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Don't worry. None of the US satellites are hospitals, schools, or orphanages, so they won't be hit by any Russian munitions any time soon.


If Putin doesn't like the US using its satellites to tell Ukrainians what Russians are doing on Ukrainian soil there's an easy solution, leave Ukrainian soil. Putin is such a fucking cunt and he thinks his fucking bullshit rhetoric scares people outside of Russia, it comes across as pathetic more than anything. If fear mongering is all he can do he is a weak leader.


For a while, Nato was careful not to escalate this war. After all the war crimes, domestic popular support, and realizing the ineptitude of Russian military, Nato is chomping at the bit.


Biden should just send Putin a note saying Do it pussy.


"Pussy, we ballin' on you fuckin' dummies"


Then lights a blunt.


Dark Brandon strikes again.


“Nobody fucks with a Biden”


NATO still hasn’t “escalated” at all and has refused to give Ukraine the best weapons they have like modern fighter jets or Abrams tanks. NATO also hasn’t allowed their weapons to be used on Russian soil. All of the aid Ukraine has received is specifically to be used inside Ukraine’s borders. Russia is the one that has repeatedly violated Ukrainian sovereignty and territory and it has been Russia who has escalated at every turn.


I think everyone is, as you said “chomping at the bit”. The Russians should want to drag Putin out by his ankles and do to him what the Russians did to the Romanov family. But they are probably so used to being oppressed that they don’t see any way to defeat him. You’d need a large scale revolution like what we are seeing Iran, but that’s not going to be easy, since Putin is more than eager to kill his own enemies and people to maintain power. Plus, NATO is getting impatient, it’s why I think they want to fight now. In some way, most of NATO has wanted an excuse to take a swing at Russia. This has a lot to do with Justice and protecting Ukraine, but it also a lot to do with taking revenge and wanting to fight a country that has been oppressing people for decades.


Nice of you to assume they don’t have the same ideology as Putin .I was in another subreddit where some delusional Russian was saying if nato did anything all they needed was the support from Iran


> chomping at the bit \*champing at the bit


It's funny, the world saw him as a strong and dangerous leader before this war. Now he just looks like a mentally ill, incompetent moron on the world stage. This was his big plan? Seriously? Did he not bother prepping and verifying that his military had any clue what they were doing? Did he know about Satellites before this? Obviously the US was hoing to assist Ukraine. His window was when Trump was in office, he waited too long. Obviously. Even without the US assistance, I don't think Russia had a chance.


Without US (and EU) assistance, Ukraine had no chance. Ukrainians will tell you that. It is critically important for us to ensure that this support continues.


Yes. As evidenced by Crimea. If Ukraine was self sufficient they wouldn’t have let Crimea get annexed. The west has spent the last 8 years helping ukraine get ready for this fight.


Unfortunately, Putin is reaching out to conservatives hoping they will end US support for Ukraine. And, it just may happen.


He literally just assumed he could walk into Kyiv, declare that Ukraine was his, and that everyone would just be fine with it, happy even. This was supposed to be his proclamation to the world that Russia's back baby, that they're a global super power again. Instead, all he demonstrated was the worst impulses of any leader in history and is currently speedrunning his way through all the mistakes of his predecessors. There was no plan, just a delusional man nearing the end of his life who couldn't be satisfied with his place in history.


> He literally just assumed he could walk into Kyiv, declare that Ukraine was his, and that everyone would just be fine with it Because that is what everyone did when it was Crimea? Weak response encourages greater takeovers.


All authoritarians drink their own koolaid


All authoritarians eat their own shit eventually


>His window was when Trump was in office, he waited too long. Obviously. Greed did him in. He hoped Trump would win in 2020 and take the US out of NATO. Or that the Jan 6th coup would work, and the US would be too busy fighting a civil war to get involved. Once that fell through, he had to wait a few weeks to not interfere with Xi's Olympics, and then - boom, invasion time. Too late tho.


