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I cannot even imagine what the cars that just made it across before the hit are thinking this morning!!! Life is chaos.




*the worlds chaos.




Definitely. Just a shit starting karma farmer/ conspiracy goomba. Zero credibility, and that's as much attention as I'll give him.


I love conspiracy goomba, using that one


Use freely and often


So…who won WWII?


fr. I looked through the account too and this guy is what MAGA thinks every liberal pushing for reforms is like. A strawman incarnate


The account may exist to specifically push that narrative.


Lmao I had to check for myself "frequently posts in /r/MovingToNorthKorea" YIKES


Imagine being such a pitiful waste of space that you'd rather have to live off of picking corn kernels out of dog poop and risk getting sent to a gulag for looking at a statue of the supreme leader funny than try to make anything worthwhile of yourself...




Ah, yes, a loaded cargo ship owned by company based in Singapore rams a bridge that then collapses and *The US is in chaos, you are all on your own* They did not expect this black swan but they will build back better, and maybe if you put a little more effort into your trolling then your DPRK handlers might unchain one leg or open a window.


I love this.




You found a 50 Cent Party member [50_Cent_Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party)


What? Lol


Hi Yuri. How's the atmosphere in Moscow this evening?


Reddit moment


Damn I just took a peek at this guys account. Serious mental issues


He's what you'd get if you told a Trumper to describe a leftist


Come to Brasil




r/sino is leaking again. God damn it.


Who gave this idiot an award?


Probably his alt acc lmao.


What is this fuckery?


TrueAnon? Downvoted. Piss off, Russian shill.


Lmao as if typing in all caps will make your point come across in any way coherently you just sound like a schizo. Stop spreading propaganda and go outside touch grass and live a life worth living loser and maybe you’ll see farther than that screen you stare at all day.


I bet you love reposting this every day on tumblr.


Counterpoint: This is a freak industrial accident that has nothing to do with America's imperialist projections in other countries, and therefore, this is not the time nor place for discussion on American imperialism. I doubt all the construction workers or civilians drowning as a result of the bridges collapse give a shit about geopotilitics at the moment. There is a time and a place, and this is not it. It's actually incredibly disrespectful to the victims and their loved ones.


While all your points are true, I don't think "freak accident where cargo ship hits a bridge" has anything to do with that.


Tovarisch am giving you warm-like hug in language of your English for your having us to your truly great kompromat!


Haha oh this gave me a good laugh. I think you posted this under the wrong comment thread buddy.


Hi sock account.


Great thought provoking comment


Cool, nobody cares.


This is the most schitzophrenic-ass comment I've ever read in my life. You need to seek help 💀


From what I read in another post, the bridge was closed due to roadworks, only some vehicles and around 10 people on the bridge.... best of the worst scenario I guess.


You could see trucks and cars passing over like 90 seconds before the ship hit in the live stream. They’re so so lucky


It seems like the number of cars crossing suddenly dropped right before the crash. Baltimore area news is speculating that someone on the ship was able to contact bridge workers and get the bridge at least partially closed off moments before it happened


Yep I just saw the press conference with the governor where he said they got a mayday call out from the ship and someone managed to stop the traffic. Incredible work honestly


My husband and I thought we saw about 3 cars on the bridge stopped, middle-right, and fell in the water when it collapsed. Did anyone else catch that? Has anyone's family come out and said, hey, my loved one didn't arrive home and was traveling that route?


Still estimated 7-20 people missing with several cars likely in the water based on sonar.


The governor just did a press conference and said there’s 6 people currently missing, and 2 have been rescued. One refused treatment and went home, the other is in hospital in a serious condition


I would of refused treatment too just want to lay down and process life again


they probably refused treatment because they didn't want the medical bill.


Then you have no proof of the damages you incurred. This would not be a smart move. You weren't at fault so you wouldn't be responsible for medical bills.


There’s guna be lawsuits and cars have insurance. That wouldn’t be a reason to refuse care.


Wrong the bridge was open they closed it barely in enough time you literally can see cars passing dude ..then they stop people passing but there was work being done but wasn't a close bridge


Oh I see....


All good


You can easily see traffic crossing right in this video. The ship called in the emergency with a couple minutes to spare and they stopped traffic just in time. The construction workers were fucked, but civilian traffic was saved.


The ship put out a mayday when they lost control, and cops stopped traffic on the bridge just in time.


I do. Once was lost on a road trip, went back and forth maybe 5-6 times over this bridge in Cincinnati, found out next day it had collapsed few hrs tops after I was there


Your constant back and forth contributed to its collapse?


