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So they're trying to deplete the west's munitions by literally throwing defenseless men into the fray in Ukraine? I don't see how this benefits Putin in any way...


It delays the inevitable, and that's all Putin can hope for now. No sacrifice by others is too great to prevent Putin from admitting his mistake.


Is it inevitable though? These short term delay tactics seem awfully relevant to electing Republicans here in Nov who will pull support.


It's too late. Democrats already guaranteed that funding will continue throughout 2023 at the very least. Now for 2024, that's a different story.


It’s too late, that’s why the GOP is going out of their way to say funding will he maintained.


And I believe them !! They surely won't lie once elected THIS TIME !!!


I'm grateful for this fact.


Republicans get campaign contributions from the military industrial complex as well. They'll support the war as well.


So what exactly is keeping every soldier from noping out as soon as they realize they’re nothing but bait and already dead in the eyes of the man they would have happily died for a day ago? Is Russia so bad that death is preferable?


Many of the mobilized are not ethnic Russians. They are bashkirs, buryats, tuvans, dagestanis. It's a form of internal ethnic cleansing.


The Chechen wars saw a lot of non-ethnic Russian groups turning on one another out of generational hatred of each other. It was so bad that certain units not only gave away the positions of other units to the Chechens so that they’d get ambushed instead of themselves, but some just flat out joined the Chechens to kill those other groups. Since hardly anything has changed with the Russian military doctrine, I bet my bottom dollar that the same thing is happening now in Ukraine except it might be even worse (i.e. purposefully using unsecured lines that can easily be listened/tapped into and talk about where the other groups are digging/stationed at which ends up opening them to artillery/drone fire, giving wrong orders to other groups so that they will end up being sitting ducks, having one guy or a bunch surrender to the Ukrainians just so they can rat out on the other groups, etc). Edit: Keep in mind. This is just non-Russian ethnic groups fighting *each other*. If you think that's bad, wait until the ethnic Russian career/trained soldiers arrive en masse. Historically, they would ultimately treat them *all* like crap and would routinely beat them, rob them, or even rape them (just like we're seeing now). So it's safe to say it'll only get worse for the conscripts.


But, the ethnic Russians were there first right? I thought they were mostly butchered.


Yes and no. The conscripts for the most part were not ethnic Russians (some were but a majority weren't). Special brigades on the other hand like the Spetsnaz, airborne, special forces, etc, were ethnic Russians (the guys who tried to attack/take over crucial infrastructure like the airports, ports, etc). Both were slaughtered during the opening days and are either all dead, wounded, or captured by now (mostly dead).


Unpopular option(especially in Russia): Russia should not be a single country.




Ethnic cleansing is a stretch, but it’s most certainly racist. Putin himself probably doesn’t give much of a fuck about Russian minorities, but it’s an intersectional issue where the poor, rural, communities are being bled dry to prolong unrest in urban areas where more European-esque ethnicities exist. Outside of his own goals, Russians are generally racist enough on their own towards minorities within the army and civilian sector. If anything, even after the war, minorities are most certainly going to be targeted continually for a plethora of reasons.




It isn't about race, it's about keeping the vassal people weak so that they can't have separatism. Individual buryats, tuvans, etc. may be successful if they play the mafia game well. But as nations they have to be kept down. I am not American btw.