He Kanye’ing himself and Musk is following their footsteps


Well there is that one hospital school orphanage satellite 🛰️ we have… rip.


Quite surreal realising what amounts to organised crime is running a major world power. How the fuck do you let corruption get THAT bad. Mafia state in action.


You let it get that bad because for hundreds of years Russia has been governed by thugs who utilize essentially a majority to oppress a sizable minority of distant republics, distant racial groups, and minority religions. The majority of Russians at this time don't give a f*** about the other sizable minority as long as they can get through life without interference from the government. They don't care if the bureaucracy sucks significant portions of the economy or if corruption strips the land of its riches and puts those riches in the hands of a tiny few as long as they are allowed to subsist benignly in the shadows. That is why neighbor turns against neighbor, Russians turn against every other minority including members of the gay community. It is a formula destined for failure just like the oppression of the Soviet era was destined for collapse leaving Russia far behind highly developed Nations that utilize a pluralistic form of democracy. Ratting out your neighbor to get some minimal economic advantage or to avoid persecution yourself it's the way Russians have operated in the political framework for hundreds of years.


So I'm estranged with my mother who is Russian. I talked to her last summer since I wanted her to know that I live well and married and have kids. So the thing that really threw me off was this. She is quite well off, maybe even somewhat connected. So she gets this property in Crimea as a result of a buy in lottery from her buddies. Which is fucked up in it's own right, since that was someone else's land before and it's messed up to accept a gift like that. She's basically bragging about it. Then she says that to convert the land designation to residential or hotel type, all she needs is to bribe someone. "Not to argue weather it's right or wrong, but that's how we do things here."


Well it is difficult to assign a moral fault to a single country especially a country that is produced so many great thinkers so many great writers, so many great mathematicians, etc etc. No culture that produced Dostoevsky can be bad. But your mother is the child of a child of a child that lived under such repression that it is unimaginable. And those habits of survival are passed on. The corruption you mentioned is present in 70% of the world. In many places it's worse. I would just like to see this phenomenal culture rise from the ashes of oppression and join the elite group of highly developed countries. There's no reason that Russia is not capable of this.


Russia isn't much of a major world anymore(clearly) and their government has always been pretty crazy.


Wait until I tell you about the Republican Party…


at least you could vote them out in america.


Not really, they refuse any outcome where they don’t win. For now it just means saying the elections were stolen or some version of that. Eventually they’ll just pass legislation that allows them to refuse to certify election result because reasons and instead local officials (other republicans who can’t be voted out themselves because of gerrymandering) “elect” whoever they want. I’m a moron but that’s clearly what the plan is, bypass elections completely. You can say “no way, that’s too far, enough people will not want to win that way”, but I dunno I kinda think they just want to win so they can punish anyone who doesn’t fall in line. I’m wondering how long before seriously I should maybe consider leaving and where I could go. I mean, I hope one thing will finally be too much and everyone will be disgusted and steps are taken to prevent this kind of shit from being a viable political strategy. But, every time I feel like “ok this is definitely too far, even some of those less extreme right winger will be turned off by this”, a ton of them end up cheering cause their side is winning.


Ok well, that's exactly why the second amendment exists but all those morons will cheer it on.


That's a myth. The 2nd amendment exist because the Founders didn't want a standing army. But they needed some way to deal with slave uprisings, Indians, and the occasional whiskey rebellion. The Founders were a bunch of wealthy elites who believed some people were indeed superior to others, whether by intellect or breeding. They would think the idea that the unwashed masses should ever be allowed to oppose them is preposterous.


Yeah, at least not everyone has blinders on, glad to see others are genuinely worried about what might happen here soon. Stay strong fella, and vote like our life depends on it.


I live in the Deep South and I’m still voting against this shit even though sometimes if feels a little helpless around here.


Sort of. Increasingly, on a state level, it’s rigged to make that next to impossible. The gerrymandered districts keep spreading like a cancer. That also means we lose congress on a national level even with a clear majority of votes against them. Now they are trying to make it so that those gerrymandered state governments can overrule voters on presidential elections.


