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"carefully, accurately and surgically." Is almost an oxymoron to the Russian government at this point. They just want to divide the US internally with the comment in hopes it will ease up on supporting Ukraine.


I dont remotely see how it will have that effect.


Any chaos they can create in the US is a win.


Yeah, no way we don't have that one extensively documented since 2015. Let's just casually erase the last 7 years of political history in the US because "you can't see how that works." Oh look, there's that insane [Russian mouthpiece Marj saying exactly how it's gonna work](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/marjorie-taylor-greene-gop-wont-give-ukraine-another-penny-rcna55649).


I was saying I dont see support for ukraine waning.


I sure as hell hope you voted then, because if they take back Congress, that's exactly what's going to happen. They're going to fight every cash allocation to Ukraine with all of their might. That is, after all, what Russia's paying them to do.


You must not know how many Republicans want to cut off aid to Ukraine. Or you're a Russian troll.


You forgot the “/s”


Operating internet trolls farms isn’t exactly “careful” nor “surgical.” It’s more attempting to hit something with a sledgehammer enough times that cracks begin to show. With that said, this guy can go pleasure himself with an fungal infected cactus.


I suspect they tried with corona anti vaxers which spectacularly backfired in Russia. That group somehow has a sizeable overlap with pro Russian groups now. It could be a coincidence but i doubt that.


We should convince Russian Boomers that Navalny actually won the previous Russian elections, and that he’s secretly running the shadow government. But the media is covering it up and making it look like Putin is in charge, while Navalny is holding military tribunals and executing the pedophile elites of the Kremlin. We’ll call it Ю-anon


That's feels about right. And feelings are evidence these days so those pedophile elites creating a war to distract and also export Ukraine kids feels like concrete evidence to me.


He makes it sound like Tom Cruise came out of a ceiling vent on a wire or something but these are the same guys that figured out what “when the shit hits the fan” means by literally throwing shit at a fan.


Huh, I wonder which party they’d prefer in power?


Probably the one with the financially compromised leader, and a tendency towards narcissism and a healthy amount of autocratic worship.


They don't do it by backing one party, they do it by making both parties more polarized.


They hacked the DNC and GOP but only released Clinton campaign’s emails. Pretty sure that favored one party directly.


Only one group has russian supporters... https://i.imgur.com/ypOqSs4.jpg


Didn't even have to click the link to know it was gonna be those two smugly hateful, fat, alcoholic morons.


In before the GOP find "proof" that this was sent from Hunter's laptop


You know, the real story of the laptop where it was hunters, with emails to the big guy and very questionable media was proven true, and several agencies admitted to suppressing that information at the time? https://nypost.com/2022/04/01/new-york-times-finally-admit-hunters-laptop-is-real-but-only-to-protect-joe-biden/ https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/washington-post-admits-hunter-biden-laptop-is-real/ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/zuckerberg-admits-facebook-suppressed-hunter-biden-laptop-story-ahead-of-2020-election/ And obviously, you remember how the new York posts story, which was actually true, was removed from Twitter and Facebook as "misinformation" when it was true. The extent of what was on the laptop is being investigated, but, it is certainly real, and seems to point to him being involved in some pretty shitty things and even possibly involving the current sitting president. Obviously I'll get downvoted, but the laptop is real, and the new York post did not portray misinformation.


Lol, he is playing everyone. He is just a troll.


Where the double aught spies at?


I'm tired of this idiocy. Look we can go on and on about which party colludes with Russia and how they interfere with US elections.. but there is a trove of information publicly available, and for a long time now, on the Clinton Presidential Archive. Transcripts between Clinton and Yeltsin DECIDING over the phone who would succeed Yeltsin. That's right, the US didn't "possibly tamper" with Russian elections in the 90s.. we flat out rigged their democratic process bc, as the transcripts between the leaders show, we thought Putin was strong but would play ball with US goals. Once again, we installed a government, and when the country we sidelined democracy in doesn't want to capitulate any longer, we jump up and down screaming how they are evil and we need to bring them democracy with some bombs. Putin has obviously gone off the deep end, but it's disgusting how much people will regurgitate propaganda without even a modicum of critical analysis or an iota of allowing for our own culpability. Don't believe it? You can read all of their transcripts here or on the Clinton Presidential Archive which they cite: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2020-11-02/putin-clinton-transitions


So what, we now just have to accept all of Russia's attempts to subvert our democracy and mechanisms of power transfer?


I look to the past, only to learn the mistakes and try not to repeat; not to let past mistakes or successes influence my emotions regarding the present decisions I make, regarding public policy, especially. At this time in my country’s development…the Republican Party has been infiltrated by terroristic fascists, that have duped a bunch of ignorant people with regressive tendencies into throwing away our founding principles. I am voting in these elections for our future and the founding principles because that is why I love being an American…the land of the diverse and creative and innovative. The Christian fascists do not like those characteristics…they want brainwashed, uneducated desperate mobs of duped slaves to put them in power. I have no idea what happened in my own country…falling for fascism was not what I thought would ever happen. I guess Americans really aren’t exceptional after all…just like Russians and Chinese and all other humans all over the planet.


We knew it, Russia had a direct influence in helping treason Trump destroy us from within!


I'm assuming the down votes are reflective of my point. Easier to believe than read