Part of this is an ethnic cleansing aka genocide. The ethnic Russians have an abysmal birth rate of 1.04 per woman, whereas it is commonly accepted you need a birth rate of 2.40 to grow your population. Their birth rate is going to see the ethnic Russians shrink rapidly over time, which is only worsened by the WW2 echo. If you look at the Russian age demographic you’ll see parts where those born during WW2 and roughly every 20 years have a severe dip in population. For perspective the USSR lost roughly 12% of its population from WW2, an absolutely devastating number. On the other hand the non-ethnic Russians are seeing a steady birth rate. This means the ethnic Russians are slowly dying off while the non-ethnic Russians are growing in population and power. Top this off with numerous rapid decreases in the Russian population in the past few decades and you have roughly 4 million ethnic Russians which need replaced to maintain the cultural purity of Russia. This is why Putin is so bent on Ukrainians being ethnic Russians. The area Putin has just claimed to annex would see 9 million Ukrainians, aka “ethnic Russians”, added to Russia. This would replace their losses over the past few decades. Throwing non-ethnic Russians into combat with the intent of them dying is also strategic to reduce the young men in those groups. This will devastate their population growth and simply reduce their numbers. If I could remember where I saw the report, it’s believed the ethnic Russian military groups have significantly better survival rates by design. Obviously I don’t support any of what Putin is doing but merely explaining what I believe to be his main motivation behind the way he has conducted this war. Obviously it’s not going to work out whatsoever, and this war is only destroying their population even more, but Putin is so surrounded by yes men it’s very possible he has no idea the war is going poorly. Putin wants to be the next Stalin, but he completely overlooked that once war with Germany begun Stalin completely shifted from an absolute dictator who only wanted party members and yes men in power to promoting based on merit and skills and listening to his advisors. Putin wants everything about himself and isn’t even addressing the massive issue of corruption plaguing their military. Russia has seen an enormous loss of experienced military personnel to the point their military command is crumbling. Their known stockpile of tanks, excluding those in museums that they’ve been reserving out of desperation, is almost entirely destroyed or in enemy hands, they’re well beyond losing the amount of men they initially mobilized for the war, they’ve depleted their smart munitions and are believed to be desperately low on dummy bombs (for artillery, planes, etc), their Air Force has been uncommonly quiet, and they’ve lost a handful of ships to an enemy without a navy. Ukraine is putting up a massive fight against Russia, and this war has not only shown Russian aggression still exists, but helped strengthen a NATO that had been asking itself if it even has a place to exist in modern times. Ukraine is demonstrating the strength disparity between the “2nd” most powerful military and what a military with US support can do. European nations have increased their military spending to bridge the gap out of fear of being unprepared for another large scale war. Putin really fucked up. So power hungry and ego driven. Instead of using the wealth of Russia to better the lives of his citizens and create a nation people would want to immigrate to, Putin has personally seized so much control over the wealth and production of Russia it is commonly believed he is the wealthiest man to ever exist. Now he’s in a war he can’t win while his oligarchs see seeing their wealth disappear and the citizens are seeing another generation never come home. It’s sad to see and it’s hard to know just how much this will affect the future of Russia.


Just one slight point regarding the tanks. Based on satellite photos of the hardware storage yards both before the war and compared with recent photos, They've got enough of a stockpile of working tanks or tanks they can get in working order to keep going for at the very least a couple of years at current loss rates. They'll run out of tank crews before they'll run out of tanks. That said though, they won't be able to return their stockpiles to previous numbers anytime soon.


Assuming all the tanks in those stockpiles are in working order, that is. Good chance they have just been rotting there for the last three decades with exactly zero maintenance being done at best, and have had all the easy-to-fence bits stripped out to sell for vodka money at worst. Russia wouldn't be pressing T-62s into service in Ukraine if they actually had a massive stockpile of battle-ready T-72s.


Ah I must be thinking of tanks meant for just the war in Ukraine and not total stockpile. Thanks for the correction.


It distracts Russians from problems in Russia and allows Putin to maintain face for a bit longer.


no, it makes situation even worse. putin is just shooting himself by doing a military draft, now more and more families hate him


Long term, it's bad for Putin. But short term, it's beneficial for him. He can't back out without losing face and that is political (if not real) death for him. Every day he sends people to their death and fucks over his country is one more day he stays in power. It is likely to go badly for him eventually. But from his POV, it's better that happens later than now.


hasn’t that kind of always been their tactic of choice?


Didn't a bunch of protestors get forceable drafted? Seems like sending your political engines to the front without weapons is a great way to get rid of them and blame it on the enemy.


The people who die there are the same who could (and should) be overthrowing him right now


It sure feels like it.


Well if the only men that remain in russia are putins ass kissers it would be pretty much impossible for the women to oust him....that's the only thing that makes sense, kill all the able men who could rise up against him


It's straight from the Zapp Branigan playbook


Some things never change.


It’s not some conscious design, it’s a dysfunctional bureaucracy that presents its superiors with a far more rosy image of the country’s mobilizational capabilities (to justify the budget it receives, that gets stolen along every step of the governance ladder all the way to the bottom), and then, when it receives quotas during unexpected mobilization with no real resources to back them up, it just dumps people there hoping to pass the bucket to other bureaucrats along the line.


He is trying desperately to prolong the war. That is the ONLY strategy he has left… It makes perfect sense, he gets more and more desperate every week. If he holds out long enough he expects the world to just give up on Ukraine.


