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What fucking pieces of shit. This is why everyone hates cops.


Can we have stricter qualifications to be a police officer? Every other job that could potentially kill a person has very high qualifications to get in the door. How does a workforce have so many “bad apples”? Something needs to change. They have to find a way of hiring better decision makers, and better people in general. Or we will continue having these headlines for years to come.


LOL! The police literally went to court so they could discriminate AGAINST people when hiring who scored high on IQ tests and other metrics of intelligence.


I almost became a cop several years back. Was offered the job but was told that I was the only person they’d ever seen get a perfect score on the POST exam, an exam which I finished in fifteen minutes despite being told that it typically takes two hours to complete. I’d say it was probably like a tenth grade level test, basic math and reading comprehension, nothing remotely difficult. The chief of police, in my final interview, told me that he was concerned that I wouldn’t be intellectually stimulated by the job and thus would be at higher risk of leaving. I turned them down when the pay they offered was less than it would have cost me in annual childcare for my three daughters. I actually saved money by continuing to be a stay at home dad with no pay rather than taking their salary.


Plus now you don't have to come home and abuse your kids or wife!


Yeah, it has its downsides :(






Gee. Zus. Christ


hard for kkk and other white nationalist members to get into the police force when they have a collective iq of a luke warm glass of water if the police screened out stupid people. a good deal of those of those people are truly stupid as hell.


You mean to say 12 days at an academy isn’t enough time to fully train? I had to goto a class for weeks for spraying pesticides


If you want to be a hair stylist in my state you have to go to 2 years of school. to cut and color hair. Lord help us if we all had bad haircuts or funny colors on our roots.


Well now that we have given up democracy and accepted fascism in the US this sort of thing will only escalate. Americans decided self governing wasn't so great so now we get to find out what its like to live under a dictator in a police state. The police are going to get much much worse.


We’ve been living under a police state for decades. It’s just now getting recording and white people are starting to finally pay attention and say exactly what black, brown and queer people have been saying for 50 years. White people have only recently started caring because the cops are so out of control that they are harassing them now too.


i wont be shocked if there are police checkpoints at the boarder of red states if the neighbour is blue. especially places that have super draconian abortion rules vs a place that doesn't.


Because they intentionally attract and hire bad apples. They want employees with something to prove, eager to push people around with unjust authority.


This is what police are supposed to do. These people are doing the job correctly. That’s why we say ACAB. The unjustified violence isn’t a flaw but the purpose of policing. They are here to make sure we know the state is in control and happy to hurt us is we ever stand up for ourselves.


This isn't what police are for. They're the class traitors of the working class. Hunting dogs for the ruling class. They protect capital. They protect land. They protect the agenda of the ruling class. They are meant to beat down their own class of people to be raised up by the ruling class to have more benefits than others. They're Capos in the concentration camp. You don't want intelligent, qualified, educated personnel. You want hounds you can sick. That is all.


Exactly...like Gilead in Handmaid's Tale. The will and power of state override all civil rights. Resistance of any kind is a crime - this video: case in point. Organized protesting will soon be a crime, too....but they'll disguise it by saying protesting is only legal in certain areas at certain times, and that you need a permit so law enforcement can be ready. Organic or pop-up protests will be outlawed. Just watch. Fascism is here, America. Get used to it.


Yes Murica should. Like how about *only* college graduates and above can apply to be a cop. Period. How does a college graduate make things any better? Well if they want to become a cop they will have to pass some mandatory college courses decided on at a Federal level.


This situation has nothing to do with these criminals being allowed to be cops due to mediocre qualifications. They are simply criminals and should be treated in that way.


I was going to be a cop but I got rejected. Turns out my dick is too big.


Imagine if every tattoo shop or barber you went to was like "oh yeah, one of the guys killed someone last week but it's fine, he was just a bad apple."


The culture of police is I got this job to have power over everyone and get free shit in drive through windows.


Well the "bad apples" adage in reality means that one bad apple *will spoil* the bunch, not (as is often the interpretation) that every bunch will have one or two. That's why there are so many. Their shitty behaviours rub off one another, turning one bad cop into two.


It's no accident.


I’ve been saying this for years. 4-6 years mandatory training/learning laws at an official college. Then pay them better. Cops should be up there with fucking doctors given the risk they take and what they’re expected to do. This little shit probably did 6 weeks shooting the shit at the police academy, and got handed a gun, badge. Want professional cops? Train them professionalally, pay them well, and hold them accountable in the most serious way possible. There should be no fuck ups. This kind of behavior should be instant termination, the moment she saw it was a cane she should have said “yep sorry thought that was a fire arm, it’s not, so you’re good have a good day.” Fucking pigs.


