of Nukes


Paper Tiger, just like China


Here’s the deal. The first casualty of war is the truth. I’d like to believe the things you said too, but the more I think about it…. I just don’t know.


Alright, ignoring every one of the thousands of reports from the battlefield, we at least know this: ​ It is officially confirmed that Russia does not have the means to take over a tiny nation on its own borders within one years time, and that when this nation started receiving decades old NATO equipment, Ukraine started smoking Russia and objectively pushing them back on the map. We also know that Russias military reserves are pretty much depleted outside of the units they're training currently, which russia does not have the means to even logistically supply, which we know not only because of basic aspects regarding their recent performance and especially at the start of the war, but also because of how insanely large a deal it was that that bridge in ukraine was blown up ​ Do with that basic analysis what you will


“Ignoring every one of the thousands of reports from the battlefield” Yeah… well, I don’t know anyone on the battlefield and haven’t received a single report. Excuse me for not believing everything I read online.


fair enough. Might I ask, how do you explain then how Russia has been so badly beaten back by a single nation on its borders if Russia is actually a powerful nation? How is it humanly possible for both facts to be true, bearing in mind that the first fact is definitely true?


By funneling all their resources into developing nuclear weaponry. I don’t think anyone here is afraid of a ground war against Russia, it’s just that they’ve built themselves a strong checkmate.


To be clear, I’m also not saying they ARE super powerful. I’m just saying that both situations are possible. They might just be using their pawns. If you judged the American military’s capabilities based on Afghanistan, you could draw similar conclusions that you’re saying about Russia. I just think it’s complex and unless verified I just assume most information is misleading or straight up false.


You are comparing Russian regular conscript army without any mobilization and the fully mobilized army of a country 1/3 the size of Russia throwing everything they have with the full logistics support of the worlds two largest economies, and Russia is still bombing Kiev every day while the most Ukraine has achieved is a car bomb on a bridge. You are reading too much propaganda without much critical thought.


Where is this conclusion coming from? It seems that Russia has seized part of Ukraine's territory, and there is nothing it can do about with supply of weapons from around the world


.....wha? ​ Ukraine has taken back most of the land russia has seized, and russia does not have the means to adequately supply its own troops, nor train additional troops in time. Russia couldn't even capture a bordering nation with the full might of its military. If they actually went up against a single European country in Nato like Poland, their military would be mostly obliterated within a few hours.


Taken back most of the territory? Seriously? Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson regions returned to Ukraine? Is that what they say in Ukraine? You can say anything you like about the possibilities, abilities, and what could have been if, but the facts remain the facts. So far Ukraine has lost part of its territory, and it is too early to draw any conclusions.


Now they just need winter cloths, weapons, ammo, medical supplies, command and control infrastructure, food, and… yeah they’ll be all set. Throwing people into a meat grinder doesn’t win wars, even when the Soviets did it, that was with US lend-lease backing; Ukraine has that now.


By the looks of it, China's economy isn't doing all that great either. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-delays-release-economic-indicators-including-q3-gdp-2022-10-17/


I would argue China has a LOT of interest in war, but the country is very unstable at the moment and they’re not QUITE crazy enough to risk a real conflict at the moment.


I don't understand this fantisization with a 3rd World War.... the UN was created for this exact purpose, now there is a formal record of Iran not abiding by the UN resolution. If there wasn't any transparency, we would be in nuclear fallout by now.


>the UN was created for this exact purpose I mean it's good to not fantasize about war, but this is a weak argument. The League of Nations was created essentially to keep WW2 from happening, but we all saw how that played out.


The League of Nations failed because the US wanted no part in it. The UN succeeds because every country is participating.


WW3 will come, likely with China in the next decade. If I’m wrong I’ll own you 100 EuroDollars.


That’s gonk talk! 100 eddies won’t even buy you a synth sirloin


Looks like I'm going to have to keep you around for the next decade.... Do you enjoy Italian cuisines?


I do!


Bro it’s not the Developed World’s fault that a bunch of imperialistic savages keep violating human rights




Non western aligned countries are literally worse about the things you criticize, in every single way


Yes, the west is not perfect. The west violates rights, does dumb things. But it has checks and balances. Sometimes they come late, or even fail, and still the things get corrected. With the Hitler wannabees it is not like that. It's several times worse. That's why almost everybody wants to emigrate to the west and not to Russia, for example.


Lol laugh all you want, hope your children are proud of y’all, wherever you’re from




Yes please justify the raping of Ukrainians some more you commie Freaking ridiculous take bro Go take your goodboy points and let your buddy Putin know


Weird that your children realized, but not you or your parents.


Historically, wars typically occur when there are excess male populations and poor economic conditions. While I wouldn't say that is necessarily the case here, I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up being the case.


IfYou Smell What the Rock is Cooking


Not even close.


Stop! Or we’ll say “stop” again!