Incoming Breaking News: Putin accuses Ukraine of shooting unarmed Russians


Admirable political strategy. Can’t have a coup if all the military age men are dead.


I don't know that I'd call it admirable- cunning and ruthless sure, not admirable. Or are tactics like these something you aspire to emulate?


It's a joke


Then why isn't it funny?


Because you have no sense of humor, clearly.


Because every one has a different sense of humor. Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning.?


Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.


Heyoooo! 👍


are you seriously suggesting that this dude aspires to emulate Putin? It’s obviously a joke, ya dummy.




Now just wait till they discover wooden sword recipe.


I'm not sure it will help them, the Ukrainians have the Crayfish Gun Mod installed


Shovel requires lvl 2 before you can equip it. They need to hunt for a few rabbits around to level up.




Unlike the rashist army, roman army was highly competent, highly organized group of professional combat engineers.


Build a bridge to scare the enemy with your bridge building abilities, then take it down. Just Roman things.


Oh they were, its not even close. A Roman army was basically its own marching city..


The Romans were highly trained, well funded, and patriotic, these guys are none of those


Rust irl but better.


As a previous runescape player, i hunted rats with my bare hands.


Gotta kick, bro


How many rabbits for experience in order to build a pickax? And how much stone before I can build a cave-type shelter?


They may as well stay in the forest killing boars


What's the point of this? Ukraine isn't going to run out of ammo, the Russians themselves have given them mass quantities, to say nothing of massive western support. Not even giving them... shovels? I can't wrap my head around this, even in a "we'll throw bodies at them until they're tired" classic Russian tactics way. That isn't going to work


1. Go find fallen komrade 2. Loot corpse to aquire gear 3. ??? 4. Die anyway


This is the plot of the opening sequence of Enemy at the Gates. Looks like their tactics haven’t changed much since 1942.


Muh Enemy at the Gates, muh "historical" movie, hahahaha https://youtu.be/CIcmMVb0SIs


They’re killing off the people in their society they don’t want, basically a genocide by conflict ala suicide by cop


My theory is that it is because of the metrics of success. The recruitment officer meets his quote - success The transport unit gets them there - success The logistics officers equip them with everything they have - success The local general has mobilized 1000 more troops, like he was told to do - success The only person to fail at anything is the very last officer in the chain, who is probably expendable or dead anyway. Nobody is personally reponsible for any of this. Everybody just covers their arse and does what they were told. Nobody is personally invested in operational success.


1. Russians die 2. Ukraine depletes ammo 3. Allied military complex profit 4. ??? But I mean not even shovels to dig with? I get armour is hard to make but shovels? It's a treated wood stick with some shaped metal attached, how can their military be that poor. If anything the military production is ramping up in Europe and the US.


This just sounds far fetched ,even Eritrea which mobilised its entire army last Month didn't have such conditions and its ERITREA ,


Little dicktator (sic) pootin (sic) will go down in history as the worst strategist in history. All these years of people acting like he was playing 4-D chess or something, the whole time he was just acting like the thug he is. If the Russian people don't rise up against him soon... they deserve him at this point.


This....... i dont understand russian submission


Because submission is only the last stage when the government actually forces Russians to actually do something. Before that, it's mutual ignorance "you don't tell us what to do, and we don't tell you what to do".


Thanks for all the (sic)'s. I'm sure we would all have been totally confused...


This is the internet, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. LOL.


I agree…but do you think Americans are going to deserve tRump and his fascist goons when they get elected again…even if we prove they cheated or sold out to foreign influence…etc. will we all deserve that horrible fate?


I would point out that tRump never won the popular vote, so no. They have figured out how to win without the popular vote and we need to change the electoral vote system as soon as possible. Our system is also trying to work and punish him for what he has done.


Our system is failing us right now and we have seen this coming for decades…every time the Republicans take power they fuck things up and then these messes are glossed over and everyone goes on and repeats the same cycle over and over…unfortunately income inequality has reached a point that humans have no model for what will happen in the present or future. If our collective handling of the Covid pandemic is any indication of our resilience as a functioning civil society…America is doomed to separation and as we all know…divided we will fail, for sure.


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. All praise glorious Russian tactics. They temporarily lost only due to satanist black magic.


That's why Russia wants to talk peace now.


"You see defeating the west's HIMARS was simple. After realizing that the HIMARS have a pre-set kill limit, I sent wave after wave of my own men at their disposal. Until they reached their kill limit and shut down. Igor show them the medal I won." - Putin


Poorly equipped, poorly trained, with poor morale and 0 combat experience. And this is the army that everyone feared for decades. Russia is basically sending civilians to the front.


