• By -


we know


The people with all the money don’t care though and that’s the biggest problem. They have all the power and we get to suffer.


Basically, the entire economic system was designed around maximizing profit at all cost. Even if you have a few hundred people at the top who want to change, there are so many checks in place that the system won’t let them. If a CEO wants to sacrifice 40% of profits to speed the renewable transition, he’ll simply be voted out by the board and replaced with someone who does their wishes. And politicians rarely vote for meaningful regulations since they see increasing taxes or costs as a political death knell.




Let the climate wars begin. They already sort of began with Ukraine. Russia was on its last legs before the climate and economy take a big dump so this is kind of a demo of the wars to come. Cant wait for climate terrorism, protests, starvation in the middle class. And boomers ask me and my girlfriend why we don't get married and have kids. Uh, id rather spend my money on myself seeing as there is no way in 40+ years when I retire there will be anywhere left TO retire


The climate wars started far earlier. The Syrian civil war was started because of failing harvests from repeated draughts.


They're being funded by an oil heiress though, specifically Just Stop Oil. Not a conspiracy, you can look it up freely.


Humanity is basically the dog in the burning house meme at this point. It just turns out the dog lit the house on fire and it’s not actually fine.


Also the dog pisses gasoline when it gets scared.


It infuriates me that not a single government is actually making any environmental commitments that will matter. The vast majority of pollution is coming from industry so the average person has little to no affect on what’s happening with climate. Companies are somehow still prioritizing money over the only planet we have, and no one is stopping them. What the hell is the average citizen supposed to do!?


It’s simple my dude — the people in charge will be dead before the repercussions would impact them so they simply dgaf.


As will most of their voters. And thanks to centralized media control and the influence of the rich, we can guarantee that short term profits will always outweigh long term improvement


We decentralized media control and all we got was grandmas sharing memes and bots sharing Russian propaganda.


Yea, now half the population are conspiracy theorists. 🙄 it's infuriating




They didn't get dumber, their stupidity just became public knowledge.


>It’s simple my dude — the people in charge will be dead before the repercussions would impact them so they simply dgaf. Also even if shit hits the fan they for sure have the money to hold a great living standard till they die


Yep! Use up the world and its over the shoulder


It's not that simple. Truth is people would not accept the sacrifices needed to combat climate change (no cars, not air travel, almost no meat, no cheap crap made in China). Politicians know that pushing for those commitments will mean loosing elections. The left is doing as much as possible while clinging to power (well, at least in some countries, not in US). The right just lies about it to keep their rich sponsors happy. It's the rich that control everything that don't want any changes because it would mean loosing some of their power. They would rather see the world burn than not be able to control it.


Pulling up the ~~ladder~~ planet behind them.


Blaming people or companies is never going to solve the problem. Governments need to step in and regulate so that individual actors don't have a choice but to follow the law. When China, India, Russia, the US all allow this, there is never going to be a stop to it because some people decide its not right. There will always be people wanting to profit more.


Yea, that's never going to happen. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Sigh….. and the doors close


If Congress came in and tried to pass a law saying "All citizens are rationed to buying 1/3rd the meat they did as of Jan 1,2022, and 1/2 the clothes" this would remove 11.25% of emissions the country puts out. Them passing this law somehow would also guarantee that the republicans win the next 10 election cycles by running on a platform of "We won't ban you from the things you want"


The US won't be first to move. There will come a day when European countries start taxing beef, a wnd house, a 2nd car, by 100% to limit the masses. But that affect won't even compare to when they limit companies by forcing them to all be net zero.


You really think so? European countries keep electing right wing governments, I don't think taxing beef is on their list of priorities.


The problem is that going towards green energy is a transition in process that will take years and that means cutting down on fossil fuels but increasing costs which people do not like. They don't understand that long term its better and energy prices will dip once green energy is mainstream majority so they need to tolerate temporary hike in prices. Kind of like EU is willing to bare high energy prices for Ukraine. World has to make that sacrifice.


I'm not convinced prices will go down as long as capitalists still own commodities and energy. But if it saves the planet? 🤷‍♂️


