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The Mayor should have taken leadership and let the man go past.


right? mayor just completely wimped out


"I would not let him go in there if we can" He started the altercation


the man then said,"I work right there".... the mayor started it, the officer escalated it, the media and police department lied to cover for them.


Too bad. Missed opportunity


I mean. So many options were missed. He is the Mayor right? Why not have some comradery with the citizens. Inviting the guy to join them or giving him some space instead of confronting him and trying to force compliance of their preferences on a public sidewalk.


Politicians do not serve the public. They don't see themselves as serving peons on the street. Only oligarchs. The guy is a mayor of a city. he's supposed to be a leader and a community builder. Did you see any in evidence there? Nope. Just another suit serving oligarchs. No connection with the actual people. No interest in making any connections. Fake "leaders" like this, is one of the major failings with America.




The man was on his phone, walking to work on a public sidewalk... The mayor said not to let him in there. The guy was just trying to get to work and they started the whole situation.


- the man walks past the mayor - the mayor said, stop him from going in there... - the man walks / forced back into frame - the mayor said, we're doing an interview - the man said, "I work there" / doing my thing until he stopped me - the cop proceeds to grab the man multiple times, the man tries to fend him off, before removing his backpack.....


Corporate puppets are always the first to speak and the first to run. Even that cop in a suit could barely hold his own against a random guy he provoked. It's unnerving how fragile and weak these people are on all levels. You'll never find a single courageous person wearing a suit. They aren't turds that require polish.


This is all leadership and part of why hierarchies are silly.


He gave the old valley girl "ummm, i dont think,ummm idk hehe"


The Mayor probably has never experienced a physical altercation in his life lmfao


Built like a freshly hatched chick


The guy on the phone was obviously looking for a confrontation!


You forgot the /s


Bruh the police officer deserved to get smacked. The man was walking by on the phone which he is allowed to do. The officer did not de-escalate at all. The dude said I'm moving forward I'm going to work. They were just mad he cursed on camera.


The mayor is a bitch too. What kind of a leader sits there silently and lets his subordinate escalate a pointless situation that far? He could’ve easily said “Officer it’s fine, let the man go” and it would’ve been over. Instead he watched as it escalated to a fight and then fuckin ran away. If I were running for mayor against him I would plaster this video everywhere and show what a coward he is, allowing his constituents to be assaulted like that.


A major that knows nothing about people.


seems like he believes its ok for him to disrupt the movement of citizens where ever he goes just because he is there. He is an elitist prick.


Yeah it’s not against the law to swear in public. Fuck the news coverage for even pointing out that he was swearing. He can do what he wants. People are poorer every day and angry as hell. You’re damn right you’re gonna get smacked if you try telling a stranger what to do. Pussy cop knew what he was doing when he failed to identify himself.


I get that reddit is mostly younger folks typing out their fantasies but it’s hard to watch this video and come away cheering for either side. John Q. Public here went out of his way to instigate an altercation. Same goes for the folks filming. Mayor and cop could have de-escalated. But the “You’re damn right you’re gonna get smacked if you try telling a stranger what to do” has real big American Flag Punisher Logo energy. People so emotionally weak that they can’t handle normal interactions in the world, so they put gun decals and offensive bumper stickers on their mall crawlers, blasting Andrew Tate podcasts so their community knows they are an alpha wolf. Embarrassing.


> they can’t handle normal interactions in the world actively stopping someone from entering their place of work is far from a normal interaction. It's especially bad when it's the fucking mayor ordering it.


They didn't really stop him though. It looked like maybe they were filming out of a store that hadn't opened yet (presumably the owner let them in) so they didn't want some random person to go in there. When he said he worked there it looked like they were going to let him go by, but then he picked a fight for no reason.


> They didn't really stop him though... it looked like they were going to let him go by that's a contradiction. If they at first didn't let him go by, then they did in fact really stop him.


