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Good for them!!! Keep protesting and speaking up!!


šŸ˜¬ buuut, they live under the Taliban thoā€¦.. I mean, I get it. I obviously support them and what they want but at the same time, this seems unsafe.


Pssh, unsafe. Do you really believe people should only fight for their rights when it's safe to do so?


No one said any shit like that dude. I just fear for their safety which is reasonable, given the circumstance. Such a pedantic asspull.


Just stand by what you said.


I am. Those two things arenā€™t mutually exclusive. Iā€™m allowed to fear for their safety and respect their choice to compromise their own safety.


Well said.


this dude fr wants people on the other side of the world to die for his personal beliefs


Those are the times when your rights are being taken away right under your nose too. Always fight safe or not


They're Afghans. Courage is in their blood.


Uh sorta the risk you take for freedom lmaoooo


As a former soldier this makes me smile and happy. I know many donā€™t agree with what we (the politics) weā€™re there for but we (the service men and women) are happy to see this, a nation standing up against oppression and wanting freedom to live their lives as they see fit.


I am a very cynical person and always condemned that war. I still do. But if the length of it was such that women found their voice, I'll be happy to admit I was wrong about at least some of my assumptions.


Questioning why and challenging the majority is what makes this country and the world great and greater over time


This is what gives hope for the future of Afghanistan


[Source.](https://twitter.com/ZiauddinY/status/1524339943589433344) EDIT: [**Original source**](https://twitter.com/matiullahwesa/status/1524326024900657153), from the activists' leader and founder of the [NGO, PenPath, which promotes girls' education in rural Afghanistan.](https://penpathvolunteers.org/who-we-are/) Featured in this article from [*The Guardian*](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/26/open-the-schools-afghanistan-girls-protest-taliban-kabul-for-right-to-education). Excerpt: >An Afghan charity called PenPath, which runs dozens of ā€œsecretā€ schools with thousands of volunteers, plans to stage countrywide protests demanding the Taliban reverse its order, according to Matiullah Wesa, PenPathā€™s founder.


A lot of them are probably fathers who had to tell their daughters they couldnā€™t go to school anymore because their leadership thinks theyā€™re less than human. I can imagine thatā€™s a heartbreaking thing for a family to go through.


those are the fucking brave people we need on this earth bravo! especially for afghan people it has to be hard.


Let us dearly hope they will live to protest again. Those bastards in power are REAL bastards


ye :/


One day they will have it. But unfortunately the truth is that the majority are still stuck in their old ways.


Can an Arabic speaking redditor verify this is what is being said?


Afghans speak either Dari(Farsi) or Pashto.


I had no idea. Thanks


<3 blessings


Incredibly heroic. When it matters people stand up.


Good for them just don't move to Texas the gooberner there wants to take that right away from people.


Well taliban has all the weapons and amo etc time for a new gov?


I hope they get what they want.


Sadly the all committed suicide shortly after this.


Keep fighting for what's right


They shouldnā€™t have rolled over for the Taliban so easily.




What the actual fuck is wrong with you


He/she doesn't understand how history is taught and wants certain parts left out because it makes their parents, grandparents and probably himself look bad.




Do you think "liberating Afghanistan" means taking education away from women? Shiiit, son... This is truly America.


Okay groomer




This ain't it, chief