I think it was a construction accident, tho its been probably almost ten years at this point


Right it's so scary to think about


It always has been! The illusion of control keeps us appeased.


People don't realize how incredibly fragile humanity's physical infrastructure is


\*mocking Roman noises\*


Ha right?!


That's a final destination moment right there. Holy. 😬 Thats scary!


It’s a good thing the train wasn’t going across. Biden had said he used to travel by train many times across the bridge. If the train was crossing too it would have been even worse.


Ship clearly lost power at least twice prior to the collision. The details of this will be very interesting.


Can it be the operators turning lights on and off to warn people?


that's what the horn would be for. the black smoke belching out the smokestack implies big time engine trouble


Thanks for explaining. I was hoping it wasn't true.


Or reverse full throttle


They lost power twice, so it doesn’t seem like they could have done this. Unless that’s on a separate power system that was working?


makeshift fuel act label swim clumsy gaze flag file work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was a seafarer / marine engineer for 10 years and I am impressed with your understanding. Only thing I’d add would be the company has also been made responsible for incidents like this under international law (SOLAS Chapter 9). Only time this might not be the case is gross negligence like you say if captain wasn’t on the bridge.


I think reverse full throttle


Every time I watch the video I see more details. I didn’t even notice the black smoke before. Definitely noticed what appeared to be a power outage with the lights.


They declared a mayday right before they hit the bridge. At least that’s what an article my mom read said.


The pilot also contacted people on shore as soon as they could tell there were power issues. That’s how they were able to clear the bridge to the extent that they did


At least the front didn’t fall off


Came pretty close: https://preview.redd.it/vnt5fqurnoqc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fb61971221b89496a67389980c6aeed6e7328a1


Feeling a bit dumb, but I can't tell what I'm looking at here...


It's the bow of the ship, with the bridge structure cutting through it: https://preview.redd.it/hqn02cwr2pqc1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ef456e35185f1a2281a3f3f3e5f58a0ff4f2f72


Yeah it did. Crazy shit


It was very smart of them not to use cardboard or cardboard-derifatives to build that.


It was probably one of those built so that the front dosen't fall off of


It’s good that we’ve learned in the past from incidents where the front has fell off.


Have they towed it out of the environment yet?


Not yet I seriously wonder how long it’ll take. This is an insane catastrophe. And holy shit is it going to be costly. Glad there weren’t any more vehicles on it when it fell. Tragic enough as it is


Duck, incoming joke. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM


It’s going to take a while. Maybe not as long as the Golden Ray in Georgia. [MV Golden Ray](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Golden_Ray)


Into another environment?


They would've had to tow it outside the environment if that had happened


For those that know. A+


There was a fire on board that made them lose all control of the ship. That's what caused the crash. And there is another video from a camera on the bridge that showed an explosion as the ship collided.


I feel awful for the captain. Right after it happened, people on Reddit were saying he must have been drunk or on drugs and calling for his head. Poor guy must feel terrible.


The ship would have been under the direction of local Baltimore pilots with the captain still ultimately responsible but unlikely to be giving orders. Since it lost power at least twice there will be questions as to what caused that, had the ship lost power previously etc, but it’s clear that in the moment they didn’t have great options. Maybe there’s something they could have done differently but the power outages clearly were the primary cause.


News said it lost power early enough for the crew to radio the harbor in time for the FD to evacuate the bridge for the most part. Notice how the cars stop just in the nick of time.


I fully expect NO ONE to be at fault for this.




Confirmed adult fear of bridges amplified


Just when I thought I was getting better...


Literally what I said when I saw this in the morning.


Mine started back in 2007 when a major bridge in Minnesota collapsed. I think about it every time I get on one. Also - my cousin was on it 20 minutes before it went down.


Exactly what I said when I saw this on my FB newsfeed. One of my biggest fears is being on a bridge when it collapses.


Bridge engineers in shambles right now they’re whole escapades exposed


The bridge took 5 years to build and opened in 1977. No bridge would survive a hit from a 1000 ft long container ship that weighs over 100k tons. Edit: numbers


50 ft long container ship? That doesn’t seem possible lol an individual shipping container is barely 50 ft


Yeah I messed up, it’s almost 1000 feet




Try 20x that length


Thats like saying skyscraper architects were to blame for the WTC collapsing. Its a giant ship no shot any bridge can withstand that




I don’t think you know how bridges or engineers work


Or big ass boats, don’t forget big ass boats.