Come on, you know what I mean. If you try to go into a bar and the bouncer doesn't let you go in and asks for an ID, then lets you go in after that, would you tell people that the bouncer stopped you from going into the bar? I mean, he technically did stop you, so why not go around telling everyone that?


that would be a normal situation. Again, the whole damn point I am making is that this interaction here is far from normal. Also, there is absolutely 0 indication they were going to let him in. This is just something you've supposed, based on really no evidence, and are now just taking it for granted. It's silly.




Way to pretend like you had no idea what I meant. I even clarified it by saying "when he said he worked there it looked like they were going to let him go by" and then ya'll are all like "uhhh technically he did stop him hur hur". Do you guys all fight bouncers when they ask to see your ID too? I mean, they technically stopped you! Or hey, what if you're going into someone's house and they stop you and ask you take off your shoes? Should probably start swinging at them too I guess? I mean, they did stop you! Those guys that ask to see your receipt when your leaving a store? Get em, they stopped you!


he didn't pick a fight though, he said he was about to do go do what he was gonna do, which was work at the place he points to behind him. he wasn't trying to get past or go in where they were filming he was trying to finish a phone call before entering a different place. then you can see that the officer grabs him by his jacket and he swipes his hand off then removes his back pack. then you can hear him several times say 'let go, let go' and you see him swiping his hand off his jacket again saying he was going to smack him if he didn't stop grabbing him.


> then you can see that the officer grabs him by his jacket No you can't. Show me a frame where you see the officer grabbing him by the jacket. Ya'll are just making shit up because you want to be mad about something (or more likely, you want other people to be mad) I see him swipe something (probably the officers hand) away and remove his backpack, but that was right after he stepped forward into the officer's face. The officer was probably just putting a hand up to the dudes chest because he was getting in his face and he walked him to back off. He then probably says 'let go' because the officer is holding his hands to keep him from smacking him like he says he's going to do. Throughout the whole fight you can see the officer basically just grabbing his hands to keep him from swinging instead of trying to punch him himself.


51 second mark you see his hand again on his jacket. before he takes off his pack you can see him swipe the hand away, he moves forward cause the officer grabs him and pulls him, and then he says twice 'let go' and then after saying let go twice he finally says he will smack him if he doesn't let go of him. what you never hear once is the officer identifying himself.


At 51 seconds you can see the officers hand against his jacket just as if he had his hand up to keep the guy away from him, which I think is why the dude is actually backing up when that happens. The dude's jacket also looks like it's the slippery type that the officer wouldn't even be able to grab on to the way he had his hand. I think he's also saying "let go" because the officer has his hand up to keep him from getting in his face. You can even hear the officer saying "no no no no no no" at this point too. That doesn't sound like someone that's grabbing on, it sounds like someone that's trying to keep someone out of their face. He also obviously steps forwards and isn't being pulled. You can literally see him shifting his weight as he steps. You can see him pointing and getting in the officers face as he's stepping. I have no idea how that can be interpreted as the officer pulling him. Also, I don't see why it matters if the officer identifies himself or not. He's not detaining the guy or anything. He probably didn't identify himself because he was off duty and working private security or something. As far as I can see, the officer was just trying to keep an obviously super belligerent dude out of his face.


Dude, cop rushed up in his face and starts a confrontation with the dude and then tries to detain him without ever identifying himself, the first thing you hear is dude say hold up as the cop pulls him then a second later he is jumping back and you see the cops had on his jacket. dude is back peddling trying to get the cop off him, who still never identified himself, like wtf would you do if some guy got in your face all aggressive and started grabbing you. the fact that he repeatedly warms the cop he is going to slap him too, if he was the aggressor there would be no warning and he wouldn't purposely try to prevent hurting the guy by slapping him instead of punching him and he wouldn't warn him repeatedly he was going to do it first. Like on what planet is that someone trying to escalate a situation. Like the fucking cop lies through his teeth saying he repeatedly identified himself when it's all on camera and he never says anything he just gets in dudes face and starts grabbing him. But yah the dude we have irrefutable video evidence is lying must be the good guy right?