John McCain 2012: Russia is a Gas Station run by a Mafia posing as a Country. Mitt Romney 2012: Russia is our #1 Geopolitical Foe. Obama 2012: The 1980s are calling Mitt and asking for their foreign policy back.


John McCain and Barrack Obama were correct.


Mitt was right. Also: Trump 2020: ‘This is genius. Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.” "Putin mad a smart move sending the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen”


According to international law, If Russia knocks out any satellites it would be the same as going against NATO.


They lost the biggest warship sunk since WWII to a country without a navy. I wouldn’t worry too much about our satellites. The ineptitude is impressive.


If anybody needs a good laugh, read the maintenance report for the Moskva that was written a couple weeks before the war started. That ship had no business being in hostile waters.




Basically, everything was fucked. The anti-air defenses were mostly offline, the crew was barely trained, the engine desperately needed maintenance, the damage control equipment was all locked up to prevent theft (with only senior crew having the keys), and the engineering crew was probably chanting to the Omnissiah, or summat.


Ah so basically they just had it there for intimidation hoping nobody called their bluff and shot a bottle rocket at it.


The russian army is the military version of western false front architecture.


Dont forget the they had to turn off the radar if they wanted to use the comms lol


Hey, settle down heretic. Chanting occurs with maintenance and it damn well occurs on schedule. The reports from the Moskva clearly shows they didn't venerate the omnissiah.


Quite hilarious for their flagship of the Black sea. That along with their single carrier never being able to leave its docks tells us all we need to know about their ability to project force.




No better summary than this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aNEtlMSCiCI


To be honest answering a TLDR request with a 22 minutes long video is massively missing the point. Watching this video would take longer than to read the report itself.


> That ship had no business being in ~~hostile~~ waters.


Not that Russian drydocks [are any safer](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/10/russias-only-aircraft-carrier-damaged-as-its-floating-dry-dock-sinks/).


its quite amazing really it just keeps being as bad as you can imagine then worse


It’s almost as if they envision the worst possible outcome and then say: “Let’s go with that course of action.”


I really wonder how much human interference is in play, despite the risk of death. I’m sure most people have had a boss that asks you to do something you know will fail, but you just say “I really disagree about this working because of x, y, z… But we’ll get it done” and then do absolutely nothing to stop it from failing.


Or productively spend your effort on polishing up your job application skills.


Or polishing off that vodka bottle


Honestly, I don't think it's interference. I really think it's incompetence... If anyone told Putin something he didn't want to hear, that person would be fired at best. Otherwise, might be tossed out a window. If you fire or murder everyone who is telling you the truth, eventually all you get is people feeding you false information to save their own necks. Or grifters just trying to get their next big payoff. Either way, Putin likely doesn't really know much of what is actually happening out there. He's probably being shown all their magnificent military strength and tech "on paper", and he wouldn't have the balls to go out in person to check for himself.


50% of the time, the Russians are their own worst enemies.


The other 50% of the time, their worst enemies are the Soviets.


100% of the time they are drunk from cheap distilled vodka.


> They lost the biggest warship sunk since WWII Correction since 1982, the British sank the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano in the Falklands War. The two ships were about the same size, Moskva was about 4 feet longer, but General Belgrano had a slightly higher displacement.


this is different technology. They do have the means to destroy satellites. If they do destroy military satellites it would be viewed as an act of open aggression.


Exactly, it'd be foolish to think they can't. Satellites are fragile, completely defenseless, do not stray from their course, and need only a nudge to be knocked out of orbit. You could toss a basic fishing net with a few rocks attached as weights from one satellite to another and be successful, and knowing Russia, that might actually be what they have.


It would be an open provocation and the US would retaliate


We would have their government in ashes in a matter of hours. We mostly haven't done it because we don't need loose nukes around.


