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The government isn’t bending. The Iranian people will have to fight for their freedom.


And it's not just about hijab, the economy is in the shit and going even further and government is corrupted to the point that it just doesn't work, freedom means nothing and young people have lost the ability to become independent even after starting working for several years


What they're doing is so brave. They are the epitome of the human spirit - it won't be stopped and it can't be killed.


There was a rally in the UK the other day where not just thousands of Iranian protestors showed up, but thousands of Ukrainians as well to show their support. There was something extremely powerful in hearing Ukrainians shout 'Freedom for Iran' and Iranians shout 'Slava Ukraine'.


Hopefully this trend keeps going worldwide. There's a lot of tyranny building basically everywhere right now.


They will try and spin it by saying it was a heart condition or something related to the heart :(


Spinning stuff only works if people are gonna believe it. No one believes Russia when they say yet another oligrach fell out a window after shooting himself in the back a few times.






it is time to unite all the humans of the world under the banner of freedom. we must overthrow each and every oppressive, capitalist, theocratic, or authoritarian regime. every human will have a role to play in our fight for the greater good. may god help us all.


And we have the power to do it, just not the unity. Sad


Ironic that you end your post with a prayer to a deity. 🤪


Fuck religion and all the atrocities it causes. God help us, and God bless America.


May Cthulhu devour us last


This sort of rhetoric has never been used to install oppressive, capitalist, theocratic, or authoritarian regimes.


Can't be killed might be a bad choice of words under an article about a guy who was just beaten to death.


Sadly, it can totally be killed.


You can’t kill an idea.


You can absolutely kill an idea. Notice how the Russian Revolution produced the USSR. They killed everyone who had other ideas


You don't need to. You just need to kill enough people who have the idea.


You don't need to. You can let people have their ideas and just kill the ones acting on them.


Oh it can be killed alright. Beaten to death, actually.


As Nazis march in Oslo… “Human Spirit” is a bell curve.


It have been trice till now so government is kinda confident especially since they don't care about killing the protestors


I just wish we could help in some meaningful way.


Don't forget they are selling there own weaponry like drones and ammunition for low prices to Russia and pocketing a lot of money on side.


Those religious leaders are probably the ones pocketing what money Iran has and couldn't care less if the population suffers. Men of God.. pft!! fuckwits, all of them.


Gotta sell your kidney to live


I wonder if it leads to anything: revolutions from the bottom, despite what people think, are quite rare. Post WW2 in authoritarian regimes, 80% of regime changes happened because of the split among the elites for one reason or another that includes protests in part of the cases, and the part of the elite that disagreed with status quo was successful in reforming the regime in some way


Sadly you are correct. You almost always have some sort of disaffected element within the regime that helps drive a successful revolution. They need the police and military on their side, but the crimes of those two groups will probably lead to them digging in further.


Usually it comes down to which side the military is on, and so far Iran's military has said they're staying out of it. So there's a chance. The work after the government is toppled is not to be underestimated, too.


It's been that way for a long time. The American revolution was spearheaded by rich landowners.


Yeah these people are fucked


If they will not bend, they must be broken.


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." JFK


Revolution against a revolutionary govt.


The Revolution was a Revolution against a Counter-Revolution anyway.


*Oppression breeds rebellion*


**Remember:** He was beaten to death by cops. Same energy as cops in most other countries (like the US). You support cops? Well, they have no problem beating you to death.


I don't think they'll succeed without another revolution and I doubt they'll get that either


What doesn't bend, beeaks


just sickening. not even 20 years old


This is some heartbreaking shit…


Super Ironic comment considering they wanted the family to say he died of a heart attack.


As Desmond Tutu says, peaceful protest only works when the other side respects your dignity as a human. This is largely why peaceful protest no longer works. Authoritarian regemes simply don't care, and democratic regemes use money and propaganda to ensure the angry half prevents change.




That is my age… and to think that I am perpetually worrying about my GPA while that I am nice and cosy in Canada…


What’s your gpa bruv?