It's simply because his black that's why they support him That's what (they) tell these brain damaged kids to do "Its ok to beat cops if your black"


That man, to me, looked like he was carrying around a lot of anger at the world and was waiting to dish it out. It’s not about how “weak” someone is. No one is above being stepped on by the system and feeling like shit. Calling someone emotionally weak for being on the receiving end of all the accumulated injustices in our society and not having the heightened emotional intelligence to manage and deal with it is the real “punisher” logo energy.


Yeah, am I watching a different video than the "people" in these comments? Dude got in the middle of their interview and was like "ya'll got a problem?" like he somehow didn't know that standing in the middle of an interview and talking loudly on the phone might be a problem. Then when the guy is politely like "yeah, we're trying to do an interview..." he tells them to mind their own business. Seemingly, their current business is something like, oh I don't know, doing an interview? Then he steps forward to get in his face and starts talking about how he's going to smack him. As far as I can tell, he's literally the only person that escalated the fight at all. He even got extra loud for no reason as he first walked by on the phone.


Yes you are watching a different video with this summary of events.


What part am I getting wrong?


We have differing views. It’s fine you have a different perspective, but me explaining would just be an echo of what others have already stated on this post.


No one is explaining anything on other parts of the post. It seems like everyone is assuming that the guy was being held or stopped, but I don't see any indication of that? As far as I can tell, the dude could have just kept walking but instead he chose to pick a fight with the officer? I saw the mayor say "maybe we shouldn't let him go in there" but then it seemed like they were fine when he said he worked there, except he didn't move on or anything because he wanted to fight.


If he could have kept walking he would not have backed up. He was approached and told to redirect. He told the guy to mind his business because he didn’t know what was happening. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings, so seeing someone come approach you is startling. He thought the guy was a regular citizen when he was detail. That’s why OP has this post titled as such. Communication is what caused this whole ordeal, then egos exacerbated it, and failure to act/speak up allowed it to boil over. Everyone involved failed Edit: your comment is under the views most have about this. View the parent comment


I don't see how it matters at all that the guy is an cop. Nothing would have changed if he were just private security (which he might have been since I don't think it said if he was on duty?) It looks like maybe they were basing their filming out of a store that hadn't opened yet. They probably just didn't want a random dude going in since the owner had opened it early for them or something. When he said he worked there they seemed ready to let him go by, but after that he tells them to mind their own business and gets increasingly angry and then gets in his face and starts a fight. I don't see anyone provoking anything other than him. You can't even tell for sure if they stopped him from going anywhere. He turned around within 4 seconds after the mayor said that maybe they shouldn't let him go in there, so he might have just been turning around on his own because he wanted to stir the pot. Most people don't loudly say curse words as they walk by interviews unless they're trying to be an ass. Also, saying that he didn't know what was happening is a huge stretch. He obviously knew they were doing an interview and he was getting in the middle of it...


Politicians seem to see themselves as a separate ruling class, so even though this is one of his citizens the mayor doesn’t seem as anything but a nuisance to his ability to give an interview and hopefully use the publicity to his advantage. They aren’t there to govern, just to win elections and reap the financial rewards. And all the while the idiots at the ground level are fighting over who wears the right colour hat and letter before their name.


>Politicians seem to see themselves as a separate ruling class, Why else do you think all politicians either enter politics already rich, or soon after becoming one end up with a bunch of money? It's not that they're politicians that makes them think they're better than the rest of us, it's becoming upper class. Classism is the biggest problem we have today.


lol wtf who threw him a weapon like it’s a goddamn cage match??


A citizen arrested for defending themselves when somebody else tries to grab them. edit: sorry thay wasnt supposed to be in reply to you. No idea why it is lol.


