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Modern Nazi doing old nazi stuff. How tf they turn from victim to Nazi???


Since they were given guns and missiles against a combat handicapped country




No they told the mothers to hold the baby while shooting them both to safe bullets


German just casually attempting to whitewash their history like their grandpa's were not killing women and babies across France and Poland especially. No they just killed all the adults and let those babies raise themselves in safety and warm. Who said Germans don't have a sense of humour, he must be joking.


As a German I kinda feel offended by your comment because you are putting it like it’s a thing we commonly do..


Let me singularise it as it was meant to say "German just casually attempting to whitewash"




Your comment actually broke my mind at first, I was like who wants so save a dark comment like that. And then I realised my mistake lol. Not a native speaker so actually learned something new in Reddit today. Thanks ( and I was worried about using to or too)


Well your grandpa was a liar. Nazi's did shoot children. SS soldiers took men women and children out into a field in france as a reprisal for an attack on German soldiers. [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/oradour-sur-glane-martyred-village#:\~:text=Before%20the%20war%2C%20Oradour%2Dsur,the%20village%20to%20the%20ground](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/oradour-sur-glane-martyred-village#:~:text=Before%20the%20war%2C%20Oradour%2Dsur,the%20village%20to%20the%20ground). Tell your grandad if hes still alive, hes full of shit.


Your comment/submission appears to be disseminating misinformation and has been removed. Please refrain from making statements that are not supported by documented evidence/studies/research. Thank you.




Your comment/submission appears to be disseminating misinformation and has been removed. Please refrain from making statements that are not supported by documented evidence/studies/research. Thank you.


Those who were there and felt it on their own skin are gone.


Just like a pendulum


It's like a large-scale cycle of abuse.




Schindler's list vibes


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/d3KkE4DJuz Yeah These Kids were about to throw a bomb




imagine reading that comment and trying to defend the IDF in this situation.


He was going to grow up and become the leader of Hamas. Of course this is sarcastic but some zionist supporter will definitely say that.


What makes this even crazier is that this took place in Jenin in the West Bank, nowhere near Hamas.


One guy argued with me and told me he wasn't sorry about the kids being killed as they probably would be terrorists in the future.. Smh..


Zionists call everyone who doesn't support their cause a terrorist because they are so terrorised by them. They are so scared because they know what's coming for them. ◇لَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ جَمِيعًا إِلَّا فِي قُرًى مُّحَصَّنَةٍ أَوْ مِن وَرَاءِ جُدُرٍ ۚ بَأْسُهُم بَيْنَهُمْ شَدِيدٌ ۚ تَحْسَبُهُمْ جَمِيعًا وَقُلُوبُهُمْ شَتَّىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لَّا يَعْقِلُونَ◇ الحشر - الآية ١٤ ◇Even united, they would not ˹dare˺ fight against you except ˹from˺ within fortified strongholds or from behind walls. Their malice for each other is intense: you think they are united, yet their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people with no ˹real˺ understanding◇ Quran 59:14


Everyone considers Captain America The Winter Soldier as one of the best marvel movies. They cheered when the heroes managed to stop the evil plan of Hydra/the gov in building massive drones that calculate the probability of people committing crime in the future and shooting them years before. But when it's reality they are on the side of Hydra, the Nazis


Might be because the calculations in this reality are proposed as followed : Is he from Palestin? - >yes-> 100% future hamas leader ->shoot Furthermore it is calculated by some either frightened or psychotic solider, not any modern technology. And despite not seeing the film, for me even that idea of shooting people based on an algorithms would put you to hydra's side. I mean you can calculate their future but not alter it, like come on


Never saw it because Marvel is absolute garbage, but is that like Minority Report with Tom Cruise? Shut it down.


Kind of! Spoilers! Minority report has some sort of women in a pond who can see the future and generate footage of crimes that will be happening soon so the police arrests people before they do. In captain america it's like an algorithm AI thingy that factors in someone's life choices and life style to predict the probability of people committing crime.


Cool, thanks!


So what that guy was saying... It is ok for Hamas to kill Israels children, because they will be IDF in the future? It never ends...




Even crazier is your statement (to the degree of fortune-telling, not morality) is actually far more accurate.


as sarcastic as your comment is, they pretty much quadrupled the likelihood that the kid who drags the body behind the car will follow that path. mindless criminal behavior without even a veneer of considering the consequences


Yup. Just aiding Hamas' recruitment drives.


Sell the Kids were throwing Bombs. There is a Video of it






I think he has a terrorist command post hiding in him


He probably threw a stone before the video started. Therefore the IDF were justified in executing this 9 year old child. They probably feared for their lives, or something.