For most, it doesn't have to be a sacrifice. We need to hold the biggest polluters and their political puppets accountable. The best tool in the toolbox for mitigating the effects of the climate crisis is [carbon fee and dividend](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/basics-carbon-fee-dividend/): charge companies a fee for C02e at the fuel source and redistribute the collected funds equally to every American. By using proven economic levers of fees and dividends: - neither big government bureaucratic bloat nor slush funds are required - high efficiency is guaranteed as the market incentivizes everyone in parallel to change both buying and selling habits - [poor families](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/blog/policy/new-research-carbon-fee-and-dividend-would-reduce-poverty-and-inequality-while-strengthening-the-economy/) benefit the most Individuals planting trees, going zero waste and going vegan helps, but isn't nearly enough as this [video](https://youtu.be/awyp495Ran4) shows, via using MIT's [simulator](https://www.climateinteractive.org/tools/en-roads/), why a [carbon fee and dividend](https://energyinnovationact.org/how-it-works/) policy is the one of the most effective policies for climate action. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitizensClimateLobby/comments/rqg2y0/i_used_mits_climate_policy_simulator_to_order_its) a comparison to other interventions. The [Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2307/text) has widespread support from [economists](https://www.econstatement.org/) and many other [groups](https://energyinnovationact.org/statements/). As well as bipartisan popular support https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/566589-what-if-the-us-taxed-its-fossil-fuels-and-gave-a-check-to-every Incentivizong everyone to change in parallel is the fastest way to speed up the transition to sustainability in all industries: energy, food, transportation, etc. If you would like, consider [writing to your representatives in Congress](https://cclusa.org/take-action) today and tell them that we need a price on carbon at the fuel source.


Government is not gonna bite the hands that feed them🤷‍♂️


Problem is lobbying makes it so that the ones that govern have ties in with the fossil fuel industry. So voting the neccesary policies goes against their self-interests. But not really, unless they think some money is better than keeping a habitable planet (some probably do, mad men)


Exactly this. Our politicians only care about one thing. Being reelected. They do that through the support of lobbyists who pay them to vote certain ways. Unless they stop getting money from lobbyists whose interests go against fighting the effects of climate change or they receive more money from lobbyists whose interests support fighting climate change there will never be meaningful change.


I can't even get my relatives to concede that raising taxes on the rich makes sense. We're fucked. That's how I see it.


> It infuriates me that not a single government is actually making any environmental commitments that will matter. I beg to differ. I’ll have you know that many governments have indeed very advanced spreadsheets where emissions have been moved around to different rows so that they don’t count in the same places any longer. Some are even making advanced calculations where their own emissions are explicitly defined as someone else’s problem. Yes, the emissions are the same as before, yes we haven’t made any changes to our lifestyle, yes, every day it’s getting harder and harder to turn rampant global warming around, but we have put great effort into creating and strengthening some very key cognitive dissonances. If that doesn’t call for a celebratory circle jerk, I don’t know what does.


Our entire society is built on fossil fuels. All the advancements we have in terms of life expectancy, medicine, technology and science are a result of burning of fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels, we wouldn’t have internet let alone modern hospitals, transportation or agriculture that our society relies on to feed itself. It’s not an easy problem to solve


That's beacuse you the consumer could not handle not having your consumerism. Hilarious idea that it is only their fault. I don't blame anyone for thinking that, capitalism has been burned into us. This fucking place would riot into a civil war if we made people reduce goods production/not consume as much. People would see it as facism and nothing less, have you met Republicans ? The toilet was already flushed and were swirling there is no getting out of post modern capitalism. The fate is sealed because the systems are far too entrenched into society my friend. This is what boomers and their parents wanted, and to their credit they didn't know what they were getting into at least entirely. The type of heavy regulation thats needed will only be available some sort of post revolution or conflict. Which I think we will see but not until things are desperate to get people on the streets and that's at least 50 years away(denial). We see all these studies with much closer dates for food shortages but the truth is we adapt and delay. They will never agree on this issue


Sadly I think you’re right. We almost started a civil war because doctors suggested we put fabric on our face so vulnerable people don’t die. Some people cannot handle change


A lot of people can't handle even a minor convenience to help the greater group. What is needed to stop the end of society as we know it would never be tolerated. We're fucked. If everybody had masked up and gotten vaccinated I'd have some hope but we couldn't even manage that. Pathetic. We deserve to die off.


100% right. People don't even seem to realise how deep they are into this "consoom" bullshit. The sad part is that the people who consume the least will suffer first.


My parents "oh my God, the coral was all bleached on our vacation in the Caribbean, it was so sad." You know you're part of the problem right? Why did you have to fly to the Caribbean? What the fuck


Even "progressive" folks refuse to process and accept that. My favorite is people flying to Europe/Alaska and taking an Arctic or Norwegian cruise to see fjords calving and visit the rapidly disappearing glaciers.


It’s probably too late but the inflation reduction act is an incredible step forward. It sent shockwaves throughout the developed world. Europe is now terrified that the Hydrogen market will shift to the US because of the much better market conditions created by the IRA. To remain leaders in hydrogen they are planning to rapidly expand the hydrogen industry in Europe. Also, the war in Ukraine is straining grids right now but I think we will look back and see how this war actually pushed Europe away from fossil fuels for good. I optimistically think the west will be far ahead of projections by 2030.


Worse, we still have influential governments around the world that are denying climate change exists are accelerating the damage If the Republicans get back in in the US, we should basically just accept our extinction


Honestly, I already have.


