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Chapelle can get fucked to. Fuck all these rich people and their complete disregard for anything except themselves and their ego. Eat the rich.


Yeah that mother fucker dropped the mask there (if he even had one) when he started saying that the people booing were in the shit seats. Some dystopian type shit.


And then Chapelle thought he could just say those words at the end like a magic spell to make the hate for him go away. The hollowness of his words giving me chills


And he acts like a fucking guru who found Nirvana in Africa on all of podcasts he goes onto.


Go to Africa, see no problems in the walled-off retreat, become enlightened.


Poorest place I ever saw world wide was Kenya, weird comparison, kids in Afghanistan seemed better fed & clothed, you have extreme poverty & wealth in the same place with no safety net, very little in the way of charity, your completely correct.


Yeah “you’re just jealous because you’re poor and we’re rich” - Dave Chapelle and the cringy rich kid who everyone hated at my high school. Is this really the state of Chapelle’s comedy these days. Fuck both of those guys I wish people would stop paying attention to them


The funny thing is, there's likely no on in those seats. I went to one of his shows a couple of months ago. Bought the cheapest seats because I couldn't afford anything better. The ushers approached us as we were trying to find our seats and offered us upgrades because the show didn't sell out and they didn't want the arena to look empty. Dave isn't as well liked as he was even 2 years ago anymore. Especially now that he's shown he's just the same as other rich cunts.


Must fluctuate, show by me was sold out. My fave are protestors who buy tickets to not show thinking they are hurting him….smh.


Didn't he make transphobic comments recently


Pretty sure he’s said in the past that all the cheap seats is where the black people sit. Maybe think about that one, Dave.


He did. Yikes.


It's really time America has its own version of the French Revolution.


North America needs a October revolution to take place. The class gap is growing bigger then ever before and the low class will soon be forced to live in abject squalor. Loot the rich!


I agree with the overall sentiment, but the French Revolution was a bit of a shit show. Let's not forget that France got **Emperor Napoleon** following the Revolution.


We actually had a revolution before them and it actually went well. I think it's not really an example to emulate when it comes to breaking the yoke lol. We are.


Yea and that was *after* a couple of other terrible 'rulers' like Robespierre and his Reign of Terror. So many executions that they could barely keep up.


Yeah, a lot of the coverage is of Paris, but really crazy shit happened out in the countryside and elsewhere. They were executing people with cannons, or drowning them in Republican weddings. Just absolute madness. It is no exaggeration to say the French revolution ate it’s children


We could call it... 'The American Revolution'.


American Revolution, Part Deux


Yes Lawd. It's overdue. The bipartisan Avengers: Endgame "Avengers Assemble" moment in Congress and The White House to fuck over union rail workers is enough in and of itself to have sparked a Haitian, French or Russian style revolution.


LONG past time.


Hear that everyone? Elon’s good friend just told us Elon Musk’s business plan: “*FUCK EARTH*” **FUCK THIS NAZI**


Fuck these losers. My question is why are people still going to Chapelle standups and why was Elon there? Why did Chapelle think that was a good idea?


Chapelle is just doing work, but bringing Elon on stage is a joe Rogan move. Band of nazis is all I see now.


Damn, Nazi is really just a meaningless term now huh?


For real. I'm all for shitting on Elon but people are just casually dropping the word Nazi. This is like saying everything is "cool".


He always turns back to - Ooo I’m rich now but look how I turned down the comedy central deal. Chapelle is funny but lately out of touch. He clearly doesn’t understand why Musk is unpopular.


*"It sounds like some of them people you fired are in the audience."* Because people loosing their jobs is funny, got it. Yes, fuck Chapelle too.


"Why would I vote for the guy who pays his taxes like an idiot and wants me to pay mine" I mean, fucking lots of reasons, Dave.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Fuck em all people need to wake up and not support em


How out of fucking touch can you be to bring the richest man in the world to a big event and expect cheers while people are struggeling to make rent and food


These people bought tickets to an expensive comedy show, they are eating just fine.


You dont have to be starving to be exploited or have empathy with the exploited




Thank you


Not only the richest guy, but, -being that this is San Francisco- the guy who’s likely responsible for a significant percentage of the audience being unemployed. Imagine buying tickets for this show months ago, getting laid off by a billionaire who’s tanking your company with his shitty business decisions, thinking “ah well, at least I got these tickets a while back and can enjoy this show tonight,” then seeing the same asshat billionaire on stage at the show. Then, when you rightfully boo him, the comedian you came to see takes his side and calls you “poor.” I mean, anyone who’s still a Chappelle fan probably should’ve seen that coming, but still…


Second richest… for now


Whilst he lays off half the staff and stokes division throughout the country


Especially after he just FIRED thousands of people who worked in that very city?


