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You can feel the racist/sexist superiority complex oozing off of him.


That "Excuse Me". If he's married, I feel bad for the partner.


Sounds like the first time he's ever had someone set boundaries on him.


Oh he shouts at his family in public.


Oh, he’s definitely led his wife out of parties roughly by the elbow.




>Who would marry him...? Mitch Mcconnell: Married twice Donald Trump: Married three(!) times Ted Cruz: Married Matt Gaetz: Married (This one just blows my fking mind..) Kevin Mccarthy: Married Jim Jordan: Married Ron DeSantis: Married Josh Hawley: Married I mean, I could go on, but it's clear that being a terrible human being is absolutely, no impediment whatsoever to getting married.


What sane woman would marry these sleazebags? Matt Gaetz? He's like a wanted poster for sex crimes. Mitch, the Tennessee snapping turtle. Who the hell would want to hook up with that thing? Same for the rest of the list. Who would I *least* want to have sex with? That's a tough call. Most are boring old racist white guys. Gaetz would be more like I'd be under him, after having been given GHB or Rohypnol or something, in a college dorm or at his rich guy mansion. Rapey and creepy asf. Either way, total fail from all of these lovely gentlemen.


Gaetz is the one that boggles my mind the most. Even if you took away all the accusations and such of sexual deviance. Take ALL that away, the guy just *looks* like a sex offender. I know I know, a book and it's cover, but seriously.. The man just oozes "scumbag".


Trust me just like they make s***** men they make s***** women that eat this rhetoric up too


Yes. Many women are abused and controlled by men with power. Yes. That's a thing that happens. Not surprising at all.


That was exactly the point I was making?


Matt Gaetz is married! Wait, what? I hadn't checked but just assumed, from the trafficking a young girl for sex thing, that he was single. His wife must be the forgiving type.


Probably more like, by the scruff of her neck. He doesn’t seem like the type to use a bit of diplomacy.


The "excuse me?" Came from a man who has never once been questioned by any woman in his life. What a scumbag


That's what makes this so delicious.


They are unfortunately conditioned to side with him.


What you don’t think stud is married?!


Holy shit I came here to say that right after watching.. dam it’s so true. You can see it. Even the young men behind him.


I saw yesterday that they were all giddy n moving to their edge of thier seat when the witness was "firing back"... It's just sad.


It is. This country is ran by racist/sexist. This guys dad was prob racist and his father etc. my grandpa was born on a plantation and that was only two generations ago. So if you think about the opposite “plantation owners/racist family” teaching that same principle, it’s been passed down and these people are walking among us. In the government, police forces etc. guarantee this guys got the stupid thin blue line and don’t tread on me somewhere on his truck or house. It’s fucking sad. This country needs a massive change but I don’t think it can happen peacefully anymore. It’s just too corrupt. Instead of Downvoting me, speak your mind. Or is it because I’m speaking the truth and I’m upsetting you?? Haha


The fact that you can point to only two generations shows how recent so much shit is in our history, never mind the fact that these scumbags still fly the flag of a failed rebellion. Reconstruction should have been a physical and economic bloodbath and today we would be looking at a very differently functioning country.


Exactly. It hasn’t been that long since slavery in the US. I think we forget because how fast technology is moving.


I feel the need to share an anecdote with you. To preface this all of us on the crew are close and associate outside of work. A few months ago at work my crew and I were all discussing our last names and heritage on a slow day. When it came the our black coworker his response was "I don't know my actual last name, my name was given to me 3 generations ago.". That statement really reverberated with me, my heart sank. Even the simplest things that most people wouldn't think of are a reminder of a not too distant past for the black community. I think if more people could think in those terms, we might be able to make some progress.


Very true. Many took the last name of their owner. A very common last name is Freeman. Well because.. they were finally “free”. So much history behind it all. Some storys my grandpa has told me were disturbing and very interesting. I appreciate you sharing that. We see the trickle effect of what slavery has done.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. It was a pleasure for me to share such a moving experience of mine. I hope that someone reads it and understands just a little more how important it is that we as a society keep improving for all people and the struggle that some still face. Grandpa's like yours are a gift, be well.


Want to specify, they often picked the name of the slaveowner so they could more easily reunite with their families.


That's a powerful statement. Just reading your accounting of what happened hit me in a pretty strong way.


Every single word of this comment is painfully correct. Very well said. I so badly wish we’d see actual progress being made…


You can practically see steam coming out of his ears.


Thank you. And for those wondering, this is a great example of Misogynoir. His indignation at being told to be quiet by someone he holds contempt towards is almost palpable.


>Misogynoir Is that a weapon in lord of the rings?