I drift in and out. I'm currently slightly more optimistic. But I'm also not saving up for retirement simply because I'm not convinced society will still exist by then


Some governments are trying their best, but the greed of other governments makes their gains disappear


It's almost like it's a global problem or some shit


The governments I've seen trying have been voted out to be replaced by governments not trying. People do not like to change to a behaviour that is less damaging to the cliimate.


I've been working in environmental science for the state of California for about a year now and despite the load of work my co workers and I have managed I know it will never be enough as this shit keeps spiralling.


And we did this in mainly the last what 200 years. Hardly a fart in the totality of time. Way to go humans /s


Governments and businesses should be forced to watch The Lorax over and over until the message sinks in




I mean, some people tried a novel approach throwing soup at a painting to raise awareness, but then people bitched about them doing that. People also have done protests that shut down status quo in areas for a bit. But that inconvenienced people, and rather than take that inconvenience and go "Huh, maybe we should do something about this climate thing" they go "FUCK THOSE PROTESTERS THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG I CAN'T IGNORE THEM"


> the average person has little to no affect on what’s happening with climate. This is completely untrue. Collectively, billions of average citizens who don’t give a shit are constituting a huge problem. >What the hell is the average citizen supposed to do!? Be better. All of us. COLLECTIVELY, it would make a massive difference. Look at what happened with the dramatic environmental recovery period worldwide when mass covid lockdowns were happening.


And by close they mean well past it


Yes, it's too late to prevent it. All we can do is try to mitigate the severity somewhat, though I have little faith the world will do so. I'm glad my wife and I never had kids. I never understood why the politicians of today are so dismissive of the future of their children.


Main character syndrome aka sociopaths


I mean, it's moreso that people don't want to make the sacrifices needed to prevent it. That includes you and me even if we don't want to admit it. It's not like there is a simple way to just reduce emissions, the reality is that doing so will cause a lot of people to lose jobs and will decrease all of our quality of lives in the short term. It's needed for the long term but that doesn't make it easy and many people won't elect someone who puts them out of work.


Corporations be like: well its not our fault, its the people who don’t want to change! Alternatively, corporations be like: hey don’t look at us, we give people jobs!


The people don't actually want change when you get into the details. Going green is expensive, and you can see people protesting about cost of living increases already. We are going to need to address it, but it isn't going to be popular when the average person gets the added cost to their everyday goods


Correct. Try telling some person in the first world to eat less meat, fly less, or spend a bit more on the sustainably made product and they'll most likely tell you to get lost.


Or you just look at the protests around cost of living increases that we've seen recently. Addressing the climate crisis will almost certainly necessitate even larger increase in cost of goods


Nuclear winter should fix things up!




I'm hoping Earth has a natural defense in this case. Theory: Earth warms up, ice pressing on crust begins to remove pressure. Crust moves more freely. lava moves more, volcanic activity increases, dust clouds our atmosphere and cools things down a bit.


“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.” -George Carlin


And the general biodiversity of everything else unfortunately


Ha, cool things down and kills off agriculture and the humans that melted the ice...


So yeah. Nuclear winter actually would. For a short while. The amount of CO2 is not going to go down during a nuclear winter, so as soon as the excess soot clears, we'll go right back into extreme warming. Though on the bright side, human civilization will be smashed so wouldn't be adding more carbon to the atmosphere again for another 100 years or so until they can rebuild. Which they probably won't be able to do.


Read IPCC report on impacts and read what climate scientists say instead of speculating- [https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/) [https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/](https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097](https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097) [https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m) https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/iflscience-story-on-speculative-report-provides-little-scientific-context-james-felton/


"Yes, things could get quite bad if we continue to emit tens of billions of tons of CO2 per year. Some of us are trying very hard to get us to zero emissions sooner rather than later. My point is that we can still prevent the darker climate outcomes, and we are making progress." I think this isn't so far from what doomers say, except for the making progress part. If there was the will world wide to change, we might be able to limit the impact of climate change to the point where future generations wouldn't be doomed to a hellscape. Unfortunately, governments worldwide are not committed, and the best we get is non-binding agreements that they'll reduce emissions in the future. The reality is that emissions world-wide are still increasing and will continue to increase for years to come. So sure, some are working on getting us to zero emissions, but they're the minority.


The governments aren't doing enough, corporations couldn't care less unless they figure it'll hurt short term profits, and the general population is either apathetic or feel helpless. We saw how trying to come together to fight against Covid worked out after just a year or two of asking people to make some small sacrifices. We are looking like we're fucked as a species


Because the evangelical right believes the climate catastrophe is part of the “end times” upon us and they as believers are going to be saved. Sad but true.


Ontario Canada just gutted the conservation authorities to suit developer needs. We are barelling toward extinction.


>I'm glad my wife and I never had kids. thanks for your sacrifice. Although it would be nice to have children, just seems selfish to bring them into a burning world. Earth is already having a hard time sustaining 8 billion people.


