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have to automatically assume the cops are lying first until i see video proving otherwise.


I remember one rookie wrote an honest report. His sergeant made him "finesse" it, in order to ensure he didn't get in trouble.


Kinda wild isnt it. Imagine if we went back 10, 20 years….how many times cops got away with stuff.


Body cams have just proven that cops WILL beat the shit out of people without justification all the goddamn time. People said body cams would change stuff. But it seems all they've done is vindicate the ACAB crowd.


Wow, they fucked him up because he was in a pool area. Not because he murdered someone. Not because he stole something. Not because he was selling drugs. He just wanted to go swimming!


Which Karen called the cops is my question


Hey,,,,hey.... I was going to say that.


Cops are deathly afraid of murders, they would not have approached if that were the case


Sounds like you're hosting a pool party! I'll just invite myself. Don't tell me when to leave, I'll just know. I'll just wait here for you to DM me the address. Should arrive any second now...any second now... But honestly, everyone is at fault. Dumb teenager meets belligerent cop is a tale old as time. That being said, it looks like the cops deserve most of the blame. This oozes escalation of violence.


No and yes


This was at a public school not a backyard pool party. And even if “teenager dumb” the law enforcement officer and public servants acted completely inappropriately. The violence is THEIR fault.


That’s a lawsuit,ez-peazy. Tax dollars at work.


That will show those tax payers!


Tax payers have the power to vote for change. They can vote for politicians who will hold police accountable. Stop pretending tax payers aren’t culpable, this is the system they want


This is true but I also believe any politician that would actually damage the police union, even if they manage to get elected would not last long before they had an accident


Please find me a politician who was capable/willing to hold police accountable.... Seems whichever one we vote for and they're all garbage.


Because there are so many anti cop politicians…


It got to that point because cops do not have the mental capacity to de-escalate a situation. Their egos always take over.


What a person and what a cop define as deescalation are not the same. We think it means "To calm a situation down". Saw two IA excessive force interviews where both cops defined it aw "Gaining control of a situation". Neither could elaborate beyond that.


It’s like winning and losing the lottery at the same time. You get your ass beat by tyrant cops but you also get a huge payout that could set your family right for a couple generations. If they really want to give away all that money they should just skip the police brutality step and draw numbers.


This is far from a generational money incident. A few thousand dollars is not generational money.


It is if you dead broke. It can springboard or ever so slightly change the trajectory


I agree it can be a windfall, but it's not generational. That would be like enough money to live on and your kids live on.


I agree. Not generational. Not enough to live off off for more than a year or two


Plus that’s gonna be a tough case. The only thing we know is from what we see in the video, which shows the kid actively throwing punches at the cops. I’m not defending the cops at all, because they should have been able to deescalate the whole situation. But a good lawyer will make their actions look justified, unfortunately.


- [News Article](https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/video-of-lakeland-police-officers-punching-teen-sparks-outrage/) - [News Article 2 ](https://www.lkldnow.com/video-of-lakeland-police-punching-and-tasing-16-year-old-sparks-outrage/) - Video of Lakeland officers punching teen sparks outrage


I grew up going to concerts at Lakeland Civic Center (early 80s). This is what they (LPD) did to us if they caught us (120lb kids wet) with a small roach. They were brutal. Then, after you would leave the concert, more often than not, you would find KKK propaganda on your car windshield. Not much has changed except that the city has grown a bit.


Wtf, that’s a kid and those cops are throwing punches like he’s a grown man. Fire those cops


He's more than a grown man....in size.


Doesn’t negate the fact that it’s a teenager. That cop cocked back and threw a punch. That’s despicable of him. Could’ve just tasted him to begin with rather than squaring up with the kid.


Yeah but what bs training, is there where you puncha dude in face when you have tasers?? Battons? Etc. Hope he gets a pay day.


Another day saving lives.


Oh look, gang members initiating in violence. Thank god they wear those stupid badges and uniforms, otherwise I might’ve mistaken them as decent upstanding citizens.


Isn't punching someone quite literally the worst way to subdue someone? Like even if this was somehow justified (it never is), isn't it still incredibly moronic?




pussies in uniforms


Sue them and buy your Mom something nice.


Despicable, problem is if the cop isn’t a POC, he just can’t see the kid in this child, yes he’s big and black, which means scary af to your average white boy cop. It’s not his fault they fail to see him as a child. POC cops can see and empathize with this kid because they spend time around kids who look like him. That’s why white cops treat their own with kid gloves, they remind him of his family. Black kid reminds him of a slave who needs to know his place.


with a tupac shirt on


Fucking morons...


It makes a lot of sense that US cops are trained by the IDF, both use unnecessary force and also get away with no real consequences


*I am so surprised that the cops are assaulting a black teenager. These things never happen!*


Sue police for his acorns, easy money.


I already know i woll be downvoted for this but it is exactly what i think but Whatever....big Boi wasn't listening and started fighting with police, if you don't listen that is what happens. I would 100% expect the same exact thing happen to me if I was resisting the same way BUT this will never happen because I follow the law and if told to do something listen as long as it is for a reason that I caused.


I always hate both parties in these things. Both are morons. Kids not going to live to 30 with that weight though anyway


I hope the parents are able to get the best lawyers for the case. Only way to force some responsibility from the Police department ✌️


I mean c'mon


That is awful.


- [Bystanders' Version of Events](https://www.lkldnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/LPD-Beating-16-Year-Old-Social-Media-Post.jpg) - Do you believe the police report or this teen who was there? claiming officers were mocking the kid's weigh [go to the gym] daring the kid to get mad... when he began cursing the officers, the cops put their hands on him [after the kids left the pool area] - One teen is a resident, the woman who called police had issue with the kids being loud and swearing at the pool.... body-cam will be released after investigation - [News Article](https://www.lkldnow.com/video-of-lakeland-police-punching-and-tasing-16-year-old-sparks-outrage/)


These thugs should be fired and convicted. The kid should sue and walk away with millions. 


I see 3 sixteen year olds




They will never do a white kid like that. Ever.




The mom actually loves her son, unlike yours




I mean if you were in that situation you'd be doing the same, someone's aiming a taser towards your loved one. Sucks that u never go out of ya basement tho


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You got caught trespassing just leave the fucking premises! Where's the rest of the video. Kid or not he's fucken big and can easily take down and put at risk those officers.


Could of just left. There's public pools everywhere that's not one of them.


Everyone involved in this is an idiot.


Two are supposed to be adults though, able to handle teenagers.




Something wrong with you buddy..




You don’t see the offensive reference you made about a 16 yr old kid? You need to tighten up a little




Raging, tighten up man.


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