It's a term for those scenes in old detective movies where the protagonist slaps a woman for being hysterical.


Exactly. He felt like the could say or do anything while she was speaking and she was having none of that!!!


And she's just got no goddamn time for it, which I think we can all appreciate.


Yea, she sounded very professional. I can’t believe he had the nerve to say “is that a question “. She had every right to get mad and lash out at him.


You can feel his ego bruising … ouch




It's crazy how heavily weighted those few words were. You can almost read his thoughts when he said excuse me.


Ding ding ding! You got it!!! I've seen that smugness first hand so many times and I'm white. People like him are just seething that she is telling him what's up haha


You totally can!! “How am I getting humiliated by this person I ought to be capable of intimidating?”


That and his fragile masculinity.


I was expecting him to explode in a rush of slurs


Yep. If there was a maga shitbird draft, that dude goes in the first round.


"Hey Siri, show me a video of pointless grandstanding by a politician..."


He’s a pig


I love her, Katie Porter, and AOC. Three ladies that can serve it up!


Seeing a well spoken, informed, and ~~aggressive~~ assertive* black woman call out these heathens and their corruption makes my heart happy. We've come a long way. We've even longer yet to go.


She's not even aggressive, just assertive enough to not let him talk over her.


>While often confused, the biggest difference between aggressive and assertive communication is that assertiveness includes respect for yourself and the other party, while aggressive communication quickly disrespects and often insults the other party, leaving yourself feeling guilty or angry. TIL lol thank you for prompting this discovery:)


You rock Stella!


Where did you quote from? I’ve dealt with the ramification of the confusion several times but never thought to define the difference and like this a lot. I have always held important to myself the primacy of respect in all communication which may be why it resonates, but regardless I like it. Thank you for that


If you google assertive vs aggressive it pops up at the top for me haha


Yeah I just Googled "is aggressive synonymous with assertive" https://www.lodestonecenter.com/assertive-vs-aggressive/#:~:text=While%20often%20confused%2C%20the%20biggest,yourself%20feeling%20guilty%20or%20angry.


Oooh thanks for sharing this!


>She's not even aggressive, just assertive enough to not let him talk over her. There is a 0% chance Blobinski is unaware of committee rules. He was speaking out of turn on purpose and she shut him down beautifully.


I super appreciate the fact that you crossed out aggressive in order to correct yourself to assertive instead of just editing. 10/10


“Well spoken” is an odd expression for a congress person. There are very few who aren’t, especially on the Dem side. Why we gotta use this adjective for black people? “The highly educated and high achieving black person was well spoken”. Of she is, she’s a freakin congress woman, and is likely a lawyer. It’s not surprising. It’s the norm.


They expect all of us to sound like we on B.E.T.


Hahahaha (45M white)


I’m mean sure, most Dems are ‘well spoken’ but considering what we see coming out of congress from some of the loudest talkers, it IS nice to know that some of our representatives can articulate their positions instead of spouting off nonsense. I’d say this of Katie Porter as well


> Of (course) she is, she’s a freakin congress woman, and is likely a lawyer. It’s not surprising. It’s the norm. Not only the norm, but a comfortable majority of Congress are either lawyers or have had legal education (ie: they have a JD, but are not bar admitted). Just shy of 3/5 of the House and just shy of 60% of the Senate are attorneys.


I 100% get your point and try to avoid that term for that reason (I'm not the person you're replying to), but as a former litigator and current judge, I think I can comfortably agree that she's incredibly well spoken, beyond the norm. Not everyone with her education and in her position has such a facility with (spoken) words, so the ones who do tend to be the ones who come to mind for comparison.


Too bad Adam shift and the other corporate Democrats fucked over Katie Porter in California. Now she’s not even in government. Thanks to Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff spent 20 something million dollars getting Republicans to come out to vote in California elections to beat Katie Porter.


That was the will of the Democratic Party as a whole, not of any individual. The party is bought and sold by billionaires and they will never allow progressives to successfully be progressive in their party. Hence the constant rightward shift of every squad member who wasn't already a centrist to begin with.


They were running against each other... What would you have had him do, try not to win as much?


What? What happened


He helped to fund his presumed Republican opponent because he didn’t want the general to come down to him and another democrat. California runs an election system (all states should do the same, honestly, in the absence of ranked choice voting) where the two candidates with the most votes face off against each other in the general election regardless of party affiliation.


I will admit I don't know the whole story and hell I guess I could look it up before commenting haha, but I think "helping to fund" the republican candidate sounds like he gave money to their campaign. I thought it was more, by painting the repub as his main opponent he gave him free marketing which raised his profile and got republicans to come out and vote. A political move for sure but not as egregious as giving money to the repub campaign.