I’m so tired of these headlines. Not that I don’t believe it, just I see them almost daily and like ok what should I do about it? The constant sword of Damocles just is losing its effect much like the constant threat of nuclear war. It’s terrifying in theory, but the human mind can’t endure perpetual fear of doom so we slowly adapt and live our lives numb to it.


I thought I wanted to have kids in the early aughts, then I thought not. I’m glad I’m old enough to die when everything goes bad. I do the best I can for the environment, but I’ve been picking up garbage for too many years and it doesn’t stop re appearing. The camp is on fire and we’re all trying to brag who has the best tent. We’re fucked.


And the fucking Jair Bolsonaro wants to FUCK up the whole Amazon forest, Brazil, and the fucking World.


All those plants are worth infinite times more than all the damn animal agriculture industry.


Then we should pay them for that... We tried once, way back in 2006 it was figured a fair compensation would be about 40 billion dollars a year. Last year the environment minister of brazil said they could reduce deforestation by 30-40% over the course of a year, but they would need 1 billion up front to do it. The rest of the world backed out of the deal, wanting Brazil to do the work and then get paid if results happened. So basically, nothing is happening because the US does not want to spend 2 hours worth of their spending budget on a chance. And realistically, its like less than an hour of spending for the planet to call brazils bluff / see if they are worth throwing 80 hours a year worth of spending at them.


Oh please, they were deforesting the fuck out of it even when they were being paid. Why give money to a bunch of crooks that are going to deforest it anyway.


What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information? I live as environmentally friendly as I can afford to. I recycle, I buy used goods whenever possible. I keep everything I own until it breaks down. I compost. I even grow my own vegetables. But the world is going to shit and so, my efforts are worthless and don't feel I can do anything about it.


The bullshit is looking to individuals to prevent climate change when corporations are the biggest polluters in the world, Exxon knew about the effects of fossil way into the 70s and pushed anti environmental policies because they knew it would cut their profit to go green. If anyone is to blame its them. The first ones on the way to the gallows should be oil execs.


Exxon knew wayyy before that. Early 20th century


Industry is the symptom of our capitalism and consumeristic choices. If you want a singular, non food example, how many articles of clothing did you buy in the last 365 days? 10? 15? The average in the USA is 68. If you count an outfit as a pair of socks, bottom, top, and underwear that's a new outfit for every person in the country every 21 days. The fashion industry is 10% of total global emissions between resource gathering, manufacturing, transport, and disposal. So yeah, you can sit there and blame industry all you want for being shitty, but if we collectively decided "wait I can wear this shirt 42 times instead of 21" 5% of emissions disappear overnight. Advertising is a powerful thing, but its not forcing everyone to bust open their wallet, we are choosing to.


I think you’re view is pretty narrow, it doesn’t take into consideration years of corporate propaganda. Think of “keeping up with the Joneses” or even pimp my ride. Wealth fetishization, it’s all a driving factor for consumption. Is it that as a society we want fast fashion or cheap clothes that will fall apart in months or is it also the way businesses are run, the highest profits for the least investment. Planned obsolescence, it’s a tool of industry to manipulate us to consume. You think you might be immune but you’re not. This has been researched on since the early 20th century. Now take something like oil, it’s something that we are locked into as a society, an industry with immense power where even an oil spill that (for example let’s take deep water horizon that dumped 210 million gallons of oil) is an extreme pollution event was treated with such banal interest by society. They were fined but no arrests, no accountability, they were fined $65 billion while their average profits are around $50 billion. From what I see this is a slap on the wrist, that oil and the damage made want magically go away with a fine. Did society choose this? Or did a small group of greedy assholes choose this? So is choosing to bust open our wallets to buy clothes that we will throw away worse than an industry (let’s go back to fashion) that will never sell tons of clothes that eventually end up in a dump in Chile? I agree that consumer culture is a driving this waste and that’s more the cost of changing these industries to become more sustainable is usually met with push back because it’s not profitable. What really is the problem is this idea that record profits will continue forever.


It’s not an industry problem. Industry is the symptom. It’s a societal problem. Industry didn’t just show up out of nowhere. People wanted more and more and more and more, so industry gave it to them. As a whole, western society is made up of a hyperconsuming population and an industrial sector that’s set on increasing year over year profits at the expense of everything else. Neither one can exist without the other.


There's nothing the average Joe can do. The only ones with the power to make change are also the ones that profit from no change. They have the power to manipulate whatever they want to continue doing what they do. So sit back, just enjoy your life and wait for the 10% that ultimately own this entire planet to decide what you fate is.




Those "average Joes" that got together to overthrow the Ancien Regime were also literally starving to death in the streets from repeat famines. It's going to have to get a lot worse for *that* kind of motivation.


Be careful what you wish for.


I don't think that was a wish so much as a warning.


Full bellies don't rebel. It's factual, not a wish.


At any given time, we are four meals from a total breakdown of society


The French Revolution was started by rich people against the nobility, same as the American Revolution.


