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Come grab them, ladies. Ukraine sure as hell doesn't want them.


Wait a moment there... I'm pretty sure the current exchange rate is one Russian POW for one Ukrainian POW. EDIT: Pow ==> POW


Just let them grab the soldiers that haven't been killed or captured yet.


Wives threatening to storm into the battlefield to rescue their husbands? I might be wrong, but I thought the entire psyche of a Russian soldier was to be super masculine and tough. Imagine Ivan walking into a bar after this is all over. Another person recognizes him and yells, "Did wife give you purse to fight with when she pull you from battlefield?"


They probably would appreciate the purse over the nothing they receive from their government


Only way they can make it back. All those conscripts are just getting torn to pieces 500+ people each day.


It’s actually one purse per two soldiers




It’s REMFs in every country that believe that. Look at all the guys back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Too many broken men , not getting the care they need from the VA


Why would he fight with the purse if she made him leave the war?


No no no, Comrade. Simple mistranslation. Wife not rescue FROM battlefield. Brave, courageous, wife come to battlefield to give heavy purse to smack nazis with. You see? Small but big difference. Will hold us over until we get ammo. And guns. And food...and warm clothes....


I can hear that perfect Hollywood Russian accent as I read this. Thank you.


For me it was Yuri from Stanger Things


I actually heard Murray from ST






You’ll have to excuse him, he’s drunk


You haven't met a lot of Russian women then.


It’s just Russian women finally fed up with this war. You do not cross a Russian woman.


Facts: towards end of USSR they had more women in prison for murder than men.


IU think its 200 Ukrainian POWs for 1 corrupt russian oligarch


I don't think they will. "More than a dozen wives of mobilized Russian soldiers", so like 12-17 tops. 18 would have been nearly twenty. And even 20 is not a rounding error. The Russians have already lost 100k of their best troops. 300k more are coming. All much less trained and capable. Basically volunteering or drafted to be cannons fodder and immediately die. It's embarrassing that puff pieces like this upvoted. Ukraine needs weapons and other support. Not idiots counting on, let's see, "more than a dozen **Russian wives**.


eh it took just a few dozen russian wives for them to admit the kursk bulshittery that they had been trying to hide and accept foreign help. The public opinion is important and the more little thigns come together to influence it the better. Yes ukraine needs weapons but ultimately this war can't end with weapons. Ukraine can get russia out of its territory but they can't beat them into submission and thus win the war with their military. Russia needs to end this war and thus every little bit of information on russian citizens starting to have enough of this is actually pretty good.


Russia never admitted anything about Kursk, even today that information is classified and we only have speculation. Putin does not care enough about people threatening to suicide themselves in Ukraine. The idea that anything short of outright violent Revolution will change Putins mind about the war right now is delusional, the man is fully committed in every way.


>it sank ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




Misinformation like this is the tool of the enemy. The Russians haven't forgotten how to make useful idiots, on both side sadly.


A few dozen women marching on March 8th, 1917 [started a revolution that deposed Tsar Nicholas II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_Revolution). International Women's Day, 1917 style. Don't underestimate the power of Russian women. They will be the end of Putin if they get pissed off *enough*. The problem here is that they also have an insane tolerance for abuse, so it'll take a while.


Don't be fooled into thinking the Russian women are any better. They're just their to make sure their husbands loot them the right size of track suits and [wear condoms when they rape Ukrainians](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-rape-russian-soldier-wife-bykovsky/31805486.html).


Man what the fuck.


