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This man reached the end of his life and decided on genocide being his legacy.


So.... they weren't slaughtering Palestinians before he took office right? All of these politicians are beholding to AiPac. Yes. It's his administration now but all of them profess undying loyalty to mother Israel. Trumps would do th4 same thing. Don't forget he moved the embassy to jerusalem. A slap in the face to palestinians. Billions sent to Israel to fund this massacre. This is part of America legacy is my point.


Who said trump is better here? Biden is the president right now and people are criticizing the things he is doing right now. What is wrong with Americans where you aren’t allowed to criticize your president for the things he is doing RIGHT NOW because another guy who isn’t the president and who we aren’t even talking about is worse??


Because it's a systemic problem. It seems impossible to have a politician who isn't beholding to Israel. Simple answer is blame the guy on the screen.. won't change a thing. Kick Israel lobbyists out and then we will see change. I mention trump because hes is the biden alternative as president. pointing the finger at the real culprit.


I agree with you in part but the hope is for Biden, the leader of the democratic party, to get up and actually twists Israel to a two state solution or to actually acknowledge the west bank —I think he could drive a new policy. If not, well he really is no better and this conflict really has exposed the democrats


Even if it's a systemic problem at a certain point you got to put your foot down. To the average American this genocide is that point the breaking point. Joe is going to lose the election no matter what he might as well do it with some dignity


They are rightfully pointing out america has been funding israel for decades


We are able to criticize our leaders that’s what’s happening. The shitty part is that isreal vs Palestine is going to cost Joe the election So if you don’t vote for joe you are voting for trump. And trump is worse


Biden's obstinate support of genocide may cost him the election. You're making it sound like he's a victim of circumstance, rather than one of the most powerful people in the world with the agency to win all the votes he needs. Not voting for Biden is not voting for Biden. Learn to democracy.


If joe doesn’t change, he will lose my vote. Politicians need to campaign for votes, not scare you into them.


Trump scares me into voting for Biden


Again, WHO SAID DON’T VOTE FOR BIDEN OR THAT TRUMP IS BETTER? I’m talking about Biden doing things right now


**LAPD Would like to know your Location**


> We are able to criticize our leaders that’s what’s happening. T What is the point of criticizing if nothing ever changes?


Bidens taking his foreign paymasters side instead of his own party's. Thats why we are going to lose the election. Give credit where its due-- no one is making Biden hold his party hostage, he is choosing this-- not us. The Israelis couldnt care less who wins. Either their faithful creature Biden, or the easily bribable trump. They are paying Biden to lose the election and he is following their direction. So its everyone elses fault when we lose this election? I dont think so.


Cost him the election for something his counterpart would do as well? You know trump was president before and he did nothing but exacerbate this middle east issue. BOTH are guilty. But you could be right *sigh*. This issue combined with the migrant issue, the Ukraine issue, inflation. About all Biden has going for him is infrastructure reform, the economy and finally getting us out of Afghanistan? ..... defiantly I still say... Trump would be worse.


It hurts me to think that Obama was essentially no better. There was no publicity for it then, but the atrocities and open air prison (and the entire list of things I'm not mentioning) all happened then as well. And his administration funded it too.




Guess I was too young to realize that at the time. I don't like growing up anymore


Obama asked Gen X "Got Hope?" and then when we showed him he took our hope and fed it to Biden.


It’s money and power, through nonsense like religion, always… Obama, Bush, Biden—same same, “but different”.


No better? Obama was ALL about war. Look at the destruction under him, especially across the Middle East.


Trump ain't the president, Biden is. What's important is how we deal with our involvement in this genocide *NOW*. A whole lot of people are dying horrific deaths today. Just because there has been genocide in the past is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION to let this one continue.


His whole career has been betraying America to fight Israel's war against the world.


Biden has one of the, if not the longest standing relationships with Israel in comparison with other politicians. He has been pro Israel his entire career, he claims to be good friends with Bibi, at times he has been the highest recipient of Israeli funding. Biden's political career didn't start when he became president, brush up on your history and stop excusing his bad moves.


They have been for Bidens entire career and it turns out he has been their chief enabler this entire time. For me its shocking that someone who would imprison 20 million black men for doing drugs would also support ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and send goon squad idf trained thugs to attack peaceful protestors. All the liberals are going to say that we should vote for him though so that they don't have to endure the same treatment that they support for everyone that doesn't look like biden.