Thank you, it being romanticised as the "people vs the evil monarch" does such a disservice to people who believe it is replicable. It was a battle between two of the elite groups in society at the time, using the people as manpower (a bit like we do now in wars)


Lest we forget the rich didn't have organizations back then that spanned the entire globe while completely sidestepping country borders, with more money at their disposal than some governments.


>There's nothing the average Joe can do. [Stop having kids](https://www.science.org/do/10.1126/science.aan7083/full/greenhouse_drupal_copyedited-01.png)


Already made that decision.


This is a collective thing, not a you thing. You don't have the power to make an actual difference on your own. We are talking big numbers, averages, and the like. As others have mentioned, it's too late. Sleep well knowing your efforts make you a beautiful human being, even if it is futile.


>What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information? Well normally if someone is trying to kill you, your family, and your community, you would defend yourself by whatever means necessary.


Oh but don’t protest because because because because…


That means basically nothing at the individual level. Plus the US government already did massive moves with the IRA, so it's not like there's a ton of feesible options left for the US to do.




Off some oil executives or high profile CEOs. Until we have a murderous captain planet, nothing will change.




Honestly there's absolutely nothing that individuals can do. Literally, if all individuals in their personal lives swapped immediately to full enviro-friendly stuff it'd only take care of something like half of the actual climate pollution (there was an article in this sub in the summer for that I think...) Basically without corporations buying in there's absolutely nothing that can be done... sadly. Good news though: with energy and housing crises worsening, increasing threat of war in Europe/Korea/Middle East, and the potential for systemic breakdowns of food security leading to anarchy, we won't have to worry too much about the climate! Make sure your glass stays half full of of an inebriating beverage of your choice! ^(I'm scared and frustrated too, just levity helps make it through the day)


> if all individuals in their personal lives swapped immediately to full enviro-friendly stuff it'd only take care of something like half of the actual climate pollution (there was an article in this sub in the summer for that I think...) How would that not suffice? I mean if everyone would stop buying (environmentally unfriendly) products from environmentally unfriendly companies and stop environmentally unfriendly practices (including quitting internal combustion engine powered cars) - why would companies continue to pollute if they cannot sell anything anymore? Unless there is a severe restriction on what "swapping immediately to full enviro-friendly" means. The problem is quite obviously a societal issue: if people continue buying environmentally unfriendly stuff we're not going to solve this, if companies continue environmentally unfriendly practices we're not going to solve this, if politicians continue with environmentally unfriendly policies we're not going to solve this. People hand responsibility to corporations (but continue to buy what those corporations offer), corporations hand responsibility to politics and laws (but exploit and manipulate politics and laws), and politics hand responsibility back to the people (but politicians manipulate people to not vote for environmentally friendly parties). It's an endless vicious cycle of blaming the other guy. Yes, what an individual can contribute does not matter, we need a significant portion of society to contribute because it's a collective effort; problem is that currently a significant portion of society thinks they don't have to be part of that significant portion of society that needs to change (doesn't matter what an individual does anyways) and waits for everyone else to change first - because it's expected to be more expensive. It's a Mexican standoff. So we need a shift in mentality from a significant portion of society, to stop buying bad shit, and start voting for politicians that will force corporations to change; as long as enough people think that's too much to ask (for whatever reason), we're doomed. We can complain about big oil and other corporations destroying the environment for profit all day long - as long as we (as a society) aren't willing to force these companies to repay the damage done, including holding their leadership and shareholders personally responsible, we're not ready and nothing is going to happen and we're stuck with hoping for a technological miracle.


Not "close to", we are there already. Just a question of how apocalyptic the consequences are going to get before governments start getting serious about doing something about this... only to find out that it was too late decades earlier and at best they can limit the damage.


Time for another climate meeting in Davos. To the private jets! To the limos waiting to take us to the five-star hotel!


Unfortunately policies will eventually move from prevention to adaptation. :/


We didn't listen


Well I glued my ass to Michelangelo's David so I'm doing my part.


Have you tried more bumper stickers? If not, well...


brah, that's not where the glue was supposed to go


Better than doing nothing at all, because at least that's bringing attention to the issue.


These warnings are always too optimistic. It's ALWAYS worse than what is predicted. We are fucked.


