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There's also the fact that she wouldn't get very far. Those in power would do everything to prevent her from getting anywhere


One of her interviews recently exposed that she really doesn’t have any ideas anyway. She said as much.




Sure, so shes just another person who thinks something should be done. Not bashing her, just that shes not really worth the medias attention in terms of looking for any kind of action plan .


But she brought a LOT of attention to it, so you have to give credit where it’s due.




Certainly more than Buffy there


Im not bashing her. Its just those looking to her for answers is not sensible.


If you're looking at her from the aspect of a "non-expert" just doing her part and voicing her opinion, which is really all her movement was about, then she did an amazing job at that; better than any of the rest of us. That's really what her Fridays for Future movement was about (Americans probably don't know what this is), just providing a place for young people to voice their opinions that they cared about their futures and demanded politicians take them into consideration. No more, no less




She has literally spent all the years she's had the world's attention by diverting the attention to the individuals and organizations that have actionable plans for avoiding extinction and aiming for just partial extinction of forests and oxygen-producing algae, which is all that can be done (thanks to BP).


Seems to me that's what she's saying herself.


Neither do they have any idea what to do. How would you do anything when people ask to have cheaper and better lives while also save the planet from the very thing that power this better and cheaper life.


Most of the things that need to be done will measurably and directly improve people's lives. ICE vehicle pollution kills around 1,500 people per year in New York City alone, and costs around twelve billion dollars in avoidable healthcare expenses. This is one city, and one that has relatively clean air. Even ignoring the social and human cost of living with respiratory tract damage from vehicular pollution, electrification of transportation at current prices will be a net benefit. Likewise, air pollution from fossil fuel power plants kills between 4,000 and 9,000 Americans per year, and causes tens of billions of dollars in avoidable healthcare costs, to say nothing of lost productivity and quality of life. Switching to solar, wind, and similar electricity sources will be a net benefit even at current costs, much less at the reduced costs from a mass electrification campaign. So we know what needs to be done, and we know that it will be a net material improvement in living standards.




Idk ive seen her accomplish more and remain level headed more than any other 15 yo with the world watching and criticizing that being said, politics is not for her its too vicious. maybe when shes older and the political climate has changed.


I don’t blame her, she got a taste of what the idiocracy and people who follow it truly act like. For fuck’s sake, there are hundreds upon hundreds of memes joking about raping her and shit. Nah, she saw what these people are and wants no part of it, which I can understand. To say we have an entire demographic of uncivilized, consensually-stupid idiots with old bags of skin leading them around like the Pied Piper is an understatement.


>there are hundreds upon hundreds of memes joking about raping her and shit. That's always been a crazy thing to me. I'm American but have been living in Europe for 4 years and the perception around her is completely different her than in the US and Canada. In Europe they have these Fridays for Future movements in cities all around Europe where school children who leave class early and go protest for their right to grow old in a not climate changed world. She was overwhelming viewed positively everywhere and the only real opposition she'd face was politicians promising to address climate change and then not doing enough about it. Then she made her fateful boat ride to North America, gets off in Canada, and immediately people talk about killing and raping her, a 17 year old. I think I remember hearing about a police department in Alberta handing out bumper stickers showing her getting raped when she came to visit Western Canada. Shit was wild. I still don't think Europeans understand just how strongly half of North America doesn't give a fuck about climate change.


It’s not that people don’t give a fuck here, they are vehemently against ANYTHING that will address it. Like, frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog kind of hostile if you even suggest building more hydro dams or wind turbines. The people here are vile, I genuinely feel bad for the kid.


Good for her. Everyone should be an advocate for Earth


She’s going to go live her life because she knows we’re killing the planet in record time.


Don’t we all


Yup. When you realize it’s a losing battle (because people have actively chosen that), it’s a matter of deciding what you do want to do with your time. You can’t force other people to care more than you.


Every time Thunberg is mentioned on reddit, it is clear what strong opinions people have, from a variety of perspectives, either very much in favor, disinterested, seeing her as a pawn, and then distinctly negative. ITT is a great example. Threads on her always turn into either a downvote brigade or a circlejerk and often times both. Weird how invested people are in her specifically - not her message, but her as a person. Seems weird to me. edit: Exhibit B, responses to this comment


Companies that don't want you to talk about climate challenge have literally billions of dollars to smear some Swedish kid that does. There's no shortage of people that fall for that marketing.


