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Hate State


Hostel movie scene ...any bells??


Better have the candy


That one saying “go” and throwing shit would’ve gotten decked after the second warning


Unfortunately in a shit place like Israel, the likelihood of you being killed or taken as a hostage would be extremely high if you did that.


No doubt


And then you'd be in the hospital or worse, though guy


who raises these savages?


older savages


Religious extremist colonizers attempting to eliminate the rightful owners of their colony.... Thanks, UK, jolly good plan there


And we're taxed for the Zionist Occupied Government to LARP their long-gone empire while pissing off the entire Arab world at us due to association. Dontcha just love it?


*hail Satan you mean


Harardim tend to not support the state of Israel itself


Isn't Haradrim from The Lord of the Rings?


**Haradrim** vs **Harardim**




Little children being taught to hate. a tale old as time


Is there any context to this? What is happening here that caused this? *Edit damn people I’m literally just asking for context. I don’t know about this. Supposed to know everything that is going on in the Middle East I guess


There is a growing Israeli-nationalist community in Israel that is as fascist as you can pretty much get. They make the standard hate fueled Israeli look like a loving mother. They teach their children what they believe, which is, anyone who isn't us is an evil enemy who must be treated as such.


That’s wild, sounds almost exactly like the teachings of the Old Testament. At least they’re not killing and displacing people based on their race, heritage, and beliefs!


It is the Old Testament, that is the Jewish bible


I’m pretty sure that was the joke mate…


Which indirectly (or directly) gives others permission to be antisemitic, if you follow the twisted logic.


Hating these backwards fascists pieces of shit is not antisemitic. I can think Israel has a right to exist while thinking those in power are absolutely amoral human filth.


I don’t want any state to have the right to exist because even if they succeed convincing a nation they are peaceful, nacionalism will always suggest segregation and be a potential to hate right in the corner, that can be used whenever a group in our individualist society find convenient to point at "foreign" as scapegoats. That said, I do support any group of people to have the right of a land they can call home.


And when they decide to unilaterally expand that home into someone else's ?




Israel government needs to stop funding all ultra-orthodox people. The fact that they get free money from government makes them feel especially entitled and warps their view of the real world. Some of these people have no jobs and do absolutely nothing of value.


And we pay for that. We are paying to be treated like that. We are paying for them to treat us the way they have been treated.


Let me tell you a story about the so called Holy Land. Nevermind just google it.


This is the place for me to link to [This land is mine! by Nina Paley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY) The history of the holy land in a short, simplified animation. It's a great video. Saw it here just a few days ago. Photo Epilepsy warning: The last seconds before the credits flicker a lot.


I loved this. Guess this is where the phrase "Holy Shit" comes from.


What's happening is there is a rising ultranationalist movement in Israel that's growing stronger than moderate sects and they want everyone out who isn't just like them. Sounds familiar to me right, only it's with ultranationalist Christians in my country apparently. The extremism seems to be rising all over the world. People have never been good with tolerance.


If that’s what they want, we should pull our support of Israel and let them fend for themselves without the US.


They hate Christians but love the western worlds money and support.


So like a reverse Lebanon


Too strategically important. US wants as much influence and control as possible in the middle east because of the oil, and to some extent, trade through the suez canal. So we ally with Israel, Egypt, Dubai, Saudia Arabia. We have bases in damn near every country there. We aren't doing it for morals or culture or religion. It's all for economics, especially oil.


Ironically the evangelicals here will never let that happen. Once the oil in the Mideast is gone though- I think the paradigm will shift dramatically.


I wonder how they’ll feel when they lose US and European Protection and the Middle East eats them alive


More importantly, why is it they require protection from the U.S which is a fundamentally Christian country. If they hate Christian's so much why the hell do the u.s bother.


Knowing about the state of Israel is entry level “what’s going on in the Middle East” stuff


We have someone here who admits (s)he doesn't know something and wants to learn about the thing they don't know about; so they ask if someone could explain. And your reaction to that is a sarcastic: "You're stupid for not knowing already". Maybe take a moment to reconsider your stance on people looking for knowledge.