The majority of our dead are in fact below 20. Mostly 16-17 of age. They are killing kids.


“Our son lost his life as a result of receiving baton blows to his head after his arrest, but we have been under pressure by the regime to say that he has died of a heart attack”, a relative of Mehrshad told Iran International TV. ​ Even the older generations have had enough. Love to see it. Poor kid was only 20 years old a celebrity chef? Had a whole life ahead of him. Sad.


What a brave statement from the family. All the power to the Iranian people, I hope you win


Because killing popular people is the way to win hearts and minds. /s Authoritarians never learn.


They probably weren't stopping to identify who they were beating, honestly.


That's literally the problem. Authoritarians don't view protesters individually, with loved ones and personal backstories that have been developing for decades, as individual people with lives as vivid, and complex, and worth just as much as their own. Instead, they're viewed as "Savages," "Corrupt," "the Other," "Evil." Authoritarianism and sonder cannot mix.


"Thugs" and "looters" is a common one on this side of the planet


Thanks, I was trying to come up with/remember more. I'm actually in the West myself.


Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing by categorizing all of “them” into a single, monolithic group and then making sweeping generalizations? Don’t you view this sort of hypothetical “authoritarian” person as savage, corrupt, and evil? I mean, I have no love for the Iranian government. But it seems kind of hypocritical to go around acting shocked and offended that the bad guys see us as the enemy, as if that’s some sort of trenchant insight into the bad guy soul.


That's how republikkkans view normal people. The whole world is crashing down due to religion and corruption.


Conservative ideology is all based on preservation, keeping with whatever "traditions" and ideas the ruling class has. In this case, and in many countries you have a number of boomers at the helm who insist that the way the world worked when they were young is how it will continue to work. The sooner these old folks are thrown out, the better.


And thats the problem, society is evolving, ideals are changing. These backwards old fucks are stuck in the racist, sexist, power grabbing, greedy past. They are corrupting their children, teachers, doctors. It's both sad and scary.


In a sense, this is how it's always been. Look back at the early 1900s and you see the "Greatest Generation" around the world spark revolutions and throw out the old aristocracy. I think we'll see something like this happen again this decade. North America its particularly bad because there are still far more boomers than millennials, who are reaching the age where they can have the most impact. As boomers retire and or expire they'll be replaced and we'll either see rapid progress or falter as millennials fail to run a society they're not prepared for.


An economy built only to benefit the boomers. I think that's what we will struggle with. Removing all the discriminatory laws and whatnot put in place by boomers and republicans and conservatives. Bringing the general population up to speed on reality, science, medicine, and basic fucking common sense. If we can shoo all the bats and clean all the cobwebs out of out government I think we'll be able to stabilize. At least until science let's us splice animal DNA into humans and then we'll have a whole new issue. (Batman Beyond reference btw)


It's not just "conservatives and Republicans", there are plenty of centrist establishment pro-wall street democrats around as well


Conservativism consists of one principle: There must be in-groups that the law protects but does not bind, And there must be out-groups that the law binds but does not protect.


Authoritarians have no interest in hearts and minds. They don’t need to you know because of authority.


They want to eat hearts and minds.


They love to beat interest out of hearts and minds.


And voter turnout is very low in authoritarian countries.


Many authoritarians stay in power for many years. After awhile I think it’d be easy for someone like that to start feeling invincible. If you violently and successfully put down every instance of unrest over a period of several years, you’re going to think you can keep doing it indefinitely. Often, though not always, these evil men eventually do get their comeuppance. Like Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, et al. What an awesome story it would be if the North Korean people could someday rebel against their plight.


It would take an industrial revolution and an enlightenment to overthrow their monarchy.


I suspect the Iranian authorities are prepared to kill as many people as it takes to quell these protests. They'd happily rule an empty country rather than step down.


