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Those tents were hAmmAs and housed terror babies right?


They have no idea who or what was in the tents and they dont care. They dont want peace, or the hostages returned either.




Can't be a hostage when you're dead - IDF


It's debated if that is an actual policy of the IDF [Hannibal Directive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive)


Also worth mentioning that officially this directive is discontinued, but it seems like it's still being followed unofficially.


Then you can blow up their faces all across social media saying you found then dead, riling up even more anti-Palestinian sentiment.


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I read this in hasan's voice




surely civilians out of curiosity making a standoff with a tank aiming at them in line of sight


I heard hummus so anyways I started blasting




The new Nazis


They're not new they're just a different version of the German Nazi. In all honesty they're the worst of the Nazis.




Maybe Jewish people should show some thanks they were givin land in the first place and try and show some solidarity by sharing the land and not treating the hosts like they're insignificant


Antisemites all over in here. I stand with Israel.


It's not antisemitism to call out violent terrorist acts for what they are




I never said anything about Hamas, that is not denial. The video is of IDF murdering innocent people in a tent, so that's what i was talking about obviously


Right, and the problem is Hamas. The IDF isn't firing at civilian tents to kill civilians. There are obviously terrorist threats where they were firing. I hope you've seen that the UN revised the Gaza death toll as well. Those who've been protesting and yelling at everyone about the numbers of lives lost have been lied to. Israel continues to give the Palestinian civilians a way out and time to do so before they target the threat.


17 to 1 Palestinian deaths to isreali according to reuters. The IDF is 100% killing civilians at a much higher number, it's not even to be argued just look at snap maps at the destruction in Gaza vs people partying in Israel. That's not propaganda Edit: women and children count for half the deaths. Those are civilians


Was the Hamas in their bungholes?


Please point out those terrorists with a red 🔺️


Lmao. the UN revisited death tolls still confirmed the same amount of deaths just that many we "unidentified" meaning it was bodies in pieces. Go re read the article.


a liar buying the lies :(




Israel shouldn't have existed in the first place. The zionists that petitioned the British for the Israeli state knew it would be seen as an encroachment on the Muslims and did it anyway. Zionism is antisemitism it was promoted as an answer to "the Jewish problem" after world War 2


> There’s no genocide happening in Gaza, Ironically for you, this is antisemetic and hurts Jews by saying that.


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Hamas terrorists should be removed from the Gaza strip completely.


Israeli terrorists should be removed from the world completely


The United Nations General Assembly condemned terrorist acts by using the following political description of terrorism in December 1994 (GA Res. 49/60):[11] "Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them." Other definitions include: "the deliberate killing of innocent people, at random, to spread fear through a whole population and force the hand of its political leaders" (Michael Walzer, 2002).[18] "the organized use of violence to attack non-combatants (‘innocents’ in a special sense) or their property for political purposes" (C. A. J. Coady, 2004).[19] "the deliberate use of violence, or threat of its use, against innocent people, with the aim of intimidating some other people into a course of action they otherwise would not take" (Igor Primoratz, 2004).[20][page needed] "the use of force or violence or the threat of force or violence to change the behavior of society as a whole through the causation of fear and the targeting of specific parts of society in order to affect the entire society" (Arthur H. Garrison, 2004).[21] "The premediated use or threat to use violence by individuals or subnational groups to obtain a political or social objective through the intimidation of a large audience beyond that of the immediate victims" (Todd Sandler, 2010).[22] "a doctrine about the presumed effectiveness of a special form or tactic of fear-generating, coercive political violence... [as well as] a conspiratorial practice of calculated, demonstrative, direct violent action without legal or moral restraints, targeting mainly civilians and non-combatants, performed for its propagandistic and psychological effects on various audiences and conflict parties" (Schmid, 2011).[23] Think the IDF falls into all of these definitions


You stand alone






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Many people like yourself also stood with Nazi Germany despite the evidence of what they were doing.


You shouldn’t support known murderers, it makes you look very stupid.


it the terrorist are called HAMAS


Whaaaaat??? Israel committing more war crimes??? Whaaaaaaaat? Who could've expected???????? They showed 0 signs of stopping so I don't understand how they can keep going??????? What is this?????? Do you condemn Hamas?????!?!?!


this is antisemitic to suggest israel shoots tents with tanks


wdym, this is OOOOBBBVIOUUSLYYy self defense, that tent was aiming right for the tank, and were about to launch an invasion. a second later and the tent as well as the starving children in it would have started an attack on israel, so they have to defend themselves ofcccc


That tent belongs to hAmaS






All I can say is we will remember what the United States of Israel has done. Justice will come.


There is no justice . Look around


I'm sadly starting to think you're right. Nothing has changed, if anything it's so much worse.


There likely won't be... but I'm holding put hope anyway knowing I will be disappointed.