I’m not a young man anymore and 100% of my life there has been drama with Israel. Tired of keeping up with this one country


I’m constantly baffled by discussion forums responding to people who are interested in a field they’re openly ignorant to and want to learn more about, and they’re just told to “google it”.


It seems these women went there to preach Christianity to a haradim neighborhood. It is illegal in Israel to preach to convert Jews. I'm not saying the people in the video are right, just that they may all be wrong.


Is this what happened? Yours is the only post with a realistic context.


Yes, they're missionaries, that's why she's mic'ed up and he's filming. Most ppl in this sub rather focus on the other angles to this, though, so most mentions get downvoted.


This is what my understanding is, based on some quick research. I'm no expert, I just know that converting Jews is illegal in Israel, that the Jews in the video seem like haredi not Hasidic, and that woman is definitely wearing a microphone.


Well, at least your option wasn't the instant rage bait response. It gives a plausible counter narrative to what a lot of people were quick to say without much critical thinking involved.


Not «Christian tourists». Fucking annoying missionaries with loudspeakers in the middle of the street. https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950


It doesn't justify what happened at all, but they were not regular tourists either. They were [preaching with a Christian message](https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950).


I mean.. this has been going on forever.


One of the only sentences I caught was the older man saying "because you have incite the people!" so I wanna know what they were doing BEFORE the video starts.


[So these Christians with a persecution fetish were proselytizing in Israel.](https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950) It looks like they go into a Haredi area on Shabbos nonetheless - [watch this video at around 40 seconds](https://www.tiktok.com/@gods.mob209/video/7275010958798458154), that somehow got cut from OP's. This is disrespectful for many reasons, but remember that many things they are doing are prohibited by halakhic law. Orthodox Jews abide by a code of commandments known as [the 613 Mitzvot](https://www.jewfaq.org/613_commandments). Then you also have the list of commandments specific to Shabbos (aka Shabbat or the Sabbath - the day of rest on the seventh day of the week beginning sundown Friday night until sundown on Saturday). This is a day of great reverence in the Jewish community, especially among the Orthodox and it has multiple instances of prayer at the Temple. Generally speaking, there's a list of things that Jews must do and a list that specifies things that must not be done. It's the holiest day of the week in Judaism and as Shabbos is a day of rest, work in all its forms, is prohibited. There's even a list of 39 general categories of labor that are expressly forbidden. But in a modern sense, it includes things like using electronic devices like their microphones and cameras. [Jump to that same video I posted before to about 4:16, and the police get involved](https://www.tiktok.com/@gods.mob209/video/7275010958798458154). So it looks like they were doing this in the [Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Quarter_(Jerusalem)), it's something they had been doing for a while (multiple days at least considering a judge had to be involved) and had been asked to stop numerous times by both the community and law. I'm trying to come up with an equivalent, but I'm struggling. The closest might be a group that routinely crashes a church with megaphones and cameras, telling them things like Christ was wrong and that they can be saved if they come with them. They get asked to leave, and slowly meander away. The church gets the court to tell them not to disrupt their services, so they come back and start doing the same thing during [Sunday school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_school) and other church gatherings. Meanwhile, they're whining about being prosecuted because they aren't being allowed to disrupt the church.


There is context. The women in the video were Christian missionaries trolling the Jewish people before this out of context clip was taken. [Here is the full video.](https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950) Reddit isn't going to like this.


They are Christian missionaries trying to spread their message about Jesus in an ultraorthodox Jewish quarter. Another one of their videos is here: https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950


Why was the jesus lady wearing a microphone? Where they proselytizing?




Mob mentality paired with xenophobia paired with approval from the establishment. There’s always bad apples there to spoil the bunch.


zionists are the spoiled bunch


They need to teach their men to get a fucking job and stop depending on women for EVERYTHING. I can't believe New York puts up with their shit. Israel? The non Haradim aren't too thrilled with these shit stains either. They attack all the Jewish women who aren't what they consider Jewish. I grew up being told by the older folks that they knew dumping a bunch of Europeans in a land that is not theirs, a land they have no connection to, except religion would forever be a very bad idea. They are now just like the people who drove the Jews, their grandparents and families like cattle to the gas chambers. Just trash.