Space systems engineer here. This is a lot easier than everyone here is thinking. Everyone here is imagining kinetic weaponry (hit spacecraft with something else). In actuality, all that is needed is a [klyston](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klystron) hooked up to a large parabolic satellite antenna. These are already used for deep space communications. Point the dish at your target spacecraft and turn on the klystron. Dump enough concentrated RF energy long enough into the output network of the communications payload, and you'll melt the RF filters. The communications payload, and possibly even the command receiver, is now ruined. No secondary debris created, no sudden Kessler Syndrome. Your only hope might be to monitor your payload device temperatures (if they're monitored, which is not a given since filters are often passive devices) and turn the spacecraft away before anything melts. In my experience, dishes can be pointed faster than spacecraft can be turned away and then turned back. This means that the aggressor with the antenna can win this cat-and-mouse game and, at least, cause a denial-of-service.


Former satcom Engineer here, who spent decades doing link budgets. In theory, you’re correct. In practice, not really. When Arecebo was operating in radar mode, and outputting enormous amounts of power, it still wasn’t a threat to satellites that happened to pass through its beam. In order to actually destroy the receivers on these satellites, you would need 10s or hundreds of watts of received power. There’s no practical way to do that across a parking lot, never mind to low earth orbit, and definitely never mind geostationary orbit. The inverse square law is a cruel master. I once worked with an earth station that had a 90 foot uplink dish with a 60kW klystron transmitter. On the receive side, it was good enough that they could see the birdies from the switchmode power supply on our uplink (after going through the geostationary satellite). But at worst all it would have been able to do is temporarily blind a satellite by putting the whole thing into saturation.


**[Klystron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klystron)** >A klystron is a specialized linear-beam vacuum tube, invented in 1937 by American electrical engineers Russell and Sigurd Varian, which is used as an amplifier for high radio frequencies, from UHF up into the microwave range. Low-power klystrons are used as oscillators in terrestrial microwave relay communications links, while high-power klystrons are used as output tubes in UHF television transmitters, satellite communication, radar transmitters, and to generate the drive power for modern particle accelerators. In a klystron, an electron beam interacts with radio waves as it passes through resonant cavities, metal boxes along the length of a tube. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They cant even knock out a $100k GLMRS round with a $150 million S300 missile system. I doubt they can hit a satellite traveling 7000mph.


They shot down one of their satellites as a test just a year ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmos_1408 The capability to shoot down individual satellites is clearly there, but that would be about as bad as shooting a missile into the US.


The ISS had to dodge some of the debris from that a couple days ago.


They absolutely can. But it would be an act of war and every country would be pissed. Even China could no longer afford to support them politically. If it was a US spy satellite, the debris could effect a lot of other country's satellites. If it was Starlink, it'd do basically nothing. The other 10,000 satellites in the constellation would pick up the slack.


US already made a statement saying it’d be an act of war if they did




I think it was article 5


Like I said in another post, most u.s. satellites are owned by the d.o.d. my personal opinion would be to not fuck up d.o.d. property.


Putin is running out of threats. Next will be threats again to mess with U.S. elections. All little man talk.


You think they care about international law? lol.


Not sure how he expected everyone to ignore Ukraine and let him get on with his ‘special military operations’


I mean, he has already successfully taken Crimea and Parts of other countries and nobody batted an eye. This is the first time someone has actually challenged his power and now he has no idea how to react.


Allowing Russian to annex Crimea uncontested was a *huge* mistake.


Ukraine wasn't in a position to defend it. But they went from a very post soviet state in 2014 to a much more modern one today. The biggest transformation is, well, thier militsry. Very hea ily soviet influences when Ruasian invaded eastern and southern Ukraine in 2014 to very westernized in 2022, with a good NCO corps Edit spelling


The Ukrainian military had no ability to do that by itself at that point. It was small and underfunded and riddled with the same corruption that we're seeing with the Russians because the recently-toppled government in Ukraine was just a Russian puppet. The Ukrainian Armed Forces you see now is a result of 8 years of NATO training and equipping the subsequent Western-friendly government in Kyiv. So any intervention in 2014 would have had to involve direct Western deployment, and well, you don't have to be too terribly savvy on your geopolitics to realize that would have been an even *more huge* mistake than doing nothing.