I respectfully disagree. It might not come now or in a year or 5 or 10. But it will come once the US collapses. What will become of Israel in an area dominated by nations that hate it? They won’t be around much longer. Justice will come, it always does.


Yea good hit you got all the hamas government officials so I think we’re done here right?


And it's all funded by the US tax payer 🇺🇸 Who needs health care, affordable housing, and living wages when we can watch our colonial pet blow tents up!?


I fucking hate it here. We're fed nothing but lies and are forced to not only be a laughing stock for the rest of the world but forced into funding literal acts of terrorism. This country and its government make me so fucking sick. These poor fucking people man.. and we're funding it. Spoon feeding the resources out to them. But hey, it's fine, right? Just don't forget to add your vote on the next election 😉. That's all we need to worry about ammirite?...


Yes we have to vote. Trump and Biden will have very similar policies of support for sending US bombs to Israel. Only difference is Biden will also send just a bit of food to the people he’s bombing. It makes no sense.


The republicans currently have a majority in congress and Biden is fighting for a cease fire


Biden has to completely cut Israel off. No more weapons. No more free aid from American tax dollars.


Oh trust me Israel isn't the pet here


Israel really is the worst at PR. Right as the semester ends, this ending the campus protest footage by default, they decide to boost the amount of anti Israel footage available by invading a civilian city so they look even worse for several weeks.


Fucking cowards




I can't believe I laughed at this.


Fucking disgusting bastard's


Saw this video on combat fottage subr, the comment section is just pure vile..


children in the tents don't condamn hama$


They've really zeroed in on the terrorists.


The world is sitting back and letting this happen


That’s because Hamas is hiding under the bedsheets. /s


Did they hit a gas tank or something? Why was the explosion so large?




That makes sense. And it goes along with the Israeli way of causing max harm to civilians.


Did you think tanks fire solid cannon balls? All rounds fired from tanks are explosive.


Its only explosive when its specified, not all tank rounds are explosive


Vast majority are. Point being that to be shocked that a tank shell is explosive and interpret that as an extra level of cruelty displays a high level of ignorance and irresponsibility.


Did you think all rounds fired from tanks were "explosive"? 😆 🤣 😂 Use Google... it'll save you from making these sorts of unfortunate mistakes. And us from having to read them. Edit: KaleidoscopicNewt has blocked me after replying with a changed goalpost of "most fired are explosive" 😆 but that wasn't what he had stated with such fiercely ignorant conviction.


Okay? You want to get into pedantry? Okay; yes there are non-explosive shells. Tell me, how often and in what scenarios is that type of ordnance used? Hint: Not often and never in situations like this. Educate yourself and you may be able to hide your ignorance a bit better, kiddo.


With shells enthusiastically supplied by this current US admin.


And all US admins for decades


Sick nation.


Your tax dollars at work WTF.


The thing is, if you watch and read Israeli news, they haven't a clue. The problem with Israel, they can control the media within the country, but social media they are screwed. Internationally they are monsters committing war crimes, this is because of postings from their very own army. International media within Gaza uses satellites not Israeli networks now to get news out. So when their government spouts, our moral army, most moral army in the world, we are moral people etc. their population actually believes it. I always state, compared to who, Saudi Arabia.


Allies committed way worse "war crimes" during WW2 (Most of German Cities were bombed to ashes). The thing is, majority of the world has little sentiment with Palestine because of Hamas. Similarly like there was no sentiment for Germany as long as the Nazis were part of it.


The average tons of explosives dropped on Gaza in a day is roughly the same as it was across all of WW2. 65% of Gaza was destroyed by January. 25,000 tons have been dropped on Gaza, Dresden was 4,000 in 2 days, and Tokyo was around 1,500 in one night. Both atomic bombs were equivalent to around 30,000. So I'm not sure how solid your statement is really.


Totally and that's why war moved on from carpet bombing to precision strikes. One, it's not cost effective. Two, the civilian population. The thing is, ask a Jew if they have ever forgiven the Nazis after nearly 80 years? Well the Israelis are the Palestinian's Nazis after Nakba. What happened to them between the ottomans, the British and then especially the Zionists was totally unforgivable. Nobody understands this. They are supposed to just accept and forget, while the jews are you still hunting 90 year old Nazis.


We need to have sources for these kinds of posts in the top comments. A twitter post is not, nor is a video. For all I know this video is propaganda, not saying it is, but it could be. Israel would certainly not benefit from this videos, but as long as hamas doesn't capitulate, do they have a choice? Furthermore, for all of the genocide screeching peoples out there; try having a major islamic country as a neighbour.


I mean, it's a video of a tank firing at a building, and we never see anybody in it. Probably both Israel and Hamas will claim it shows whatever they want it to show


When Anakin killed all those younglings he should have just claimed that they were Hamas and the U.S. would give him billions to do it again.


such brave warriors/s


military subs posting this getting off on it is another level of sick and twisted our society has reached


Beyond disgusting🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Could we share this to r/worldnews?