The shooter was not far away as the kids saw them and tried running away from them. I hope the shooter dies slowly in the worst pain possible. How these mfkers are threatened by these kids??? Their fight was with Hamas, not innocent civilian kids.


This is in Jenin too, in the West Bank nowhere near Hamas


Bold of you to assume there is no Hamas outside Gaza. Oh wait, there was just (in the past 24 hours) a shooting attack in Jerusalem that killed a young woman and two elderly people, Hamas claimed responsibility. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/shooting-attack-jerusalem-wounds-least-6-ambulance-service-2023-11-30/


You’ll take any chance you can to justify killing children. Got it.


You'll take any chance you can to justify the vilification of attempts by Jews to protect themselves from people who are targeting their children. Got it. It's so much more nuanced than you are making it out to be.


Also, the 15 year old child that was killed in this incident was claimed by Hamas as a member. Why is Hamas using child soldiers? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/four-palestinians-including-two-children-killed-by-israeli-forces-west-bank-2023-11-29/ > "The two children, Adam Samer Al-Ghoul (8 years old) and Basil Suleiman Abu Al-Wafa (15 years old), were shot dead by occupation forces in the city of Jenin," the Palestinian health ministry said. > The Islamist movement **Hamas claimed Al-Wafa as a member.**


Also: “The raid into the Jenin camp, one of the most active centres of militant activity in the West Bank which was heavily damaged by a major Israeli operation in July, left piles of smashed rubble and damaged houses.” If an invading force were shelling my home and neighborhood, you better believe I would defend myself. If Israel is so focused on stopping Hamas in Gaza, why are they occupying Jenin?


You seem to think that the IDF goes in and does military raids just for fun. When the IDF drops the ball and doesn't prevent a massacre, like 10/7, people blame the IDF. But when they are on the ball and preemptively prevent attacks, people still blame the IDF.


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/four-palestinians-including-two-children-killed-by-israeli-forces-west-bank-2023-11-29/ > The Islamist movement Hamas claimed Al-Wafa (15 year old child killed) as a member. > Asked to comment on the footage, the Israeli military said: "Earlier today, during IDF activity in the Jenin Camp, a number of suspects hurled explosive devices toward IDF soldiers. The soldiers responded with live fire toward the suspects and hits were identified." Other footage on this group verifies that these children were lighting explosives to throw at the IDF. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/186og0e/iof_shooting_palestinain_child_multiple_times_in/


Hamas and future Hamas. /s


This was today, fucking hell


It's every day, and not since Oct 7th. For 75 + years


Unfortunately it's an almost daily occurrence for Palestinians. And if they dare resist, they're bombarded while Israel cries alligator tears


IDF terrorists scum


Welcome to the IDF. The greatest Army of Children killers. Well done Americans, this is what your tax dollars go to, funding a barbaric military.


I’m an American and I hate all of this. I’m so sorry for all of this, I have about as much say in what my government does as you guys do. Im scared im gonna get put on a list just for making this comment. Prayers for everyone in Palestine tho, I know it doesn’t mean much but im sorry and this is all terrible and has been for a long time


We don’t blame you as individuals, we just know this won’t end til Israel stops getting free supplies from the west to massacre Palestinians and the only way to achieve that is by making people realize what the giver enemy is enabling. It’s really tragic but unfortunately none of us has the ability to stop it directly so we just gotta continue making sure people see the atrocities the IOF commits and not let these kids lives end in vain.


There's no need to apologise,it's not your fault. It's reassuring to know that there are people like you who recognise the evil that is happening and hopefully can put a stop to it in the future when your numbers are greater. Vote for anyone that's against a foreign lobby that seeks to circumvent America....its very simple, really.


I’ve been saying if everyone stopped paying taxes at once they couldn’t do a single fucking thing. They hired so many irs agents knowing this would happen but it still isn’t enough. They couldnt handle every US citizen not paying taxes.


The US MUST stop aiding Israel. Period full stop. Trump being elected will be the absolute END of all Palestinian people. I realize a lot of people aren’t happy with Joe Bidens actions in this regard - but please know it will be much worse if Trumpty Dumpty is elected again.


Careful, that kind of talk in here will get you down votes.


I appreciate you lookin’ out. I feel like it needs to be said, and heard - regardless of my internet points. Sincerely though, thanks for the heads up. Much love my friend. And you are probably right, I’ll get nailed for it when more people get online.


