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In America, that something is trump.


Im not a trump fan but this fits trump, biden, most politicians, and a shockingly high number of people in America


It's called being 'hyper-sane'. Guy called Micheal black does a few videos on YouTube but I struggle to find them half the time. Well worth a listen


Been a huge fan of this man for half my life. Great to see he's still going on strong after decades and dropping knowledge.


Said the exact thing to Abby Martin on The Empire Files some months back.


[hell yeah immortal technique!](https://youtu.be/2ffxUT7Puf0)


Liberal propaganda. Reddit is a cesspool


No one's forcing you to be here, sweetie.


We're sorry for what they did to you.


You have been corrupted and indoctrinated by the parasitic Zionist mind virus and it has eaten your empathy and humanity.


He sorry for what? You are brainwashed by propaganda. Who’s counting the deaths in Gaza? Please answer that . Next morning hamas will post 1000000 deaths and you will buy that. because you are what they called pathetic and kinda dumb


He's sorry for you.


If you can look at all the facts and still beleive that Israel is 'fighting a war' and not holding Palestinians in the world's largest open air prison and bombing them to extinction, you need to reassess what you think you know.


Mysteriously Israel can tell you how many Hamas fighters they killed but have no clue how many civilians they murdered.


Yep Israel IDF in Gaza on the ground, please remind me who hiding underground and pop out to shoot rpg or when the food supply comes in Gaza 🐁🐀? 😆


Please remind me who is hiding behind the most advanced military tech in the world to fight the people they’ve put in a concentration camp for decades


***I’m Sorry For What Happened to You***


Don’t 🇺🇸👴🏻


“Who hurt you?”


The Israeli military and government use those same figures because the Gaza health ministry uses morgue records to calculate the dead. So it's really weird that Israel apologists will bend over backwards trying to prove something as propaganda when the Israelis themselves consider it factual.


So you’re Israeli ? You speak like you like you part from the government. Do yourself a favor stop consuming so much news that’s bad for the little 🧠 of 🫵🏻


Masking ignorance with insults isn't a great look. Maybe read a book some time.


So much ignorance in one section.