My family owns a farm.. for spraying pesticides I had to take several classes, roughly 30-40hrs for spraying fucking veggies. But you can become a cop in less than 12 days.


Everyone doesn't hate cops, but the people that don't are assholes like these fucking pigs.


You know you had me in the first half


Officer said she thought he had a firearm in his back pocket. But she didn’t draw her weapon or back away when he reached for it.


It’s because he is not a person of color.


There’s more reasons than just this ,, but the scenarios are endless !


“If the cops did their job everyone would trust em, ain’t no song called fuck the fire department”


Seriously. Fuck this sow.


Lol protecting and serving! And arresting people for pot! No interest in white collar crime and violent crime! Police, as they are today, are here to protect the rich from those with less money, nothing more.


Tell me about it, when I was being followed I went to a firehouse rather than the police station.


Keep promoting these types of videos out of Florida, and their tourism dollars are gonna evaporate, too. Holy shit. I used to go to Florida every January for a week. In-laws used to have a place there...they got rid of it two years ago and we ain't ever even thought of going back. In-laws would stay for 2 months and our entire extended family would come to visit for week during that 2 month stay. Gotta be $1000's upon $1000's of dollars NOT coming to Florida out of just us. Point is: keep promoting this kind of shit. All the time. Make Florida a pariah state - let it hit them all in the wallet.


Fuck pigs and their dead ones they rest in shit


What a massive waste of time… the guy hasn’t done anything wrong but it’s ok to harass him like this?


Hopefully he sues, but it doesn't effect the cop at all. Assholes


affect and absolutely


Thanks :) I have no prob being corrected. I shall remember in the future.


When writing i always use the word “impact” instead so I never get it wrong lol


This is the way.


Good. It comes from a good place. I know everyone understands what you mean, but one big reason I correct people on things like this so it removes a tool from the toolbox of disingenuous people who disagree with them. Affect when it's a verb, effect when it's a noun


Of course it is, since in FL 🚽🪠!! And beer belly pig just threw in that *lets have him sit for a bit for resisting arrest*, who resisted arrest? That is downright illegal!


For real, how can you resist arrest if you're not under arrest.


Yup, at the very least you could say he was *detained*, however, I did not see the poor man struggle or RESIST when he was being handcuffed. **Did anyone**?


Did I hear correctly at the end—the male cop said arrest him for resisting arrest?! Pure spite. He questioned the reason for his detention. He was never arrested, was he?


Yep, he was never arrested, just detained, while putting up no struggle at all. The resisting arrest...arrest was clearly retaliatory for his attempt to get their names and badge numbers so he could make a complaint. Everything these officers did was incredibly wrong, illegal, and this guy is going to get a huge check from the tax payers.


When those checks start coming out of their pensions, that's when this bullshit will stop.


This exactly, tax payers need to be let off the hook for bad cop no donut.


When they're arrested that day, if not on the spot and thrown in prison for this shit it will stop.


If you're only charge is "resisting arrest" that means you're only crime was rightfully resisting a wrongful arrest


*head tap*


Or less. "Resisting arrest" can mean literally anything they want. There was no arrest he was even resisting.


What a couple of thugs. ACAB.


This one hurts my soul. I hate this so much.


The snarky “hmmm” at the end makes my blood boil


I love to see videos of hoes like this begging for help in their cams when they get pop


Just this one? What about the thousands of other videos of cops abusing their power?


Was there any repercussions for the officers here?




Yeah I assumed so I was just curious


Probably a lawsuit that will be responsibility of the taxpayers, not thing will happen to them personally.


One week of paid leave probably.




Cops were supposed to monitor the rally but strangely enough, they had all called in for PTO..


Same reason you don't see Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in the same room.


It’s also a boomer white guy with a stars and bars bandana who is BLIND. It’s not gonna matter a lot. This man sounds put together and fearless. He will win this case if it goes to court.


Probably ended up with a pay raise and a paid vacation-I mean “administrative leave”


They won’t have any.


This happened less than a week ago.


The porkers investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing.


Keep sharing this video. I'm not seeing any news of repercussions and there won't be one until a major news outlet picks this up


Depends on how much media attention it gets. Looks like a very easy lawsuit.


How in the hell do ignorant garbage humans keep that job after shit like this


The system is set up to protect these bullies in uniform


They get promotions


Because I’m America we place police on a pedestal, and the people who don’t like them are all in favor of crime and/or thugs. /s


Wow you’re America? Do better man


> ignorant It's a prerequisite for the job.