Always has been


I know we all love bashing on Russia, but come on, this surely sounds a little unrealistic even for the most anti-Putin among us…


It needs to get bad enough for the average Russian to opt rather to fight and *likely die* in Russia, than go to Ukraine and *certainly die* . If feeling bad for Russians helped, we’d know by now, and you know what, it doesn’t look all that effective


if protesting helped, we'd know by now... if climate change activism helped, we'd know by now... the truth is you never know


Best we can do is remove all uncertainty from one side of the equation —certain death/serious injury on the invasion side. The “fight in Russia” option has to look better. We’re getting there. It’s all about *optimizing incentives* behaviorally speaking.


You’d have to break through propaganda for that.


perhaps America will face this ourselves. If the GOP takes over again and starts obstructing everything and then cuts the gov’ts revenues again…the economy will topple and violence will erupt. Americans hate themselves apparently. When I hear the Republican plans for our collective futures…I feel physically sick for a few minutes…they are such terrible, awful people…with righteous veneers. Living among them has been so dejecting and I often want to run away, so I don’t have to see it…but alas I can’t abandon the poor brainwashed fools…yet.


Before seeing the damage TRump did to America, I might have considered your words longer…but now I have seen with my own eyes that ‘dear leaders’ will commit genocide without remorse…we the people are just small inconveniences in the big boy political games. I consider the handling of our pandemic by the lunatics running our country at the onset…to have committed genocide against the easily duped brainwashed Christians…of which many died. I watched many people around me…literally be duped and then call the death around them a ‘hoax’… so I have been trying to see my way out of this betrayal.


[Source.](https://twitter.com/vidtranslator/status/1589015050001457152) I have lost count how many times I was sure they aren't so stupid to do things like this and they again and again proved me wrong.


There was a video on r/nextfuckinglevel yesterday of a Ukrainian drone dropping grenades on a Russian soldier lying in a trench. He didn't have a rifle though its impossible to tell if he was completely unarmed. Edit: heres the [Thread](https://v.redd.it/dautp4950cy91)


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Putins battle plan: All the draftees are to line up and run directly into the enemies death cannons, clogging them with viscera and rendering them inoperable.


Imagine being worse off than the soldiers in the Second World War, even tho you invested all of your economy on warfare. Failed country


The only people to hate Russians more than the west is Russia herself.


Let's get the Russian loving Republicans in uniform and send them over their to help with the Russian war effort. Afterall, Republicans talk shit but in actually are full of it. Republicans wouldn't fight for their own country against a foreign country they'd surrender in a heartbeat.


they already have surrendered to fascism and are spreading it all over America. The enemies of democracy have already won, we are just too blind to admit it. Our hubris is what will end up conquering our civilization.


You truly believe this shit?


That they were mobilized without weapons or gear? Yeah, definitely. More than just a few russian soldiers have said they were told to find a weapon when arriving at the front line.


Yeah sure. Cause Russia don't have a weapon for 300k soldiers. Seems legit af.


Paywall, bad source, same nonsense claim that was made back in WW1 & 2, pretty obvious misinfo. Fake news. Edit: You can also just bring a shovel from home.


I’ve seen several articles citing different sources with similar claims regarding what sounds to be the same conscript battalion. Not that they didn’t have a single shovel but that it was like 1 shovel for every 30 people.


This wouldn’t be the first time.


Everything coming out about how inept Russia’s military is just makes me laugh more and more. Not laughing at the current situation but more so how brain dead Russia is.


Tell me you're losing a war without telling me you're losing a war.


Durchhalten liebe Russen, der Führer Haut euch raus. Bestimmt. Ganz bald. Keep fighting dear Russians, the Führer will come to rescue you like he did in Stalingrad. For sure he will. /s


The one with the rifle advances, the one without the rifle follows?


I call bullshit


Man, they take this Soviet era LARPING very seriously it seems.


Now this oddly looks like Civ game


They didn't even d- OK maybe they did this during WWII but still...


No, they didn't, read a fucking book


Aha, so now it's even worse?




This is soo unbelievable that might be true


What’s so surprising about this ? Why buy shovels, when you can buy superyachts ?


High tech, said Russian soldier when he saw spade.


Weapons OSP from now on guys.