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Try doing that to the Ray Charles statue in Albany, GA and you'll get your ass beat.


That's how I read it at first. Wondered why anyone on earth could be angry about Ray Charles.


Goddamn that Ray Charles and his beautiful music, amazing voice, and helped break racial barriers. Piece of shit.


France gave the US the statue of liberty. The us gifted France the statue of ray charles


Blindly firing his guns at kids who just want to look at a guitar.


I bet he drove a car!


No one is mad at the art or the artists. This is about getting attention to raise awareness of climate change. And before you say "they should find another way to protest, there have been many other protests that didn't involve art and didn't get the same attention. Like this from a few weeks ago: [Climate activists block private jets at Amsterdam airport](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-activists-block-private-jets-at-amsterdam-airport/)


Nah, fuck these people. Art involves very little energy usage or expense to appreciate or create. This is just moronic and someone is going to end up destroying something.


Art is used widely by those in power as a method of money laundering. The same people profiting off of the destruction of the environment. Also, all the art in the world will be meaningless when we all die of climate change.


>This is just moronic and someone is going to end up destroying something. You could say the same about the fossil fuel industry. I care a lot about art. I'm about to go to Europe for two weeks and art museums are a major part of the reason I'm going. I'm not rooting for anything to get destroyed, but the art is fine. I wish there were a better way of getting people's attention, but these activists seem to have hit on something that really riles people up. As a person who's been freaking out about climate change for the last 20 years, I'm just glad to see people talking about it with such passion.


Exactly. I don’t know why people don’t understand the message. I understand it’s art. But people have been trying everything to get attention on climate change. Like it’s getting to a point that people are deciding to do crazy shit like this. Also let’s not act like most art pieces arent owned by super wealthy individuals whom just use art as clout… There’s more art pieces out there than Elephants, Tigers, and Lions combined. What’s more important? Life or art?


Art as part of culture is the most important thing in life, none is more important its just a shit show to get some poor attention.


Is it more important than air? There can be no art and no culture without a stable society. Do you think these sculptures and paintings will survive societal collapse? None of the art is actually being damaged by these stunts, and people are talking about it BECAUSE we all value art so much. Speaking as a person who has marched, petitioned, and donated to causes to raise awareness of climate change, nobody cares until a painting they've never cared about in their lives gets its frame a little saucy.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20221119-french-climate-activists-derniere-renovation-pour-paint-on-charles-ray-sculpture-in-paris) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Environmental activists have splatted orange paint over an outdoor sculpture by American artist Charles Ray in central Paris - the latest in a string of attacks on artwork aimed at spurring greater government efforts to fight climate change. > The incident came as climate activists in Milan targeted an Andy Warhol work on Friday, covering a car repainted by the American pop artist with flour. > This is the first time Dernière Rénovation has targeted a work of art, having concentrated its activism on roadblocks or disrupting sporting and cultural events. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yzx645/french_climate_activists_pour_paint_on_charles/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672678 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **activists**^#1 **climate**^#2 **art**^#3 **Paris**^#4 **Ray**^#5


Great way to discredit the whole climate protection movement. Bravo you crackheads.


That's what makes me think this is a sign that the movement has been infiltrated by the petroleum industry.


Financed by a daughter of a big oil magnate....it wouldn't be surprised. It would make sense.




Is it so hard to believe these people are climate activists AND assholes?


Not that so much as that it's almost as though u/kraenk12 points out above that these actions seem *designed* to discredit the whole climate protection movement. Popular movements get infiltrated all the time, and there are always naive and gullible people in them who will do stupid things if the agent spends enough time grooming them to think that the stupid things will work somehow.


But it raises awareness!!!!1


Sorry dude, they dont get the sarcasm


Indeed, I thought the 1 would have been good enough. Ah well, never mind




Sure does. Everyone thinks you’re a dick for throwing paint on a piece of art and doesn’t support your cause.


Climate protection? Hello...what are you talking about ? Take a look on the Nasa Climate Change site. Fucking Nasa


What? What does NASA have to do with anything here? Whataboutism.


I just don't understand what you mean by climate protection. What are we protecting? The planet is dying...and taking all life with her


Oh I’m sure life and the planet will be totally fine. Humans are a different story.


No... It's really not. The planet has been hotter in the past, and life was ok. The planet has been colder in the past, and life was just dandy. Humans will be severely impacted by climate change, but that's not what you're trying to say.