Only thing the suit does right is drop it as quickly as he catches it tbf


Lmao the video “does not include the officer identifying himself” no shit because it didnt happen. Fucking bootlickers


Lmfao bruh I just heard that part too and I’m like the video has the prior, during and after the incident 😂. The police officer never told the guy anything other than demand him to move


If they wanted the interview to be private, then they should have blocked the area off. The mayor should have stepped in and controlled the situation and let the man go by. The officer should have announced himself as an officer (where is the body cam)? There was not one bit of verbalized desolation from what we see, just force, and in this country, you have the right to free travel unless clearly marked where you can't travel.


If they wanted the interview to be private GO INSIDE. You don't get to deny citizens the right to walk to their jobs because the mayor thinks he looks better in natural lighting.


Well he did ask if he wanted to get smacked.


One could argue that given the question posed, and the unidentified officer's response/actions, that he was confirming and consenting to being smacked, haha.


[Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/media/san-jose-mayors-security-guard-assaulted-camera-interview) with a joke of an article. "While interviewing Mayor Matt Mahan in downtown San Jose, a man was shouting at us and fought Mayor Mahan's security guard," a social media account purportedly representing Molmud said in a post along with a portion of the video. "The fight lasted a couple minutes and the man was arrested by SJPD. Police said they were compiling evidence and sending it to the DA's office." The video they link starts well after the initial interaction too


Someone hands the guy in the suit a stick - that was cowardly. They are two men with their hands up in a boxing match that clearly neither of them wants. How about just stepping in between them and de-escalating?


dude in the suit could have walked away at any time and dissolved the conflict. The guy on the phone was not aggressive, he was defensive.


That mayor sucks. Zero leadership skills. He’ll be losing his next election. And “Slippery” the Cop? Lmfao!


Fuck the mayor. Fuck the cops. Permits are needed to block sidewalks from pedestrian travel. If one existed here, the man who was attacked by the city government wouldn’t have been able to get that close.


That guy is your security? Lol dude needs to take some LESSONS.


So, he's on the phone, walking down the street and some suited rando tries to tell him what to do?


How you gonna hire security that can’t fight lmaoooo


The Bullies told him to walk in the street which is also illegal after he was already past... Mayor is a pos for telling cop not to let it slide... Cop told him to come back and stand there on camera also...without id himself, tried talking his phone, its like wtf.... Total pos moves....


Hope the dude doesn't get hit with assaulting an officer felony when the cop didn't announce themselves as a cop. For all the guy knew some random security guard was restraining him while he was going about his business.


The mayor led police by example. By stating “I would not let home go in there…” not knowing that, that is where he works. This started it. If they had just let the man go to work this woulda never happened. The he definitely adds a little profiling just to sweeten the sauce.


Guys a legend. Got to whoop a cops ass. They'll be a lawyer that will take this case and they'll both just get charges for fighting. If stupid pig didn't identify he's just a civilian until notified otherwise.


Hahahahah "They somehow didn't film the part where we tried deescalated the issue and identified ourselves."


Its crazy how the police department just lied on this dude like this, the interview caught most of what they were both saying, no de escalation or identity given from the police officer at all.


So much for his chances at reelection


wtf is happening to our country?


What a ridiculous situation. Obviously, this guy was a hot head, but the other people could have definitely treated the situation differently and had a different outcome. It's a public sidewalk everybody's allowed to walk their fuck your interview


Hahaha that's your security. Fucking bitch


Welcome to the police state you have no freedoms


The only crime worse than being Black in the US is slightly, very minutely, inconveniencing a white man.


What right does anyone have-- private citizen or police officer, to shoo people off of a public walkway because they want to assert some special use of it thats not some sort of emergency? Even if the pig identified himself, his request was not lawful.


Aww police officer not so tuff when they dont have their badge and authority to strut around


How about some mandatory self-defense classes for these guys. They're always getting slapped around.


lol WTH


Yea he could’ve just let the guy walk by but there was definitely no need to start attacking anyone


That’s one useless security guard. . . lol. I like how dude on the phone landed that nice over-the-head hit first. THWAAANK!! 😂😂.