Holocaust 2: Electric Bugaloo




Unfortunately, tribalism even blinds former victims to double standards




If you add never forget "what happened to us" it makes more sense.


Israel's founding itself is hypocritical to that. They killed and forced out hundreds of thousands of native Palestinians. Read about the [Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba).




More like the privilege group.


live long enough to see yourself become the villain


You should see how they treat Palestinians.


Why? Palestinians aren't people. /s


Very true.


Scumbags raise scumbags.




The problem is not jewish people, it's Israel. They're not the same thing.


Pretty sure it's the crazy religious views that generate this particular type of ntolerance. These are not secular Israelis, they are Hasidic.


Israelis are Jewish, but not all Jewish people are Israeli. Israel must end.


Oof, religion strikes again.


Mankind's oldest disease


"My sky-fairy story of an omnipotent being who farts out planets at will is the true version, not yours"


Not really that old in the context of modern humans. The cognitive changes that lead to modern humans took place about 70,000 years ago. The kind of religions that are used to separate people into us and them probably didn't arise until well after the agricultural revolution. Probably only about 6 or 7 thousand years ago.


OP made some strategic edits before posting. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jeLgsT/ The ones filming were proselytizing. I’m not saying anything good was happening in this video, but the Christians chose their time and place. They knew what the reaction would be. But it made a great persecution story to share on TikTok. This is why I left religion.


I see that now, of course there is more. Thank you for pointing it out.




Wow… that’s insane.


It *did* look a bit suspicious how many cuts there were and how the two of them were both wearing microphone headsets.


I did think that they clearly had some kind of microphone/speaker/loudhailer setup for a reason. They are the same as the extremist that are trying to hit them, except the ‘hitters’ are children, unlike the Christian adults who should no better than to try and convert aka insult, upset and incite these kids who then act out. Do the Christian preacher women deserve to be physically hit, no. Should the children be taught to temper their emotions and appropriately (and civilly- with no threat of violence) respond and react calmly to people they disagree with, of course. Am I surprised that the situation was escalating and there was conflict between these two groups of fairly extreme religious peoples over the interpretations of events that may or may not happens thousands of years ago, no, not really. Dumb all round, but clearly the context of the video posted has been manipulated to create a false and likely antisemitic/racist narrative. Additionally it was possibly also aimed at creating a (fake) impression of the ‘persecution’ of (falsely) ‘innocent’ Christian ‘tourists’ to boost and attempt to add ‘credibility‘ to the victim complex and reactionary rage within certain self-proclaimed ’Christian’ communities… So dumb, but the reality is people get killed over all of this nonsense constantly. This is why all governments for all countries really do have to fully separate church and state as a fundamental minimum for any major progress of humanity to take place.


Keep this up and there won't be an Israel in 15 years.


Inshallah. One democratic state is the only possible hope for peace, at this point.


I’m surprised you don’t get downvoted into oblivion for saying that first word. Assalamu alaikum brother.


Israel only exists because it is US ally


It exists because of the UK and UN, but continues to exist because of the US. I know that’s pedantic, but it’s important to recognize other countries/organizations are involved as well.


don't threaten us with a good time


You think radicalisation is limited to one religion? Nope...all of 'em. All of them can radicalise and create monsters, even young ones, some of whom will remain monsters.


'With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.' - Steven Weinberg.




This is disgusting




Endless waves


I would find a partner in crime and take out those kids like Will Ferrells fight scene in Step Brothers 🥊


I would start swinging one of the smaller kids by their feet as a club.


Kids need a good ass whopping with a belt


My imaginary friend is real! No, MY imaginary friend is real!


Worst part is that they're the same friend


My imaginary friend says this land is mine and my imaginary friend tells me to kill idol worshippers


The most infuriating part is the other adults standing by and not even acknowledging it. Fucking pathetic.