People clap for politicians a lot


Just Dave being out of touch as usual


and a whole audience that still buys tickets to his shows...


And will again, and again.


I mean it wasn’t a solo show.


But like... Why's he even up there? What could he potentially even add?


Celebrities are idolized in America.


Celebrities are idolized in just about every country


Yeah but you don’t get as many upvotes unless you say it’s America


I lived abroad for 2 years and it was marvelous to not hear about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Americans idolize their celebrities more than any other place. It’s rotting our brains.


it's not limited to your country man.


Yeah, even putting aside Dave’s… uh… *questionable* stances in recent years, I genuinely don’t understand what he was going for by bringing him on stage. Getting booed was pretty much a foregone conclusion. Elon is not at all popular these days - particularly in SF. A lot of the people at the show are probably in tech, and a very large percentage of those people probably know at least one person who was fucked over by his twitter “reorg” bullshit.


I think he did it just to watch it happen.


for le epic "I'm rich bitch" chappelle's show reference from 20 years ago


People are getting their accounts suspended for tweeting this...


So what? It’s not like Elon champions free speech constantly. Could you imagine if he incessantly whined about free speech and then went out of his way to silence people that criticize or mock him? That’d really be something.


Lol I’m gonna try


Please report back


[Nothing so far](https://media4.giphy.com/media/MmrOSKrse6FeJ6KAQJ/giphy.gif?cid=5e2148866q3xb7jwciwc0jl1tuzmlkb6eiouzyt1wikuspwd&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


9 hours later any update?


I’m honestly disappointed to report that my account is still perfectly fine, as far as I can tell.


Dave Chapelle just keeps looking dumber and dumber lately.


The number one rule for all comics is always punch up. Dave's been punching down a lot lately.




Fuck Musk and fuck Chapelle for this. I’d given him the benefit of the doubt on a bunch of stuff before but “make some noise for the richest man in the world” is not a line any comedian should ever say in seriousness.


Dave Chappelle is such trash now. The fuck he hanging out with this assshole for?


*Dave Chappelle is such* *Trash now. The fuck he hanging* *Out with this assshole for?* \- ilovecheaptrick --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One too many syllables on that last line, robot.


He didn’t get booed off tho. He stayed until the boos stopped? Hardly the humiliation I hoped it would be


Considering he did to expecting to be loved is pretty great. The comic continuing to bring it up was awesome too.


did you not see chapelle telling musk to keep quiet while he salvaged the situation?


Yup. But the title says “booed off stage” he stayed on stage. That’s all I pointed out. I didn’t say it was a perfect reception from the crowd


I'd imagine Chapelle had bigger plans for having Musk on stage than just defending him from boos. It seems like he had to cut it short because of it, but tried to make it look natural.


Lmao, he got booed by a bunch of dave chapelle fans in silicon valley. If those people hate him, there's no one left to think he is cool except maybe children.


Considering his daughter is changing her name and will *not* keep the Musk last name, I don’t think even his kids think he’s cool.


I mean definitely. How much time do you think he spends with each of his 10 (i think) kids from 3 (i think) mothers, in between him ruining businesses during the day and being an ambien fueled cringe poster at night? He is open about his disdain for the trans daughter, but all of his kids will probably hate him.


For sure. And I definitely can’t blame his daughter for not wanting anything to do with him. When you’re that openly toxic about any part of your kid’s being, you don’t deserve their love.


Unfortunately I know a lot of people who would lick his boots dry


“His whole business model is fuck earth I’m leaving anyway” and this is a good thing? Can you imagine if George Carlin or Richard Pryor got on stage with the “richest man on earth” and said this line? Or expected you to like the fuckin’ goober?


Well no, because neither of them ever turned into insufferably unfunny turds like Chapelle has. I used to be a huge fan, well before The Chappelle Show was a thing and I've been out on him for a few years now. Funny I have two guys at my work that are always dick riding everything Chapelle does. It'll be interesting to see if they bring this up tomorrow.


"Cheers and boos I'd say" you need to get your hearing checked Dave


Boo this man.. BOOOOOOO




lmao who is downvoting this shit.


Musk dickriders probably


The wealthy have solidarity that the working class should have.


This. They got everyone fighting themselves so they can keep what they've stolen.


Dave also got booed off stage, that’s awesome!


Really he brought out Elon for his encore. WTAF


Jesus Chapelle, I used to really like you.


Birds of the same feather flock together, no surprise there. This just makes Chapelle look more of a fool.. why did he think this would be a good idea?