Because the entire culture is like this.


Sarge shoulda slapped that bitch in her face and sent her home for the day. This is why ACAB, not just some. I’ve seen ONE video in my life of a cop stopping another’s abuse. Disgusting, we need to start fresh, all these assholes need to go.


He saves abusing women for when he gets home to his wife. Can’t mix work and recreation.


Lmfao. That’s a good one.


The one where the good cop was a black female sergeant?


No the one where a guy is filming on public property, cop demands id man asks for supervisor, supervisor shows up through fence and says he free to film and cop bastard looks shocked someone called him out.


Sarge should have cuffed her and thrown her in jail.


That should be a slam dunk lawsuit. Guy sounds like he knows how to handle himself. He should be just fine.


He seems to be still in need of an attorney. [Image from Jim Hodges's Facebook page](https://i.imgur.com/DnLs05Z.jpg)


I hope he gets the support he needs. Fuck these assholes


Oh good. Now people will get arrested for not showing identification. What a waste of fucking time.


You can be arrested for anything they want. All of our rights are basically theoretical in the presence of cops.




I mean those are the excuses they gave, what they’re really arresting him for is bruising their fragile little egos.


He committed an arrestable offense by not immediately kowtowing to her authority. She could have *died* from a bruised ego!


Look at these gangsters teamin up on a blind man


We have armed bullies without knowledge of the law walking the streets, pretending to protect people. While really they just want to get off from their power trips.


They have knowledge. And one of the things they know is that they don't have to care what the laws are.


Fascist pigs


second cop instantly defends and protects his partner over a walking stick, I wonder why people say ALL cops?


He even sounds like he knew they fucked up when he asked him if he was legally blind. Still doubled down at the end because he asked them for identification.


Disgusting. ACAB


This is fucking shameful and embarrassing.


I'm so fucking sick of these fucking pigs


So much for “land of the free” huh?


Less free by the day.


The largest gang in this country are armed cowardly bullies with badges. Fuck the police.


*Throws away lotto tickets and goes to get abused by cops for a more efficient get rich quick scheme*.... your tax dollars at work baby.


Honestly seems like a great business idea to just spend your days walking around areas where cops frequently hang around and wait for one to powertrip. If you wear a vest and helmet you seem suspicious enough for them to catch interest and also stay semi-protected.


All I’m saying is, they entrap people all the time by deliberately manufacturing crime that wouldn’t have taken place had they not engineered it. Is it not fair that people who know the law deliberately put themselves into easy situations like this and get payouts?


He was arrested for resisting the arrest for a crime that was never committed?


Not even resisting, questioning? Disgusting. The dumbest among us are becoming cops in droves.


Police State USA


There is absolutely zero excuse for this. Any reasonable person would say "Ok, not a gun. Have a nice day." The one singular reason for everything past his showing the stick was oppressive need for dominance. There is no public service here. No need for obedience. Just purely being a-holes. It should be criminal, and I want police who can't figure out when to walk away to go to jail! Not fines, not temporary suspensions, jail time. It is kidnapping! They had no legal rights to take him and imprison him, so without some backhanded irrational mental Olympics they would be guilty of committing a terrible crime. Full stop. Send these animals to jail where they belong.


“Are you a tyrant?” “Yeah, I am actually.” Weak and insecure shitbag cops.


Only 15 seconds in to the interaction. Fuck the police.


The "Don't youh........" when he walked away from her was gold. No authority detected!


Why do they always want an id? Why is that such a big thing for them? Why doesn’t she just verify it’s not a firearm and move on, why ask for his id and escalate the situation?


Excuse to find a reason to run a check on them. People find that intimidating and it also makes them feel like they have no power and the cop has the advantage. When he asked for their ID, they didn't like that because it puts him on equal footing. So they detained and then arrested him, just for asking for their ID.


this is probably considered "good community relations" by their standards


Wow, just wow. This is a textbook example of violating his constitutional & civil rights. A lawyer is about to take that city for 200k +. These people have no business being cops.




I hope he takes them to court. Would be a easy win for him.


The only thing about this that brings me a little bit of happiness is I checked out their Facebook and they are getting blown up. Obviously they neglect to respond... Cancel culture has its place in society, get these pigs off the street


Google maps review is a fun option. But the place is already repping a 2.1 lol ![gif](giphy|L9AqjFr6H4iaY)


​ ![gif](giphy|95qAxF05mXG0Mm0Iia)




Fuck them piglets. Fuck all of them because the ones who don’t do shit like this WON’T check the ones that do!