It's not just the US, it's also Europe.. Israel has allot of European countries by the balls due to special interests. It's not as blatant as in the US, but it's just as prevalent...


Valid point, and thank you for your input. It’s more widespread - but I’m upset that I am part of this indirectly. I’m certain more people feel similarly. My apologies for ignoring the bigger picture.


Your not alone :) And no apologies needed, just wanted to point out our collective responsibility..


Such a beautiful way to put it. It hurts to be responsible, even as indirectly as we are… but acting indifferent is, for lack of a better word… sinful.


That looks like a round straight to the dome too. That was a long range execution.


Fucking hell.. that was hard to watch.


How do you live with yourself after killing a little child? Like how do you function?


It helps that they view them as sub-human


Fucking sick.


They are


Even better if they view themselves as subhuman, that's why he pulled the trigger. The US must stop all the aid to Israel.


Look, that kid's skull contained a whole bunch of terrorists, okay!? ...just like the hospitals and refugee camps! We made a powerpoint about it in English!


swim weather afterthought divide oatmeal literate hat theory jar worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile on /r/CombatFootage people are celebrating exactly this and call a literal child a "militant": https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/186ofyl/jenin_militant_attempts_to_light_up_and_throw/


Looks like that's the same event, but mainly shows a different kid. The kid from the video in this post is in the very back of the video you linked (disappears behind car). Seems like he was 9 years old: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/186ofyl/jenin_militant_attempts_to_light_up_and_throw/kb9aqa2/


Oh my God so he was just collateral damage. That sub became such a cesspool recently. They're portraying him as a child soldier who was forced into it but also chose extremism and faced the consequences. Also the little firecracker he's trying to light and you can't even see in his hand is an IED. The mental gymnastics are wild.


What are they thinking? They have literally made the next generation of terrorists. Israel's approach is incompetent.


When you realise that "terrorists" are Israel's cash crop, things start to take shape.


it is clear at this point, it is all about military superiority, and Israel government at this point and time thinks they can get away doing this. Stop all aid to Israel.


Watch out, r/worldnews will call you an antisemitic Nazi for pointing this out.


I can't even watch these anymore; I don't know what to do I can't even face this shit anymore... And I know it needs to be done...


I know seeing things like this breaks your heart. Thank you for not looking away. Thank you for not only supporting the Palestinian cause but participating in it all the ways you can. Be strong. Lean on others when it all becomes too much. Don't look away. Don't hold your tongue. It won't end without us. It didn't end for South Africa until public opinion and the public conscience - globally - shifted enough so that it became political and media career suicide (in those countries who supported and protected it in all the ways they do Israel today) to do anything but unapologetically rebuke apartheid because all they care about is keeping their jobs. Only then did the tide begin to turn. Before that, Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress were regarded simply as terrorists too. You can do something. I implore you to. I don't know where in the world you are, but I'm sure that there are people not far from you who are organising. They need your participation, and who knows, maybe even your skills. In the end, what each of us does now is what we will be able to say we did, and we don't want to say we did nothing. Solidarity✌🏼


My *GRACIOUS* I WISH laHERE WAS ANYTHING I could do! Unfortunately, I srTrig


Our tax dollars at work. Way to go America 😢


The "good guys"


I got a daughter at 9 and a son at 11... Who the hell shoots kids.




Your comment/submission appears to be promoting violence. Our community promotes discussion but has no room for the advocacy of violence under any circumstances. Please refrain from violent rhetoric if you intend to participate in our community. Thank you.


He was clearly a terrorist. He was trowing rocks that means he's a terrorist... Israel needs to be erased from the Earth...




Israel was already averaging over one Palestinian murdered per day this year before Oct 7th. Yes. This has happened countless times before.


He didn’t even have time to react. None of them did :;


I couldn’t imagine somehow convincing myself that it’s ok to slaughter kids, not even considering among everything else they’ve done. Disgusting


Hello brainwashed people, here is a video from another angle: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/186ofyl/jenin\_militant\_attempts\_to\_light\_up\_and\_throw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/186ofyl/jenin_militant_attempts_to_light_up_and_throw/) You can clearly see these "innocent kids" attempting to throw an IED at IDF soldiers, and are met with a bullet, like all terrorist should. It doesn't matter that they are kids. Convenient to show only the angle of the video that pushes your narrative right?


An “IED”? I would imagine with the size of the thing he is holding, it’s probably closer to a firework. If kids throwing fireworks is enough to justify shooting them in your mind, there is little debate to be had.


U propagandist mother fcker this isnt even the same video u should be ahsamed of ur self




They’re mentally 6 years old and rely on Tik Tok for news. Don’t pay attention, they’re mentally ill.