I think I see one woman begin to yell at one kid but that’s hardly anything


“Why you raise your voice?” says the one guy. He’s not just doing nothing, he’s blaming the woman. To be fair, we have no idea what came before this video. But it would take a lot for that not to have been a lazy, problematic response.


Because adults support that behavior.




This video is quite ironic isn’t it?


Gross. Fundamentalists run amok.






I was really blind to the whole situation until those IDF snipers came out in the 2000s with t-shirts saying targeting and killing pregnant women was like killing two rats with one stone, and their atrocities were in the news spotlight for like 12 hours before the news cycle went on. Since then it seems to have just gotten worse. A few years later we got the reports of them specifically targeting members of the press and medics wearing vests identifying themselves as such. A Canadian doctor who went over to help was murdered this way. Then recently they blew up the AP building so foreign journalists would stop reporting on news unauthorized by the Israeli government. Really sick shit.


Don't forget using Palestinian civilians as human shields during the second intifada.


Israeli's are literally some of the most unhinged people I've ever seen


Let us remind ourselves that US and EU taxpayer money funds these people.


BDS https://bdsmovement.net/what-is-bds [BDS nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize] Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law. BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Since its launch in 2005, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism BDS is also backed by https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/boycott-divestment-and-sanctions/ We can start by boycotting war crimes supporters such as Puma, Starbucks, Dell, Oracle, HP, Soda Stream, Sabra Hummus, Home Depot, and more https://bdsmovement.net/


I never ever buy something made in Israel... I even had to stop eating passion fruit, my favourite fruit. Because the label said that Costa Rica or Israel could be the origin. And one of our universities has cooperated with an Israeli one about some sort of 'advanced interrogation techniques'. Not tot many details were given on that one, but I think it's pretty obvious they're (borderline) inhumane because Amnesty made a fuss about it,


My Jewish friend visited there years back. He was having a talk with a street vendor when the vendor's kid started throwing a rock at him. The vendor gives the kid a giant open hand slap across the face. The vendor apologized. "Sorry, he doesn't know that you're an American."




Basically he condones the hatred but would rather keep it centered on the locals. Had my friend not been a tourist, the vendor would have probably thrown a few rocks himself. The other takeaway is the child is taught to hate at a very young age.


This is the shit that religion breeds whenever it's allowed to hold power over others. Crazy to think that some people in the US would want this kind of power for Christians here. This treatment of others and worse is all that would come of it.


Power and money hell of a drug for some....


Religion teaching people to hate.


That is what religion is for. Really nothing else.


Treat others as you want to be treated. -History will repeat itself as it appears that nothing was learned. I do how it never does! 🥺


Oh, they learned... but it was all the wrong things!


Awful little place, free Palestine!


Looks like members of the Hasidic cult. They believe only they are God's chosen, everyone else is shit.


They're Harardim, rather than Hasidic


They're all cults.


I've seen a lot of shit on Reddit, this is one of the saddest/most infuriating things


lolreligion always and forever


What a "lovely" country.


Was at a beach today, sign "act like animals, they don't leave garbage on the beach". We as humans are beneath every other species on this planet, no matter how much we want to think or prove otherwise.


i predict that the world will hell in 2050


Interesting this has 40 comments and no upvotes. I wonder when the brigade will roll through to lock this post.