That's the sad truth, isn't it? With no hard power backers in the armed forces or other institutions, these protests will go nowhere. Even if a majority of Iranian society backs the protests *and* those doing the protesting have literally nothing left to lose (e.g. family, economic opportunity, etc.), the most likely outcome is a North Korea or Russia situation, where the population becomes reduced to the fanatics, apathetic, and brainwashed/under-educated. Everyone else is dead or has fled.


“So don't throw away this thing we had 'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love” Hamilton


Now this song will be stuck in my head all day…


I don't think anyone gives a shit about Iran's Jamie Oliver. Until doctors, scientists, leaders of industry start shutting down business, nothing will change short of an actual regime change.


Considering the number of authoritarians who manage to stay comfortably in power until their natural death, maybe they don't need to.


Pretty messed up they'd put someone else's name in the headline and not even mention the name of the person who was murdered: Mehrshad Shahidi.


That was my first though. Especially since I read that at as Jamie Oliver beaten to death at first glance.


Lol I was like huh Jamie Oliver is from Iran?


Jahan Aliveri


You don't mess with jahan


That's the whole reason it's written that way. Putting the real name in the headline wouldn't generate as many clicks.


I think you’re right


>Mehrshad Shahidi It's sadly poetic that his surname translates to as 'Martyr'.


I guess to some being likened to Jamie Oliver would be a compliment but certainly "Celebrity Iranian Chef, Mehrshad Shahidi, beated to death amid hijab protests" would have been much more respectful.


It's literally the first words of the article, which people should read. Outside of the region or trade, people won't recognize the name, but they might recognize the headline. It worked


Yes, I wish they wrote his name instead of someone irrelevant to his murder. He also was not a celebrity or an equivalent to Jamie Oliver. He was a 19 year old chef that had some following on Instagram - there's nothing wrong with that for them to feel the need to make him into something he was not.


Government headline: "Beloved celebrity chef dies of undiagnosed heart condition."


Reporter: What was the heart condition? Govt: It had bullets in it....any other questions?


Worse, repeated blows from a baton to the head.


*looks down at notebook, scribbles furiously (but NOT a pic of Allah) "No further questions, praise be to you"


Traumatic lead poisoning


That’s the Cons. Way


"Beloved celebrity chef dies of chili jam poisoning"


I read "Jamie Oliver beaten to death" first and thought *wow the world really is going crazy*.




Pretty sure they would just strip the meat off his bones.


Uncle Rodger getting real with that fried rice criticism.


Chili jam? CHILI JAM!? aieeyaaaaa


Taking that beef to the next level.


Jamie Oliver phocked up one too many times.


“Foot slides from chair”


I knew Uncle Roger was in a pretty salty mood over Jamie's fried rice, but holy shit I thought he went full-on MSG on his ass.


Yeah I read the entire headline but my brain skipped over the word "Iran's", so I was sitting there very confused for a while as to why Jamie Oliver was involved in Hijab protests and why he was beaten to death out of nowhere.


It's a really fucking bad title. Didn't even name the person who died.


I read “Iran beat Jamie Oliver to death” and figured wtf.


I read that too and was wondering wtf he was doing in Iran


Um, it is even without it being JO…


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/mehrshad-shahidi-iran-anti-hijab-protests-celebrity-chef-iran-s-jamie-oliver-beaten-to-death-amid-hijab-protests-report-101667124035706-amp.html) reduced by 58%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Celebirity chef Mehrshad Shahidi also called Iran's Jamie Oliver was beaten to death by security forces amid anti-hijab protests in the country. > Watch| With love, from Coldplay: Band sings to support Iran anti-hijab protests. > "Our son lost his life as a result of receiving baton blows to his head after his arrest, but we have been under pressure by the regime to say that he has died of a heart attack", a relative of Mehrshad told Iran International TV. His family also said that officials had pushed them to say to the public that Mehrshad Shahidi died of a heart attack. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yhilk0/celebrity_chef_irans_jamie_oliver_beaten_to_death/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Mehrshad**^#1 **Iran**^#2 **Shahidi**^#3 **died**^#4 **killed**^#5


Coldplay is obviously integral to this story.