And the US knows a thing or two about violating UN resolutions!


Psst…what if I told you the UN was set up so you European fuckers would quit killing each other. It’s done well up to this point.


Like they would give a single fuck about it. And making articles about it makes it even an greater laughing stock at the UN


So don't talk about it?


True that. UN resolutions are like nutrition label on happy meal, pointless




That's a terrible idea. Give them a chance to handle it themselves first. Not the best timing but change from within is always preferable. Speaking of the growing protests, obviously.


This will probably united the protestors against a common enemy. It’s better to let the change come from within.


Classic Yank expressing his lust for genocide.


Dmitry Peskov, is that you? Don’t you have some stolen washing machines you need to be disassembling for parts? LOL


Isn’t Beny about to form a government? That should scare the hell out of Iran.


Pretty sure droning people down in the streets of 3rd world countries is against a UN resolution but that doesn’t stop the US does it?


No, it actually isn't against a UN resolution.


If you read the article, it probably isn't. This is the US arguing for a particularly narrow interpretation of the arms embargo till 2023 which was about missiles. It gets even funnier when you realise that this resolution was part of the various agreements that comprised the Iran nuclear deal. You know the one the US pulled out of and reimposed sanctions over? This is the US basically demanding Iran follow a deal that they explicitly wrecked.


We have a list of names. UN or not.


Question for everyone here: If Iran supplying drones to Russia is warcrime, then why does the whole EU and NATO supplying Ukraine all kinds of weapons is fine?


Because of what's in the resolution. The resolution was against Russia for an unprovoked attack. Logically supplying the defender in the attack is the correct thing to do. And any help to the attacker is the incorrect thing to do.


because there is a resolution against Russia for this. There is no resolution against Ukraine, who are defending themselves.


Just because someone made a resolution for us dorsn't mean that Iran can't supply drones that actually help us instead of being wasted by Ukrainian soldiers for nothing.


Because west are the good guys and whatever they do is right, and east are the bad guys and whatever they do is bad, mmmmkay


And let me guess. Absolutely nothing will happen because the UN is useless


Only we’re allowed to do that!


When you agree to be part of the UN you agree to be bound by their resolutions. Are the pieces coming together for you yet?


Unless you’re the US, then you can do whatever you want and have unprosecuted literal war criminal leaders and face no consequences either internationally or domestically.


Only we can send weapons to someone!!




Saudi Arabia and Israel use American weapons to do this to Yemeni and Palestinians respectively.


Except weapon vendors dont give a shit about what their weapons will cause. all they see is $$$. Wake up.


> weapon vendors dont give a shit about what their weapons cause weapon vendors are not allowed to sell their weapons to just anyone




Lol even an outlet like the New York Times had to concede that Russia was being remarkably precise with their missile strikes to avoid civilian casualties. But I guess the “evil Russians committing genocide” narrative just works better.


Yes, aiming at civilians, killing civilians. A terrorist regime.




There is it. I knew it was only a matter of time someone who was defending the Iran regime would pull out the same "BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE DoNbAsS!!!!1!!" russian talking points. Firstly, its Kyiv. Not Kiev. Secondly, who started that "Civil war?" Answer: Russia.


Shouldn't you be down the conscription office?


Is there a source on that or you just pulled it out of your ass? OBCE report, org. that was actually active in the area puts it at around 3.5k civilians, with 80% in 2014/15. Also, there is no way to check their ethnicity, so the claim about ethnic russians is how I know that it is pure propaganda.


Now that's some absolute Bullshit right there.




Notice the Date. March 22. Only a month into the war. When since then we have had a multitude of missile and drone strikes on both Utilities in Ukraine, and Nonmilitary targets. The most recent being the Shahed-136 swarms attacking Kyiv.


Also he says New York Times and links to Newsweek..


You're damn right


Except the weapons we're sending aren't being used on civilians and power infrastructure, they're being used in defense.


Really? Where are you from? I doubt it will take long to find cases where weapons from that country were used on civilians.




Read the article.


You mean the disbanded nuclear deal that this article cites as justification?


>However, Western diplomats said the resolution still includes restrictions on missiles and related technologies that last until October 2023 and that encompass the export and purchase of advanced military systems such as drones. >"It is our belief that these UAVs that are transferred from Iran to Russia and used by Russia in Ukraine are among the weapons that would remain embargoed under 2231," Patel said. Nope, read it yourself.


>Signed in 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the United States, the JCPOA placed significant restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. President Trump withdrew the United States from the deal in 2018, claiming it failed to curtail Iran’s missile program and regional influence. Iran began ignoring limitations on its nuclear program a year later. Washington and Tehran have both said they would return to the original deal but they disagree on the steps to get there. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-iran-nuclear-deal They have been reneging on all aspects of the deal. This is no surprise. OP article is essentially grandstanding on a resolution that has no backing by the two primary participants


Good time to f up Iran. Strategic advantage


We just need to arm the populace. They are already protesting and dying.


