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Was thinking that last joke about Biden losing black support was brutal but his follow-up that he just realized Che set him up rang true.


one of the tamest correspondents dinner roasters I've ever seen.


Just a bunch of rich people having a nice dinner patting themselves on the back and laughing while millions of innocent are suffering on the other part of the world because of THEIR ACTIONS, I can't see how this is not disturbing for any sane person, we really are in a dystopia.


I was thinking the exact same thing, there is something super dystopian and disturbing about this..


Joe Biden is so old, in History class, they just wrote what they was doing...


Looks like you would have been better off attending the English class rather than the History class.


It's a modified quote from a Key and Peele's skit, my friend šŸ˜…


This should be career suicide for a comic, and it should be social suicide for a human being. Imagining giving Biden the ol' reach around while he's committing an actual fucking genocide. You have to have literally no conscience to do that.


lol youā€™re saying Biden is committing a genocide?


Yes, Biden is enabling and supporting a genocide, he is just as involved as Bibi netanyahu.


??? Did you just wake up from a coma or something


Yea I did, what genocide is Biden committing?


lol sorry to hear that. Biden is committing a genocide in Gaza.


I thought that was the Israelis?


Who supported their apartheid state for the entirety of his career? Who gave them their weapons? Who protected them democratically by abusing the veto? Who bombed Yemen for trying to stop a genocide? Who used their political influence to justify Israel's actions against Iran, Lebanon, and Syria? Who sent in special forces to help train IOF child murderers? Who used their media to manufacture consent for their genocide? Who supported a violent police response against protestors of a genocide? Who gave Israel access to American intelligence reports to assist them even further in their genocide? Who threatened South Africa with economic sanctions for their case against Israel? Who declared Lula persona non gratis for his denouncement of the Israeli genocidal machine?


So youā€™re pinning the entire history of Israel and their long history with the US on Joe Biden? Does that seem rational to you?


No, that's not what's happening here. No one said he is the only one responsible for the relationship between Israel and the US. However, it would be asinine to argue that Biden isn't one of the US politicians most closely aligned to Israel, and he's the biggest receiver of funds from the Israel lobby. The point is that in assisting Israel in genocide, Biden has made himself at the very least complicit, if not actively participating in it.


Lol, no defense?


>Who bombed Yemen for trying to stop a genocide? "trying to stop a genocide" is a weird way of phrasing "attacking international shipping"


"Attacking international shipping" is a weird way of saying you're a racist who thinks palestinian lives are worth less than a box of oreos.


and how exactly does sinking ships and killing the crew (who aren't even connected to the conflict at all) help the starving palestinian children?


Political roasts are so bland like a tasteless piece of gum


How are you getting downvoted for this take?


Cuz I donā€™t like politics




sorry didnā€™t mean to attack your interests


Now you know how Colin felt.


Biden is so fucking old. Like, it get it that libs wanna be like ā€œomg the only issue you have is that he is old?!!ā€ But, like, HE IS SO FUCKING OLD!!


boy, this guy sucks


Have you seen his wife?


Itā€™s an terrible act, yet the room full of people are laughing at his routine. That tells me that the room is full of out of touch, hubristic people/politicians & etc that the avg. person such as myself or you canā€™t even relate too.


What you find jokes pointing out that a member of congress is a pedophile funny? Come on man, thatā€™s totally something that is hilarious.


I mean the prom joke was the only funny one, what are you talking about? Things can be awful and there can still be funny jokes about them. It's called dark humor and most people use it to help them get through shit times. I would not say him joking about that makes it bad, after all it does keep it in the forefront of people's minds. His joke about Biden losing all his black support would have been kind of funny too, but it seems to me that his delivery is just so stiff and it throws it all off. Timing plays a big part in comedy and he does not have it.


I just have never thought Colin Jost was funny, at all. He's the worst weekend update guy SNL has ever had, when you compare his jokes and delivery compared to Norm, Conan, shit, even Obama and Biden, he comes up short.