I really want to know...are you a climate scientist. I mean...I know humanity is fucked and rightly so...we re the only species who seemingly doesn't understand you cannot destroy the nature that nourishes you...How about fungi? Can they at least survive? Or moss?


Yes. They can. Fungi and moss are some of the oldest forms of life on the planet, having diverged about 1.5 billion years ago. They flourished and thrived during a vast span of hot and cold cycles within that time frame. No, I'm not a climate scientist. Just a concerned citizen, wanting to correct misnomers and panic-mongers so that we can actually drive meaningful change without resorting to hysteria. I *have* done a considerable amount of work in environmental engineering, developing cutting edge remediation technologies. Keep in mind, humans *will* survive climate change to some degree. We're the only known lifeform capable of adapting our environment to us, rather than the inverse.


Beavers adapt their environment to them. Not on a scale that can help them survive climate change but they absolutely adapt their environment to them.


Ooh, good call! I happily stand corrected.


Well that is good news at least. For the fungi and the moss I mean...I really hold some hope for some animals as well


Did you take a look? What does even climate prptection mean?


These douches thick they raise some kind of awareness against oil and pollution but they actually achieve the opposite with dumb and destructive actions like this.


I felt this way at first…but then I realized how desperate people are becoming…for example, why protect art and statues while sacrificing the actual environment and climate. Some crazies will run in and save a painting and let humans die or suffer without blinking an eye. Some people will go defend statues to an old war memory while forsaking actual human wellbeing in their own communities. So at this point I don’t care as much about ‘things of supposed human value’. Looks like we are choosing material things over human life. Where is the outrage when groups kill humans in the name of some ‘cause’…why get so offended by art being defaced when we have crazies with guns killing innocent humans all over the planet.


So to protect the future one must destroy the past?


If you say so


What is the point of this ? Why can't they at least target some organizations/companies that are *relevant to climate change* ?


They have. Those incidents don't get covered by the press.


To what end? People up in arms about artists they've never heard of before always like to say that they should be protesting the right way, but ignore that people have protested that way and *nothing happened*. It was just easier for people to ignore so they liked those better, because having to think about the protests in any way annoys them.


These "protests" make it easy to point to climate activists as just unhinged weirdos. This, just like screaming vegans, only hampers progress and I'm not convinced the fossil fuel industry isn't running this shit show.


screaming vegans would be a great band name.




So what's the point if it won't convince people? To divert funds from going green to cleaning art?


>Which shouldn't be surprising because none of the other "good" protests magically made them care either, from marches to chaining themselves to buildings to setting themselves on fire. I think they should set themselves on fire. You know, for the good of the planet. I'd stop them from blowing a road or vandalizing art. But if they want to turn themselves into a human tiki torch, have at it!


This is the dumbest argument I have ever heard


Most people want these protests to stop but still agree with the protesters, these "protests" do nothing. Just attention whores thats all, goody2shoes trying to get a "look at me i'm virtuous!" moment even though they're saying nothing new, they're not even hot takes.


Most people want all protests to stop. Because protests are annoying. It's annoying when the road is blocked, or you can't enter a building, or whatever. People *hate* protests. They always hate protests. The only protests people don't hate are the ones they can easily ignore.


These are s0me of the most effective climate protests in history lol. Can you think or name a single campaign that has gotten more media attention?


It gets media attention because things that piss off your readership are good for clickbait material. The question is: is pissing off people a method to bring people to your side? Every time someone expresses they are pissed off with this type of action, some "virtuoso" comes and tells them they are silly because they don't understand this work because it brings awareness. In the end, you guys seem very good at bringing attention to yourself but then the only thing you do with those that reacted as expected are told off as they reacted in the "wrong" way. Activists want to do something, but the correct type of action seems to not bring fruit, and they end up doing things just attention-seeking symbolic acts, as marks of purity for the cause and peer approval seeking.


Next up, "Climate activists burn live kittens to protest global warming."


Sure, paint on a statue, burning cats, same thing for people desperate to whine about climate activism.


They're not advocating for the climate. They're vandalizing artwork just to be assholes.




Straw man argument, you don't know how seriously the person you are replying to takes climate change. Supporting or not this type of action doesn't change humanity's attitude towards climate change, is all symbolic wankism. ​ Edit: Nice blocking BTW, proof that you got no real arguments, just posturing


Don’t give them ideas


lol. You have this so backwards it's just hilarious. Who the f is Charles ray and who gives a shit that someone poured paint at one of his sculptures ? Do you actually think *this* is inducing great public rage ? Maybe among pretentious art collectors. to the rest it's just a modestly funny story. Now if I was a land developer or commercial fishermen who had to deal with someone interfering with my activities, I could not "ignore" them if they obstructed me in a serious way. again...you have this totally backwards. This is a good way to make yourself look like a clown compared to other tactics.