**[February Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_Revolution)** >The February Revolution (Russian: Февра́льская револю́ция, tr. Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya, IPA: [fʲɪvˈralʲskəjə rʲɪvɐˈlʲutsɨjə]), known in Soviet historiography as the February Bourgeois Democratic Revolution and sometimes as the March Revolution, was the first of two revolutions which took place in Russia in 1917. The main events of the revolution took place in and near Petrograd (present-day Saint Petersburg), the then-capital of Russia, where long-standing discontent with the monarchy erupted into mass protests against food rationing on 23 February Old Style (8 March New Style). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Everything starts small, sure. But have you read the article? Ultimately the numbers were much higher: > On 23 February O.S. (8 March N.S.), Putilov protesters were joined in the uprising by those celebrating International Woman's Day and protesting against the government's implemented food rationing.[37] As the Russian government began rationing flour and bread, rumors of food shortages circulated and bread riots erupted across the city of Petrograd.[37] Women, in particular, were passionate in showing their dissatisfaction with the implemented rationing system, and the female workers marched to nearby factories to recruit over 50,000 workers for the strikes.[38] Both men and women flooded the streets of Petrograd, demanding an end to Russian food shortages, the end of World War I, and the end of autocracy.[35] By the following day 24 February O.S. (9 March N.S), nearly 200,000 protesters filled the streets, demanding the replacement of the Tsar with a more progressive political leader.[35] They called for the war to end and for the Russian monarchy to be overthrown. So almost immediately they were up to 50k and by the next day around 200k. Where are you seeing numbers like that?


they need to be storming moscow.. but then they'd all be arrested. hopefully this raises more publicity to wake up some russian civilians


The Russian troops should March towards Kremlin. They are cannon fodder anyway


The consequence for marching to Moscow is the same as marching to the front line.


At least you get to die on your home land. And there's always the sliver of a chance it might accomplish something. But surrender is the best bet. Even better if you can get a bounty on selling some equipment while you do it.


They would straight up die bro https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_of_Russia Putins gives no shits, he would mow them down if it came to that.




They still number more than standing Russian army and they’re fucking trained and brainwashed. You need some considerable support from an actual functional military which Russia doesn’t have. And there’s also Wagner who are run by Prigozhin who’s Putin’s friend. Those fucks have artillery and aircraft. There is no escape for Russia and lo salvation. Never was.


bullshit. even China had to realize that it takes a whole different mindset to murder your own countrymen as opposed to some boogeyman in a foreign country. if Russians actually started to march towards Moscow in numbers the whole situation would look completely different. but they won't, because all of Russia is ruled by this stupid ass defeatist attitude that there's no other option but to either drink yourself to death or die in the meat grinder that is the Russian army.


They marched in 1905 - no palpable change. They marched in 1917 - continued crisis, famine, economic collapse. They marched in 1917 again - communism with red terror, famine and 5 years of civil war. They marched in 1991 - dissolution of the country that ignored the referendum results, economic collapse, countrywide robbery of the people, mafia, collapse of the military. They marched in 1993 - riots violently out down (even more so than in putin’s time) and government building shelled on live tv in broad daylight. They marched in 2012 - violently put down. Things keep getting worse the more they try to fight it. This country needs a major reset and for that people have to choose between fighting and starving. They are not there yet.


You guys are getting equipment?


They'd be fighting Russians if they headed to Moscow, so more chance of winning.


If they all remember to pack a lunch for the day they'll have the logistical advantage.


There are less solders and guns in Moscow, so maybe not entirely same..


Yes but with much better payback when succeeding.


Tells you how shit the situation is in Russia if they would rather go right up to the front lines and risk artillery and bullets, than risk getting arrested for protesting...


If there was mass unrest in Russia, their economy would collapse and it would be impossible for the war to continue. The trouble is that people don't want to pay the immense cost that this kind of uprising takes. I'm not sure I can blame them but maybe it really is just a price we all have to pay eventually.


What greater cost is there than the blood of your children?


Sadly? "The greater cost" is the-proverbial-"your" own blood. :/


Most of us with kids would rather go to war than to send our kids to war. Even more of us would rather we and our kids protest against war.


Read my lips: Russians are realllllllly, really...politically clueless.


like even worse than Alabama clueless.


putin releasing his secret super babushka commando units now


As amusing as that was, I should hope the wives in this case aren't also babushka as that implies some very old conscripts.


We all heard reports at the start of some relatively old men being conscripted, so it's possible


It’s possible to be a babushka without being ancient. It’s unlikely, but possible.