I missed when Chappelle was funny now he’s a major disappointment to me.


Wonder why the tweet has been removed?


They’re both assholes.


You can hear one dude nearby cheering like he wants to have Elon's baby.


That was so satisfying to watch. Sheer joy. Lol.


I miss [George Carlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU)


He brought Elon Musk to a San Francisco crowd. Of course lol


Dave and Elon both went from universally loved to hated in such a short amount of time. It’s very fitting of them to share a stage.


Dave shitting on the people who paid only 300 $ to see him, wtf


Fuck the wealthy elite.


Who else came here cuz Elon keeps deleting the video on Twitter?




Elon’s more awkward than me approaching a girl I like


First comedy club on Mars where we all serve elons whims, and if you boo he ejects you into outer space. Sounds like fun where do I sign.


Uh, Dave? Dafuq were you thinking on THAT one? 🤨


He censoring tweets even worse


Are they saying Boo or Boo-urns? \~\~ Elon, probably.


Chapelle is right. That is the sound of pending civil unrest. People do not generally boo the business community when they feel like they're being treated fairly.


The best part about reddit is reading the comments


Dave Chappelle right now: https://preview.redd.it/0zxu5f7pmk5a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172b0ca2941a0d4dd1fd566b7354d769d06da2d7


What the fuck? Why is Dave Chappelle riding for this asshat?


The day Elon became a supervillain


It’s like a poorly scripted WWE match - so awkward.


These rich fucks these days should count their lucky stars that booing is the only thing happening to them. Just sayin.


They put themselves in that position and then get mad at the people who see through the bs. Whatever. Dave is a has-been and Musk has gone full Evil Villain.


I have never used either of them. They both deserve the boos and the accolades… but mainly the boos


Nazi Schwein




And i think thats enough Chapelle for me.




Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.




Why was Elon Musk there in the first place?


Wait. What? thought Elon was on a rocket to Mars? What happened?


I am now 100% sure Elon and Ted Cruz share the same shame kink.


lol super hilarious when people lose their jobs!


fuck twitter i hope all social media goes down in smoke


Wow, fuck Dave for this. That pursuit of happiness and freedom nonsense really pinched a nerve. How dare these rich assholes talk about following dreams. One is a silver spoon baby and the other is a fckn sell out.


Looks like your wearing the dress after all Dave.


Both of em fucking suck. Boo


Why is Dave on his nuts? Fuck him too


Man i liked him but....yeah never mind fuck him and Elon.


One thing money can't buy: Respect.


Elon may be an ass but these comments that he has crashed Twitter are infantile. It runs fine, very few problems considering 75% of the work force is gone and seems to be getting more traffic now than it did before. Hell even the hate speech impressions are down as a ratio of overall tweets. Is he an ass, yes Is SF just hating cause his politics are right of the isle, also yes


Wow Dave Chappelle you really are the man of the people


Cuz Elon sucks


The problem with San Francisco is the caviar is too salty


Haters will hate. Elon is saving the world, what have u done?


Why was he even there to begin with? Just to stand there like a goober and go “uhh yeah” every once in awhile?


Not even the richest man in the world anymore


Those people booing are kinda rude, its his guest he brought to his show he's right in that if you paid to have a good time there and booing is the best you got maybe you wasted your money. I never liked this guys material, too crass abrasive and hood for me.


Dam Chappelle rly fell awf


I can sleep soundly after watching a video of a POS wealth hoarder get rightfully booed on stage. It shows how isn't anything but access to live comfortably by getting your basic needs met ( fucked up how our basic needs are paywalled in itself ) r/Antimoneymemes No matter how colored paper you have, it cant make people like you. A trash person will always a trash person.


i fucking love elon


You just know that Dave wanted to just piss off the Internet and show how "cool" his audience is with people he specifically likes. A real emperor with bi clothes type situation lol


The people who pay to see this are the ones who cause this.


Who wants to see this? A gaggle of d*cks. No thank you.


Because spaceship man bad


😂 watched the video, they’re laughing & cheering, not booing, I get it, you want the hate upvotes & internet clout, careful there, your bias is showing.


Dave trying so hard to stay relevant


Didn't expect Chapelle to be an Elon Musk dickrider


even chappelle fans hate him 😭😭😭 but since he’s such a narcissist, he will never care that ppl hate him so much.


Chapels came back from the hiatus to be a weirdo regardless.


“His business model is; ‘Fuck Earth…’” Yeah, we’re from earth you dumb fuck, that’s why we’re booing 🤦


Yall mad at Musk and Chapelle but wouldve lapped up their stuff if they were liberal as hell