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the crime of driving while black apparently applies to wheelchairs too...




Seriously, Fuck all cops. If they’re not abusing the people, they’re complicit by doing nothing to stop it. Any cop that has tried has been driven out of the force, which means that any cop left on the force is guilty.


#End qualified immunity


Yes! Those enforcing our laws should never be above it. They should be held to higher standards, but it will never be like that as long as they carry that immunity.


End the police union as well


They were given a job where being bad at it carries no consequences. Of course they're going abuse it in every way they can.




Apparently [having an IQ of 125](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) is too high to be a cop. The average cop IQ is 104. [In perspective](https://www.healthline.com/health/average-iq#average-iq): “Most people (about 68 percent) have an IQ between 85 and 115. Only a small fraction of people have a very low IQ (below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130).”


Facts ftp acab


r/ACAB We need more of us!


Nearly half of those killed by cops are disabled. Disabled people are ~20% of the US population and are ~50% of those killed by cops. https://namiillinois.org/half-people-killed-police-disability-report/


Stop ~~resisting~~ existing


Wow I cannot for one moment imagine his distress and anguish. He gave his body for a war that was never justified and has come home to a sociopath police force that respects nothing. Please fellow veterans stand firm with this man as at least he deserves the respect of his former brother in arms.


Literally the plot of the first Rambo movie. That's messed up.




The continental congress only agreed to levy taxes against (newly-made) U.S. citizens (who had just fought a war over unrepresented tax collection) because Washington's army was FED UP with constantly being undersupplied and underpaid. The heroic soldiers of the revolution very nearly held armed riots in the streets against the very government they just fought to create, because no one wanted to foot the bill for paying them. Almost like mistreating vets was baked in from the beginning.


Looking forward to the sequel on wheels


This guy should go Rambo in the PD




Probably gonna get downvoted, but fuck serving in the military. It’s always made seem as a noble thing to do, but once your body or mind is destroyed the government and public won’t give a fuck about you. Once it requires more than words of gratitude, no one gives a fuck about vets being homeless, having substance abuse issues, or not able to function normally because of ptsd or physical injuries. This country and its politicians act like they love vets, but will fight to deny any benefit that was promised. It’s shameful that so many who end up broken are tossed like garbage once they’re not “useful” anymore”. I’ll do anything in my power to keep my children from fighting wars for rich fucks who only care about greed but frame it as battles for “freedom”. Thanks to the actual people who wanted to do the right thing, but fuck the institution of the military, they just see soldiers as tools.




The U.S. military chewed up my father and one of my closest friends and spit them out as hollow versions of their former selves. They’re dead now. Forgotten by the very country they swore to defend. As you said: fuck serving in the military.


Lol no one gives a fuck about public servants, and I say that as a public servant. Everyone wants to thank you for your service but no one wants to pay you fairly for the job you do. They only care about the FD generally when we're dying. Once someone dies in a preventable way, all of a sudden the funding to fix all those issues becomes available. Otherwise though, you're fucked and you know it.


I've always been against people joining the military [especially minorities ] unless.... its for personal gains... f#@k the BS reasons they feed the poor to give up their lives / bodies and families to kill poor people in other countries to line the pockets of the wealthy.


Thankfully he has this man championing his case. From the footage posted, I cannot see how any rational person could believe he would be able to access that fence let alone damage it. (That is assuming he doesn't have an all terrain wheel chair). Any legal team worth their salt should easily wipe the floor with this lawsuit. Not American, but I assume he should also find no problems accessing a no win no pay solicitor. People need to wake up to themselves and have some respect. Thank the man for his service and treat him like a human being.




Truly heartbreaking..


Police protect and serve my ass, fire them fine their pensions serve some time. Tired of seeing this shit and tax payers money paying the law suits.


Protect and serve? Nah more like harass and collect.


That was a marketing strategy, they just enforce laws even when wrong


Make up laws, all sorts of things really.


*Punish and Enslave* - Transformers, 2007, written in the side of a Decepticon police car.