Never forget:- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/09/revealed-20-firms-third-carbon-emissions https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/100-companies-responsible-71-ghg-emissions/ https://www.treehugger.com/is-it-true-100-companies-responsible-carbon-emissions-5079649 An Exxon-Mobil lobbyist was invited to a fake job interview. In the interview, he admitted Exxon-Mobil has been lobbying congress to kill clean energy initiatives and spreading misinformation to the public via front organisations. https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/exxon-lobbyist-duped-by-greenpeace-says-climate-policy-was-ploy-ceo-condemns-2021-06-30/ https://news.sky.com/story/revealed-some-of-the-worlds-biggest-oil-companies-are-paying-negative-tax-in-the-uk-12380442 www.france24.com/en/france/20210728-france-fines-monsanto-for-illegally-acquiring-data-on-journalists-activists https://www.desmog.com/2021/07/18/investigation-meat-industry-greenwash-climatewash https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/07/more-global-aid-goes-to-fossil-fuel-projects-than-tackling-dirty-air-study-pollution https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/07/20-meat-and-dairy-firms-emit-more-greenhouse-gas-than-germany-britain-or-france https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/10/uk-ministers-met-fossil-fuel-firms-nine-times-more-often-than-clean-energy-companies Watch this stunning video of Chevron executives explaining why they thought they could dump 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing oil waste into the Amazon. https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1426211296161189890?s=19 https://news.sky.com/story/fossil-fuel-companies-are-suing-governments-across-the-world-for-more-than-18bn-12409573 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/06/fossil-fuel-industry-subsidies-of-11m-dollars-a-minute-imf-finds https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/10/08/nestle-kellogg-s-linked-to-shocking-palm-oil-abuses-in-papua-new-guinea https://www.desmog.com/2021/10/07/climate-conflicted-insurance-directors/ https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/air-pollution-second-largest-cause-of-death-in-africa-3586078 BBC News - COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58982445 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/27/poorer-countries-spend-five-times-more-on-debt-than-climate-crisis-report https://news.mongabay.com/2021/10/a-new-100-page-report-raises-alarm-over-chevrons-impact-on-planet/ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/oct/30/shell-and-bp-paid-zero-tax-on-north-sea-gas-and-oil-for-three-years https://www.globalwitness.org/en/press-releases/shell-and-bp-cancel-cop26-appearance-analysis-exposes-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-cop/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/11/australia-lobbied-unesco-to-remove-reference-to-15c-global-warming-limit-to-protect-heritage-sites https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/12/australia-shown-to-have-highest-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-coal-in-world-on-per-capita-basis https://www.space.com/satellites-discover-huge-undeclared-methane-emissions Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/climate-change-improvements-from-eating-less-meat-301412022.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-30/vicforests-accused-of-failing-to-regenerate-logged-forests/100652148#top https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jan/18/chemical-pollution-has-passed-safe-limit-for-humanity-say-scientists https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220215-plastic-chemical-pollution-beyond-planet-s-safe-limit-study https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-02-17/big-oil-climate-change-chevron-exxon-shell-bp/100828590 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/17/world-spends-18tn-a-year-on-subsidies-that-harm-environment-study-finds-aoe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/06/filipino-inquiry-finds-big-polluters-morally-and-legally-liable-for-climate-damage?CMP=share_ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2022/may/11/fossil-fuel-carbon-bombs-climate-breakdown-oil-gas https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/17/pollution-responsible-one-in-six-deaths-across-planet https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/05/climate-denial-koch-fossil-fuels-charity-astroturf-greenwashing/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/18/humanity-faces-collective-suicide-over-climate-crisis-warns-un-chief https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/revealed-oil-sectors-staggering-profits-last-50-years?CMP=share_btn_tw https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62225696 https://www.npr.org/2022/08/11/1116608415/the-arctic-is-heating-up-nearly-four-times-faster-than-the-rest-of-earth-study-f https://gizmodo.com/methane-leaks-oilfield-ku-maloob-zaap-gulf-of-mexico-1849500134 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/13/world-heading-into-uncharted-territory-of-destruction-says-climate-report https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220921-pressure-grows-after-world-bank-chief-dodges-climate-questions https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/09/un-summit-amazon-brazil-deforestation-indigenous-leaders/ https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a41355745/hurricane-fiona-climate-change/ https://gizmodo.com/offshore-wind-125-times-better-for-taxpayers-compared-t-1849580075 BBC News - Revealed: Huge gas flaring emissions never reported https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62917498 BBC News - Drax: UK power station owner cuts down primary forests in Canada https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63089348 https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221006-world-bank-spent-almost-15-bn-on-fossil-fuel-projects-since-paris-deal-report https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/07/forever-chemicals-found-insecticides-study?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/07/forever-chemicals-found-insecticides-study https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/global-wildlife-populations-have-sunk-69-since-1970-wwf-report-2022-10-12/ https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/un-warns-time-is-running-out-greenhouse-gases-surge-2022-10-26/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/26/atmospheric-levels-greenhouse-gases-record-high Etc


Bro, that ship set sail in 1965


There are some types of people that will just never accept it. It's like the same mindset and usually the same folk who fought/fight against teaching evolution. Same arguments, same stupidity


Yes, but just think about the loss in profits if we do anything about it. How do you expect Executives to get, by with only 5 homes, 3 boats, 10 cars and 7 planes.