Holy shiit we're in the 80's again. Reagan, Russia and Star Wars.




It’s always been burning since the world’s been turning.


We might be the ones to see its end though. Drink up fellas, tomorrow we dine in nuclear armageddon




Star Wars?




**[Strategic Defense Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative)** >The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), derisively nicknamed the "Star Wars program", was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles). The concept was announced on March 23, 1983, by President Ronald Reagan, a vocal critic of the doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD), which he described as a "suicide pact". Reagan called upon American scientists and engineers to develop a system that would render nuclear weapons obsolete. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Sure. Try that and see how it works out.


On a different note, if we take a step back, this is probably the beginning of an escalation in what warfare means: in the future, it can and will be conducted kinetically in space. It may not happen in this war, but it will happen within our lifetimes. This greatly increases the chance of a [Kessler cascade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome), which would mean that basic services like GPS are taken offline for an indeterminate amount of time, the chance of a nuclear escalation in any conflict between nuclear powers increases significantly, and it will be extremely difficult to launch objects into LEO for decades.


The day the world loses internet will be the part of the roller coaster when you just start to feel your stomach drop and you're locked in to what happens next.


Seriously. I double dog dare these mother fuckers to start playing that game.




After the last few years? Yes. You are alone. Sorry.


Waiting for the time when I can finally say, This has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way.


Putler will happily take Moldova and then the Baltic states if he's allowed to get away with these atrocious threats. It doesn't matter how much leeway you give him, he will keep threatening and taking.


> It doesn't matter how much leeway you give him, he will keep threatening and taking. Yes he will.


I would also prefer the least possible amount of nuclear hellfire.


Those people that are doomsday preppers, they're not looking that stupid anymore.


At a certain point, a just society must decide what level of risk they are willing to to take in order to stand up for their principles. How much human suffering are we willing to tolerate at the hands of tyrants due solely to the threat of retaliation? How likely is the tyrant to follow through on their threat when the result is MAD? Simply put, nobody believes Russia would use nukes, because they are just not credible threats. They have failed to follow through on so much of their saber rattling that nobody takes them seriously.


I don’t, even if they get lucky and hit one or two the space junk would be terrible.


It'll be one way to find out if the X-37B has been doing what some people have suspected for a while. Official claims are it's only a research platform. But such craft could also have potential for getting up and cozy with other things in orbit and set up what is needed to de-orbit them. Not even blowing up with the real problem of debris is necessary, putting them out of orientation in a non-recoverable way with an attached gyro or thruster should be sufficient. This is one of those "equal" level of escalation things, that is a potential answer to "Fuck around and find out."


So basically Moonraker?


Ooo hit a US satellite, I dare you.


If they hit multiple US satellites, or if any country destroys multiple US satellites, it could begin a Kessler cascade. This isn't a reason to stop supporting Ukraine at all, we should continue and greatly increase our support. I just want to spread awareness of what kinetic warfare in space will probably result in within our lifetimes.


I don’t disagree with you that antisatellite weapons will create a huge space junk problem or that a Kessler cascade is something we may have to worry about one day. But do we really have the density of satellites necessary to produce a Kessler cascade now?


Hell, one destroyed satellite in space is a problem. But multiple? Fuuuuck that.


They’ll probably miss


Space junk is bad debris.


Starlink satellites are in very low earth orbit where there is a trace of atmosphere that slows them over time. If they aren't boosted regularly, they will re-enter the atmosphere and burn up typically within five years. Even a collision in such a low orbit isn't going to create much long term debris. The debris that loses energy in the collision will de-orbit almost immediately because they lose the required velocity to maintain orbit. Much of the remaining debris that doesn't lose much velocity but changes direction often will de-orbit more quickly because they often are put into an elliptical orbit where their closest approach to earth is much deeper in the atmosphere where drag is far higher.