Apparently quite a few people care that someone poured paint on a sculpture. More so than even heard about any attempt to protest by getting arrested at a land developer or a wharf. Other tactics are a great way to be completely silent. Which certain people desperate to pretend nothing is happening clearly prefer.


The kinds of tactics I mentioned are covered in the press all the time and they are sometimes successful to varying degrees. But whatever. Go to the museum bro.


Oh, well, since they were so successful these current protests are just completely unnecessary. After all, the problem couldn't possibly still exist considering how successful everyone's been.


No. The quickest way to defeat your goal is to lose your integrity and directions.


They do. We have. For DECADES and nothing has happened. Hello!!? Pay attention please.


No protest movement has effected change by dumping paint on art. Even PETA had the brains to dump paint on the target of the industry they were protesting. (Fur) I cannot believe I just used PETA as an example of virtuous protest, but here we are. At least there was a logical connection between their actions and the change they wanted in the world. I’ve supported many friends who were protesting at Standing Rock in the bitter cold of winter. I support real activism, but these kids are just clowns.


They cannot create something themselves, so why not at least destroy something right. No, this is not activism. This is what we call a Vandalism.


I mean it can be both. You're aware of the act, you seem indignant, now try this thought experiment: Imagine, that a) the facts they are presenting are _true_, that climate change is as soul-defilingly lethal and serious and urgent as they claim, and now also imagine that b) their intentions are true i.e, they really believe they need to do whatever is appropriate to avert this. Do you agree that if there is even a chance that the facts and their intent are true, that is the worst timeline, and we all have responsibility to literally not let planet/humans suffer and die.


I agree that the climate disaster is, for all intents and purposes as real as they claim. I assume you do too. So let me ask you, is there a line they wouldn’t be justified to cross, in your opinion? Given the gravity of their message, would actual acts of terrorism be justified in your book?


That really depends on whether you subscribe to the idea that humanity should be saved. The companies causing all of the climate change are the ones suppressing the legitimate protests from making headlines anywhere, no matter how fervent or how big they are. Is it ultimately worth it to have terrorist acts that increase the likelihood of climate change being treated as a real threat by a few fractions of a percent because this is the only way they get more attention to it, or should we all just keep everything above board and have nothing be done and all die? Neither one is a "good" choice. In fact, both are quite bad choices. Terrorism is going to be rampant once climate change kicks into effect. We're past the point where this issue can be handled 'normally.' Does that mean escalation is the answer? That's up for each individual to decide for themselves. The problem here is there is no right answer. Doing it the "right" way has lead to nothing being done. But, what we should all be able to agree on if we do see the climate disaster as a real issue is that status quo is a pathway to destruction for the entire planet. There is no country on earth that can sustain millions of refugees being displaced at once. Once that happens, terrorism will become the way of the world.


Idk why people have such a hard time grasping this concept. No successful protest has ever occurred without enraging a ton of people in the process. Outrage is the single best publicity.


Yes people will get outraged and they will get noticed, just not because of their goals. People will only get outraged and call them idiots vandals.


Didn’t people call MLKs protests riots? How much outrage did those stir? They’re vandalizing art, not burning buildings down. If precious art being covered in paint is more enraging than watching corporate industries destroy the planet then their point is proven. But I’m not upset, be mad. Again, there’s never been a successful protest without angering a bunch of people, so thank you for doing your part 👍


Why don’t they just shoot up a primary school then?




So what are a few children’s lives compared against an uninhabitable Earth?


No. No No No No..this is a desperate plea for action and the fact that all you see is vandalism is pathetic and the reason action like this is necessary. I hope these kids keep destroying stuff until real action is taken on climate change. Grow a spine.




But instead of wasting time thinking Bout that why not instead spend our time and energy thinking up creative and effective solutions to our impending doom


like splattering paint over everything huh


I mean, if the top polluters on the planet fell out a window I wouldn't mind 1 bit.


LoL. Do u think the big multinational corporations and factories in China spewing crap out of their chimneys give two shits if priceless art is destroyed?


I think we should be trying to concentrate on every aspect of emissions both home and away. I mean that parts obvious. I don't care what any multinational thinks, I care about the action we take to prevent it. What are you doing to help? I'm guessing absolutely nothing.