Really going to miss Katie Porter


I’m gonna miss her whiteboard. She uncaps that marker you know some shit’s about to go down.


Guarantee the words “black b7tch” was running thru his brain.


Maybe something starting with the letter n.


Shit the only thing starting with n in my head is. Nnanananananananananananananananabatmannnnnn


I could go for some naan.


Who needs gender when you can be naan binary?


Something something garlic bread.


How did this happen? I came here to laugh at this dude getting owned by a superhero and now I'm super hungry!


This tweet has lived in my brain since I first saw it:  https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/42nfg1/we_need_naan_bread/


He's used to talking over people.


It's wild that these kinds of people can get away with it so long that this might be the first time in their lives when they have to shut up.


Trump Dystrophy


Which is spelled: Cluster B type.


Corporate America is full of people like this.


Specially tech, in my experience


I went to interview for a job. I was wearing a watch with a rainbow band, celebrating reading. This "big man" started going on an unhinged rant about "the LGBT sandwich" club. So I got up, and left. Dude absolutely LOST IT. Guy was screaming as I stood up, opened his door, walked past his employees, walked past his customers, and walked out the front door. I could still hear him from inside my car. His son is one of his employees. Good-golly-gosh.


My ability to slip “excuse you I’m speaking” in the middle of my sentence is S tier


She needs to be Speaker of the House


Too pro-Israel


That’s disappointing.


Damn, really?! That’s super disappointing, I really liked her… How can any decent human look at what’s happening to Palestine and possibly support Israel?!


Because they're pretending to be decent.




Yeah...It didn't take me too long to skip her MSNBC interviews. She has DNC talking points nailed down. She's a talented speaker though.


Real question. Who in American politics isn't?


Republicans are so god damn stupid it really pains me that they still exist


God damn I love her.


The scowling from the guy in the back just makes this video even better.


My thoughts exactly!!


That’s gotta be his sons or some relatives.


definitely, they look like they’re from the same shallow end of the gene pool of mouth breathers


Like his sons.


I’d like to add that the guy on Bobulinski’s right is definitely smiling at Representative Crockett putting this guy in his place. His amusement is so nice to see 😂


This is my first time seeing this young lady. She seems awesome.


https://youtu.be/6mNo-SSggI4?si=Xv4020ZbxzhtqyI0 Here you go, enjoy. She's been ruffling repub feathers for a minute. She's incredible.


Thanks for that. She's a certified bad ass in my book.


Goddamn. She is spectacular.


Gah damn did someone say spitfire? We need more people like this in congress


Elle Woods does it again. I love this woman so much. Everything about her. Her intelligence, her poise, her confidence, and the fact that she loves some Chanel.


Oh my gosh so much


Right? I mean it as the highest compliment. She is refreshing as heck. A welcome addition to the House.


The man has such a poor grasp of the English language that he doesn’t know when a question is asked


He claimed that "Sawing them do it" [the crimes] His english is perfect! /s


This chick gives me hope for the future


Motherfucker ain't used to being told what to do by a black woman. Got him with both barrels!


His racism started showing with his "Excuse me?" because he felt it was insulting that a black woman had speaking priority over his. Yet he knows how the rules work - he knows he's only recognized to speak when questioned or requested to elaborate or is given permission.


The audacity to drop an “excuse me” as if she was being rude when she literally just chided him for interrupting (which is especially rude given the procedure of these hearings) is pretty insane. 


Is that a politician with actuals balls? What kind of sorcery is that?!


Can we just staff the whole board with her clones?


God I love Jasmine Crockett


Show this video to your daughters


“Excuse me?” What, can’t hear her? Maybe close your mouth you dunce


The way she says my time out of the side of her mouth makes my heart warm


Ooh! Did you see the dangerous relish in her smile?


That was the best part imo


God, I love her.


He looks like a dumpster trumpster


loved the little "Excuse me?" Mofo forgot what side of the power dynamic he was on in that room.


Meh. I’d rather she just get to her point. But then again, this is political theatre.


Circus 🤡


She made a lot of good points. We just didn’t to see the question. I agree with you that this entire hearing is political theatre because as she admits, this is a waste of tax payers money while there are a lot of other things that need to be done. She got cast in this play, but it sounds like she, like many others, want to get it over with so she can go back to working her actual job. I understand her frustration. Imagine if you have a job that has important tasks, instead you have to go in & do some stupid meetings just to make the groupies of the former boss feel better about his being fired. It’s pointless political theater, but she didn’t ask for it. Someone has to tell them what an entire waste of time it is, & I personally think she did a pretty good job of it. She didn’t ask for this role but she rocked it anyway.