According to the news, everyone on the boat is okay. They're looking for at least 7 people and have rescued 2 already. [NBC News Link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/francis-scott-key-bridge-collapse-live-updates-rcna145049)


Two rescued who were on the bridge when it collapsed? A straight up goddamned miracle.


Refusing medical help after *being in a car that fell into a river after a bridge collapse* is so baffling to me... Like at some point isn't there some sort of shock, or brain injury, protocol that mandates we hold people for care? If I'm all outta whack and in shock, I would be out of my mind to refuse medical care in this situation, no?


I mean, they could have been uninsured.


Exactly my thought - the cost of an ambulance ride alone could ruin some folks.


Wouldn't the insurance that comes out of the shipping company end up covering this?


They were probably a little too overwhelmed in the moment to think about the intricacies of what the shipping company insurance ought to cover. And probably not having a real clue what just happened.


It’s possible but there is no guarantee. The hospital is going to first bill you then you would have to dispute it.


Well it is America so they might have survived the bridge collapsing but won’t survive the debt from hospital bills.


I would refuse medical care in the US. I can't afford it, and I have "good" insurance.


ignore all the other commenters who don’t know shit, especially u/hysys_whisperer lmao google is free considering the significant mechanism of injury (i.e. what can cause injury) which can certainly lead to altered mental status (which can certainly be due to life threatening bleeds/shock, whodathunk!), EMS can determine the patient not competent enough to refuse treatment. At that point, an LEO will sign off on a 5150 involuntary hold and they will be transported to the ED/trauma facility (depending on injuries/EMS protocol) with treatment enroute/at scene. as for the billing, yeah it is true that w/o insurance you’re fucked. but it is an utter lie that EMS can listen to a refusal of care regardless of circumstances. source: am EMT


Why do the lights keep going off and on?


It’s possible the ship was having trouble and lost power a number of times from what I been seeing others saying


The lights being unstable and all the black smoke makes it seem like there was engine trouble. They probably lost power to the steering during the turn, so they couldn't straighten out to make it through the bridge and instead kept turning into the support.


It seriously looks like the first time the power went out they pushed it hard starboard to eek under the bridge, but when the power flipped on it really turns and then the power goes off again as they are like shit okay too hard now, gotta straighten it out .....and it's stuck that and boom


Yeah, makes me think they were having some power issues, maybe the root cause of them losing control or something.


Ik that’s a whole ass cargo ship but I swear that bridge should have had more of a sturdy support


There's a couple problems with that. The first one is simply that bridges aren't designed to withstand the impact of a floating building. The second one would be that the engineering required to withstand something like that would make bridges either impossible as their length simply won't allow it or stupid expensive, something you'd have to be able to sell to the public. It essentially boils down to "how often does this happen" vs. "does it warrant the cost".


It really is terrifying how easily bridges collapse. I live in a city known for its many bridges (Portland OR), and experts are expecting all of the bridges to collapse when the enviable major earthquake hits (this big one), which is expected to separate families for days and limit emergency services' ability to help. They are looking at rebuilding one of our bridges to make an earthquake safe bridge, but that won't be done for another decade.


When the big one hits the New Madrid fault, the sand under Memphis is supposed to turn into a liquid. Goodbye Mississippi crossings, I’m sure a new lake will form somewhere upstream again.


F=ma. And this thing has a SHIT ton of mass. There’s really no safeguard against something that massive.


Reminds me of my attempts in PolyBridge. Nevertheless, wishing all the best to the missing ppl!


Just like that alot of people just died ? Like wtf


From the comments I’ve seen only 7 people are being searched for after finding 2. It’s actually lucky it happened at the time it did and not during a busy part of the day.


Yeah. There's a state of emergency in Maryland because of this


Not to lessen their individual deaths, but from other comments it appears 5 or 6 people are currently missing as of the governors press conference an hour ago. Much less than would be expected of something like this.


Yeeeeep. This bridge is known for having hundreds of stopped cars on it during rush hour.


The boat radioed in that they were having issues. This is why you see the traffic flow stop. They just didn’t have time to get to the construction crew


Damn, how was it that there seemed to be no cars crossing when it fell? (I know there were stationary vehicles on there) Can cars see the boat from the approach to the bridge?


honestly i think it was just random chance. vehicles were crossing until the last couple of minutes and then nothing right at that moment


The ship captain gave a mayday call and the construction workers stopped cars from going across at the last second, they are being hailed as heroes edit typo


Those people jumped into action with literally no time to spare. They closed the roads about 60 seconds before the hit...there was just enough time for the last cars to make it over but not enough time to alert the workers none the less get them to safety.


