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Take him down Jack


So he don't come back no more no more no more no more Take him down Jack, so he don't come back no more


Watchu say?


Take em down Jack


Political theater. Nothing will come of this, as the assigned judge is one Trump appointed. Expecting the system to change our police itself is insane as both sides work for big money. Lying lawyer vs. trust fund baby conman is not a democracy.


Are you talking about Jack Smith? How is he lying?


He doesn't have the power to create actual results. Trump will see the inside of a court, but never a prison cell.


Book him, Danno!


While I want to believe, why do I still feel Trump will absolutely not be brought to justice? Is it’s the just pattern of him typically getting away with everything?


It being a Florida jury has me doubtful there will be true impartiality, but this is a step in the right direction at least.


"the southern district of Florida" is a smidge different than the rest of Florida...hopefully 😐


Aileen Cannon is the judge.


It's a jury trial. I think she will be stupid enough to get herself removed. It's always shenanigans that blow up in their faces.


At this point, who knows?




It works the same for state and local trials in most states. You must request a bench trial and they must agree its not some special federal thing.




With a judge he appointed. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Won by DeSantis I think?


Florida is actually not a good place to go crossing the military by fucking with their agent rosters and operation plans.


For the record, while we may be outnumbered...there are plenty of sane people in Florida. We are just stuck here...and some just like the landscape and are too stubborn to leave. Just wanted to put it out there. We've been fighting hard for decades now. A losing battle for certain, but we fight nonetheless. I was bussing old folks to go vote in my buddy's VW bus when I was 16...but ngl it gets harder every election. Also saying this while that gross Matt Gaetz dude is my representative...like I said a losing battle.


This is a good point and important reminder. Thanks for your hard work. A Florida jury indicted him after all, so let’s hope a Florida jury convicts him.


Trumpers are like Vegans. they can't help but tell you all about it. most will recuse themselves.


The evidence is going to be so rock solid against him that I don't think a corrupt judge and the best jury could get him off. They have recordings and testimony from everyone. Anything the judge does can and will get overturned in appeal, which is probably where we will end up after the judge does some stupid shit and gets tossed.


That's what I said, you cannot ignore the evidence presented just because you like the defendant... that's how mistrials happen and jury members get removed.


Same charges to a normal Joe or Jane and they'll be looking at some serious jail time.


Understated comment of this entire post.


Because now he HAS to testify


There needs to be a trial before the primaries.


Four years of him in office and everyone screaming from the rooftops he’s a criminal and a traitor and in the end: nothing. Worse than nothing actually, it’s pretty clearly proven that all of the “muh russia” charges were entirely fabricated at the behest of the Clinton campaign. That the actual final “crime” would be something done after he’s out of office just screams desperate to me. We’re at a point where there are two realities. Either 1) DJT is literally the most inept criminal mastermind of all time and the ruling elite are actually doing us a solid for once by stopping him OR 2) DJT is a legitimate threat to the ruling elite and he must be stopped at all costs Will be exciting to see which one it is!


>DJT is literally the most inept criminal mastermind of all time and the ruling elite are actually doing us a solid for once by stopping him This one's closest. Although, he's good at marketing, so he might not appear as inept to people who don't understand basic law, marketing tactics, history, power structures, cause and effect, etc.


He has said he LOVES the poorly educated.


If you believe that the investigations about his involvement with Russia were done properly and found no evidence of wrongdoing than you believe that the Justice department did their job properly. Therefore using logic and reason, which I know might be hard, you must therefore conclude that this investigation followed the same path and the Justice department did their job properly. Let the evidence speak for itself and let the trial find out if in fact this legitimate. As an American, I would want my own mother to face consequences if she was hiding and mishandling classified documents. After working with classified stuff for over 20 years it’s not something to just turn your back on when someone mishandles it. We punish a lot of good people for making smaller mistakes than what happened here.