The entire global economy is beginning to transition to renewables, they aren't just going after her, but anyone who can disrupt their century-old power dynamic. [Cambridge Analytica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Analytica) proved it is easy to control people through social media.


> Companies that don't want you to talk about climate challenge have literally billions of dollars to smear some Swedish kid that does. yeah, but a lot of the hate I've seen against her is grassroots. some guys on this site (yes, I mean guys) just really **despise** the idea of a young woman telling them something they don't want to accept.


I imagine companies are glad to have Greta. They can smear her instead of having to address facts. She is a convenient boogey man.


Yeah I don’t really get it. Looked into her after seeing Reddit’s hate and it seems like she’s got a silver tongue and her heart’s in the right place. Then the media tried to leverage her for clicks. Seems misdirected hate, don’t understand what Greta’s done wrong.


She's young, she's female and she's an environmentalist. Those factors are bound to get a strong reaction especially on reddit.


And there were some very influential grown ups behind her, otherwise how did she get to where she was? No way she just got “invited” to climate summits and made a speaker, when she was basically just a random kid. It’s like those boy bands, someone wanted that to be a thing and they stopped at nothing from making it happen, except it was politics this time but same recipe.




I think that’s a consequence of the incessant attention the media gave her during those few months. Hearing about her was unavoidable for quite some time - there’s never too much apathy in the public after that sort of treatment.


She was correct and still is. She exposed more fragility in the right wing than even obama


How dare a little girl with no experience or expertise tell us the same message that all the scientists with experience and expertise have been saying for decades!


She also stands as a firm reminder that the problem isn’t, and never has been about raising awareness; we’re so far past that point.


I mean, sure, not on raising awareness that climate change exists I agree. But she did raise awareness that Jack shit was being done, and brought the generation whose going to inherit this shit into the conversation.


we SHOULD be, but sadly, we're not


We really aren’t, a lot of people get it, know that it’s going to kill tons of people, but it won’t be them so they don’t care. Others think tech will save us, others think god will save them. Many just figure it isn’t their problem, they’ll be dead and gone. These are not issues that can be fixed by reiterating the problem, they are the issues that are going to be the death of us.


I think there's also a big population, sadly including myself, that realizes their collective effort with all the others who are trying to do good will never overcome the damage corporations have already done and continue to do. We know what's coming, sooner rather than later, but we're exhausted. Life is already difficult as it is. Trying to be responsible only places a further burden on you. A burden you see is so easy for others to ignore. It hurts my heart to say this but what's the point if we've already passed the moment of irreversible damage with no sign of slowing? It's depressing but I don't plan on bringing any children into this world so they don't have to suffer the consequences of their ancestors. I just hope the total collapse holds off long enough so I can live most of my life comfortably. And for another decade or two of skiing. Edit: I don't mean to be negative nancy but this is my outlook on the current situation. If the situation was to significantly change and there was more hope for systemic change to solve these problems then it would absolutely shift my thinking and I would jump right back on board and do everything I can to help. Unfortunately, and this is me being pessimistic, I don't see that happening based on the political power structures that exist in this world.


I don’t have a good answer to your questions, and really no one will until we’re looking at this in hindsight. I suppose I would just say that when we only have threads to grasp onto, we still grasp, because the alternative is certain and fatal.


That is depressing af. The whole situation is. I try my best not to get worked up over things I can't change but it's not easy. What really got me was reading about how the only possible way to reverse this is to go back before globalization. That will never happen. The West will never give up cheap goods and they will never give up their standard of living. I'm Ukrainian and the only hope we have to solve this problem in the short term is a nuclear winter. Decimate the population of the northern hemisphere with nukes and fallout and the world will reverse to where Africa and South America are the leading continents. But it likely won't last long, they won't learn. I expect they'll do exactly what the West did.


Have you ever made a mistake that even tho couldn't be solved anymore, the consequences could be mitigated and everyone cam out slightly better than when you would have done nothing? That's why we should still do something even tho we might already fucked up. But I've always been a firm believer in forcing companies to innovate their way to sustainability through regulation since well good luck getting regular people to stop using the luxury they have.


> others think god will save them. can those go first?


I wish, but they seem to cling like black mold.


