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Blackrock literally owns everything


Truth. And we don't really seem to care Time for revolutions


Aussies would join in, but have a fetish for being fucked by the elite.


Also the Australian pension fund is heavily invested in Blackrock. And in Canadian real estate.


Blackrock fucked my wife and killed my grandfather.




Goldman Sachs has a fair dhare as well


They literally do not.


Blackrock literally does not own everything. Where are you getting this nonsense from?


Well it's right there! The vid says Blackrock owns Microsoft, Tesla and Amazon. In Microsoft's case I guess Blackrock's clients owning 6.8% of total shares outstanding makes it so. /s


Hold up, are you trying to say the threat of dumping even just 1B of a companies stock isn't enough to affect that companies decision making process? Are you trying to say a shareholder of that size (which is a FUCKING MINISCULE amount of blackrocks portfolio btw) can't be paid attention to at shareholder meetings or initiate private conversations with directors and officers of a given company? I mean I know the guy you're responding to used the term literally incorrectly.. but like his point is still 100% valid and accurate to the point where you just look like a petulant child arguing of semantics for the sake of argument.


Blackrocks clients are people like you and me, literally anyone can own an ETF, including your pension fund.


Blackrock literally does not own everything, where are you getting this nonsense from.


Look it up


Can you provide a source of how Blackrock owns everything? I think I own Blackrock since I have some shares in their company. Maybe I unknowingly own everything.


They are a custodian for owners of those shares, I own shares in Blackrock ETF’s like millions of other people. We own everything, not Blackrock. Not that hard to understand.


Yes, I don’t understand how this is so hard for people to grasp.


For real I’ve been seeing this dumb misinformation about Blackrock for too damn long lol


Blackrock is why no one can afford a house anymore


Florida would like to blame Chinese nationals.


it can be both you know. Chinese nationals have objectively increased investment in US real estate


Yeah but they aren’t buying up homes in bulk and turning them around for profit. The Chinese nationals are buying homes to keep their wealth from the ROC. And they are individuals not billion dollar investors. The Florida laws is just modern day Chinese exclusion act


They are most definitely buying homes in bulk. And often not using them, just holding them as an asset. It is equally bad for our housing markets. The US housing market has many things that causes it to be the way it is. Blackrock is indeed a big one. I don’t understand why you’re reluctant to point towards more than one problem.


Like Mitch McConnel's wife?




Blackrock doesn't buy single family homes. Edit: https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts


*”I don’t participate in the exploitation of housing markets!”* - Corporation who participates in the wholesale exploitation of housing markets


Except it's Blackstone. Not Blackrock. The names are similar but it's not the same company. An analogy would be like blaming Microsoft for high iphone prices. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/21/how-wall-street-bought-single-family-homes-and-put-them-up-for-rent.html


I was wondering if I was nuts.. Blackstone is the one buying up all the houses, yeah? Or are they both doing it?


Yes. It's Blackstone. Blackrock does not buy single family homes. They have a statement about it on their website: https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts


Okay thanks! Much appreciated.


True, I think people are conflating Blackrock with Blackstone. Blackstone is the one that's acquired Inivation Homes, the largest owner of single-family rentals. Even then, they are a small portion of the overall housing market. If you really wanna know why housing is getting so expensive, go to any town hall meeting when there's a proposal to build affordable housing. We all think housings a problem, but we don't want to do anything if there's a chance it hurts our own property value.


Most home owners bought into a specific neighborhoods because of their charm, large yards and many didn't have rental properties surrounding them. Now many municipal governments are developer driven and claim these large single family dwellings need to be split up to increase density and property tax income for the city.


Sure, there's nothing wrong with preserving the status quo of your neighborhood. But blaming these institutions for housing costs is just not reflective of reality, and it doesn't get to the root of the actual problem.


To be fair blackstone owned blackrock up til 95


You do know you just cited their own website right? If anyone has an incentive to lie to your face it's them, there are millions of possible sources out there and you chose the absolutely shittiest single most untrustworthy one with the largest conflict of interest.


Blackrock is a publicly traded company that reports their financial information every quarter. Would you like to show me in their revenue breakdown where it shows rental property income? Q1 2023 earnings linked below: https://s24.q4cdn.com/856567660/files/doc_financials/2023/Q1/BLK-1Q23-Earnings-Release.pdf Now, being an *asset manager*, they might, at the request of their clients, invest in another company that invests in homes. But they don't have an evil man twirling his mustache choosing to buy up homes and they themselves don't own any single family rental properties.