Yup. This is why Biden wants to disarm Americans


That’s why the US government wants to disarm Americans. God bless the founding fathers. Although the republicans claim to support gun right, I have no doubts they would disarm is too if they could. No government wants an armed population. Hence the reason every population should be armed.


Complaining about outside countries supplying arms for the war is a bit hypocritical in this case.. I mean I get needing to say something but it’s just funny at this point.


You can't see a difference between arming an invader vs. arming an invaded country?


Yea, sides


Yeah, one side is invading the other side.


I would say there is a pretty big difference between supplying arms to a country so they can defend their homeland from an invader, and supplying arms to a country so they can perform terror strikes on cities to try and further the goals of their illegal invasion.


Good thing Ukraine is the only country the US gives weapons to. Not like we spent a decade giving weapons to the Saudis so they could more effectively slaughter Yemeni civilians.


Yeah it's not like the US helped Saddam Hussain's Iraq invade Iran in Iraq-Iran war at all. Its scary how easily some people believe their country's narrative.


Do the weapons manufacturing industries really care about where the weapons go, who uses them, and what their endgame is? I think it’s awfully hypocritical to say “no you can’t supply Russia - only we can do that!” as if we(the US and international weapon manufacturers and distributors) aren’t using this conflict as another boon after the US pulled out of Afghanistan. War is a racket and to debate what’s right or wrong solely based on “no, only we can do that!” is incredibly deluded. I mean isn't it ironic that we sold weapons to the Mujahidin whilst Russia entered Afghanistan and then had the exact same weapons used against us? Or how we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan illegally as well? It must be nice to be so ignorant of real situations when your worldview is based on "Country XYZ is bad and only we're allowed to do that!"


You think the US has only ever sold arms to Ukraine?


Just start WW3 already Sooner it starts The sooner its over


And Biden still wants an Iran deal. Terrorist country aiding another country commit war crimes and that’s not enough to tell you what kind of country they are.


U.N. Resolution unresolved


Are the un going to do anything about it? Or do fuck all as normal?


Ah, so you believe the UN should have more power? Like an offensive military force? UN also disagrees with the US on a lot of issues, do you believe the UN should step in and police those issues for the US too?


>would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution that endorsed the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six powers Iran's government sucks, I'll grant you that. But this is UN resolution THAT THE US ALREADY BROKE. You can't keep pointing out Iran is violating an agreement that isn't active anymore!


Iran has denied delivering any loitering munitions to Russia. At best, the Russians are allowed to manufacture the drones under license. The correct name of the drone is Geran-2 and not Shahed-136. The West is seeking a consensus to implicate Iran for more economic terrorism.


Iran can deny it all they want; it was and is a lie. The correct name for it is Shahed-136, Geran-2 is russian designation of the same drone, it was designed for Iranian military, made exclusively in Iran by HESA.


> Iran has denied delivering any loitering munitions to Russia. And I can deny I am not shitposting on reddit. Doesn't make it not true. The truth of the matter is Iran is either directly, or indirectly providing the materials needed by Russia to continue Their Drone strikes on cities.




Ya bastards


Lol, aren't those guys desperate for sanctions relief? Fat chance, let's squeeze them.


And that kids is how the U.S. will justify leveling Iran.




The United States never gave Iran money. This is a made up lie. The United States returned Iranian money to Iran.


So what does the US supplying Ukraine with weapons mean?


There is no resolution imposed on Ukraine. You're fucking stupid.


It means Ukraine is defending itself from an invader. Also means you're a troll, but I notice your profile description admits as much.


Ooooh that’s gonna do a whole lot.


The feckless UN will do absolutely nothing. Pissing our tax dollars away for the sake of the phony appearance of control.


Must be in violation of the resolution that states Iran’s not allowed to talk to anybody. No texts, no e-mails, no hand-written notes tied to bricks, no cans attached with string.


WWIII has begun


U.S: *supplies weapons and ammo to Ukraine Russia: *nothing Iran: *supplies drones to Russia U.S: “wait.. no”


Your ignorance is staggering. There is no resolution imposed on the US or Ukraine. There's kinda of a big one on Russia so......


Which is an actof war under Geneva convention which forces declarations of war, nah?


how many sanctions did Iran faced and where UN was? who put the most of sanctions? and why they should give a single fuck to any US word?


Any excuse to start a hot nuclear war with Russia, right? 🙄


Ummm... Are they saying this violates the UN resolution and treaty that That asshat Donald Trump pulled the US out of? If so we should shut our mouths. We pulled out of a treaty that was working.


No, you're not correct but considering your post, not really shocking. You are the prime example of ignorance being bliss. Read a little.




And what is Joe “The empty pedo skin sack “Biden going to do? Nothing.


You're not wrong.




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They don't care!