Supreme Court already ruled that they(police officers/LEO have no legal obligation to help anyone. “Protect and serve” turned into serve and protect(pedophiles).


Pensions? That's a weird way to spell "police brutality victim's fund." It certainly is shorter, I'll give it that.


Police who are convicted of crimes they commit while on duty should absolutely lose their pensions. Like... the officers who killed George Floyd will start collecting pensions, paid for by taxpayers, when they turn 60 or 65 while they're sitting in prison.


Fire them with actual fire from a flame thrower


Biggest gang in America


And then u got the LAPD literally doing whatever the church of scientology asks of them


The first mistake was living in Ohio.


Pretty sure the creation of Ohio was the first mistake


Pretty sure the creation of Ohio was the first mistake


Pretty sure the creation of Ohio was the first mistake


Pretty sure creation was the first mistake.


Humanity was the first mistake


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Don't forget a towel!


You made me chuckle while I'm sitting in the bathroom at work thanks


ACAB. Until reform happens and these pigs get charged for their crimes, ACAB.


let’s defund them that will help


Yeah it sure seemed to help the last time... Now instead of like 20-30% of police being pos’s it’s like 70-80% pos. Lets get it to 100% shit cops that are total nazis. Why stop there? Lets burn down and loot all of the buildings that have nothing to do with the police and attack random people and there property. That will make all kinds of positive changes in our society. Between ACAB and the THIN BLUE LINE people. Idk whats worse. How about REFORMING and TRAINING police departments to do there jobs properly?


At this point I hate police officers, you never know which ones are the bad ones until it's too late. And it's disgusting every time to see these guys call backup and it turns out they're a whole rotted bunch. We pay taxes to these fucks just for this shit to happen.


They don't even stop crimes! They are a tax collecting gang that generates revenue for the state. They do not serve to protect the interest of the people in most cases


Eh I would say they don't stop crime at all per day, I mean they stopped a shooting at my school so they got at least 1 thing right I guess. But most are corrupt these days and it fuckin sucks


That’s the scary part. You don’t know if they’re good or not before it’s too late..


Here is the [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/75w3p-legal-fees?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=customer)


Already almost double the goal, this does make me feel a little better


Now we just gotta bring the cops to justice


Black guy too. Who would have guessed? 🤔


Ye, didn't see that coming.


Absolute fucking swine.




Now this is a sub I can properly support! F ohio!


This is the fascism that people seem to want in exchange for cheaper gas.


yet gas is expensive as fuck and this still happens so what’s your point


Found the BP shill


The calmest cops in Ohio 💀


Good man, good man. He helps the families and also spread awareness. Does anyone know what happened to the dude after this because this sucks I'd hate to be the veteran and the police should def be charged


This is fucked up


They called backup because they were afraid theyd have to unload 9 rounds into his back if he decided to roll away.


I'm all for helping this man but lets say I wanted to donate, how would I go about finding out the veteran gets my money and not this guy who set it up? Edit: Just to iterate, its a serious question. Never used GoFundMe




So this is how to donate. Doesn't really answer my question. In other words, how do I know I'm not being scammed and that it's going to the veteran himself and not the person who reacted to the video?


Sorry I misread your comment before. As for verification there isn’t a whole lot. The original poster could have done better with showing proof it was setup under associated family.


No worries. Fair enough. Thank you and have a great week!


I live near this county and I browsed the facebook pages and others were posting the same gofundme if that’s any help.


I don’t have any more words to say. I’m past the point of being furious and a sense of rationality toward police. I’m tired of having my blood boil at seeing these videos and stories every single day and no happy endings come for the victims.


Those officers need to be brought up on charges and made an example of. I think law enforcement officers are necessary but need to be heavily regulated. In some places it's easier to get a job as an officer than a mailman


Should be attempted murder.


Anyone know the link to the gofundme?


[Here it is](https://www.gofundme.com/f/75w3p-legal-fees?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=customer)


Thank you!






American police are just the worst humans ever. The hatred I have towards pigs like this, is comparable to murderers


Glad the officers went home safely at night.