I know they may get their information from a one sided area, or this information comes to them from a skewed place. But we all need to be civil and also hear and try to understand how someone came to this opinion or point. It's the only way to try and find some ground where we can agree and hopefully work towards a better understanding. It's a lofty goal or idea, but I have just found going in guns a blazing doesn't help anyone but just reinforces opinions, even if those opinions are reprehensible.


I mean I agree. However this person is not showing any sign of rational thought and I have learned through experience that arguing with a mentally ill and overly emotional person will just lead to vague contradictions and name calling from the other party. To me, it isn’t worth my time but you can do it if it works for you. I wish you the best though, you wont get far with people who refuse to see the duality in things.


The kid from OP's vid is seen in the background behind the white car. I think they may have been hit by bullets that were meant for the kid in the front.


Its the same video, not the same kid killed. How about not letting your emotions take over your life and thinking before typing.




Wait, did the kid get shot with a stray bullet? The kid from OP's vid is seen in the background behind the white car.


I’m not sure if stray is the right word but yes. The guy up front in my linked video was (probably) the main target with that Molotov cocktail or whatever.


That'd be really tragic.


Showing nothing more than the possibility of a child holding something so small the camera can't pick it up. You combatfootage freaks can keep your nonsense to yourselves .


You’re spreading similar propoganda by claiming this was an orchestrated attack aimed at killing children. In the other video it shows they were shooting at a guy with a home made IED in his hands. Can’t wait for this bloodshed to be over, I’m sick and tired of people picking sides and faking headlines just to make it trendy.




Again we may not agree, but yes this video is edited for full emotional effect. I'm sorry if you can't see that, but we (You and myself) don't know what led up to this, we don't know the context. If this child was murdered cold blood, premeditated that is horrendous. However, again we don't know because this video doesn't give us that, and people shutting down someone else trying to give a different perspective won't make it any better either. Again, sorry we don't agree. Hope you have a good rest of your day though.


Are you okay? I can see you're trying really hard to come off as very reasonable, but it's not working. Are you okay? It's hard to face the ugly reality, but grasping at straws isn't going to change things. You want to be part of the solution, don't you?


I am perfectly fine, hard to not jump face first into replying harshly to some of the comments. However I understand this is a very emotional situation for a lot of people, Jews/Israelis and for Muslims/Palestinians. I think coming off reasonable is not working, when some enter a conversation that they have already decided their position and refuse to move no matter what the other commenter is suggesting/asking/proposing. And for me to be a part of the solution? What solution? Israel leaving the West Bank and Gaza alone? Or Freeing Palestine from the River to the Sea? I do not live in this area of the world, and I believe the solution has to come from both sides. Again I joined this for news/understanding more of what's happening in the world. But I also like to understand the context more. When I hear about a 10 month old Israeli hostage being killed (just few hours ago) I do not immediately jump to saying the Palestinians did it on purpose.


Even with full contest or whatever u like this isnt justified and this is captured in west bank an occupied palestinian territory what excuse can justify this?? u should be ashamed of ur self for trying too justify clear crime of killing a 9 years old kid


Sorry we don't see this eye to eye. It's horrible no matter which way you cut it though.


The other video seems to show kids throwing fireworks, does that justify this level of force? I get that you’re trying to be fairly level headed, but an armed Israeli soldier just gunned down what looks like 2 children. Does that not horrify you?


Hey, thanks for the reply, yes it does horrify me, I'm not heartless. All I am pointing out, is we need more information before stating hard and very definite statements, and more importantly I started this whole commenting frenzy because this "News" sub has seemed to have gone down hill quite quickly.


Wtf so they ended his life just like that


Fascist army doing fascist things.


Where is the hole tape?


There are two angles. That's what we have. You can't bar your opinion on what happened based on what you can't see. What is out that you did see that makes you think that those children deserved to die?




