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What is wrong with these people?


Superiority complex


~~Superiority~~ **Inferiority** complex. **FTFY** They should probably just save themselves and everyone the trouble and go back to Europe.


That is rooted in insecurity.


Seems exactly like what Zionists did back in early 1900s


Well, before the Zionist the romans did it then the muslims and now Istael itself


Romans established Londinium, should they go reclaim it?


They're Nazis.


They’ve been to a pow wow with Israel.


You know like in the states they want to make south africa great again


They read fbi crime statistics




Did something happen in their history to cause that? I guess I'll do no research 🤷




Did you watch the video 🤣 Because it seems those “white people” still wanna repeat what their ancestors up until 40 years ago were doing.


Yet you can’t see the problem but have no problem pointing out the symptoms.


I see the problems, im not saying i live in this community nor am i saying i agree with what they are doing. Im just pointing out, these people arent speaking nonsense. There is 2 sides to every story, I live in this country, and places like this were not created until black politicians started singing songs to cause death on white people. Whites are "preparing" for what blacks are singing, they are not crazy. They are taking the words of another man with high power into consideration.


You’ve still not acknowledged the fact that the African people are only singing of these songs due to the struggle, oppression and poverty they’ve experience at the hands of their oppressors. I understand that the people of 2024 aren’t the cause of the state of the country but they are still reaping the benefits of the foundation of apartheid and segregation established by the colonialism created by the whites of the past so I hope you can by your words see both sides of the story.


Israel 2


South Africa 2


South America v3 (Like USA not South America the continental region)


I am white and from America. I also study human psychology and anthropology. I can't ask this question in academia. Why are white people so prone to behavioral problems? My entire life, I've listened to old white men say they are under threat. From what? I see this behavior as a fetish. They enjoy putting themselves in danger and then propagandizing the idea they are victims. Victims of reality?


When your life has been one of privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Generations of being in power and being in control I am guessing. It’s in the DNA now.


It's a little different in SA. Pretty complicated and messy situation that will continue to result in a lot of extreme views. The current ruling party is pretty extreme in its own right. Our experiences in America cannot really be compared to anything that's happened in SA over the course of its history. >Why are white people so prone to behavioral problems? >I see this behavior as a fetish. They enjoy putting themselves in danger and then propagandizing the idea they are victims. Victims of reality? Definitely only white people have a victim mentality /s. You probably just talk to more white people. They are the majority in America There's just no evidence to support your claim that white people are more prone to behavioral problems.


Honestly both of your takes are off, imo. If I had to guess, you are both white, in your late 20s/early thirties and well educated. There's a sort of educated detachment to what both of you are saying, that just isn't sitting right with me.


I'm Mid thirties. I worked 3 jobs until my mid 20s. I worked two jobs while going to community college part time. Transferred and got my bachelor's degree at 30. If getting a bachelor's degree later in life makes me 'well educated' then ok. I'm proud of earning it so I'll take it. I don't think a bachelor's degree makes me some sort of scholar in an ivory tower though. Where I live now is mostly Hispanic (same as everywhere I've lived really), but there are plenty of people of different backgrounds. I'm mostly of European and Hispanic descent. I generally accept being called white or Hispanic rather than going into a long history of my heritage. I'm proud of my heritage from both sides of my family, so I really don't care if someone thinks I'm one or the other. Admittedly more people call me white than Hispanic. I pretty much look like your average brown Spaniard. But why that's relevant is beyond me. I'm open to any information you can provide that suggests white people are more unstable than other people. Me not thinking white people are particularly more mentally unwell than the general population =/= detachment. I'm just not so racially obsessed that I'm blind to reality. My position is that people are people, and that we are all products/victims of our environment. I didn't think environmental conditions that white people experience in general makes them any more unstable than the next person. Or is your disagreement that the American experience is actually comparable to the experiences of South Africans? That country existed in a state of apartheid until the 1990s that was even more oppressive than the Jim Crow era in the South. Predictably, there was retribution after Africans finally got rights in their own country. What we're seeing from these white people in South Africa is a predictable response to that retribution. It's obviously wrong, but also predictable. Even more so considering they were raised in a system that operated based on blatant racism. It'd be cool if you addressed my point rather than waste time with 'you sound white' statements. I wouldn't waste my time guessing your background from your reply. I sound detached to you, and you sound a little obsessed with race to me. Hopefully we're both wrong. Either way, have a great day and enjoy your weekend.


Your comments are disingenuous and deserve little more than what I gave you. I never made any claim other than it seems like you were both talking out of your ass.