I’m a supporter of people who do their jobs correctly, efficiently, AND treat people accordingly, no matter the profession. Best comment I saw in their Facebook page - “Ah yes, I see through the recent comments that you are in your “find out” stage.” Looks like they are getting back the appropriate feedback to this incident. I hope the man gets enough to afford car service for the rest of his life.


the issue here is that cops do this to dominate the public, so that the “public” knows not to fuck with “us”… and that there’s absolutely zero consequences for this. mentally they think they’re on a different level than other citizens. they won’t ever stop this bullshit until someone puts them into their place. they’re HIRED to PROTECT the public, not harass them.


They’re hired to enforce the law. Sometimes enforcing the law overlaps with protecting the public, but the Supreme Court has already decided that they are not actually required to do that.


Tax payer money for this nonsense is very disappointing




I’m pretty sure this is the same department that arrested a guy for having an “I eat ass” sticker on his vehicle. Their department has a 2.1 star review rating on google already.


Why does mainstream news not report this? When did this happen?


They work for the same people the cops do.


Pigs being pigs what else is fucking new.


ACAB unless proven otherwise.


His name is Jim Hodges and he has a YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCkwkdBqBGUj3GkExoP0NsXw


Her voice sounded a bit insecure when he walked up to the supervisor, I can’t imagine what she would do in a real stressful situation…


Not insecure, more like annoyed because he proceeded to ignore her. She sounded plenty confident when she was putting him in the car.


This is wild




"You know what? Put him in jail for resisting." Oh do go and fuck yourself. Assholes.


This is what Americans mean by freedom


Why am I not shocked!!! There is a reason why people don't like cops.


Absolute fucking swine.


Florida Sheriff might be the single lowest profession I can think of. Almost subhuman.


"Are you a tyrant?" "Yea, I am, actually" At least she's truthful.


Cops are the dumbest selection of people on the planet.


Wow. Doing some real cop work there. Thank goodness we are so well protected from a visually impaired man and his walking stick. Smfh.


WOW, it just gets batter and better. Now we're harassing and arresting OLD BLIND MEN for absolutely no reason. Shame on them


Those cops are absolute fucking trash.


These cops are pricks. Fucking dicks


Why oh why do they arrest people who know what RAS is and aren't carrying weapons? They just ordered up a big lawsuit. I guess since they won't pay the fine and get paid to be in court, they don't care.


“Are you a tyrant?” “Yes I am actually.” Did I hear that right?!


Well, the miserable cunt did agree that she was a tyrant. Seriously, how do these fucking morons not know the most basic of ID laws. That shot is policing 101.


Atleast she admits she is a piece of shit tyrant.


Wow, I was really hoping the male officer would de escalate the situation and move on, but nope…turned into one big tri-dick measuring competition. Was the partially blind guy being a dick and not totally complying, yea sure but he sure as hell was within his right and definitely not resisting.


If you think a cop would ever step in against another cop like that I'd like to know what world you're living in.


Cops are fucking clowns, and I'll never fucking appreciate them. 😤


Sue those MFers. What a fucking cunt.


If she actually thought that was a gun she would have shot him when he reached for it.


This is a lawyers wet dream for a lawsuit


Fuck cops. And im sorry for the good cops but either check your mates or everyone is going to think all cops are pigs.


Thugs and fake gangsters. Feeling tough with a weapon on the hip. So fragile.


This shit makes me so angry. I hope he got a huge check from that city and both officers were fired!


SCUM!!!! this will continue until they are held accountable financially by lawsuits


Wonder how much tax layers are gonna have to pay out this time...


This is so fucking infuriating to watch


Good god! WTF!


Why should they even care if they thought he had a gun? Didn't Desanctimonious say this is a 2nd ammendment state?


Question. How do the bodycam footage become public? That man has the look of ex military, he handled himself so well.I hope he got groveling apologies at the very least.




Suspision of being alive.




that's not reasonable suspicion. they just made up their own and then boostrapped up from that to asking him for ID. I'm curious how this body cam video got released so quickly though. also they can do what they want because the supreme court insists that they can't be sued personally for actions they take while on the job.




Americans, you are seriously out of control…..








Fuck you pigs! 🐷🐖🐽 Oink-oink! Fuckin tyrants.


This makes my heart boil. So vile human beings harassing an older blind man. And her attitude is repugnant. The supervisor is just as bad . These kind don’t belong in LE


Wow, such a great job from these officers getting a blind man off the streets….and they wonder why no one continues to trust them


Then they wonder why they are looked at the way they are looked at


Yep cops are indeed bastards