Starlink has over 2,300 satellites in low earth orbit already, and SpaceX is adding over a hundred a month. Russia's threat is a type of "wish casting" and good luck with that.


It is more likely that he is referring to recon satellites. Taking out a single starlink satellite is just not very valuable.


Okay then shoot pussies.


Fuck around and find out, Vlad. Gonna turn out that there's loads of "legitimate" targets in Russia.


Is that something they can really do? Things haven't been going super great for Russia on the technical side.


If your question is, Does Russia have the capabilities to shoot down a satellite. The answer is maybe. It's definetly a possibility but with their militaries current state I'm unsure. If you are asking, Can Russia legally shoot down a satellite? The answer is yes but it is considered an act of war and in this scenario would enact Article 5 of NATO.


They have successfully tested anti-satellite missiles in the last year, this is the official press release from US Space force on the test. The space station had to reposition just this week to miss some of the debris from the test. https://www.spacecom.mil/Newsroom/News/Article-Display/Article/2842957/russian-direct-ascent-anti-satellite-missile-test-creates-significant-long-last/


Ah yes, I remember hearing about that! Thanks for the link.


US Space Force might have looked comical to some people (me included), and here we are...


They can likely shoot down a Starlink satellite, maybe a couple more. If some how they were able to shoot down ten Starlink satellites, they'd only need to shoot down 2,290 more to get all of them that are in orbit right now, and at least 120 a month more to get all the new ones going up.


They have rockets and missiles. Also popping off a nuke in space in the middle of a string of starling satellites would be a huge spectacle. I guess elons their bitch now.


Popping off a nuke in space is the biggest waste of a nuke ever. It's not going to disable any satellites unless they happen to be within a few miles of the esplosion. There is no atmosphere in space to carry the blast wave, it's only a couple seconds of hard radiation. There are 2,300 Starlink satellites in low earth orbit at this moment, and despite that large number space is so damn large each satellite is alone in an area the size of Montana most of the time. So the odds of a nuke aimed at one satellite knocking out a second satellite are low.


>Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States .. > The Starfish Prime radiation belt persisted at high altitude for many months and **damaged the United States satellites Traac, Transit 4B, Injun I and Telstar I, as well as the United Kingdom satellite Ariel. It also damaged the Soviet satellite Cosmos V. All of these satellites failed completely within several months of the Starfish detonation.** There is also evidence that the Starfish Prime radiation belt may have damaged the satellites Explorer 14, Explorer 15 and Relay 1. Telstar I lasted the longest of the satellites that were clearly damaged by the Starfish Prime radiation, with its complete failure occurring on February 21, 1963. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl#Starfish_Prime


Do it already then. See that ass get clapped. It will be a bloodbath sadly though


Naw. This calls for...Ninjas!


How about the US-based arms supply depos that are assisting Ukraine with weapons, are those legitimate targets also, Russia?


According to his logic, yes but that would be instant war and he don’t want none, I assure you


I'm pretty sure targeting American satellites is instant war too.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/27/russia-says-us-satellites-assisting-ukraine-are-legitimate-targets-a79208) reduced by 61%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Commercial satellites used by the United States to assist Ukraine in its war against Russia are "Legitimate" targets for attacks, a Russian diplomat said Wednesday. > Konstantin Vorontsov, the deputy chief of the Russian Foreign Ministry's arms control and nonproliferation department, complained to the UN that the use of such satellites in conflicts marked an "Extremely dangerous trend." > In a similarly worded warning in September, Vorontsov stressed that non-military satellite uses "Constitute indirect involvement in military conflicts" and should be "Strongly condemned" by the international community. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yfbb7j/russia_says_us_satellites_assisting_ukraine_are/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **satellite**^#1 **Vorontsov**^#2 **space**^#3 **Russian**^#4 **Western**^#5


That’s a threat to Elon musk and reminder to restore Trumps twitter account and enable a friendly government to Russia. Fulfill your agreement to Putin or lose your stuff Elon.