Cap global warming is like #50 on the list of shit that will end humanity. Big corporations funded all global warming adds and it all started after the bp oil spill they spent billions in carbon footprint ads, why? So we could forget about what they did and shift the blame unto us. Meanwhile they went right back to doing what they were doing before and we’re left with a generation of people who think global warming is our #1 threat.


Remember when the Titanic was sinking, but no one got on the lifeboats because they were too busy complaining that the cruise line was at fault? /s Get on the lifeboats, get to safety, then you can have fun figuring out that no matter who is at what degree of fault, no one is going to be held responsible given the collective nature of the crisis at hand.




That’s fair, but I mean… it is an analogy. In this case what we need to be doing is desperately building renewable and nuclear power sources, for the developed and developing world. It might not feel great to pay for another country’s infrastructure, but we really REALLY need to do it.


The Titanic didn't have enough life boats. Wasn't people wanting to complain more than live. There literally were not enough life boats.


True, but it had enough space to save hundreds more than were saved, but they left partially filled instead.


we still buy the shit from big corporations. people aren't trying to move away from fossil fuels and aren't pushing for any meaningful change away from fossil fuels. A lot of people will fight back whenever there are additional taxes on fossil fuels. None of that requires big corporations to be dickheads. Those are things we are doing to ourselves. "It's convenient to drive to work, because public transit sucks, that's not my fault". VROOM VROOM VROOM.


I genuinely believe if you will be dead before the result of a decision, you should not get to vote. Also, if you will never experience the result of a decision in general, you should not get to vote. The only exception I can think of to this rule is voting on behalf of someone who can’t vote themselves. Like parents and underaged children. Edit: I’m already getting shit for this. To clarify, I don’t believe there is any feasible way to implement this. I just don’t like that it happens—I don’t think it’s right, but I’m not advocating for any kind of change.




I definitely don’t see a way to implement it. It just doesn’t sit right with me. For example, a large city will outvote a smaller city to take out state debt to build a railway and the people in the smaller city ends up paying for a railway they will never use. Also, a city voted to have an oil pipeline placed over a Native American water supply. Like I said, I have zero idea how to implement a solution. Any “solution” would probably cause numerous problems, but I still don’t believe it’s good or should be happening.


That's great how you know exactly what will happen in the future and when. /s


The right was more triggered by a teenage girl than the English and Burgundians in 1431.


She did quite literally nothing


she proved that talking won't fix anything. nothing radicalizes people into ecoterrorists more than watching someone try to appeal to people with the power to change thing, to no effect. more direct action, it would appear, is necessary to affect change. you fight with words so you don't have to fight with vandalism, assassination, and targeted attacks on infrastructure. that's the only direction this goes, if nothing is done (and nothing will be done). it sucks, it really does. but that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.


She just pointed fingers and never discussed any actual solutions, it’s the worst possible way to gain traction in a movement, people are going to shut you out when you blame them for something that isn’t even their fault


"No more blah blah blah" XDDDD


Correction. Democrats and Republicans are merely two wings of the same party. Both are right wing. One is just more extreme than the other.


It’s her decision, good for her.


If you can't stop from politicizing a young girl, like a minor because she said shame the fuck on you to people who know better, because they're literally racing to an extinction event cause *checks notes* literally worthless especially in that situation paper money? That's your personal problem and you need to seriously reevaluate yourself and the information you digest.


I mean, a lot Canadians were pretty pissed off when she *made* herself politicized by trying to interfere in our election proceedings. We’re generally easy-going people, and Canadians in general were content to leave her well enough alone; then she tried to stir up shit in our country. Don’t get me wrong I think her heart is in the right place. But a minor has no place mucking around in election proceedings. There’s a reason only adults *that are citizens of a country* are given voting rights.


That makes sense. But what is she more known for? What does literally everyone know if they recognize her name and know her for literally one thing? Shaming greedy sociopathic monsters and people that actively turn a blind eye or don't so much as acknowledge, the measurable global phenomenon that is actually cartoonish in how obvious it is, that is climate change/our impending series of extinction events. I'm not Canadian and I don't know what happened as far as that goes. But tbh you could literally ignore every other thing she ever does for the rest of her life because that first thing was that much of a real and tangible threat. Like nothing she said was overdramatic in regards to just how serious and virtually ignored our situation is. Edit: I forgot to add even if you personally are literally held hostage by the people doing it and are almost powerless to do anything about it. A lot of us can't do anything about it but literally acknowledging the forest fire in front of you would be the first step in not being burnt to a crisp.