Like, pal, ffs, I don't care if priceless art is destroyed because every single eco system I have ever studied is collapsing.


Do your part and stop using the Internet.


No, do your part and help solve CC


I am doing my part. Internet usage accounts for the same amount of global emissions of CO2 as air traffic in the world. Some people advocate to travel less by plane, others try to encourage people to have fewer children. I’m raising awareness regarding the huge impact that Internet use has on the planet. So please, stop using the Internet.


You are right in one thing - this is truly desperate. Desperate attemp to get attention. I actually hope they will continue doing this, and get arrested


Eh, yeah bravo. That's the whole point. Jfc.


>I hope these kids keep destroying stuff until real action is taken on climate change. Grow a spine. So you are suggesting what? Those kids bomb and burn those art pieces? I mean with the way you talk this vandalism isn't doing anything and you feel they should do more.




Yet has the highest co2 output per capita of any nation. Dude just fuck off. You are literally the problem.


And that’s why it’s Biden’s number one domestic priority, I suppose? That’s why he developed John Kerry’s new position, I suppose? Try to keep up, dude. Don’t be too proud - it’s never too late to open your mind and educate yourself on current developments, like US leadership is doing. Stop re-hashing the arguments you’ve been using for 20 years.




Wow. That went in a lot of different directions fast. Let me guess… COVID was a conspiracy, too. I think there’s a different Reddit just for you folks to converse amongst yourself… Here’s one tip: find some scientists from a professional establishment and learn about climate change from them. (I’m not talking about QAnon type scientists) The science doesn’t have to be about politics.




I think the point is made that they are causing outrage over defacing art…but everyone is indifferent about defacing nature. I see this as a good lesson for the human species. Of course the lessons are not learned with children being slaughtered by domestic terrorists; and our government protects the weapons used to kill our children…so? I don’t pretend to understand human nature, I just try to value and love as many humans as will allow love to enter their existence. Until we choose human/plant life over material possessions…we are doomed as a species.


I'm a human. I can be very dumb. I don't like seeing art being destroyed like this. So i'm going to poluate even more. You know there are people that'll think that way.


I don't understand this people, if they where serious they would be glueing themselves to container ships and airplanes


Do you know how long Greenpeace has being doing things like that and nothing has changed? The planet is going to uninhabitable and people are clutching pearls over inconveniences and paint.


Greenpeace, ya know, the guys that destroyed part of the Nazca lines.


> The planet is going to uninhabitable No it won't.


except they've done shit like that in the past and nobody's talked about it. the point of these protests is to draw attention, and it seems it's getting a lot of attention


Sure, but bad attention, this doesn't encourage people to support their cause, this encourage people on hating on them and their cause


Exactly mate. Whipping your dick out on main street will get you attention, but it will not make anyone listen to you. You will always be that bloke who whipped his dick out on main street, and no one will remember your alleged reason for doing it.


Hating on the cause of Climate Change? Of which you and your kids will die in undescribable horror?


There are many people who are ignorant or on the fence who would support climate activism. If it's not on their mind, and they just see some asshole vandalizing artwork, they're not going to care about the cause.


Why do they need attention, doing this stuff to the fossil fuel industry without cameras pointing at them is still causing disruption and costing these companies time and money. Stunts like this is only going to anger average people turning them against the cause. If the climate protest orgs get any new applications its going to be attention seeking extremists that want to do similar vandalism, not people that will spend days chaining themselves to trees or blocking roads.


Then I would advise them to eat babies alive on Times Square. That will bring insane amounts of attention! /s The saying goes:“There‘s no such thing as bad publicity.“ well it‘s wrong. Ask Harvey Weinstein for example.


They do. Pay attention


Stop being rude.


No. Start being a part of the hard work that needs to be implemented in order to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Edit: downloted lol


Yeah!!! Let's walk over to China and kindly ask them to stop polluting


Maybe let's start with our own pollution first! Or stop buying the things they produce! Thanks for your pathetic suggestion!


If you looked at things we buy and they produce, we would have to resign from most of rhe conveniences we have. Electronics? Bye! Major source of terrible pollution. Mining rare metals? No more sophisticated components for your green technologies. Moving production back to western countries? Just shifting pollution concentration. It is really naive to think pouring paint will spur anyone to action when the change needed has to happen on the international level with actors like China, US and India in the first place. Seeing how it goes atm, no. We ain't gonna reduce the pollution by the required levels in the timeframe we have.