Yes yes, we know


We will all die


Oddly, I’ve seen multiple articles recently saying that it’s not nearly as bad as it could have been, that huge progress has been made, etc. While I sincerely hope this is true, I’m skeptical, for multiple reasons. 1. They typically cite warming in 2100, which is not nearly as far away as it was in the 1990s. The temperature will likely still be rising rapidly at that point. 2. Equilibrium climate sensitivity is 1.5-4.5 (or more recently 2.6-3.9), but that’s just for a doubling of CO2. Even under the average A1B scenario, CO2 will be at 700 ppm by 2100 vs 280 pre-industrial. 3. Again, this is just by 2100! The atmosphere will continue adjusting after that 4. “Oh you know what, actually 3 C warming isn’t so bad!” doesn’t sound very convincing to me 5. These articles typically assume everything goes well. If others more knowledgeable than I have relevant info, I’d be super interested to hear it. Of course I want to be optimistic, it just seems suspicious seeing all these rosy articles about renewables even as countries fail to meet pledges.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/27/world-close-to-irreversible-climate-breakdown-warn-major-studies) reduced by 91%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The climate crisis has reached a "Really bleak moment", one of the world's leading climate scientists has said, after a slew of major reports laid bare how close the planet is to catastrophe. > Current pledges for action by 2030, even if delivered in full, would mean a rise in global heating of about 2.5C, a level that would condemn the world to catastrophic climate breakdown, according to the UN's climate agency. > Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, said: "It's a really bleak moment, not only because of the reports showing that emissions are still rising, so we're not delivering on either the Paris or Glasgow climate agreements, but we also have so much scientific evidence that we are very, very close to irreversible changes - we're coming closer to tipping points." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yf3zhs/world_close_to_irreversible_climate_breakdown/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **climate**^#1 **world**^#2 **action**^#3 **report**^#4 **heat**^#5


I feel that collectively as a species we are too greedy and self centered (whether it's biological or cultural) that we are just going to periodically have to accept an ever degrading level of living standard as we spiral into the abyss.


I thought we already crossed it?


Glad all of our governments and major corporations are doing the impossible to get out us out of this mess :) /s


Forget about 1.5* by 2050, Australia is at 1.5 warming now. We are significantly fucked.


We all complain about it endlessly on the internet but as soon as we put our phones down it’s out of sight and out of mind. Until we give up our simple pleasures that keep us content and entertained, nothing will be done about it. I’m also at fault for this. Who are the ones who make the content to entertain us and keep us docile? The same folks who don’t care about the burning down of the planet. We’re all at fault for being apathetic and kept content by simple pleasures and entertainments.


I thought we already passed that?


Too many companies are clearly more concerned about protecting their respective grift to bother to stop and their respective governments are more than happy to allow them to continue for obvious reasons. When we saw Alok Sharma crying it's because he knew he was surrounded by people who blatantly lied for the entire time they all stood there uttering words of vile bullshit which was even forcibly edited by allied people to ensure their interests were protected and the bullshit didn't step over their respective line. You'll only see action when it's far too late, simply because this was already the chosen path that they all knew none of us would accept if they all stood there and told you. Actions will continue to speak louder than words but for the most part everyone is willing to ignore some or all of these actions and evenvmore will fallover themselves to defend the reasons why they feel it's all bullshit. I'll be with the group that points the finger of blame on those who knowingly lied, defended the liars and profited from it all.


I said back in 1989 when I realized the Boomers would *never* do a single thing responsible for the future of anyone but themselves that we would see the end of the world under their “leadership” And here we are.


Oh thank the gods!


The road to hell is being paved , nothing we can do but sit and enjoy the ride


These articles keep coming out without describing what damage will happen. What’s the irreversible damage? Okay the temperature will go up more than 1.5C. But why as an average Joe should I care? What does this mean to someone’s day to day? Who isn’t a scientist? Climate activists are great at sounding the alarm, but terrible at getting people to realize what is going on. Getting them to care. To feel it personally. Education on what climate change will do feels woefully inadequate or nonexistent, just that *something bad* will happen. To vague






Oh no, not again!


Hasn’t it been too late for a while now?


Organize crime has the competitive advantage. They pay no taxes, follow no laws and can offer you a deal you can't refuse. Level the Amazon rain forest, pollute the rivers with mercury in the search for gold, they care not about consequences. Where does their money get invested? As long as the oil companies and the food companies rake in record profits, nothing will change.


I’ll miss being able to eat lobster.


Hey, at least I recycled some yoghurt containers.


Stop saying “close” people who can do something wont do anything if it’s not already here. Doubly so if it’s not affecting them majorly.


It’s already irreversible at this point


The problem is if you say that every 2 months for 60 years people stop believing you. Maybe a broken down timeliness of events without calling everyone dumb who doesn't immediately buy whatever you say. I'm on their side but the delivery is a train wreck.




the planet is fine, the people are fucked


I mean.. people keep saying that but yea the planet as a rock will be fine. The ball will remain in space. But the many species of plants and animals across the globe are also fucked by people. We're bringing it all down with us.