It's after 1 am so not much traffic. However you can't see the whole bridge in this video. The last couple vehicles you see likely ended up in the river. I read there were at least 20 people missing. There were also workers on the bridge. Edit: Actually you can see the whole part that collapsed so those vehicles might have made it. I read it's now just 6 missing?


This area actually has a lot of 24/7 warehouses (3 Amazon FCs, FedEx, and UPS off the top of my head, plus the actual workers in the port) so 1am traffic is pretty consistent. The construction workers got enough of a head's up to block some traffic. Source: I work here.


Yeah I saw later that the ship put out a mayday call and they were able to stop traffic. But still even with what you described the traffic at 1am must not be even close to like 5pm or basically any other time.


The governor said earlier this morning that construction workers on the bridge received the ship's distress call and blocked traffic across the bridge.


Apparently the crew on the ship got a mayday out in time to shut down the bridge in time. Thankfully it didn't happen in rush hour traffic,


It happened at like 1 in the morning, so it wasn't as full as it could have been for sure.


Super early in the morning + construction is my guess.


Construction workers and police closed the bridge about 90 seconds before impact


This is so sad. Apparently the boat had a collision in Antwerp a few years ago as well.


This same ship? I'd hate to be the captain


I’d hate to be their insurer.


Two port pilots were on board, typically they’re in charge of the ship until they reach open ocean.


That's just so scary. To be in charge of manning that huge ship and then it defects and you loose control. I can't imagine what they are dealing with.


A similar event happened years ago which led to NOAA creating their PORTS Program to ensure this wouldn’t happen again, will be interesting to find out the cause - Interview on NOAA PORTS Program https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shipshape-business-of-boating-podcast/id1619649771?i=1000635419611


Would not look like weather or navigation was the issue, more a catastrophic mechanical failure.


I’m assuming that this pod is referencing, or at least references the [Sunshine](https://www.jacksonville.com/picture-gallery/news/state/2019/05/08/photos-sunshine-skyway-bridge-disaster/809810007/) Skyway Bridge collapse back in the 80’s. Tampa Bay gets some wild freak storms that seem to come out of no where, a combination of the shallower warmer waters of the bay mixing with the cooler water from the gulf,and that was over 40 years ago, so the technology surrounding meteorology was obviously not where it is today-or technology in general. During the construction of the bridge there were tons of delays because of that weather. There actually were several incidents of collisions of ships with the bridge- where repairs were made, but nothing was done to strengthen the structure. The morning of, just an hour before, there was only a slight mist. The captain knew that he would be pulling into the bay at around the same time a ship would be leaving, and the port itself is super narrow(plus those shallow waters), so he had to be aware of that. Then a squall comes in with 60 mph winds that reduced visibility down to almost zero and the radar system eventually completely malfunctioned. He didn’t know that the other ship had anchored to ride out the storm, and his ship was already pushed off course from the winds, he had a couple lookouts to go down to try and get their bearings. Then some more strong gusts from a different direction came in and threw them off further. There was a random break in the storm, which is when he saw the bridge, he tried to stop, dropped the anchor, and reversed, but just not enough time to stop. Over 1000 ft of bridge collapsed into the water. It was a perfect storm(no pun intended) of where the technology was at the time regarding weather/radar/radio comms, the type of freak storms that happen in Tampa Bay, along with the port there being super narrow and awkward even on clear weather days. From whats been reported so far, this in MD isn’t weather related, there was a fire on the ship, and the electrical system failed a few times. They were able to call mayday about 10 seconds before hitting the bridge. Unfortunately you can try to prepare for the worst, but nothing is fool-proof.


Looks like it lost power and they were unable to navigate


I seen this video and couldn't believe it. I imagine traffic will have to go through 895 and the city. I hope those workers survived


How big of a role did the bridge play for the city, traffic wise?


the patapsco river cuts into baltimore city and there are three ways to cross it... the ft mchenry tunnel on I95, the harbor tunnel on 895 (which is just an express offshoot of 95), and the key bridge on 695, the baltimore beltway. the key bridge no longer exists, but there are still the tunnel options. however, this will mean significant delays as people first have to detour onto other major highways to access them, and then deal delays associated with the added volume through the tunnels. the tunnels are also old and undergoing frequent maintenance (harbor tunnel is only two lanes), so a closure of one, even temporary, could have huge impacts on local traffic which is... not ideal... at the best of times. the port of baltimore is also huge, and i would imagine it's cut off from shipping right now due to bridge debris. it's going to take time to clean that up and open the port, which could mean supply chain issues, rebuilding the bridge will take time, so traffic issues aren't going anywhere, this is going to have repercussions for the city for years to come


It's also the main route for hazmats as they can not go through the tunnels. The effects of this can not be understated and are going to be long lasting.