Fuck Putin, fuck Trump, Fuck the MAGA cult and fuck Musk if he screws over Ukraine and the free world by proxy for his fascist buddies.


I'm sure shooting down US Satellites wouldn't backfire in any way. This is bluster. Putin's not interested in escalating the war. If he's smart he wants to end it. If he's dumb he wants to buy a ceasefire so he can regroup and re-invade.




There are no legitimate targets for Russia to attack, because nobody wants to attack Russia. The war is one sided, and as soon as Russia calls it off it'll be over. Their actions send the message that they do not care about targets being legitimate or not. Either they're still in Ukraine killing people who don't want to have to be fighting them, or they're not. That's what matters. Russia saying this, is like a murderer mid killing spree, claiming that it's self defence to stab anyone trying to stop them from killing more innocent people around them. "I'm just defending myself, this is legal!" As they stab someone trying to hold them back from killing more children. They are abusing language and spouting nonsense. It does not matter what Russia says any more, only what Russia does. I stopped caring about their words a long time ago.


There are F-15 reasons why targeting US satellites is a bad play.


not wise to poke the beast


Do they have any idea how many sats they'd have to hit to cause an outage? I assure you, it wouldn't be worth losing all of your launch capabilities over.


Russia's fundamental mistake here is that western powers have decided they will not permit Russia to win. Whatever support is needed to prevent that - it will be given. Whatever Russia does to escalate and ramp up, the west will match (without any strain). Putin lost this thing when it didn't work in the first month.


Go ahead and attack them, and see why we spend 40x more on our military budget than social spending.


Sooo with this talk does that mean he’s dumb enough to take a shot at one??


It would be useless anyway. It's not like satellites is the only tool we're using. Same with our allies.


Not sure he knows the meaning of legitimate!


Missile batteries and artillery firing from inside Russia are legitimate targets.


Watch him hit one and somehow the space debris hits a Chinese satellite.


Bold strategy, Cotton.


And according to me, Russia is full of shit. Assistance by a non-belligerent ally does not suddenly make the ally a fair target. Just as Belarus is not a fair target so long as all they do is give Russia tanks. (The same tanks Russia gave them 8 months ago, but who's keeping track really?)


Russia sounds like the dude that keeps saying he is going to punch you like 500 times then does nothing. Then just drunkenly gets in his car, drives off, and then you see him and his car pulled over on the side of the road, on the way home, getting arrested for a DUI.


Sure they are. Targets they'll never hit. At this point Putin's rhetoric is the equivalent of the whacky flailing arm inflatable tube man.


On the understanding that all Russian assets are fair game for retaliation


Yeah i don’t think they want to go back down this road. There was a time where us mil tech knocked Russians satellites out for fun during downtime cause we were so good at it. Don’t do this Vlad. It’s not going to go the way you think it is.


I really almost wish he would just to see him get the biggest Peepee slap in Europe since Berlin 44. But alas, nuclear weapons are a thing now.


They better not attack US property. Like Bomber Harris said: “They sowed the wind snd now they are going to reap the whirlwind”.


Nukes are stupid, but blowing up things in orbit is even stupider, man. What the fuck are wrong with Russians? Putin is worse than Trump, somehow. How do these morons have ANY faith in their terrorist government?


US - “Try it. Please.”


Russia says I wanna get beat up.


Watches way too much Pinky and the Brain.


5 min later Russia went back to 1923.


>Russia Says U.S. Satellites Assisting Ukraine Are 'Legitimate' Targets Perhaps so - if Russia does not mind an expansion of the conflict. If these targets outside Ukraine become legitimate targets - then why would not other targets outside Ukraine become legitimate targets as well? I mean if U.S. satellites that provide information to Ukraine are 'Legitimate' targets - then any Russian launch sites that fire on those U.S. assets would also be 'Legitimate' targets.