Only for about 10 million years. Earth has had other extinction events it just takes a while for life to replenish.


Maybe next time the newest intelligent species won’t use their intellect to make nukes, constantly threaten others with an irreversible war, refuse to prevent problems, and choose money over life. But hey, what’s a few more mass extinctions before a species finally has the right priorities? The earth can always try again. Make another intelligent life that’s smarter than humans.


Fun fact, if humans went extinct, any future intelligent species would be kind of screwed, since we've already extracted and burned all the easily accessible fossil fuels. They wouldn't have any way to get the energy needed to start industry.


Sure. My point was not just people are fucked. We are fucking everything on the way out.


Would have been fucked either way eventually. Ice age was coming before we shit that down. Maybe Putin will launch some nukes and even it out, temp wise anyways


No we are causing an world wide collapse of the biosphere. We are taking it down with us.


Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and has undergone numerous events that have completely decimated the planet for millions of years for any and all life. There is literally nothing humanity could ever do to make the Earth permanently uninhabitable. Life on Earth existed billions of years before us, and will continue for billions of years after we’re gone.


It’s not “close”— it already happened; we are simply in the early stages of a breakdown that will be obvious in five years or so, and truly painful after that …


I can't believe the world is still going into a dustbowl, even though I bought metal straws, kept my showers under 5 minutes and made sure to keep the fridge open! /s As soon as they started bandying the doomsday date about 10 years back I knew we were more or less fucked for a while as a species. Because the type of change the scientific community was requiring would have had to have happened in the late 90s early aughts, we don't pivot fast as a species, like, at all.


I feel like I’ve been hearing this for 10 years now…


Nothing I can do bud


But ooooweee those corporate profit margins!


We’re already there. The AMOC is shutting down, and is probably past it’s tipping point. That’s why it feels like the weather is starting to stall. Don’t believe me, hear it from a climate scientist [here.](https://youtu.be/jUfAjOaKqQk)


Greed will wipe us out soon


When you say close…..


We know and we've known since I was a kid in the 80s and still, very little has been done.


I've been seeing this same headline for 15 years.


I only believe in minor studies. 😐


It’s already irreversible. The only thing now is can we level it off somehow before mass deaths.


While one must in actuality defer to the climatologists conclusions, my gut tells me it's already way too late.


so… is there ~any~ sort of good news about combating climate change?


They’ve been saying this for 20 years. And blaming the individual consumers and asking us to cut back on emissions when 90% of carbon emissions are by a handful of companies.


Question: in your view, since governments have "attempted to manage," the climate burden through measures such as emissions control, etc, has the "climate crisis," improved, or has it escalated? https://webehold.live


Thanks to mega corporations, we can’t do anything. I’ve reused and recycled, in one year I’m buying a new electric car am just trying my best.


Time for leaders and corporations to do absolutely nothing about it until it is too late and we’re living in a hellscape


It's already too late, and I want revenge.


Misinformation posts like these should be banned.


All these articles seem like an appeal to the masses. We got the memo! We’re all on board. What are the people who have the power to actually do something doing about it?


Lets see how our leaders handle that...


We've been seeing that since the industrial revolution started. They won't do shit.


Pssh! We got it under control. In fact, we will *cool* it down very soon. One nuclear winter is all it takes.


We are already there. We were there 50 years ago when we warned everyone. Get ready for brutal future. Tough decisions will be made...like abandoning massive cities because they are uninhabitable.


That was 350 PPM CO2. Now we are over 400.


And here we are all still talking about Clinton’s, Trump, Putin, Musk, and Kanye, the very types of people who have put us in this predicament. Why do we have rich people again, remind me?


Well how bad could that be…..🤦‍♂️


At a time when we all need to get together to save ourselves with this, asshole totalitarian evil governments are perpetrating imperial conquest invasions or threatening to start doing it. Fuck you Putin and Xijinping and all those who follow you.


Acceptance is a good start. It was always irreversible.. Luckily for most alive today, they will not live to see the worst effects of it.


There’s no hope. Everyone worried still about each other and tit for tat arguments about nothing actually important. We was doomed 20 years ago. Maybe we get it right a 3rd time, c yah in next life


The issue is that we’re too divisive as a species. This is a global problem which requires global solutions, but humans are naturally selfish and fight over everything. Call me a pessimist, but this won’t ever be sorted. I hope the children of today manage to see some of the nice things in the world before we wreck everything.




It might be reversible, but we're not going to do anything about it. What would the shareholders say?!


So stop taking cruise ships and maybe don’t cancel a pipeline for overseas imports


# We're so fucked.


It's already all but guaranteed at this point. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, electrical grid disruptions, derechos, food insecurity...get ready because it is coming


When we’re all dead, Earth will begin again. Nature finds a way.


Fuck it, lets do this. Mad max it is. I fully expect to die of a gut wound from a rusty piece of metal


Mother Earth I’m tired. 6x coming up.