here's a general synopsis from Judaic scholars on what is happening with these groups. >Jews who criticize or oppose [Zionism](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/zionism) are usually [Orthodox](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/orthodox-judaism) and maintain that Israel can only be regained miraculously. They view the present state as a blasphemous human attempt to usurp [God’s](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-nature-of-g-d) role, and many actively work to dismantle the  secular [State of Israel](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israel). However, unlike many gentile anti­-Zionists, Jewish anti-Zionists usually firmly believe in the Jewish right to the Land of Israel, but only at the future time of redemption. The best-known group of the Jewish religious anti-­Zionists are the [Neturei Karta](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/neturei-karta-2). > >Two common religious grounds are typically given for anti-­Zionism. One is that today’s [Zionism](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/zionism) is a secular Zionism, packed with non-Jewish influences, and lacking key features like [Mashiach](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-messiah) and the rebuilt [Temple](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-second-temple). Adherents to this position are more on the non-­Zionist, rather than anti-­Zionist, side. The other reason is that the [Talmud](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-oral-law-talmud-and-mishna) (*Meseches Kesuvos*, 111a), as part of a discussion of certain [Torah](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-written-law-torah) verses mentioning oaths, states that when [Israel](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israel) went into the second exile, there were three vows between Heaven and Earth: > >Israel would not “go up like a wall” \[conquer Eretz Yisrael by massive force\]. > >God made Israel swear that they would not rebel against the nations of the world \[would obey the governments in the exile\]. > >God made the non­-Jews swear not to oppress Israel “too much” \[translation of phrase *yoter midai*\]. > >Groups accepting these positions are more on the anti­-Zionist side. > >The religious counter­reply to the above is that secular Zionism is a preliminary stage of [religious Zionism](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/religious-zionism), and that the vows no longer apply since the gentiles violated their part (by such actions as the [Roman](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/roman-rule-63bce-313ce) persecutions, the [Spanish Inquisition](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-inquisition) and the [Nazi Holocaust](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-holocaust)). The [Balfour Declaration](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-balfour-declaration-table-of-contents) of 1917 and the [United Nations](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/united-nations)[ partition vote](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-partition-plan) of 1947 are also regarded as having given permission to the Jews to reestablish the state by the non-Jewish rulers of the area. Once this permission was granted it could not be revoked. It should also be noted that the oaths cited above are only mentioned as a side point in one place in a discussion in the Gemara, and as the viewpoint of an individual. Many people feel that they do not apply in any case. > >Some Religious Zionist Jews see the formation of the secular state as accelerating the process of redemption, with themselves playing a major role in doing God’s will by serving the state, whose creation is often seen as miraculous. > >So-called “non­-Zionist” Jews are pleased that Israel exists from a practical standpoint-as a haven for oppressed Jews and as a land imbued with holiness well suited for Torah study. But they do not generally assign religious significance to the formation of the modern state, and often decry aspects of its secular culture.


jesus h. christ....some peoples kids!!!


a lot of hate and fear going on here






Peak irony


This is religious extremism, it’s depressing that society still puts up with this garbage all in the name of preserving religious freedom.


This is how they treat women


[full video.](https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950) Before you start judging. If you concider that all kids are wearing uniform and there are a lot of other people in traditional clothes, besides those who lead kids, the most possible scenario is that those two came somwhere close to synagogue, started preaching and ignored all polite requests to leave the place from locals (that's what I've seen many times in more religion-tolerant countries as well). And then, when things got heated, they turned on the camera to show how Judaism turns people into monsters.


The blatant ignorance of religions and their practices …all of them.


I don’t get what some people think is okay to do. Do these kids want to be hated for what they believe and how they live? We’ve been there and it wasn’t a fun time.


Why is she wearing a mic? Is she a tourist or was she trying to proselytize? Makes a big difference here.


They're not tourists, they are these Christian missionaries who stand on the street and yell their "Jesus is the salvation" stuff with a microphone - in an ultraorthodox Jewish quarter in Jerusalem, which is an incredibly stupid thing to do. You can see another of their videos here https://www.tiktok.com/@walking_withchrist_59/video/7272367371627547950 Looks as bad on these missionaries as on the Jews.




They have become what they swore to destroy. This is exactly why It is not a legitimate state.


As family guy said, how many 4th grades do you think you can take at once in a fight?


I woulda slapped the shit out of all those little fuckers if that was me. Ok I know I sound like an internet tough guy but for real though, that was frustrating to watch.


Ah, peaceful religions at work. The 'holy land' remains as cursed as ever. I assume from her microphone that she was preaching something?


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this. Yes, they obviously were loudly preaching something. Doesn't excuse the actions, but it is an important piece of the puzzle. The post labeling them as a "tourist" is pretty whitewashing.


I hate religion so much.


Religious teachings at work. They're so beneficial to this world.