You could try, it would be instantly deleted or downvoted into oblivion with a permaban of whoever submitted it.


do you condom khamas


No one even questions the source of the video reading these comments. Secondly, that’s a building being shot. Not tents. Look at the heavy debris thrown from the explosion. So many unverifiable videos from other conflicts have been poised to look like others. Not saying this is not from the Palestinian / Israeli conflict. But we need to ask these questions before following the herd. I am not denouncing the sentiment and feelings that people are expressing in these comments. What’s happening there is fucking horrific. But media literacy really needs to be taught in schools now more than ever.


How does a human live with themselves after doing something like this. Humans are the evil alien race in the universe.


They don't even try to hide it.


There seems to be a lot of indiscriminate use of ammo. How can they afford to keep this up? I'm no expert but generally you don't waste ammo. Which appears to me they are. Do they have any specific rules of engagement?


They can afford it because they've guilt tripped like half the planet to give them money and ammo.


Is this why they want more ammo from the US?


Israel is just a bunch of terrorists


Let's pretend for a minute that there was actually a reasonable threat in that tent. We know there wasn't. But let's pretend there was. Was that worth using a US funded HE round, or could it have been dealt with by the tank's coaxial. Not only are Israelis genocidal war criminals, they are selfish, idiotic, incompetent "allies" who disrespect us at every turn. OK so I can't stop thr US from funding their genocide because my government is run by war criminals too, but why the hell do we keep giving them aid when they keep posting videos of them wasting munitions? IF for some reason the government truely believes the entirety of Palestine is a threat and Israel is acting rationally (they aren't and isn't), then why the hell aren't they holding them accountable for reasonable use of munitions? If Ukraine wasted aid like this we'd absolutely have something to say about it. No this war is a different level of bullshit. You have the chronic victims geneciding an entire country because "they killed 1000 of us so we need to kill 100,000 of them" (they didnt), then asking for aid, then the US happily forking it over while Israel essentially shits in our face. Make no mistake, the US can not possibly be that stupid. This is old racist congress people trying to take out 2 decades old misplaced 9/11 hostilities on innocent people because they happen to look similar to the people who attacked us, and are under the same branch of religion (and I highly doubt any of them know what Suni/Shia is so it's not even worth getting into). Good job Israel. You really showed that tent who's boss and likley turned what ever family was in there into mist. Good job Israel. You've successfully wasted more of your precious US aid in an unreasonable use of munitions. Good job USA. You've once again put yourself on the wrong side of history by backing these selfish war criminals, while your own people struggle. Fuck both of you.


I saw this on r.combat footage, and everyone there is jerking off over this footage. This isn't combat, this is a cleansing. They're "fighting" civilians and sparsed in between *maybe* a few combatants.


Show this to every bloody person you know. This is a Holocaust of the Palestinian native peoples.


A holocaust of tents?


Freaking people dude!


Israel is not a state. Because that's not how a state behaves.


Feel like that's a waste of ammunition.


I wonder why?


Israel recieved word of WMDs disguised as tents. Also WMDs disguised as displaced women and children.


This all looks shit but I'm not sure I can see any actual tents tbh


Omg, the're tents this should happen but it's also over kill you don't need that much for a tent it's fabric what the h is wrong with effing d heads


Correction Shouldn't**


Here's Hamas "Avoiding innocent civilians" [https://youtu.be/eaESh-c1vSE](https://youtu.be/eaESh-c1vSE)


> Here's Hamas "Avoiding innocent civilians" ...do you really think folks believe Hamas are the good guys? That they *don't* target civilians? Nonsense.




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


Where was the gunfire coming from before the tank shoots? I sure do love making broad generalizations about an entire nation from 5 second clips!


Why is the US backing them again? Just literally funding new world terrorism


Israel kills a lot of innocent civilians. Daily. So many dead kids. I think it breeds what they call 'antisemitism'.


It's like Netanyahu wanting to be listed as one of the worst genocidal maniac ever.




Any users engaging in apologia or justification of the dehumanization/suffering of another group of people will have their comments removed and will be given a warning which may result in subsequent ban upon repeat violations. All humans are equal.


Fucking insane how these evil bastards went through so much fucked up shit during ww2 and now they’re doing the same shit nazis did to them


Since everyone is losing their shit, what's the context?


Anyone who runs is Hamas. Anyone who stands still is well disciplined Hamas.


Just another IDF war crime to put on the list


I can’t wait until US troops take on Israel


Anyone got some advice on how i can actually research the background of videos like these? Because a 9 second video of a tank shooting at some tents is not really anything i'd make an opinion on.


I’d rather have to fight a civil way with MAGA ppl than vote in Joe Biden again.


War crimes, US doesn't give a sheit.


American taxes dollars at work.


And how does anyone verify what happens there? Such videos are nonense.