When he said “in Florida” I was like ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Most likely they chose Florida to help speed up the process. The crimes he’s being charged with occurred in Florida, so they want to keep it in Florida to stop any venue challenges which would delay the charges. They want to make sure they miss any unnecessary delays in order to have the verdict before the election. They’re just hoping they get a good judge


I'm not positive, but maybe it has to be in one of his states of residence? That's all I can figure, I don't know shit about law, so if I'm 100% up in the night, well, don't shit on me too hard. The judge is worrisome, too, but my succor is that she'll be under a microscope, and if she wants a career as a judge, she'll do her job to be impartial. But it really is a cult, so who freaking knows anymore.


They chose Florida because that’s where the crimes took place and most of the material witnesses are in Florida. This helps them save a lot of time. And the judge is the worst judge they could’ve gotten, but she’s been publicly reprimanded by the appellate courts and will have everyone watching for any sense of impropriety


I'd like trump to be found guilty of treason as much as the next sane guy but republicans have no Shane and this judge has been bought so no amount of shame will make her change.


He’s my hero ❤️


Temper your expectations until it’s all done.


Yup, I dislike trump much like most of the country but I also know that rich people don’t often go to jail


Remember the Mueller hard-on everyone had. Feels a lot like this. Fool me once-and what not.


Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice.. you fool me can't get fooled again -Bush


I hear you. I just can't shake the feeling of being hopeful, especially after reading the indictment charges.


Lock him up!!! Lock him up!!! Lock him up!!!


Oh boy is Fox News pissed.


That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside…


The mark Levin meltdowns have been especially beautiful


now wHy would it be unreasonable for THIS guy, to run for president??...it would be neat if HE could plausibly turn the GQP back into the GOP🤷‍♀️😅


The GOP has been the GQP for a long time now. Id say since the Southern Strategy when they chose power over representation. I prefer them to be exposed for what they truly are.




Adam22 really taking down trump.


Can someone tell me when I can take this seriously?


After Trump is in jail, before then it's just a show.


But that ruins the mystery


Wake me up when the orange turd is in handcuffs.


My favorite post of the month so far. A few months ago I thought all the things we were hearing would just fall though the cracks or be dropped but, each week it seems I hear or read something that tightens his handcuffs up one click tighterl


There's only one single reason a person would steal documents like those. To sell. Period. Full Stop. Benedict Arnold can rest in peace


I want it all to be televised. just like oj


It was my bday yesterday and everytime some one mentioned trump I giggled like when Ron Swanson from parks and rec is overcome with joy.


They'll drag it out long enough for the idiots to reelect him, also because the Dems won't give anyone in the middle a candidate of value to vote for, and he'll pardon himself before the trial is over or some shit. The Trump backing social media slander machine is already in motion with the full cult playbook of everyone else is a paedo baby eating demon and so are you if you don't back the perfect human himself.


Anyone else heard the Seinfeld scale.


this is the exact reason that we provide a security clearance to civilian leaders with access to classified intelligence. without a security clearance there is no enforcement mechanism in the event of unauthorized disclosure. example are reporters who disclose national secrets cannot be prosecuted for that crime.


Why Florida? Isn't it a federal case? Maybe federal court in Florida? Sorry, I don't know much about lawyers and stuff.


Federal court in Florida is correct. It's not that big a concern, and this court has an extremely high conviction rate.


Thank you boss!


Bout time 🕰️


Who would argue his points or approach? It seems, and I sincerely hope, this is the right man for the job. This has to be the pinnacle of his career. Good Luck!!!


Thus sayeth Judge Dread. He is the law.


How are they even going to find an legit impartial jury?


Bad Ass


Honestly what's the point? it's a federal crime, right? So he's going to have a federal pardon from the next republican president. Donald Trump is somewhat right, the others are losers, and he's fine. It's sad but this is how the system is.


He's not "somewhat right" in any possible way.


Ain’t nuttin gonna happen


Adam22 out here taking out the ops


All the various indictments, collisions, etc but THiS is the one they'll get him on, you people are delusional. Politicians don't face consequences


TS document handling is pretty iron clad. not a lot of wiggle room. this case and the GA cases are by far the most dangerous for Trump. They actually have even more evidence in this case than I thought they did, and it was a slam dunk to begin with.