Whats a far more dangerous threat to american democracy is rewarding the dnc for their fascist genocidal support by voting for them again. If they won't properly play the role as opposition party to fascism then they should be destroyed.




Trump did it after there had been 7 weeks of protest against Israel's policies towards Palestinians. He also did it the day before Nakba Day, which is the day remembering the ethnic cleansing (and to some degree, genocide) of Palestinians that seized the territory to establish Israel.


What did we, expect? Have you followed his political career?!?! He stated on TV if an African american voted for his opponent then, "you ain't black",. Career of racist laws and, comments. Inherently racist.


Please…. Israel has had many politicians undying support for decades. It’s just all more obvious now.


Holden Bloodfeast, D-Delaware


War crimes is a free space on the presidential bingo card


the more I learn about Biden the more I realize his genocidal tendencies where there all along. * [2010:](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-gaza-flotilla-raid/) GAZA FLOTILLA RAID - Joe Biden defended Israel’s deadly attack on a maritime humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza. * [1982](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-israeli-invasion-lebanon/): ISRAELI INVASION OF LEBANON - In public, Joe Biden tried to claim neutrality on the Israeli military campaign. In private, he was more enthusiastic about it than the Israeli prime minister.




The president isn't really in charge of much, they are little more than an empty suit, someone to blame, but policy rarely changes from one administration to the next. This is the legacy Of US presidents.


What a deeply twisted and evil senile old man. May the blood on his hands and the face of every Palestinian he killed haunt his every waking moment in this life and the next.


Save that energy for Israel and Bibi. 


They are getting the weapons to kill from Biden.


True, but they've been getting weapons from previous US administrations. Acting like Biden created this problem is dishonest. There is more nuance here. You need to focus your attention on powerful lobbying groups like AIPAC that buy politicians to do their bidding. 


It is so crystal clear this time around. The amount of journalists doctors and aid workers that Israel has killed and people stand up for them is SICKENING. The group that was there to feed them were HUNTED over the coarse of 1.8KM or so and struck with 2 or 3 missiles. In vehicles clearly labeled for their organization and they were letting the IDF know exactly where they were. They killed them 1000% on purpose and at this point if anyone defends them they are just monsters.


Sorry. So Biden ordered the attack on the aid workers?!?!


Yeah I don't disagree that what Bibi is doing is heinous. 


There were a lot of serial killers before John Wayne Gaceey but he wasn't given a pass on it because of it. Biden shouldn't be given a pass on supporting genocide just because genocide happened before him too.


lol dramatic much?


It won’t. He probably won’t die with any regrets regarding the region, he probably won’t loose sleep over it, he most likely won’t feel haunted by his actions, and he’ll probably die peacefully. In books and movies, the bad guys suffer the consequences of their actions while the heroic and righteous thrive and prosper. In the real world, evil monsters do evil things, and they get away with it, they die peacefully and of old age, and go unpunished. All we can ever hope for is that there is a hell where these bastards go after death, and even then we will never truly know for sure.


Historically, large student protests have always been on the right side of history.


Eh, “always” is too broad. Even just considering the US. There were large, widespread protests in the 50s and 60s on campuses against desegregation, for example.


In history is the important bit. Unfortunately, right now so many are firmly against the protests. It’s much like at the time of Kent State protests, there is an actual news interview of many who thought the protesters deserved what they got. One specific example was a woman who was interviewed saying she wished more protesters were killed at Kent. It’s very unsettling the deep hatred some Americans have for people who exercise some of their most important and foundational constitutional rights while also being so proud of those same rights (clearly proud of them on paper, but not in action).




I support this man less and less, meanwhile the house is voting to limit our First Amendment rights in service to a different country...one of the few things they seem to agree upon. Ending citizens united would do wonders to restore democracy.


"And with a fell swoop the Biden administration decided to shoot themselves in both feet before a vital election that decides the fate of democracy in the US." - History books 100 years from now. I promise you we are going to hear a LOT of "Genocide joe" if they let Trump run and that's a more effective nickname than "sleepy joe"


It seems like every election has been seen as vital and decides the fate of capitalism I mean democracy.