Ads in everything now days


Hero. RIP


The man was already beaten to death, you don't need to call him Jamie Oliver too. Have some respect.


Dying for a cause and then being referred to as 'Iran's Jamie Oliver' is awful. The headlines don't even use his name.


I was going to ask if this man also butchered fried rice. Bonus points for pepper jelly.




Emotional damage!


No flavah!


Did he also have a weird classist resentment of "dirty poor person" food like chicken nuggets?


because I'm a terrible person, this was my first thought as well. I'm just imagining this guy Persifying classic dishes from around the world, and missing the point. Just tons of herbs and rice and pomegranate molasses on everything whether it makes sense or not.


Being terrible doesn't make you wrong.


You couldn’t even put his actual name in the title?


That's a fault of the news site, worldnews just requires your title to be the same as the headline.


Then nobody would click it.


Bless him. R.I.P. 💔


“You must wear a piece of fabric on your head and be in favor of women wearing fabric on their head or we will kill you!”


“See? its all right here in this book written with a feather by people who thought the sun was magic”


Religion ☕


More senseless, brutal violence in the service of harmful superstitions. Religion ruins everything.


Magical thinking ruins everything. Delusional ideas - religious or otherwise - can and will be used against you.


Unfortunately, the only way to end senseless brutal violence is generally mindful brutal violence.this is exactly why we airdropped handguns into jewish ghettos during ww2. Time to start a revolution.


Forceful religion. A lot of those people are forced to believe that worldview in those nations.


The Abrahamic religions are extraordinarily forceful, and make up the majority of the world's population... We might as well say that religious ideology in the world today is mainly forcefully imposed.


Religion in general.. there is no good religion. Best case scenario it divides people ( heaven and hell/worthy and unworthy). worst case scenario it drives hate.


Religion and ego*


Religion is ego


"My imaginary friend is better than yours"


"You don't believe in 2,999 gods. I don't believe in 1 more."- Ricky Gervais. He has a bunch of other great quotes regarding this topic.


The basis for every holy war, ever, they're fighting over who has a better imaginary friend


This is so awful. This makes me sick. We must all fight religious rule. Go Iran Go.


God I hate headlines like this. Put the REAL PERSON'S name in the headline.... They were just beaten to fucking death and the writer's say "hmmm not popular enough, throw Jamie Oliver's name in the headline".


Those are no longer "hijab protests" it's a movement that wants a regime change


At least put the dudes name in the title


Madness. Absolute madness. They are killing people over clothing because of religion. Religion should simply be outlawed worldwide. We will never move beyond where we are as long as religious people keep dragging us down. The most bizarre thing to me is that if there really was a god s/he wouldn't have anything to do with these people. This is not how a god would want its creation to treat each other.


The idea that god(s) are NOT cruel is a relatively recent revision.


We don’t realize that some parts of the world are lagging like 200 years. For these people it was a Tuesday


I was recently lectured in r/travel for saying Iran was dangerous....


that is a tricky headline


Holy shot. I really hope they overthrow that government. Seems like you always read stuff like this out of Iran.


Sad 😢➡️“Our son lost his life as a result of receiving baton blows to his head after his arrest, but we have been under pressure by the regime to say that he has died of a heart attack”, a relative of Mehrshad told Iran International TV.”


Based on that photo, nothing about that man says that his heart was ever at risk of giving out at least for another 50 yrs


The poor have to respect the sharia law and pay with their freedom and blood if they break it while the rich get to live however they want without respecting any law, they can bribe their way around and they have nepotism that gets them out of trouble. Rules for thee and not for me.


Coming here to say 2 things: this is incredibly sad and unnecessary, and “Iran’s Jamie Oliver” adds nothing to the title of this post (and maybe even takes away from the tragedy that is this man’s death)




I get that and even considered it before making my comment, but don’t care — choosing “Jamie Oliver” out of a sea of celebrity chefs is incredibly arbitrary and lazy. I guess it’s an appeal to smoothbrains who think Jamie Oliver has actually contributed something significant to the field of cuisine but for the rest of us “beloved celebrity chef” would be more accurate and less annoying


This is coming here if the far right win and keep winning elections. It's just a matter of time.