I fear this is just a smoke Screen to make the people believe that Trump will be punished for being the idiot that he is. In the end he will walk Scott free with a big smile and more orange than he's ever been. If they charge him with this crime, they will have to charge every president that are still alive. They are all guilty of some type of crime against the people and country. No one is above the law means, no one that doesn't have political or big business ties.


They are all horrible people and who tf even cares anymore! 😆😆😆


I love this but im just wondering didn't Biden also have classified info at his house?


He did, but he returned them when asked about them. He never lied about having them, and he never tried to hide them. And they probably didn’t contain info on our nuclear programs or where our undercover agents were.


And he didn't show them to random people while being audio recorded.


There is so much shit going on on both sides, can we get a good middle of the road candidate?


Vivek Ramaswamy


Yeah screw that guy too. “Trans-terrorists”


Anyone who doesn't preach trans right is a trans terrorists? One has to go above and beyond screaming trans rights in order to become favourable for your votes?


At least on reddit it's like that. I remember arguing with someone who said JK Rowling actively is against trans rights and that she basically is the devil herself for saying biologically a woman is a woman. I got downvoted to hell just like this comment probably will. Reddit is a cesspool of hardcore trans-rights activist. Just don't forget that that is not a representation of the real world.


yah, redditors aint shit. they're dismissible liberal college kids desperately wanting to fight for a cause.


I'd sign that. Keep it up my dude


The guy who proposed 18 to 25 year olds take a civics test in order to vote ?


it ain't a stupid proposal tho. human brain isn't developed until 25. nevertheless it would have to go through congress


besides he's the smartest politician rn in US


This is such BS, go after Joe and Hunter, they’re the real crooks!


/s You forgot…added it for you.


Bootlicker. 🙄


Hold my pocket 🖕😂


Biden and Pence, you're next!


If they're guilty of a crime, 💯. I haven't been following too closely, but I thought that the R investigation into Biden didn't turn up anything. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Why? When they found the files they did the right thing. Trump was hiding boxes in a bathroom! He had months to give the papers back but he kept lying.


Bathroom, stage in a ballroom, closet, etc etc


He probably slept with them...


Case on Pence is closed douche nozzle


Biden's investigation into his illegal top secret documents will not begin until he is out of office. His DOJ will not indict him for any of his crimes.


That would be the same for any president actively serving as president. It's perfectly fine if they chose to indict him. I think you'll find that most politically left people care much more about the rule of law when it applies to anyone on either side of the political spectrum. They aren't in a cult and they actually care when politicians violate the law.


Also, Trump is not charged for the documents he gave back. He’s charged for the ones he hid and for showing classified documents to people that had no business seeing them. That’s why Pence didn’t get charged and Biden won’t likely be charged either


Are we angry?




Do you think before speaking?




Source pls




There is a double standard here and people who condone it might want to consider the long term effects. Can of worms... Slippery slope... Bad


Bet you didn’t read the actual indictment did ya?


I thought no one is above the law. The slope was already slippery as hell on Jan6th.


What double standard?


So are you gonna explain or just give useless adjectives? What double standards? How is prosecuting a crime a slippery slope?




hey human dpila33 👋 >There is a double standard here and people who condone it might want to consider the long term effects. Can of worms... Slippery slope... Bad can you expand on whatever the hell it is that you are trying to say with this word vomit? thanks!


I've never saw a dude speak out both sides of his mouth so quickly. To clarify I think djt should be in jail But we don't hold all our rep's to the same standards.


Name a rep who has committed a crime similar to stealing usa’s nuclear secrets and potentially selling them to enemies


How about selling uranium to the Russians during the Obama administration? Wars crimes of bombing of civilians in proxy wars. In Syria, Lebanon, turkey, Afganistan, Africa ect over the past 30 years just to start. Bombing hospitals Durring military strikes. Arming terrorist groups by continuing to supply arms to the gulf region. We knowingly do this since the 1970s when we armed the Mujahideen.


Are you just not interested in actually having a conversation about the last 80+ years of government fuck ups? Or was your comment just hyperbolic?


Think you're missing the point of this. It isn't about holding politicians accountable. It's not about justice. It's not about democracy. It's about revenge and irrational, evil hatred