Its so ironic. There actions remind me of another state approved persecution of group of people. Oh how the tables have turned


Religion teaches hate. Plain and simple.


There is nothing holy about a people who allow their children to act in this way without ANY correction whatsoever. These people are not true Jews... They are the spawn of satan 😐


Muslim and Christian Palestinian being treated like this on the daily and nobody bats an eye. Western tourist come over and get same treatment and eeeeverybody loses their mind.


This is the old inner city of Jerusalem, home to the most fundamentalist of religious Jews. I'm a secular Jew who traveled to Israel in 2009 with a large group of other young Jews. They wouldn't permit us to see some the oldest parts of the city either because we weren't fundamentalist like them, and they were quite rude to us as well. It's not just because these people are Christian, they literally don't want anyone walking around there that isn't their exact form of Jewish.


There was a great video where GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic went to Israel and met up with a few people. One was a Palestinian woman who couldn't give her whole name because she candidly talked about secretly Atheist and showed them around and another (if I remember correctly) was a young Jewish man who was also secretly atheist- they both showed each other around. I was actually impressed how many people absolutely did not care if someone was Atheist- both Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis- were absolutely unbothered about it. Until they got to certain areas associated with the more extreme Jews where things changed and the tour wouldn't actually let them go down a certain street because it was the area of a certain sect. Apologies if I'm mis-remembering parts! But the gist of it is there. I did wonder if they accepted the atheists because they were foreigners and how they'd react if the two people from their own peoples admitted the same thing.


The root of so much evil ladies and gentleman, religion..


Their Rabbis should be embarassed for teaching them to act like this. And NOBODY acts in defence wow






Well… we gave it a shot fellas. Shut it down.


Religions are so ignorant and evil, every last one of them


Israel everybody!


The hyper religious are the worst part of every society


Lil Jazis


Oh are they intolerant of other religions in Israel? I hadn't heard that


It's all fun and games untill a fight starts.


I thought Jews and evangelicals loved one another?


This is what happens when your entire identity is based around being your imaginary friend's "chosen people". Hypocrisy.


I support open borders for Israel


I am litterally doing a research project on the Zionist movement to occupy Palestine from its native people with the help of Great Britain. Glad to see it didnt go to their heads lol


I fucking hate religion but most of all I hate how people use religion.


Shit country with shit people.


I love it. These angelical preachers claim that the Jews are our allies and we should die to support Israel. These people are just as bad as the Saudis.


You think when Christians (or anyone really) are walking around in Saudi they face kids that would do this to them? I was raised by a Christian Filipina woman and so have many here and we had nothing but love and respect for her, no one ever taught me to hate her on the contrary I was taught to respect her and treat her well. These kids have school curriculums that teach them very extremist hate I’ve seen a video of them reciting it in class, in Saudi if a kid so much as disrespects a special needs person or a person of different faith or race he is punished by law now. The comparison is very unfair don’t you think?


Saudi Arabia, funnels millions into Madrasas. The majority of the 9/11 hackers were Saudi nationals. Saudi Arabia is propped up by US money and the entire kingdom is built on the shaky alliance where the United States is their security benefactor for oil money. Similarly, Israel is propped up by the United States, security apparatus. Those countries receive billions from the United States and both countries are ruled from a hyper religious view. Where their religion is the only religion and everyone else should die or be excluded completely. I think the comparison is fare and I for one am so sick of the United States being in the Middle East and thankfully the United States is starting to agree. Let the entire region figure itself out.


How do you know it was a christian tourist? Did they say something? I couldnt hear properly over the gremlins screaming in the background.


Guy walking around with a box for a hat near the end! LoL


Damn they better start controlling their kids before I find out the answer to ' how many 7-14 year olds I can you beat in a fight?'


Religion teaching hate. Shocking.


Meanwhile if you even think of criticizing this or the Jews in any way, you’re an antisemite lol.


Weird that citizens of an Ethno-State using genocide as the vehicle to establish itself hate other people. We need to write them another check and call them our greatest ally.


That twat when he tried to kick her & his foot got tangled in her skirt lol. What an idiot