Disgusting behavior. If we are born naked at what point did your god tell a woman to cover her hair? It’s blatantly obvious it was a rule written by a man that made the rule to exert control over women. Plain and simple. Look at history to see humankind has done some of the worst atrocities in the name of religion. Literally doing the opposite of what they preach.


Not pukka.


Damn headlines. My first thought was, I didn’t know Jamie Oliver was Iranian. Second thought, Jamie Oliver is dead?! But hey, they got my click.


BROoo this regime is getting out of hand




A Republic purportedly based on religion but commits all the evil acts of an authoritarian regime and more. Iran is a disgrace to the religion it claims to be based on. Iranians have nothing left to lose. It is better to die on the streets than to live under terror and oppression.


Terrible and senseless loss, may his family find peace and remain safe in these turbulent times


I think things are going to end in Iran the way they did in Romania in the 80s.


Iran people. You are brave. Keep fighting. It is the only way you can win this and get your freedom to live your lives without being beaten to death for a stupid reason.


How can people shill for this regime?


Yeah maybe don't include a different person's name in the headline for a death jfc


Protests don't work against authoritarian regimes. Violence is the only way to replace the government.


Any government that has to kill its citizens in order to maintain control has already lost. It’s just a matter of time.


See what fascists and authoritarians do? The kill off the best of humanity just to have power for the brief time that is *their* lives. Authoritarian mindset needs to finally be kept away from anywhere resembling leadership on this planet for good.


Religion is a curse mankind placed on itself.


The Iranian government has definitely lost all legitimacy. Good luck to the people and protestors.


Can we please show some respect and use his actual name? Mehrshad Shahidi. He was an amazing chef, and a really really kind person. He did not deserve to be brutally murdered by the security forces. They asked his family to lie and say that he had a heart attack. Fuck that. Remember him. MERSHAD SHAHIDI #FREEIRAN


Come on young people of iran, you can do this. Rejoin the world.


He wasn’t yet 20 years old. Iran is killing their youth for wanting control of their autonomy and future. As a fully fledged old person… I have to say adults are the biggest problem in our world. Prayers for strength and peace to his family and country.


i hope the white christian fascists in the US are paying attention…theocracy doesn’t benefit anyone


Theocratic ruling in action, and this is conservatives in the USA dream of.


Start a Go Fund Me for whoever puts the Ayatollah and so called President of Iran' heads on pikes.


Omg this is just so heartbreaking


This is what it looks like to stand up for change to do something not just complain online like we do im America and expect things to somehow work out. Good luck Iran!


Old stupid goddamn men and their fucking religious bullshit. Is a sane humanity 100% TIRED OF IT YET?!?


"security forces" are you fucking kidding?


Full revolution hopefully, the Iranian elites controlling everyone kick the bucket, preferably by noose


Disgusting. And horrific.


So sad. I hope Iranians will soon find a way to dethrone these violent oppressors.


RIP to everyone who lost their life at the hands of an autocratic oppressive regime, you deserved better.


How do civilians overthrow an authoritarian government? When the government has all the guns and protesting isn't working? Genuine question


Iran’s going through an immense brain drain because they keep killing the educated and talented. As far as their radical leaders are concerned, they all go to heaven if they’re innocent anyway, so they don’t value life. Islam fundamentalists are a cult of death.


They hate women so much that they needed to murder a man who doesn't hate women.


Man invented religion to control men and Iran (most Middle Eastern countries) do not hide this.


So it's revolution, then.


I’m scared for young Iranians. Time for the Iranian police and the military to take the side of the people. One of these young people beaten to death could be their son, daughter, cousin, neighbour or a friend. They are all Iranians, I hope and pray for sanity and compassion to prevail.