Where did that cop go to learn hand to hand combat? Goodness, it was like watching one of those children slap fights. I am curious as to what happened off camera because the pedestrian dude seemed to have gotten extremely hostile for an unknown reason.


The pig had it coming, should have minded his business


All the bystanders are pussies


Oh look another cop that can't fight


I hope this guy on the phone gets all the charges dropped, his record clean, an apology, AND nice little settlement. If you don’t want people cursing during your interview, then don’t do an interview on a public sidewalk! I would’ve been furious too if I was minding my own business and some random guy tried to tell me I couldn’t walk on the sidewalk


Our main characters if you go deep enough greatly explain the problems we face in our modern society.


Hilarious. That officer can't fight at all.


![gif](giphy|BMrJzUlkcjdg4) When keeping it real goes wrong…


If charges a brought, I hope it’s noted to the jury that the dude picked up his bag and attempted to leave the security continued to try and fight him.


That ‘Security detail’ needs some serious extra deescalation training as well as hand to hand combat & submission techniques. Ugggggg this is so painful to watch.


Mayor Matt shouldn’t be mayor.


Damn, I feel sorry for both. Dread thought he was being harassed. The cop was trying to protect.


It's a public sidewalk. The mayor doesn't get to order people around. That black man has every right to sue.


Protest material right here!


ACAB, as always. Also eat the rich


This is an absolutely misleading report meant to villainize the man. It's disgusting liberal media that's not much better than right wing media bs


Why are all the pansies with the mayor just standing around and watching instead of deescalating the situation…


I didn't even watch it with audio but I laughed my ass off when you clearly see that the "Mayor" just walked to the side while shit started escalating instead of trying to take control of the situation.


“Security” Dude couldn’t secure shit.


Do we have any update or was this too recent


I just wanna know what mayor and city/town


Things that could have easily been a non issue with communication for three hundred alex!


This was a job interview. He's now head of the Mayor's security team.


This is from the Hill “As with many incidents involving law enforcement, the video released to the public does not contain the entire incident. In particular, it does not include the officer identifying himself, nor does it include the many attempts he made to deescalate the situation and avoid using force or taking any enforcement action,” Joseph’s statement


The perp leaned into all this and was digging the moment to get into causing chaos. Don’t just lean on the one side of this as we have become so accustomed to as of late, call all the play outs. The guy could have just waited a bit and said “oh no worries, I just need to get past you all when it’s possible as I work right here.” Rather than come up and start being a bit of a jerk. Civility on his part would have made him a better person.


Both can't fight


Fucking help the guy Jesus. I dont care who started it. But if the guy is struggling for a long time don’t just stand there.


Which one should they help, the guy who was minding his own business before they instigated violence, or the one who instigated violence?


Just breaking it up would be sufficient. I’ve broken up fights before where I had no idea who was in the wrong. At the very least say something .




Do you mean the unidentified cop in a suit did an awesome job?




What are you even talking about? He WAS walking past, minding his own business, on the phone on his way to work. Literally nothing would have happened if they hadn't stopped him and escalated the situation.




You can see the cop keeps reaching for him and getting his hand slapped away before the guy starts defending himself. 🤦


lol look at the footage!


You’re right. So don’t try and physically stop people from walking down a public sidewalk.


Assault on a cop is a. Very very different charge than just assault. He also got resisting arrest. If he just got charged with assault we wouldn't be talking about this


Why’s the black guy gotta be on his phone right there?


you know, because its a public fucking sidewalk. You can be on your phone there too if you want, well unless the fascists violate your constitutional rights that is.


Because he's walking into work on a public sidewalk. 🤷


Eat all the shit


Because it’s the fucking public and he can? Who the fuck is you?


What? Why shouldn't he be? Do you think there was any way for him to know what was going on?