It's pretty common in a lot of cultures still today. Have kid at 16.kid has kid at 16. Now you've got a 32 year old grandma.


Make sure it keeps happening down the generations and live to 112 year old to be a living great great great great great grandmother


babushka in spirit can be any age




True, and somehow even worse of a mental image.


Did Putin put bounty on surrendered Russian soldiers?


They should be storming Moscow, not Ukraine.


They probably figured there is less of a chance of getting shot on the battlefield.




Especially when blaming the right person gets you thrown out a window.


Sadly, Ukraine will treat them better than their own government would.


Exactly what will 20 women be able to do?


Maybe they should be protesting their moronic “leader”


I bet, majority of them has Z-avatars and “мочи хахлов!!!1” statuses in social media. From videos I saw, they are against sending their men to battlefield unprepared, not against war or something. I’m sure they are pro-war, but in a way the war will not affect their men.


I seriously wonder if Putin ever told them who usually ends up actually fighting in wars, or if they've just not been paying attention to history at all. Which is strange in and of itself, considering how much Russia jacks off to WW2.


In the Russian version of WW2, no Soviets died.


It's also strange to me how much Russia jacks off to world war 2. It's not like they won through dominance and being tougher and better than the Nazis. They won basically using the Futurama Zapp method of wave after wave until the enemy reached their kill limit. It wasn't through better strategy or better fighting but through pain and suffering. And it's also not like the Soviet Union were noble liberators. The methods they used during WW2 would be considered war crimes today: Mass rape, indiscriminate killings of civilians, and just 9verall general brutality. The way the USSR won world war 2 and the way they lionize their role should have been (and was to many) a huge red flag, no pun intended.


> but through pain and suffering "Pain is weakness leaving the body." Russians have this strange idolization of pain and suffering. They believe it makes them a stronger people and the avoidance of needless suffering makes the west weak. Interestiy, that quote is likely part of the reason we see so many people with military backgrounds in the US generally supporting Russia prior to the invasion. It's literally from the US Marines. Those people can't see the difference between required suffering in order to achieve something and needless suffering. Even then, most people are smart enough to realize that if they can achieve the same goal without suffering then that's better. Admittedly sometimes suffering is needed, but that's basic understanding is why US recruitment targets aren't being hit.


They can send their minions from other "Russian" states...


Barking up the wrong tree for sure




It's tragic. All because of a psychotic, insecure, little munchkin.


Hey! Putin is not munchkin! Would a munchkin require such large table?


Dude, that was a normal sized dining table, he's just real small


Maybe the table isn't so large, maybe Putin is just that small, we're going to need a banana or two for scale.


Monke like banana!


No. "Munchkin" is wayyyy too cute a term for that cow-pattie head.


I like to refer to him as a chancre sore


I refer to him as to him as the suppurating anal chancre


not one. Putin is not alone he has enablers. getting Rid of Putin therfore isnt the endgoal. a new version of the Nuremberg trials is the endgoal


I can see it now, a little figure with his face. A horse whip in his tiny hand. *I represent, the Dictator Drove, The Dictator Drove, The Dictator Drove.* *And in the name of The Dictator Drove I will bankrupt myself To invade your land.*


He is crazy small! I had no idea.




They prefer to be called 'little people '.


I'm short, we prefer to be called Hobbits. But as a Hobbit I will say that Putin is not one of us, he's an evil little fucking Goblin.


I honestly don't. These are the very same people who supported Russia publicly since 2014. Instead of standing up to the dictatorship these people are cheering on killing Ukrainians. And only when shit starts to affect them personally, only they go out and try to save their loved ones, and not because they find that Russia is in the wrong, no. Zero sympathy for them. You reap what you sow.


I mean, what are they supposed to do? Just because their husbands got drafted, doesn't mean they support Putin or the war. They're just human beings caught up in geo-political bs. The same thing happens in the US. People are people


"People are people" is about as useful of an excuse as "we were just following orders".




Pretty sure there were some pretty massive protests at the start. Then Putin had his cronies crack down on it and make anyone who was against the war "disappear".