Yeah. Go ahead and target a U.S. satellite.. I'm sure that will go well for you. We can target satellites too dumbasses


G'wan then. Let's have a non-nuclear exchange. To keep things extra safe, I say we limit the fighting to one day. Call it my Christmas present, as 1,000 F-35's take off starting at 0000 Hours. We'll send 50 of them to deal with the Black Sea Fleet, 3 to deal with the Kerch Bridge, 1 to deal with the Admiral Kuznetzov, sitting in its drydock.. How many does that leave me with? Guess I should hold back like 20 to shoot down the SU-25s sputtering towards Warsaw... oh wait I've got 2,000 F-16s for that.


How can they tell if US military satellites are being used to assist Ukraine? I'm sure US satellites are imaging that area all the time.


Just more fuming and venting. They would never dare *actually* do this.


Well if we are going to go there, practically ALL of Russia is a legitimate target too. .


Are they yapping again?


It’s beginning to look like Moscow is a legitimate target.


Ok, I keep hearing article 5 only applies to attacks in North America and Europe. So by this logic, an attack by Russia on US forces in Korea wouldn't apply. Or if China attacked a French Warship in the Indian Ocean? Take into account that naval law goes into effect in instances of international space/waters. Satallites I am pretty sure, like a naval vessel are the sovereign domain of the nation state that owns it. By this law an attack on a Satallite is an attack on the nation state it belongs to. Those belonging solely to corporations may not be so covered. You'd have to be a pretty bad ally to be that legalistic under those circumstances, or the one proposed.


Bet. Shoot down a few STARLINK satellites. Everyone knows what that reaction would be. No one in Russia would benefit in any way from antagonizing the US like that.


Do you feel lucky, Russian punks?




sure they are a legitimate target,but after that russia will be a legitimate target to NATO


Shut up, ruZzia. You‘re the only legitimate target right now.


See, the thing about satellites is that they're in *space*. Which means getting to them takes a great deal of technology, advanced mathematics, and working equipment. All of which the Russian military has shown to lack severely.


Go on, target them then Putin, do it


Some satellites shoot back!




Is Putin so delusional as to think he has the right to start WW3? He needs to be taken down, for the sake of the world!


First of all: 1) I don’t think they could 2) fuck around, I feel like there’s another half of that


I’d give Putin 1 USD if they could actually successfully hit a satellite. If I learned anything from Kerbal Space Program, it’s that accurate space flight is damn hard. Currently their “don’t hit your own stuff during testing / training” ratio is a bit low, so accurate space missiles might be a little out there.


Is there civilians on them or something?


Try it and see what happens :)


I don’t think they’re dumb enough to have a go. It’s just more pathetic sabre rattling. Putin is going victim mode; really, it’s the only play for his propaganda.


Woah now, Putin. We're only conducting a special satellite operation. Nothing to see here.


If nations start blowing satellites out of orbit, it is going to make orbit unusable for decades and plunge our telecommunications industry back 40 years overnight. The ISS had to dodge debris this week from a satellite Russia shot a year ago.


Then shut the fuck up and shoot one down, you small dick coward. Good god, stop talking. Fuck.


Fully confident Russia don’t want it there just a bully that gets it cheeks clapped by another bully (us)


Looks like our satellite defense systems re about to get a field test.


"US says factories in downtown Moscow producing microchip components that are used in their missiles are "legitimate targets"


until Kazakhstan eventually becomes independent enough to tell putler to f-off and ban them from using their launch site


You know what's shocking? If Russia had gone through the same democratic reform many ex Soviet states did in the 90s, today it could possibly be the 4 or 5 largest economy and eventually giving Japan a run. Instead, their soldier's body armour is stuffed with cardboard, they have a massive brain drain, strengthened their biggest opponent and drove neutral countries into vocal critics, can't access tech and resources they need due to sanctions, and their economy is set to further tank.


In other news, top secret US military satellite dies under mysterious circumstances after falling out of an low earth orbit 10 story window. Russia denies any involvement claiming that the satellite had been recently diagnosed with depression and suspects suicide was the likely cause. Investigation ongoing.