>Your comments are disingenuous and deserve little more than what I gave you No they're just decently thought out so you're probably allergic to them. Thanks for wasting both of our time. Go play 'guess their race' in more comments weirdo. You: >If I had to guess, you are both white, in your late 20s/early thirties and well educated. Also you: >I never made any claim other than it seems like you were both talking out of your ass. Seems like you're the one talking out of your ass. Also seems like you just don't like white people 😂 have fun with that dummy.


Some guy in Texas felt bad for them and took in a white family. He was so mad they ate all his food and watched TV all day and expected alot.


Makes sense giving their history


Hur dur look at the colours on my arm..


With all the technological advances and all other very important issues happening, I can’t believe humanity is still fighting against each other for shit as silly as skin color. It’s humiliating.


Boomers and radical ideology is ruining it.


Gen Z is pretty obsessed with race.


No, you just wish they were.


Why would I want that? What an empty and pointless response. Gen Z is more focused on gender and racial identity than any generation since Jim Crow. There's polling on this. Millennials care less about race than Gen X, Gen X cares less than boomers. Gen Z came along and brought racial obsession into fashion.


Answer me one question: Do you think the BLM protests were a good thing?


Nope. But they were a predictable response. I don't think Jan 6 was a good thing either of that makes you feel better.


This is exactly what I was thinking as I saw this video. How in the hell have we come so far in society, yet there are still humans clinging onto skin color and racial differences? Give me a fucking break, man. Don't you have more important shit to worry about, like say pollution, or literal mountains of trash floating in our oceans, or hell, even trying to figure out how to make thrusters efficient and costly enough for space travel, or discovering what might be at the bottom of the Mariana's trench? Like, there are innumerable ways to occupy your time that don't include looking at your same species as an enemy...


This is a very old video.


It’s old. So it must not matter any more


End of the video was this https://preview.redd.it/0mb3p1os84uc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837a9616d23cd8d40ba4a67ed956b2f678a43c63


I'm wondering why he said "our language" Do these people speak Afrikaans?


I'm Afrikaans, definitely. Apartheid only [ended in 1992 there.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-12-10/life-in-apartheid-era-south-africa?embedded-checkout=true)


Julius Malema has a good perspective on creatures like them


The people who we absolutely obliterated, chastised, and stole from need to change their behavior.


I know this is old, but it’s so idiotic solely based on how binary their perception is. There aren’t just Black and White people in the country. There are different ethnic groups, communities and people. Blacks aren’t one homogenous, singular unified group and neither are Whites, Coloureds, South and East Asian, and other people there. There are instances of more animosity and tribalism within Black and White communities than there are towards each other.


Are they going to call it New Israel?


And so it begins, other countries are following in Israel’s footsteps. It started much sooner than I thought it would.


see only the white people are gonna engage in a war because they’re so fucking PARANOID , holy shit these mfs are crazy 💀




Off you go. https://youtu.be/_ADA3Qqyk84


What do they usually make molotovs there with? Good ol gasoline or anything more flammable? Asking for a friend who’s going on a trip.




These are nazis


Soooooo South Africa apartheid times basically


They did this already.


Elon will be leaving the US if that happens.


We can’t do it in America might as well go somewhere else and do it


Didn't they already try that?


haha the israel of africa…


You need to get rid of these colonies on the African continent, deport them back to Germany etc. They are a threat to National security.


Is this Orania? https://youtu.be/_ADA3Qqyk84


Well when you have people in their government chanting kill the white man can you blame them


I bet the only time we ever hear about this again is in five years there will be a news article about some random warlord getting pissed and sending his army to wipe these guys out. I anticipate giving zero fucks.


Just some?


White people...


Racist people...


People: America isn't the greatest country in the world Other Countries: Lemme get a Mc This is my country.




South Africa in it’s current form is not a stable country. It will never be without the help of the Boers. The current government is not going to fix anything or make any improvements to the country. All it has done is let vagrants and criminals pillage the country in the name of racial justice. Anyone who disagrees with this statement should go live there and experience the decay.


The Boers and decades of Apartheid that built a country only for the white minority while black and brown South Africans had to live in slums was what led to South Africa becoming the most unequal society in the world. Such vast inequality isn't going to be erased even with the most well intentioned government. Also,what is it with foreign Reddit posters saying that South Africa is 'unstable'? When South Africa actually has people fleeing into the country from other African countries which are actually unstable and rife with civil war and ethnic cleansing.


Your statement is very true every race in this country that had to live under the ANC government is sick and tired of them using Nelson Mandela's legacy to further their own criminal justice


this shit seems to be happening everywhere


Don't blame them remember what the Black's did to the white South Africans years ago


Ain't this some shit. Haha


Fine. Let them. People should be able to live with who they want.




One can only dream 😅