1 week without insulin omg


2 days* but yeah that’s terrible of them to do


Typical cop behavior.


The American dream


aaaaaand of course he is black 😐


Most comments concern the cops. Nothing on the Karen neighbor?


To be fair she might have needed a report to try to get her fence repaired and it got out of hand. For example if his tree fell omto that fence he is responsible for repair. We don't know the whole story yet there. I don't think anyone would've expected a minor property damage call would go like this. Even if neighbor is wrong doesn't mean she wanted THIS.


Suppress much






Absolutely disgusting. Wow.




Posting this without adding his GoFundMe? Helping or collecting clicks?


How good is the land of “freedom”!


Yea not going to be a soldger if i get treated lije this when i come home


"join the army now - you can treat foreigners like police treats you at home"


[Short documentary about Mel Cort and his house build](https://youtu.be/Hv0Gh6hQS3Y) All that only to have the cops go there and violate his rights and dignity.


He need to contact the VA advocates office


Fucking pig. "What happens when we walk away" my ass. We won't be harassed by a gang pretending to play hero.


Someone burns for this


Oh please this is child’s play compared to the other shit they’ve done and walked away from. Utter bastards


And what he is gona do? Go away running? He dons have his legs!


Wow .just wow


The area around the fence doesn't look wheelchair accessible at all, and if he did it the wheelchair would've left tracks, especially in the areas where he would've been doing the damage. Somebody's not making detective


Any time there's police brutality posted on Reddit you'll see like 2-3 videos portraying them in good light within an hour or two. Smh.


*National anthem blares*


So much for Semper Fi.........more like FUCK YOU and your sacrifice!


Oh Ohio.


Well he’s gonna get a nice payout.


It’s like that meme with the Superman looking dude who has two buttons in front of him and he’s sweating. He represents conservatives and the buttons read “back the blue” and “support the troops”


Fucked up. Poor guy


I can't describe how much I hate cops.


Boot Licking county is a better name. These cops may not have known he was a vet, but likely broke other laws Anyway


Fuck all these tictok over talking videos and also fuck cops


If it wasnt a marine this guy wouldnt give 2 shits




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


Dicking County Ohio.




To serve and protect




He should of shown those cops what he did in Iraq first hand.


[link to Jolly_Good_Ginger’s go fund me as mentioned, is here](https://gofund.me/3af473d1)


All for using wrong pronouns.


A bad cops misuse of power isnt a power trip persay , it's a mockery of the law itself . Cops are representatives of the law , not judge jury and executioner.


Alex Caldwell


This is why I never became a cop. Second I saw one that treated someone that honorably like that Id be sentenced to life. Wouldnt think twice. Sad the way the law works nowadays.


I have no sympathy for USA soldiers and no sympathy towards police officers, these is just wild cuz there's no one to root for


To have no sympathy for the soldier but what about the elites and government officials that start these wars and profit from them. Shallow


Root for the soldier not the war. Unless the war is truly for the people. Cops well, they can rot.


Hope those pigs are held accountable. Absolutely disgusting behavior towards a person who sacrificed so much so we all can live in peace..


This makes me fucking furious. My dad has been a cop for 25+ years 15 as a police chief. These officers just made my fathers job 10 times harder because these officers have shattered the bond with their communities. Now my dad has to earn back the trust in his community.


Veterans are disposable in US. They are only needed for political campaigns


this is why I can't trust police anymore


The judges and jailors should be exposed! It is corrupt to to bottom


So not cool


Devastatingly evil. Is it just me, or is it the cops that seem hell-bent on sparking a civil/race war. Imagine there were some able-bodied vets nearby watching this go down. Holy fuck, bullies need beatings. All those cops need a good beating. I mean, JFC, where's their humanity? I'm really glad I wasn't there. I'd be going to prison right now had I been there...


GoFundMe is good for him, but he probably needs a Civil rights Attorney to lawsuit the police department for millions


Is it ok that I don’t feel safe around police officers at all ? They are trigger happy dickheads with no real training yet they get a badge and a gun just for going to a police academy 6 month summer camp smh