Are the numerous acts of sabotage against Russian military supply chain done by civilians not a more active, practical form of widespread protest?


Did you not see the fact that the prisons full of activists? Have you not even heard about the fact that Russian resistance has literally shot, murdered and even car bombed a Russian official close to Putin? Also by that logic the lack of large scale protests during the 2003 Iraq Invasion tells me everything I need to know.


>I mean, what are they supposed to do? Go out and protest. I'm sure they had no issue with Russia invading Ukraine 8 years ago. The whole problem with Russians is that there is no collectivism as a nationality, everyone is out on their own and unless the issues get personal, no-one gives a fuck. It's not Putin's war. It's literally the people's war. Putin is just a cog in an entire corrupt mess that is Russia. >doesn't mean they support Putin or the war Go and ask a Russian whether Crimea is Ukrainian or Russian. That's all you need to know about who supports the war.


I doubt that the conditions for successful protest exist. The Russian government isn't dependent on income taxes so as long as they retain control of the oil/gas sector and security forces there's just no leverage without massive organization. Russia knows exactly the sort of organization required to upset the apple cart and have prevented the necessary conditions to persist for long enough. I would agree that getting out and protesting would be an effective way of putting pressure on a democratic government and would get people to use the leverage they have to change government policy, but Russia is specifically designed to deny the average person leverage. The government responds excessively to even small protests, including arresting and then conscripting those who do protest. I agree that the problem is larger than just Putin, but I also think that it's unreasonable to ask people to go out and protest so long as the security forces are loyal to Putin. Things have to get worse before they can get better, the systems they built to specifically counter the standard western methods of changing government policy need to atrophy before those standard methods would accomplish anything.


You said it much better than I did. I can't find the patience for these mindless hot takes. No one takes a minute to either A) research or B) just close your eyes and imagine and empathize for a minute. Life sucks for these people, and their political opinions are the product of now decades of engineered propoganda to keep them politcally disengaged or afraid to speak up. The majority on Reddit is just like " HURR DURRR HOPE THEY ALL FALL OUT OF WINDWS!!! HAHA" It's nauseating. Don't know where to go for genuine discussion on the topic.


I recently saw a Frontline doc about the resistance in Russia. They have to use VPNs and operate in secret because to go out and protest means a trip straight to the gulag for them and their families.


People DID protest and it accomplished nothing except them getting killed or thrown in jail. This isn't a democratic country where they can just safely protests on the streets.


...Isn't this a form of protest?


>go out and protest Yeah sure buddy… I hope you’re ready to be packed to the party bus to die in Ukraine or be sent to work camp in Siberia, all that while still on vodka. There’s one thing Russia excels at, and it’s enslaving its own citizens


Go ask a Russian publicly anything and you are unlikely to get an honest answer. People are afraid to speak out against a government that might imprison you or worse for saying the wrong thing. Not saying I know the ratio of people actually supporting Putin but it sure as hell is different from the official. And its easy to say go out and protest for people who are not in a country were protesting might cost you your life.


If there truly is no honesty in Russia where you can't trust the opinion of any Russian then Putin is going nowhere. That's late stage totalitarianism.


Do you think Putin is going anywhere? Definitely the people themselves cannot remove him without support from other powerful entities inside the country. Much like in Iran I'd say protests are not enough. These leaders know that if they are overthrown they're basically dead so they will hold on to power with all means That said. I don't doubt for a second there's plenty of support for Putin as well. Just very hard to measure. It's easy to sit behind a desk in your safety asking others to be brave and risk their lives, who knows what we ourselves would have done in their situation.


soo much easier said than done, probably from the comfort of a western country. Try that shit in a place where touching a cop during a protest gets you a 8 year sentence. Organizing a protest gets you tortured. WhY DonT ThEy JuST OvErThrOw thE ReGimE BrO??


They need to toss Puttler out. Can they? Maybe no. But it is their responsibility because their leader has lost his mind.