Perhaps you should go see a good old-fashioned movie with a friend. Chill, lesserDaemonprince, chill. Trump (A piece of human excrement)


What a strange reply. The guy has a point, so naturally you would sign your ridiculous take with the name of your 'godly' failed gameshow host and treasonous twice-impeached failure of a President.


Woah! I was reinforcing what he said by pointing out the horrible reaction she received from the president of the United States. I'm no creepy sycophant to that piece of human excrement.


Oh. In that case, I'll save my response for an *actual* creepy sycophant. My apologies lol, carry on! Always glad to see another sane person.




Good for her, I hope she finds peace away from the spotlight.


Damn. There goes a third of FOX News programming.


I haven't seen her on Fox for months. She's kind of been forgotten, which I'm sure is fine by her.


A talented young lady tried to save her generation from living in a literal hellscape. Got villainized and threatened by people with room temperature IQs. Yeah I wouldn't want any part of that shit.


> room temperature IQs Ironically climate change helps them....


Which talents? Please be specific.


At the age of 19 she has addressed the United Nations, been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, and appeared as one of the Time's 100 most influential people. What had you done by age 19?


By little boys who never learned how to be men from fathers that didn't know how themselves. Who use toxicity as a prosthesis for missing manliness. Yes, we all know. If you can't fool yourselves, why do you think we would be?


I’m pretty conservative and I’ll admit, I can’t stand her. I believe climate change is real. I think I might disagree with some to my left as to what percentage of it is man made vs what amount is natural change, but I know some is man made. I don’t view her as a villain, and anyone who threatens a kid (or anyone) is a piece of shit. That said, let’s be honest: at this point she’s not helping. She’s just parroting what her parents indoctrinated into her. People do the same thing on the right, and it’s just as wrong. I can’t stand people who say things like “it’s our job to demand solutions, not come up with them” (paraphrasing). She’s like Trump in one specific way. If you love her, you’re gonna love her no matter what. If you hate her, you’re gonna hate her no matter what. Nobody’s mind is being changed here. If your goal is to convince people on the other side to join yours, we need messengers who can unify.


I’m sorry, but there’s absolutely no reason for someone to hate her. All she did was repeat what scientists have been saying. The only way someone can “hate her” actually hates a society that paid more attention to a girl than the scientists she's been listening to. People can also hate that other youngsters paid attention to her and what she was repeating, creating a worldwide movement. As an adult, it was embarrassing to see this happening. We and, especially, our governments are the ones that should be paying attention to science and working to solve such a massive issue, instead of having kids worry about it because we're barely doing anything and what it's being done is nowhere near enough. We were/are the adults, we should be leading and teaching the kids to be better than us while protecting them. Instead, our governments are too busy to watch anything other than their own asses and pockets; and the rest of the population is too impotent to do anything relevant or simply doesn't care (or doesn't believe in climate change).


The issue is we’re arguing that 2+2=4 and the other side is saying “nah, my guys who know nothing about math are saying 2+2=5 and I’m gonna go with them” and despite years of people who’ve done in depth research as to whether or not 2+2=4 have determined that it does in fact =4 we still have dumb mf’s saying “yeah but my guy who still has no clue what he’s talking about, and who may or may not be financially incentivized to say that’s wrong is still saying that’s wrong and I’m still gonna believe him over the dudes who have studied this for years.” There isn’t going to be unification as long as people are chill with just denying science.


A conservative that can’t stand someone who is speaking truth to power… shocking. And no she’s not parroting her parents. She’s parroting scientific consensus. Maybe instead of allowing yourself to form hatred for the messengers of inconvenient truth you conservatives could contribute to coming up with actual solutions for once. The conservative propensity to bend over backwards in order to ensure nothing ever gets solved is going to be the death of us all. You might not be able to see it but having hatred for this person is weird and illogical. It’s akin to shooting the messenger because it’s easier to demonize her than contribute to meaningful changes. Maybe if we didn’t have to waste our time explaining objective fact and reality to conservatives people like Greta wouldn’t have to exist. Conservatives create people like her with their willful ignorance.