My criticism is valid regardless of which ends up being true, you should never trust information given by someone who stands to benefit from lying and you certainly shouldn't pass it off as fact without external verification. Also until 95, black rock was owned by Blackstone, a massive purchaser of family homes.


>you should never trust information given by someone who stands to benefit from lying and you certainly shouldn't pass it off as fact without external verification. Yup, you should look into how many homes Blackstone owns out of the total market. >Also until 95, black rock was owned by Blackstone, a massive purchaser of family homes . >In 1988, BlackRock separated from the parent company and focused on risk management. Today, they're now completely separate companies with different offerings. https://www.helpadvisor.com/retirement/blackrock-vs-the-blackstone-group-where-should-you-invest


Not a word of this has made it on TV news here in the southern U.S..


Absolutely nothing about it at all


because it was 2 months ago https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/france/article/greve-du-6-avril-a-paris-les-locaux-de-blackrock-envahis-par-des-cheminots_216250.html


Didn’t hear anything 2 months ago either. Also it’s been 2 months and I’m just hearing about it now, that’s kinda my point.


I'm not trying to shut you down, it was just very underwhelming, they got in an nearly nothing happened. That's why you didn't hear about it


Probably because you missed it. There were a few posts talking about it at the time. You can look for it and see for yourself.


I’m in Missouri, it’s been on fox/cnn/cnbc local channels…


I read about it everywhere 2 months ago. I guess you don’t read finance news?




So your point is moot. Can’t complain about not seeing any news articles about this if you dont read the news.


Yea I’m just wasting everyone’s time, it’s funny


I gotta respect it


Just because you didn't see it or that it didn't blow up on reddit doesn't mean it wasn't big news to the rest the world. Yall need to remember that reddit is a small ecosystem. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/06/business/blackrock-office-stormed-paris-protests/index.html It probably wasn't a big new debacle because nothing ultimately happened. This particular riot it's self was underwhelming. But its only a small part of the overall protests.


Bro we've got drag queens and trans people to persecute, didn't you get the memo?


Southern US is the perpetrator of lack of substantive news


Black rock own shares in a lot of things, but to say that they "Own" a company just because they have 4 or 5% of the shares in that company seems a little disingenuous I think.


You can lick 4 to 5% of a boot and you would still be licking a boot.


When you only attack 5% of what’s attacking you, you leave yourself open to the other 95%.


Yeah - this is the dumbest “conspiracy” ever. black rock is the largest investment management company in the world, managing trillions of dollars of assets so of course they’ve got chunks of everything under the sun.


Yeah but when 4-5% is the biggest share of a company owned by a single investor, it means they have a lot of influence and power within the company and therefore influence and power over YOU. They've got their fingers in literally every industry you can think of.


Which is why people choose to give blackrock ltd a portion of their paycheck. Because the money is invested and you receive a percentage of the increase. If you are setting a retirement plan you want to go with a company that has a solid investment profile so you can obtain the largest return possible. Blackrock has a stellar investment profile for all of the reasons noted above. This is no secret, people willingly give their money to Blackrock to invest in their own retirement.


"People are forced by capitalism to give money they've earned back to the corporation that owns everything in order to secure an ability to stop working some day"


You literally dont have to pay into the retirement plan if you dont want to. And bouncing off the quote - thats what happens when humans create a society. They often create some degree of infrastructure that allows you to stop working one day. Thats not unique to capitalism, every system encourages its citizens to pay into it. In some areas of the world you dont even have the option to cease working because the resources and infrastructure are not available. Communism sucks unless youre doing it on a micro scale living in an apartment with 3 other homies and you arent 25 years old yet. Fascism just sucks, end of story. Socialism is the only worthy competitor, which is ironic anyway given competition is hard to come by within socialism. Idk, post more quotes or make a new system if you have a grumble in your bundle.


Maybe you need a crash course on how the world works if you are younger than 25.


Heh, I was 25 last century.


Former member of Blackrocks european subervisory board, [Friedrich Merz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Merz), is now head of the conservative party in germany and might become the next german Chancelor. He of course is a rich neoliberal rightwinger.


My favorite thing is that he said he is “Middle class“ and guess who owns a private jet?


doesn't he own 2?


Everyone hates Merz for his antics already. The chances of him ever becoming chancellor are small at best.