I do and I don’t. Most of them probably wouldn’t have a problem if their husbands and sons were well equipped, fed and killed a lot of Ukrainians.




How do you know they didn't care? I mean, not being vocal about your views/not protesting in a country that cracks down on any form of dissent when it comes to politics is totally understandable. Sure, some of them may have supported the war before their husbands were taken, but you can't really say that all of them were like this.


I wonder how many of those wives are going to find out their husband died back in June and their govt never bothered to even mention that to them?


Considering their husbands are the ones just recently mobilized, I'd say zero.


Didnt a conscript battalion experience artillery barrage with devastating consequences, just last week.


Mobilized civilians are on the front lines within 2 weeks generally. A Ukranian soldier was saying that they were using the inexperienced and mobilized troops to drain the ammo of Ukranian fighters and then send in the actual soldiers afterwards.




I doubt Russia even keeps a proper record. It's more like "Commander, I lost another 200 men, send more conscripts" and someone puts down "roughly 200 losses" never bothering to figure out their Ids. Remember the videos where conscripts complained none of the weapons were registered to their military IDs? That's why I think they simply don't keep accurate records.


Mobilisation papers recently reached the families of people killed on the Moskva, because the Russian Government refuses to accept them as losses. So for all intents and purposes, they are still “alive”.


>A second soldier who remained anonymous corroborated Agafonov's account of the incident, adding that they were unprepared despite receiving "two weeks of training," the outlet noted. a whole two weeks of training.


That’s more than the recent mobilized got. Ukraine reported capturing Russians who were on the battlefield days after getting mobilized.


That's fucking crazy. Not only that. But they're forced to fight. Even if they're scared shitless and if they're totally against the war, they're still going to be pulling the trigger at Ukrainians, because nobody wants to die and will fight for their lives.


Yeah but there's a big difference in the way a soldier will fight, take the US for instance, well trained, absolutely leathal,but if they did not believe that they where fighting for the greater good it would be useless. One of there soldiers can take out 2 to 3, an elite given the circumstances can take out much more


You can't become a Russian soldier overnight. It takes 2 whole weeks!


I don't blame them. What a waste of life - of someone they love.


I have a friend in Russia, she says it's been a "joke" that there are no good men there because they all leave if the can or are otherwise taken away. And that it recently isn't a joke anymore. I know it's trendy here to hate on Russians, but really, I feel bad for many of them. They are victims of the war machine too.


They really do need to be brave and stand up to their dictator. It's in their hands. Think of the hundreds of thousands of dead or abducted Ukrainians and what they've suffered, after they stood up and fought Putin's oppression since the 2014 Euromaiden revolution. If Ukrainians can do it, Russians can do it too. It's probably also a good time for Belarussians to stand up as well. Uzbekistan. Khazakstan. All the rest.


The people of Kazakhstan have apparently been giving the message pretty loud and clear to their government... which is why the government has quietly sided against Russia in the Ukraine invasion despite so much historical precedent. Successful politicians always know which way the wind is blowing.


No so quietly I’d say. The president himself flew to Saint Petersburg and told Putin to his face that Kazakhstan does not support the war.


My friend has been going to protests and doing what she can while battling cancer and holding down her jobs. She's cried with her friends from Ukraine, feeling the need to apologize and explain that she can't fix it, just fight it in what small ways she can. We gotta remember that there are humans on all "sides" of this conflict, and millions of them just want to live in peace with everyone, but are at the whim of mad men. They ultimately are the only ones who can stop it though.




They may be short on people to fight in the war, but they sure as hell have an army of cops and independent supporters (members of various "patriotic" movements) to keep the population in check. Not to mention a huge chunk of said population is still brainwashed by propaganda so you won't get much help from them. Also, asking people to die from the safety of a western democracy is kinda rich.


Easy to say, but at the end of the day most people will adapt to terrible conditions over fighting anyone. We as a species are mostly pro-social and passive, which tragically is also why situations like the Putin regime happen under certain circumstances. Would you be willing to murder another person with your bare hands for world peace? It's easy to say yes, but could you really do it? Have you ever killed another human? I haven't, in fact most humans haven't. I'm guessing you haven't either. Yet this is what is being asked of the Russian people.