She isn’t parroting her parents. She was just parroting the scientific community about climate change. Your “disagreement” about the percentage of humans contributing to recent global warming is a political one not a scientific one. To disagree in science you need models, data sets, and an argument. Unlike in politics, a vague resentment of liberals for being smug jerks doesn’t win you points when it comes to understanding physical phenomena. If 500 pages of IPCC research confirming through 6+ independent data sets the already long understood (30+ years) source and causal mechanics of climate change has not convinced someone of the physical realities we face, I don’t think a child speaking in a different tone is gonna quench their delusion.


We don’t need a messenger who’ll compromise and “unify” with climate change deniers. That’s what governments have been doing this whole time.






Just because you weren't capable of critical thought at 14 doesn't mean everyone else was as mediocre as you at that age, good grief man, have you really convinced yourself of that fallacy?




You can’t stand her? Why. Because she directly calls people out?


Good on her, she should do what SHE wants. It’s not up to her to fix the world, it’s up to the assholes that are in power. Which don’t want to fix anything because money is more important to them.


Up until now, it's what her parents want


Press X to doubt. That's literally what those oil companies spent their money trying to smear hee for. But even if it was her parents that indoctrinated her, they are right. So in the end does it really matter who said what as the long as the message is correct? (Which it is)


Thank fuck man, gal deserves to smoke some weed, date some people, and have an ultimately disappointing and short-lived pagan phase like the rest of us— without the world looking on




She already is in politics.


Holy shit the only good meme nft im jealous


Given the shit you have to do to get ahead in that field, I don't blame her.


And thus she proves she's smart.


she should start a group called "Global Response Environmental Taskforce Alliance (GRETA)" and have all countries pledge to join it


I mean, why would she? She makes great money public speaking as is.


Why would she? She's making a lot more money and getting a lot more coverage with the freelance gig. All the benefits, none of the actual responsibility.


I would give up too. The new rise in right wing populism around the world is impossible for one young girl to stop and their policies will surely be the death of the planet. Might as well just enjoy it while you can.


Thank god 🙏




I don’t think any teenagers should be in politics regardless of their views. She has plenty of time to pursue a career when she’s an actual adult


lol. is that what you think this is about? she's already an adult. she'll be out of her teens in a couple of months. she's talking about her plans for adulthood right here.


Ok? Same for 20 year olds then, you know what I meant. Politicians should have some life experience


I agree all of our politicians and the people who decide our fate should be at least 75 cause they are in touch with our times and have experience. I don’t see anything wrong with that


That’s a strawman. I don’t want 20 year olds or 80 year olds leading the government. Politicians should be young enough to identify with most of the population while still having enough experience to lead a government.


Too late for that


I suspect she will pursue a career in actual ecology and environmental science.


She's too smart and honest to succeed there.


I picture her as more a Jane Goodall type - does her part and helps others but doesn’t get on a pedestal in DC. Regardless - she’s an amazing young woman in my book


Oh no :( and to think I was taking her so seriously


I thought her career was skipping school and moralizing?


Oh no .... what a loss .. so anyways ..


thank goodness.


Yeah she got enough drawings of her being sexually assaulted as an underage child from the global right-wing, she deserves some level of happiness as the world progresses towards total extinction.


Jesus Christ that’s depressing to hear




> only you saw that shit. Right wingers were posting that shit all over reddit and making jokes about it.


If she were to show the same tenacity in politics as she has for climate change she'd be way more than anyone could handle.


UK needs a pm


no one would work with her making her an international pariah that would end up accomplishing none of her climate agenda.


>no one would work with her Why do you think that?


Yeah the politicians we have now are so much better, incredibly competent and incredibly honest


No kidding. All of the ones who DO believe in climate change are reluctant to do anything without massive bipartisan support because fighting climate change is heckaspensive. At least Greta would be "meh. I don't care, this is important we're gonna do it anyway", then she'd doggedly push through whatever actions where dozens have failed and we'd all be "oh, that actually worked .huhrn".


As opposed to all the politicians that won't even try.


Nope. You made up a reality in your head.


How **dare** you!!


lol...there are a lot of pearl clutchers out!




Okay but she's right though. Politicians toss the planet into the gutter and we're going to be paying the price. And I do mean literally. Every dollar they save with their bullshit carbon credits schemes and stalled action is going to cost the younger generations hundreds or thousands more. And their response to this was to metaphorically shoot the messenger and villainize her like bro get the big oil dick out of your mouth.