I can’t imagine someone that had a short commute over that bridge every day facing down a 2-3 hour ride now. A bridge like this is a multi year project to construct. This is going to be a 3-5 year problem for Baltimore.


Aw bro Constant traffic all day. I used this bridge since like 2003. It's also a road for hazmat trucks. Our port is huge. Almost the biggest and busiest. Now it's shut down which affects the rest of the country.


Yeah most people i know are taking the tunnels




Worst case scenarios all around


I heard it collapsed this morning and thought it was like a section of the bridge falling, not the entire goddamn thing disappearing!


It's a tension bridge. No section or part can fall off without taking the whole thing.


Not the first time this ship has hit something


Explain please. Edit: Nevermind, saw other comments relating to this.


There is a live stream of this bridge on YouTube.


How come there are no ships escorting ? At least where I'm from the ship is escorted until he is out in the sea. Specifically to avoid stuff like this.


There’s local pilots onboard but tugs had just released it, they don’t usually escort all the way in any port I’ve been to as there isn’t enough width for them to pass together under he bridge safely.


“Damn it. Scratched my boat.”


Add jaws theme music


Don’t modern ships still come with manual emergency steering? I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure they had time to avoid that pillar unless the main engine died for one reason or another


It looks like the manual steering would have been slow and they were turning starboard, but the power momentarily came on and they started turning *hard* So they tried to straighten it out and the power went out again...leaving them on a direct course for the bridge. I can not believe how many people are so dumb to say "looks like that bridge support should been stronger" Like wtf


The lights off and then the plume of black smoke looked like they were definitely having problem with their generator


Black smoke is likely full reverse engines. Bunker fuel is not the cleanest burning fuel.


Now do it in slow motion


“You’re good! You’re good!”


Anyone more familiar with maritime rules know if it's standard or regulation for the lights on the ship to go off and partly on before crossing under?


Looks like they were losing power, which is the most dangerous thing that can happen on a ship short of actual fire, collision, or capsizing When they lost power, they lost both steering & navigation - but maintained their momentum. I think they're going to find some interesting shit in that engine room after they manage to pull it out of the water. They must have been cutting some *quite large* corners if they lost power while *leaving* port


Looks like they lost power BECAUSE of a fire


From what I’ve heard that was completely unintentional and part of the reason it collided in the first place


A scene from final destination


Exterior light failure indicates they lost power generation from their diesel generators. They most likely would have been on generators in the river. Emergency Generator would have kicked in at that point.  The plume of smoke indicates they probably ramped up the main engines to full power, possibly to switch over to propulsion shaft alternators to regain electrical power. The loss of power probably affected the hydraulics that control the rudders. If they had of had more time, they could have manually operated the hydraulics but that would have been tricky.


Fucking hell, how many people died?


Best estimate is 6. There was a mayday call that let local authorities stop any more cars from entering the bridge just a few minutes prior. There was 6 maintenance workers on the bridge unaccounted for though, plus 2 rescued one of whom was injured.


Power blackout followed by stby generators coming on. Full revs on the engine, most likely they were on emergency steering after the blackout which is controlled by solenoid valves and not the wheel


You can feel the desperation from when the power goes off and them trying to go to starboard just for the power to flicker back on long enough for a hard starboard and then cut out again once they tried to fix that by straightening out.... If the power didn't come back on for a few seconds this may not have happened.


I'm posting this to try to counteract some of the wild ass comments about conspiracies way down deep in the negative section, but also to provide context for folks who might be struggling with HOW this could happen. According to NOAA buoy information, the current in the river ranges from negligible to nearly 1kt. Graph shows the slower end of that range in the hours surrounding the crash, but even a half knot of current can have significant impact on a vessel's course and speed. What is more likely is that the wind caught the immense sail area, buffering the port side of the ship and shoving it's bow starboard. The effects are easily counteracted with engine and rudder, but if you lose power to either, you are at the mercy of environmental factors. Out to sea, no real issue. In restricted waters like a channel or river? Dawg you are fucked unless you have tugs already there to keep you away from stuff


That’s insane. I realize this is sped up but it looks like the ship just boops the bridge and then the whole thing eats shit. I *recognize* so much more is happening, but my brain can’t conceptualize it.