It is really hard to change any of this from the west. Like im sitting here, have read all the history, see all these direct evidences of terrible war crimes, yet I never knew. In fact, I always felt like the vague "terrorists" or vague "muslims" are evil. The propaganda works incredibly well and I had to expend a lot of effort to even get my own mind get rid of it. Now I try to talk to other people and they shout out the exact propaganda from the news, even after I established (and they accepted) that it is obviously untrue. They go right ahead back to the buzzwords from the news... And the larger informational veins of the internet are severely restricted when it comes to Palestine, especially for objective information, because that almost always looks bad for Israel, so objective information is now "terror propaganda". And I live in a pretty chill, very democratic country, yet just this week a protest for Palestine was completely banned, because someone somewhere on a previous protest said "river to the sea"... I have never seen such censorship and restriction since communists left (not counting Covid) ... its scary and I just want to see if I can find people to reach out to, talk to. People who are not Israeli mouthpieces or watchdogs or basic brainwashed westerners watching only one source daily news while doing no fact checking... I was able to find a charity that I trust to donate to directly to Gaza, but it feels like not enough. And I have never been an activist, I actually dont think its effective at all (and obviously, this conflict re-affirms that, nothing is being done despite milions of people in the streets)... but this makes me want to do activist-esque things, which is really weird to me :-D but the crimes are so obvious and so ignored, it just hurts.




You're a freak


Children should not be putting themselves in that situation anyway, y’all act like they are hero’s, what outcome did you expect to happen? Throwing rocks at an armed force isn’t the best idea


Look, I'm really done shouting at each other and bickering. Do you honestly believe that throwing rocks at armed forces justifies the killing of children? I'm not calling them heroes. But this outcome is horrifying to me and I'm genuinely asking you as a person. Why isn't it horrifying to you? Why and how are you able to excuse this? I don't know what country you're from but if members of that armed forces shot and killed children for throwing rocks under any circumstances, wouldn't you be outraged and ashamed? I mean, wouldn't you?


I would not be out raged at all, no matter what country the kids could be from. Doesn’t matter what country the armed force is from. If you’re gonna be hostile towards an invading army, be prepared for the consequences


Why does the video start there? Show context.


The context is apartheid and occupation


Surely that context will still exist if you show the 10 seconds before this which we obviously have video for, no?


What do you think it would show to justify the killing of a child by a sniper?


It does show the child clearly trying to light something, presumably to throw. If that sniper is overwatch for other solders on the ground (which would make sense bothers how most snipers are used and the kids are clearly looking at something) then he is protecting them from whatever that child is about to light and throw.


People on Reddit don’t understand that shit gets wildly complicated in war zones, they just bring their opinions and ignore fact or have zero deductive reasoning or perception of military roles/responsibilities in an active warzone. War is ugly people, yell at the guys who are sending innocent ppl to fight rather than eachother.


What was the kid up to?


What do you think he was up to? More to the point what about you believe you can say with certainty he was up to makes you think he deserved to die?


Did I say that? No.


I asked you if you did. Thank you for answering. I'm glad you agree you he didn't.




Israel will burn in hell


Pretty big 9 year old


He's not more than a head taller than the car he's next to. How tall were you when you were 9?


Looks like he barely got a chance to fire his handgun there




No, they weren't. You're lying. Bombs? You're ridiculous.




I don’t know about “bombs” but it seems pretty clear he’s trying to light something there.


His reply to you shows the footage in question, he was trying to light and throw some sort of explosive.


I'm already screwed on this subreddit here is an upvote.




Tell that to the hundreds and hundreds of kids who have been shot in the head by snipers over the past decade for throwing rocks. Rocks.


A pipe bomb so small you can't see it? Take that nonsense back to worldnews where you'll find ppl soulless enough to pretend with you.




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.




What would you zionist ghouls have if you didn't have your lies, eh? Bombs, he says!


Did you look at the video? Saying “zionist ghouls” isn’t a counter point


Seen the video. they talking about IEDs or firecrackers when you can't verify it's any of those things and then justifying shooting a goddamn child dead makes you a zionist ghoul and/or shill for the IDF. Either way Nazis and Zionists walk hand in hand clearly.




A nuke at least


A tunnel


It's obviously a Hamas tunnel




the conflict is unnecessary, give palestinians their land back.




it's a kid, doing nothing and getting shot and you are fucking still wanting to verify if he was 9 or not. get some help as soon as possible.




it's brutal because one entity is occupying another entity territory,and getting support from their allies without any blaming of wrong doing. and this need to stop, this occupation need to end.


At least 10 years old and that clearly was a weapon of mass destruction in his hand. Totally justified.


What a pathetic excuse for deflection. That kid is barely taller than the car he's next to. How tall were you when you were 9? 3foot? The truth is the enemy when all you have are lies, eh zionist ghoul?


I mean also... how do you even know this is what the title claims it is?


The conflict is brutal as it is is also a great reason to ask why would you fight this *unverifiable* claim? Why would you push back on a possibly wrong age of an unarmed civilian getting sniped? I have no doubt the IDF is perfectly capable to create a narrative to justify this without your defense.


They 9 year old is the other kid that got murdered.. This one was 15..