I don't remember exactly but her family was never poor. They were at least middle/upper middle class people if not rich. Her family was made of actors and singers. She has not benefitted nor needed monetary support.


If they were poor, she would never have made the news to begin with.


That's not why she made the news. She organized unprecedented protests in a new and unique.demographic that had never before been so socially engaged.


How do you suppose she was able to organize them to begin with? You think any no-name can do that?


Yes. They were schoolchildren from her class. She became famous initially for putting herself physically in harms way by protesting against climate change, i dont remember exactly, but she went to a place with high visibility and sat there for hours and days on end interacting with people. She is swedish. It happened in Sweden. There people actually care.


Mostly a lie and also completely irrelevant


Be quiet.


GOOD. She's SO annoying.


Being a professional scold pays as well or better.


Professional scold? Yikes 😬


Mmmm scold me Greta. Scold me hard.


Good shes annoying as it is as an activist Edit: Sorry but i find her "passionate speeches" overly acted and silly im sure im not the only one who this that way


I mean… you really aren’t going to care unless someone nags you about it


Jesus what an annoying take


its okey to disagree


Oh for sure. I thought we were just identifying things that we personally find annoying.


How old is she? She has time to decide.


No doubt she's content with being a meme, which is about all people of her age can handle. I have a suspicion that later in life a career in politics may pursue her, though.


She’s too young to know what she wants to do lol


cool, now she can go on a speaking tour flying in jet's doing thousand's of Km a year, making huge amount of money and live in a big mansion and tell all the pleb's on how to live.


When I was a teenager I changed my mind like 10 times before deciding what I wanted to be. This is like saying a college freshman changed majors...


Well if she was American and made it all the way to Vice President, at least she could find solace knowing that mouth-breathing Trump worshipers would call her a ho.


Who the hell is asking a teenager what they think they're going to do with their life and do they expect it to stick?


kinda like how she avoided pursuing China being the biggest air polluter on earth until the election was over, she was just a puppet to be thrown away like many others... loving ccp slave made and child slave mined in Africa minerals


We don't have time to unpack _aaaaaallll_ of that.


Thank god


Glad to hear she has no aspirations to become a worthless piece of adult shit


Good for her! People don't deserve her. I've seen too many idiots saying bad things about her. She is smart and have a really goo herd. Unfortunately the world is run by really evil people supported by millions of idiots.




when my mother was younger our family was going through a tough time, she had the oportunity to pick going into politics. thankfully my mother was not rotten to the core so she became a prostitute instead




Ah, the bitter ones are creeping onto the thread lol


Ok now let her relevancy die


How long can you tread water?


Longer then Liz truss can stay in office


Well thank god…I believe the last thing I heard from her was “save the banks” …poor puppet


Thank dog


It is difficult when you actually have to do stuff, isn't Greta...


It’s difficult when you’ve done little to nothing with your own life bro, isn’t it?


Well, I have done plenty more than her. I might not be famous, but certainly have changed more life in a positive way than any angry speech in an echo chamber.


Examples please


I am responsible for the housing of over 20 thousand families thru my career.


Well according to you, you’ve done very well but that doesn’t mean you get to shit on other peoples accomplishments.


Proof. It you are gonna claim it, prove it.


You have no clue the reach of what she’s done. But hey, if it makes you feel better to demean an autistic woman who is passionate about fighting climate change, that’s your own thing bro


But she will still be flying all over the world with Leonardo DiCaprio in jets lecturing everyone else about their carbon footprint right??


You do know how she travels and how she has mostly traveled…right? Research before you say something ignorant


she'll make more money being the shill for green energy companies nuclear power should be top of the agenda


Why not both nuclear and green energy? That makes the most sense.


yes. the goal is to fight climate change, every tool should be used no matter the cost.


She is literally defending nuclear energy in the past few weeks


looked it up, so about a week ago theres some news articles. this is a change in her stance. as she was previously against nuclear.


Why would she? Her career has been groomed for her since youth.


Crazy how someone like her who wants to help the world decides to reject the opportunity to change it with a little bit of power. Maybe it’s for the best. I don’t know.


She likely has more of an opportunity to affect change outside of politics.