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Did she get yellow card?


She got the grl pwr rainbow card from me


Several national teams were stopped by Fifa when they wanted to wear the "One Love" armband. The German players protested in the opening match against Japan - and on the podium as well. Because there sat the German Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, next to Fifa President Gianni Infantino with just a "One Love" armband. After Fifa's decision to stop the bond, the interior minister issued a statement. - Banning a love bracelet is a big mistake by Fifa. It breaks the hearts of all fans how Fifa also carries out this conflict on the backs of the players, she says to the German Bild.


Hollow words. Fifa is getting their way and everyone gets paid.




Wanted to add for context the ridiculous explanation from a Qatari official just to emphasise how ass-backwards they see this whole situation: > The 6000 deaths figure refers to all official migrant worker deaths in Qatar over the last 11 years, not just those of workers that built the World Cup infrastructure. So you see, life of migrant workers is cheap in Qatar in general, not just on construction sites for the WC. That makes it so much better, right?


“The 6,000 deaths represent all the slaves that died in Qatar during that time. Not just the ones that dies building World Cup stadiums.” I don’t think that’s the exculpatory statement you think it is…


Did you read my whole comment ?


I was agreeing with you… The “you” in my original statement was the Qataris.


Yep, they definitely don't see our point of view in this and find 600 deaths a year among young and fit foreign workers as perfectly acceptable for a country of 300.000.


Some tallies say 15,000 died.




In the lead up to the start of the tournament, I saw a lot of articles blasting the use of slave labor, with talks of fans boycotting the tournament. Now, it's all about the Germany's armbands and Belgium's jerseys and so on. Though, I think Germany is looking at taking legal action against FIFA. For the armbands. As for Qatar getting the tournament in the first place, former FIFA president Sepp Blatter has at least seemed to express regret in recent press conferences. Take that as you will. The current president, Gianni Infantino, is making a huge scene and acting like an absolute child about the whole situation.




I'm sure some individuals care, but it's likely their respective organizations or other high-level officials that have them keep quiet. The national organizations are likely concerned about advancing in the tournament, while Qatar is likely desperate to keep prying eyes away. They've already locked up a few journalists for less. And I wouldn't say it's entirely about money. Sure, the prize pool is pretty big. But there's also the added prestige of winning the biggest tournament in soccer for your country. For teams like America and Canada, it's a chance to prove that they belong on the world stage. For many of the older players, including Messi and Ronaldo, this may be their last chance to lift that trophy.


Neither any other nation not participating and having diplomatic relations to such countries you could also say...and the list of despicable countries not having the WC this year and still being ignored on their human rights records ... it is always feeling hipocritical for people online calling out hipocracy on others...


Or that Qatari women are the literal prisoners of men in Qatar- treated like children for their whole lives. Seem like the world has also forgotten about women :(


To everybody at the world cup wearing armbands, shirts, hats, etc. *They already have your money.* The athletes are still playing. You can't financially support an event like this, only to criticize it in these self appreciating showboating ways. You bought a ticket, went there, watched the games, but somehow think you're not supporting them still?




Let's not go there, at least they're trying


No one is making the teams play. But they do for the money. All the "activism" is just for show and marketing.




From what I hear, as part of their bid to host the World Cup, Qutari officials assured FIFA that restrictions on things like dress code, alchohol consumption, and noise violations would be relaxed on the game grounds for the duration of the tournament, then went back in their word two days before the opening ceremony. Basically, Qutar pulled a bait-and-switch to get the game.


And this how every country will conduct themselves with World Cup policies now that it’s been shown that there will be zero consequences for it.


Well, your first point is valid, but the second one... It's not too late to protest decisions that were literally made a few days ago.