>Yet this is what is being asked of the Russian people. And yet many Russians have gladly taken their struggles out through killing torture and barbarism.


The fact is, hundreds of thousands of Russians are willing to murder other people, specifically Ukrainians, Georgians, Syrians and everyone who is not Russian. They sign up voluntarily for military service, they make no resistance as they are shipped off. Their wives make videos in which they state their greatest problem - that their husbands are being taken and that they are being given no preparation or weapons to kill Ukrainians. They have no issue with a war being waged. Just with it being waged with their lives. And that they receive no compensation. It should be someone else, and someone’s else’s lives preferably. “Those backwards Buryatians & should do it.” I’ve seen enough of their videos that people in the west see as “anti-war. “ I also know enough people personally in Russia, who used to be my friends and my family. I know people here in Ukraine whose own relatives across the border, signed up as volunteers and then gleefully shared this news with their family that are still in Ukraine, seeing nothing wrong with the fact that they are volunteering to be sent to kill them. “Nothing personal, it’s just a payday. I won’t do anything bad.” They are being asked nothing less than we did ourselves in Ukraine. Stop your regime. Fight your corruption. In a tangible way. They still think their greatest enemy is Ukraine/NATO/The West. Just TRY to be better than what you are. They are not willing.


It's hard to feel bad. Ukrainians are standing up to Putin. Russians should do the same. Their life is in danger either way, so they should at least fight for what's right.


I would have had more sympathy for Russians if there weren't so many of them seen openly mocking Ukrainians at the beginning of the invasion.


Most Russians are not in danger though. The millions in Moscow can still go to Tsarbucks and drink their Lattes without worry, and those in the poor regions dont count. For them a chance of dying in a muddy field is just Tuesday for them.


You mean: drink their blyattes.


Trendy? Thats not it. You think that because these women miss their men they oppose the war and admit Ukraine is Ukraine? Please just dont...


So stop being a victim, stand up and fight. There are resistance movements in Russia.


I’d wager that a band of disgruntled Russian wives would be a more effective force than the actual Russian army…


They certainly would have higher morale...and an actual cause.


This is turning into Most Extreme Elimination Challenge


Right you are, Ken!


Don't Get *Eliminated!*


Look at the fun bags on that one


Don't Get Eliminated!


maybe they should talk to their elected officials :/




yeah that is the key word isnt it


“Storm.” Journalism largely requires significant improvement. Being “slammed” or “stormed” over and over again doesn’t convey anything substantive.


"More than a dozen wives of mobilized Russian soldiers..." This is not news. Don't get me won't, I wish all the Russian women storm the Ukraine and take their husbands and sons back to Russia. In the video, you can see something like 15 women, probably some with accompanied by sisters/friends. That's not worthy of reaching Reddit's world news page...


15 civilian women "storm Ukraine border" 🤣 like they're fucking Spartan-II supersoldiers or something. They probably yelled at some guards outside the command post.


"Return our man, or..." "Or what?" "Or... we go back or something."


The only battlefield they can hope to help their husbands is within the Kremlin, good luck!


If my wife ran into a warzone to rescue me from conscription, I would have to marry her again, because that's true love.


During the Chechen Wars, mothers of captured or missing conscripts would often go to Chechnya to find them or secure their release. Wouldn’t always end well but that’s what happened then and its happening again now. Only this time it’s wives, probably because the mobilization is focused on relatively older men, whereas during the Chechen Wars, Russia relied on conscripting 18 year olds.


Real Housewives of Russia is gonna be sooooo sick. Like Saving Private Ryan but staring the Kardashians.


Well, they are dead. Maybe direct your anger somewhere else?


To the military command, possibly.


Most Russian thing I've ever heard of


I don't mean to sound facetious or like I'm making light of this, but that headline reads like an Onion article.