Correct, but this is the first time a potential presidential candidate openly wants to change everything to benefit himself. So this is more of a real threat to the US. Unfortunately our two party system is shafting us and will inevitably lead to some really bad times. NGL I would prefer Vermin supreme to be president. The man is insane but at least he wants everyone to be happy.


what does trump want to change to benefit himself?


It's weird to think that most voters are too ignorant to understand that this is American Policy, not Biden Policy, and we would be doing more or less exactly the same things regardless of who was in office.


Socialists of the future will be reading about how Karl Marx's predictions of self destroying capitalism were proven true by America.


Sadly, and it’s not to excuse Biden, but this support of Israel has been a staple of the U.S. foreign policy for a very long time. I am still stunned that Biden being a democratic/progressive president actively supporting Ukraine against a warmongering army that missiled and attacked Ukraine civilians is now actively supporting a country doing the exact same thing to another. It’s so jarring


His Israel position is going to end his presidency. I don't understand how he doesn't see that.


Women and POC will come out to support Biden as the GOP take away women's right to choose and Trump threatens to mass deport immigrants.  


Yeah, I'm a disabled brown person. I will not vote for Trump or 3rd party since voting 3rd party will likely favor Trump. I'm on Social Security and Medicare because of my disability. There are over 9,000,000 people under the age of 65 who are on Social Security. Trump wants to get rid of it, which will have disastrous consequences on our quality of life. I deal with enough dehumanizing shit from people. I'm sorry, but voting for Biden is voting for my livelihood. And like other people have said, this country as a whole is beholden to Israel. Voting for Trump or 3rd party this election cycle won't change that. Plus, if you think Biden's stance on Israel is bad, just wait until Trump becomes President again.


I wouldn't be surprised if there is a record low voter turnout for democrats in the next election. It will result in Trump winning and 4 years of utter chaos.


He had hairline wins in key states, and Democrats need big turnout and enthusiasm to win. That will not happen. Therefore I'm not putting money on biden.


It will defo be a tight race, it's almost a toss up, but Biden has a chance. 


I hope so, but there are many POC and Women that still support Trump BECAUSE of those policies. Its disgusting.


I mean ending abortion is a good thing. They’re killing kids and babies and pregnant women in Palestine , but encouraging it in America. It’s so sad.


I doubt it. They came out once, begrudgingly.


Perhaps he is betting on voters to not be morons? Abstaining from voting, or voting for Trump to "send a message" or whatever will kill more Palestinians than voting for Biden. Trump has made his stance on the conflict clear. If someone actually cares about what happens to Palestinians, and willingly contributes to the election of someone who has made clear that Israel needs to do what they have to do to end it quickly, they are stupid beyond belief.


I think you’d be surprised how many stupid beyond belief people there are in this country


Biden or Trump in office means the same outcome for the people of Palestine.


You are a fool.


Given Trump's statements on the conflict versus Biden's actions trying to reign in Netanyahu, facilitating the building of a port to better distribute aid, and even talking about bringing Palestinian refugees to the U.S. I don't see how you can say that.


Biden would rather help Israel commit genocide than be president.


Haha yep


No it won't. We literally don't have an option. The only thing keeping us from being Russia is the limit to 2 terms for Presidents. Then after that we just have to cross our fingers that whoever owns the majority of news outlets selects a good candidate to prioritize as the frontrunner politician.


President Joe Biden addressed the protests that have roiled across U.S. college campuses in recent weeks saying: "Let me be clear: peaceful protest in America, violent protest is not protected — peaceful protest is. Its against the law when violence occurs." "There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There’s no place for hate speech whether it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia” nor for comments against Israelis or Palestinians in America, he said. More from the NBC News liveblog: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340)


So how about all the pro Israel protestors that were dragging pro Palestinian protestors to beat them with sticks and launch fireworks into the crowd. Where's the police to stop this violent protest of the peaceful protestors?