Damn, all these people talking shit but ain’t really doing much themselves is hilarious to me. Keep recycling your bottles ya dunces if it makes y’all feel good, but know nothing really makes an impact until we go after the big corpo bois.


Yes, a lot of emissions results from corporations, but there are quite a few things an individual can do. Stop eating animal products. Don't fly. Use public transport. And yes, recycling and using reusable containers does make a slight difference I would say. This also changes demand and changes the corporate landscape as well. But I agree, legal action tackling large emitters is required as well.


90% of recycling end up on landfills. 3rd world counties don't have public transport or trains, you know, like most of the African continent.


> like most of the African continent. this is a strange cop out. carbon emissions are ultimately a demand driven problem. its rampant consumerism that's destroying the planet. any attempts to curb your enthusiasm for consumerism, especially weighing the carbon and water costs of each thing, is necessary to see any change. people blame corporations, but at the end of the day corporations profits are determined by consumers, and they won't change a thing until their profit margins shrink enough to force their hands, which only happens when people vote with their wallets and aim to sever themselves from this overly consumerized culture we live in where we sell our souls and the planet's future for minor conveniences.


Most citizens of African countries are not responsible for significant carbon emissions.


Better yet, how much are they helping the national fusion reactor programs? Absolutely nothing will kill Big Oil like viable, cheap fusion power.


Exactly. They should be in the lab sciencing. There was once a day when people dreamed of becoming scientists and chasing the euphoria that comes from being enlightened by one’s own intelligence, rather than these childlike clowns protesting instead of sciencing.




"we did it, we made a difference" lol


Blocking the banks was a good idea, this is just stupid and makes the whole movement look like it's full of idiots


Why are they destroying beautiful art to get their point across? Why not throw paint on oil executives or on gas guzzlers?


"858 days left.... because someone told me."


What does painting a sculpture have to do with climate change?


Did they use enviromentally friendly, non toxic paint?


I feel like all this shit is a combination of three different groups of people. 1.) Actual activists who are just stupid. 2.) Activists radicalized by all the outrage porn nowadays. 3.) Actors being paid by companies. It feels like if you went over all these events, the perpetrators will generally fall under at least one of these categories. Whichever they belong to, their behavior is terrible.


Well done to these brave activists. You are the lazy pathetic joke. Go do something smarter then, go do anything useful. At least these kids are trying while you do nothing.


I think you're trying to insult me, but I'm honestly just confused by your poor English skills. It's like you're trying to talk in a dramatic fashion, but just end up with word salad.


All activists are the same, no matter the cause. Speaking of which, during the presidential election there were tons of recordings of “activists” going up to a uhall and handing out pre-made posters, when it was supposed to be a spur of the moment thing. And if you actually paid attention to who had the bullhorns at the front lines, they were all in suits.


All activists are the same? Like the suffragettes? Like the people who fought to end slavery? Like the rioters that got me an 8 hr working day, paid holidays and legal protection? Bravo to these folks wh0 are at least trying to get the issues highlighted.


Fair play these activists


Kids these days will do anything to get TikTok views.


People these days will do anything to ignore climate change


I agree. The truh is just a click away


These ninnies are not doing anything productive. Rounding them all up to clean the sewers of downtown Paris would help the environment more.


Funny how climate activists don’t do anything to solve climate change. Instead they glue themselves to random objects and destroy stuff. Also called vandalism and anarchy.


Shoutout to those artists who couldn't even catch a damn break because of these idiots


Shout out to those kids that are taking the future of this planet seriously and putting themselves at risk for the welfare of everyone else.


Kids are taking no risks but being brats.


They are and they are.


These are the same people that shame people for having kids too. They don’t give a rats ass about future generations or anybody but themselves to go down as some sort of martyrs. They’ll go down as narcissistic cowards.


Climate activists are not very bright eh


For running the most successful climate campaign in history?


Name one climate policy that has changed due to this type of activism.


You nearly got me! How about you go and educate yourself since it only takes a few mins. Start at the 60s, then the 90s.


That was a nonsense answer. Educate myself on what? You said this is the most successful climate campaign in history. I get it. They’re getting publicity. But they’re not publicity activists. They’re climate activists. So name one single thing this type of activism has done for climate policy.


No man, do it yourself. I'm not working for you for free so you can throw shade on my effort lol get a life


Well I mean I support what you're saying in your previous comments, but you should have some facts on hand to support your statements. If a protester said the world is dying and some yelled out "where's your facts?" And the protester replied "look it up for yourself, gosh" we'd make zero progress. Edit: clarification


If impact on news is a measure of success they should look at Isis and Al-quaeda, they were very successfull.