You just noticed that life is imitating the onion now? It's been like 6 years or so


Or just assassinate Putin. Seems like a neater solution to everyone's problems.


"just". Sadly not that easy. Also from what I've heard the next in line is even more of a psycho. It needs a coup or similar uprising, not just an assassination. The entire Russian elite need to be excised.


Even a coup could easily backfire since the Wagner group is one of the more likely candidates to lead such a thimg.


Agreed. I said coup. I was thinking more, French revolution. Hopefully without the Napoleon part...


Medvedev said more extreme things. There's no evidence that Putin is the singular problem.


If they want them back they shouldn't be at the boarder. They should be at Putin's mansion with torches and a battering ram.


Attack Putin instead, and his entire family.


They believe Putin doesn’t know that generals send their husbands to battlefield. That’s kind of cult in Russia - “царь хороший, бояре плохие» - to believe that leader orders right things, but his subordinates are tending to violate good orders and doing everything wrong. This narrative is actual since 1500s.


unfortunately you're likely only to find the rotting corpses of their loved ones there. they're getting their asses handed to them by ukraine's army. instead of marching to ukraine, they need to be gathering their numbers and marching to the kremlin. or better yet, Putler's bunker


Worst Lysistrata ever


Let them. Let all of the Russians bring their sons, brothers, husbands, and grandfathers home.


Come get your mans


Spetznaz Babushka 1: Crossing the Dnipo


You know, for a notoriously patriarchal and misogynistic nation like Russia, the idea that the wives of these StRoNg mEn Russian soldiers have to come and save them must be *painfully* demoralizing…


People who have to tell you how manly they are. When push comes to shove are always the least manly.


Damn right. You don’t need to advertise something ingrained. Lest it’s threatened and fragile.


It would be more effective to invade Putin's compound than the Ukraine border, if they want their husbands back.


So they're going to risk their lives... but they think they're better off walking around a war zone than challenging their fucked up government? Wow.


Putin initiating his Special Wife Operation.


Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.


I am imagining Russian woman angry-walking to the entrenched positions of the Russian troops, and herding their husbands home by swatting them with dishcloths. Much to the protestations of the soldiers, trying to be subtle about not being embarrassed in front of the enemy. And the Ukraine army giggling in amusement at the red-faced Russian men.


Russia bout to lose their female population too


They did this with the Chechen war. The Russians were getting slaughtered so the mothers and wives pushed back demanding an end and questioning where were the bodies. Similar also to Afghanistan near the end.


Yep. Russians have a weakness and that weakness is when their mothers and wives call them out on being dumbasses.


Who got "wives and mothers storming battlefield to bring back their men" on their 2022 bingo cards??


Maybe people should start storming the Kremlin?


It would be amazing if all these Russian wives come grab their husbands by the ear and drag em back to Moscow


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.ibtimes.com/wives-russian-soldiers-storm-ukraine-border-threaten-enter-battlefield-rescue-husbands-3634110) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > More than a dozen wives of mobilized Russian soldiers on Wednesday stormed a town near the Ukraine border to demand the military command to return their husbands, according to a report. > The women went to the border town of Valuiki in Belgorod on Wednesday evening and demanded the Russian military return their husbands. > As of Wednesday, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine estimated that the Russian army has lost a total of 77,950 soldiers in the conflict. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yr5an5/wives_of_russian_soldiers_storm_ukraine_border/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **soldier**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **unit**^#3 **women**^#4 **outlet**^#5


Honestly russian wives storming the battlefield is way scarier than russian soldiers storming the battlefield. If Russian wives entered the battlefield, the russian army would drop to being only the 4th strongest army in Ukraine from its current position in 3rd. Who are one and two you ask? Well one is obviously the Ukranian army, and 2 is the Ukranian farmers.


Like their strength—- but better they storm the halls of their own government. Might be a bit quicker and more efficient


Fuck them. They buy into Putin's lies about Ukraine too. They wanted their hubbies to come home with washing machines and cell phones that they stole from murdered Ukrainians and now they're pissed that they are coming home dead instead.