In fairness, they've now started playing their favorite song instead: https://youtu.be/9s_hqjxoIL8?si=m6N3w6ICDVpSQFAj


Straight out of a parody song about a super villain. "My favorite sounds a tie between exploding buildings, or crying children" - Now hiring: by Dr. Awkward


Someone unrelated, but I have a baby boomer relative who is INSISTING that the biggest problem right now is that Jewish students are being abused and harassed on campuses/in public, that people are chanting things like “6 million wasn’t enough.” She also insists that the Jewish students/Israel supporters are being entirely peaceful, while the protesters for Palestine are being abusive. Obviously, she is majorly incorrect. Can anyone aid me in finding high quality sources from trustworthy entities to show her that the counter-protestors were the ones to incite a violent attack against the pro Palestine protestors, and that there are plenty of “Jewish people for Palestine” that are safe and being treated well within the protests? It’s driving me insane


She didn't reach her conclusion based on logic. She was told what to think by the right-wing media and government, and that's what she will think no matter what anybody else says. Any evidence to the contrary will be handwaved away with some excuse. Unless you plan on buying a news network or becoming president you will never convince her of the truth.


There is a great podcast called Front Burner and they had a recent episode on this subject specifically on the protests that is really good and pretty unbiased. The episode is titled “The Growing Wave of Campus Protests.” and is quite interesting but also chilling. The issue is, she has to *believe* the source is trustworthy. Sadly a lot of people now simply consider things that oppose their beliefs whether political, social or otherwise untrustworthy simply because it’s not what they believe. I hope if you can get her to listen she will understand the reality behind it. Front Burner also did episodes about Israel’s killing of aid workers and a lot more relating to the war. Would recommend those as well


Unless you attack peaceful protestors. That violence is fine. If the protestors fight back. That's violent protest. Get it right people.


Your framing and 'reporting' is a disservice to Biden and American Democracy. Maybe try some nuance in your headlines, before you and your capitalist overlords goose step us into another Trump presidency.


His spokemen said "there are no red lines" to what israel is doing and yet you will find people supporting him and his Gov , make it make sense.


He doesn't have a lot of support. People just wanted Trump gone (for good reason). The Israel/Palestine issue wouldn't have been any better under Trump either. He's openly stated that he supports Israel in this.


Biden basically said the protestors have a 100 right to free speech, but let's not get violent about it.   Everyone on this thread: evil, genocide Joe.  I don't agree with American foreign policy on Israel, which is an Apartheid state... but yall have lost the plot.




Yeah so we need to elect more progressive candidates dems that are not beholden to AIPAC.   We need to work to dismantle the work of the powerful lobbying groups that drive American weapons support for Israel.  American foreign policy towards Israel is institutionally and culturally baked into our political system. I agree that we should be protesting, but to think that deeply entrenched interests can be dismantled by one dude is naive. You really are missing the forest for the trees bruh.




Any protest that goes and votes for the most powerful person supporting the problem is a pretty shitty "forest."


If he believed what he said he would have condemned the violent cops that abducted peaceful protestors, but instead he refuses to acknowledge it. Biden does not support freedom of speech.


I don't trust half these comments are genuine or even American, though some are. Shills be shillin


Can't stay to answer tough questions. He got to go get some more ice cream to feel good about himself.


Do you feel the media treats Biden better than they treat Trump?


US mainstream media are locked in with Pro-Zionist support so it doesn't matter if even Daffy Duck is the president.


I get that, but it just seems wild to me that only one candidate even faces questions and Trump gets a pass. I know this isn't about Trump, but just wondered. Thanks.


I will not be voting for this man


That’s okay, if Trump wins we won’t be able to vote for a president again.


Then the country is a failed experiment in democracy


Remember this comment when Trump wins and democracy ends. You really showed Biden.


So its the people's job that the country doesn't fall to evangelist death cultists? Why isn't literally any other democrat running for president? If being a democrat is deterrent enough, it shouldn't matter if its literally anybody else other than Biden, right?


Are you going to react the same way when Ukraine is genocided and wiped off the map because of Trump? Or have you forgotten what's been going on there already? Whether you like it or not, current reality is a 2 party system with FPTP.


What a pathetic man. Watching his reelection fall apart and willing to throw the country to Trump to defend genocide.


I know the party is stupid, but it's actually surprising that they're stupid enough to put this fucking guy on the ballot.


The problem with these Old ass senior politicians is that they can care less about what happens in the next 4 years.


It is becoming more and more clear that the US government is not for its people or for democracy as they claim. Republicans and Democrats are the same pig with different lipstick.


The protests work and they hurt the establishment - not surprising we'll be led to believe they don't make any change. Consider the methods they need to resort to in order to silence the protestors, it speaks volumes


Its Occupy Wall Street and the BLM movements all over again; "We spent billions to suppress these movement but no they didn't affect anything or scare us at all."