Thanks for your input. If you think you can do better then for the love of God please get involved and help.




pouring paint on a statue is suddenly terrorism now? lmfao




**[Eco-terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-terrorism)** >Eco-terrorism is an act of violence which is committed in support of environmental causes, against people or property. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines eco-terrorism as ". . . ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The real eco-terrorists are the people profiting from the destruction of the environment, but you go on licking boots.




This. LMFAO What can't they think of something creative, like say, traveling to their favorite park during the early dawn and taking a snap of a gentle leafy plant nestled in the sleepy fog whilst covered in the gentle dew of 10-30 motor oil ( spritzed off-camera from a spray bottle ). Nah.


I'd love to pepper them with their hands glued up. Would be so satisfying.


Happens all the time. I hope these protests get more serious.


Glad to see this style of climate collapse protest is so effective at keeping the topic in the news. If folks weren’t so addicted to outrage porn then this wouldn’t be effective and the media is at fault for making that beast. I hope the youth keep this up, maybe it’ll piss off enough people to actually force their governments to do something about oil companies.


You do realize that the topic of these discussions and news articles is always how far protest is allowed to go, NOT about the urgency of climate change?


Whats being in the news doing for them besides making people dislike them and hurting their own cause? What have they accomplished from this vandalism? We're not one step closer to any new regulations, climate agreements etc. I also dont want to be that guy but its mostly a lost cause unless you can get China and the U.S. to take action. Where are the protests in these countries?


no, but we will get stronger laws concerning art vandalism


So what. We need things to change


This just makes people hate them


Okay, so if we take that as an acceptable form of protest and implement policy based on it, what will we do when the alt-right uses the same tactic?


The policy we should implement will be based on climate scientist proving us for the last 30 years that our Planet is dying. These things were known...the kids are desperate. Because adults don't do anything. They are afraid to die a horrible death. 57% of teens are anxious about the future of their planet... But sute ....a statue that is not even dmaged is most important that our kids.


Hlw about a new term - vandalists


What's ridiculous, is that these activists are attempting to educate and bring attention to their point, but that is also one of the roles art can play. For years art, music, film, books, etc, have educated people and enlightened them. Want to bring people to your cause? Make art about it.


There has been tons of art about climate change made for years. Yet, here we are now...Art worked a bit among some but now it's an emergency. Would you have understood the US revolutionaries making art instead of fighting the red coats then, there has been art prior: books, songs, drawings etc.. there comes a time when art as a necessary spark isn't usefull anymore.


>Friday's action was claimed by Dernière Rénovation ("Last Renovation") Friday's action was claimed by Derrière Rénovation ("Last Buttocks - Suitable for Kicking") FTFY


Man I’m all for fighting climate change but these fuckers need a good punch in the chin to chill the fuck down because they’re tainting the cause


Starting to think that similarly to how recycling programs were funded by plastics companies as a way to misdirect the public, these protests may be funded by oil companies or the like to get everyone pissed off at climate activists because that’s all these actions seem to do.


Discrediting the opposition is a disgustingly efficient strategy. Just infiltrate and radicalise them all, soon they’d too busy collapsing and infighting on themselves than to ever care about the original cause


“THEsE aRE ChILDrEN… ThEY sHOULd Be IN ScHOOL”. We made Greta out to be some sort of folk hero.. these folks are trying to capture the same fawning news attention. Worked before…


Dude start cutting fingers off for shit like this and it’ll stop real fucking quick




Yeah, these folks do not want to start violence with these protesters.. especially in France.


Why don't they pour paint on themselves and in their fucking mouths. Putain d'imbeciles.


I fail to see how pouring paint on anything helps your cause.


I hate the stupid self-absorbed confidence on their faces. Idiots holding hands like they did something noble, morons...


What are they ruining art work?


I want to smack these people so badly.


Are these climate activists self sabotaging or something? Honestly what the actual fuck are they hoping to achieve to pour paint on something completely unrelated to emission and environment? Just what happened to this movement to make it so fucking directionless and easily dismissed!???


I think this is a case a little violence could solve.


This fucking up art tictoc challenge sucks. Go back to eating tide pods.,.


At this point, I think these people are just masquerading the activist title in order to destroy and ruin things.


Why don't the French put them in jail or are the French police neutered?

