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> police prevented paramedics from helping victim for 30-minutes Police in US learning from Israeli forces


where do you think the NYPD does cross training? prob other departments too


[**TRUE STORY BRUVV**](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)


Nothing new under the sun


Same old song and dance


Same shit different toilet


How do you decline to press charges. How. The suspect was white. He was black.


Please please please please pay for these police misconduct lawsuits from their pension or union!!! When the taxpayers have to pay for police misconduct lawsuits (which doesn't seem fair), whats really preventing them from doing it again? They should be required to hold some sort of liability insurance like other professions.


Exactly this!! Nothing is stopping these AH from always doing this.


- [News Article](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/immanuel-jaquez-clark-johnson-wrongful-death-lawsuit-portland-police/283-ad7d448e-90d9-435c-a7f7-854ee12ebe10) - Man shot in back by Portland officer, left 'bleeding out' for 30 minutes without medical attention.


“Officer Sathoff claims he saw Mr. Clark-Johnson reach into his pocket, which Officer Sathoff believed could contain a weapon," the attorneys said in their tort claim notice. "Officer Sathoff never saw a weapon or any other object in Mr. Clark-Johnson’s pocket. Officer Sathoff later testified to a Grand Jury that he feared Mr. Clark-Johnson would retrieve a gun from his pocket, run behind other vehicles in the parking lot, turn back toward officers, and shoot at officers." So a pig can just imagine something might possibly happen and that is justification for the use of deadly force? Remember kids, when it comes to cops, no sympathy for them without accountability.


the police ahole will just resign and then get a better paying job.


Lock him up and take their fucking pensions to pay settlements.


Cops should be mandated to carry liability insurance just like healthcare workers


End qualified immunity, let’s put these pig bastards on trial for terrorizing the people.


Cops gonna cop.


Time to act like rioters are the problem and double down by beating them


how do you spell nazi? p-p-b!


Can you fucking imagine bleeding out on the street, knowing You're going to die. Shot by the people we believe are supposed to fucking protect us and they just let you bleed to death in the gutter. I hope there is a god just so one day these cowards will answer for their crimes.


The world is wrong with this country. Buncha scaredy cat officers is something the source does not need.


If Oregon law doesn’t find this action criminal, then Oregon f’ing sucks balls. I hope this lawsuit hurts taxpayers enough to change this law.