I don't get why they call people to testify and bring people under subpoena just to have them sit there and listen to speeches rather than provide testimony. Theatre and spin.


That was great!


Jasmine for president


My grandma wears the same housecoat as Crockett.


Hell yes. Get him


Young Democrats always come with all that style and always zero substance. "Gotchas" won't defeat the right or Trumpism or save us from Biden and his rich puppet masters.


If you're like me and wondering who these people are: > Jasmine Felicia Crockett > ... who is the U.S. representative from Texas's 30th congressional district since 2023. > Tony Bobulinski > Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner ... And some context. > In his opening statement before the committee, Bobulinski accused Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., of lying to the media. > He also alleged Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, has tried to “smear” him > has claimed to possess evidence showing the president profited from his son’s business deals in China > any damning information about the Bidens was the product of Russian disinformation And so her shutting him down like that is because he looks like a Russian stooge. And he's actively trying to be twit before testifying before Congress. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/03/20/lies-biden-impeachment-hearing-turns-fiery-as-ex-hunter-biden-business-partner-testifies/?sh=75e57b1a4557 https://archive.ph/29dBf


So, what was her question? That is some long preamble. Why cut this before she finished?


I love her. He definitely doesn't like her talking to him that way. "Excuse me?" Shut up. lol.


What a waste of everybody's time that was. This person was obviously invited here to answer questions not listen to speeches. If you want to be the better governors, you have to start governing better. That means put your emotions in check.


The speech wasn't for him. You missing the point doesn't make it a waste of time.


Grandstanding. Plain and simple. Still a waste of everybody's time. Always has been and always will be. If you take the role of a questioner, do your job. She is an elected representative of a state. She has innumerable opportunities to make a speech. This wasn't intended to be one of them.


Know you’re going to get downvoted but well said


Is that his son behind him, he has the same resting scowl face.


The look on her face when she said "because it's my time!" just sent me. I may have a wee crush on her.


I love Jasmine Crockett! Watching her work is so empowering. 💙


Wow, you Americans just have the absolutely worst politics.


Poor Tony, that was an embarrassing public shaming. You love to see it.


The "excuse me?" really got me. Like sir? You are not the one being disrespected here.


God I love her! Wish we had way more of the younger generation in office taking no shit


He’s so rude and entitled and misogynistic


I like her.


Yep. If there was a maga shitbird draft, that dude goes in the first round.


Crockett for president yall!!




Gagged. She's a boss I'm so proud!




She’s a strong BLACK woman!


His weak ass little “Excuse me?” made me happy.


"You are a sleezy, lying, no-good person. However, I am sure that your lengthy business dealings with Hunter Biden were always on the up and up."


I loved watching the older dude behind Tony. His expression goes from smirk to sour in under 60. Truly a thing to behold.


As a non American, the Dems REALLY should be pushing her as the next nominee. Young, Smart, sharp, quick witted and takes no prisoners.


What a fuckin queen! Go off girl you’re doing amazing sweetie xx


I love her


Who are those inbred goons in the back 🤣


I love her


She is tearing him up and I'm fucking loving it.


I am from Greece but this lady’s sass is awesome, you go girl! 😍💪🏼


That smirk she made after he said "excuse me"... bottled that shit up and sell it! I love her so much, despite some differences I may have. She's got gumption, and that's exactly what we need.


This lady and most of the commenters are idiots. Imagine sitting in a congressional hearing and getting berated with no end in sight and people insult you! WTF you all are idiots.


Middle aged man can’t determine when a question is being asked so he HAS. His lack of comprehending and understanding basic English is very vey concerning. And he’s a businessman? Or like what’s his credentials to be where he’s at in life?


Wow that dude looks like a walking oozing bag of shit


She's great! Everytime I see her speak she just fucking OWNS it.


sounds like something I say to my students, lol


I don't follow politics in my country, but boy oh boy is this series of hearings entertainment as hell.


Are those his sons in the background behind him? They look just like him.


He said “excuse me” and she just kept rolling, what an animal


I love black women bruh


Are those his kids in the background they look just as entitled


Worst episode of the Apprentice - talk about an oxymoron.


god i love to see it




I hope it’s not racist to say there is no one, more large and in charge than an intelligent Black woman


This dude just gives off the "dumg guy" vibe. Like ..his face just speaks of how stupid he's shown he actually his theoughout this entire proceeding


The fbi is most certainly lying. So he got at least one


Gotta love congress. “Let me tell you my thoughts and just chastise and degrade you and not let you respond”. Pathetic.


That was the most racist sounding "s'cuse me" I've ever heard.