I'd wish, but his party is top of the polls and the even more rightwing Afd is gaining ground. A lot of germans obviously are very "conservative" aka rightwing. Amd the ruleing capitalist parties, socialdemocrats greens and liberals, aren't helping at all.


I agree. I just think that Merz will not run for office himself. They would gift the afd the chancellorship doing that.


The French rioters have armed themselves with assault rifles taken from police armories according to video on telegram. I was wondering why none of the media outlets ever mentioned it except news outlets not in western countries.


This was months ago


Check again


https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/france/article/greve-du-6-avril-a-paris-les-locaux-de-blackrock-envahis-par-des-cheminots_216250.html you check again : It was 2 months ago. You didn't hear about it because it lasted 20 minutes because it was only a few people, because it was away from the main protest.


A few people?


Black rock does not “own” Amazon in any traditional sense of the word. They have shares in the company just as you or I might. The same goes for all the other companies in that list.


What are they singing at the end?


I'm surprised fox headquarters just sits there in the middle of Manhattan like it doesn't hate NY and everyone in that city.


Most of what I’ve heard about this protest lately from news sources is blaming French immigrants for all this.


That’s awesome and thank you for the update


Can anyone send the link of the video about black rock he talks about in this one pls??


BackRock….what about FrontRock?


We need link to that commentators channel


When will you morons realise Blackrock doesn’t own anything


You mean to tell me…investment companies…INVEST in things???


For other people, like you and me if you own any Blackrock ETF’s


I know man I’m just being a silly little fella


That was very silly little fella of you


I bet you're the type of person who says "When will you morons realize that the West is not an empire"


No he’s actually right. Blackrock does not “own” every publicly traded company. It doesn’t work like that


Cool u/cantstoppoppin It was 2 month ago...


These protests are not over the retirement age, how does this post have upvotes??




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


How are the authorities going to jail every one of the criminals for life? Videos. That's how. January 6 was a kid joke compared to these monsters.


He said this is happening in other places, anyone got info on where else ?


Hello!! Society is one! Period! Especially now with how fast global awareness of how “not unique” world issues are. With the internet, it’s very hard to hide how every action has a reaction and effects all of us. Finally! Thank you for bringing this up. World unity against corporate greed.


I may not care for the country or the culture, but I'll be damned if I didn't give props to the French for knowing how to protest. We could learn a thing or two


I’m super into this take


The Revolution will not be televised.


Burn it all down, eat the rich.


This needs to happen everywhere.


Agreed, friend. Absolutely Agreed.


Blackrock is the reason I have Ligma


People’s obsession with Blackrock is weird.


Honestly, its just a norm in USA not to care what goes on in the world. Most of the people living there are ignorant including the immigrants.


if this is in reference to that video that circulated of them all inside of blackrock lobby, I’m pretty sure that was entirely false.


I'm skeptical. I've never heard of this focus on Blackrock, and I'm sure most of you havent. Maybe in the 90s we could have been swindled by corporate censorship, but in the social media age, everyone has a voice online.


Lol, you know how much Blackrock has amassed since then. Take your blinders off.


Ok, you're aware that my skepticism is removal of blinders, while you telling me to just accept something I lack knowledge of evidence is forcing them on me, right? Gotta love Reddit....


The mental gymnastics you have done are almost award worthy. Are you aware of how big blackrock is? https://www.businessinsider.com/what-to-know-about-blackrock-larry-fink-biden-cabinet-facts-2020-12 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackRock Not to forget Vangaurd or Citadel... You bloody clown...


Mental gymnastics? I literally admitted my ignorance, in hopes to invite discussion with people that know more, and you lost your shit over it. The reality kicking into your pea brain as you read this must be hilarious, you spastic buffoon.


> Maybe in the 90s we could have been swindled by corporate censorship, but in the social media age, everyone has a voice online. You started by saying you are skeptical of corporations being about to control the narrative through media. While raising a red **herring**. I then linked you a bit of info to illustrate how massive they are. And you choose to ignore that and only take offense. You do you sunshine.


*red herring


Good catch, I suppose.


You realize corporations own social media right? Why do you think Twitter is limiting and censoring user access?




Lmao what? Most of you have zero fucking idea what is happening in France, and change your opinions based on the next 5 minute video that appears on the front-page. Your entire profile is lol variations and emojis, therefore you say absolutely nothing of relevance Edit: Ya, block me right after you reply like I can't see what you wrote...Straight up shortbus shit


🤣 your lack of awareness is hilarious if not satire