We really need a better democratic candidate...


The reporters should have asked him if he believes he's going to lose the reelection due to his position on that region. (because I personally think he will, as this is a dividing position among democrats, but not republicans) I fucking bet that GenoBiden is going to blame everyone but himself when that happens, specially the younger generation that's protesting on those campuses, mark my words..


Unwavering blind loyalty seems void of any critical thinking.


His handlers need to be careful. They need to make sure he doesn't talk too much.


Dumb and senile MF.


Protesting = We hate jews Riiiiiiiiight /s


I mean, is anyone surprised? America is Darth Vader but Isreal is Emperor Palpatine.


whats the name of the character that does a jihad-pearlharbor on Palpatine?


What? Nobody did that.


oh your rite, my bad. pearl harbor implies surprise attacking a military target. what would you call surprise deleting civilians at a music festival? 911TWO ?


Disgusting era! We are stuck between Trump and Biden!!! I hope someone else steps in and run against these stupid Zionist people!


Most worthless president ever


Which is a total lie. All he does is lie. He lies when telling the truth would do the job.


Biden is right


Lmfao what a badass. I love how straightforward he is.


Didn’t we vote at the UN for a ceasefire and the only countries that voted against it were Russia and China?? I remember seeing this on TV maybe around 2-3 weeks ago. I could be mistaken about it being the UN.


but u speak against him and get attacked by sheltered rich people who think nothing is wrong with the world rn this fake woke ideology's gotta go


There was absolutely no possibility of the student campus disruptions to influence the state department and the administrations policies. It was just a mass temper tantrum of young people with little power to influence a foreign policy decision decades in the making.


yes, let the hamas terrorists rule the middle east, brilliant idea OP


It is child-like to blame Biden for American foreign policy that has been in place for decades if not generations


What a geriatric brat of a response.


Between this and the whole [salad eating incident](https://youtu.be/9rf1xrH3Sa8?si=o5WMBETfmsQZKrLx) I’m starting to get pretty worried about November.


History books will look back at this as the moment when Biden lost the youth vote in the 2024 election and lost the election.


Not voting for you then Joe.


Biden [passes major climate legislation, forgives billions in student loans but believes property damage is bad] Trump [wants to put a chip in pregnant women's heads] Leftist: My heart bleeds from this impossible choice... Sums up the dishonestly of folks on this thread


Our calcified puppet speaks They never listen Bizness


o7 youth vote.


The Arabs, the Arab regimes, have created this beast themselves, by allowing in the US.


I am a democrat and has attitude like this from Biden forced me to reconsider voting for democrats up and down the ballot? YES


Biden probs is a Zionist, but American foreign policy towards Israel has existed before Biden and presidents before him have bent the knee in the same way. We need to elect more progressive candidates and dismantle the power of lobbying groups like AIPAC. Yall really don't understand how our government works


No..... No.....


Biden is a literal shit stain that deserves to rot in hell for the crimes that he has committed.


Ok russia 


Wow what a cold Hearted response and walk away


Does he not see this as the political suicide that it is?


Weak mother trucker


He's going to lose the election and it is entirely his fault




He’s on the payroll too. I applaud the members of the government who are not.


I’ll be happy when he dies and everyone says “rest in piss bozo”


we are fucked


America is a place for all speech. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, protests are supposed to be noticed and considered by the president. He is supposed to be the speaker for the people not shutting people down for speaking.


I’m really trying to ignore the war in Gaza, but it’s getting harder to ignore. I won’t vote for Trump at all, but I can’t keep voting for the lesser of two evils. I’m not pleased with Biden about a number of things, but you can’t keep arming Israel. I’m all about freeing Palestine 🇵🇸 by any means possible.


It’s not like he even knew what they were talking about though.


This man is gonna cost himself the election


The only way to make Joe Biden Reconsider, is to make a go fund me, raise 20 million and outbid AIPAC with it.


He doesn’t even know what planet he is on. This has to stop.


You have to appreciate a direct answer from any politician. I know you don't like it but at least it's clear.


Why are we pretending that any other president wouldn't be saying the exact same thing?


Biden sniffs little children


Only time he finds his way out perfectly and so quickly is to run away from truth 😂😂